HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-01-22, Page 3LaL t Addition To Army of R hots An Electrical Device Now Speeds the Hand'Iing of Telegrams Dictated Over 'Phone An addition was recently made to the corps of robots which -the New York Telephone Company hal level aped and put into service in the last few years. Its function is to speed up the service given to telegrams that are dictated over the telephone, and It performs tills !unction so efficiently that, ron the average, -only' one second - passes from the time an incoming telephone 'call reaches the device to the time when a typist :answers the ,call, ready to take down the telegram AL New York City 'telephone calls in which a person .asks for Western Union are .'handled by .this machine 'The telephone operator connects the ;party 'desiring to send the telegram with the receiving station of the Western •Union. Thera the call id handled by ,the new receivinng runit, which can connect any one of. the 120 -.incoming trunk lines with any 'one .of the 110 operators who -can work at one time. In -other words, this unit must select from the 110 telephones in the station .one which does not happen to be in use, and connect it with the trunk line on which the call has come in. If all the :telephone- .operators are busy, it "'stores" the call. The operator knows when .a call :is 'on her *wire because -she hears what :is known :as .an "audible" -a tone :like that'which le heard on 'the •ordinaey dial telephone. She #m - mediately says "Western :Union" and proceeds to type'tthe telegram on 'the noiseless typewriter which is on •her desk. Wbat the device does, 'therefore, is to ,cut downtlre time re- quired :to connect the 'party with •a :girl who is,to take down his message :and forward it. • A. visitor to the .Company's new ibuilding would see no sign -of the cam - •plicated machinery which is 'helping 'the girls there to handle the calls. All he 'would see would be groups orf girls sitting at desks, their head -sets .clamped on andtheir transmitters hung ready, takitlg down the tele- grams as they 'came over the wirers. The robot is ,on 'the floor above. It .consists .of .a .mass of wires, rotary awitehes, relays, protective devices, 'timing circuits, etc., all mounted on ,tall 'frames. eerieeerie.Of. *the :novel .karts of the new ,equipment is a eleare "board which •indicates, ;ly ;names of .colored Tights, bow 'many .of -the operators .are busy :and .:whether :any .calla .are ,being tamed to watt. Predicts Musical Lighthouses That Will Sing to Sailors, Talking lighthouses to ;tell sellers miles out at sea just which lighthouse they are watching,' or, even to enter- tain these passing mariners with news of the day or weather • forecasts .or the latest song and, dance hits, were - predicted by 0. Il. Caldwell, former United States Radio Commissioner and now editor of 17lectronice, in a recent addrees to the Virginia Section of the American Chemical Society in Rich- mond, Virginia. The secret, Mr. Cale - well said, is the modern process by which music, speech or' any other sound may be "modulated" on a light beam much es radio programs ave sent out on the beams of radio waves from a broadcasting station. To the eye such a music -carrying beam looks quite as usual' but if it is allowed to fall on a photo -electric cell, properly arranged 'with vacuum tube amplifiers and other apparatus, the sound mes- sage on the light beam may' be picked Life Life's more than breath and the •quick • round ,of ,bleed; et is a great spirit; and a busy heart, The toward and the small in Seoul scarce do idve. . , . We live in deeds, not years, in thoughts, not breaths, In feeling,' not in figures on a dial, We should.count time by heart throbs. He most lives Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the beet, Life's but a means unto an end; that end Beginning, mean, and end to all things. God. : Upon the summit of each mountain— thought Worship thou God. Keep thy spirit pure From worldly .taint by the repellent strength Of virtue. Think on noble thoughts and deeds Ever. Count o'er the rosary of truth; And practice 'precepts which are proven wise. It matters not then what thou fear - est, Boldly and wisely in that light thou hast; There is a band above will help thee on. —By Philip James Bailey.. --f A Motorist's Paradise Leipzig, Germany. ---Motorists who violate theordinance against parking in front of the Gewandhaus during concerts now find, when they return to their cars not a summons to court, but a note readiug: "New regulations govern the driv- ing up to, leaving or parking in front of the Gewandhaus. Your car was Marked today in violation of these reg- ulations. You will find on the back Of this notice a clap showing the places where parking is possible. If further information is desired please telephone the traffic department, No. 72823, extension 257." ' This method has brought so encour- aging results and So much praise'1oe the Leipzig Police Department that it 4a to be extended to cover violations of parking ordinances. generally, Piano Health If your piano . sits near either a radiator of a steam pipe running through the room keep a couple of pie tiffs under the piano full of water. This gives. the piano ,the necessary moisture to keep it in good health, • You, will be surprised how quickly the pans dry out. Refill thein often. Evidently the less a bathing suit, holds of the female wearer the more i2I holds the man, 0if and made audible. The beam from a • revolving lighthouse, for example, might be• made to sing a definite note Whenever its rays fall , on .a small photo -electric cell mounted on a. ship's bridge. haven the captain in his cabin thus would know, by, the dletinctive musical. note of the, beam, which light house of several along a coast was then, its• sight. Such Iighthouses now aro distinguished by color or by the .number and arrangement of flashes, as the light revolves. The.use of color necessitates. decreased Intensity -of the light, since colored lights, are not 60 bright as pare white ones.. The recog- nition of lights by flashes requires considerable practice, , .It might fie easier, Mr. Caldwell believes, to have each lighthouse identify itself by a m.usical note or even by spoken words,. 'although the former might require ship's captains to possess musical ears in addition to the manifold qualifica- tions already necessary, for that job. ;01ss1a Also Has A Family of Smiths By Helen Christine Bennett. McCall's special representative to Russia soviet government is frank in its reply, 'We have no Communism yet in Russia,." said one oflletal. "We are but nursing the ilrst feeble germs of Communism.. We live now under a dictatorship of the proletariat, of the workers. It is a transition period and will not last. It is the first essen- In America we have one family tial step toward Communism" name that •crosses all boundaries. it "Is is essential." These are the is the 'name of Smith. It may be words of a woman of the intern - borne by Use socially elite or the wo- .gentsia. "You must understand that man who goes out by the day. We' for :centuries what the Russian work - knew there must be its equivalent in ers earned was the property of the Russia. When asked, smiles came at czar,• the nobility, •or'the •church. So once to the faces al Russian wonion, little was deft for them that they "02 course we have such a came. In lived unspeakably; joy for them was Russia it le'Ivanoff." It is the Smiths: nothing but vodka. There is a pm- -the Ivanoffs of Russia who tell the erb-'Work loves a fool.' To do as ,•01023' of the new life.—The Editor 'of little as possible was a creed of self- "McCall's " preservation. Then came the war, One of the most revolutionary revolution, famine. If we were • to changes brought about by the Soviets survive, it must be through a new idea has-been.the freeing of woman to an of work. The Soviet government •cre- extent not equaled in any country in ated a nobility of industrial workers, the world, In Russia today woman and Russians began to work." may vote and hold office with none Despite the money which has been of the discriminations 'found in other- expended for health measures, the countries. She has equal sex rights people of the .U.S.S.R.'suffer acutely and privileges; - she may marry and .from lack of on'e of the greatest of divorce at will; she has equal rights health assets—a sufficient allowance in 'bet' children and all her children, born in wedlock: or out, are legitimate. She may do anything a man may do without stigma. She is free as no .woman in the world has ever been free—as man is free.. When you .first arrive in one of the great cities of Russia and look at the people on the streets, you search in vain for the smart, well- dressed men and women you are ac- customed to see on the North Ameri- can continent. The Smiths wino pass you wear the clothes of workers. They are comfortable and useful clothes, but there is nothing luxuri- ous about them. Let us look at the women. The one just passing, dress- ed in khaki shirt and knickers, is the foreman of a construction gaga. The older woman, • with the red korebief that narks the member of the Com- munist Party, is a high official, and the woman with her, in a drab gray, le a factory manager. Behind them are two doctors, a judge, and a "superior soldier": (oibcer) in uniform. There are in Russia women soldiers with a rank equal to that of 'a general. All work is open to women. But if we want to know the more typical Mrs. Smith of Russia, we must go to the factories. At the. Melangi Combinat, a textile factory at ivan- ovo-Voznesensk, where there are 7000 workers, Martha Smith -Marfa Ivan- off—stands before a great spinning machine. Seven hours a day she watches the spindles. The week is five days. "I get the children ready for school before I come to the factory," she said. "No, I give them no breakfast —that is at the school. `My shift be- gins at ten. Pieter and Lydia stay by the salami two hours after my work, that I may buy Ser the house. Dinner? It is at the school. Mina is bete, at the factory—My breakfast also. My husband, he eats with me here. At evening we make supper at home. At night? Now—"her eyes sparkled -"I go three time a week to the class. I learn to read and write. The chil- dren? The sleep, If my husband goes, my neighbor listens." "Every cook," insisted Lenin, "must iearn how to run the government." Marfa is learning. To help her,. the government bas shortened her working hour's, served her children free meals at school, and given her and her husband meals at low prices at the factory. As a worker, Marfa actually receives mnoh more than the 80 rubles a month she is paid at the factory. She and her husband have food cards, clothing cards, cards for railways tickets at less than the ticket office sells them, soap cards and cards To guard thel babyagainst. colds for sweets, and through the factory ;nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab - she may buy tickets to theatres, cin- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative ernes, concerts, at niucb less than box- that will keep the little one's stem - office prices, -As she will 'eagerly tell ach and bowels, working regularly. you, there is Meeh more. 1t is a recognized fact that where the At almost every factory a doctor stomach and bowels aro in good order looks after the health of the workers. that colds will not exist; that the "If I am sick," said Marfa, "the doctor ,health of the little one will be good will care for me.: Pay? No—I am a and that he thrive and be happy worker!" and good-natured. The Tablets 'are Why all this fuss' about factory sold by medicine dealers or by mall workera•in Resale? Why should they at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Wil - bo preferred citizens? There is jus- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. tico in the question. Preferment for any Glass is far from a Communistic A scientist pays that Anrericans Ideal of share and share alike The have strong jaws. Yes, by gum! of house room. Marfa showed me her apartment in a "model" six family house. • Two bedrooms, one kitchen, one wash- r'oom-(sink and toilet, no bath). In one room, Spic and span, a single bed, a •eot, one small table, two chairs, curtains and plants at windows, rag rugs on the floor. Marfa and her hus- band and their two children slept in that room.' The pecond bed -room is willing rented by Marfa to a married couple who share with her the small kitchen. Next door are eight peopiei Yet Marfa and her neighbors do not feel crowded. It is the remnant. of the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie who entree in this terrine overcrowd- ilrg. Yet many women of those classes have found themselves under the new conditions. Listen, for instance, to Najeda-Ivanoff, my interpreter. "I was not a revolutionist," she said. "But now that this thing has come, I am happier than ever before. "I was a physician's daughter. We had an apartment of 14 rooms for father, mother, and six children. I was educated ae a lawyer, but under the czar I was not permitted to prac- tice. I studied .languages, I lived abroad.' But never did I feel right. There were four porters in our apart- ment -house, and the one at our door had one ,room, dark, unheated. There were his wife, a half-grown son, and a new baby. There was one narrow cot. The boy slept on the floor. The new- born baby lay in a hole in the brick wall There was a little table, a chair, and that was all. "They must have cooked on another porter's stove, for they had none. Now nobody lives like that. Next to me: in my apartment is a charwoman.. Her work is to sweep and scrub the nage at one of the big stores. Her husband works in a factory. She has two winter coats, blankets, a good bed. Her husband has made a radio. Her baby was born in a hospital, and she was taught to care for it. This costs nothing. Such things were nn - known ten years ago. ly husband always was a revolutionist: Now I have learned to believe." Such intelligent, cultivated women in Russia today go forward, not seeing clearly the future for themselves and their children, :but willing to go on and work, because justice is nearer than before,—'The Reader's Digest." Guard the Baby Against Colds l000 -Egg Incubator No chance 'of this modern incubator failing, With capacity of 01020 titan 1,000 eggs, this new revolving incubator was one of features DI Los,Angeles poultry show. Owl Laffs Brushville Judge—"See here, I'm go- ing to. put .a stop to this here horse stealing, or none of us will be safe." Mary, Mary, quite contrary-- How ontrary—How you hem -line growsl It used to swirl above your knees, Now it nearly hides your toes. Young Bride—"I haven't the heart to fry the eggs. Tiley look up at me so piteously out of sad yellow eyes." Looking back over the years, the proverbial line of least resistance seems to be a Woman's.waistline- Hat Clerk—"A wonderful fit, old man." Customer -"Yee, but suppose 'my ears get tired?" The life guards at the bathing beaches ought to make good book- keepers. They all know how to handle figures all right, all right. A New York salesman was staying in a Texas hotel where he observed an old-fashioned roller towel. Salesman (to man in wash room)- "Say, doesn't the owner of this hotel know that it's against the law of the State . of Texas to use roller towels' now?" Man Addressed—"He knows it all right enough, but I reckon that law' wasn't passed when this towel was. put up." Flapper Motto --"Better be fat in the head than thick at the hips," A young man, who had an enormotis mouth, became engaged to a girl, and went to her father to ask his consent. Youth (smiling broadly to hide his confusion)—"I have come to—to—ask you for your daughter's hand. I—I—" The 'Father—"Excuse me, but will you close your mouth for a moment so I. can se who you are?" One thing you never hear one girl say to another any more is; "Why don't you take a tuck in it?" The young farmers were boasting about the size of the vegetables they had grown. Finally one of them turn- ed to Uncle Seth: Young Farmer—"What was the big- gest thing you raised this year, Uncle Seth?" Uncle Seth—"A squash." Young Farmer "Well, how big was it?" Uncle Seth (drawling)—"We navel measured' it, but we used the seeds for snow shoes." First Travelling Salesman —"Being on the road ain't what it used to be." "Second Ditto—"Naw, I've been an the road for ten years now and never hast to sleep at a farmer's house yet." Hostess -"Would you like a sonata before dinner?" Her Guest (giving a start of surprise and pleasure)—"Thank you, I had a couple on the way over here, but I think I could manage another." Customer—"How much will it cost to have this guy bumped off?" Hi-Jacker—"Shucks, partner, I leave it to you,,You pay me aecordin' to the good yer gets out of it" Little Girl Neat Door—"What's the new baby at your Moine, Johnny, a boy or a,giri?" Disgusted Little Brother—"Ave, it's a girl. I saw 'ani putting powder on t." Horace — "you can't go out with Kate.. She's a girl of rank," Manuel—Mires, and I am as rank as she is." Danger from Colds Every woman beyond middle age should . realize that a majority of the troubles she has to fear have their origin in what are known as common colds. Each attack lowers her vitality and reduces resistance to disease. At this season of the year every wo- man should see that her blood is toned up to meet the rigor's of the climate and especially that strength should be restored after any cold, however slight. For this Dr. Wit - Barns' Pink Pills are a reliable tonic. Tllese. Pills are not a mere stimu- lant giving. temporary relief. They build: up the body by creating that rich red blood which imparts the glow of health; steadies the nerves, improves the appetite and digestion and make the users capable of with- standing the rigors of our Fall and Winter months, They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from the- Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, . Ont. Excavating of Old Fort Reveals Roman Past. Glasgow: The fort baths brought to light during excavation work on the Roman fort at Cadder promise to give very clear evidence of the vari- ells periods of Roman occupation, said John CIarke at a meeting of the GIas- gow, Ar'ohaeological Society. It was hoped to complete the excavations next year, Mr, Clarke added. The fort had been the sixth of the Antonine Wali torts,from,the west end of the wall During the gear a large outer sys- tem 01 defenses had been discovered inolosing an area of 15 acres, appar- ently anterior to both the fort and the wall. Neither the period of this sys- tem nor its relation to the smaller fort were• yet certain. Several rare objects in pottery, a coin of Gallia, and several interestinng iron articles had been found, There ar'e still a great many people who sirnply will not let the dentists do all the looking down in the mouth. -s•vs•®v-vx Care .for Your BBands rry Daily Ore of C ticaorat Soap flail Linehan' and O.rrttatlone. With Cortpl15s1'S2 0lS5t2250231 How Wo Fen Lose Fat In England How would you like to lose unhealthy fat that you don't need and don't want, and at the same time feel better than you have for years? How would you like to lose your double chin and your too prominent abdomen, and at the same time make your skin so dean and clear that it will compel admiration ? • How would you like to get your Weight down to normal, and at the same time develop that urge for activity that makes work a pleasure and also gain in ambition and keen- ness of mind? Get on the scales to -day and see how much you weigh—then get a bottle of Menace Salts, ,Take., one-half teaspoonful every morning in a glass of hot water, and when you have finished the first bottle weigh yourself Now you will know the pleasant way to Pose unsightly fat, and you'll also blow that the six vitalizing salts of Iiruschen have presented you with g#oIious• henitlr. Tisat's the way lilnglishwolnon keep slim —why not yon ISSUE No. 2—'31 APPL1CATIONS Are Filled As Far As Possible in the Order in Which They Are Received. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE APPLICATIONS Offering n.'inuai Work Are invariably Given the Preference. Farm Help Supplied The Colonization and immigration Branch of the Department: of Agriculture for Ontario will have avallable a number of ,Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Famllles—Married Couples Without Children— Mao Single Men. verniers reeuirIng help will be well advisee to make early application to Geo. A. Elliott 31reator of Colonlzatton TarToronamntoent.Bldgs.,, Ont. Pile Your Appl'cation at Once AI! Men Placed Subject to Trial Period MON, THOMAS L. KENNEDY, Minister of Agriculture Les Baux (From Tile Atlantic Monthly) There is; no need for vain regret. . Fee envy of the lives` whose lot is. set In this enchanted place, Where grey crags' touch thesky while far below, Meadows, miraculously green, Aresunk in sleep, between Uptower'ing rocks, anti from the cliff's sheer face Whiteelowering bushes grow, Should you live here, you must choose 1 The mountainetor the valla lose, 0 soon the For one, the other joy; to , when and where Would have. you in_their customary care. Rather, let your dwelling here.. Be in the mind—and. you are free Of all the range the ravished eye can see; May house you without fear In the topmost pinnacle, where the star -pricked dome Shall roof you through the night's slow -wheeling ' hours, Or make your home Among' the lilacs and the meadow flowers Down in the valley—at your will Be shepherd, huntsman, poet; you may dance With the linen jiggling: on the line In the cherry orchard by the water mill, Or where the sunbeams shine From the blue backs of swallows, ne they glance In the mid-air, below The rocky terrace, to and fro Your insubstantial form m y go, Now vast as night, now infinitely' As having having nothing, yet possessing all. —Freda C. Bond. Classified Advertising y ABAA011 RRTRIA,C VRS, TOO .4 world's famous Slanchury and Whitmore strain, Price reasonable, FIR. Powell, IL 3, London Ont. NEW HANDLES. New handles for your percolator can, be obtained at a small cost in any color you want- to dress up your kitchen.. You can screw them in yourself. y—and so Auto& Radios e,ill ne�fi BATTERIES - A foreign visitor remarks on the large number of statues in London. They are not all statues. Some are patient husbands parked outside stores while their wive are shopping. sattorree for Your Auto- mobile 11:31(1 Radio, guar- anteed abso- lutely new. i -volt, 11 - plate, 1n rubber case Special 55.251 13 -pi te, 20.50 15 -plate,. 07,60 Radio"A" Battery, 6, volt, 32.25, 45 -volt Large Heavy Duty 32.29; Medium "2," $1.79. Will chin 0O,n. Satisfaction luaranteed. BA35P00R's BATTBR'r WORT -15 137_s mufterin Street - . Toronto ATENTS 1.1st or "Wanted Inventions" en ,?all Information Sent lrree on tteouest TBSB E ESAY CO.. Dent. W, 877 Dealt 9.t., Ottawa, Ont. She Couldn't Be Hoodwinked. Miss E. Thomson, of Clapham, writes:—"I find that Carter's Little Liver Pills will do more to keep the complexion clear, and the skill free :trona blemishes, than all the face creams I have used. I found the real cause of face blemishes was usually, due to liver and stomach troubles. My druggist recommended them as a specific for stimulating the liver and expelling the constipation poi- sons from the system." Take Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick headache and indigestion. All druggists 250 and 750 red pkgs. relieve VV HAT most people call indiges- tion is usually excess acid in the stomach. Food has soured. The Instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acids. But don't use. crude helps. Use what your -doctor would advise. The best help is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. • For the 60 years since its invention, it has remain- ed standard with physicians. You will tlntl nothing else so quick in its effect, so harmless, so efficient. One tasteless spoonful in water "PHILLIPS `,64.06a,s; 9 or Troubles I due mAcid. STION SOba STOMACH o'a NAUSEA FUSION neutralizes many times its telrme in acid. The results are immedi- ate with no harmful after-effects. Once you learn this perie.t way you'll never deal in any other manner with the headaches, gas, bloating, nausea, dizzin.ess,.indiges- tion, biliousness, etc., due to an over -acid stomach and bowels. Be sure to get genuine Phillips'. It is always a liquid; Dever niade in tablet form, Look for the name Phillips on the bottle. Ml drug- stores sell 11-500. '-lith School Boards and Boards of Education - Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL. AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister, of Education DAY AND. EVENING CLASSES,. may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION: Is given In various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, ' MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE ANO AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided toren the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto..