The Seaforth News, 1930-11-20, Page 5.esel2MaalINI
Think of 'it—close to seven hundred of Ontario finest grocers
banded together, buying and advertising as one, offering every ad-
vantage of massed buying and small profit,' but each store retaining
its personality—keeping money in the community it serves—doing
everything possible to make a bigger and more •prosperous country.
That is the service of the Superior Chain Stores—it carat be beaten—
try us.
Items for Week Ending November 26, 1900.
- iLarg-c Pkg.
' 6 Cakes, ' 25c
10 Cokes
CREAM OF WHEAT and ROLLED WHEAT , ... 4 lbs. 25c
RASPBERRY JAM 40 oz. jar. 39c
3 tins 25c
AYLMER SOUPS, a Canadian Product
Nonsuch Stove Polish •per bottle 18c
Shirriff's Orange Marmalade • 16 oz. 23c
Libby's Mustard "For Meat and Fish" .. .. .... ....... . . . . each 14c
. .
Superior Baking powder ... oz. tin 25c
Red Rose Tea, Crimson Label • 1,4 lb. 30c
Red Rose Tea, Orange Pekoe Ye lb. 40c
Oxo Cordial "Serve Hot" 6 oz. 39c
Ideal Silver Polish •per bottle 23c
All Chocolate Bans •6'bars 25c
Purity Quick Oats with China ..... . .... ......... a.— per pkg. 37c
Jewell Shortening "None Better". per lb. 16c '
Chateau Cheese 3:4 lb. 19c
Fry's Cocoa TA lb. 23c,
Brooms with 5 strings .. . .............. ...... .... : .... ....each 29c
Peels (For Christmas Cake)
Lemon & Orange,.19c; Citron....29c; Cut Peel % lb. 1$c
Cantlied Cherries. ..g. tb. 13c• Candied Pineapple1A lb. 37c
Chase & Sanborn Coffee ......% fb. 3101 • 1 Ib. • 60c
Lealand Sweet Mixed Pickles , 12 ozbottle 27c
Large 40 I 50 size Primes 2 lbs. 25c
Peanut Butter in Bulk Per lb. 20c
New Halliowi Dates . , 2 lbs. 23c
Highest Quality Snowdrift Cocoanut ........ ............ .. aea lb. 13c
Your Q ,Brand Pears, 2's per tin 18c
Brunswick Sardines 4 tins 25c
2 in 1 Shoe Polish, Paste, any colour 2 tins ale
One Giant Airship balloon with 3 cakes Palmolive Soap ' 25c
• One Good Sized box Flakes with package Princess Flakes 23c
One Cup & Saucer, Plate or Pitcher with one lb. Premium Toe59c
One chip -proof Tumbler with 3 pkgs. Shiriff's Jelly Powder 23c
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce Phone 77
Phone 8
Cream Cream
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont.
J Walker 85 Son
• —and— •
• Motor or Horse Equipment
W. y. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
• Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Ilowey
Phone 3274. Centre St.
111 McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
• Comrnercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons'
Diseases of all kinds success-
fially treated.
Ejectricity used.
A Better Way,
So tong,' old mate Drop Inc
line next time you come to town,"
said John Adams to his friend. But
the friend telephoned, because he
believed in speedy service. And he evening in the basement of Northside
caught John juet before the latter United Church. The meeting was op -
left myna They arranged • for a enecl with the President, Mary 'Barber,
presiding. The CJG.LTr, layinn and
se;veral other -songs were sung, The
secretary read the minutes of the last
meeting., end the roll call was ansWer-
ed by a quotation from 'Shakespeare.
The scripture was read by Isabel
Betties and The Year !Book by 'Doro-
thy Driscoll. It was decided not to
have a 'meeting next week. ,Margaret
Crich took the their and described
how to conduct a ,business period.
The meeting -VMS closed with a song
and the C.G.I.T. benediction.
Miss Olive McCormack went to
Toronto thia week to see her brother,
Ordan. L. McCormack, who is in the
hospital, dangerously ill,
Mr. J. j. 1C1uff was laid tip for LI
few days this weelcAfter severely
.cutting his ;hand on 'a saw in the mill
on Saturday morning:. .
MissesIMautle .and Jean Feegti,son
aed.Mr. anattaffs..Ben 'Tyerman spent
Friday at iLondesboro eisiting at the
home of Mr,' and Mrs, EL B. Moon.
Mr, and Mrs. John iNeely and two
children, .lBeth and jack, and 'airs:4W.
Toreanee, ILionclon, were •week end
guests with Mrs. Sim Neely.
Mrs. Jlosepli Melady has returned
home after a two weeks', visit with
her, sons, Mr, and Mrs. T. S. 'MeladY
and IFranle, of :Windsor, and 'James of
Detroit. .
.Mrs. Catherine McCormack and
granddatighter, Miss Joseahine Mc-
Cormack of Brielgeburg, Miss . Mar-
garet Healy ef Monereal, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas tHealy and son Ordan,
were week end visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Hohlbein.
Mr. L, H, Saunders of Toronto,
called at the home of Mr. Ed. Mole
last week.
Mr,aed Mrs. H. S. Walker of Lon-
don, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drewry
of Belleville were week end visitors
at Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Holland's,
Goderich street west,
Mr. and Mrs, James Nelsoe left on
Sunday by motor with their sou to
visit in North Bay for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and
Mr. Mitchell Sr. visited ?Su. Mit-
chell's uncle, Mr. Thomas Staples,
and Mrs. Brown; Victoria street. Mr.
Mitchell is principal of Beamsville
high school.
• Mrs. A. C. Dames a Brussels is
the guest of Mrs, R. H. Fergusion this
Mrs. Wm. IvIcMichael and her sis-
ter, Mrs, G. Duncan, of Woodstock
• who has been het. guest for some
weeks, leave on Friday to spend a
month with Mrs. Duncants daughter,
Mrs. Harford, in Woodstock, before
going to Toronto for the winter,
Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson,
WM. Sclater and Mr. and Mrs. Jobb
Sclater and family were in Auburn on
Sunday visitingafrien'cls. '
Mrs. j. E. Myers is spending •a
Couple of weeks visiting her son in
Mr. and Mrs, M. R. Rennie are at-
tending the funeral on Thursday of
the former's brother, Mr, E. Rennie,
of Hensall, v,,lro died Tuesday. They
were accompanied by Rev. and Mrs.
Knechtel of Kitchener and Mr. and
Mrs. Edighoffer of Mitchell.
Mrs. Hutchings .and Mrs. Hawley,
who are here from the West owing
to the'serious condition Of their father
Gorge lieSpadden of McKillop,
have rented part of Mrs. W. Scott's
residence, Goderich st.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, Ethel,
were guests at the homes of Mrs.
Hugh Wright and Mrs. M. Dalton,
Mr. and Mrs, W. Free and family
were Port Albert visitors on Sunday.
Mrs, Wm. Oke and Mrs. Wright
were visiting their sister, Mrs. Whit-
more, in Hamilton.
Mts, L. Melville is quite improved
after her recent illness,
Col. and Mrs. R. S. Hays were De-
troit and Tormato visitors this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kerr of Ingersoll
are guests at the homes of Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Crawford and Mr, and
airs, M. McKellar.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar attend-
ed the fowl supper and concert at
Cromarty Tuesday evening. •
Friends of Mr, Chas. Dolneage will
be pleased to know he is making sat-
isfactory progress tome& recovery
from irauries sustained when he came
ia contact with a high-tension wire
two weeks ago. He is in Toronto
General hospital, to which he was re-
moved by ambulance, It was neces-
sary to ainmitate his left forearm
about half way between the wrist
and elbow,
Little Wilma Hay, of Kippen, who
has been very ill at the hospital, is
making marked recovery.
Mr, j. Colclough of Harpurhey has
purchased Mrs. Albert Rivers rasid-
ence in Egmondville.
Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Snell are mov-
ing •into Mrs. Hawthorne's residence
on Side street.
C. G. I. T.
The Marion Keith C. G. T, held
its weekly meeting on Wednesday
future meeting and were., saved a
great deal of inconvenience.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming
and son Ross were visiting Mr, and
Mrs, Frank Skinner of Munro, On
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Bill Houlden.of London called
• on friends on Sunday in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. James Howe and son
Nelson of Cromarty and Mr, and
Mrs. Cecil Murray were visiting Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Regele on Sunday.
Mr. Fred Kistner and Miss Annie
Kistnei weie -visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Thornton Sunday afternoon.
Mr, William Leeming has engaged
Mr. Hopper of ,Seaforth to drill a
well for him as there is a shorfage of
water. '
Mr. Henry Thornton mid his mo-
ther were visiting Me attic( Mrs. Mar-
tin Thornton of. Hettfryn on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs ,E. .C. Regele and
da.u,ghter Shirley were visiting Mr.
and airs. Peter McLaughlin ,on Sat-
urday evening.
Miss Bessie Bell, nurse-in-tralaing
at the Ontario Hospital, London,
spent a few days at her home here
last week.
Mr. arid Mrs. T. Hodgert from near
Seaforth visited at Mr, Bruce Coop-
er's last Sunday.
Rev, Whitesides. and Mr. ,Leonard,
evangelists, are holding meetings in
the church here each night except
Saturday this week. 'Their addresses
are very helpful and inspiring. They
also sing solos and duets accompanied
on the guitar or banjo by Rev. White -
sides Everyone welcome.
'By Catradion Legion, Dec. 3, Card -
no's Hall, Seaforth, Archie Mann and
his old time orchestra.
Mr Thos. McKay left last week
for Winnipeg to purchase a carload
of 9tockens.
Mr, arta Mrs. Leven from Chicago
were visitors in our burg thia week.
Mr, James Johnston is having suc-
cessful ploughing bees of late and the
weather has beemideal for the job as
the fall work has been completed
early, but the water faelaiee is still on.
Mr. jos, Healy 'of Strathroy has
been engaged with Me. Thos. Mc-
Kay since his former employer, Mr.
„Palm Maxwell has left to vieit his
brother in New Brunswick.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mack of Ro-
chester, ,N.Y.,• are visaing at the
home of Mr, And Mrs, Peter Etkert.
Harvesting pine roots is the order
of the day t� pot in a surplus for an-
other season's threshing fuel.
Miss Minerva ,Reichert has return-
ed to her home after spending several
days with friends in Zurich.
Mr. John Cochrane and Mr. Alfred
Philip have returned home after a
very plea.saut deer hunting trip ,to
parts in Northern Ontario.
We are sorry, to report that Mrs.
12, McAllister was taken to Victoria
Hospital, London, one day recently,
tare hope she will soon be able to en-
joy her usual good health.
Mr, and Mrs. 'George Holly and
children of Tavistock and Mr. B. Jar-
rott of Toronto spent Sunday at the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. j. 'Cochrane
and Mr. W. Jarrott and Annie.
Mr, Arthur Broderick has been -en-
gaged withMr., Ro'bt. Mousseau at
Exeter. ',•'• • *-
Misa Annie Consitt oC Hensell
spent a few days with her brother,
Mr. and MrS, ThiOS, Consitt,
Miss Dorothy Kyle of Hay town-
ship spent a few days with her friend,
Miss Annie ;Parrott.
Ales. Gould of. Formosa gave r
splendid address in the Hillsgreen
Church on Sunday afternoon,
Mrs. Harry Fuss and family spent
a few days with friends in Clinton.
Quite a unmber from this com-
munity attended the reception. at
Kippen in honor of Mrs. Gatild.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kiehne and two
children, from near Myth, spent Sun-
day last .with Ur. and Mrs. Charlie
Eggert, • '
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoegy, from
Grey, spent Sunday last with Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Regele and the latter's
mother. This is the first time that
Mrs, Hoegy took a long car ride since
she was operated on in Listowel hos-
pital some weeks ago. but we are glad
to report she is gradually getting
Quite a number around here are
Sony cuttitig firewood in the pine
swamp. As there is lots there and as
the fire burned over a big area you
can see it all on the ground.
Mr. and Ifrs. Ferdinand Hoegy and
children of Listowel spent Sunday
last with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoegy.
Mrs. Fred Koehler spent last week
in Stratforal and returned honie last
Mr. Charlie Regele lost a big young
mere last week. The doctor pro-
nounced her disease as -indigestion,
This is the second mare this sustainer.
Always keep Douglas Egyptian
Liniment at hand, ready to hring im-
mediate relief to burns, sores and
felons. Stops bleeding at once. Pre-
vents blood poisoning. Splendid for
sore throat and .quinsy.
Mr. wni. Martin and Mrs. Lewis
Tebbutt spent ta few days last week
with their sister, Mrs. Luff of Hamil-
,Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Levitt, of Ing-
ersoll spent Sunday at Thos' Cole-
man's and and Mrs. Coleman ac-
companied. them home,
•Mrs. Whitmore of • Toronto is
spending a few days with her moth-
er, Mrs. M., Whitmore.
The farmers are needing rain badly
as the wells are getting very low and
the river is very low also.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pullman spent
last week visiting the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. j, Powell,
Mr, Bert Brown of Sarnia is
spending a few weeks with his cous-
in, Mrs. j. Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hay spent last
week visiting' friends in. -Niagara.
Mrs. John Hay of the Mill road is
visiting her son, Mr. Jas. Hay.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Green and fa-
mily of Hib-bent are visiting Me. and
Mrs. Jonah Green.
Mr. john C. Doig and friends, Mr.
Francis Edwards of Detroit spent
the week end • at •the former's home
here. Mr. Wen, M. Doig accompan-
ied them back to Detroit.
Mrs. Basil Edwards of Hay and
Mrs. Grace Ross of Clinton attended
the reception given in honor of Mrs.
Gauld at St. Andrew's United Ohureh
on Saturday evening.
,Miss Etta Bell of London visited
her parents on Saturday and was ac-
companied back to London by her
.parents, Mr, and Mee. A, Bell,
'The farmers here are taking adzan-
tage of the fine weather and are get-
ting their fall work finished.
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Fear spent
Thanksgiving dey with relatives in
While playing ball at school on
Monday,- Sarah Whitmore fell and
fractured her left .arm.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Houston cel-
ebrated their fortieth anniversary of
their wedding on Friday evening.
They were presented with two fine
easy chairs by their friends and
neig'h'bors who gathered to the number
of, 75. A pleasant social time of
cards and dancing was spent. As a
token of the esteem in which Mr. and
Mrs. Houston are held, an address
was read by Mr. ,,T, Gemenell while
Mrs. T. G. Shillinglaw and Mrs.
Gernmell ma:de the presentation. Fol-
lowing is the address: Dear Mr. and
Mrs. Houston, On this occasion, we
your friends •and neighbors, have
gathered to 'celebrate the Fortieth An-
niversary of your wedding. During
the years of our acquaintanceship, by
your genial manner and kind hospital-
ity you have endeared yourself to us.
You have always given unselfishly of
your time in our interests—been kind
and obliging in every way. We trust
you may Hong be spared to endoy the
rewards of a well spent life. As a
empression of the very kindest Feel-
ing and hest Wishes which .everyone
present boars yott both, we ask you
House for Sale or Rent
Comfortable dwelling, three
bedrooms, oak floor, furnace,
bath, garage. Possession Nov-
ember 1st.
A. D. Sutherlarul
Conveyancing, Real Estate
Mr. Con. Eckert spent a aew days Investments, Etc.
of late with his friends here, PHONE 152, — SEAFORTH, Ont.
PAGE lq 11(
..21.2:661.1.22412129.9M1169.031.1.011,111. ....,6114M01111611ZI;1•09r2129110612101•11110111
A large range of fine Greeting
Cards, with envelopes, and
printed name on card, priced at
$1.25 per dozen.
to accept this gift as a -remenibrance.
Signed on behalf of your neighbors
and frieeds,
.Seaforth Legion Euchre and Old
Time Dance, December 3.
Mrs. A. W. Beacom, Mr, Harold,
also 'aliss Kathelen ,Beacom, visited
ae the home of the farmer's uncle,
Mr. Robert Musgrove of Bluevale.
Mr, Musgrove Is seriously ill with
heart trouble.
.Miss Elizabeth Morrison of near
Clinton spent a feu- days last week
at the home of her friend, Miss Marie
Miss Edythe 'Beacom spent the
week end at the home of her friend,
Miss Tillie Maines of near Elyth,
Mr. .Bert Allen iand Tames
who have for the past two weeks
been hunting in the north, returned
home Monday evening,
Mr. Harold 'Beacom and Miss Ka-
thleen 'Beacom visited at the home of
Miss Lula Youngbiut of near Aub-
urn. 'Miss Youngblut is at present
training hi -the ,Stratford hospital.
Sincere sympathy is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin iRitchie in the
death of their infant son, who died in
Seaforth hospital Monday evening.
Mr. land Mrs. Jos. Holmes, Mrs.
Perdue andaEverett, Mr. Tames Mose
of McKillop, visited 'Tuesday evening
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Seaforth Legion Euchre end Old
Time Dance, December 3. '
Mrs. Wm. McMillan, Egmondsrille,
visited his mother, Mrs. Burdge, one
day last week,
Mrs. McKay, Egmondville, was a
week end visitor at the home of her
nieces, Miss Munro and Mrs. Nesbit,
Sunday School convention will*
held in Bayfield, Friday afternoon and
evenng, Nov. 21. Delegates from
here are Miss Clete Pepper, Mr. and
Mrs, Ntorman Walker and Mr, W.
pPtelphIpicer'speaking contest Monday ev-
There was a good crowd out to the
ening. Miss Eva Stackhouse and Mr.
Will Landsborough spoke for the
Brueefield Society and Miss McInnis
and Mr. R. Cook far the ea:hated° St.
Clinton Young Peoples Society. Miss
McInnis and Miss Stackhouse chose
the same subject to speak on, "The
Value of Good Friends." Mr. Lands -
borough spoke on "Money and Its
Main Value in Life," and Mr. Cook,
on "Why 1 Go to Church." Rey. Mr,
Poulter in giving the decision a the
judges said they had a difficult task
to decide who the winners were, said
the material of all the speakers WhatS
good, especially the last speaker, Mr.
Cook. They decided in favor of Miss
Staekhouse mid Mr a Landsborough,
These two winners will contest with
the two winners of the Southern sec-
tion of the Presbytery at Wesley Wil-
lie Church, Clinton, next Monday ev-
ening,,Nov. 24.
Mr. Yellowlees visited at the home
of hie sister-in-law, Mrs. A, T. Scott,
over the week end.
Ahl are enjoying the beautiful wea-
ther these clays.
The engagemeut is announced of
Edna Louise, only daughter of ale
and Mrs. Samuel Thompson, to ale
Lorne Douglas Manson, son of the
late John A. Manson, Zurich, the
marriage to take place quietly the
latter pant of November.
Mrs, A. Jamieson returned home
this week after spendiag a week visit-
ing friends in 'Toronto.
Mrs. J. Ketchen of Drayton visited
friends in the village and vicinity this
"ell%Tmalty friends of Mr. Wm. Rat-
tetebtiry, who had his leg broken a
few months ago, will be glad to hear
that he is now able to sit up again.
Miss Emma MacDonald has been
engaged to teach on the 'staff of Vic
toria public school, Goderich, and left
to take up her ditties on Monday.
Mrs. John licCowan. Mrs. J. Bey -
ant, John Jr., Kenneth McGowan,
spent the week end at Hamilteti and
Stouffville visiting friends.
'airs. W, A. Ross, who recently re-
turned Hem Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, Seaforth, is getting along nicely.
Her many friends hope she will be
restored to her usual good health,
Mr. ,1 -as, MacDonald has got the
house moved which he purchased
from the estate of the late Sam Reid.
"Finding that eircuneetatices quite
unforeseen prevented her from re-
maining °II the teaching staff of Vic-
toria school, 'Miss Lilhtan Morley, of
Milverton, has resigned after being
only a week on duty. The reaigne-
tiontwas received in a letter tnom Mil-
verton, to which place Miss Morley
had gone for the 'ThanksgiVing
day, The board had a hurried meet-
ing to select a teacher to fill the vac-
ancy, and chose Miss Emma Mac-
Donald (rf Brucefield, who will report
pn November e7. A supply teacher is
taking the class until that time. .afies
MadDonald, the new teacher, holds a
second-class certificate in a,gricultere.
alto an elementary certificate in mus-
ic. For seven years she taught at S.
S. No, '2, Trafalgar township, near
Milton, and she .s highly recommend-
ed by the inspector and school trus-
tees of that section. She came to Go-
derich over the week end and support-
ed her application in person. She will
teach third book, the vacancy in this
class having been caused by the re-
cent resignation of Miss Kate Wet-
; Dela Miss Barr are moving into
their new home in the village this
, Mrs. Armstrong and Doreen return
ed last Monday after a week's visit
with Mrs, Armstrong's sister, Mrs.
Carter, of Waterdown,
Aliss Florence Watson is spending
a few clays with her cousin, Mrs. Mc- Milton Hooper and Mrs,
Humphries spent Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Elsley of the village.
Mrs. Johnston spent Saturday with
London friends.
Mr. and Mrs.'5, Earl Gaunt, whose
marriage took place last Wednesday,
arrived at the home of the bride's mo-
ther, Mrs, Harry Lyon, on Tuesday
of this week after it honeymoon trip
to Stratford, Toronto and other
points. They will reside at 'St.
Helen's where their many friends
wish thena happiness and prosperity. .
Mrs. Robt. McCrea spent Saturday,
vu,ith her oeusin in Blyth.
Miss Mary Cartwright spent San -
day with her friend, Miss Woodman. i
'Sir, and Mrs. Wm. McCall of Mor-
ris were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
McCall on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robe, Smith of Sum-
merhill 'spent Suoday with Mr. and,
Mrs. C. Wateon.
..lies E. Lyon spent Monday with
her brother, Mr. T. Lyon, near Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiles of Clinton and
Mr. and Mrs. B. Tyerman 01 Seanorth
spent Sunday with friends here,
Mr. and Mrs. Cousins of Dungan-
non were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Manning on Sunday.
Mr. John Nott is doing some re-
pairing in the sawmill at Auburn this
Among those who spent Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. E. Adams were
Mr. and Mrs. John Mills and family, f
of Harlock: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ro-
berton and family of Auburn; Mrs.
Frank Lansing and sons and Mr, and
Sirs. Ed. Ball and family.
The farmers around here are busy
finishing up their ploughing, taking
advantage of the Inc _weather.
Mr. Wm. Moon was a Goderich
visitor on lfonday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Roberten spent Stm-
Dante .
The first dance of the season will be
held in.
Friday, Nov. 21
Lunch will be served
Admission SOc (tax included)
office on to iViain at, this week,
Miss Annie McGrath . returned to
her school in Chatham last Monday.
Miss Marie Benninger returned to
her school in Hamilton on Monday.
Mlss •
Nelhie Ryan of Toronto spent
Thanksgiving at the home of her mo -
thee Mrs. P. Ryan, of Hibbert.
Mrs, John Walsh hu returned
home after spending two weeks visit-
ing- at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Dan,
Williams, Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan and
son spent Sunday with Mr, Pat
lir. and Mrs. John Cronin and lam-
, also 1. Lorne 'Cronin returned
to Detroit on Friday after attending
the funeral of lir, J. Downey.
Miss Jean McConnell spent Sun-
day at the home of her parents. She
was accompanied by her mother on
her return to Detroit.
Mrs. Chester O'Reilly and children
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs,
Thos. Molyneaux last week.
We are glad to see Afr. Wm.
Stapleton able to .be around again
after his recent illness.
Miss -Annie Ryan returned to Sea-
orth on Sunday after spending two
veeks at the home of her mother,
Mrs. P. Ryan.
'We are sorry to hear of the serious
illness of Sir. J. Vero of Kitchener
brother of Sirs. Jos. Hickey, who
seriously ill with pneumonia
We are sorry to hear that Mr. F.
feConnell has been :aid up with a
ore knee the past week.
Mr. '5. Guirmeu of Mount Carmel
s visiting friends in Dublin this
day with Ripley friends.
.Seaforth Legion Euchre and Old
Time Dance, December 3.
Messrs. Alex. and John McEwen of
Clinton Were visitors at A, Ander-
son's during the week.
Mrs. licKibbon of London is
spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs. Henry Ivison,
Mr. Fern MeLean is this week
among the exhibitors at Toronto fair,
showing a splendid young cattle beast.
Success, Fern,
Mrs. William Butt and son Roy, of
Seaforth, spent Saturday visiting ha
our village. Roy is not yet able to
resume Ms worksince his recent mo-
tor accident,
Little Wilma Hay is recoverin
slowly. Wilma has had e very set
ere and leng illness and e -e hope sl
will soon be much improved.
Mrs. John Anderson is not as we
as her many friends would like to see,
being again confined to her room.
Miss Rena Johnston, R.N., a Strat-
ford, visited with Mrs, John Work-
-man recently.
Miss Kate Bengough visited in Ex-
eter during the week.
Mr, and Mrs. Meyers of Zurich
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. E. Smith of our village.
Mrs, M c.Kib bon of London is
spending a few holidays with her sis-
ter, Mrs. H. Ivison.
Mr, John Doig of Port Huron is
visiting his parents.
Ales. Walter McCully- visited her
many friends here recently and at-
tended the reception given to Mrs.
Gauld, returned missionary of For-
s Grace Cooper is visiting in
Lansing, Michigan, with her sister,
Mrs. Grant Love.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc:Laughlin
visited ts-ith Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
,Dayman on Sunday.
llaunt, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Day-
f.r. and Mrs. Allie Dayman of Ex-
eter spent Sunday with their uncle
Mies Margaret Elgie ,of Toronto,
who had her tonsils removed at the
Scott Memorial Hospital last week is
spending a few days with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie, of
Tuckersmith. -
Mies Pearl Brock of Brucefield
spent Stinky at the home of Miss
Mary McNaughton.
Mr, Harry Norris shot a red fax
labile hunting near Drysdale -on Mon-
Mr. Archie Parsons is suffering
from an attack .of influenza..
Mrs. Wood of Mitchell was a week
end 50551 of Mrs. R. Dinsdale.
Mias Etta Bell of London spent
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Bell,
Mrs. Gauld and Mrs. McKibbon
spent a few days with their sister.
afre. Henry Tvison.
Mise garY Denlnelly et' Buff•Ct9
sDent Sunday et the home' of her 8t5-;
ter, Iles. Leo Feeney,
Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher, also
Sir. and Sirs. Terry Flannery motor-
ed to Linwood on Tuesday to attend
the funeral of Mr. Oscar Shummer
of Detroit who was huried in Lin-
wood on Wednesday last.
lir, Thome.> Staples of Seaforth is
spending a few days with hi, niece,
Mrs. Leo Murray.
Rise' Dorothy If elady. nurse -in -
training at General Hospital, Kitch-
ener. spent Stinfloy at her same here,
le Miss Carrie Eisler of Detroit is
spending a few- days in the neighbor -
11 h-.od visiting with relatives.
We are glad toiesee aur Bank man-
aaga1 afferii,lrte.r„Edu, Ge, on the street
gtainininjuries inuri
in a
ale and Mrs. Otto Ernest ae,d son,
and Mr. Fred Wolfe, all of Detroit,
motored over to spend the week-ead
with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Queren-
alias Laura Sippel, nurse of Strat-
ford. is spending a few weeks with
her sister, Mrs, Dalton Hinz,
Miss Violet Rock of Stratford is
visiting with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. L. G. Rock,
Mr, C. W. Pushelberg is spending
a week with Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Vock of Bornholm.
Seaforth Legion Euchre and Old
Time Dance, December 3,
,Don't forget the progressive euchre
and dance, put on by the Dublin
High School students in the parish
hall on Friday evening. Nov. 2ist.
Messrs, Lyall, Joseph and Gerald
folder', of Toronto spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Jordan.
Dr. j. S. McGregor Is moving his
August Rose,' who had been ia poor
health for the past six month, died on
November 6th in his sixty-eighth
year. The deceased man, who was
born in Germany, had lived in the
township of Logan for fifty-eight
years, He was a man of sterling
qualities, was well thought of by all
who were acquainted with him and
he was a member of St. Peter's Luth-
eran Church, Brodhagen. His wife
died ene year ago and he leaves four
sons and five daughters to mourn his
hoes: John, Toronto: Edvrard and Ar-
thur, Vancouver, B.C.; Charles, Sirs.
C. Rock, Mrs. Wesley Scoins, Met,
George Heintel. and Mrs. George
Greve of Logan, and Miss Ordelia, at
home, The late Mr. Rose is also sur-
vived by four brothers and two sis-
ters. Louis, of Minnesota: Edward, of
McKillop; William, Henry, Mrs. Geo.
Ahrens and Mrs. William afikel, of
Logen.The funerel took place front
the family home alt Sunday afternoon
to St. Peter's Lutheran Church cem-
etery, Brodha,gen, for interment. Af-
ter the burial service there 'vas 3, ser-
vice in the church, which was eanduc-
ted 53. the pastor, Rev. Y. Alberti,
Villa's Worm Powders attack
wnrins in the stomach and intestines
at ,once, and no worm can come in
contact with them and live. They
also correct the unhealthy conditions
in the digestive organs that invite and
encourage worms, setting up re-
actions that are most beneficial •to the
growth of the child. They have at-
tested their poiver in hundreds of
cases and at all times are thonoughly
Anderson's Bakery
To give you the Lowest Possible Prices Consistent with
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The Home of Buttermilk Sanies—have you tried them?
Variety of Breads improves every meal,
Buns, Cakes, Pies and Cookies always on hand,
CREAM BUNS . .... —25c a dozen
(If we please you, tell othets; if not, tell us)
T. R. Anderson