HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-02-05, Page 2Reckless Driver Families From Will Be Curbed Britain Making Good Out West Safety Responsibility Rulings Wil Feature 1931 Motor •a Legislation Aµtomobile legislation in Canada annual report of the Canada Colonize-, annd the United States during 1931 tion Association shows._ The work, of will be concerned chiefly with the the Association covers all provinces enactment of safety responsibility reibtltiy' from Ontario to the Pacific ,Coast. lays for the control of the reckless "A thorough check-up of the. fami- lies This is the Prediotion of the l lies settled by the Association since made can bbhe Association 1925 shows that only 12per cent. have made in its latent bulletin, issued this failed," Col- Dennis stated. "Of con - week. siderable interest is the fact that only The motoring body 'believes_ that 16 per cent, of British Families placed safety responsibility rulings similar to were failures.The marked success the law now in force in Ontario and with British families is due to careful several states on the other side of the Winnipeg.—During 1930, 489 fami- lies were settled on 92,666 acres, the purchase price being $1,962,919, "the border will come up before the ma- jority of legislaturesin the United States and Canada in the •spring. It is now definitely known that: Quebec, Arkansas, Illinois, North Carolina, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, South Carolina, Wash- ington and West Virginia will take some action." For the rest, the safety responsibil- ity law is now in force in whole or in Dart in Ontario, Manitoba, NOV York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, California, Iowa, Maine, North Dakota, Wiscon- sin,'Vermont, New Jersey, New Hamp- shire and Minnesota, This means, the A.A.A. estimates, that ,one-half, of the drivers in Canada and one-third of those in the United States are operat- selection and constant supervision." Col. J. 5. Dennis was re-elected Pre- sident. Reports showed a marked ;suc- cassin the settlement schemes of the organization with 4,107 families set- tled on 936,934 acres, the total pur- chase price being $35,115,202. P. L. Naismith, Victoria, was re- elected vicepresideut and the follow- ing appointed to the directorate:—D. C. Coleman, Winnipeg; C. T. Jaffray, Minneapolis; C. M. Bowman, Water- loo; James A. Richardson, Winnipeg; J. N. K. MacAliser, Montreal; S. G. Porter, Calgary; Geo. A. Walker, Cal- gary, and W, J. Blake Wilson, Van- couver. T. 0. F. Herzer was re -appointed manager, and A. E. Love, secretary - treasurer. Jug. undersone'or more of its clauses. "Officials in charge of the enforce- ment of law In those sections where De x. Reduces the law is in force are confident that it is fulfllinn its major object, namely, the control of the reckless and irre- sponsible driver," Thomas P. Henry, president of the association declared. `The best proof of the confidence of these officials'lies in the fact that they are advocating the strengthening of its features." Air Mail Route Repeats History Winnipeg - Pembina Link Recalls West's Postal Outlet in 1862 Ottawa.—History is repeating itself with the inauguration on Feb. 2 of a new air mail service between Winni- peg and St. Paul, At the post office department it is recalled that the Gasoline Bills Inventor Claims Saving of One -Third on Fuel Costs A fuel saving of one-third is claim- ed through the use of a small' device which has been perfected by Dr. Mil- ler R. Hutchison, former chief en- gineer for Thomas A. Edison, accord- ing to a report from New York, The ex- Shows '• Shows m • How ss 131113• Brown, 22 -year-old feminine jumper, Who put it all over men in target chuting event at charity air circus, Grand Central Air terminal, .Glendale, Calif., landing in exact centre of airport from 5,000 - foot altitude. Winter Fair Girl Guests Mystery Auto Write Letter of Thanks i To ;mace Over Four Corners of Ontario,. December 4th, 1930 Mr. A. P. Westervelt, Manager of. Royal Winter Fair, 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. Dear Sir:— Lonely Beach n eyed%rare), W0,aro aware that we,e j privileges in • being given free admis sion to the bog;Shoty and the Horse Australia To. Contend With Sliow. • Tho opportunity of seeing "The World's Greatest Agricultural Fair" was one never to be forgotten, British and America for World's Speed Re - Cord We shall;take` great pride in broad-. In addition to American and British Each of; the two hundred and. sixty casting our impression of the splen- con teudor`s for ••the world's speed ren girls from rural Ontario, who' were dour of it all. ord, a prominent Australian racing your guests,. would like to say 'thank With best wishes for continued sue driver, Norman "Wizard" Smith, has 'you" individually, but. we realize, if cess and prosperity, we are ; made preparations to attack the late Yours very truly, we: did so, you would be simply be- Sir Henry Segrave's record Of 231 1 _sieged wih letters, so, as represents -Flossie Lewtas, Thunder Bay District miles an !tour. Smith, for whom a ti from the North South East and Dorothy Blight, Essex County • 'special car is now being built,in Bri- ll vas West of Ontario, may we convey their Gladys Buckingham, Russell County. , nag, .will make his run at tile Ninety- message of appreciation to you. •Ida Van Der Hoorn, Durham County. Mile Beach, in New Zealand, as soon after the middle of February as con- New'Submarine: Lung. Enables Crews to Work 50 -ft, Deeper Washington --The United States navy has found its men • can live .50 feet 'deeper • in the ocean • than its Antwerp Buildinot ditions on the course Permit. Probably no other driver has ever F Skyscraper had the difficulties e les i to far that Smith J has. He has obtained one of the famous Schneider CO aeroplane en-, The Old World is gradually accept -1 gines used in the successful British most sturdy submarines are expected= Ing many innovations of modern times. I machines last year, a compact motor Witness changing sanitation methods, j of the most modern design of amazing- to descend. This: factor, Rear Admiral George electrical refrigeration, and now Ear- ly small bulk, -developing 1,900 horse- Rock orso- Rock told the House Naval Commit ope is to have her first' skyscraper. power. This engine, however, remains tee, will ddcrease the dangers of sub- Belgium. is thus responsible for the j the property of the British govei•n- marino' disasters in. less than 300 Continent's first tall business struc- maul as the design is regarded as an feet of .water.' tune - We read in The Celotex News Air Ministry secret It is said that it The most modern , submarines In the navy are built to withstand a pressure of 132 pounds to thesquare inch at $00 Feet. But men wearing the' new "Iung" have worked under a ,pressure- of 154 pounds, equal to a depth of 350' fet,.. without any pro- tection other than the oxygen provid- ing bag. By, the end of the next •fiscal 'year, the chief of the Bureau of Construe - tion and Repair added, the navy.ex- l� j� peels to have all its submarines Bel �ul� and Fr •. rice Combination School equipped • with hatches and "lungs" building on the Continent. Built along prints which had been forwarded from (Chicago): I the full specifications of the motor "When: Columbus discovered Ameri• were known to foreign powers the ca, Antwerp was already a city with matter would probably be regarded as, centuries of.history behind it; rte one a of futernationai importance. cathedral of Notre Dame, the finest: Smith, therefore; has been forced to example of Gothic architecture in Bel -1 give an. undertaking that none except Glum, was nearly 150 years old. Bat -j himself, the designer of the.. car, Don tered by centuries of war, the,cathe•I Harkness, and two mechanics will be dral's 400 -foot spire has since towered allowed to even see' the engine. alone over the plains of Flanders. Prior to the arrival of the engine in "But. now it has a rival in Europe's . Australia from England, work on the first sky -scraper, the. twenty stories of I chassis was commenced and the neces- which make it the tallest commercial I skated working entirely from blue i�ln ar't Air Proves Attractive So crews nano eschpe to the surface neo y Yp I when authority to obtain the 4 au emergency. Service t® `�'®O interest Held by New Plan as Chinese Womer Now in nearly t )cal American' lines, but to Brittain w the design of Architect Van Hoenack- engine was :given. erg it is the old world's' first major el- Design of Vehicle. fort.to make its cities grow upward in- In design Smith's vehicle resembles Have Full Status stead of outward. . Segrave's "Golden Arrow" closely. The Never Before, Dairy- 1 "Translated as accurately as pox engine is a twelve -cylinder unit in Brussels.—The Belgian Chamber is g shortly to be called upon to ratify the men Told i Nanking.—Equality of men and wo- Bible from the Flemish, the structure's three banks of four each, arranged in. agreement signed in Brusels ou May' a combined agri• men in chis country le Provided by a cremes `The. Farmers Cq opera a "broad arrow." It bas been found mechanism will also, It is claimed, —The new law whtctr has passed the Legislative g gSondon, name b reduce the danger o1 poisonous between Belgium and France for cultural and high school .being open- tive Building.' Its lower floors, fol- possible in Smith's car, while stili re- increase the life of 'the establishment in common of a rel ated at Ridgetown is proving a great) Council, lowing the line of a street, swing in a teinlog the curious tri -pointed nose of haunt gases and I The law, incorporated in the civil wide semicircle. This portion of the Segrave5s machine, to reduce the area lubricating oils between Antwerd' success, tcode, is primarily intended to elevate rounding is approximately the same 1 •ill Belgian g offered 'wind resistance, and the car pular air service a ween "' s and is Keeping farm boys an The inventor says his .device will Belgium and line wietb e,girls in the school two years longer Congo. The will be worked by afore the stxt fourth an- women to the same position as that height as other new Antwerp coin- give Sower, the overall height befog only give a qualitative analysis of the ex - the than ever b Y enjoyed by the women of the western t gases From the engine to which .the two countries in, conjunction from nual convention of the Dairymen's As - world. structures. Above this rises three feet 2 inches, against three feet haus g s Paris to Ligenge ,the two ends, Ant- world. It is known as the. -law of it. is attached. BY noting the amountsociation, of Western Ontario was in- the• setback or "tower just as on Ameri- nine inches for Segrave's car. rp Pads and Llbenge Elisabethville tl byW. R Reek, 8 S A family relations. can ski -scrapers• Smith's automobile will have, a very supe!to'u tobetweenthe carburetor for better gasoline con-' SOnnel slid material. . the Provincial Experrmental Farm on perty.rvitltout the consent of; her True Antwerp has taken - the lead among rear wheels, The steering gear trill band, she now has full power to do European cities. in London, ample, the present maximum ,for ex- also 1>e duplicated, and coueight is, to each of the front wheels. Great pled direct of unburned fuel passing out of the we formed recently ee , " r While under the old laws a woman ' '•13r permitting the oonstruetion of small clearance, the driver's seat bo- exhaust, the motorist may adjust the being served entirely by Belgian pot'• intendent of the school and of was forbidden dispose of her pro The -Farmers Co-operative B ild g leg twin driver fur- shafts to it sumption. 1 The agreement is for a period of which it is located. bl f The invention is attached to the ten years and is .renews a or. ..i Mr. Reek sari that the new. Pian, e route was chosen in 1862 for ash of any 'car without extra equip- tiler ten-year terms with the option whereby boys and girls were given vo- whatever she pleases with her own sante d 5, wealth. Unmarried daughters have the first . movement of mail from the ment except an auxiliary air valve on � for either country to continue the ex- rational training in addition to tuition Selkirk settlement in Manitoba to the intake manifold. This is neves- ploitatlon should the other, for any in cultural subjects, was ]seeping the the same Tight of property inheritance rl ver can a ort more I reason, renounce le Part. On May 25, teen-age boys and girls off the streets as sons. The. duty of' a wife to; obey Eastern Canada. nary so that the d t i Next month Canadian airplanes will air into the carburetor as the iudi 1929, the. Sabena Societe anonyma . as, no: educational system had ever . her husband is not recognized by: law., c• for of the device shows carbon Belga Pour l'exploitation de la naviga-'done before, and turning out better C.NhR. Prize ~Awarded I 1 To, Alberta Farmer carry mail from Winnipeg to Pembina, North Dakota. Just inside the United States border. From thence it will be Gown eastward to re-enter Canada at Windsor. The area north of the Great Lakes which 70 years ago presented such difficulties to the men who sought to carry mail to early western settle- ments today offer distinct hazards to the aviator. The choice of a route through Pembina, into St. Paul and eastward into Windsor completes the Parallel with the route chosen at the beginning of development in the prairies. The route established in 1562 was confirmed at Confederation in 1870 In 1879 a railway' was built from Win- nipeg to Pembina and not until 1884 wheu the Canadian Pacific Railway was built was au all -Canadian route available. Car Flints When Clutches Spin Too tight an adjustment of the clutch or oil on the clutch brake ac- count for most of the trouble known as a spinning clutch. The latter is the more commoner of the two. it makes gear shifting more difficult. 'Backfire. Causes monoxide in the exhaust gas Scotland Installs tion aerieune), the Belgian Govern- farmers and better all-round citizens. merit -subsidizer) air company, was Another a leaker was•Professor J. C. authorized by Parliament to increase Stockley, of the Department of Animal is capital and modify its statutes with; Husbandry the oatario Agricultural Winnipeg. — Robert Cochrane, of A "Talking" Beacon the object of making all necessary pTe- College at Guelph He declared that Grande Prairie, Alberta, has been • rd d th special nal Canadian National Glasgow—.4. talking beacon, the in- parations, EhsaUethville is only the the good milker was the • man who awarded e P c g temporary terminus and the service w quickly, because Railways cash prize in.reoogMtion of p could do the work q 3 rentiou of Charles A. Stevenson, a will be extended as soon as passen °U his victory at. the Chicago internation• cousin of Robert Louis Stevenson, then the greatest amount of milk and al livestock exposition where he won has been installed at Little Cum- gets, goods and Postal traffic warrant the higher percentage of butter fat brae Lighthouse on the Firth of Clyde. It is the first of its kind aad con• sista of a radiotelephone transmis- sion of a fog signal and speech from a gramophone record. It. speaks the word "Cumbrae" and counts out the ship's distance in miles, and cables from the signal station. Santiago Welcomes League Secretary Santiago, Chile,—Sir Eric Drum- mond, secretary general of the League of Nations, arrived here recently from Buenos Aires. He was welcomed by an official re- ception committee at the railroad sta- tion and later received by President Carlos Ibanez at La Moneda Palace. Chile is the fourth Latin-American country visited by Sir Eric on his "good will" tour. Tho %Government ar- ranged an official program for the dis- tinguished visitor, including several state banquets. Backfiring may mean the sticking c valve at times, but a f of n_ ictal e v species o a beds P described number o E The lit T e more likely accurate diagnosis is too animals has been estimated at about lean a mixture at the carburetor. It 750,000 according to Dr. W. T. Calman, shows up best in idling and acceler- Keeper of Zoology, British Museum, " anon when the engine is cool, Friction Is Better Here is the engineer's opinion on chains: They are safer because the co -efficient of friction between metal and ice or snow Is greater than that between rubber and the same slip- pery surfaces. A humming noise in the differen- tial after it has been tightened, oc- curring when the engine is being driven by the rear wheels, indicates too tight an adjustment, Valuable Results Since safety education work for the prevention of accidents to children was first undertaken eight years ago, the ratio of child traffic fatalities has been decreased nearly 39 per cent,, ac- cording to the National Automobile Clialhber of Commerce: 0-- — "Oasiest" Motorists Motorists of Arizona consumed more gasoline per capita than those of any other State :in the Union last year; Their consumption averaged 060 gal - Ions. California motorists, with a t consumption of 034 gallons, ran 'ser - o1111 It•Tlte service will be of great advent-. were obtainable. In answer to a ques- 1 tion he said experiments had shown age to Ike northern area of the Bel• { that it was impossible to get more milk gran Longo. Bangui, for example, is, with a milking -machine than by hand. now five or six weeks' distance from In fact, the results had been Found' to Brussels, while it should be reached he about the same. In seven days by air, and the Fort Lamy region, which it now takes a couple of months to attain, requires but fire day's travel in the alr. Outlook Improving The London Free Press takrs an optimistic view for the future We Pasteurization of Milk Montreal Presse: Pasteurization to- day is a great step forward in hygiene. it has already saved lives in towns where it has been introduced. It has the world's, championship for 1930 in timothy seed. The prize is awarded by the Canadian National Railways to the Canadian taking first prize in the timothy seed competition. The railways' award for the cham- pion in the alfalfa feed class was cap- tured by Nick Chjelte, of Ranier, Al- berta, who has been taking champion- ships at the Chicago show in this division for a number of years. read: Quebec Has Record "There is no question that the Roadbuilding Year prosperity of Western Canada and That 1930 was ,unexcelled by any the whole of Canada, to a large de• previous year In the variety and im- portance of the work carried to com- pletion on Quebec high'vays is the dictum of the department of roads for the province in a bulletin issued this week. The report points out that, while ten years ago there were only 4,000 miles of improved road in !the pro- vince, to -day there are almost 14,000 miles. During the year the depart- ment completed the ;construction on industry, has adopted a resolution re- Gannets.and whales point out where 30 miles of main highway and 1,058 commending that all milk offered for 'herring -shoals are. The whale goes tulles of second and third clase'roads, sale in towns and villages should be round a shoal like a clog round a besides starting work on 500 miles of Pasteurized. gree, depends upon wheat, so that Prevented 'illnesses and the mental • with .the outlook improving there is sufferingwhich accompanies impaired every ground forconfidence as to the physical health. Itis generally admit- future. However, this does not help ted that milk and milk products are out the hard pressed Prairie Prov the most important' articles in the inces, where this .winter, in many family larder, The importance of pas- sections, there is undoubtedly real teurization is proved by Children's . hardship, Every reasonable help and assistance should be extended to tide the West over the present crisis." health organizations. The national council of the milk industry, an or- gauization composed of representa- tives of all branches of commerce and eighty feet with two additional stories! forethought' has •been given to the Permitted for roofs, spires, turrets front axle to prevent wabble or "shim - and similar ornamental work. That • raying,' while both axles are held in Antwerp should be the first continent- • place by radius rods, taking the strain al city to permit the, exeetipn of a tail off the springs. Each of the massive commercial structure is especially disc wheels Is being turned out of a noteworthy, because no oily of the old solid ingot and 'is carefully tested for world has had a stormier career. From the days when Spanish armies were overrunning the Netherlands and Flanders, Antwerp has been a fortified of the engine, which is understood to city, almost continually harassed by have cost about $40,000, and the whole the armies of various nations." expense is being borne by a resident of Sydney, Fred II. Stewart. When the car is completed it will be shipped 1,200 miles across the Tasman Sea to New Zealand and will be landed at Auckland. The Ninety Mile Beach, which is in reality only fifty ,miter long, but is, nevertheless, one of tit most striking stretches of sand in ahs world, lies 250 miles north of Auck land, at the farthest point itt New Zealand on the rugged west coast is a wild and desolate region, After be- ing shipped by rail and boat, the car will still have to be transported for seventy-five miles along narrow, pre- cipitous roads through broken forest country to the nearest settlement on the :beach, Kaitaia, whiclt is the last link with civilization. Aere are situ. flock of sheep. road. Will Demonstrate at Buenos Aires Show One of most efficient vessels of its type in world, British aeroplane carrier "Eagle" 'will shortly be "on display" in Buenos Aires du 'ing British Empire Trade exhibition, She will 'carry special aircraft for d emonstration. balance. Cost of Racing Car. The cards -to cost 030,000, exclusive Battery Care Important Now Should Be Kept on as Full Charge as Possible During the winter months of all parts of the car that should be given more attention than at any other sea- son the battery is cited by mechanics as being' the most important i1 the maximum of trouble-free operation is to be enjoyed. Winter makes heavy demands on this part of the automobile and re- quires that it be in good working ated:hoteis and telegraph offices, gar condition. Cold engines ,are stiff and Sges.and shops, 'but beyond this for the twenty-five miles to the beach itself are only two tiny hamlets at countrycrossroads. The Keach itself is deserted at mot. - real times, the only signs of civiliz- ation being small houses scattered at the back of the sandhille every few miles. Here and there are seen Maori toheloa hunters roaming about in require a powerful starting effort and a correspondingly heavy discharge from the battery. Naturally, the bat- tery should be kept in a well charged condition. For wjnter work it should always be kept on as full charge as conditions permit. The effect of frost on the battery should be atken into consideration, If a battery freezes the plates will be small parties, but few People movedamaged. Fortunately, a battery is 'about the sand. It is necessary for Smith to erect sheds and garages for his .cars,establish a camp for accom- modating his party, andbring in quan- tities of supplies, gasoline and oil. In addition to the "Stewart Special," vity,' 18 degrees Fahrenheit of frost Smith will bring anotiar car to New will freeze it. At 1,160 specific gravity Zealand, a .composite vehicle. In this 2 degrees above zero will cause car he made an unofficial world's ten - mile record of 145 miles an hour last likely to freeze only when it Is in a discharged condition, and the solution has become weak. Periodical use should be taken into consideration. If meter to test the state of charge. If the acid is down to 1,100 specific gra- freezing. At 1,220 specific gravity the battery is practically safe and will not freeze at 30 below zero. A speci- fic gravity of 1,240 will withstand freezing at 50 below zero, in winter it is especially .important to keep the acid level well above the tops of the plates - Board Declares London Tramways As "Obsolete" London,—Gradual abolition of Bri- tain's tramways, as street cars aro year Berg brought out his Old -World called here, is recommended ina the ropemaking devices and now basks' in final report o1 the nation's txafiic syn• the sou ani day, spinning oorcls, laartats, tem which a royal commission has twine and rope. just submitted to the Government. "It is our considered view,' the coin- TEA ACCESSORIES. mission says, "that tramwaysif not , Try serving with your five o'clock an obsolete form of transportation, are'. tea, thin ginger- wafers spread' with at all events in a state of obsolescence cream cheese. They may be made in and cause 'much unnecessarycongas-. sandwich form and are quickerand tion and considerable danger to the easier to make than bread and butter publtcl' I sandwiches. Hand Rope -Making Revived By 80 -Year -Old Californian Oakland, Callf, - Rope -making by hand, long considered one of the lost arts, has been revived by Adolph Berg, eighty years old. Berg, a native of Germany, learned - the trade in his native country, but after machines started turning out, rope he turned to hod carrying. Last