HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-12-25, Page 5THURSDiAY, DECEMBER 25, 1936 A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL TheSuperiorChain Stores wish to extend their sincerest goon wishes ,for a Happy Christmas,, and mey joy, health and prosperity be yours for the year 1931 and for many years to come. WE SELL TH'E•.BEST FOR LESS Items for Weeks ending December 31, 1930 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE , .. , r; , , r.:. 1 ib, tin 45 c AYLMER CHOICE PEAS, No, 4 Sieve, 2's .. , ., per tin 9 c McLAREN'S QUEEN OLIVES 19 oz. bottle 21 WAGSTAFFE'S ORANGEc M'ARMALA'DIE ,,,,40 oz, jar 29 c WESTON'S CHOCOLATE DESSERT BISCUITS i7 B SCUIer .. 27 c per 1'b.... , !. ,.per tin 17c per pkg. 10c 3 tins 25c Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn, 2's 'Durham Corn Starch Panshine, "Gest for Gleaning" Manyflowers Toilet Soap 4 cakes 25c S:O:S, Steel Wool,3 pads - 14c Princess Soap Flakes largek 23c (and one trial size Free) P g Premium Tea ..... ...,..., ......., .....1 ib, bag 59e with Fancy Vase or Cup & Saucer 'Free Weston's Variety B, Assorted Biscuits per pkg. 29c 'Rideau Plain or Pimento Cheese .. . ... . .. . ..... . . . % Ib, pkg. 17c Chocolate Bats ...........................................6 for 25c Kraft Mayonnaise or Tasty Spread large bottle 23c Libby 's Picnic Asparagus per tin 23c Mincemeat per lbs. 25c Sweet Adeline Molasses per tin 10c Fancy Quality Asparagus, large size, 2's .1) CZ tin 23c LilyBrand' Chicken Swet Apple Cider Hat per tin 21c Pp Cider, 15c Gal. Beaumert Cheese, plain, pimentoe Licorice Allsorts % lb. 17c Sage, .Savory, Thyme, Poultry Dressing :ger pkg. lee Cake Candies, Trimettes, Sugar Stand.. er pkg. 10c Silver Cachous n p g per pkg. lOc Hallow; Dates Honey, Pure Clover Singapore Sliced Pineapple 50c lb. pkg. 30c 2 lbs. 21c 44 lb. 45c 2 tins 25c Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, Cluster Raisins, Glace Cherries, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peet, Figs, Currants, Candied Pineapple, Olives and a good assortment of 'Christmas Candies. Jolly Mixed and Satin Mixed Candy .., 2 lbs.' for 25c Chocolates, Creams, etc ............... ........... per pound 19c Fresh Roasted Peanuts 2 lbs. for 25c Fresh Mixed Nuts ....... .,.. ....................... :per pound 20c Christmas Crackers for Table Decorations, etc. per box..........._35c SATURDAY ONLY Silver bright fresh frozen Salmon, half or whole fish . , . , , .Ib, 14c Cured Filletts of Haddie Ib, 15c Ross J. Sproat Miss i. Pryce Rhone Phone 77 Christmas Greetings We wish our Many Patrons A Merry Christinas Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,ont, C. A. BARBER, • Vile J Walker -& Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or. Horse Equipment ' W. J, WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished.-- Night or day phone 67. Chas. A. Lowe . TEACHER OF PIAiNO ORGAN AND THEORY Phone 327-J. Centre St. Moving About t Irene's social welfare work re- quired frequent moves from city to city, Not much time to make friends. Too busy to write letters. She _found` the tclep'hone to be a very real help, and her habit of calling 'home from wherever she ' was made her 'feel that she was 'never far away when there was a telephone at hand. 0, H. Melones chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases- of all kinds success- fully treated,. Electricity used. BORN: RUISISSELL-lin Peoria, Ill., on Sun- day, Dec. 21st, 1930, to Mr, and Mrs, J. B. Russell, a daughter .CBar- bars Burn). STAFFA. Mr. Hartley Brown of London is holidaying ,vith his gcaiid,parents,`Mr. and Mrs. R. Barbour. Mr. Clarence Norris of Toronto Un- iversity is spending th-e holidays with his parents.- Miss Olive Lambkin of Whalen vis- ited, with the Misses Edith and Sylvia Tiffin recently. Mr, Harvey Gray of Toronto is vis- iting. with his .parents,- Mr. and Mrs, Max Gray, Mr, Fraser Oliver ofHanrilton Un- iversity, is holidaying at his home. Misses Marjory and Margaret Hay visited with Miss Mabel Mc'Don'ald recently. - The Christmas •entertainment which was held on Tuesday evening was well given. Santa .Claus was present mid many gifts were distributed, The Young 'Peoples Society presented Rev. Mr. Stewart with a purse in ap- preciation of his good work among them. Want and For. Sale Ads, 3 times 50c TOWN TOPICS, - AIrs. Roibert Winter is spending Christmas with her daughter in Tor- onto. Miss Ethel McKay and Mr. Ronald McKay of Toronto are holiday visit- ors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKay, Mr, Frank Cudmore, who has -been sick at his home here for the' past week, is recovering nicely. Mr. Carl Aiberi art of Toronto is spending the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aberhart, Miss. Gretta 'Ross. of Weston and Mrs. Grace Ross of Clinton are hol- iday guests' with Dr. and Mrs, R. R. Ross,.. I$l l Miss Evelyn Cudnnore of Toronto is a Christmas guest with her par - ems, Mr. end Mrs. William Cudmore. Mrs. R :McNeil of Clinton and Mr. Murray 'S,avauge of Toronto, are Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. F. S. 'Savauge. ;Miss Gertrude Crich and Dr. Aub- rey Crush of Toronto and Mr. Fred Crich of Goderich are Christmas guests, of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich. Mrs. Adam Dickson is spending the winter in Fredonia,. N. Y. The Misses Lat"erty of Stratford are spending Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. W. j, Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. M. 'tcKellar and family are spending 'Christmas With Mr. and. Mr,s, John Carter Sr. Miss Irene Wankel of London and Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Carnochan of Tuckersmith are spending Christmas With Mr. and Mrs, A. Wankel. Rev. and Mrs. \\r, P. Lane and Helen are spending Chrisbmas•in To- ronto. Mr. W. C. Barber of London is spending Christmas with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, C, K. Barber, - Miss' Lillian Wankel of Toronto ar- rived Tuesday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. A. Wankel. Mr; Basil Duncan of Toronto Uni- versity is sp-ending the holidays. with his parents, Mr. and-M-'rs, W, J. Duncan. :Hiss Cecilia Horan of Sudbury and Mr, and. Mrs. Grattan Flannigan and son of Stratford are Christmas guests with Mrs. John Horan. Messrs, Vannes Gillespie and Thom- as Gillespie of Toronto motored up Wednesday .to spend Christmas with their parents, Mr, and _firs., Neil Gill- espie. Mr.. George Daly of the - Ontario College of Art, Toronto, is spending Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McClelland of Toronto, Miss Mary Hays, of Toron- to, and Mr. and Mrs, .Hector Hays and baby of Stratford, are Christmas guests with Col. and Mrs. R. S. Hays. Miss Jessie.Gillespie of Elkhart, In- t d ammo is visiting her brother, oth er, Air. Neil Gillespie. Miss Mona Stilts .of -L'ond'on will spend' the week end with her parents, Mr. end Mrs, Frank Silis. Dr. Brenton Kerr of Buffalo, and Mr. Leslie Kerr of Toronto are spend- ing the holidays with their parents, ,lir. and Mrs. James Kerr. Mr, A. R. G. Ahnent of Toronto is spending Christmas with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Ament, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. CHRISTMAS Tsai. IX. v, 6 --"Unto us a child is here, unto tis a son is ,given." rilOSDAY we once more wish one an- all our friends,, one Guest be abse other -a Happy Christmas, but why if, 'se rejoice, as this day's epistle do we do so? ,\Why should this sea- us but without any thought of sons be more joyful than any other? joicing "in the Lord"; then alas! The words of the text give the ams- is no true Christmas rejoicing, wer, Unto us has been born the Sat,- have no share of the joy of this iour'which is Christ the Lord. Let son. We cannot understand it, us then with the wise ;men, and the have no part or share in it. Shepherds who watched their flocks But for those who know the h by' night, go and worship the, Saviour. ness of keeping in ,a thankful s Whither then .are we to go to find the birthday of their Saviour,, Mtn Where did they go? - They those, whose happy gatherings 'went, you remember, not to the pal- bright home fire -sides ate warmed ane of a king; not to any house of a alone by bite glow of earthly l` Pilate, or of a Herod. but to a small for those whose hearts are full village, and' there hi the manger of a day of a deep sense of a mighty stable the 'IS'on of God" is 'born. vrs�tion which has been wrought It was in this way that `We who than,—for such how differently co la's in the beginning with God and happy Christmastide. who was God"; who created all '.there may be. a vacant chair in things, took upon Him our flesh and dear circle which tells them they h dwelt -among 'us. This lowly begin- had to grieve since they last met ning was• a fit preparation for One gethere there may be sickness in who was from the' first despised and. once cheerful hone, and pain rejected.of men, a Man of Sorrows weakness where last year were he and acquainted with grief, But we and strength; there relay be pov must not for a moment forget, as we and anxious care where once hh gaze upon that lowly manger, that was''e'nough and to spare; still Chr Ile who lies 'there is• the King, of max ,joy will find room to enter Glory, the Everlasting God,' God of and many who in no other way, God, begotten of His Father before .this .day be able to rejoice in all. the worlds; very God of very God . Lord." that the infant lying there so helpless •-All other sources of joy. must f and feeble is the aright and Morning And when they fail what a blank Star, the Infant of Days, • left behiird! But true Christmas jo "Without controversy, great is the joy in Christ—can never fail, for i mystery of Godliness." He who was, founded one One who' .changes n and is; in His divine nature incompre- but who is the "same yesterday, hensi:ble,-was in His human nature day, and for ever." He has made born of the Virgin. He who fulfils all tabernacle with men; He is truly E -things, was cradled in a manger; He matinel, God with us. who is infinite in His perfection, One And now, let ree ask, what d with the Father, one Whom all de- Crhis'tmastide mean to you? pend, grew in wisdom, and in stature, each one of us ask ourselves: W and in favor with God and mien. He does this season mean to me? It was lying m the.manger and yet he e. time of rejoicing, of handshake held the worlds in His ,grasp. of family .gatherings, bet why is )He .who - was the Word, was born. that ..all, this takes place? There is an Infant, speechless, He whom the great- danger of forgetting what mal Heaven of Heavens could not con- 'Ch'ristmas a season of rejoicing, tain, was carried on the bosom of the eaiithly side of 'that Festival o one woman. It is a great mystery is'looked at, it would be a poor ti indeed, which . our limited mind can indeed, _ because to thousiands hard' r hardly as brings grasp. b e n o joys. What family ami' J - y Bath His ways are not our ways, and are ing can there be where Joseph is n past finding out. So let us believe, and Simeon is not. and wonder, and worship and re- - 'No, we, must look farther than th joice. With what awe and • n le we must wonder r u..t look into the manger the chant of the heavenly host must Bethlehem and 'see there God's g have broken upon the ears of the to mankind on that first C'hristn Shepherds of Bethlehem. They knew morn, and thea we shall be able its meaning. They could understand understand why Christians rejoice the "glory" and the "peace" and the this season. Int is the light shreami Miss Dorothy Kerslake and Air. `"good -will" for the. Angel had just front' that manger which . Makes . th Donald Kerslake of Toronto arrive on told thein His glad tidings: "Unito festival so bright, it is because Jes l ednesday to spend Christmas with . their parents, Air. and Mrs. W. E, You is born this• clay in the city of is bone of our bone, and flesh of o Kerslake. David a Saviour, which is Christ the flesh, and so knows and feels for . Mr. Davis Moore of Tot•o,nto is Lord"; and it was this message that the ills that -flesh is"heir to, that spending the holidays with his par- brought down the strains of heaven are glad and rejoice. eats, Mn and Mrs, Isaac Moore. to thrill the ears of men. It . twas (Without Christ what would th Mr. and Mrs, Russell Robertsons Mrs, Wm. Johnston and her son, Mr this that filled heaven with joy. It joy- be. The pleass•nt hone of la \William Johnston, of Luc'know, are was for this the angelic host gave year may be broken up, the mer spending Chris,ttnas with Mr, and "glory to God in the highest" faces of Last year may no more gat Mrs. George D. Haigh. We read in Job that when the form- er round the hearth, the songof la Miss E'l'eanor Burrows of Toronto Miss Kathleen Burrows and Mr. Ar- dations of the earth were laid, the Christmas may be changed to a no thur Burrowsof London, i o d olt Dr. Herveyr A morning stars sang together, and all of mourning, and the loved faces Burrows of. St. Catherinea are•holiday the son of ,mei shouted for joy. And last year may this be lying benea visitors with parents, Dr. and here is the new creation. A new age the white snow. What then remail Mns. F. ' Va.. 'Robert" Willis oi-f`" Tori,;11�0, i —a"new l'ici't for they vrjcL .tit ogtt „for us, Well wii9 it be for 'us if spending the holidays with his "' ' -"is. 1, par ,,f -•St"'"a new heaven ,and a new can look ll`.•he manger of Bethlehe M•i- and Mrs, W. G. Willis.erearth. Shall not the morning stars' and find confers t" cut g ;a jte dso9 Mr. Gibson n, is sof Western Uni- once ;more sing together? Shall not of God lying ' versdty, London, is spending the heli- within it. Tieu,tells y days at his 'home here. the sons of men once more shoat for that if earthly homes are broken u Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Ferguson and joy He has prepared a place for Doris are spending Christmas in To- you, ronto. Are our hearts then tuned to sing. home eternal in the heavens; He tell Mr. Ordan McCormack who has with that angelic 'host? If it were not you that if families separate on earth been seriously ill in Toronto; has re for sin, and worldliness, and deadness, God's people are united; that if ea•rthl covered sufficiently to leave the hos they would surely rejoice at that glor- joys fade away, there are pleasures a petal' ious message of peace and joy. If it God's right hand for evermore. 1Lr. I': W. Jackson of .1Lerricleville and Miss Mary Jackson of Merlin are were not for these, which put as it t fear we too often look forward t holidaying with their parents, Mr. and were, their deadening finger upon Christmas jays without Christ, an Mrs, L. C, Jackson, our heartstrings, how our hearts when we do so, is it not much th His many friends will be pleased .to would thrill and trem'b'le, and ring out sante as in was when know that Mr, inns. l with sin is re- with music, to hear the angels' won- room for there was n covering alter being ill with shingles. g n Hini in the inn, We are - s Miss Mildked Turnbull and Mr, ,drous message, to echo the exultant taken up and occupied with othe Arnold Turnbull of Toronto are chorus on every Christmas morning, things that ave findmola Christmas visitors with their' mother, It was not same new blessing ben- in our joy. place Chris Airs. s T. Turmbue tow -ed on the angels themselves that Let us then kneel ' Miss Anna Sutherland of Torontom fancy to -day is spending Christmas with her par- prompted their rejoicing; but it. was before that Holy Manger and take eats, Mr, and Mrs, A. D. Sutherland, "for us men, and our salvation," that, front it some of those rich gems it Mr. John Murray of Donaldson, as" on this morning, the Holy Babe contains for us; 'In' it ties that Jesus, Minn., and,the Misses Murray of Ex- lay, in the manger at Bethlehem. It the Ex- eter, were visitors' at the home of Vers. long expected Messiah of the G. T. Turnbull last week, turas our welfare—our deliverance— Jews. In it we niay also see the Misses Isabel and Elizabehh Murdie our mercies—which, filled the very great Love of God the r Fath er o of Lucknow are spending a few days.heavens with songs of praise, sent His Son to take our flesh and with their sister, Mrs. M. White. Miss Hattie Dalton of Torohto is We ail talk of a happy Christmas. dwell among us. In it we may ,also spending a few days' holidays this We all think of it and speak of it as see the great love of the Sou in con - week With her mother, Mrs. R, J, ;a happy time. It is the world's fa-, descending to take our nature and Da1toni, shion to do so. We wish each other suffer for us. Conrad and Mrs, i R. heistCrevford. and Joy at this blessed ad are spending Christmas with � c season. And to' And if we really believe that God Mrs. Crawsford's mother, Alis. D. many a'home it fs a Indy joyous seta- has so loved us, it moist beget in us Ross, at Dresden, son with its gladsome gathering of: love for Him who has done all finds Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Kearcher ofthe scatters family Chiselburs!t spent Sunday at the home .. d y circle, with its For tis, and the world will then be able of Mrs. R, J. Dalton. bright memories and its ' innocent to say without a sneer, "see how these Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Murray of De- mirth., But is this all? Is Christmas; Christians love one another." trout are spending their holidays •with a glad and happy season to us in no shall_ then in the f We future ucre and pray their parentis, Mr, .and Mrs: P. H. Mc- abhor way .than this? If not then we more for others, even as Jesus carne Grath: have not found yet the true Christmas. not to do His own will, butthe u ins Elva ,Jefferson of Windsor andwill. .Mr. Norman Jefferson 'of Toronto' Un- Joy' of aim who sena Him ivershty, are spending the holidays True Christmas joy must be 'o 10 And .with their parents, Mr. and J y howb all unkindly feelings B. ,i�efferson, Mrs, W. Christ—joy ' in the glorious news should be banished at such a season, Mri and Mrs, Chas. Wright of M•e which this dray ;tells us; joy in the how all hands should be joined all Killop are Christmas_'Dai west b'frthday df a `'Saviour; which is injuries foegiven, • J J $nen, all cruel words aiid Mrs. M, White. - g s °f. Christ the Lord." If our joy sprins. deeds' atoned -f Misses-Miargarct McGrath Sfor. C hr st itan, without Mary McGrath G ata of Bi -ant- not from this; if this' heightens not its, Perfect love is to a Christian, ' IcGrath of Toronto and Let the In a nation Evelyn McGrath of ,D gladness, and brightens not its light, cry and a sin .Detroit -are spend- g Incarnation, ing their •holidays with 'their parents, if mid all our pleasures, and tnid illi the fact that Jesus took our flesh upon Mr. and Mrs. P. H. McGrath. our mantic; there be no thought of Hite, teach us to sanctify' our bodies. Mu and MPS. F. E. Murray of De- hlim who came to shed a glory on all If tempted to do evil ,with our, Ilan. trout are Christmas visitors with the the bright things of. the world, and to: let nus chock ourselves. ds, letter's parents; Mr. and Mrs,r:Rolan+d v s with the Kennedy. shine with a ca+ini radiance oe all its t thought that Jesus' hands wereyinailed woes,—if mid all our gatherings iandi,to the tree for the sins of m n. Iifi et,— bids t, -bids re - ours We sea We appi- pirit —for or -not lov e,- this sal - for mes the ave to - the and alth erty ere ist- in; will the ail, is t is ot, to - His tn- oes Let hat is itg, it a. ces If my me it er- ot, i5 at itt las to nt iyg is u5 ur all eve is st ry h S1t te. of th IS we em red a s h, y O d e 0 0 Christ FIAVE' YOU BEEN. 114 YET? Big Fire, _OF— Bots Rubbers PLENTY OF BARGAINS LEFT — GET YOUR SHARE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE e OPPOSITE REXA'LSL DRUG, S` O-R'E` ' we .offend with the` tongue, let us re- mentber the tongue of Him who pray- ed for Itis enemies, . If we think evil M others in our secret heart, let us think of the heart of Jesus which was broken for us, and so repent. Thus are we to follow the leading of .the Child; we are to set our gaze firmly upon -Him and take Him as our .guide always. Then-our.religion will be what it should be, net the do- ing some one great thing. not the.. making of grand professions which we do not keep,,but a quiet. gentle, humyle, loving life, the life of our Saviour, and the life of those who are followers of _Godwas dear children." And now that we have worshipped the Child Jesus, let us pray that He may -lead and guide as always through the coming year. through dark days and bright; let us ask Him to lead us in gentleness, let us ask.Him do teach us and lead us in the love wherewith He loved and so be our guide unto death, and so enable us to see Him face to face, not in the manger, but on the throne around which we may dwell for evermore TOWN TOPICS Miss Marion Scarlett of Cedarvale School. Georgetown, arrived Wednes- day of this week to spend' the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Scarlett. Miss Grace Kerr of Port Burwell is spending the holidays at her home. MISS Gladys Shillinglau-ef Toronto' is spending :the holidays with her pa rents, lir, and Mrs. T. G. Shitlinglaw Dr., and Mrs. F. Harburn ar spending Christmas with '.[r. and Mrs, Herald Lawrence and lir, and \Irs, Irw'iil Trew•artha, Winthrop. Rev. and Mrs. I. B. Koine are spending Christmas with the former'' parents, Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Kaine. Miss C. Fletcher of Durham i spending the Christmas season w•itl Mir, and. Mrs. F. W. Wigg. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie and two sons are spending Christmas with Mrs. Rennie's mother, Mrs, 'Wm Dougall, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Palin, Miss Sarah Brown and Miss Alice Brown are Christmas guests With lir, arid. Mrs. Joseph Granmett, 'Dr. and -Airs. Crouch and family of Toronto were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Mellen for the week -end. Miss Besse Grieve of Chatham is spending the holidays with her par - ens . par- ents, Mr. and Mr Thos. os. Grieve. Miss Jean Cteff of Woodstock is spending the holidays with her par- ents. Mr, and Mrs. A. re. Cliff. Mr. George Holgate of Kirkton is a holiday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Webster. After the new year Mr. Holgate will go to the nt Institute, Guelph. w rwq 4Hoag of HagersviU,Ina'• itr tt, -., c rfh hi age rs spending the hohdaj : y„ par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hoag. Miss Margaret McMillan of 0.A.C.. Guelph, is spending the Christmas holidays with her father, Mr. Thos. \lc\iiltan, MiP. Misses Ida and Era Love of Toron- to are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr, olid Airs. Joh0 Love. \'trs, David Ross leaves on Satur- day to spend the winter with her dau- ghter, Mrs. Pauli, in Stratford. Services on Christmas Day iii Si. Thomas' Anglican Church will be held at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m, .hiss Perna Graves bit on -Saturday to spend the holidays visiting • her sis- ter in Detroit, Misses' Mildred Johnstone of Wau bausheue, and Thelma Johnstone of Elgin are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Johnstone. lir. Jack Front of Queen's Univer- sity, Kingston, is spending the holi- day season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Frost. •Mises Mary Hays of Toronto is spending the week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Adana Hays, Mr. L. E. Webster of 'Windsor is spending the holidays with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, John Webster. Messrs. George and Donald Aber hart of London and lir. Ira Za!vitz of London, are visiting at the home of Air. and Aire Geo, Aberahrt for Ciiristntas, Mr. Chas, Eaaans, lir. Edward Evans and Miss Mino, of Hamilton, are spending the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, Harry Evans. Air. and Mrs. Jas. 'Fairserviee, of London, are spending Christmas Day at the home of Mrs. L. Melville, 1, • TOWN TOPICS Miss .Gentrude W- eb- s- ter of. Toronto, Mr, Bart Webster of Si. Joseph, and 'iiss Jean SVeb.ter of Stratford Nor- mal School are holiday Visitors with their - parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lek. Webster. • Dr, and Mrs. Glanfield of Wallace town are spending,,,Christmas with the latter's father, Mr, \Win.-Elcoat, Mrs, J. R. Ilabkirk, Miss. Jessie - Flea and Mary and Air. Arnold' Imab- kirk are spending the Christmas holi- day in Toronto. Mr. Edward Rankin of Fort Erie is spending the holidays with his Inotlaier Mrs, J. J. Hugg-ard: Dr, Wm. A. Greig of Toronto'is speedily, Christmas- with his' parents, Mr. and Mrs, J.' C. Greig. Mrs, E. McIntosh, -John se, left Wednesday to speed Cttrist-mas with her son hi Toronto. Miss Marjorie Bickel'' of Toronto is a holiday visitor with her parents, lir and Mrs. \\', J. Bickel'. •.-• Mr.Jahn Fergus:i of Stree.,ville and Miss :Margaret rrerguson;of Strat- ford Normal, are visiting their par- etrt,, Mr. and Mrs. 'm. Ferguson. 'Miss Era Fee of S. dbtt '-spend- ing the lioliday with h a qtr •; and Mrs. W . G. \V. i•eeee Dr. and ;firs. Armstrong of Mitchel were visitors at the home of Mr, and \lr- A D Armstrong on Sunday. iErs. Adam Kline, N. Main s'., is very poorly. 'Mr. Elroy Brownlee, Toronto, is a holiday visitor at his hone: A subscriber writing front Alberta this week says they have been having beautiful weather there ever since the 15th of October; very mild and no S 110 W. 1 .Ir. '1''mPollard \ of \Wo adviile, is a holiday visitor et the home f his o h parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Pollard. Misses Jean Alexander of Henson, • and Margeret " Alexander of New e Hamburg, • n and .lira. Shannon of Lon- ' don are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr; and Mrs. Hugh Alexander, . MMr..and .Mrs. Chas. Adam are vis--.' s ;ting in Toront• ,. Mr, 'Jack• i iithlf1eyr w•ho has been taking a special course for 3 months at Queen's University, Kingston. is spending the holidays -with his in t'aer Mrs, J. D. Hinchley. He will return after the holidays to Brantford Col- ' legiate staff, fresu which he had leave of absence, Mr, and \ors. Henry Hoggarth and Miss Ethel 3IeDougall, Detroit, are spending Christmas to Clinton with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Atkinson, . Miss Dorothy Hutchison of St. Ca- therines is spending the holidays with - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hutchison. - i fisc .Annie Brodie Bi, dry of Arkoua is a holiday visitor at her home. Mr. George Hutchison of London and lfr. and lies, Lorne Hutchison and Peter of Toron t o are Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. 'F•.D. Hutchison, Air, and 'Mrs. Wesley Hearn of Saslaatchettan are spending a ;ninth nes r', o itgfli fEi jt- levee; I .. „ V Zap satr r [es Wednesday 3..dso,H TElto r P A4 Ito to spend Christmas with Mr• and nazi -(gen zea Mrs. R: in Toronto. sa Ya ezt Mr. W. H, Little of Port Dov lt[2uep a oat' , Cw 4 .Id uEoi(jl spending the holidays with his fedi! puE 5111 o , 1 ao,tiarninZ 's r'- i T thi� h Z -e. Miss Kehoe is spending the hoe - days with relatives in Goderich. 'Mr. George Israel is reopening his tailoring business, antL will -be'adibcat'' eel over the Denh'i'uicha Bank. -Iisses Isabel and Jessie Archibald, of Toronto, are spending Christnva+s with their parents, Mr, turd AMrs;\,:Vi's R. Archibald. lir. Will H. Govenlock of Chica� was a visitor for two days this week with his father, Mr. J. R, Govenlocic, and left for Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. Clayton' Martin of Engleha'nt, is a holiday- visitor in town. One Seaforth lady received this week from distant place, two turkeys,: two geese and a chicken for Christ- man. One of the turkeys carne from the far West, This seems to be'an annual affair as last year she was the recipient of two turkeys, a goose and. two chickens, Miss Jenet Govettlock, Weston, is a holiday visitor at her home, Mr. John Sproat left this week t' Christmas in. Detroit, lir. and Alns. Sang Hanna r spending Christmas at Woe SILO 9 With Mr. and 'urs, C, Weber. \ir, W. Brine of Toronto Wednesday to spend Chris"`d his sisters, the Misses Brinsatpa7 ars Air. and Mrs. R. Strad ,cg 5011 Mr. 91 titin Steph Stephenson of Stante• at the home of 'r rl,;,rooeaS Ip n herslia+ke pn .Saturyale•s r velli~ arE3\,fit-'xpsattpaA�AEr() aco r f i1ooS, iqT _•iI;04%6' S' Aa T.40.0/, 4 '3liGl Gones£'6 tt , ,J -tit •sell pus UO eE g Incl 1I Hare 1'eft • 'e Mr. Aaulnet Little, M•r, and Mrs, F. J. Kerslake -.i'i spending Christmas in Goderich llr, and Mrs. D. I Hjll.: bee Miss 31auS Ino 'do T `cote Y.ouE17 , y,. do11u Io71 nI -Nly ii ' 'ItiIIEi S Gladys IVT c Phe t. e of .B 1 • enll . spendingheli days . .l the Ito l tda s vv'. � ents,' Mr: and Y Ph her to Mrs. M. McPhee. I: Miss Miss Hazel Elcoat of Toron spending the holidays with`hse Mr..Wna. Elcoalt anii< Jean Elcoat. ese—