HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-12-25, Page 8HEN SALL:
Harry Cook of Toronto is
litig the holidays at his home,
f*s:Mildred McDonnell of .GUelph
vilititing at her home here,
Ss Mande Glenn of London is
Mpg for a few days with friends.
se Je Bonthron of Guelph is
ding the holiday at her home. '
r. I-Iarry Joynt of Toronto is hol-
ying at his hope, ,
!Christmas services were ,held in our
ocaf churches on Sunday last, each
CeMg 'well attended both morning and
e.vening, Special Christmas sermons
were delivered) and special music
en by t he choir, In the Unite
Chinch 1\1r, Sinclair conducted the
service. fit the morning the sermon
was °Sayings. Concerning the Child,"
end in evening, "The Star of Bethle-
hem." In morning the music consist-
ed of anthem, "Tidings of Great Joy,"
the solo part being taken by Miss G.
Lammie; tenor solo, "Calna to the
Listening, Ear," by left. T. Sherrit;
anthem, 'And in the country of Ju-
dea," solo parte by Mr. Sam Rennie;
duet, "All Who Believe," by Mi -s. Al-
fred Clark arid- Me. W. 0. GoodWin.
Ii the evening the anthem, "Oli Night
'So Calm and Holy," solo parts by
Miss Pearl Elder and Mr. Murray
Campbell; violin selections. by Miss
Greta Laramie; ladies' quartette,."LTn-
derneath the Christmas Starlight,' by
Mesdames -.Redden, Drysdale, Sin-
• clair and Hess; ' solo, "Behold the
• Morning Corneth," Mrs, L. Hedden;
anthem, "Unto Us a Child is Bern,"
•iolo parts by Mrs. Sinclair •and Mr.
Goodwin; duet, "Star of' Bethlehem,"
• Mrs., A. Joynt and Mrs. G. Hess;
Men's •chorias, "Behold. there Came
Wise Men," •.
, In the Carmel Presbyterian Church
Rev. Mr, leleDroy conducte.d the ser-
vices. In the rnoruipg a male guar -
'tette was given by Messrs. R. Mc-
Laren, Orval Taylor, W. McLaren,
Chief Moore; men's chorus, anthem
ane in the evening a ladies •chorus was
given followed by anthem, men's cho-
res and anthem,
In St. Paul's Anglican Church Rev.
Mr. Parker conducted the sertices
and special music was given by the
Mnrray Campbell was visited
ever the week end by his brother, of
" Stratford.
-Airs. Ross McLean of Detroit is
spending a few days visiting friends
Mrs. James Eby of Collingwood ll
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm White.
Miss Mavis Spencer has returned
• home after spending a couple of
weeks in London while recovering
• from an appendicitis operation.
Miss Margaret Habkirk of Detroit
is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. Hab-
' "kirk. .
• Mr, Donald 'McKinnon of London
le visitieg relatives in town.
Mr, Jun McD'onald is visiting his
• mother and sieter here.
At a recent meeting of the sehool
board Miss A. Consitt was engaged
•as public school teacher to take the
place of :Niles Jessie Buchanan, who
recently resigned.
Our continuation and public schools
closed on rriday last for the Christ -
see' -gee e.elidays and will open again on
JnrJ 5tee .
e. Thmas Berry last week at-
tka Liberal conVention in To-
ro.m, being a delegate.
fra. etes McLaren returned home
wi Surety last from Seaforth hospi-
tal wecre site recently underwent an
etr. Claude illnwes is spending the
'Cf./fig:nag heeelays at his home in
' Mr,, Lou geimpsen ef Detroit is
visiting !um mother, Mr-; R. Bon -
Miss Ruby McLaren left on Mon-
ey for T.ondon-where she has secur-
a geed position.
rise Helen Elder of London is vis -
her parents here.
a annual Sunday school enter
it of the United Church was
l•the town hall on Frid,ay ev-
,ast and wae a great success.
The!hall was. filled to capacity. The
pastor, Rev. Mr. Sinclair, acted as
chairmae. The following program
was given: A chorus, "Here Comes
the Sun," by the school, solos by
Renald Parker and Bobby Kett, ac-
companied by Mr. Fred Hess. on the
guitar; recitations by Jack Drysdale,
Keith Buchanan; Howard Love and
Audrey •Twitchell; exercises, "Mother
Goose," by Miss Murdoch's class;
"10 Little Santas" by Mrs, E. Me -
Queen's dass; action song, "Christ-
mac Cradle" by Mrs. Dougall's class;
drill, "At Christmas Time's by Miss
Greta Ldmmie's class; "Fan Drill" in
,charge of Mrs. George Hess and Mrs.
Huntley; moonbeam drill, in charge
,pf Miss Ellie and Miss Margaret
johavton; violin gal° by Billy Glenn,
"The Blue Bells of Scotland,' accom-
panist, Miss Helen,,Gleno; "The Mes!-
--ry...Miroble' eontlibted or Ferris
, Cantelon, Claude Elowes, Murray
Campbell and Aldan Appleton, gave
a cenet eketch ethich was greatly en-
joyed; pantonthee, "Rock of Ages"
in 'eharge of Miss Ellis; Miss Flor-
en se! Welsh and Miss ,Margaret
ttos eang the duet "Rock of Ages."
The orchestra cennposed of Messrs.
Clare Znefier E. Little,. S. Welsh and
F. Can telo a, with Miss Florence
Weislz, accompanier, gave some excel-
lent Musical numbers during the pro -
was receiied in town that
rh R, Hodgins, a former well
yen resident of Hensell, had died
Sunday at St. Joseph's Hospital,
leensign, after an illness of about a
e was a veteran of the Fen -
of 186e. Mr. Hodgins tvas
e drink ,plenty water, eat 2
'eels • day arid. take Adlerika
ad ethen, I've lied ntroubl
eeteMecb.".;=-C: DeFereet,,..e,
`er Medicine.. ,Adeika
eve' e`ugeomemijeA,e,m,
TA Merry ehristmas
114appy New Year
J. A. WESTCOTT, Jeweler
born in Tipperary, Ireland, 88 years
ago and came to Canada at the age
of seven years. For 50 'years he was
a hotelkeeper in Hensall, after which
he moved to London about 12 years
ago. At the time of the Fenia.n Raid
he was one of the volueteere who saw
service, being one of the few veterans
of that campaign which remained. He
was a member of the Masonic Order
and an Orangeman. His wife pre-
deceased him a number of, years ago
aed surviving are one daughter, Mrs.
(Dr.) Charles Lang of New York,
•two sisters, Mrs, J. D. O'Neil of
London, and Mrs. Walter Shaw, Day-
ton, Ohio; and one brother, Major
Eli Hodgins of Wirinipeg.
The funeral service was held at the
George E. Logan funeral home on
Tuesday. Interment was made in
Exeter cemetery.
Wedding bells are riuging in this
Mrs. Fraser and her niece, Jean
Elliott, left on -Monday for the lat-
ter's home in Goderich township,
Mrs. Fraser expects to visit with
friends during the winter months and
will spend Christmas with Mrs. A. G.
Elliott in Lucknow.
Mr. Orville Kalbfleisch left on Fri-
day to spend the vacation at his home
in Mildmay.
Rev. Mr. Bremner of Brucefield,
conducted the service in the United
Church on Sunday afternoon owing
to the illness of the pastor, Rev. R. M.
Gale, who, we are pleased to report,
is able to be out.
Mra. G. W. Woods and Miss Nan
Wo .ds, left on Saturday to spend
Christmas with Rev. and Mrs. Hugh
G. E. Crosby, of Bolton Landing, N.
It was with deep regret that the
many friends of Mrs. R. W. Bristol
learned last week of the death of her
father, Mr. Charles C. Mothersead,
which took place at his home in
Washington, D.C., on Saturday, Dec.
13th. after a brief illness. The late
Mr. Mothersead visited here with his
daughter last August, also spent sev-
eral weeks with her on a former oc-
taision. during which he made many
friends and won the respect and es-
teem of all with whom he met.
The A.Y.P.A, of Trinity parish tnet
at St. James' Church, Middleton, on
Wednesday, Dec, 17th, when there
were 38 present. Miss Elsie Blackall
opened the meeting with singing of
hymn 742. Scripture reading St.
Matt. 2:1-11 was read by Margaret
Chuter after which Rev. F. II. Paull
led ha prayer. The minutes of last
meeting were read and Lucy Woods
appointed assistant • secretary. The
next meeting to be held January 9th,
in charge of the Whites. Mr. Paull
made an appeal for the relief of the
poor and it was decided to send ten
dollars to fund in Clinton and five dol-
lars to the Santa Claus Fund of •the
London Free Press. The program
was then in charge of the leader of
the Blues, Kenneth Taylor, who pre -
seined a splendid program. First
number consisted of Christmas carols
sung by all and led by Miss E. 13lack-
hall, who played for them. Kenneth
Taylor then read extracts from his
brother in Rhodesia, Africa, which
told of the conditions met there by
the surveyors among the natives.
Norma Welsh read an interesting pa-
per on the Life of Bishop Charles
Inglis, founder of King's College,
N.S. And am ,
using skit, 'The Foty-
graft Album", was given, Eva Treble
played parteof the child showing the
album to the new neighbor, Violet
Seymour, while the photograph ap-
peared to the audaence. , Those repre-
senting the People in the pictures parents, Mr. and Mrs, GeoMelee
were: Ruth and Clayton Elliott, Gra-
have returned to Preston.
mma and Grandpa Sparks; Gordon: Quite a nuni.ber• of friends and
Rathwell, Ferdinand Ashur Peebles; i mneirghlodrsivirgsathEedr.edEiactkIntheeitrhotmo eceioe_f
brate the event of opening tffeir new
Mr. and Mrs. Meet Gibson of Nia-
gara N.Y,, are spending Christ-
mas with reletive.s around. the Al-
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Scherbarth and
Mr. Henry Scherbarth of Detroit and
Frank ,Scherbarth of Trenton and
Herman Scherharth of 'Waterloo Col-
lege, IWaterloo, are spending Christ-
mas under the parental roof.
Mr. John Hinz took a truck load
of dressed poultry to Toronto last
week for the Brodhagen !store.
The school concert held in Brod-
hagen hall last Friday evening was a
ST. COLUMBAN. real success. The hall was filled to
Miss Theresa O'Reilly of London capacity.
is spending Christmas with her bro- Messrs. Otto, Siegfried and God-
ther, Mr. Louis O'Reilly, Hibbert. hey Alberti of Waterloo College, Wa-
terloo, and Miss E143 Alberti of Ayton
are visiting over the holidays with
their patents, Rev, !and Mrs, Al-
efes-rs. Gottlieb Mueller and John
Arnstein have treated themselves to a
new •radio for Christmas.
Messrs, John Querengesser and
John Herz motored to Windsor on
Tnesday ^on business.
The many friends of Mrs. Charles
Cooper vflio hasi been quite ill, will be
glad to see her out again.
Miss Verna !McGregor of .Clinton
is spending the holidays with her bro-
ther, Robert.
lers. Will Harvey has been on the
sick list, but is recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. lA. Moffatt end Mr.
Orville Workman spent Saturday in
London. .
Mr. Cliff Watsan's party Thursday
evening was quite well attended.
Miss !Erma Workman'who attends
Normal in Stretford, is home for the
Mr. Gilbert Jarrott is spending the
Christmas holidays with his 'parents.
Mr. and Mrs. I, Jarrett. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Ivisog left on.
Tuesday to spend the winter. months
in Toronto. .
Mrs. Thomas McDonald, Sr.,and
Mrs, L. G. McDonald were `week end
vi,:itors with Mrs. J. Workman and
Mrs. Anderson ,Sr., Mrs. Workman's
Mr. and Mrs. Ileitis visited friends
in Wroxeter Sunday last.
Miss Erma Workman and Miss
Jessie Finlayson are holidaying with
their friends for Christmas holidays.
The services of our church were
largely attended and had the true
Christmas spirit. Rev. Conner gaere
a grand ,Christmas sermon. The choir
tinder the leadership of Mrs. J. B.
McLean gave lovely Christmas selec-
tions. A ladies quartette, composed
of Mrs. J. B. McLean, Mrs. E. Witt,
Mrs. ,J. Henderson, and Mrs. Sproat
sang • 'Saviour, Walk "Beside Us." The
choir sang "Song and Star."
` Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson were
callers on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ander-
son on Sunday last.
Many from here attended the fun-
eral of the late James Thompson of
near Brucefield, which was held' on
Friday leg to Bird's cemetery, Mr.
Thompson was well known to many
here and respected by all, He was a
long and patient sufferer. His bereav-
ed widow was formerly Miss Baebara
Chesney. Mrs. Bowey of our village
is a sister. Our heartfelt sympathy is
extended to all the bereaved relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bell -motor-
ed to London recently, to visit their
daughter, Miss Etta, who holds a lu-
crative position with the San Life
Inserance Co.
Miss Winnie Stewart is visiting her
aunt, Miss Moir of Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Fairbairn gave
a reception M honor of the latter's
sister, who was recently married to
Mr. John Taylor, son of Mr. Richard
Taylor, They received many beauti-
ful gifts showing the esteem in which
the young couple is held in the com-
A large number attended the
Christmas entertainment at S.S. No.
2, which was a decided success. The
teacher and children are to be con-
gratulated on putting on such a fine
entertainmen t.
Mrs. Grace Ross and Miss Verna
McGregor are spending their Christ-
mas holidays visiting the latter's bro-
ther, Mr. Robert McGregor.
Miss Anna 13ennewies was surpris-
ed by a number of young folks who
gathered at her home on Monday
evening to celebrate her blithday. The
evening was spent in dancing.
Brodhagen school concert was held
Friday evening.
Mr. john Wolfe •Sr. is still confined
to his bed with a bad cold. We hope
to see him out soon. .
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller Who
have spent a inonth or so with . his
Evelyn Wise, Aunt Amanda Merriatt
Burrows; Muriel Rath,well, Alf Hu -
die; Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Je'd
Doty; Edgar Rathwell, Cousin Willie
Peebles;, Stewart Middleton, Uncle
Charlie Sparks; Margaret Chuter,
Aunt Min; George Hudie, Cousin Al-
vy Burgstresser; Miss Stelk, Emma
Beale, The old fashioned costumes
and awkward, poses made it very
comical. Reading by -Mise Blackhall
was very amusing, Following this
were two gaanes in which all joined.
The meeting closed with National
An Adventure!
"Lead an adventureehe other day,"
eideler, • e. ;ends —
, ,
* ,:•leit ' Her
t in
ement. -I"cevish, pale and restless .children
!lephote ogee, owe their condition to worths. Mb -
only ',j,ntit relievelier;,,a1177ps, Wan drevi
ormEoxreterhnezainttahtor will
IWe are sorry to rep`ort Mr. William
Taylor is suffering from a fractured
ankle iincl we hope for his recovery
50011. -
'Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell in
company with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc-
Connell, motrored to, London Monday,
when Mips Margaret McConnell ot
Toronto accompanied them home for
Christmils holida;es,
Mr. and Mrg., William McDonald
of Goderich townaliip• spent the week
end at the home oe Mr. and Mrs. F.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Beatty are now
comfortably settled in :their new
commodioes home. We wish them
every happiness and prosperity.
Mr. Bretheeton, who recently per -
chased the farm formerly occupied
by MT. J. E. Barnwell, 'left Monday
for Tofonto to meet his wife and
little eons whom he left last spring'
in Eaglet -M. We welcome Mr. end
Mrs. Bretherton anal hie little family
to our connnunity.
The school entertainment put on in
Verne Monday afterneen was wail re-
presented by the ratepayers and ad-
joining sections, and was worthy of
credit to both pupils and teacher,
Miss Ruby Taylor.
We regret to record the rather ser-
ious illness of Mr. Jeff *Keyes, of
Nashville. Teen. We -trest he may
be restored to 'sound health. It will
be remembered Mr. Keyes is one of
Stanley towneheep's boys.
The following is the report of
Varna School for Nov. Dec Those
marked thus (*) were absent for the
Sr. IIV.---dpass 660. Ida Chuter 787,
Bill Austin 5714, Lillian *.
Sr, ITT.—Paas 540. Willie Mc.Ash
659, Elmer Johnston 587, Harvey
Muter*. •
Jr. IH. ---Pass 540. Jeane Reid 590,
•Gor,don I-Iorner 5isr2, Bessie, Ohuter.a.
IL—Pass 509. Ford Johnston 404,
Murvin Johnston 450.
Sr. Pr.. --,Floyd MeAele 828, Roy
Elliott 628*, Donald Keyes '594*.
Jr. Prirner—Helen .5 %
Johnston 71.
Perfect spelling for November,
Jeane Reid, Willie MeAs.h; perfect
.spelling for December—Willie, Mc-
Agh, Elmer nolinston, Bessie Chuter,
Gordon Horner. Best speller for the
term, Willie McAsh.
Ruby I. Taylor, Teacher.
Mr. Walter H. Jahns, B.A.e. of
Victoria College, Toronto, is spend-
ing the holidays at his home.
The officers for the W.M.IS. for
next year are as folloggi ,President,
Mrs. Rev. White; llet vice' `peeetdecifte
Mrs. Chas. Godbolt; 2nd vice • pres.,
Mrs. F. Delbridge; 3rd vice ores.,
Mrs. R. D. Hunter; treasurer, Mrs.
R Brock; corr. sec., Mrs. Rich,
Johns; secretary, Mrs. Wes. Horn;
strangers' sec., Mrs. Ewart Pym; sec.
Christian Ste wa rds hip, Mrs. Harry
Delbridge; assistant, Mrs. jam
Prance; organist, Mrs. NewClark,
assistant, Mrs. Well. Skinner; 'Baby
Band Leader, Mrs, Wes. Johns; Mis-
sion Band Leader, Mrs, Ed. Johns;
assistants, Mrs. Well. Skinner and
Mrs, Will Elford, Temperance, Mrs.
Murch; assisMirt, -Mkt. .5, - erroce;
press sec., Mrs, H, Ford; supPly sec.,
Mrs. Thos. Bell; mite box sec., Mrs,.
H. Hunter; associate helpers' sec.,
Mrs, SeHunter; Miss. Monthly, Mrs.
E. Skinner; assistant, Mrs. Chas.
Johns; Heralds; N. China, Mrs. Geo,
Coward; Japan, Mrs, M. Skinner;
Korea, Mrs. J. Prout; Trinidad, Mrs,
H. Henderson; Canadian Border Cit-
ies, Mrs. Alvin Pym; India, Mrs. a
Miner; Africa, Mrs. B. Cooper;
French Canadian, Mrs. Wm. Skin-
ner; Italians in Canada, Mrs. Herman
Foster; Indians'in Canada, Mrs. Nel-
son Coutes.
elesselwood-Riley. -- A quiet but
pretty wedding look place at 2 o'clock
on Wednesday, December 17th, of
Miss Vera May Riley, youngest
daughter of Mrs. Riley and the late
Charles Riley of Tuckersmith, to
Mr. John F. Hesselwood, eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Iiesselwood of
Hallett, at the manse, Egrnondville,
by the Rev.. Mi. Malcolm. After
the ceremony the haPpy couple re-
turned to the home a the bride's sis-
ter, Mrs, Bert Hoggart, where a
sumptuous wedding supper was serv-
ed. The' bride was very becomingly
dressed in white crepe with corres-
ponding accessories. The bride's
travelling costume was a brown, crepe
dress'black broadcloth coat and a
chic beown hat, brown shoes, gloves
and, stockings to match. A reception
was held at night at the home of the
bride's sister, Mrs. Bert Hoggart, 81h
,concession H,ullett. All reported an
enjoyable evening. The bride was
the, recipient of many beautiftil and
costly presents. - The happy couple
will resid•e on concession 9, lItillett.
Their many frieads join ie wishing
them mapy years of happy and pros-
pereus married life.
The follciwing is the report of U.
S. S. No. 10e.:Korr1s and Mullett, for
She months al November and Decem-
ber. Those maiked with an asterisk
wave absent for bne or more exams.
Sr. Hil.—Gerahl.leeffron 78.7. Jr.
leff.--.Katherine IvIejleonald 75.6. Sr.
Iir—evan Wiegman ',832, Margaret
Heffron! 717.,3, Edna McDonald 73.
Jr, H.—Harry 1:ftyant 712ast, Primer—
Lloyd Elliott, 'good; Isabelle Me-
D,oneld, good. gdna... Mciftpaild, re-
ceived the h5gh6st number of. eters
for spelling during the two Mono's
Edwthe L. Storey, Teacher.
Mr. George Coleman of Seaforth,
visited friends en Stanley Township
on Monday, r
Mr. anci Alf Westlake, Mrs. Thos.
Snowden and Ivers. Frank Hobson of
St, 'novae, • Remit ,Seturday "with
aunt, MI's, Robert Watson of Sea -
Mita Vina Herbert, teacher of S.S.
No. 4, Stanley, returned to Mitchell
to sPend her Christroas holidays.
Mr. Harold Penhale sold a fine
Polled Angus to Mr. 'Fred Rathvvell
of Brucefielde '
Mr. Wel calf of St. Thomas
'spent Trig fieends 00 the
Schneider's PORK SAUSAGE .. .. .. . ...per pound 23c,
`Schneider's BOLOGNA ... . . .. ...,... .. . per pound 18e
'Schneider's COTTAGE ROLLS per pound Mc
3 cakes PALM 'OLLVE SOAP . . .... . . . . . 19c .
10 Cake P: G. SOAP ..t .. . ......... ............................34c
10 Cakes GOLD SOAP ... . . ........., ...... .... ... . .. 39e'
LOAF CHEESE, per p.dund 28c
,Christanas report, S. S. No. 14,
Kenzie 80; Mebel Talbot 70. Jr. IV.
Stanley, Sr, IIV. !! !Margaret Mc- Radios & 'Pianos
—Andrew McKenzie 84; Elmer Hay-
ter 72; Wilmer eones 65; Wesley
Jones 6',3i Mary Aldrich 59; Margaret Special reduced prices for Christ -
Jones 59; Alex. efeBeath 57. Sr. III. Inas. Our overhead is so small
—.Harvey H.ayter 72; Audrey Co- we sell at a large saving.
cheane 66; Aubrey Farquhar 516; Hier- 1 NEW DOMINION PIANO
old Jones IL—George Clifton 73; $530.00 value, for ......5275.00
Kathleen Jones 57, Eric Sw,itzer 41; 1 SHERLOCK - MANNING
Mary Farquhar, absent. Pr.—Donald . Make, new . . .. -1......$275.00
Switzer. Ernie Talbot, ,Mervin "Hay- SOME 6 -TUBE ,RADIOS, were
ter, Kenneth McKenzie. No. on roll
1 5011513.01.014EPTcnV, 5 -TUBE, was$65 do°
24. Ave. attepn.decn.cpee
•Teachei. now . . ...... $90.00
Mr. anel Mrs. Larne Armstrong, We are sole agent for Renfrew
Mr. ,Robt, Armstrong and Miss. Hazel lines of Stoves,, Washers, Cream
Smiley- were visitors. at Stratford on Se,parators and Scales. - •
Wed'nesday of last week. Just try us,out, we can save you
Mr. and Wes, Raskin Keys of Rest 'big money
Windsor are visiting at the 'home of Phone or write=
the former's parents, Mr. a,nd. Mrs.
Nelson Keys, Babylon Line. J E ti-ugi 11 & Sons
,dersiss Iszpeebiti,a,himgertihie: holidays
flidNaeywe a tDuthne- .3•4-6166
home of her parenee Mr. and. Mrs.
Ed. eleener.
Quite a number attended the Christ-
mia eater twit= ent at the Blake
school on Monday night and report a Of Farm Stock and Implements.—
good time. Mr. -Thomas Brown has been instruct -
Mise Annie McTaggart, teacher of ed to sell by public auction on the
Babylon echool, is spending the premises on south half of Lot 1.1, con -
day e at her home at Warton, and Miss cession 6, McKillop, an Tuesday, Jan.
Iiazell Smiley, teacher of Goshen 6, 1981, at 1, o'clock the following:
school, at her home at Hensel!. ' 1 Bey mare 8 years, Queenie; 1 bay
.The following students are home mare years, Doll; roan mare 6 yrs.
for the ,holidays: Stewart Keys of To- Jess; dark brown. driver ten years,
rcin•to University; Mervyn Keys and Minnie; colt 6 months old.,
Allan Keys of Sea:forth Collegiate; Maasey-Harris hinder, Massey -Her -
Edith Merrier BON. Merner and ris- seed' drill, Masseyellarris cultiva-
Gna.ce evyr- linteegGellsegigke: tor, Massey listrris mower, Deering
tire a number of radios are being-fiedeace-eake, Fleury. riding plow; Flee -
installed in this and. the rural ley tvallonle-gieregaget diamofid
dwellers ore enjoying the splendid rows Devereaux wagemirerhaaekeigke
Christmas programs being broadcast 100 bushels of barley, 400 bueffels bf
from the large cities. oats, 4 or 5 tons of hay.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Talbot, Kip- Tering of Sale—Cash, M. J.
pen, spent.' Chresennes with the foem- LYNCH, Proprietor; J. M. Govena
er's fa,tehr, Mr. W. H. Talbot M Bay- lock, Clerk; T. Brown, Auctioneer.
field. Dated at McKillop this 18th day of
Reeve A, P. Keys an.d family spent, Decensber, A..D, 1930.
Christmas with Mee Keys' mother,
Mrs. Ellett Dowson, Goshen Line,
arieo;eL.ell.1e th
nose't:.:re:.Office and rei
DR, F ,
Mies Teresa Delaney of Toronto
and Mise Anna Delaney of Windsor
are spending the holidays with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Delaney,
Miss Elizabeth Murray of Windsor
is spending the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Murray.
Mr. Louis (Maly of Hibbert is
having a radio installed in his home
for Christmas.
Miss Verna Drake of Stratford vis-
ited friends in Staffa Sunday.
We are sorry to` hear that Mr. Pat-
rick Woods Sr. took a paralytic
stroke on Tuesday morning, His
many friends wish him a speedy re-
covery and that he will soon regain
his meal good health.
-.errs. Andrew Keller. of Stratford,
spent a few days with her mother,
eerie .Michael Waish, of McKillop,
who has been very sick with pneu-
An old and highly respected resid-
ent I-Iibbert passed away on Thurs-
day morning of last week in the per-
son of Mr. John Pethick in his 87th
year. The funeral took place on Sun-
day afternoen from his late residence
to Staffa cemetery, which was very
largely attended.
'The sym,peehy of the community is
extended to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ryan
and family of. McKillop in the great
loss they have sustained -when their
house was burned to the ground last
A very ,successful school concert
Was held in Beechwood school on
Thursday night, Dec. 18 undee the
able direction of Miss, Esther Ryan,
the, teacher. The pupils displayed
considerable talent in the dialogues,
dances, songs, etc. After the concert
a generous Santa Claus distributed
many ,gifts to the pupils.
fflack and tan hound. Reward $5,
Apply to R. B. QUANCE, Cromarty.
Phone 14r9. 2
Applications for tenders for 10 cord
of hardwood, 1.5" long, to be delivered
at the Winthrop Church; also tenders
for caretaker Inc the year 193d. Ten-
ders will be received up to Jan. 115,
1931. W. R. SOMERVILLE, Sec.,
Walton P.O. 1
One splendid Shorthorn bull, "herd
sire," Waterloo Sultan, registered.
One jersey cow, milking and due
early in March. One Jersey heifer
rising 2 yrs. Two Durham heifers
-rising 2 years, HAROLo PEN -
HALE, Bayfield. 52.
For .S.S, No. 2, McKillop. Duties
to commence Monday, Jan. 5, 1931.
Applications to close Dec. 291h. State
salary, experience if any, and qualifi-
cations. Apply to' SAM. STOREY,
Jr., Sec.-Treas., Seaforth, R.R. 2.
The good flavored °nese' while they
last, at $1.40. j. E. HUGILL &
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
the Statutes in that behalf that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Ed.murial Stafford, late, of the
TOwnship of McKillop, Gardener,
who died on the lst day. of Nevember,
1930, are required on or before ,the
14th day of Jenuary, 1931, to forward
their claims verified by affidamit, to'
the undersigned Solicitors after which
datethe estate will be distributed, rea
gard only being had to claims of:
which notite :shall then have.been
04,ted 'December 24th, 1930.
Solicitors 'herein.
C. fiOVell'IOCk
McCormick -Deering Agent
See our line of SULKY PLOWS, .
Have on hand for sale good used
Manure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul-
ky Plow, also '2e Ford Seden in
Al shape, and '25aFord Cenipea
For eale—Robt. Bell cutting', box
32 ft. carrier, in first class shape
Set 2000,pound Scales. !!
Lucille Jones. expert operator, in
ell branches of work, will he at Sid.
Pullman's Barber Shop, Sea -forth, on
Friday, 'Dec. 2.6th. For appointment
phone 125.
Mr. Chas, A. H.oevey wishes to an-
nounce he is starting a class for a
limited number of pupils in piano,
organ and theory. 1
Of all kinds, Every` jab guaranteed.
Phone 1075W, Stratford,- H. J.
SHANTZ. 259 Huron st. Rates reas-
onable: Work called for and delivered.
Comfartable living rooms to rent,
Oct. 1st. JOHN BEATTIE, Ser•h•
Main Street.
Butter, per
Eggs, per doz. •28e -36e
Potaitoes,' per bag $1.00
Hogs, per cwt $9.50-$10.00
Daily. Make
$5 1.0
Money Easier.
rwlifh:Wurbeell:potedamrte.---uumpilegunfroirel:nuto, ,staxtliv.
layer or Draftsman. Barn She
A.'dvancernent in few! weeks. Fred
Railroad Fare and Employment
Service. Write at ones ler II-
Cluiloptramtedercialtml Itakittnee'ring &b..1.57, Queen Bt. W., Tonna*
Suite One Hundred
Office and iresidence, Goderich?etreelt,
east of the' United Church. -Corozal
for the ConntY of Huror. ' Telephone
No. :6.. C, MACKAY.—C. MarkalN -
honor gredeate-of Trinity Univers1t74
and gold Medallist of Trinity Itiedleat t \
PC oh yl l seigc7a; n e 7arinetn11 bSeurrgoefonti;e0POlitghtgli.,,i
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER— ye, Ba,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, Univeisity of Toronto' lar.,
Late Aasistent New York 9egon
mic and Auiatelastit" Id'
Eye, ,;..;iilr'GViden aare throat hoe-.
London: England. At Comm,
-ercial Hotel, Seaforth; 3r5 Monday ete
each Month,from .1.1 eel:geed
. •
DK W. C. SPROAT,—Gradiuitt of
Faculty of Medicine, Univeraity -
Western Ontario, London. Measlier
of College 'et Physicians and ' $ift-
geomp.Of Ontid‘lo. Office in rear of •
Aberhart's Drug.- Store, Seaforth.
Phone 90. flours 1.30-4 pen., 7.30-"
9 pene other lhours bv appointment.
t -Dental.
J.A. MUNN Successor to
Dr. R. R. Roie;', graduate` of North*
western. University, Chicago, Ill, 1.4..
centiate (Royal College of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto, Office over 'Silfa
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone
DR. F.- J. ARCHELY, gradua4-
Royal College ;tit Dental "Surge:40a,
Toronto. Officever W. R. Snuttra
egfrfioeceery18, 5Mwa.inreSatiie ee li. Phone*:
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Se. (T-401
0.L.S., Registered Professional Ea-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering 'Institute al
Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont.
D. L. ROSS. Barriei,`; and soiicit:
Not,a.7.,P0.1).ettours 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
and 7 p.mk. Office aboye Philhipat
Drug Store; Blyth, Ont. Phone 6.
Auctioneer foethe County of Huron
Arrangements iian be made frAt.Sehl
Date at The &Mardi NeWs. Oros
moderate and safisfactidn. guaranteed.
Auctione% for the County of. lsraa.
Moderate rates and satisfactio
anteed, Phone 149, PrQgr'lf
(Successors to Jamee Watsoh) '
All kinds of Insurance r(skS" effet,‘,
ed at lowest rates
Trip Mc -KI
Mutual Fire luso itc'e,
PRop.gimy,. 0 N L INSUE:
Officers-4ames ConnollY.: -Wed
ich; Alex. James .Evans,-ReechW
Vice President; D. Feee4eGi4g
Seaforth, Se.-Treasurer,',e'a e
Directors -Min.' RiritigNO. 7.,
forth, Johne)Beehewiesae'Bredheg
James Evarii, Beechwhoil; .IkI.'
Ewen, Clint; rattles Chanolly, God
ericii;: Alex. diroadfoot,'",-;No..-3,- Seal
forth; J.. M.:Eholdice. p 4,-,WaltOn)
Robert Ferree. Hailock;IGeorge MP,
Cartney; No. 3,' Seaforth; Murray.
Gibson, Brucefield.
-Agents—james Wage lytifr
No. 1, E. Hixichle4,'?Seel 'rth'i J. A.1
Murray. r,reflcs7t,:3; Seaforth;
Yeo, Holmesville; larmenth0
Bornholm. Jaines Kerr and Jobs: -
Govenlock, Seaforth, anditcri. Partiear
desirous to effect insurauceAr tram -
act other buiiriess will
attended to by 'applicatioopia. any. 1:4'4-4'
the above named; efetere :Addressed;
to their respectiVerposMffielle
• te'.
CECIL. E"..` De L
The ''Sere'enq,;`Frieeeinian,cDjre
presents a sn19lijng ndio
Ultra AllOdern.SostetYl"'ii.:
„ ,
The blPriliof, a lifetiin, LA
dramatic extilosioill ,DeMlle lavjsk.,.
taciel See 'the mcture that has every-
nesst IDelvlille daring! Detitile' spec,.!:
j Matinee 3 pen.
EveningtLA:15 p. m. Saturi'lay firsthow .
7.1/5 sharp, on accoutit‘Ofi, oft?'
length. i
)viozccTuss. wk.°.
; c)1,1A,.0) c0tmAi-4
, it the
comedy It