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The Seaforth News, 1931-01-08, Page 1
Grant, Lord; kb-1dt Lord, Grant ; 0 Lord, I pray, Thou) wilt look on all I love tenderly: today, Weed their hearts of weariness; scat- ter, every. care WHOLE SERIES VOL.. 53, 140, 2 ' Down a wake of angel wings win- nowing the air, Bring unto the sorrowing ail release from pain; , Let the lips of laughter overflow again! James 'Whitcomb Riley SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,' JANUARY 8, 1931, Phone 84 81 A YEAR. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly U©T LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olyrnpia Confectionery and. Restaurant fee ee Specials - . First -An absolutely ,pure Coffee at pet pound 30c Second—'At Java-sMacha Coffee we confidently believe 'from test; the., equal of Maxwell House. or. Chase & Santana and not much behind Sweetheart at per lb ..42c SWEETHEART COFFEE formerly 70c, now . , .per ]'b..Oc SILVER . QUEEN T'OI'LET PAPER -8 for 25c WASH'BO41 ttDS.—Zinc .at 50c 'Glass at , 75c !Enamel at .. .. 75c .DATES. — IGo4dlen Hallow". special- e CATSUP—Ideal Catsup in reputed half pints at 15c and pints at 250 we `believe best value, - DAIRY BUTT.ER.— •Guaranteed. first , class or money cheerfully refunded 28c 'Special', per ib. . FLAKE WHITE 'SHORTEN'ING for fine baking, per lb 17c 2 lbs or more n ..... 16c: 20 Ib. pail_... ... -15c EINE KETTLE RENDERED 'LARD .. .. 18c lb D'OM'ESTIC .ONIONS 8 lbs. .. 25c' BULK TEAS of special value per ib. • - 40c and one formerly 70c for 50c BAKING POWDER. — Hutchison's 16' oz, tin at 25c is still our best seller. BEST RED 'SALMON TROUT.— Per pound 18c SULPHUR, EPSOM & GLAUBER SALTS. --6- lbs. 25c BAKING MOLASSES, per ib......6c BAKING SYRUP, best quality ..10c GREAT STAR FLOUR,' Per cwt. $2.5¢ Butter, Eggs, ,Dried Apples, Feathers, Etc:, taken in exchange for gro- ceries. - P. D. HUTCIHISON Phone Phor Phood - 166 CANADIAN ' LEGLON. Captain S. W. Archibald has been appointed to the executive of the Ontario Provincial Command as : rep- resentative sa n e of Zone 110, consisting of the branches at Goderich, Seafor'th, Clinton, 'Mitchell, Wingham, Id,arris ton and Mount Forest. At the an- nual meeting of the local branch the following 'aflacers, were appointed' for next year: President, Burton Muir; ase Vice President, R. S. Hays; and Vice Pees., Dr. J. A. Munn, 3rd Vice Pres., W. C. Be :nett; Secret- ary, J. A Wles'tcott; Treasurer, G. D. Ferguson. The chairmen o'f the .fol- lowing : committees are also to Inc members of the executive committee: Entertainment con., C. Adams; pop- py day, pension's and' unemployment, S. W. Arch'i'hald' 13y -!Laws and C'on- estitution, C. P, 'S'ille; Membership, W. A. Wriglh't S' ckc and Visiting, A. Muir; Grievance coin., F. Barlow. .e_ HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB The Home of e and+ School Club' tall], hold its first 'meeting of tile new year on. Tuesdlay,i January 113, at p:'m, in. the Carnegie 'Library room. 7bfr, Ba1ILsptyne, principal of S:C.I., will give his telk ;on Astronomy with illustrated slides. There will also be Some interesting. musical. number's, Everybod'y wcicame. ^r• CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church.—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane. B.A. Sunday, . Jan lath. 111 a,m.-Public Worship. Subject, "Sharing the Guilt." Seventh in ser- ies, Life and Tinges of Elijah. 2,30 p.m,—Sund'a'y 'School and' Bible Classes: ? p.m,—Public Worship. Subject, "A Diet igr the Soul." HJO,B. OF 'TORONTO AT- HOME ON FEBRUARY 5. • The 31,st annual- At4Honae of the Huron Old Boys' As'so'ciation of To- ronto will lee held in the Arcadian Court; S'inupson Building, on Thurs- day evening, February 51th, 1931. The pro'grasngne will be broadcast b3 . CFCA, and the event will, it is eatpected, be the greatest and most successful in the history o'f the As- sociation, DUNCAN+> CUP HOCKEY. The first games of the Duncan Cup Hockey League will commence an Saturdhy+. morning, January 110th, at 9.30 a,sn. and the second game begins at'10.30.. All ..players :must be on time with the required' fee Of 10 cents. Colne and :.see your boy'gol 'Th:e sc•hedaile is as follows: Jail. 10--930410J30, Maroons vs. Millionaires; 10!30-l1'1,30; ,Maple Leafs vs. 'Canadiens,•• jsu3. 117-9.301410.30, Canadiens vs. Millionaires; 10.'310-+11.30, Maple Leafs vs. Maroons. Ilan, 24-9.30-1110!30, Maroons' vs. Canadiens;' 10.30-'11,310, Millionaires vs. Maple ,Leafs.' Jan. 31-9.310:30, Canadiens vs, Maple 'Leas; 10.30-111,130, Millionaires vs. Maroons. Feb, 7-9.30:410.30, l'iaroons vs. llaple Leafs; 10,j0 ]1.;30, Millionaires vs, Canadiens. 'Feb. 14--9030110!30, Maple Leafs vs. Millionaires;` 10:3041'1:.'30,; Caned- fens vs.. Maroons. Nate; --Any other playera who are eligible to play',and wish to, stay see the inena'geris. The Teams Millionaires (iG, Parke, Manager). Captain, j. Dunlap; goal, Max Hud- son; centre, J. Dunlop; r. defense, G. McKellar; 1, defense, J. Dixon; left wing, R, Hawkins; right wing„ R. Rennie. Subs., Douglas M. Stewart, C. C. Crawford, A. Cameron. Maroons ('C. Trott, Manager) - Captain, A. Hild'ehrandt; goal, K. Beattie; centre, A. ' Hildebrandt; r. defense, R. Dixon; 1. defense, Ed. Matthews; 1, wing, T. Sill's; r. wing, R. Mac'Nab. Subs. F. Sills, D. Pat- rick, J Cameron. Maple Leafs (L. Pinkney, Manag- er).—,Captain, E. Rennie; goal, S. Plant; centre, E. Rennie; r. defense, J Rankin; 1. defense; K. Routledge; 1. wing, 0..S!hewfeldt; r3 wing, G. Kruse Sub's., J. Murray. C. Nolan, F. Pink- ney, H. Fre. Canetcliens--0, Sills, Manager, Ca tan:• ;J, Wright; goal, J. Dorrance; c ;' y'„ R. Venus r.<defense Glen y. „.; P. i 1L defense, , 'e 'Wright;� 1. ii r J. w F - Grieve; eve• r t , wing, C31IZm' ,Knight. Sub's,, Van Bell,' C. Fdanner' G. Pin - der. Y' COMPNG TO SEAFOR'PH. A despatch from . Windsor states that' several dio'cesad transfers,of priests were announced' Monday- by Rt. Rev. F. X. Aurend'eau, D.P.; dean of Essex, The' change's ;are effective January 8. Rev. G. L. B'lande. comes from St. Jo'ac'hin to .be administrator at Sea - forth; Rev. J. J. Jordan goes from Simcoe to be assistant at St. Peter's Cathedral, London; Rev. John Fogar- ty goes front St. Aliphontsus, Wind- sor, to be assistant at S'iirncoe; Rev, Father. Morrison goes from St. Pet- er's Cathedral, L'ondgn, to be assis- tant at S't. Joseph's Church, Chatham; Rev.. A. N. Plage, chaplain et Hotel Dieu Hospit'a'l, Windsor, goes to St. Allah on Windsor,' as coals tant• Rey.: Father Pacock moves' from Staples to be assistant at Our Lad y of the Lake Church, EastWindsor; Rev. `,Father Walsh .goes from Chat- ham to be chaplain at St, Joseph's hospital, London.. - 'PRESENTATION. Mr: R. G. Parke, w'ho left on Mon- day for 'Toronto to 'become manager of, the Hay Bi y Muskrat Co., was presented' 'with .a beautiful club bag and address on Friday evening when a gathering of members of the Town !Council, the Public Utilities Commis- sion and the Scott Memorial Hospi- tal Board met a't' the town hall for the purpose of honoring Mr. Parke prior to his departure. The address was read by, ex -{Mayor W. I-1. Golding and the presentation made by Reeve 7. W. {Beattie, Following,is the ad- dress: Seaforth, January 2, 11931. Rielanons G, Parke, Es'q, Dear Friend; . Having learned with regret that you have decided for personal reasons to leave our Town ; We as members and ex -members of our Municipal Council, members o'f the Public Utility Commission, and of the Hospital Board, whohave been associated' with you in connec- tion with these different organizations, feet that we' could not sever the rela- tions that have so 'harmoniously and so happily existed among us, without taking this opportunity of expressing to you our sincere appreciation for your splendid assistance which has so generously been given in carrying on the work of these various organiza- tions. As a member of our Town Coun- cil 'for some ten years, you.have en- deavored to fill the vtarious positions which you have occupied in a con- scientious manner, having always had the bestitvtere'st of the Town at heart. Iit is not at all necessary for' us: to, point out that your -efforts have been appreciated by our citizens, as a re- sult, and as a manifestation of our citizens' confidence in you, you were elected to the highest position, and you• have had the highest honor con- ferred upon you that it is possible for our Citizens to confer when you were elected Mayor of our Town for the year 1930, This position you have filled in a verycreditable manner, an d we feel hat our citizens appreciate the ser - ice you have rendereci in this int' lortent position. - As a member of our Hospital Board you have always been twilling o do your bit incarrying on 'the work f our Board, We can assure you hat we have appreciated your pre- ence and influence at oar - meetingt4 nd we regret :•very much. that. the ime has conte 'when you ..will' no wager' he able tomeetwith us. While you have only been a mean- er of the Public Utility Conn. for he year 1930 you have manifested our interest in this department of dr town work, by your attendance nd your knowledge of the work of e Commission, 'We desire at this time to express o you our sincere appreciation of the ervices you have given our- Town, Iso the manner in which you have ond'ucted yourself as a citizen; you ave been a credit to yourself and Iso to o.ur Town.. We hilly realize that in your leav- ig town we are losing a. type of tizen - tha'tany .municipality can ill fiord to lose; we also realize that es•t'of friends must part, we therefore ash you and the members of your may the very best of success where- ver your lot may be cast, and we ops that your highest ambitions will e fril'l'y realized In closing we desire to present to on this Club'Brag as a tangible ex- ression of our appreciation for the rvices you have rendered' on the arious boards >here represented with e hope ,that it will always remind u of your friends in. Seaforth., (Signed):: Conei]-- Wes'ley Beattie, Reeve, aac ;H'tid'soi' 1Robt, Smith. . J. (Bickel] L. F. Bolton n. Eckert, • Pub Utility Com.— J. lCIutl . IW. H. Golding Hospital Board- II. Go+lding, Chairman, R. Ross, Secretary. J.Duncan•, Treasurer. ha C. I.Ua,ing :J, Wesley Beattie , re. Daly Mrs. J. 13. Tyerman Os. IR. S. Hays IW. A. Crich' t v 0 1 li y o a tin a c h a it ci b tt fa e h b y 2 se v th Yo Is W Co JL W R.W a Mr. P. auk e has also been a i , neniber of the 'Seaforth Fire Brigade dor a period' of twenty -years and during that time held office six yearn as F'orennan, and two years as Chief, His presence will be greatly ,missed in St. Them'es'- Anglican Church” of which he hasbeen ten active member and was 'Wa'rden ; of the church for four Although :Mr. Parke himself left •on Monday,; Mrs, Parke and'George and Dorothy -will remain in Seaforth until nesdt summer. • 'Mr. Backe leaves- -f e or Toronto with the -best' wi's'hes 'of a host of friends in IStaforth and' :district. • ELECTION OF OFFI'CERIS.' The anpnral meeting t g of Seaforth Fire. Brigade' took place in the town hall on Tue, idiayi evening, A " new - 'slate of officers was elected with ex- ception of treasurer, which office has been creditably filled . by 3¢r. Geo. A. Sills for close on to :half : a cent The 11931 Fire.Chief is Allan Reid', end; Foreman, Retg, W. Kerslake; assist- ant Foreman, ]William Gillespie; Sec- retary, W. H. 'I-Iaw'kins; Treasurer, G. A. Sills., . HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, 1931 ejection on Monday, defeating John ;W. Ortweiu, The vote was Geiger, _1s9rfield'—J. A. 1' Ks,aie; ), E. 1197; �Or'twein, 1127. Ritchie. The elected councillors were: E L Blyth—l. R. Curt - Brussels --,A. C Booker Colborne—A, 7Goldthorpe. Clinton—,George H 'Elliott. Exeter -B. 14. Francis. Goderich Tp. -97, nt Ilaacke. Goderich J. W. C'iaigie. Goderich (deputy) { J. J. Mose Grey)—John] McNia'5b. Grey (deputy) --.0. ¢Collin. Hay—L, H. Rader He,tsa91—Owen Geiger. Ilowick J,W, Gagable. Hawick (d,epli'te)- I. Leonard. Hullett—M. Avaste MaKlloFap=J. M. kart. Morris—W, J Henderson, 8eaforth J. W, Beattie. Stanley, A. P, Keys: , Stephen—'R. Goetz.'. Stephen (delputy)—lW.. H. Sweitzer 'Tuckersmith—W P, Thompson, •Turnberry—II. J Wright, U r — ', sbo ne B alln,ta J a e. E. Wawanoslh—R Thompson. W. Wtawanosh—W, J. Stewart. Wingiham—J. W. McKibbon. T'uckersmith 1 2 31 41 5' 6 For Reeve: Thompson .,, 89 17141'3'2 35 35 47-3112 Watson . 20141' 1 66 841 0a-2140 Majority for Thom son, :72. Far council:. Archibald 9,2 515 pi. 59 1312' 65r--324 Brown . , .....'86 6111110 47. 49 ,516-444 Clark la k 311' 415 114 {57'15 q'3=3125 J' 48 41 '5111 5151,123 3141-251 McKay 717 140 1241156 30 64-3'112 Loun•cillors elected". Archibald, Browny Clatrk, McKay, Hibbert Township • Wilsons 'Bruce's D'ublinlelouse St'affa school t'-tl For ;Reeve Nagle ..-4571` 96 -73. - 30 356 Morris . :718 7.2, 95' 104 3417 'For 'Council: Hackney .. 59 S2 143 1211: . 405 Allen 45 73 '1!911.8201 3919 Kay : 60 69 1154 115' 39$ Burchill , ,1716' 82 4111 • 4151 3'14 Feeney . , , 1114 89 ' 87 7 222 Vivian .. . .65' 80. 501: '1.6 -2111 Lanvin , 74, • 139 •: 514 20 187 The result of the elections in Hib- bert Rawns'hip on January 5, -was as follows: 'J'ose'ph IN'agfe was elected over 'tris opponent William P.'tMorris by a majority of nine votes. The Hibbert 'Council for 1931': 'Reeve, Jo- seph Nagler Councillors, John W. Hackney, 'Fran:klAllen, William Kay, Robert Burchill. 'The 'inaugural meetings .will be 91615 at Staffa. Townslhip Hall on Monday, January Il th at 9'' aero - Hay Township 'For Reeve: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Dougall .713 '.95143 119 9 12 317 15 251 Klapp , . 7 '5'117 103'33 48 30.39 389 Rader ..31 20 67 71 '58147 14 29 432 Tor Council: A'lex'der 68 59 112 81 31 49 50 14 473 Co•beltt 67 58 515 41 131• el3 30 117 3,212 Duch''nt 20 171561'06 71 7'1 24 64 5315 Greb 25 8 81 90 16 '60:'17 4 301 7'lehck x:30 2491411114 ,65'97 35 30 621 Woiper 43 17440114 59159 39 37 587 •Interest was at fever rpitch here when Louis H. Rader was elected to a third term as reeve aver Dougall and Klopp. Rader had 432; Klopp, 390; and Dougall, 251. For council, \dillick, 622, Walper, 587, Ducharme, 5:38, Alexander, .473. Corbett with 322 and Grebb with 301' were defeated. The vote was one of the biggest. Goderich When a total vote of 1;642 was re- corded in a record vote here, C, C, Lee was the: successful candidate for mayor, defeating his opponent, Rob- ert Turner by 160: The vote was: Lee 901; Turner, 711.1. Mr. Lee suc- ceeds J. H. MacEwen who retired from the race this year after serving the municipality fdr a number - al J. W. Craigie was elected to the of- fice of reeve by acclamation but there was' 'a keen contest for the de- puty reeves•hip, with three candidates in the field..7 J. Moser with 748 votes was the successful candidate; Wesley McLean came second with 41316 and Wm. Bailie third' with 429. votes, The successful members of the. council are: R, C.H a• s"1091;, ,Y , Jr., D. D. Mooney, 1046, C. Worsell 799; C. H. H'um'ber, 799; E. D. Brown 793; Philip Carey, 787, Defeated council candidates: L. Flick,, 696; J. D, Wilson, 650. W. T. Murney had. previously been elected byr;acclama- tion as a member of the !pu'blic utilities commission and the members of the school board elected, also by acclam- ation, were James F. Thompson, Jas. C. Carrie,: H. Blackstone, Wlilliatn Wallace, - Clinton ,S. S. Cooper was elected mayor of Clinton, on Monday, having a major- ity of 316' over his op'ponent,- W. J, Stevenson. The members of the council ase: Fred Livermore, 5051; W. S. R. Holmes, 4814; 0. L. Paisley, 434; G. W. Cook, 3917; J. W. . Langford, 378; Herb. Crich, 338. W. T. Haw- kins was elected to the public utilit- ies comnis'sion by a majority of 1115 votes over. J. W, Nediger. The votes were Hawkins, 4117.; Nediger.. 302, Thos. Cherc'h:ill was elected school trustee in St. J'ohn's ward, defeating Mr. Manning by 98. Hensall Olwen. Geiger was electedto the reeve,ehip of Hensel! at the municipal Mick,e, 263-; Wm. Consitt, 211; Walk- er Silencer. 190; Robt. Cameron 167. - Grey Township , John McNabb with 441 votes, de- feated the 1930 reeve, H. A. Keyes, who polled 401 votes. F, Collins was -elected d'e:puty reeve with 378 votes; ' Thos. Doherty was second with 356 and R. Brock third, with 58. - 'Councillors elected; Stewart Mc- Quarne 450; Silas Johnston, 428; 01=. iver Hemingway 295, Councillors defeated: Fran,k Harrison, 280; Hen- ry Gorsaiitz,-104, West Wawanosh W. J. Stewart is reeve of this town ship forothe year 193'1' by virtue of a two -vote win over last year's reeve,' William Mole, - Stewart had 199 votes and Mole, 197. James Forster ' was third in the race for theee r veshi; with 155 and 'William Carr, fourth with 86. • Those elected' to council were: Thomas Webster, 403; John McQuiliin, 400;, C`M. Aitcheson, 329, and Albert Gammie, 272. H. Leish- man _ was the unsuccessful caudidet with 263. e p, Blyth 17.-R. Cutt had been elected' reeve by acclamation, as had the trustees, 7. H. R. Elliott, E. Munro and -A. B. Tay'lor, and the water . commissioner, R. M. McKay. The successful cand- idates for council were: I. Wallace,, 164; C. Bell, 153; E. Launtly, 151; and F. Bainton, 126. The, unsuccessful candidates were: G. White, 124; J. H. Hoover, 74; and George Machan, 72. Howick J. W. Gamble, last year's deputy reeve, advanced to the senior position with a small majority over George Hubbard. !Gamble's vote was 457, and Htubbard's, 434. Tor ' deputy reeve, Millan Leonard; with 488, defeated Fred' Taylor with ' 3137. 'Council: John Bryan, 585, Thomas Lovell, 55'2, and David L. 'Weir, 353. The defeated candidate was Albert Buatow. 302. JUNIOR FARMIER'S LEAGUE. Pirst and second teams to play off home and home games. Goals to count. Cup for high team. Jen. 1'9 Winthrop vs. Mill Roads _7ai5 Brick Yard vs. Dublin --8,301, - Jan.' 17— Brick, Yard vs.' -Winthrop -4.115. .]Mill Road vs. Dublin -830. Jan, 214— _Winthrop 4—Winthrop vs, Dublin -7.15. Mill Road vs: Brick Yard --8x0. Jan. 31'— Brick Yard vs. Dublin -7.15. Winthrop vs. Mill Road'330. Feb: 7— ' Mill Road vs. Dublin. Brick. Yard vs. Winthrep-8.30. Feb. 14— Wintr'hop vs, Dublin -7.15, Mill Road' vs. Brick Yard --88,30. Games played in Seaforth. L. G. VAN EGMOND There passed peacefully away at his home R. R. 3, Seafjrtis, on: Jan. 6th, 11031', L. G. Van Egmond, in his 791h year, the last of the family of the late A. G. and Isabella Van Eg- ntond. Deceased was born at Har- purhey on Sept. kith, 11852, the fang icy moving shortly after to the home occupied by hien for the past 65 years. He was in partnership with Itis brother, \V. D. Van tEgmond, for some years, -owning and operating the Seaforth \\'aolle 1 Mills, About 1900 he quit the woollen 'business and became an insurance agent, also farm- ing a few acres of land. Lt 1887 Mr. Van E,gnnond was mar- ried to 'Margaret Elizabeth Vanstone, of Stratford, who .,urtives. About three ,years :ago his health failed, and he had been all , invalid since that time, gradually becoming weaker. On the d'ay before New Year's pneumonia developed. air. Van Egmond was a life mem- ber of Britannia Lodge A'F. & AM. SeadorIle and Rose Croix Scottish Rite, London. He was well k-nceen throughout Western Ontario, was highly respected• and of a fine, gentle- manly bearing. - The funeral which willbe private, takes place Thursday afternoo, Rev. J. F. Myers of St, Thomas' Church officiating. The pallbearers are Messrs. John Beattie, J. A. McLaren, Thonnas. Jackson, Arnold Case, Sid- ney V'anstone, W. D. Smith, inter- 'tient in the Egmondwille cemetery. HENRY TAYLOR Shortly, alter the breakfast hour 4Vedatesd'ay morning, bdr, Henry Taylor, a highly res'pe'cted resident of Sea'forth, expired at his hone on Side Street. Ordinarily a strong, healthy man, hissud,dlenpassing came as a great s'h'ock to his many friends in town and country. ,Feeling ill on Sxt- urday from what he believed to be a light cpld, Mr, Taylor had, sought me- dical a'dvice. He had started for a walk on Wednesday morning after brealslast, when, from a window, Mrs. Taylor saw him collapse on: the'sid'e- walk and with other aid he was quick- ly assisted to the house where he'pass- ed away in a few minutes. Mr. and .11Lrs. Taylor celebrated their goldee wedding anniversary scarceiy' two ninths ago, on No- vember {lath, 10'30, Mr, Taylor was born in Ireliand, 9tls 'Jany., 1554, coming to Hullett THIS MAN NEEDS GLASSES! DEFECTIVE eyesight `gives unmistakable warnings that all is not well. Holding a newspaper Y er tb o far 'or too near when reading . .. frequent head- aches . squinting .. , scowling - are all signs that you need an eye examination. Heed the first warnings. A thor- ough, dependable eye examination and a fitting with Orthogon Full- Vision Lenses will save you pain, trouble and the possibility of per- manent injury. FRED S. SAVAUGE JEWELER & OPTOMETRIST 11. Ross Savauge R.O„ Eyesight Specialist. when: quite young with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, where he resided until retiring to 'Seaforth four years ago. On N'av, 12th, 1::'t, he married Hiss Elizabeth Leitch who survives, and four'sons and 6 daughters: Laur- ence, Detroit; Harvey, Hullett; Geo e, William, Berkley, Calif.; Mrs. Wm. McMillan (Minnie), Lon- don; Mrs. Wm. Webster (Edna) Lucknow; Mrs. Earl Lawson (!Helen) Hullett; Mrs. Bert :Ferris: (Maude), Provost, Alta,; Miss] Florence Taylor, R.N., Toronto, and Miss Annie Tay- lor, Hullett. Complete funeral arrangements have not been made, awaiting word from the West. The funeral will take place from his late residence to the place of interment in Maitland Bank ceme- tery, Rev. I. 13. Koine of First Pres- byterian Church, officiating. NORTH McKILLOP. Miss Vera Crozier has returned to Tuckersinith to resume her duties as teacher. Mrs. . John Crozier -is nursing hel. daughter, Mrs. Geo, Brawn of Hul- lett who is laid up with lumbago. We hope for -a. speedy recovery, Mr. Ed. Devideon was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Munn Sunday even- ing. Mr, and Mrs. Edw. C. Regele and daughter Shirley were visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Crozier Sunday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Thornton were visiting Mr. •and -Mrs. George Kistncr on New Year's Day. ale and Mrs. Peter McLaughlin were visiting Mr. and Mrs, ' Edw. C. Regele 1'Vlednesdlay evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd; were visiting the latter's parents on New Year's Day. Johnny Mucor spent New Year's' Day with Mr. Elan Bolton. WINTHROP. Mrs. Harold Smalldon of Walton spent the ,week -end with .friends in the village. Mr, Neil. Montgomery spent a few days. in W'ingham„this week. We are sorry to wear that Misses Marion and Noritte Little are on the sick list. S.S. No. 10, McKillop, held' their annual meeting last week, Mr, Irwin Trewartha was re-elected trustee. The trustees for the new year are Messrs, John , Campbell, Charles Dolmage; and Irwin Trewartha, 'Follo'wing is the report for S. S. No. 10, McKillop, for the months of November and 'December, Those ab - IA for one or more examinations are narked with an asteris'k. - 'Form V.-=f9enneth Betties 7411. Sr. 1V.—*;Leslie Doltn'age 72. Jr. IIV.-'Olive. Bryce 65.41, Oliver Pryce 65:3, Allan Campbell 60.2.,, Jr, I'I'I.—tAlnnic Pethick 77.1, Arthur c'C1 uve 44.311. Jr. II,—3furiel Dolmage 78.6, Hel- en Bllan'chatrd 69.'1, Harvey Dolmage 62.7. Sr, 1.—Ruth Pethick ' 'r. , L—Kath9 J een Sham -ion 75.1, Bet- ty Bullard 70:3,. Ruth Campbell 68. For the month, of November ]Mur- iel Dohnage had only one mistake in. Spelling and Anne Pethick was sec- ond ;with three mistakes, For Decem- ber, ,Kenneth Betties, Olive P,yee and Anne Pethick had perfect Spell- ing. -Rnth Petthsck was`aecondl with one mistake. Tillie Storey, Teacher. MANLEY. Death of George Steurnagel—+Word was received here last week of the death of Mr. George Steurnagel in. his 49th year ` in St. Joseph's hospital, London on December 28th. He was a patient in the hospital four weeks and previous to that Inc was in the home for a long hime. His sister, Mrs. Finegan, from N. Y, was with him three weeks before his death. He was a son of the late Mr. and' Mrs Con. Steurnagel of this place. ` His funeral took place on December 311'st from Si..Peter's Cathedral, London, where Requiem High Mass was cel- ebrated and from thence to St. Peters .cemetery where all that was mortal was laid to rests He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Finegan of New York and Kate of Chicago, who have the sympathy of the community, ]Miss Elizabeth 3fitrray and Miss 3fnry Flea Dempsey have left to re- sume. their ']::ties as teachers in Wind- sor and Guelph. VARNA. Those elm spent Christmas with friends and relatives in and around one tillage, Mr. Cecil Wylie of De- troit was the guest et his sister,` Mrs. Reid; Misses Glaclys and Emily Beatty; Misses Irene and Mary Chuter of Loudon, Mr, and Mrs, John Rothwell spent Christmas in London. Mr, and Mrs. Horner and Master Gordon 31r. and Mrs. Ings spent the holidays with relatives in Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. 3d, Elliott and fancily spent the holiday at the .home of Mr. W. Ellintt, Brucefield, . Mr. and: Mrs. Breattlterton spent Christmas et the home of lir. John 13eatt Y• Tine i nennbers of $t.hns a ' Church ilnrr J ch held their annual social evening in. the Orange Hall on 30112, A . very pleasant time was spent by all pres- ent. Mfr. D. McNaughton; of Kitchener spent New Year's with his mother, Mrs. A. Foster who has been under the doctor's care for some time and at .time of ;writing we are. pleased to say Mrs, Foster is showing signs o'f improvement, Mrs, 3L, Reid' is visiting friends. relatives in and Gloderich, Mr. and Mrs. Breatherion had thou New: - Year's dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Aenestr'oieg. ;airs. H'arnwel'1 of Goderich spent a few days with friends and, relatives in and: around our village. The many'friend's' of Mr, Jeff Keys of Nashville, Tennessee, whom we re- ported as being ill, will be pleased to know that Mr, Keys is much improv- ed in health' and we Nope to heat of; a stip' greater improvement.. Att'otlier pioneerf o Stanleyhas gone to the great ' great beyond. We refer to the Heath of Miss'Helen Mitchell wino pasiaed a wey at a late boar 11,; lday night, succumbing to an attac', of pneumonia. She was in het- seiyonty fourth year .and kept house with, her brother George. She was oaf a very retiring dispo.iition. qn ,.mds.•,w.k