HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-12-25, Page 711 HENSALL. 14 r. Thomas Welsh stented up his. sawan'i11 on Monday morning with'a 'full staff"o'f nien. Mr, Welsh hies a big stock of dogs on. bead .and a lot more to be brought in by truck. He expects to be running most of the summer. 'Several' carl'o'ads o'f onion sets are being.sihfp'ped, from this station week- ly by several local firms. ,About 40 men are employed and the work will 'Ittst another two weeks. This is quite an industry at Hensall, giving em- ployment to quiite a number when there is not much e'l'sedoing. .Mrs. M. McNeil of Exeter spent a 'few drays last week visiting friend's in town. Born--II'n 'Hensall; on April 5th, to Mr. and. Mr's. Ray Weber,,a s'on. ? 'h'e Young Pe'ople's Le'ague o'f the ifted' Church held their regular meting on Monday eeening'.,with M'r. Ferrisp,Catatelon ; claa'rge. After the opening exe'rcise's the 'Scripture le's- s'on was read by Jean Fostet fofl''o'w- ed by Mr, C. Bl'awes. Several Violin selections were given by ,Mr. Scott IWe1se, accompanied an the piano by 'Miss Florence Welsh, after which Ian instnftnenital was given by Miss lMliidred Fallick. A very interesting ,topic on "Bro!rwsing among Old JB!ooks,'; was given 'by Mr. T. ,C. Can- 'telon. Mr. ' Arthur Dick s'pen.t the week end in Toronto. . 'Mrs. (Dr.) Collyer and mother, 'Mrs. Talbot, spent the week .end with friends in 'L'ondon. Mr. Roy MieL'aren was in Stratford Friday on business. Mrs. Lorne McNaughton cif Cro- marty visi'te'd at the home of her fa- Itlher, Mr. W. L. :McLaren on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas.: Bbn'fh'ron spent ]Sunday with friiends in Hanover. Mr. and Mas. Jas. Paterson visited .groan's in 'Toronto on Frida . Y The dance held in the "town hall on Friday night under the auspices of the local firemen vitas largely attended. Ett'ehre was indulged in unlit, 12 o'- clock the following being the fist of Winners: Ladies' first prize (leather purse) Miss Audrey Murdock; and prize (bed spread) Mrs. Fred Mann's; consolation prize (teapot) Mrs. Deitz; bmnls first prize (therm'os bottle) Wm. Jarrott;. 2nd prize (flashlight) 1Mr• Chas, Blackwell; consolation prize, 'b'il'l fold) Frank Hagan). The Welfare Youth Club of the Carmel Presbyterian -Church 'held. their regular meeting on Monday ev- ening. After the 'opening exercises rlhe Scripture -lesson was read by Ir- ,ene Hoskins. A reading entitled, 'Mother, Kiss, Me," was given by Muriel Hoskins and papers on "Eg 'ypt," by Mrs. Roy McLaren; "The (Religion of the People of Egypt" by Miss Hannah Murray and "The Life of the People of Egypt," by Mr. Roy 71cLgren, after which the 'meeting closed with the benediction. A very pleasant evening was stpent. by the choir of Carmel Presbyterian THE SEAFORTH NEWS. 'md 'Van in our Western Canada, A TOWN N T PICS+ sb\o kas given by Mr.' T. Rutledge, WE VY :FI Ji ®A S AGO tcconxpaniea by his' sister, fol'l'owed TWENTY^FIVE YEARS ' by a`,duet by Mrs, Varley and Miss Large Consignment. Mr. D.Shanlahan had a busy day on Wedne's'day distributing the various farno imiplements 'which he ' had on, order for number of farmers in this district. It. was (the largest dis'tr'ibu- tion of farm implements that has ,been seen .in Seialfort'h for some time. These implements were manufactured by the Massey-11arris Co., ,for -which Mr. Slharahan'is the local agent, Grace Stone, after which a mouth ,or- gan sel`'ection was given by Mr. Geo, Pearce, accompanied. by .14r. Parker and two of Edgar Guests poems were given by Miss 'Louise 'Drummond. Returned from California. Miss Edith Davidson returned on Monday from a leangthy visit with re- latives in San Francisco, Cal. Injured. Mr, Lorne ,McLennan, wh'o . is em- ployed in the Canada .Furniture Go. •factory, 'tad the Misfortune bo have his hand ,hurt on Friday last. As a result he will be unable to work for a few weeks. Spring, DUBLIN Messrs. Alex• Darling, .James Red- mond and 'Jahn Redmond •atteeeded the funeral of lir. Ganges IReclntond in St. ;Angu'stine on •Wednesd'ay last. The late Mr, iRedmond, who :was an es- teemed resident of West-;'Wtawanos'h, passed away at his ho'me,a con'cess'ion 4, near Dungannon on :Sunday- even- ing after a lingering 'illness, (Deceased was a lifelong re'siden't of that d'is- trict, having been born on the faint on -which he died. He •was one of a family Of eiglht sons and. daughters of the late Mr. and. firs. Bernard Redmond, who Boyne eighty years ago migrated 'roue 'Queen's county, Ireland. Two sisters and ane bro- ther survive: Mrs. M. 'McCourt, who resided with her brother, 'Julia Kearney and John 'Redmond, all of West'\IVa•wanosh, He was ;predeceas- ed 'by four sisters: Mrs. Edward Bro- phy, Mrs. J'o'hn 'Led'dy, Mrs. lVV'm, Leddy, Mrs. John Gibbons, all o•f West Waivarosh, near St, Augustine. The late Mr. Redmond was in his -78th year. Rev. Father Bricklin of Windsor visited his mother,' Mrs. Bricklin, 'w'ho is on the sick list. Mr. John Maloney and sister Min- nie returned to Buffalo after a week's visit at the 'home of their another, Mrs. T. Maloney. The Ladies' 'Guild of St. Mary's 'Church, Dublin, are holding their monthly 'meeting at the home of Mrs. John Moore, Logan, this ;Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clo•ck. All the ladles are invited to a'ttend and all t'he lady friends are all made 'welcome at Mrs. Moore's home. Mr. 'Earl 'Ross was in• .London on Wednesday on business. ,Rev. ,Father McCardie of Kings- bridge was a visitor in the village Inst week. -We are pleased to report that a ntunbe'r of the sick are improving and their friends will be pleased 'to see them able to be around soon. We have had sarne real springlike weather this`'week and the ,ladies are having serious thoughts about staeit- ing housecleaning. Just notice how busy the man of the house gets down town these days. You 'don't see hint hanging around the house much at thistime of the year. Travellers. AUCTI'ON SALE 10f (Brick House and Land in the Village of Egmondville, and 'House- hoid IFurnittlr'e. The 'Executor of the Estate of Al- exander Charlesworth,-- deceased,,,,, -will offer for -'sale by public auction, ,on 'SATUI1'bD1AY, 'tlhe 30th LAB'R]IL, 193+2. at 4.30 pan., on the premises the foI- lowin'g lands situate in the village of Egn ondville, being,'composed, of Vila lage Lott 4, on the 'South Side of East ,l3ayfield Street as laid down on :a fyTap of, said Village made for C. L. VanlEFagmond and registered; also a part of Lot ,10, in the Second Huron Road Concession o'f the Township .of Tu'ekers'nt'ith, in said County of Ha roil, which may be !particularly des- cribed as fo'llow's: Commencing at a point at the Month East ,corner of said 'Lot 4, thence Easterly along ;fllaylfreld ,Street 1, chain, 25 links. Thence Southerly in a line parallel with the Eastern Boundary of said (Lot 4, Two chains, 'Thence 'Westerly in a line parallel with iBaylfield Street •1 ch'a'in, 25 links. Thence along the (Easterly boundary of said Lot 4 to the place of beginning ,containing / of an acre of land more or le'ss, on Which land is erected a comfortable brick dwelling house. Terms of ,Stale: 10% cash at ,the time of -sale, balance within 30 days thereafter. At the same time and place the fol - hawing Chattels will be sold by Pub- lic 'Auction: -3 small •tables, 1 piano, 1 parlour carpet, 1 bedroom suite, .1 bedroom linoleum, 1 bedroom suite (oak), 1 mirror, 1 rocker, •1' lawn- mower, 1 hall rack, -1 writing desk and 'bookcase, a number of books, 4 parlour chairs, 1 wardrobe, 1 dresser, '1 washstand, tl music rack, 1 sewing machine, 2 hat racks, 2 vases, 2 rock- ing chairs, 2 easy chairs (horse hair), 1 hair lounge, 1 parlour table, 1 bed- room matting, 1 side board, 1 dining room table, 4 chairs, 1 arm chair, 1 clo'ek, 1 kitchen range, 1 kitchen rocker, 1 hedge shears, 1 washstand, 2 kitchen cupboards, 1 kitchen table,. 1 step ladder, 1 hand washing n ach- ine, 1 flour bin, 1 box stove and stand, 1 hanging lamp, 1 horsehide robe, quantity of dishes and other articles. Terms of Sale of Chattels: Cash. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale and may be had in the meantime from the undersigned, R- S. FI'AY:S, Executor's Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. The follo'win'g parties were ticketed to distant points this week: 'Harry Krauskppf, o'f• Dublin, to Daysland, Alta.; Mrs. •George :'Stewart, 'Miss Lida 'Stewart, Miss Lou Cudmore, Mr, and Mrs. S. Watson, of Seaforth, to Crystal City, Man.; J. Ducharme, of ;Seafor'th, to Ed'ttionton, Alta. 'Church on Thursday evening, After lite usual choir 13ractlse games and icadtests were 'indulged in. A very in- ° teresting feature of the evening was an address and presentation to Miss IRuby McLaren, bride -elect. Follow- ing is the address which was read Iby Miss Blanche Mustard: "Dear 1Ruby,-ln view of the happy event .which is soon to 'take place in your 'liffe :we, the members of the Carmel Presbyterian Church c'hoar 'wish to take Vhis. opportunity •to delicitate you on that 'event and to ex'p'ress to you our appreciation Of your services as a valued member of the choir. You have Been faithful in at'tendance, and Brave alwrays given fireely of your 'time and talents to the work of the choir; We cann'o't let •t'he occasion pass with- out expressing to you our sincere and hearty wishes for your happiines's and prosperity. 'We wish you to ac - cepa this gift from usand,with it our 'warmest regards and 'heartiest wisdnes for future' bright and happy. 'S•igned. 'orf behalf of the choir. 'Mies :Nadi -ea -en was presentee with several beautiful gifts: of a silver pyrex 'casse'role, a • co', b,natro, Steamer and a rolling pin. The presentation was made by. firs: 1Lloyd 'Hudson Wand to whic'h hiss McLaren tirade a very fitting re- ply, ;.thanking 'the choir for the beauti- ful eauti-fill :, g{i fits. Mr. ,Alen. Minn. has returned home aftei a ,t1Ling several weeks 'with his daugh't r in Bad Axe, Mich, • T!he m'an-y°'frien'd's .of Me. K. Jloynt `r.ae-glad to 'see him .out ' again and at .his duties 'after his recent severe THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1932. Death of Mr. David Aitcheson. IDcath cane very suddenly on ;Fri- day last to one of MdKillop's well known residents in the person of Mt. David A'itcheson. The deceased, who was in his 58th year, had been a resi- dent of McKillop for a number of years, havhtg moved to the farm which he occupied near Harpudhey 'front D'evil's Lake, North Dakota. For about twelve years Mr. Aitche- son has not enjoyed goo-d.'health and only a few weeks ago disposed of his farm with the intention of going west with his -sons, The deceased suffered stroke two weeks ,before the date set for departure, but had recovered sufficiently to be able to go abotit and intended leaving on Tuesday of this week, but on Friday night he pas away. . Football, The football organization meeting held in 'the council chamber on Fri- day evening of last week was well at- tended .and enthusiastic, The Alec- tion of ofaicers resulted as follow;d1 Hon. president, lDr. C. Mackay; hon, vice president, Thos. Stephens and ''Wm. Murdie; president, Geo. A. Sills; lst vice president, John MdDonald; 2nd vice pres., Dr. Hodgins; sec.- treas., ec:treas., W. J. Moffatt; captain, Gordon McDonald; committee, A. F. Cluff, F. Sills, C. Stewart, H. M. Jackson and H. Ghottle, There is every .prospect that Seaforth will again have a cham- pionship winning team. CON4STIANCE. 'air. and Mrs. Tom ,Riley of Clin- ton, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley of the village spent Sunday with `Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoggart. 'Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson mo- tored to .'Brigden on Saturday and spent 'the week end u'IvIe relatives there, Mrs. Stephenson staying for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Coakley mov- ed to Blenheim on 'Saturday as Afr, Coakley has secured a job there. Another old time dance will be held in the Forrester's hall, Friday night of this week so be sure and conte and enjoy yourselves. Mr• Lloyd Moore of Stratford has been spending a few days with his uncle, '\fir: 'William Moore. Mr. and .Mrs. John Ferguson visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ruth on Sun- day last. 31r; William Jowett returned from the hospital on Friday and is improv- ing nicely. Mrs. Stewart is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Lawson. , Mr. 13111 Dale of Toronto is spend- ing his holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jlames Dale. Farewell Presentation. A large number of the fidends and and well wisher of Dr. and Mes. Ferguson, who alter a ten years' res- idence in Hensel], are moving to Georgetown, was held in the opera house in Hensel]: on Tuesday evening. The doctor was presented with ja handsome cabinet of silver, and re- plied feelingly to a nicely worded ad- dress by D. Urquhart, the presenta- tion being made by R. McLaren. Sells Livery. Mr. Stephen Lamb ' .Nets sold his livery 'business to Mr. Thos. Simpson Jr., of McSK•i'ltpo. Mrs. Lou 'Simpslo:n 'returned 'ho5ne to Detroit (Sunday after spending a'. 'Week with relatives' .here. 'She was ,aeco'mpan;ed °'home 'by her mother, Ivies. iRober,t,Bonthrolr, who will visit there for a ,few,weeks. Iliiys'pect'by (Beacom was in town on py8ay inspecting poor local' pu'bl'ic lq'ol. adding bells will soon be ringing Ma in this, vicinity. ;Ret. Mr.- ,Pollpck 'of Whiteclturc'h copied the; pnlpitin Carmel IPreslby- itu, Church on Sunday .' last and de - y ed very; instructive and' inspiring roaaaas at both services. In th-e English Breakfast Tea, our own brand, per pound 43c Chase ,l Sanborn's Tea per pound 43c Lipton's Tea '. per pound 43c Rideau Hall Coffee Red Rose Tea per pound ,..,., 43e Our Special Blend Tea per pound 33c Salado Tea per pound 49c Maxwell House Coffee per Ib 43c per pound • 49c B You save when you buy front F NOTICE Tenders for crushing in the Town- •s'hip of Hibbert; also for hauling gra- vel, either by truck or by teams will be received bythe undersigned up to Monday, May 91ie, Tenders will be Opened at Staffa Towns'h'ip Hall at 3 p,'m. The lowest or any ten -der not necessarily accepted. MIRIS. KIATIHIL'E(E'N FFEEEN;EIY, Township Clerk, Dublin. FOR SALE - For, sale, cheap, square grand piano, radio, kitchen range, burns wood or coal. 'SUISIIIE GOME'NIIJOOK, High Street, 'Seaforth. RED CLOVER SEED A quantity of red clover seed for sale. GORDON 31cGlA,VIIN, Walton, 'Phone 23;1•r123. 17 Auction Sale Ot Farni Stock, Implements and Household Furniture. Sr. Georgee Elliott, auctioneer,r has received instructions from the under- signed to sell by public auction at Lot 20, Con, 1, McKillop, 11 miles east of Seaforth, 00 the Highway, on THURSDAY, APRIL 14th At one o'clock sharp the followiltg: Horses -3 good working horses, 1 driver. Cows. -3 cows, 2 thoroughbred, all in calf; 2 heifers, 2 yrs. old; 2 steers, 1 yr. old; 1 calf 3 months olcl. 'Pigs. -2 sows supposed to be in pig, k1 chunks ahotat. 100 lbs. each. Hens -30 'White Leghorn, last year's .chicks; 30 Barred Rock, last year's chicks. Machinery-1McCorntack 7 ft. bin- der, sheaf carrier and truck; 1 Massey Harris mower, 6 ft. cut; 1 Coleman steel roller, 1 combined Massey har- row seed drill, 12 holes; 1 cultivator, both wide and narrow teeth, 1 man- ure spreader, yi interest turnip soly- er; % interest in wire stretcher; 1 El- mira side hay rake, 1 steel rake, 10 ft.; 1 Chatham fanning mill with bagger and set of sieves; 1 . wagon, wagon box with stock rack attached; 1 shay rack, 1 gravel box, 1 sleigh with bunks and flat rack, grinding stone, 1 cutter, 1 buggy, 1 good robe, 1 plush rug, 1 Dt'Laval cream separator No. 12, 1 root ,pulper, 1 14eft, ladder, 1% sets of double harness, 1 set single 'harness; 1 spade, chains and a num- ber of other articles; a quantity of red clover and timothy 'seed. Household Furniture, -2 oale bed- room sets, mattresses and pillows', 1 couch, 1 walnut sofa, 1- Morris leath- er chair, 3 mahogany rockers, 1 oak rocker, 1 oak hall rack,, 1 oak book case, 1 oak dining room table and 6 chairs, 3 oak parlor tables, 2 rattan chairs,; 1 8 -day clock, 2 Wilton ,rugs, 1 Axminster carpet,' 1 Brussels car- pet, 1 linoleum rug, and runners, and: a number sI ;small rugs, 3 hanging laanps, .1 Coleman gas lamp, a few bracket lamps, 1 gasoline 3 - burner stove, 1 'Moffatt steel range, 1 churn, 3 sets of bedroom clishes, 1 dinner set atad a number of pieces of china and glassware and ,pi'cture's . No reserve' as farm is sold.. Terns -'All sums of $10 and under, 'tn y eedoul- s cash; .clover and timothy th poul- try, cash; over that amount, 6 months credit will be given on approved joint notes; 6% per aimsnn off for cash on. credit amounts. Geo, H. Elliott, Ad'ctioneer; Wm. Devereaux, Proprietor. WINTHROP. A successful euchre and dance was held in the hall last Friday night. The -forepart of the evening was spent in progressive eu'c'hre. Those carrying off the prizes for most . games were: 'Ladies' first prize, Miss Annie Pryce; la -dies' lone hand prize, Mrs. Geo. ,Eaton; mei,'s prize, Mr. Wm. Boyd and lien's lone hand pprise, M'r. Bob 'S'm'ith. After lurch a few hours were spent in dancing. Miss Gladys Small -don of Walton spent the week end with her ,anis, Mrs, .George Eaton. Mr. and Mts. C. Dalton are moving to the farm recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Wes. (Nichols, Don't forget the euchre and dance •, in WinthropithJiall on friday, April '1'5'th, -\Ir. and Mrs. Jack 'Canvpbeld motor- ed to 'Toronto on Saturday. 'Mrs. Sutherland is visiting her daughter in Taroiito, United Church 'Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the '.pulpit arid in the morn- ing a solo was given by Mrs. Clark and Miss Annie Smith rendered .a very pleasing solo at the evening ser- vice. At St. Paul's Anglican 'Church Rev. Mr. Parker had charge of the services and in the evening Mr. T. Rutledge gave a very pleasing Solo. The Young;People of the St, Paul's' ,Anglican Church are busy working on their play, "N'o'body but Nancy," which will be .put on' to the near 'fu ku're. The regular,. meeting of the Young, P'eop'le 'of the St. Paul's 'Astg/i'can •Ohunch was held on Monday •eve r ening. Thec l i'program was in a ge of Mas.Vanley and in the absence of the president, 'the chair was taken by the rector, Rev. Mr. 'Parket. After ' the opening exercises a very m:te'ret- s ng paper was read by M'rs. Pep'p}el on the S.S. work carried oh by Post FOR RENT . Comfortable cottage for rent, cor- ner of William and 'James streets, Sea o '3 -piece rth• 3- iece bath, furnace, hard and soft water, heavy wiring, posses- sion on or arotind May 1st. Apply to Mrs. REG.'RIEIIiD, Phone 163. FARM FOR SALE Choice fifty acres of land in Mc- Killop township; good buildings. Would take house in exchange. Ap- ply to News Office, 17. -LOST. A signet ring in Seaforth; initials "R.lL." minder please leave at The News Office. 15 FOR SALE 18 pigs, six weeks old, extra good lot; also a quantity of red clover seed, Apply to John MoCowau, op- posite Livingston's school, Hallett, 15. 1FOSE LOST about fifteen din hose, A n anise. .t g feet long, betweenRippe!)and Sea - forth on Wednesday morning, Finder please Phone 31, Seaforth, McColl- Frontcnac Gasoline Station. 13 FOR SALE 'Large size circulating cabinet heat- er or furnacette complete with pipes. In A.1. condition, used only a short time. Owner leaving town, Apply A. M. NRI'NIG•IJE, Seaforth, Ont. 17. THE Wawanesa Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Canada's Largest Mutual Insurance Co'y, FIRE, WIND and AUTOMOBILE INS13 RANOE Our Classified Fire Rates on Farm Buildings of First Class Construction are "a- mazingly low. Windstorm Rates will sur- prise you. Special Rates to Farmers for, Auto Insurance For full particulars, con- sult our local agent. J.11.Scott Box 142 Phone 336 SEAFORTH FOR :SALE 1 dark brown colt, 3 years old, bro- ken; 1 large bay colt, 2 years old; also 1 Durham cow, 4 years old, due to freshen Oct. 10th. JINIO. MONT- GOMERY, Phone 234_l!1, Seaforth. 17. WORE WANTED James Simmons, Seaforth R.R. 2, desires work by the day or year. !Phone 6 on 233. 15. GLOVER SEED FOR SALE Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Seed for sale. Phone 40r14, Dnbdi'n, Lot 6, Con. 4, McK llopNIA 5 J.K RAUS'KIOIBF, Dublin, R. -R. 1. 15. FOR 'RENT 50 acres pasture land, Naa lot 19, Con. 2, Hibbert, good pasture, with never failing spring creek. Rent rea- sonable. Apply to P. DIIiLL, Dublin, 15 GR -ASS FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Township of Tucker- smith, good well, windmill and cern- HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, ens water trough. If not sold will 'Girl or lady wanted as housekeeper rent, for farm. No farm. No otuside work, Write to box 127, The Seaforth News, Seaforth. 15. PRDVAT'E SALE The following are offered for pri- vate sale at Lot 19, Con. 13, l'IdKil- I'op, 1% miles east of Lead'bury: 25, pounds of bee foundation, 1 bee smoker, 1 'honey kn'i'fe, 2 slats' ex- tractor, 1 Icon honey tank, 150 empty bee boxes, 50• to 60 hives of 'bees, bee screens; 7 2 -year steers,' weight 350- 900 lbs.; r1 heifer 800 1'bls,; 1 6 -year aid tow in calf; 1 fresh cow and calf, 750 lbs. Yellow B'ldssom sweet clover. GIORD'ON FLOILMtES. POISITION WANTED. As housekeeper or practical nurse Apply to the News Office. 15. WORK WANTED ,By experienced carpenter, new work or repairing. L. LA'PPTE+N- ;BIAICIFI, Ord Street, Seaforth. 17. AUCTION SALE :Of Desirable House and Lot and Go -stents of Same in the Village of Egntondville. The Ad'ministratrix of the Estate of Margaret A. Charlesworth, late of the Village of Egniondville, \Widow, deceased, has instructed George H. Elliott, Anotioneer, to sell by ;public auction on .S'aturd'ay, April .1'6bh,, 193i2, at 2 p.m., sharp, on the premises, the follow+ing desirable property: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying vine in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being con- A. D. SUTHERLAND Insurance, Real Estate, Conveyancing Etc. Phone 152. "ing Angios} Won; Are'. zrlably von the; '1rence. pct lod g Address ^• • yorlr,( STOCK nt ;o motors ',cute C0..t aoO‹ delay. ' ,bscrtl0 13ritlatil lowest .A_gelcY'' ' ` oronitnn r„ Your , 'fin yob.`. whyaa pilthese). sushi S tart) t D . MoCf a your ,' i; with. OMNI r ROy The s: a. e- st vr' guars\ s'o'ap 'to 40e F. D. Ph FOR SALE I expect to have a auanber of young calves for sale during th-e calf seas , Apply to HrARROOILDD PIENIH'/ Bayfield, Phone 5-76, Hensall. otlsan0 S paat't5'uo pl TIMOTHY SEED FOR fou pairreq A quantity of timothy s' ar a;,earp.ur sale, 'Phone 12 on 136, 11q '.pddcgs SHO'LDICE, Seaforth. aacurn.u_aq,; ar ii i? `re.;ef ]3•AIBY CHICKS ilrantn.o.cd at uo ga'itg0 (1 ;o utoo,R faogas ansa in at cad ill -M' sazpel at y s o [r 17 .,zed axL; ,[;araos horns, Barron strain, mated tSt ol4san6, szaq,tuatu a aria 30 r ael39i anros t at „w 0511 U[ i0 l .g Ud `5}ae pauraJ 5,arsnut•e st .7 'aas ' arq'ettn aaann, su $ oa asaad dtretu os asneoa H ' t p ar . Tc�' L e a JO -L(�f 9 's;traa ea uressau 'mat 1fa la sash u1rlan.C• f; SI [lady `i R J.� P j 'From Single 'Comb WhitOtia;eyseS erels from hens w'itlt-'a recoru tri ;ou '265 to 275 eggs; chicks $7.90 -p5pal, til ('Barred Rocks $9.90 'per 100; au e.pe r 100. 'o. 1 ec Giants 0.00 c ] .ua s e p J y � p own eggs properly incubated agallaa •per '100 in. a J'ames'way incubator) ata 'these hens -are real egg pro4-sanr, and alt good healthy hens. .1 '.'J4; have 4 incubators to sell ver( a11; ,rq and being in the Village of Egmoh'd- lIFAIRRY KIIIEiI-Ii JlE, R.E.,frsaaa aqg holm, Ont. Phone 52 r i'3. trO d0, 1101 'lin;;, o ed of Lot nunatber ,Four (4) ou the SEAFORTH MARi(Snq'1 astp p s. Worth side of East ,Front !$(trees in the gutter, per Ib. ,iM' �9 d3t':eM 1 patzzea g h first 1 aA1 'S 1 and a.ra.0 1 nom, lnternatioxta�.�• aaa,w )5la,, -£, Harvester l are, ,t, qt H'OiRSE�,SH'O!E aaAAi '3 GEINERAL .gCKyirofLtrnroQ Now is the tint' to o0ant, a,t; 1 new machinery, re ors all : ,. for the Spring work. (See us for : Fe tz i.Y1.lilt Soil Pulverisers an': :�u0.ti ba,,,ll Cream: ISeparatois`- = d coniplet line of Farm Mach it;tj!' said Village of 'Egnondv lie. On' said lot is erected a one story asphalt shingled covered house with 'class roofing ,conttaining six rooms ane there is also a small shed on the pre- mises. At the same time and place, the 'following chattels will be sold by public •auction: One Victrola, 1 couch,' 1 'cooking stove, 1 gasoline stove and 1 rack, ' er .1 c olio's re. , t 1 table 1 -land oven,, 1 clock,- bedding, wood, fruit; and oth- er articles too nttne'rous to Menition. Terms on ,Pnolperty.=Ten'per cent, of purchase price on, day a .sale, bat - ante within thirty days. Terms oft Chattels, ---Ca' Eggs, per Boz, Potatoes, per bag 11 -logs, per cwt, aradaa Glint gaing0 treua;if sat }said ;o AAlamo t q d S P.FJ ,salpe I ago, 1 7sanbala .amded. �S '44g2n5--- to xa P e 'gaao;'>;ag d''uoa 1s 'ff I3 '6^ 's.',I1 pus 'i1'1 04 ` lg .p le lazeae ''.i.epsa.n.pa.Ak . uo lend -soar Ri,.toivaih 103S, crP-'i\TO'.Uy.`R I �t� Lae..1[a�i `J' 'nes 'n 'a 'a -ark s �At .t.i0 pie 'aft, 1- alll:'6T '9 frsdy ''aep.sattpa,A. uo '[ nelsoai letr'outa ,r rL 11oo g uIr"'I`I'Sel` :e `(wiuga,zt[Eaeol') yalg8nep e 'nutCy aottolme J' 90M1 'AN AI 'Z£ - S'. -s.rng.1do[1•?IL ilio e N .`qty e fou y a'I'z