HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-12-04, Page 16PAGE EIGHT
Henry Pfile who recently • se-
emed a piece of land from Dr, Moir
has purchased the Kippen hall and
will', imove it down on his land,
Mr, Thos. Cook is able to be out
again after being confined to his
borne with a severe cold.
Mr. B. R. Higgins of Clinton visit-
ed friends in town on Friday.
Mrs. Albert Spencer was a recent
' visitor in Toronto.
Ws, Joseph Hudson Sr, recently
celebrated her 90th birthday when
all members of her family were pres-
ent. except two sons, living at a dis-
tance. Mrs. Hudson is wonderfully
smart for such a ripe old age and
her many relatives and friends hope
that she may be able to enjoy many
more birthcleays ,
Mr, Thos. Farquhar who has been
visiting friends in Hamilton, is spend-
ing a few weeks with his son Frank,
of Hensel].
Mrs, James Coxw.orth of Strathroy
was a recent visitor with her dough -
ter, Mrs, A. Scruton,
Miss Beatrice Cudenore of Toronto
visited with her mother, Mrs. Rol-
and- Cudenore,
, Miss Mavis Spencer was taken to
the .I.)ondon Hospital on Sunday eve
ening where. she •wes operated on for
Wedding bells are ringing in this
Services in the United Church were
largelyattended with the Rev. Arthur
Sinclair conducting the servioes. In
the 'evening O. quartette was given by
Messrs. T. Sherrit, J. Passmore, Mrs.
Sherrit and Mrs. Geo. Hess,
Born.—In Hay Twp., on Fri-
day, Nov. 28 to Mr, and Mrs. Alex.
Mousseau, a son.
Mrs, Fred Beer is visiting at the
home of Mrs. (;Dr.) Peck.
'Afiss Jessie Buchanan spent Satur-
day in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer spent
the week -end in London.,
A sale of home-made cooking and
bazaar will be held in the C,armel
.Presbyterian Church on Saturday,
December 5. A chieken pie supper
will be held from 5 to 7 and an in-
teresting feature Of the afternoon will
be the woman with the hundred
Council Meeting. — The regular
monthly meeting of the village coun-
cil was held on Monday evening with
all the members present except
Councillor Cousin. The minutes of
the last meeting were read and
adopted on motion of Petty and Ort-
wein. A communication was read
frem the Children's War Memorial
Hospital a: London asking for a
geent in their work. It was moved ha'
Petty, se-cm:led by Ortwein, that a
grant $11/ be given to the Child-
ren's War Memorial Hospital. It was
carried: The different communities
inaie their reports for the month and
Mr. Plety was instructed to secure a
nnti and ityrse to do the silow plow:
`1"...; Ileie-4Sar,y, 011 Inoti of
()et A i ,s'd $15 •etele re-
te-ne 1 :e the Public Library Board.
beeee half the •miolint received for
th Lucia" show put ,m by the
Library fl1. A number of ac -
d ts 'acre nresented and :,r lered
red or motieh of Petty and Ortwein.
14y -Law Ni. 9 was giren let. 2nd and
.-r setting the late for the
W. C. Govenlock
McCormick -Deering Agent
See our line of SULKY PLOWS,
Have on hand for sale good used
,Manure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul-
ky Plow, also '25 Ford Sedan in
Al shape, arid '25 Ford Coupe.
For Sale—Robt. Bell 'cutting box'
32 ft, carrier, in first class shape.
Set 2,000 pound Scales.
and Mrs. G. Hess, solos by Messrs,
T. Sherrit and W. 0, Goodwin; . vitae
lin selections by G. Lammie and
Scott Welsh; instrumental duet by
Misses F. Foss and E, Fisher and
Rev, A, Sinclair acted as chairman.
The A.Y.P.A, of the St. Paul's An-
glican ,Church held their meeting on
Monday evening. Lantern slides
were given on "The old Ohurch in a
new Dominion" and the slides were
exiplained by Mrs. •Pepper. • It was
arranged alai the Christmas enter-
tainment would he held in tsEe base-
ine.nt of the church on Monday even-
ing, Dec. 22,
Reeve Robt. Higgins is in Goder-
kit this week attending a meeting of
the Huron County Council,
Mr. Wm. Simpson of Detroit spent
the week end with friends here.
Mrs, Otto Stephen of Hi Ilsgreen
spent Monday at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Senale.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kipfer were vis-
ited by friends from Zurich on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. George Sinale of
town spent Thursday at the home of
the formers father an Seaforth.
Miss Greta McNaughton is confin-
ed to her home through illness. Mrs.
Robt. Cameron is taking her place as
Mrs. O'Rourke of Florida was a
Sunday visitor ,with Mrs. Lee lied -
Mr. John A. Wren who has been
in poor health for some time, was
taken to Mrs. Patterson's hospital for
The Young People's League of the
LTnited Church are entertaining the
A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul's ,Anglican
Church on Monday evening next and
a good time is anticipated.
Mr. Chas. Miller of Exeter spent
Tuesday in town.
Our local Sunday Schools are bus-
ily preparing their Christmas enter-
Mrs. Edward Reid, who was here
attending the funeral of the late Mrs.
McDool. returned to Owen Sound on
Thereday cd last week.
Mr. Harold Stinson, returned on
Saterday from a hnnting trip on
Manitoulin Island
,Agnes McGrath of Stratford Nor,
Mal .School spent the week -end at
her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. MiChael Downey at-
tended the funerai of their little
grand -child, Margaret •Christopher; in
London, last meek.
Mr. Wm. Dorsey is confined to his
home through illness.
Mr. James Lane is relieving on the
Hespelei5 school staff this -week.
The euchre in the •parish hall on
Friday evening was well attended.
First prize for ladies went to Miss
Mary O'Reilly, for gentlemen to Fred
Kistner. The lucky defiv ,prize also
went to Mr, Kistner. A drawing was
held for a quilt which wasKyvon by
Mrs. Wm.. Burke. • •
The municipal elections were held
on Monday. It was a very stormy
day but a good vote was out. There
are two •new men on, the board this
The liollOwing it the report .of U.S.
S. No. 3 grammar grades. The re-
port for the continuation Work will
appear in net week's issue. •Sr, IV.—
Mary Miles, Mary McGrath, Mary
Murphy, Mary O'Sullivan. 'Absent
during part of examinations, Mary'
Hart and !Hanna tCronin,
Jr. IV.—Thomas Melody, Benny
Holland, Fergus -Melody. 'Absent dur-
ing part of examinations, Lillan
Miles, Ella O'Sullivan, 'Irene 'Mc-
Quaid, '
Sr. HIL—Ectward Roach, Jack fCro-
nin, Margaret 'Murphy, Albert —
Absent for one examination, Joseph
Jr. O'Reilly, Wilfred
McQuaid, ffsabel Roach, Mary Hart.
Absent ,for one examination, Jack'
Roach, Lenore Ruston.
,Con Holland, Pat !Cleary,
Francis !O'Reilly. Absent for one
exam., Angeline Ruston, Ralph Mur-
Pt. IL—Elizabeth Roach, Pat O'-
Sullivan, Mildred Murphy, Pat. •Mc-
Grath, Mary 'Murray, Joe Hart. Ab-
sent for one examination, Mary O'-
Primer, --Doris Ruston, Jim Roach,.
Gloria Holland, Jim Cleary, Agnes
Mrs. L. Sills, Cleveland, spent a
few days last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H, Golding. -
'Miss Mary Drown has returned
front spending a week in Gadshill.
,Preparations are beifig made for the
Christmas entertainment, Dec. 23.
The W,I. met in the hall last week
and the roll call was answered with a
thought front prose or poetry.. Miss
M. Davis gave a splendid report of
the London convention, bringing
many helpful hints home. 'Mrs. C.
Bowman gave a reading on Christ-
mas and Mrs. K. Drake and Miss
Mr. end Mrs. F. C. Kennedy, who Norma Wilson favored the meeting
have spent the past two months at with a duet, The exchange of Christ -
their 11..015 here, returned to Tcronto mas gifts 'MS conducted . and .each
en Friday last for the winter. person received a very useful .article,
Mr. Grenville S. Atkinson, who Lunch was served at the close by
,7IV lit a week in Detroit returned
Circle 1,
home on Wednesday last.
The Girls' Auxiliary of Trinity Help from Asthma, Many who
read these words know the terrible
drain upon health and strength, which
comes in the train of asthmatic
troubles. Many do not realize, how-
ever, that there is one true remedy
which will usually stop this dram,
Dr. J. D. Kellog's Asthma Remedy
is a wonderful check to this enervat-
ing ailment. It has a countless
record to its credit, It is sold almost
Lhurch are nelding a tea and sale of
work at the rectory on Sa'turday, De-
noiree!ee, e.Anniatton 1 the 'ley sar cember fith, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
1:1"1i"n "e': the t'" lei'e Mr. William Cameron arrived on
The v,,te. The n,Anitiati.m will be held 'Monday from Detroit to visit with
re :11..riday evening, Dee. 29th and his .stster. Miss E. Cameron.
H necessary, ene week later. On Sunday next at 7 o'clock in St.
ilNi. 1—Joseph Hudson D.R.0.! n
Adrew's United Church a meeting
ordem Parker, P.C. Poll No. 2. nil; 1;,± held in the interest of the
BIatcht.'"r4: D. R. 0. and, Ili1,10 f4,-,ciety, An interesting ad -
Shepherd, P.C. let, re the close •will be given by Rev, F. H.
c 1 the meeting Reeve Higgins gave al Paull of Trinity Church. Hope the
rt vie" Age' collectors when they call will receive
Peneien Committee Work fc,r the liberal ,erintributions. .
-yecer.. The 11.1k mined to meet
areeM eee Mv e.ndaevening. Dee. 15,
ilemsalt 'Hydro Commission
held i'- meeting on M.:41day evening: HILLSGREEN.
The 11y:110 manager reported that Mr Earl Dick of Hensel' is bassi
-the new line from Exeter was corn- chopeing in this vicinity.
now that the emu- - Mr, Orville Smith has treated hirto•
roessiee would be in- a position to ell o a new radio.
give fardietter service. A number of Mr. Thc.s, Consitt Spent a few days
. accounts were presented and ordered in London with his daughter, Mrs. R.
paid and - .1n ceminission will meet N. McAllister.
agaM the 'last week in December. e. are giving a few Ian -
Pigeon Shoot. — The senual -• • tern slides of. a student in the West -
bite, snoot was held here ,n Friday, ern provinces on Monday evening
November 28th and was well attend- Dec. 8 at 8 o'cicick in the Hillsgreen
ed. The wewher was somewhat cold Church. Everyone welcome.
S t(4.niv !rat did not mar the ardor W.M.S. will hold their December
ef the Shooters as the scores were meeting in the church on Wednesday
the .liest made for years, as will be afternoon, December lath at 2.30.
seen by thefollowing sinnniary. Sam
Vence a.nd -Wm. Vail were tied for Instant Visiting
the Silver Cup, but as Sam has won Two friends were taking an evening
it before, he gladly gave his chance walk down -town. Suddenly one of
ci winning a shoot and eup, up, by thein stopped and exclaimed, "I'm
presenting Mr. Vail of St Thomas going home!" "Tonight?" .asked the
-.vith the cup.. Mr. Vance of .Tillsons other, "Why it's a long trip!" Not
burg showed himself a true sport on by telephene. Look at that sign—
this, as other occasions. 1st event, 10 'Visit Home Tonight—by Long. Dis-
birds; 2nd event, 15 birds; 3rd event tance!' Well I'm going to—right now,
10 birds,
old manl"
1 2 3--Ttl
Fred .Rerr10 14 9-33
J. Vance 7 14 9---30
Win. Vail .. • , .....,10 15 8-33
Dr. Bangliart .... 11 8-26
Dr. Bice . • • .. 6 10 10-26
S. Vance 9 15 7-31
C. Millman 9 12 8-29
R. Motz 6 13 ..-19
F. Howe9 13 6-28
J. Hill 9 14 ..--23
R. Day -------------9 14 9--32
The concert put on under the aus-
pices of the Wohelo Class and the
Mission Band on Friday evening last
was largely attended. Mr. Craw of
Toronto, reader and impersonator,
delighted the audience with his num-
bers and the following program was
given; vocal duet Mrs. L. Hedden
If you toss in bed all night ansi
can't sleep on right side, try simple
glycerin, saline, etc, (Adlerika), Just
ONE dose relieves stomach GAS
pressing on heart so you can sleep
soend all night. Unlike other medi-
cine, Adlerika acts on BOTH upper
and lower bowel. removing poisons
you never knew were there Relieves
constipation in 2 hours: Let Adleriloa
cleanse your stomacheand bowels and
see how good you 'fedi Keating's
Fact -Finding Stuff.
A committee of five usually consists
of the man who does the work, three
others to pat him on the back, and
one tn bring in a minority report.—
Royal Arcanum Bulletin,
Acid Test
Young Wife ---,"It says beat the
white of eggs till stiff." I think they
must be done now." .
Hubby—"Why, are they stiff?"
Young Wife—"No, but I am."—
Humorist (London).
Knows the Pater.
"My friend," began the man with
the bagitil of religious tracts, persuas-
ively, "have you ever reflected an the
shortness of life and the fact that
death is inevitable 1"
"Have 1 " replied the business man.
Well, I should say so. I am an
Insurance Agent."--CPathfinder.
Recognized as a leading specific for
She destruction of worms, Mother
Graves Worm Exterminator has prov-
ed a boon to suffering children every-,
where. It seldoms fails,
Used Cars
1 FORD COUPE, 1925 model
1 FORD COACH, 1925 model •
1 CHEVROLET TRUCK, 1927 model,- with
stock rack.
model, good as new.
These cars are all in good mechanical condition.
Also 14 -inch Hardwood for Sale
CHEVROLET GARAGE, Seaforth. Phone 187
Thursday, Dec. 18
for a play entitled
to be put on by the Young People of
the section at Roxboro School.
There will also be a Christinas Tree
for the children. ,
Admission: Adults 25e, Children, un-
der 12, 15c
Mr, Jack Hay visited the Royal last
week, •
enneth .McKellar .and daugh-
ter Betty are visiting friends in Nia-
.IV.trs. George 'Wallace of .0arling-
ford is visiting relatiVes in thisi vi-
IVIrs, 'Jackson and Mrs. Balfour of
Detroif, Who 'have been with .their
mother, Mts. David ,Bruce, returned
to their homes last week.
Mrs. David Bruce who was oper-
ated on in London last week, is im-
proving fine.
Mr. 'John G.11-loggarth had' the mis-
fortune to fall off the wagon and dis-
locate hie shoulder on 'Saturday last.
Remember the ,Christmas tree for
the kiddies in the Presbyterian
Mrs.• Leonard O'Reilly is on the
sick list
Mr. Wellingkon Bell of Detroit vis-
ited at his borne last week.
Rev. Mr. Whitesides and Mr. Leon-
ard of Toronto are at Zion this week.
They have been at Eliniville this last
two weeks. The meetings were fairly
well attended and we are sure tha't
everyone who heard these • sermons
and songs that they have given each
evening the people were nmee than
pleased. They intend leaving for To-
ronto on Saturday.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Frank
Davis of Winchelsea was held last
Saturday. Interment was made in the
Exeter cemetery.
The Y. P. of our Church held a
very successful fowl supper in the
auditorimn cif the school room Friday
night, Nov. 21st. lA splendid number
of guests responded to the invitation
and over 120 were present despite
weather and road conditions,' The
ta'bleswere laden with beautiful and
tasty eatables to tempt the tippetite,
Afterwards Rev. Mr. 'Conner took
charge of the program consisting of
singsongs and' slides"' showing the
Life of Western Student Missionary,
The Y.P. are to be 'congratulated on
the success of this, their first supper
and all hope more wilI 'follow. The
proceeds were about $40.
Miss ,Martha Carlyle is visiting for
a while with Mrs. Alb. Harvey, north
encl of our village.
Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 the
W.M.S. of 'our church held its regu-
lar annual, meeting. They elected of-
ficers for the coming year. .
• The Many -Purpose 011 --Both in
the house and stable there are scores
of uses for Dr. Thomas' Eclectrk
Oil. *Use it for cuts, bruises, burns,.
scalds the pains of rheumatism and
sciatica, sore throat and chest,
Horses are liable very largely to simi-
lar ailments and mishaps as afflict
mankind, and are equally amenable to
the healing influence of this fine old
remedy which has made thousands of
firm friends during the past fifty
Toronto Live Stock.
Toronto, Dec. Receip ts—Cattle
5,495; calves 510; hogs 1,030; sheep
and lambs, 2,340,
The slight price advance of last
week, coupled with snowfalls in most
sections of the country, brought in a
run that was somewhat heavier thian
usual this fall.
Buyers were out to cut prices at the
opening, with bids 25c to 5Gc lower
on all butchers but fed ' calves. The
result was that trading was draggy
with salesmen resisting lower bids
and holding their consignments. At
closing time between 1,500 and 2,000
head were unsold.
Some heavy steers sold at $5.75 to
$7.35 a hundred, and bandies of fair
to good quality brought $6,26 to $7.95,
while small. 'butchers took a few
choice handies at $7.75 a hundred,
Butcher cowl were down 251c at $4.50
to $5 a hundred for the best, with
canners steady at 71,75. Bulls were
steady at $3 to $5 a hundred, accord-
ing to quality. Fed calves or baby
beeves at $8 to $10.50 a hundred, with
two at $11, Store cattle were in de-
mand and sold firm at $5 to $6.35 a
hundred, according to quality. Trade
in milkers and springers, hewever,
was dell.
Calves were steady at $7 to 712.50
a hundred for vealers, with a few tops
again a quarter lower at $8.50 f. o. le.
for bacons, or at $9.50 $9..75 off
caat,r7s.13, while grassers sold at $4 to $6
a hundred.
Hogs .were unsettled ve?th bids
Lambs were steady at $8.75 fon the
majority of good ewes and wethers,
with a few plainer larn'bs at $8.60 to
$8.65. Culls and bucks sold at $.675
to $7 a hundred, Sheep were $4 to
$4.75 for hest ewes, with culls down-
ward to 714, The lamb run was small
for the season and was probably the
tail end of this year's crop.
ek Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Dec. I.—II-logs, 63,000. in-
cluding 32,000 direct; closed 20c to
30c below Friday on weights above
200 lbs ' lighter weights sold early
10c to 15c off; early top .40; late
sales. 200 to 300 lbs. $8.10 to $8.15;
few, $8.25; pigs, $8 to 7840; packing
sows, $7.15 to $7.64; shipperss, 10,000;
Laying.. Meal . . per .cwt.: $3.25
All Wool Woolen Blankets, 6
pollad, large size, Per pair.,,., A( "."
Men's Rubber Boats, per ,pair....•.$3.29
Men's, Overalls; per pair ,
Men's,' All -Wool Underwear
. Per garment
Men's Heavy Shoes
$1 00
estimated holdover, 4,000. Light light,
good and choice, 1140 to 160 lbs., $8.415
to $8,40; packing sows, medium, and
good, 27,5 to 500 lbs.,_$7 tos$7.65;
slaughter pigs, good and choke, 1000
to 130 lbs.. $8 to $8.40.
Cattle, 217,000; calves, 2,000; fed
steers and yearlings, unevenly 25c to
50c lower, mostly 25c lower on better
grade kind at close: 50c on other lib-
eral supply steer crop -unsold; gen-
erous proportion steers crop com-
-prise •shbrit-ied selling at $10 dlown-
wa.rd to $8.50. Strictly choice offer-
ings scarce; best yearlings selling at
ISbeepe 35,000; active, killing classes
mostli 4 cents lower; some early fat
lamb .sales -Off more; feeders fully
steady, bulkkegood and choice, fat
Jambe $8 to $825; best, $8.35e
tana feeders $7 to $7.35. Lambs 90 lbs.
down, good and choice, $7:50 to $8.50;
ewes, 90 to 150 lbs., medium to choice,
$2 to .$3.76; feeding lambs, 60 to 76
lbs., good and choice, $6.75 to $7.50.,
Municipal Election, Township of
A public meeting of the Elect°
of 'the Township .of, Hibbert, for t
Purpose a nominating candidates f
the Reeve and Councillors, for t
year 1931 will be held at Townsh
Hall, Staffa, on Monday, Decemb
29, 1930, for the nomination of Reel
and Councillors, at the hour of on
o'clock in the afternoon, at vehic
time and place I request the atte
dance of the electors there for th
purpose. Should it be found nece
sary to take a vote of the Elector
the assigried polling places are as fo
For Polling Sub -division No. 1
Frank Evan's house, Dublin. Sai
polling sub -division comphises the ls
2nd and 3rd concessiohs arid the Po
ice Village of Dublin. John F. IVIur
play, D,R.O.; Herbert Britton, F01
For Polling Sub -Division No. 2.-
11 the School House 011 Lot 16, Con
ession 6. Said Polling Sub-Divisio
=prises the 4th, 5th, 6th and 711
oncessions. Robert Barbour, DR.O.
homas Oliver, Poll Clerk.
ROY Polling Sub -Division N. 3.—
he Town'ship Hall, Staffa, Said Poll
ng Sub4Divisi0n comprises the 8th
th and 10th concessions. -Mrs. Ka-
hleen Feeney, DIRO.; Mrs,- Oscar
eed, Poll Clerk.
For Poking Sub -Division No, 4.-
0 the School House on Lot 16, Con-
ession 13, Said PollingSubsDivi-
on comprises the Ilth, 12th, 13th
id •14th. Concessions and North
hames Road. Andreyv Christie, D.
.0.; Frank Harburn, Poll Clerk.
If a greater number of candidates
e nominated than will be required
be elected the polls will be opened
the polling places for each of the
fling subdivisions within the said
ownship on Monday, the.5th day of
unary, 1931, the polls to continue
en from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m, of said
y and no longer. All of which par -
niers the electors will take notice
govern themselves accordingly.
Returning Officer.
ibbert, Dec. 2, 19-30.
5 s-
Daily. Make
Money Easier.
way to become exPeRrAuto Me-
layer or Draftsman. Earn 55c
per hour, pert time, from start.
Advancement in few weeks. Free
Railroad Fare and Employment
Service. Write at ones for Il-
lustrated Booklet.
Commercial Emeineerint &basis
5.7 Q.„„„ St. W., Toronto,
• Suite One Hundred
Joving memory of
our loving son and brother, Robert,
who died in Detroit, Dec.. 10th, 1926.
"We did not know the pain you bore,
We did not see you die;
e enly knew you passed away,
And could not say Goodbye.
We little thought when you left
That you would ne'et return,
That you so soon in death would
And leave us here to mourn.
-4Sadly missed by Rather, Mother,
Sisters and Brothers.
• CARD OF -maxim
To the Electors of MoICillop,
ILadies and Gentlemen,—r1 wish to
express nay thanks for the splendid
vote given in any behalf on Monday,
especially for the splendid interest in
Township affairs, despite the incle-
ment weather. I will endeaVor to
serve the Township and County in
an efficient manner. Yours sincerely,
To the Electors of McKillop.
Ladies and Gentlernen,--I wish to
thank the electors of McKillop town-
ship for their support at the polls on
Monday and will endeavor to work in
the best Interests of the municipality.
Yours sincerely,
Set of truck scales, 1000 lbs. capac-
i'ty. Priactically nem Apply at The
News Office, •51
A number of Barred Rock pullets.
4PP1Y. at The News Office. tf
Farm hand, experienced, would like
work on farm choring for the winter,
Apply at The News Office. 49
11 young pigs, 8 weeks old; also 3
old geese. JAMES MURRAY (two
miles east of Seaforth on highway).49
Polled Angus bull, 16 months old.
1 Jersey cow; also some Durham
yearling heifers. Apply to HAROLD
PEN11-1AIE, Mayfield,
Free range pure-bred White Rock
Cockerels, $3 each 'or two for $5.
BEATTY BROS., Varna. 49
A cattle beast, from lot 10, con. 8,
McKillop, late in October, Hereford,
red, with white face, weighing about
red, with white face, corning 2 years
old. THOMAS MOYLAIN, Jr., Dub-
lin, RR., I. tf
Co.mfortabie living rooms to rent,
Oct, 1st, JOHN BEATTIE, South
Main Street.
• Wednesday, Dec, 3rd.
Butter, per lb • 30
40c, 45c, 50c
.. .. .S8.75-7925
Potatoes, per bag
Eggs, per doz
Hogs, per cwt.
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Battery Sales and Service
Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries
A good line of new and used parts of different makes bf cars
If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call
Studebaker Safes and •Service
Realer's Garage
DIR. II. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hoe -
London, ,England. Spetial
attention to diseases of the eye,.elir
hose 'ancf throat, Office and reit.ence behind Dominion Bank. °MOO,
Phone No, 5: Residence Phone 104,
DR. F .5, BUR'ROVV1S„ Seafortli,
Office and residence, Goderich streak
east of the United Church: Coronen
for the County of Huron,. Telephoup,
No. 46.
C, MACKAY.—C. Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity Univeralty• •
and gold medallist of Trinity Medical /
College; member of the. College od-
Physicians-and Surgeons of Outer*
DR. F. J. R. FOIRSTER—ye, Eat- 1.44,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Media".
eine, University of Toronto 18374
Late Assistant New York Ophthatt-
mic and Aural Instir1e, Moorefichrp•
Eye, and Golden ,Scritare throat bet-
pitals, London. England. At 'Comm-
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday k•
each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 pal.
DR. W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate oft •
Faculty of Medicine, University
Western Ontario, London. Meal*
of College of Physicians' and S.
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhar4
Drug Store, Main St., Seater*,
Phone 90.
, • DentaL
DR. I. A. MUNN. Successor to
Dr. R. R. Ross,graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, Ill, Li-
centiate Royal -College of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto. •Office over sari,
hardware, Main St, Seaforth. Pkomp.
DR. F. J. BECHELY, graduate,
Royal College of Dental Swam%
Toronto. Office over W. R. Snidest
grocery, Main St, Seaforth. Pi102410,
office 183W, residence 1855.
'• Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Ter.)i
0.L.S., Registered Professional
ginner and and Land Surveyor, Associate,
Member. Engineering Institute ad
Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont.
Legal. •
D. L. ROSS. Barrister and Solicit-
or Notary Public. Hours 9 a.m.-2 p.a.
anil 7 p.m. Office above Philkpe
Drug Store, Blyth, Ont.' Phone 6.
Auctioneer for the- County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Salo
Date gt The Seaforth News. Charges „
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,
• HAROLD D.' DALE, Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Maw,
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phoile• 149, P.O. Box 13.
• (Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effeot,
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual Fire Insurance Co,
Officers—James Connolly. Goder-
ich; Alex, James Evans, Beechwood.
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors --(Wm. Rion, No, 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhageni
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; j,arnes Connolly, God-
erich; Alex, Broadfoot, No.,3 Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferri, Harlock; George Ate-
Cartney, No, 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agen ts,--1Ja mes Watt, Blyth, r.r.
No. I, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; 5, A.
Murray,. r.r, No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G, Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to -effect insurance or -tram-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any .of
the above named officers addreesed
to their respective postoffices.
• Keaton.'
Free and
Easy• ,
He never smiles but 'you'll grin
with a gurgle when Buster crashes,
the gates of Hollywood as -manager
of a Nebraska beauty contest winner.