HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-12-25, Page 1,1!1 sa,ici Tull stoc to to I Ibeiii ly. Ga°uici around the Christmas tree, Eyer green have its branches -been; It is icing of all the woodland scene. For Christ our King was born today, His reign shall never pass away; Hosanna, Hosanna, in the highest. eaforth mac 445 an plo th to. IES, VOL. 52, No. 52 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THU':SDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1930: M e s et rF, dAS MIXTURE stmas Special �13'OCOLATES ........ ...40c Ib. ,e ted Creams land Ohdcolates ... Assorted Chocolates and Caramels Special 'Christmas Mixture �fFFancy ,dhri„stmas Packages 15c lb, 25c lb 15c lb 60c lb. and up lympia Special assorted Ib. box 25c each "See Our Window Displays" The Olympia Con etionery and Restaurant A )Merry r : Christmas and Prosperous and Happy New .Year is Our Wish to You je . C Hulchisen Phone Phor Phood el 166 s ' OLD TIMER CHURCH CARD. North Side United Chump. -Pastor, Rev, W. P. Lane. B.A. Sunday, December 28%11; Services at the usual hours. !Wishing all our friends a Merry Christmas and a- Very , Happy New Year. Rev; and Mrs. W. P. Lane. ;... ENGAGEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Reilly, St, Columban, announce the engagement of their. daughter, May. Elizabeth, to Mr.Vincent Eustache McMahon of can of Mr. Andrew J. McMahon, The•marriage to take place at Yale, Mich., January 10:th. TERM EXAMINATIONS. Seaforth Collegiate Institute The results of the December exam- inations just completed in the Sea - forth Collegiate Institute are as fol- lows. Ln Group A, or Lower School, the names are in order of merit, and an average of 75% is required to' ob- tain honors. The subject or subjects in brackets after a .name indicate a fiaalure in that subject or subjects, Group B includes Middle and Upper School forms. These are not in order of merit. The standing is by individual subjects as follows:- I-75% ollows:I--75% and over. `II -,e66% to "74%. MIT -60% to 65%. C-50% to 59%. F --Failure. Group A. Form IA. -Highest Pupil -A. Gold- ing 84%. A Golding, Hon.; I. Betties," Hon.; G. Kreuter, Hon., F. Whitmore, Hon.; A. Keys, Hon.; B. Aberhart, Hon.; A. Devereaux; R. Hawkins; I.. Jamieson LaB, Hawkins; E. Henderson IL Hay (Br. Hist.); J, Hothant (Latin); M; Leyburne CGeog.); M. Finnigan (Latin); D, Stewart' (Bot„ Latin); V. Clarke (Art, Bot.); M. Hudson (Bot., Lat.); W. Whitmore QBot., Lat.); M. Broradfoot QI$ist., Bot); V. Anderson (Geog., Alg., Bot) • W. Forrest (Comp., Hist„ Alg., Bot:, Lat.); L .!dirt (Not ranked, absent for part of exams). Form IB -Highest Pupil -B, Drov- er 82%. 13. Drover, Hon.; S. Plant, Hon.; T. Sills, Hon.; D. Stewart; P. Southgate; H. McLean; H. Rolph; Margaret Case (Hist.); M. Cudmore (Geog.); J. Wallace (Lit.); M. Wal- lace (Hist.); H. Tomlinson (Hist.); V, Townsend (Hist.); I. Strong (Bot., Lat.);( C. Lane (Lit., Hist.); R. Mc - Nab (Hist., Lat.); 11 Shannon (Bot., Lat.); • M. Duffy (Hist.. Let); V. SECOND ANNUAL. NEW TIMER OLD YEAR NEW YEAR aY"' Cardno'.s Opera Hall, Seaforth New Year's Eve dne&Iay, December 31 1930 CIRCASSIAN ,CIRCLE 9 O'CLOCK -MUSIC BY- Culligan's Eight Piece Orchestra Y'EA;12 FROLIC 12 O'CLOCK WITH MIS'S 1931 FANCY DANCING, ETC. 'MISSION ; ONE DOLLAR A bbUPLE - Extra lady 50c, Spectators' 'Gallery 25c All Proceeds in Aid of t!he'. Seaforth Agricultural Society MAIZAGQN+G C9M1vDITTEE Gordon McGavin, Robert Archibald jr ,H. ,Campbell jr., D. .McIntosh S. BROADFOOT, Pres. A. D. SUTHERLAND, Sec,-Treas. Uirq ,._ 24, L. The, tr , Achildi And give g. Mole (Bat,-Lat,); D. Patrick (Lit., Bot., Lat.)'; Mary Case (Lit., • Iiist„ Lat.); M. Thompson (five failures);, R. •Townsend (five . failures).; G, Kruse (five failures). 'Form DI.-iHighest Pupil.'" W. Savauge 92%. _ W. Savauge, Hon.; J. Scott,- Hon:; A. Devereaux, Han.; B. Rice; Hon.; H. Sheffer, Hon.;, I. McTavish, Hon,; J. Watson, Hon.; G. Coleman, Hon J. Smith E. Leyburne; N. Patrick; J. Murray; E. Nott; H. Hiilen; B Eckert; M. Smith; • M. Irvine; H. Britton; B. Southgate; L. Joynt; R. O'Connor DLit.); C. Coleman ('Zool.)• F. O'Leary (French); E. Broadfoot ('Latin); E. Ferguson; (Lat., Fr.); G, Anderson °Gram., Geom.); F, Butson QPhgsiog„ French); A. Broad - foot (Physiog., Arith.); E. Storey QPhysiog.; Geom.); A. O'Leary (Lit., Geom.); J. Stevens (Lat. Fr, Geotn.); W. Cudinore QArith., Geom., Fr.); W. Little (Geom., Lat., Fr.); It: Beattie (Arith., Geom.; Lat.); R. Rennie (Gram, Arith.. Lat.) M, Finkbeiner (Lit.. Lat., Fr.); G., Perdue QLit,;. Arith.. Lat.); H. Kennedy (Physiog., Lat., Tr.); 1:2.. McCartney (4 sub- jects); G. Mason (4 failures); J Wright (4 failures); B. Forrest (4 failures); C. Hothain (5 failures); F. Webster (5 failures); C. Eckert (1 failures); E. Rennie (7 failures); M. Little (7 failures). Group B, Form IIIIL-Passed on all subjects: E. Drover -Comp. 3, lit. C, Can, hist. 1, geom. 1, Lat. 1, Fr. 1, phys.2,, A. Eckert -Comp. C, lit. 3, Can. hist. 1, geom. 1; lat. 1, Fr. 1, phys. 2. A. Edmunds-JComp: ,C, .lit. 3, alg. C, geom. 2, phys. 2, chem. C. M; Forrest -Comp.- C; Iit. C, Can. Hist, 3, geom. 3, phys. C, Lat. 3, Fr. 2.. hL !%ling :Camp, C, lit. , C, .Can. hist. I, geom. 2, phys. 1, Fr, 3. W. ftruse-Comp. 2,lit. 3, Cana hist. 3, geom, 2, phys. , Lat. 2, Fr. 1. 13. Malcolm -Comp. 3, lit, 2, Can, hist, 2, geom. 1, phys. Z,' Lat, C, Fr. 1. R. 1MgLean-Comp, 3, lit. C, Can. hist. 2, ,geom, C, phys: 1, Lat. 1,.Pr. 2. C. O'Leary, -Comp. 2, lit. 2, Can. hist. C, geom. C, phys, 1, lat. 2, Fr. 1. M. Reid -Comp 2, lit. C Can, hist. 1, geom 1, phys. 1, Lat, 1,Fr, 1. M. Thompson -Comp. C, lit. C, Can, hist, 3, phys. 1, Lat. 1, Fr. 1, geom, 2. Webster, K. -Comp.: C, lit, C, Can. hist. 2, geoni, 1, phys. 1, Lat. 1, Fr. 1, Failed on one subject: i{. Broadfoot-Comp. 1, lit. C. Can. hist, F, geoin. C, phys. C, Lat. C, Fr. C, Gemmell, J. -Comp, C;' lit.. C, Can.: hist, C geom, F., phys 3, Lat, C, Fr,L M. 3Iaigh Comp C lit, C, Can, hist, 1, geom. F, pyhi. C, Lat. 1, Fr. 2. R. Hugill-Comp. C, lit. 3, Can, hist. 3, •geom. C, phys. F., Lat. 3, Fr. 3 ;McLachlan, J.-Coinp, C, lit, F, Can. hist, 2, geom. C, phys. 3, Lat. 1 Fr. 2, D'O. Sills -Comp C, lit. C, Anc Hist. 3, alg, C, geom Lat. F„ Fr, 3 Failed on two Subjects: A. Calder -Comp. C, lit, F, .Can hist. 3, geom. F, phys. 2, Fr. C. F. Dundas -Comp, C, lit. F, .Can. hist. C, geom. F, phys. C, Fr. LII. G. Free -Comp. C, lit. F, Can, hist. 3, geom. F, phys. C, Lat. C, Fr. C. J. Frost -Comp, F, lit. C, Can, hist. 3, geom. C, phys. C, Lat, C. Fr. C. J. Murray -Comp, C, lit. C, Can. hist. 1, geom. F, phys. 2, Lat, F, Fr. C. R. Nott -Comp. F, lit. 3, Can. hist. 1, Anc, hist. 7, alg. 1, chem. 1. E. Ralph -Coup, F, lit. F, . Can, hist. 2, geom. 1, phys. I, Fr. C. K. Rutledge -Comp, 3, lit, C, Can. hist. C„ geom. F, phys. 3,. Lat. F, Fr. C. H; Sclater --Comp, 3, lit. C, Can, hist. 7, geom. F, phys. 3, Fr. C. H. Somerville -Comp, C. lit. F, Can. hist. C, geom. F, phys, C, Lat. C, Fr. 3. Tailed on three subjects: D. Adams-+Oomp: 3, lit. F, Can. et, F, geom, 7, phys. C. E, Chapman --Comp., 3, lit. C, Can. st. F, geom, F, phys. F, Lat. C, Fr, hi hi Failed on Four Subjects: .Fiailed on Five or More Subjectso The following' take some first and second form subjects along with third mar F, Can. hist. F, addl. C, phys, F. C. Fergason-Comp. 17, lit. F, gram - Mac 0, Can. hist C, L g dom. 3, bo- tany C, S, McSpa•ddens-Ca p. C; lit. Can.phys.1. hist, 3, first forinlabg. 1, geom B. Dorranea-Abse:it for exami tions. i1)OI7.1M LV 'Passedton all subje utih Barber -Comp. .2, lit. 1, A hist, C, alg. 3, phys. ychem 2, Lat. C, Fr, A., 2, Fr, Comp, 3. E. Evans -Comp, 31 lit. 1, U.S. 2, chem. 1, bot.1, zoo] 1, L'at,A. r.A 1, Fr, Coni; 1; J. Habkirk Comp: 3, lit. a hist. C, chem. 1, bot, 4, zool. 1. G. Hays -Comp, 3,?`dit. 3, alg. chem. 1, LA., C, L.CsC, Fr. A. 1, Comp. C. j? V. Nolan -,-Comp lit 1, elg, chem 1, Lat:C 2,F 1, Fr.C. C. K. Stewart -Corn; lit.. 1, an_ hist. 1, alg, 2, phys 1t'chem. 1, Lat.A 2; Lat. comp. C, Fr.Af 1, Fr. Comp, A. Wallace-Conrp,".3, lit, 1; phy 1, chem, .1, bot, 1, zoo', 1, Lat. A. . Fr. A 1 •Fr.Comp, 1. D. Wilson-Contp.:2, lit. 1, an hist, 1, alg. 2, chem. 1, Lat.A. 2, La Comp. 2, Fr.A. 1, Fr. ' Comp. 1, )!'ailed on One Subject: G; Butson -Comp. C, lit. C, ane hist. C, alg. 1, phys, C, chem. C, La A. C, Lat., Comp. F, Fr.A, 2, Fr.C. 2 I. Devereaux -Comp 3. lit, 1, alg 3, phys. 1, chem. 3, :Lat.A. 2, La Comp F, Fr.A. 1, Fr; Comp, C. D. Driscoll. -Comp.} 3, lit. 3, alg. _, A geom C,phys. 1, oheln. C, Lat. A. 3, Lat,CF, Fr.A, 1, Fr. Comp. 3. C, School chem. C. . 1, I. O'Leary -Lit. 3, alg. F. geom. F, Lat;A, 7, LatComp. C. Fr.A, 2, Fr.C. ria F, Middle School chem. 1. 'G. Burke --Comp, 3, lit. 5, mod. his. cts: F,'geom. ><, chem. C, M.S. alg. C. nc G. Rennie --'Lit. 7,F.A. 2, Fr.C. C, .A. _ MS. Mg. 1, M.'S. geom. 2, .S..phys. 1. alg. A. Sillery-Phys. F, chem. F, Lat. 1, A..F, Lat. Comp. F, Fr. A. 2, Fr.C, F. C. Trott-.Geom. F trig. C, arith; 1. nc Absent on account of sickness, N. Ha'bkirk, A. Siemon. , 2, !Detailed reports for each form have. E. :er:Noe.rilk.HF1„)., hist. C, alg. I, .chem. at., FrA. C, Two Subjects: • phys. 2, chem. 7, Lat.A. C, Lat, cam McLean -Comp. C, C, phy 1, chem. I, Lat.A. C, Lat. Comp. Failed in three subjects or nier: hist. C, geom. 1, Lat, A. r, Lat. comp hist. F, alg. C, geom. F, chem. 1. geom. F, phys. 2, chem. 2, Lat, Auth. FO:RIA V. -Passed in ten Upper School Subjects: . geom. C, trig. 3, phys. C, chem. C, Lat. A. C, Lat, Comp. C, FLA, C, Fr. Comp. 3. Passed on nine papers: geom. 3, trig. 1, chem. 1, Fr. A. 1, Fr. Passed in Eight: Passed in seven: comp. 1. Passed in five. Comp. 1, Middle School chem. 1. Fr.A. 2, Fr. Comp, 3, Middle School Fr.C. F, Middle School chem. 3. Passed in less than five: Aberhart-IMod. 'hist. F, F, Finlayson -Lit. C, Comp. F. mod. hist. F, alg. F, geom. C, Lat. A. 2, Middle School chem. 3. Middle School chem. 1, 1, 1, 1, at, 1, r. The Egmondville Sunday School held their Christmas tree on Friday night. The school room was suitably decorated with evergreen, which gave the. place a delightful Christmas odor. Enjoyable -numbers were given by each ,of the classes. A. tableau repre seating. the birth of ChriSt, and the visit of the Shepherds and wise men which was presented by the senior girls, was especially, good. Other numbers worthy of mention were: a lion" hunt in Africa by unior boys; a snowflake and Christmas fairy exer- cise 1.1y fwenty-five junior girls and a number by the CG.I.T. girls. But for the children „the crowning mom- ent came when Santa Claus entered, The attendance this year was the largest it has been for some time. Mr. Alex. Addison and Mr. Leon- ard- Boyce of 1,Vestern University !London, are spending their Christmas holidays at the homes of their parents. The Chri.tmas concert on Friday night at S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith, was a grand success; besides drills, dia- logues, pantomimes, music and reci- eations, a cantata was put on by the boys and girls under the leadership of Mr, Sam Rennie of Hensall. For the past month Mr. Rennie has given , an hour music lessons at six of the n eigh boring schools. On Monday eyening the school . room of the church was crowded to hear the Christmas progarm, which was one of the best that has been gi- . Stanley, assisted in the prpgrain with their cantata, Mr. Rennie of Hen- . att.!" trained the boys and'girls in the singing of it. A free will offering was given which amounted to about sev- enty dollare. 'White gifts were given to be sent to ptleVII qtreet United Church to be distributed among the (Rev,) P,rentizer, alio has been with her ootorin in Flint, return- ed to her hon e ltere .ti Monday. The following tenclie,, are horne for their vacation: all,. E. McDon- ald, of Goderich. i -s• M. Pepper, of Walkerton; Miss V. Pepper, Clinton don. Mr, Lanes Norris and Miss Anna Haugh of Medical College, Toronto, ahroemess.Pend4ng Chrie4inps at their Miss Erma 13roadfoot and Mr. Ell- wood Stackhouse, of 0,A.C., Guelph, are home for the holidays. Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. Bremner return- ed borne this week after spending a few weeks with friends in Flint, Mr. !Hugh McGregor of Detroit visited at the home of his father last waMekr's. W. Stevens is -spending her Christmas holidays at the Nome of her daug•hter, Mrs. Eisley of Mount F°Mrels'sst. Edna Bremner, nurse -in -train- ing in Scott Memorial Hospital, spent Sunday at her home in the village. Mr. Frank Dempsey who had been visiting friends in Kinkora, has re- turned home. Miss Elizabeth Murray from Wind- sor is, spending her Christmas vaca- tion with her parems, Mr. and Mrs. John Murray. CARD PARTY AND DANCE ST. PATRICK'S HALL Dublin, .Tueidny,, Dec, 30 Phone 84 Moiling gnu tflr Eurr FRED S. SAVAUGE jeweller and Optometrist A Full Line of New Year's Cards for Your Selection Miss Mary Ellen Dempsey is spend- ing her Chriginas holida'ys with her father, Mr. Frank Dempsey. Mr. C. Leonbardi had a successful auction sale last Tuesday- under the hammer of Mr. F. Ahrens Miss Helen Delaney, our teacher, entertained the pupas with a Christ- mas Tree concert and closing exer- cises, which was a real treat for the The Christmas decoration by Jack Frost on Wednesda.Y morning looked beautiful with the frosted landscape, and if the.old proverb comes true 1931 will be a productive year, which will gladden the hearts of many in the hour of depression. Rev. J. M. Eckert of Hawthirn, 14. Y., is spending his hOlidays with his many friends in the vicinity. TUCKERSMITH. Mrs. Norris Sillery and little dau- ghter left for the West Monday last. .Messrs. Russell Wallace and Elliott Walter have just completed digging a well on the premises of Mr. Arthur Nicholson, Mill Road. Mr. Russell Wallace "witched" for the well and was very successful in striking a .plendici spring, the well being almost full of water ever since. Miss Margaret McLean is not im- proving as quickly as her many friends would like. Mr. Geo. McCartney is at preseio suffering from a slight operation. Mr, John McIntosh of Toronto Un- iversity is spending the Christmas ho- lidays under the parental roof. Mr. Bob McNaughton of London is at present visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John McNaughton. Miss Marguerite Black of Hamilton is spending her vacation with her pa- rents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Black. Miss Laura McMilgan of Carlisle is heave for the Christanas vacation. Miss Louise Allan of Hamilton is visiting- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. as, Allan. Miss Beatty of Toronto is vacation- ing under the parental roof. Mr. 13111 Lane of London is home fnr the Christmas vacation The following is the t'ehool report months of November and December: Jr, IV. -Edna Macdonald 77%, Gavin Gemmel' 70%, Harold Rice 68%, Jelan Macdonald 67%, Harold Ches- ney 60%. Sr. Wallace 85%, Arthur Leyburne 72%, Dorothy Gemmel] 71%, Ethel Chesney' 68%, Robent Patrick 60%. Sr. IL -Grace Wallace 76%. Jr. IL-Wa.rden Hall- ey 79%, Arnold Archibald 67%. I. - John Oldifield 76%, Hazel McNa.tigh- ton 73%, Gordon Macdonald 72%. Pr, -Shirley Oldlfield, Donald Wallace, Pearson Chesney, Claire Haney, John Patrick. Number 011 roll, 21, Aver- age attendance, November -49; De - Alice M. Archibald, Teacher. The following are the results of the Christmas examinations of S.S. No. 2, Tuckersmith. An asterisk before a name indicates one or more examine- tidns missed. V. Class. -Eula Mac- Gregor 77%, June Smith 76, Beatrice Dayman 71. Jr, IV. -Gladys Mc- Kenzie 82, *Norma lievenor 68, Ruth Watson 5a, Bruce MacGregor 51 Sr. III, -"Doreen Cooper 52. Jr. TIL --Theda Watson 77, Edna Mae Day - man 70, Olive Smith 67, 13ernard Sandford 53, Mona Smith 48., Si, II. --Dorothy Dietz. 78, .t.thor Field 70, Edison McLean' 66, Mildred Dietz 59. Jr. II. - Kathleen . MacGregor • bert Field end Blanche Watson, 73 (equal), Grace Schilbe ..70, Ray Coop- er 65. Sr. Primer -Marjorie Smith, Gwen4olyn Cooper, Kathleen Schilbe. Jr. Primer - Esther Dayman, Billie SProat. Best spellers in each class for November and December: Jr. IV. - Gladys 'McKenzie. I Jr. III. -Edna Dayrnan. Sr. H. -Dorothy Dietz and Grace Schilbe. Best speller in school tor November and December -Gladys McKenzie and Grace Schilbe (equal). Numb.: on. roll, 31; average attend- ance 210.6. Jean E. McKentle, Teacier. The following is the report of S. S. No. 9, Tuckersrnith, for the morith of Honours 75%; Pass 60%. Sr. IV. -Irene Mackay 76.12%, Anna Love 73.12%, Jack Consitt 72.75%, Jean Irvine 70.25%, Mae Chesney 66.5%, Lorne Hay 61.12%. Russell Hodgert 60,12%. Jr. IV. -Billy Dalrymple 44%. Sr. IIL-Robert McLachlan 73%. Jr, IIL-Aldimer Gemmell 69%, sewart Love 67% Glen Houston 66% Kate Dalrynaple 48%. Second Class -Jack Mackay 70%, Billy Powell 67%, Willie Hodgert 55%. First Class -Helen liOlzera,M1We,'-zV.. Primer -Frances Elgie, Doris Sian- Xumber on roll, '20; average atten- dance. 19. Highest marks acquired in: His'ory Gemmel!, 98. Arithmetic -R. Hodgert, 88. Grammar- A. Love, 85. Highest percentage for term; Girls, A. Love: Boys, jack Macicay and R. The best record for spelling during term: Jack Mackay. Perfect attendance for 1930: Robell McLachlan, Aldimer G'enamell, Willie Margaret E. Grieve, Teacher. Summary of experzditure on roads for year 19301 Road supt's salary $ 686.60 Road supt:s expenses, phon- lag, stationery, postage , 27,00 New scrapers 39.00 Repairs to machinery, and plank and timber around crusher and bins 428.68 Gas and oil for Tractor for season 334.61 Dragging M General New Culverts and Sewers 354," and tile, labor and meter - Bridge repair material and Breaking snOw roads ..... 18.25 Ditches, cleaning, tile, and putting in tile 323,92 Brushing, weed -cutting on' • roads, General . 87425 Mon eys spent for gravel laid and spread on road from different pits-, Fotheringh am Pit : .. 1686.54 onstruction- Aic;:ctuiii.,ceand, xzGsmiaielelnooredro, elehrr rptPpji .... ............ ....... ,i1461:671680:710:.60:311:00.110.vror, Hibbert Town Line. cortstrti',----„, ' don and weed cutting 1. a Balanee of 1929 accou t, 9'P kik by Iiibbert CC-m:14AM