The Seaforth News, 1930-12-18, Page 5THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1930.
am The Superior Chain Staresiwish to extend their' sincerest good
wishes fora Happy Christmas, and inlay joy, health and ,prosperity be
yours for the year 1931 and for many years to come,
• Iiems for Weeks ending December 51, 11930
MAXWELL" HOUSE COFFEE 1 lb. till 45 c
AYLMER CHOICE PEAS, No. 4 Sieve, 2's .... . per tin 9 c
MOLAREN''S' QUEEN OLIVES 19 oz, bottle 21 c
WiA'GSTAFFE'S ORANGE M'ARM'ALA•DIE , , ..40 oz, jar 29 c
. per lib•
Aylmer Golden Bantaiin Corn, 2's per tin 17c "
Durham Corn Starch per pkg. 10c
Ranshine, "'Best -for Cleaning" ...13 tins 25c
Manyflowers Toilet Soap 4 cakes 25c
'S,O;S. Steel Wool .. 3 pads 14c
Princess Soap Flakes large ,pkg. 23c
(and one trial size Free)
Premium Tea .. . , . ...... .1 '1b. bag' 59c
with Fancy Vase or Cup & Saucer Free "
Weston's Variety B, Assorted Biscuits per pkg. 29c
'Rideau Plain or Pimento Cheese r/z" lb. pkg. 1.7c
Chocolate Bars 6 for 25c
Kraft Mayonnaise or Tasty Spread large bottle 23c
.I.ibby's Picnic Asparagus per tin 23c
Mincemeat i 2 lbs. 25c
Sweet Adeline Molasses per tin lOc
Fancy Quality Asparagus, large size, 2's per tin 23c
Lily Brand Chicken Haddie
Sweet Apple Cider, quart 15c • Gal per tin 50c21c
Beawnert Cheese, plain; pinien:toe % 16, pkg. 30c
Licorice Allsorts 34 lb,. 17c
Sage,Savory, Thyme, Poultry Dressing ,,.peri pkg. 10c
'Cake Candies, Trimettes, Sugar Sand per pkg. 10c
Silver Cachous per pkg. 10c
Hahowi Dates 2 lbs. 21c
Honey, Pure Clover 436 lb. 45c
Singapore Sliced Pineapple 2 tins 25c
Shelled Walnuts and Almonds,- Cluster Raisins, Glace Cherries,
Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel, Figs, Currants, Candied Pineapple,
Olives and a good assortment of Christmas Candies.
Jolly Mixed and Satin Mixed Candy . 2 lbs. for 25c
Chocolates, Creams, etc per pound 19c
Fresh Roasted Peanuts_ 2 lbs, for 25c
Fresh Mixed Nuts . per pound 20c
Christmas Crackers for Table Decorations, etc. per box 35c
Silver bright fresh frozen Salmon, }calf or whole fish Ib. 14c
Cured Filletts of Haddie ib. .15c
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
Miss N. Pryce Phone 77
Cream Cream I
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full,
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing. .
No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont,
W, J, Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Howey
Phone 327-J.,. Centre St.
An old and highly respected resid-
ent of Hiblbert passed away on
Thursday evening of last week i n the
person of. Mr. John Pebhick in his
87th year. The funeral took place on
Sunday afternoon from 'h'is late
residence to Staffs` cemetery which
was very largely attended.
D, H. Mclnnes
Of Wingham, will he at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
' fully treated.
Electricity used.
The snow has nearly all disappear-
ed so that thecars are running again
nearly day and night.
The children of school No. 8 are.
kept busy preparing for their concert
in the school under the leadership of
Miss Delaney ort the 19th inst.
Mrs. John Eggert spent a' few days
last week- with her daughter, Mrs.
Ohanlie Regele. We are sorry to say
that Mrs. Eggert s• eyesight is fail-
ing her.
Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Doerr and lit-
tle daughter took a motor trip to
Gadshill on Sunday last,
'Cutting firewood is the order of
the day at the ,present time and gives
good exercise. -
lMr. Wm. and Julius Deorr and
Henry Eggert of Gadshill are 'assist-
ing Mr, J. Deorr in cutting firewood
in the slwamp.
,Wanted—a Voice
The excitement of the first day
away' at school had died away by
nightfall and 'Peggy, young and
hone -loving, felt overwhelmingly
homesick. But tears and hours of
lonesomeness were averted 'bya tno-
ther's thoughlefu'11ess—she called 'Peg-
gy by Long Distance and brought
back the smiles. Now it's a weekly
Mrs, R. E. Coates left on Friday
morning to spend Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. G F. Coates at Have-
lock, and will then proceed to Mon-
treal for the winter months,
!Mr, J. Liggett of Torhnto visited
his cousins,. Mrs. R. Scarlett and Mrs.
J. R. Scott this week.
Mr; and Mrs. J. Elgin McKinley of
Stanley were week end guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Cole-
man, Little .Miss Myrtle McKinley
remained for •a few days'' visits`
Mr. Henry Fowler of London spent
the week-endwith his brother and
sister, Mr. Ebner Fowler and - Miss
Florence Fowler,
Mr, Allan Bethune of Vancouver is
visiting his sister, Miss Jessie Beth-
Miss'D'arbthy Robinson hos been
able to leave the hospital and is stay-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale.
Mrs, C. Either of Zurich left on
Wednesday after spending a few days
the guest. of firs. H. M. Chesney, of
Mr. and Mrs: H. Weber of Wood-
ham were Sunday visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. Samuel Hanna,
Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Talbot and
fancily of Stanley Tp. were relent
visitors with Mrs. W. L. Keys.
Mrs. Con; Murphy and son, of God-
er',ch; Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mc'Nab,
Kitchener, were guests Sunday -of
Mrs, C. McNab.
Mrs. Annie Reid speilt Thursday
with her sister, Mrs. John MeAsh,
Mrs, Free Sr, and Miss Aln'sa Free
R.N., of Dungannon, were visitors' in
town Saturday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Brett, of Shelbourne,
spent Sunday the guests of Mr. John
R. Govenlock- and daughter, Miss
Mr. Hugh Wright of Detroit is
visiting at his home,
Mrs. Kenchen who has been spend-
ing some time with relatives in Ha-
milton is visiting her daughter, Mrs,
W. H. Golding.
Mr. George _Jackson has returned
after a visit to Montreal and Toronto.
Mr. Bert Cluff was in Toronto for
several days last week.
Miss Margaret Jackson, Egmond-
ville. is 'confined to her room through
Mr. and Mrs. James Allen and Mr.
and Mrs. David McLean were Strat-
ford visitors Wednesday.
The Mission Band of Northside
United Church had a very successful
thankoffering , meeting on Friday ev-
erting, Dec. 12th, in the Sunday
School room. Parents and friends
joined the young people and enjoyed
the program presented by members
of the Mission Band. A chorus,
"Hurry Mr. Clock." by the ,Band was
the opening number, followed by a
reading by Lois MoGavin, piano solo
by Ruth Cluff. A play entitled, "The.
Three Wishes," was presented, the
members taking part being, Mary
Johnston, Helen Crich, Labelle Haw-
kins, Clete Dickson, May Hodgson,
Alice Hudson, Donna Mole, Helen
Chamberlain. Dorothy Golding, Zetta
Dunlop, Fern Dunlop, Helen Edier,
Mary Woods, Viola Montgomery,
Helen Cheoros, Lois MoGavin, Gene-
vieve Hawkins. A pleasant feature of
the evening was the presentation of a
Band Life Membership to Dorothy
Golding, donated by
Miss Maude
Rev, 1\', P. Lane making
the presentation. The Brand is in-
debted to Miss Ferguson for her gen-
erous gift. A .piano solo by Helen
Crich was followed by a second play
"The Girl Who Fell Through the
Earth." The first scene was in a Can-
adian home with Mildred Cudmore
and Mary Holmes playing the parts
of • Sally and Nancy. The second
scene depicted life in a Chinese home
with Grace Kreuter as the grand-
mother, Mow Faw Din,, Dorothy
Golding; the relatives played by
Helen Crich, Ruth Cliff, Alice Hud-
son, Labelle Hawkins, Lois Mc -
Gavin, Clete Dickson, The part of
the missionary who brought the light
of the gospel to this Chinese family
was playdd by Helen Ralph. The
closing chorus "Hear the Bells," by
the Band and prayer by Rev. W. P.
Lane brought this .profitable and en-
joyable program to a close. The
Band leaders are grateful to all who
helped oiake this program a success.
Bethel S. 'S. ere holding their an-
nual •Christmas tree• on Friday even-
ing, Dec. ;19.
Mr, and Mrs. George Leon'hardt
and Irene called on 'Mr, and Mrs.
Ed. C. IRegele Sunday evening,
Mr. David IIlolmes is under the doc
,toe's care at present, We hope .for a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Leeming and
son Ross and 1Mr, and Mrs. Joseph.
Thornton and !Messrs faith and Peter
and Mrs. Lizzie Robinson were visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Joseph +Holmes on
Thursday evening.
Mr, John Holden and Mr. Jimmie
Johnson were visiting ;Mr. and Mrs,
Peter'Hignell on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Edw. Regele and
daughter Shirley were visiting •lir,
and Mrs. Wm Hoegy on Saturday,
Miss Hazel 'Williams, who has been
quite ill for over two weeks, is very
much improved.
!Little Miss Audrey Ballantyne is
visiting at Mr, Wes. Horne's,
,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elford and fa-
mily visited at -Melbourne last Sun-
Mrs. Chas, Johns has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. S. Whaley in St.
'The Sunday School' is holding a
Christmas Concert next Tuesday
night. '
Next Sunday we will hold our
Christmas service. We will also have
a reception service when we !expect
that several more, will join. Sunday
school' will meet with the rest at 10,30
a, m.
Theprayer meetings are _being held
in the church. each Wednesday night
commencing .last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones of Mien -
salt, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones of
•ROW LI•F,FE.—Tan Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Tuesday, Dec, 16th,
19'30, to Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Row-
cliffe, of Hensall, a daughter.
S.S. No, 13.—The following is. the
report of the Roxboro school: Pearl
Coleman 80, Elizabeth Howes' 61,
Francis. Coleman 70, Robert Ritchie
70, Walter McMillan 71, Gladys'
Broome 80, ,Rosamond Appleby 86,,
Mildred Aitcheson 83, Spencer
Broome 718, Miss S. Richihond, Tea-
(The regular monthly' meeting of
the W,M.iS. was held: in• the school
room of the church 'Wednesday ; af-
ternoon with fifteen ladies present.
In the absence of our president, Mrs.
Frank 'Aikenhead presided and tbok
cblarge o•f the devotional exercises
and election of officers.
IFollo'wing are the officers elected
for the year 11931. Honorary presi-
dents, Mrs, J. McQueen and Miss
McCully; president, Mrs. W. A,
Bremner; lst vice president, .Mrs.
Neil 'MdGregor; 2nd vice pres., 'Mrs,
Jas, Thompson; 3rd vice pres., Mrs.
F, iAikenhead,• recording secretary,
Miss Bowey; dor, sec„ Mrs. Ross-
ossScott; treasurer, Mrs. C. 'Brock;
Christian S. & F, secretary, Mrs. 12,-
P. Watson; expensefundtreas., Mrs.
A. 3fcQueeti; Strangers' sec., Mrs.
A. T. Scott; supply sec Miss Helen
Tough; literature sec., Mrs. J. Wat-
son; associate helpers' sec„ Mrs: T.
B. Baird; Missionary Monthly "sec.,
Mrs, O. Tough; .temperance sec„
Mrs. !C. H, Haugh; press sec„ Mrs.
J. Addison; assistant press sec„ Miss'
Munro; 'organist, Mrs. L. Forrest;'
assistant organist, Mrs. W. Stevens.
Mrs. J. Addison, leader of :group No.
10, then took the chair. After singing
2 verses of hymn 169. the devotional
leaflet, '4Give Us This Day Our Daily
Bread," was read by Mrs, A. T.
Scott and all repeated the Lord's
prayer in unison. The topic sons ta-
ken from •the study book on Japan,
"The Japanese People, their social
life and social problems," was given
by the following ladies, Miss Bowey,
Mrs, Haugh, Mrs. H. Aikenhead and
Mrs. Addison. The temperance talk
was given by Miss Munro. Hymn
374 was sung and Mrs. Addison clos-
ed the meeting with prayer.
The Young People's Society of the
United Church held their meeting 00
Wednesday evening, Dec.. 10th, at 8
o'clock. The meeting opened with
the president in the ,chair. Hymn 225
was sung and Rev. Mr. Poulter led
inr er. The Scripture lesson was
read by Ruby Taylr, Romans 12.
The missionary topic was given by
\Margaret Johnston on "Our Work in
Cities of Canada Mr. Poulter took
charge of the election of officers:
Honorary president, Rev, E. A.
Poulter; president, Rachel Johnston;
1st vice, Muriel Rathwell; 2nd
vice pres., Margaret Johnston;. 3rd
vice pres., Charlie Pilgrim; 4th vice
pres., ' Mabel McClinrhey; secretary,
Violet McClymont assistant sec.,
.Cassie Johnston; treas., Ed. Diehl;
organist, Jean Foster; assistant org-
anist, Blanche Taylor. It was moved
that. Misses Bertha Diehl and Ruby
Taylor co-operate with the president.
'The average attendancendance for the year
was 13. The meeting closed with the
W:1VLS.—The' annual meeting of
the Women's Missionary Society was
held in Varna United Church at 2.30
p.m,, Dec. 4, 1930. The following of-
ficers were elected for the ensuing
year: President, &Ilse Bertha Diehl;
1st vice president, Mrs. J. Mc'Cly-
mont; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. W. Johns-
ton; res. sec., Mrs. C. Stelck; corr.
sec., Mrs. George Johnston; treas.,
Mfrs, Wm. Reid; lit, sec„ Mrs. Lee
McConnell; Home Helpers' sec.,
Mrs. Alex. McConnell; Miss.Mon-
thly sec., Miss Violet McClymont;
press sec.. -•Mrs. Sherlock Keyes;
stranger's sec., Mrs. Ralph Steven -
Continuation School Report.—The
following is the December report of
the Dublin Continuation School, Per-
centages are listed. The subject (or
subjects) in which a student fails is
given in brackets after name, "Forum
IjI'I.-1Frank Moylan 78, Margaret
Drake 77, Frank Stapleton 74. Kath-
ryn Byrne 71, Frank Ryan 70.5, Ver-
onica Molyneaux 70, Dan O'Rourke
61, Harry Feeney 64 (Geometry),
Mary OiReilly 62.5 (Ancient His-
tory), John Holland 60 (Matin,
Physics), Bridget Delaney 58 (Al-
gebra) Dorothy Brennan 58 (Litera-
ture, An'c. History), Win, Ryan 57,5
(French), John McQuaid 5,3 (Ane.
History, Algebra), Vincent Eckert.
50 (IAnc. Hist; Geom,), Frank Kraus-
I,opf '51 (Liatin, Physics, Ant, Hist.).
Elizabeth Carlin 5'1. (Lane. History,
Algebra, Physics), Rose 'Melady 51
(Geom.), Elmer Feeney 50. (IAnc,
Hist„ Geom., Physics), Leota Ryan
50 (Anc, Hist., Physics), Carrie O'-
Connor 50 (Lit., Physics, Anc.
Dan tMoCarthy 49 (Algebra), Lucy
Eckert 49 (Ane. Hist,), Mary Coyne
48 (Eng. Lit., Physics). - -
Form I1..— Jack Molyneaux 7,3,
Genevieve MdCarthy 73, Etltelyne
O1Hearne 72, Harry McIver 64. John
O'Reilly 63, Irene O'Rourke ; 60,
Clare Gormley 60, Irene Donnelly
55 (Geom.) Agnes Coyne 66 ((Lit.,
French), Insula Krauskopf . 57
(geom., physiog,), Monica Roache.
55 (geom., arith.), Nelly Doyle; 51
(geom.), Eleanor Reed 57 (lit,, geom.
PerrnanBDI Wave
Christmas Special.
Reg. $10.00, for •III 0
'Book an appointment now,
Kippen visited atMr. r. Barry Johns'' Phone 78, Mitchell
last Sunday, ours: 9 a.m, to 10 P.m..
That will help you solve you solve your Christmas Problems
at New Low Prices
For Sweetheart, Wife, Mother, Daughter or Sister
IVORY SETS (all cobra)
For Sweetheart, Husband,
A. small deposit will
reserve any article
until Christmas.
Dad, Son or Brother
J. A. Westott
Latin). Gordon Dill 55 (lit., zu,l.),
Isabel Jordon 54 (geoin., Fr.) Eliza-
beth (Cummings 52 (geom, physio,.).
Form I Francis Delaney 76. Reta
Stapleton 68, Francis Donnelly 67,
Bertha Dillon 64. Ellw•yn Morris 63.
Margaret O'Connell 59 (Latin, alge-
bra), Agnes O'Connor Ss (history).
Matilda Dor esteyn 58 (history, Lat-
in), Joseph Morris Si, Cecelia Feen-
ey 53 (geog., Fr., Latin), Arthur
Looby 52 ('botany. Fr.), Dorothy
Stacey 50 (English comp., bot., Lat.),
Hubert O'Reilly 50 (geog., bot.)
The 31st annual meeting of the
Huron Old Boys' Association of To-
ronto was held in Hygeia Hall, Rim
street, an Friday evening last and had.
the best attendance of any annual
meeting in the history of the associ-
ation. President. D:D. Wilson pre-
sided, and the reports of the secre-
tary and the treasurer showed the or-
ganization to Inc in a most flourishing
condition, with the surplus the larg-
est in its history.
At the conclusion of the business,
bridge and euchre were played for
two hours. alter which the members,
old and young, tripped the light fan-
tastic until the "wee sma' " hours.
Miss M. Watson was the Mucky
winner in bridge with 1471 paints,
Mr, R. Pridham won the men's prize.
Miss Lavine Knox won the ladies'
first prize in euchre with 70 points,
Mrs. Prentice taking the second
prize. In the men's prizes, Mr. J.
Gilchrist' carried off first prize, with
3'[r. J. Kyle a close second.
The following officers were elected
for file ensuing year: Hon. Presi-
dents, T. A. Russell. J, A. McLaren,
D. D. 'Wilson, A. C.'"MlacVicar, Hon.
Robert Weir, Minister of Arian-
Hon, Vice -residents — Mrs. D.
Thompson, Mrs. H. 13. Stowe Mfrs.
H. J. D. Cooke, Mrs. D. D. Wilson,
President—C, G. Vanstone.
First Vice'Presidents--HH• B. Stowe
Geo. Ferguson, Walter Buchanan,
Harty Martin,
Second Vice-Presidents—Mrs, 13,
H. McCreath, Mrs, Geo. Ferguson,
Mfrs, (Dr.) H. J. Hodgins, Mrs, L.
31. Pringle, Miss F. Patterson.
Secretary—IE Floody, 56 Close ave.
:Asst. Secretary—Miss L. E. Knox.
Financial Secretary—Mrs. Geo. C.
Young. •
Treasurer—t.. M. Pringle.
Auditors—Dr. H, J. Hodgins, S. M.
Cluaplaius—(Rev. Colin G. Young,
D.D., Rev. C, A. Mustard.
'Organist—Mrs. Harry Martin.
!Reception Committee Mrs, J. A.
McLaren, Mrs. B. H. McCreath, Mrs,
Jos. Beck, Mrs. D. D. Wilson, Mrs,
G. E, Beswetherick. MD•s, A, E.
Forbes, Mrs. C. Gray, Mrs, L. 5.
Scott Miss M. Crawford, D. M.
Johnson, Mrs. W. J. Cracknell, H. I.
Morrish, Dr. P. E. Clarkson, .L, J.
Wanner, hiss Grace Newton, Dr.
H. W. Boag, Robt. Holmes, . Mrs,
John .Moon, Miss., Olive Floody.
Progrann. Comuaittee . R. S. Shep-
pard, S. H. MdCrealth, E. M. Lee,
Dr, H. J. Hodgins, Mrs. G. C.
Young, Miss L. Currell, Miss G.
Newton, John Duff, Miss. E, Farrow.
Mrs, L. M. Pringle, Miss I. Cooke,
Harry Worsell, Mrs. C. Da'ty, Mrs,,
W. A. Buchanan, D. Crawford.
Refreshment Committee—Mrs. G.
C. Vanstone, Mrs. E. Floody. Mr. G.
C. Young, Mrs. D. Thompson, Mrs.
I, H. Brown, D. D. Wilson. H. B.
Stowe, Mrs. H. B, Stowe, Mrs. D. D.
Wilson. Mrs. Harry Worsen; Mrs L.
S Scott,Mrs.l+
J. A. McLaren, firs.
Hart J Martin. Mrs. Geo, E. Fergus-
on, Mrs. A. E. Forbes, Miss Free-
man, Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Mrs. (Dr).
IL j. Hudgins, A, E. Forbes. firs,
Publicity — Wm. Powell, Athol
MoQuarrie. Finance Committee
E. M. Lee; Property Committee, G.
A. Newton; Visiting, Mrs, I. H.
Brown; special representatives, B. H.
MdCreath, W. E. Floody, Frank Mc-
Caughey, Friss M. Thompson, A. E.
Forbes, J. A. Cameron, Dave Robert-
son, G, E. Beswetherick, Irwin Fer-
guson, John Moon.
IGoderich—]B, H. \IdCreatlt, Miss
Mary Morrish, Mrs. Patterson, Earl
Clinton—Frank T. McCaughey, W.
F. Cantelon, Miss M. L. Flynn, Miss
I. Freeman, Dr. A. F. Cooper, A. D.
Fisher, Robt. Holmes.
Seaforth—Dr. H. J, Hodgins, A. E.
Forbes, Dr. G. F. Belden, H. 13.
\\'inghanl—'Dave Robertson, R. H.
Ring, J. Nettenfield, Will Canpbeil,
Exeter -4F. J, Saunders.
Brussels—Geo, Ferguson, R, A.
Pryne, Andrew Currie, Irwin Fer-
Blyth—tW. E. Floody, Mrs, W. Da-
vis, J. S. Mcil innon, Miss C. Sites,
Hensall—Miss M. Thompson, G.
Mervin Brown, Dr. Byron 'Campbell.
Dr, \\', J, Aikenhead.
Bayfield—J. A. Cameron, C. S. Mc-
D„nald, Rev. J. 5, Cook,
Gorrie—G, E. Beswetherick, Geo,
R. Dane, Mrs. F. Irwin, R, Halli-
Londesbora John P, Moon.
Amongst those present were not-
iced the fdllow*ing:
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLaren, lir.
and ' Mrs. D. D, Wilson, Mr, and
Mrs, E. Moody, 13. H, and Mrs.
McCreath, Mfr. and Mrs. C. G. Van -
stone. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson,
Dr, and Mr.. 9I. J Hodgins, Mr.
and Mfrs, H. B. Stowe, Mr. and
Mrs L. M. Pringle. Mr. and Mrs.
ZI Martin, ,lir. and Mrs, W. Pow-
ell, Mi, and Mrs, D. M. Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson, Mr. and
Mrs. John Moon, 1[r, and Mrs. J, D.
Guy, \[r, and firs. A. 1'[cQuarrie,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Prentice, Mr. and
Mr- W. I. Mckee, lir. and Mrs. J,
Gilchrist. lir. and Mrs. S. L. Scott,
Mrs. W. McCreath Mrs, F. Irwin;
Mrs, D. Bemis. Mrs. R.. Williams,
John S. McKinnon, R. S. Sheppard,
G A. Newton. Russell Brown, R.
\\ iltiau
n. R. I ridh
L. E.
Knox, Miss Grace Sterling. Miss Ol-
ive Floody, Miss 11. lrw•in, Miss Ha
miltott, Miss Proctor. lir, and Mrs.
R. Stark hiss Forbes and lir. H.
Jarris, Mr.. R. M. Johnston. (Ux-
bridge), Mrs. P. Hessie and scores of
others whose navies could not be ob-
.. General Store ...
Choice new dates, 2 lbs 25c
Choice !Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs25c
Choice Leinon and Orange -
Peel, 1 lb. ,,, ,20c
iOhoice Citron Peet, 1 Ib30c
Gold 'Medal Mince Meat, 1 Ib20c
Shelled Almonds. and 'Walnuts
halves, 1 lb. 60c
Fresh Roasted :Peanuts, 2 lbs, 25c
California Grapes, 2 lbs. , , , ,25c
Mixed Candy, 3 lbs. 50c
Tested Christmas Cake Recipe
Given with each order
Our line of 'Heavy Ruhbera,
Boots and shoes are complete.
Ladies' "Special" Leather Oxford
with solid leather sole, for every
day wear , , $2.95
Ladies' and Men's Underwear
Ali Sizes
Boy's and Men's Fine Shirts,
Ties and Scarfs
Come and see our as,ortment of
gifts for children and grownups
To give you the Lowest Possible Prices Consistent with
Highest Quality,
The Home of Buttermilk' Scones—have you tried them ?
Variety of Breads improves every meal,
Buns, Cakes,, Pies and Coolies always on hand.
(If we please you, tell others; if not, ot, tell us).
i'- •
PHONE 70,. '.