HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-01-08, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL. DT. end 'Mrs. :Snotle of St. ,Marys spent The helitlays: at the hoom oa the latter's 'parents ala. and Mrs, Geo, C. Petty. Mr, Roy. Sneak of Wiudsor, who has beenvisiting here for some time has returnea to his lionee there. - Mr, and Mrs. Robert Higgins end Mr. and. Mrs. B. North and iittle 'daughter, Audrey, visited in Clinton on Sunday. , The many friends of Mrs. Thomas Pears are sorry to ,learn she is confine sol to her home through illness The eaceomenteof the Lord's sup- per willbe observed in Carmel pres- byterian. Clinch on Sunday morning, aanuary The ma sy friends of Mr, Jacob Liredenaield will be sorry to her he is conned to his room throughill- Mr. and Mrs: 'G. Laughton and fa- mily of Toronto visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas.aelcIDonell. Mr. S. L !Peppier wee a recent vis- itor with .friends:111 Hanover. Miss Florence Reynolds, who has been visiting with her sisters • here, has rammed to: Calgary Whereshe will resume ber duties as a school su- pervisor in one of the city echools. Mr. and Mies. Ernest Pepper of Sarnia were holiday vieitors with friends here. Miss Mattie Ellis has returned home after spending the holidays with friends in Guelph. Mr, Reynolds of Tilson- burg was a holiday visitor with his sisters here. Mr, Maurice Boa has returned to Windsor after a couple of weeks' vis- iting friends here. Dr. J. W. Sell of Harrisburg, Pa„ was is recent visitor with relative. Our total 'schools were re -opened again on Monday after a two -weeks' holiday. Miss Annie Consitt is tak- ing Miss tBuchanan's place as teacher for the primary room. Mr. A. Whiteside of Goderich was in town on Monday. alr. James ,Patterson was in, Lon- don on Saturday. Mr. Fran.k Smale has returned to his home in Detroit after a two weeks visit with his brother, Mr. George Senate, Miss Mildred aldDonnell has re- turned to Guelph alter spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. 'J. W. lOrtwein spent Sunday in London. Mr. Harry Cook has returned to Toronto after holidaying at his home here, Miss Margaret Habkirk, who re- cently fractured her ankle, is Mali, do- ing as well as can be expected. Miss Jean lBonthron has feturned to Guelph after needing the holiday's at her hcime .here. • A atlial htit 'Pretty wedding was solemnized at Victoria ,street United Parsonage, Goderich on Saturday last when Miss Helen May Johnston, for- .merly of Hensel, was united in mar- riage to Louis L.. Wells: of Exeter. 'Rev. Mr, Butt officiated An illumin- ated Christmas tree nsacle a lovely back ground for the bridal party. The bride was charmingly gowned in brown crepe de chine, black broed- cloth coat trimmed with grey squir- rel fur and hat to .match. The brides- maid was Miss :Irene Johnston of .Goderich, sister of the bride, and the bridegroom was assisted by his bro- ther. Nelson Wells 'of 'Exeter. After a shert honeymoon, Mr. and, Mrs. Weils will take up residence in Ex- eter. Mies Doris talarinan of Toronto is viothig fer a few days at her home. Mre. Miller of Toronto is visiting Nljth and Mrs. T. C. Joynt. Mr. James Bengough returned hence Tueeday after a recent ope- ratieu M Clinton hospital. Mrs. A. L. Case undetwent an op- eration in Clinton hospital on Monday aed is ir.ingt as well as can be ex - Mi.. Nora Petty is visiting for a Few slave with Mrs. John 'Murdock. David McKaig of London vis- ited oar the week end with relatives Z,J'A1. Miss Rosa Siebald saf Zurich is via- itiing her aunt. Miss Clara Dollard, Mrs. Laird alickle and little sun 1,Viaiam Laird. returned home from S.. a a ath en Mon,lay. Dr. and Mrs. Collyer were visited by relatives from London on Sunday. The election here on Monday for Reeve and Councillors was hotly con- tested, Owen Geiger and John W. Ortwein, two former reeves of the village, were in the field, for the reeve - hap. Mr. Geiger received, 197 votes and Mr. Orewean received 147 votes, leaving Mr. Geiger elected by 50 of a majority, For the council, Laird Mickre headed the poll with 263 votes, William Consitt 21,1, 'Walter Spencer 190, Robert Cameron 167. The three men who went down to defeat were Geo. C. Petty with 143 votes, James Sangster 121 votes and 'David Rob- ertson 97. The trustee board was el- ected by acclamation ana Th.ornas Welsh for public utilities by acclama- tion. The increase in the tax ram for 1930 which was unevoidable this year, no doubt was the cause of the de- feat of Mr. Petty and Mr, Ortwein. Mt awl Mrs. Wither Dilling and farnily visited for a few days twith friends M Exeter. 'Messrs, Laird and Harry Joynt have returned to Toronto, after .holid- eying at their home here. The annual congregationaa meeting of Carmel Presbyterian Chinchwill be held on Friday evening of this week. Prior to the marriage of Miss Jes- 11 CONSTIPATION GLYCERIN MR ENOS IT ",For al years I tried to get rid of constipation," says Chas. E. 7:Ur. "Then at last the simple mixture, Acilerike: made me regular." The simple mixture of glycerin, .buckthorn bark, saline, etc. (Adler - ilea) at on BOTH tapper and lower boare), relieving constipation in two h,ours1 Brings ,out poisons you never thought •were in pate stomach and Adleriaa give your stomeh and bow - bowels a REAL cleaning end see how good you feel! Keating's Pharmacy, NC" sin Buchanan, a recent shower was held at the home of MiSS Minnie Reid, Miss Buchanan received a number of beautiful gifts consisting el a ,case of silver from she school boards a kit- chen set by the teaceers, and china- ware by the pupils. A dainty. lunch was served at the' close of the gather- ing. Mr.11-Ienry... sPhile spent the weekend with his wile in Colborne town, ship, Mr, Phile has purchased Mr, Harr' Ho,werd's barn and is movittg it to the property he recently purch- ased from Dr. aloir. Exeter, Three business places were entered in a raid of shopbreakers on the besi- ReSS section en Saturday night Or the early hours of Sunday morning, and quarutity of ,nserchandise retatoved from two of the etores. The places entered were Jones & May, general store; B. W. F. Beavers., hardware James Armstrong, Flora street, Bru stare, and G. A. Ha.wkinee hardware sels, when Mr. Armstrong was eel] store. Two ladies' fur coats, men's eway •Suddenly, all the day previo leather' coats and stlealler articles of to his death Mr. Armstrong had be clothing; three rifles, two shotgups about in his usual manner, takii aoce a quantity of ainnuanition were care of the ,now from around h found to be missing from the stores house and side -walk, and was his u entered, When Hubert Jones, after tial quiet self, on retiring. The ne cherch Sunday in.orniug went to the merlon when he did not canon 0 Jones & May store,sin which -he is one of his room as was custothasaa, 1 of the partners, to get sotne Sunday dlaughter Beatrice went in mid foto .school papers, his suseicione were he had gosie beyond recall. The do aroused when he founta the back doe; tor was summoned' and, pronoun unlocked. He found that bars had death due to heart weakness. T been forcibly removed from a base- late Mr. Armstrong was born latent wind.ow and that marauders Cathleen township near Kingston, had forcesi the door beeweeu the base- January 12, 1942, movieg•at an ear ment and the main store. This had age to Hullett townshm, which w been done, although a strong bar had then ..eovered by forest. He .was fastened this door. Upon. making oldest son of a • family of seveq bo further investigation, Mr. Jones found and one ,girl, all of whom have pt that two ladies' coats of fine muskrat, deceased him, except John of Toro several meet's leather and s.heepalcin to, and Martin, of lialyth. He WI coots and several sinalTer articles. had married to his now bereft wido been taken. Several boxes of shirts, A'melia V. Clark, ,dleughter of the la gloves and socks appeared also to John and Matilda Clark of We have been, 'hurriedly pickedover and W,awanoste on May 2411sh, 1879. A a selection made. well as his widow, a large family hate The burglars did not fare SO well been left ta mouris a kind and lovii nextt door, for although they entered father: Mrs, J. IL Short of .Toront the basement of the hardware estab- Mrs. J. A. Campbell, Clinton; Mr lishment of B. W. F. Beavers and George R. Somerville, Acton; an even cut holes in the door coonect- Miss E.- May at home; J. Wesley an ing the basement and the ground Joseph C., of Toronto; T. Sidne floor, their efforts to open it failed. Capreal, and James A. of Mossel rt would seem that this job had been Ont., all of whom were able to atten abandoned suddenly. The marks of a the funeral. Deceased was i Melon truck could be ,seen at the back, but member of the Methodist Church an it is not known whether they are seldlom was his pew vacant on Sun connected with the crime on not. day morning. The funeral WAS col There are sheds at the heck of these ducted, quietlyefrom his late resident stores e-hkh would conceal anyone by Rev. A. W. Barker. The pal working et the widows. ConeMble bearers were Jos, Wilton, John a Whitesides, of Goderich, a -as notified Campbell and four sons, J. W., T. $ and during his investigations G. A. Joseph C., and James A. Armstron, Hawkids, whose hardware store is Interment was madeisa the fatnil eituated directly across the street .plot in Brussels cemetery. from the Jones at May and B. W. F. Beavers estarese disceyetated ,thet his THE CANADA COMPANY. plaCt had beeiT entered. A. back win- (By Fred William e in the Mail an dow on the ground floor had been Empire.) broken ati admit entrance. So far Mr. [Do you know that 103 years ag Hawkins places his loss at three rifles, the Canada Company, which playe at least two shotguns, a quantity of so ,prominent a part in the develop m 12 gauge and ,22 calibre rifle amu- meat of southwestern Ontario, wa nition and a einall quantity of cash, given its charter? It was granted b which had been. left in the cash regia- George IV in the sixth year of hi ter. This is the second series of rob- reign, and authonized the fonmatioi beaks here aathin a brief period', of the company for the purpose Goderich. purchasing, holding, impreviag, set - The Town of Goderich stands to tling and disposing of waste and other gain subetaotially by the changes in lands," for making advances of capi- the apportionment of the Legislative thl to settlers and for the opening, grants among the public and separate making and improving of roads schnols which have recently been an- throughout the lands for the settle - flounced by the Department of Edo- meta of which they were respon.sible. catien and which come into effect for Privileges of export and import were the ye,3r 1931. Grants are to he based also granted, as long as all articles on the ratio which th.e salaries paid brought into the cotintry were to be to medico: bears to the equalized as- used for its cultivation and improve- eeeentent. There are three classifica- ment, and 50 long as those exported lions, first fer rural municipalities and were for the coinnion good. Tt was villages under 2,000 in population, stipulated that two officers of the second fstr towns of 2,000 to cities of clammily must always be within its, 50.000. third for cities of over 50,- territory, empowered to transact 000. The grant to rttral schools is ap- business, and it was also provided that proximately double the percen6age no officer of the company should that tewns like Goderich will get, enter into a. contract to do any work that is double the percentage of cal- for the company or sell the organize- ary which will be paid. and f r cities tion anything needed for the proper ef 50,000 or over the percentage i5 earryine en of its business, under pen - approximately half what towns like alb'saf diequal.ification. The charter foeterieh wilt get; The equalized as- provided for the appointment of a sessment of Goderich is $1,892,250. governor, sixteen directors, four audi- and the public school salaries paid are tors and a secretary. The first officers eppreximately $15,000, Which WOUid were: Governor, Chatles 13osanquet; come within the classification from Deputy Governor, William Williams; seven to nine male, that is that the Directors, Robert Biddulph, Richard salaries paid are isetteteen seven and Blanchard, 'Rebert Downie, John nine mills on the equalized assess- Easthope, Edward Ellice, Jobb Ful - intuit, O's that particular classification larton, Charles David Gordon, Wil - rural school boards will receive 16% Ilam TTibbert jr., John Hodgson, John of the salaries, towns of 2,000 to 'Huilet, Hart Logan, Simon MacGil- cities of 50,000 8% and cities over livray, James MeKillop, John Master - 50,000 45, man, Mantin Tucker Smith, and Hen - Eight per cent. of $15,000 would be ty Usborne, The other applicants $1,200, as the grant Goderich Public 'tor the charter were John Galt (about School Board would get on this whom much was said in this column score. Then there is a grant of $1 on April 23 last, the anniversary of per head for the average attendance the founding of Guelp:h) and and of pupils. Last month the average in James Willia,m Freshfield It is quite the Goderich public schools .was 516, evident after a perusal.of the above 'Time there will be grants of over list where the name of the townships $1,700; possibly with other greats the in Wellington and Waterloo Counties total may he about $1,800. As the last originated. It was a handy plan for a grant received by the Public Sch.00l 'pioneer company to tise the names of Board from the Legislatere was only its directors; it pleased the pride of $459, it will be seen that the tPublic the respectable gentlemen in London, School Board will get $1,300 or $1,400: and its saved brain fag out here in more next year than this year from Canada in the matter of nomenclature. the Legislature, The last grant was The company was cia,pitalize,d. at $253 general great tamd $18‘5 on £1,000,000, a,nd it was etipolated that certificates held by the teachers. As .shareholders were to receive their there does oot seem to be the same share of the profits in proportion to Provision in urban municipalities for the number o'f sbares held.' The first grant based on the grade of ceatifi- transaction was the purchase of 2,- cates held by the teachers Goderich 500,000 acres! of lend' in dm Lake will lose on that score, but the total Huron district of Upper Caanda, and gain will be about as given above, five commissioners, the .chief being For rural, public and separate John Galt, sailed for York, Isla New schools, twerstyafive per cent. in the York. They selectedtheir lands, counties and fifty per cent. in the drew up a report .ana returned to Eng - districts will be paid by the Depart- land. It was supposed that their merit on the cost of new approved mission had been completed when a equipment purchased by the board new and .powerful obstacle appeared: during the preceding celeadar year, in the corperate clergy of Upper Can - The maximum grant to each board ada urging the propriety of excluding under this heading will not exceed the clergy reserves from the trect $100 per class room. ,chosen, The attorney -general of Gan - Grants will also the paid to rural, ada, who was in London, made strong public and separate schools on the representations on their be,h,alf, and basis of certificates held by teachers, the commissioners teeniest it beet to as follows: Proviocial permanent let apply to the colonial secretary (Earl ekes cert. $76, • Bathurst) asking for the appoint- PrOvincial interhn 1st. class cert. tilent of a legal artibrator. The Can - $60. ada Company, on the suggestion of Provincial permanent anv d class cer. Governor 13,osanquet, declined to in - $60. terfere in the dispote, but declared Provisional ungraded certso, themselves willing to 'abide by the Pro -vision is also made for grants aware]. /0, an 'elaborate report, Ro.bert to scaotel ,sections or urban municipal- Grant, ,afteawards judge advocate, yin- ities with low assessment and for dioated the commissioners; but before grants 'based on a percentage of the this was acknowledged at th.e.colooial ap,proved capital expenditure made by office, where it we feared the report the board in remodelling or eXtending 'might eot satisfy the Canadian old beading& clergy, it was decided to leave the bus - W. C. Govenlock McCormick -Deering Agent See our line of ,SULKY PLOWS, WALKING PLOWS, AND TRACTORS AND PLOWS. ' Have on hand for sale good used 1VIanure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul- ky Plow, arab '25 Ford Sedan in Al shape, and '25 Ford Coupe. For ' Sale-Robt. Bell cutting box 32 It. carrier, in first class shape Set 2,000 pound Scales. In 'the case of any rural, urban, public or separate school board, the Minister may make a special assisted grant when the. circumstances of the case appear to him to warrant the Brussels. Great sorrow came to the home of S- ed US en eg is s- xt ut cia id 5- ed h,e in on ly as le e- n - as te st 1,g o; 5. y. e, s 1- • g. d si y, • THLTIaSDAY„JANUARY 8, '1931 Mess in the hands' of Archdeacon (afe. terwarcls Biehop) Stratchan on one side ,and Mr. Galt on the other in the hope that, privately, a satisfactory age remelt could he made, ta whieh Earl Bathurst and the ,Company would as, sent. A second agreement was than completed, evee Mare in favor of tile ,Canada Company than the first. A greet tract of lend op Lake Huron of 1;100,000 acre e Weeaessigned to the compeoy rindeF `00ligati011 that a third Pare of the purchtee money should .be expenerecloia im- provements Like most enterprises of the ,$ant, the Canada S Company bad its vicissi- tudeS. Owing largaly to intrigues agairset John Galt, in whaeh the ac- countant wee the prime mover (the latter eta piqued because he had not been introduced to Sir' John Coll - borne on his arrival as lieutenant- gavernor, with Mr. Galt, and not after hum) and at one time there were ruiners that the company was about to suseeed. Indeed in mos, the Benk of Upper Canada at York reftesed to cash Gait's drafts. But he had in the 'batik delbentures worth £10000 in his own name, and, through arrange- ments with the governor and the receiver,generial, he drew against them, eaved the honor of thescompany from stain and the country from the ,blight which a failure of the enterprise would have caused. Galt found, like the directors of the Grand Travis rail- way in later years, th,at it was absurd to attempt to menage so tomplicated an enterprise by instructions frorn London (especially when it took mon- ths to send a letter to London and get a reply) and so after la months he went home personlally discouraged, but in no way doubtful as to the suc- cess of the company, and before his death had the satisfaction of seeing that the Canada Company stock was the highest on the Loildon market, that within six years it had made pro- fits of over £300,000 end could be de- scribed as "the wealthiest eonmeny 111 .America." Like many another dev- eloper of ,Canada, John Glatt led the way; others made the money, for on his return to England so desperate was 'his condition that he had to sacrifice ,his fortune to meet debts which he had. accumulated, largely for the company, and was actually cast into a debtors' prison. But the Company went on its successful way, and even to -day hes an office in To- ronto, in which it carries on a large 'businees yet under the old charter of Wingharn. The death occurred Tuesdey at the home of her soil of Sarah Jane John- ston, widow off the late Arthur 'Spot - tan. She was horn at Wellesley, in Marcie. 1852, and went with her par- elliS to Fordwich, where she remain- ed until 10 years when she went to Wingham. Pour sons and mie date. ghter survive, George Spotton M.P. being a son. The :funeral is being held to Gerrie cemetery. Treasurer's Report. The treasurer, Mr. Young, reported the pay Sheets for the various com- mittees as follow: The treasurer, Mr. Young, report- ed the pay sheets for the ,various committees as fellows: County Roed Commission ...$1074.05 House of .Refuge, 4 mtgs .... 494.20 Pension committee, 10 rntgs -1376.85 County Property, 1 mtg. ... .31.80 Children's Shelter, 4 .mtgs.... 195.20 Agtrele,2n cultuijatIgsAdvistny ,Commite 109.00 ways and means, 1 mtg70.80 A second report of the Coutny Road Commission recommended 110 action on' the request of Mr. Geo. E. Greenslade asking that the road from Bayfield to Goderich be kept open during the winter. Reeve Trevrartha asked if it was meant by this that a road would not be kept open if there was only a small amount of snow the road. It was explained that this was left to the engineer , but the in- tention leas 'that the roads would not be kept open regardless of the ex- pense and work involved. , The finance committee recommend- ed payment of a number ttif accounts; sas 10 the local hospital accounts, rec- ommended that the accounts for in-, digent patients be referred back to the several municipalities for investi- gation- as to whether the parties are indigents, and that the accounts be paid when this is done satisfactorily to the warden and the • clerk; re ac- count for funenal expenses of James Johnston, that this is a matter for ONTARIO'BREEDING STATION Baby Chicks BRED -TO -LAY BARRED ROCKS All trap -nested, Blood Tested and free of disease. thider supervision of O.A.C. Guelph Only eggs from our own stock used for incubation evith egg record's of 200 to 292, Entire stack of chicks aold as heeched in '1930, First hatch off about Foley, 15 and cootintious thereafter. Come in and talk over yiour wants for this year. Inspect our plant and book your order. There is a satisfied customer of ours near aou and he to coming back again for more. Poultry Pays and Pays OLIVER F, SIEGRIST Box 173 Phone 304 Seaforth' Ontario. miou•nommenummia.: 1931 WE WISH OUR MANY FRIENDS HAPPINESS AND PROS- PERITY DURING 1931 ' SPECIAL THIS WEEK Rolled Oats, 6 Pounds I9c Granulated Oatmeal 6 pounds 19c 5 bars P. & G. Soap 190 3 calses Palm Olive 19d 2 tins Pork & Beans 19c 2 tins Peas 19c Cash Price Only, W. J. FINNIGAN Election Cards To the Electors of Tuckersmith. Ladies and Gentlemen: vvish to express.my hearty appre- ciation of the corefieletuce you have ShOW11 ill electing me Reeve of Tuck- ersmith for 1931, and. I take this means of extending my thanks to you, Yours sincerely, W. P. THOUPSON. I ,Goaal weighty 'steers brought $7 to $7,50 te hundred with rough heavies at $6.50 a hundred. Handy btachers sold. froin $6 to $7.90, with a few .at $7.75 a hundred. Butcher cows were firm at $4.10 to $525 for the best, with alt odd kosher at $5.50. Bulls• were firm at $4,50 to $5.50 for butchers, with bolognas at $3.50 to $3.75 a hun- dred. Fed calves ranged from $8 to $st1o0lteas hsourddraetd.$9.°510dd:o $E90poei t. hig'ht un- dred. Trade in milkers and springers was quiet. There were about 100 head of bulls and steers: said for ex- port. Calves were strong at $12 to $12.50 a hundred for choice vealers, with no- thing below $8 a hundred, except an odd, geass calf, which brought around $5 a hundred, !Hogs were down 25Ic to 50c a hun- dred at $8.715 to $9 f.o.b.. for bacons or at $9.75 to $10 off cars, andpack- ers were talking further reductions pfoarckTeruse.sdaY: There were 600 West- ern hogs billed through to outside 'Lambs were strong to a quarter higher at $9.25 to $9.150 a hundred for good ewes and welters, with a few at $9.75 a hundred. Culls and ,bucks brought $725 to $7.60 a hun:dred, in- cluding a shipmerst of bucks " from Montreal. Sheep were scarce and steady ate$2 to $5 a hundred, accord- ing to quality. Montreal, Jan. 5. -Cattle -Receipts were 8031 on the two Montreal live atack markets. Cattle trade was ac- tive at steady to firm prices on all grades. Good steers, averaging ar ound 1,025 lb's. or more; sold up to $7:50. Medium good steers sold, up to $7 and practically no steers brought lest then $6. A few good cows sold up to $5.50. The bulk of the cows were plain to medium mellity, and brought between, $3.60 and $5. Good butcher heifers were mostly $6.50, with tops up to $7. Light, common bulls were as low as $3 and good, but- cher bulls up to $5.50. The bulk of the bulls were sold between $3,50 and $5. Calves-IReceipts 3711. VealerS sold for $10,150 to $113.50. ,East Buffalo, Jan. 5.-Hogs--Re- ce9pts, 6,000; holdovers, 200; below 10 lbs„ active to slit -Peers, steady to 51 lower; others draggy; unevenly Oc-2.5c lower; below 140 lbs., $9; 2.211.959 lbs„s:,23$3,69; Mw 225 lbs., arly, $8.55; packing saws, $6,50- 7.25. Cattle--tReceipts- 1,380; generally Imlay very plain; market steady to 5c higher; mostly steady; medium eifers and, steers, $9.50 to .$10.65; eef cows, $5.0546,50. •Calves -Receipts, 1,500; vealers tin - hanged; $13.50 down,. Sheep' -Receipts, 7,600; lambs ac- ive at 25c and more higher; good to hoice, 90 lbs. down, largely $9; mix - d offerings, $8.254.8,50. Winnipeg, Jan. 5; -Receipts 1,015 attle, 120 calves, 2,310 hogs and 195 lieep and lambs, Cattle trade open - d' steady, with moderate bids. Prices ere barely established. Bacon hogs, 8.25, with selects carrying premium f $a per head. Sows, $6,50. Bulk feed - hogs around $8.50. Sheep and amb inarlcet not esta.blisherl. Top laths quoted up to $7.50. To the Electors of the Township Of Tuckersmith. 'Ladies and Gentlemen: I vvish to express my thanks to you for electing me as a councillor for the year19311, I will endeavor to be wor- thy of ylo.ur support and serve the mu- nicipality to the best of my ability. Yours sincerely,. WM. R. ARCHIBALD. Lucknow and Seaforth; that the claim of the township of Hullet be referred to the wh'ole council as we have WO particulars ,,. (lo committee this clause wa's referred beck); that sub- section 10 of Chapter 73, ,of 1926 statutes, whereby the county may col- lect half the cost of indigents from the municipality from which they have submitted, be carried out as to Intuit accounts; re account of How - ick Township for the keep of Mrs. Haberlie, that the county pay this; that the account from 11. K. Eilber, treasurer of Stephen, be paid. ate No Flowers. A very modern employer has order- ed the followarg notice to be posted in has business premises: "Any workman desiring to attend the funeral of a: near relative must irotify the foreman before tett A.M. on the day of the game." Examiner. When Duty Calls. As the ushers bring the offering forward, the congregation v,all rise and sin.---laort Wayne 'Church Bul- letin. Answered at Last. , 2 She, fie poetical mood) "What are 1 the wild waves saying?" 1 He -"Sounds like splash." - Pan - Service Plus. teno rapher Your little girl c wants to kiss you over the phone.',a Btay Manager -"Take the message. h I'll get itefrom you later," ---New York b Watchnean-EXaminer. c Small Oversight. "Did you cancel all my eogage- t ments. as 1 told you, Sinithers?" c "Yes Sir, but Lady' Millicent didn't e take it very well. She said you were to marry her next alondayl"-Tad- c Bits, A Miss as Good as a Mile "Met a beautihal girl this stun= $ in the West Indies.", "Jamaica?" "Not quite." -juggler. 1 On the Sunny, Side of the Grass. "My brother is. working with five thousand men under him," "(Where?" "Mowing lamas. in a cemetery." - Log. Banking on Wifey's Nerves. Jinks -"My wife thought she heard burglars last night, and I went straight dawaletairs to investigate." (Binka-"Gosih, haw could you be so positive she was mistaken?" -Chi- cago News. And So Does the Dog. Musical Wife-PIt's strange, but when I play the piano, I always feel extraordinarily melancholy." Husband- ''So do I, dearest." - Passing Slhow, Make Him Smile, Smile, Smile! 'Beauty Specialist -"Yes, madam, I remember lifting your face." Client -"That's right. And nom I wish I could lift my husband's. As soon as you sent your bill it droot badly." -Passing Show '(London). Turn on the Heat. Flapper -"Don't you Meek to him aoy more?" Ditto-"Nol Wheigver I pass him I give him the geological survey." "Yes, that ash'at is comen.only known as the stony stare." Kansas Owl Toronto Live Stock Receipts Union Stack Yards,• Mon- day -Cattle, 2,010; calves, 356; hogs. 945; sheep and lambs, 820. Tradeatthe Union Stock Yards "lalond.ay was rather slew on the light supply, offered and peices were ene erally unchanged from last week. 'The quality, however, was fairly good with cattle sholwing more finish than in December, hut near closing time some few hundred head were still un - sot& ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Seaforth Agriculteral Society will he held in the Carnegie Library on Friday af- ternoon, January 16th, at 2 o'clock. Business: receiving financial report for 1930 an& election of Officers and Directors for 1931. A speaker from the Department of ,Agriculture, Tor- onto, will be present and address the meeting. A cordial invitation is ex- tended everybody to attend. WM, S. BROADFOOT, President, A. D. SUTHERLAND, SecaTreasr, 3 Raw coPpliSpuRpsO:RASppAlyLEto.. HUGH. NORRIS, Staffa, RR: 1. Phone 48 r 21, Dablin central. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Edmund' Stafford, late of the Township of ItacKillop, Gardener, whotdied•on the 1st day of November, 1930, are, required on or before the 14th day of January, 1931, to forward their claims verified by affidavit, to the undersigned Solicitors alter which date the estate will be distributed, re- gard only being had to claims of which notice shall then have been gi- Dated December 24th, 1930. BEST. & BEST, .Solicitors herein. ROOMS eomiJrtahle living rooms to rent, Oct. 1st. JOHN BEATTIE, 5.',mt1i Main Street. SEAPORTH MARKETS.' Wednesday, Jan, 7. Eggs, per doz. ..... 22c -218e -32e. Butter, per lb, 29c Potatoes, per beg • Hogs, per cwt. 1.0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of London Hos- pital, London, England, 'Special attention to diseases of the eye, eaA twee and throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. Office Phone No, 5: Residence Phone 104, DR. F . J. BURROWS, Seaforth. Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the United Church. Coronee for the County of }furor, Telephone . No. 46, I)R. C, MACKAY,-C, Mackar4 honor graduate of Trinity University - and gold Medallist of Trthity, ifedicaf College; member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. DR. F. J. j, FORSTER--Eye, Eat Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine, University of Toronto 1899, Late Assistant New York Ophthal. mic and Aural Instit° e, Moorefield'a Eye, and 'Golden Square throat hot- pitals London. England. At Comm. ercial' Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd' Monday la. each month, from 11 a:m. to 3 p.m. DR. W. C. g-PROAT.-Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, lJnivetsity Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in rear of Abeehart's, Drug Store, Seafortla. Phone 90. Hours 1.30-4 p.m., 7.30- - 9 p.m. Other heqrp by appointment. Dental. DR. J A. MUNN, Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North.. western T.Iniversity, Chicago, Ill. Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Sat. geons, Toronto. Office over Sirs hardware, Main St., Seaforth. nowt, 151, DR. F. J. BECHELY, graduate. Royal College of Dental' Surgeons. Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's. grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones. - office 185W, residence 184. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, BA.Sc. CrorS: 0.L.S., Registered Professional in- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Menaber Engineering Institute at Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont. - LegaL D. L. ROSS. Barrister and Solicit- or, Notary Public, Hours 9 a.m.-2 pa. and 7 p.m. Office above PhilEste- Drug Store, Myth, Ont. Phone 6. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licanaed Auctioneer for the County of Hum Arrangements can be made for Stile Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Hamm Moderate rates and satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box It , Seaforth. WATSON AND REID% REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson). MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companiei. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Inoue Co, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED ,Officers -James Connolly. Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beeehwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wm. Rhin, No. 2, St*. forth, John Bennewies, 8rodhagen1 James Evans, Beachwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God - Alex, Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No, 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents--IJames Watt, Blyth, r.r. No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V, Yea, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm, James Kerr and John, Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be pronwill attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective Postoffices, THURS., PRL, SAT. floot Gibson Champion,, Rider -Ace of Western Stars in The Wild West Show With DCYROTHY GULLIVER arsd the World's Greateet Riders, Enter- tainment as you like it. Hoot at his glorious best, lots- of speed, aotion arsd laughe, crammed with tense dramatic situations ---a real romance axed, THRILLS, You'll laugh, roar, and thrill to the core, , Open Thursday to Sat. only, to March first. PRINCESS