HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-11-13, Page 4AGE 'FOUR
THURSDAY, ai3OVM)3ER 13, ..1930
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
1VIrs. John Smillie,—The death oc
-carred Sunday n?orning, Nov, 9th, of
Mrs. John Smillie in heri7,4th year,
after an, extended illness, Mrs, S,mJl-
da£ ;was a highly respected resident of
�'Wation for the past• ten years Mr.
anti l,frs.
Smillie farmed .on the 1t7't'h
oatcession of Grey Township until
they moved to Walton NLrs, Smillie
s survivec4'by her husband, and one
:-sister, Mrs. Ross, near Eanhro. The
i".uneral which took place Tuesday a
�ernoon at -2 MM.- in Duff's -Church,
\\Talton,•:was largely attended. The
cervices were in charge of Rev. W. J.
,Maines, the pastor. The, following
,evtere pallbearers; Thos. :Lee—ming,.
• John Watson, Silas Johnston, Will
2icFadzean and Wm, Stewart. Inter-
ment was' in Brussels • Cemetery.
-Many friends of Mrs.,'Hackwell Sr.
,-.were sarry to hear 'of her 'having had.
z light. stroke receutin.
Mr, ,Janes Coutts is holding a-
Iearing sale'of farm, farm stock and
• 'implements, en Vi'edi, Nov., 19.Mr.
`Coutts is• giving no farthing and plans
^.o take a;pusition with the Nat. Farni
Agency Co of Toronto. -.
Miis: Muriel Farquharson 'is- spend-
• two w ceks' holidays in Toronto
shh r.'striee+.
'Mrs. Ed. Britton of Constance
spent the Week end with her parents,
alr. dnd Mrs.Joe. Love:
Mr. and Mrs. Mar'ritt and li',tie
lnnghter from near Blyth spent Sun-
lay with Mlrs: MI rritt's mother, Mrs.
Mrs.. R'nt. Farquharson is spend -
ng t •ew• days at the home ,'f her
sister, Mrs. Henderson, nearSea-
forth. while Ur, and Mrs. Henderson
• are to Toronto owing :o the illness
of Mr. Henderson's sister, Mrs.
On Oct. 31. Sarah Jane Keratagitan
.,Si;e of i. L 1 itrnit ll passed Tway
nt her home on the ;th concession.
• grey Tp., in her fifty hf h year.
'Mr. and ML.. Gear„e Clark ' Lis -
one,. nisite.i Mr. and. ML,. Sehier on
Me nday.
Mr and Mlrs R. Drager silent
'Thanksgiving whit Mrs. C. 1)reger,
Miss Ilar e Watson -eturned
-ion e after .'a-. ':g a few day with
N. H.oy'.
\ins. F- 1 n it'l fricn1 its
.`3russete over the week end.
Mr. Robt. -Campbell.Brussels.
smell: the a•':'lay w•t., lir. i, c:ah
'a er.
Mr, arta Mrs. II. Last of Windsor
. e': r t1 °i. a c after spending their
a, , r e nt 1 Mr. R. Hoy and family.
Mr.and Mrs.A. Hewitt of Michi-
▪ e e v;. sig Mr. and Mrs,. Jno.
`1 L squad ac r a en
• .:y,tn,e 1 1 i.,t !mati:ng. ,v..i .lucks a:
\Ir. R. Hoy- seal son. also Arthur.
terns and Clarence S ess and L.
iirkby, Mr. Russell 'Marks. Rob.Hof
a: A11.1 alt I er o ;tent •het;
muting tri at Mla.kaka.
Ml and Mf i Thompson r. of To-
antto and Mr.Arthur Carr s•sent
i'hanksgiv:... with Mr. ; ,l Mrs. Wm.
1Tti 4v'^.
\l. and Mrs. U:,cc in Ili' Lues,
' i;1.iavir. spent the pis, week in Det -
t t' Mr.Oliver'ssae
Mr. SV:n. Makin,. , 11 NeoIa
-'a.. spent Sunday With Mr. MMc-
: aysns and Mr. Wm. Somervilles.
1 e 'vc1 e 1' e ante. > t of
\iii\ _t are very ay.
'1 c I a:'.e ,m: e •
t▪ at \\e.,,, -s N..,. - ,va.1
t , e ,ve t -j
-.twee .vee z:..., neat ex-
t e' a
tib• . _ .:.r .i r .,. ..
x. ..ed
. ,c :�.. \ ee-
wh e exec- •._ stet at:
ara.i ,.,, Very , c",c-
i:• stage :erre ar ted
vy ,.:e _tor. vFurniture•was kindly
c t :. y Mr... cot S well pleas-
ed .v,*. •'•e , nice with the pr eta -
t t.r , n ave been m t•te
another iwi., in Blyth. The
play will he'nresented next week in
T.)ttt h t ,:t. The caste was compos-
nfi r Mrs. J Coiclough. Jessie Rich -
Otto 1 \[ar,;. e T irk \1-s. F. \V.
Milts. M S a .. n. , fin c L i d a,v,
Gladys Fawcett, Alax, Sperling, W.
F.3' tis t, H.
taunting, The selections of Hairy
Ml'et et 1,ea r See more 't
,trap the hoose. Proceed. mr. erted
s2 ),
The re l:a tt 4 •y
\V.\! S of : Queen ;tree!
Church was held on lI -
with t Mirs. W. H MeE
Meeting ,
e c
the ev ' atle
Peace .le e
,,d can:rhea e.. -
:Mesdames MIl ..1-as'.y.
;'arr. Mrs. \f:,..,-;
the report of :he IV,M-S
west section of Hnro. F...
held a. Port Albert w
delegates. Mrs.\Vsr t ?, -
the morning session a^3 Mrs. Ape
Bender gave the afternoon. During
Mrs. Benders report. letters received
front ht the missionaries l
onar.ea whoa:
bale were sent were read by :he .p -
ply secretary, Mrs. Colelougit. \ to
of appreciation was tendered ,.e la-
dies for their splendid reports, follow-
ed by responsive reading. The fifth.
chapter of the study book, "From
Jerusalem to Jerusalem," was taken
by Mrs. Hilborn and was very inter-
esting. Hymn 133 was then sing.
the. president Mrs. Colclough, then
took the chair fir the business part
of the meeting, It was decided to
have our next meeting the last Tues-
day in November, the members to
Erin i their n I miteboxes. g e,. A•
,li in the De
',liming Doxology. the president
•losed the meeting with the benedic-
Mr. and Mrs.Wesley Mfahr of Go-
tlerscn were guests of Mr, and Mrs.
W. II„ M'IcElroy on Thanksgiving l®®
Mrs. Charles Harvey of Exeter was
t visitor with her son, J. W. Mills,
last week.
L• rs• •, of Brant;
'Mr. and 14 1' E Stlltb
ford, were holiday. visitors with Mrs.
G. Collinson.
A reunion of the Leith family, the
biggest in several years, was held on
Thanksgiving Day at the home of
Mrs.' George Leith Sr. on Morris st.
in the evening twenty-five guests
sat down to a sumptuous Thanksgiv-
ing supper, The gathering was a real
pleasure to all. Besides the mem-
bers of the Leith family and matey
relatives in Blyth and vicinity the
guests iecluded, Mr. and- Mrs, W.
Dean of Stratford; Mrs, L. Plaetzer,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Leith,
Lucknow; Mr, and Mrs. VTill Leith,
Mrs. Kennedy of Clinton is visit=
Mg her: sister, Mrs. Ted Watson.
Buhl -On Monday, Nov. 10, 1930,
to fir. and Mrs, John MeiNall, Blyth,
a daughter.
Mr, Earl McKnight, who has been
very i11 for two weeks with quinsy, is
not improving very rapidly.
Mrs, Lawrence Plaetzer of Toronto
isvisiting her sister, Mrs, G. Leith,
'Rev. ' C. C.Keine and Mrs, Koine'
of Dungannon visited the latter's bro-
ther, J. W. Mills, last week.
Miss Bertha Brogden of London
snent over the holiday with her sis-
ter's,. Mrs. D. Floody and Mrs. W. H.
Mr. Harvey Craig of Grey town-
ship spent over the holiday with his
pa encs. 3(r. and \Irs. Robert Craig,
Miss Hazel Leslie of Victoria hos-
pital, London, is spending three weeks
lo,n,lays with her mother, Mrs. S.
Nurnnen .Floody spent over the ho-
liday- with his parents, lira and Mrs.
1). Floody.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bosnian of
liluevaie were visitors with Mr. and.
Mrs. J. W. Mills.
Mie' Hazel Petty, London. spent
iter :he holiday with her parents,
John and Mrs. Petts,
Mr. Joseph Stothers of Sarnia visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mills
last week,
Mrs. George Garniss visited her
sister, Mrs. A. Vint, Stratford, over
Miss Ada Craig of Listowel spent
ver tate ho:idly with her parents,
R chert and Mts. Craig.
Mr. Melbourne Koine of Dungan-
non pent' last week at the home of
Mr. John Mills,
Miss Blanche \Vheatley of Toronto
visited, with Misses Elizabeth and
I >a se Mills on Sunday.
Messrs. Nelson. Norman and Leslie
Nieholson eeent .Sunday afternoon at
George Nicholson s.
Miss Viola Brawn was a victor at
the hems of Mr, and Mrs, John
Brown on Sunday.
The Ebenever Old Timers broad -
from \Vingham Thursday even-
t t last week,
Mr. and Mrs. John Riley and chil-
dren t so Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brad -
stein of Jamestown. -lfr. and Mrs.
Ciarenee Johnston and 'Iona. of near
l v 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gras -
:it. of \Va v lass sh ;pent Monday even-
ing with MIr. and Mrs, John Grasby.
Miss M. I'o;l:ck has returned home
from spending a couple of weeks with
Friends and relatives et Fort Erie and
MIr, and Mrs. Tom Lyon were
guests of Mfr. and firs, John Yeo on
Mrs. Fred Toll Sr. has returned
me from visiting her daughter
i Par e.
Mr. and Mrs. John Yeo, Misses
Ruth i ,d Minnie Yea and Margaret
ji hits:on spent Monday evening at
:he e ome o. Mfr. Robt. Wallace.
'Mies Nellie Fear ..?f Ridgetown
-pc holiday oli+'lay with her masher,
A. Fear.
No. 6A Tractor Plow
New patented Cushion Hitch, can be set for tractor or horses,
It does away with the OId''Style 'Wooden Break Pin. The Patented
Power Lift is simple'and strong. It raises She, ',plow full height, while
advancing only two feet.. __
All Repairs and Labor Cash, ' Open Evenings.
MIr, and Mrs. John Busby of Cha-
tham were week -end visitors at the
homeof the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robt, Lawson.
Mre. Wnt. Britton went to Clinton
hospital on 'Tuesday to have an X-ray
Miss Thelma Dale of Toronto was
a holiday .visitor at the home of her
parents. Mr. and'Mrs, Janes Dale,
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Chowen of Strat-
ford were holiday visitors at the
home of the latter's parents, lMr. and
_Mrs. Wm. Knox.
Miss -Mildred Britton of Toronto
spent the holiday with her parents,
Mir, and Mrs. \Vm. Britton,
Mfr. and Mrs, Fred. Armstrong of
Grimsby were holiday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Armstrong and
with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Moon near
L ,ndeshoro.
Misses Elva and Blanche Wheatley,
Toronto, were holiday visitors with
their parents, Mir. and Mrs. Geo,
Wheatley. hiss Elva \Vheatley un-
derwent a tonsil operation on Satur-
day in Clinton hospital. She returned
on Sunday to her home where she is
spending the remainder of this week.
Mr. Lorne Lawson of Toronto was
a week -end visitor with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Lawson.
Mr. Art. Bromley and Mr. Mc-
Donald, Toronto, n -ere holiday guests
at the home of Mfr, and Mrs. Jas.
Mr. and'Mrs. Roy Barnett of To-
ronto spent the week -end with Mr.
end \Lrs. Robt. Grimol'dby.
Mfiss Miary More and Mir, Jack
Moore, Toronto. were week -end visit-
ors with Mrs, Moore.
Miss Annie Taylor has returned
home after spending a few days with
her sister, Mrs. W. McMillan, of
Mfiss Florence Taylor of Toronto
is visiting at the home of her brother,
Mr, Harvey Taylor.
\fr. and Mrs. Roy Barnett of Wes-
ton, spent Thanksgiving at the home
of Mr. ,and Mrs, Robert Grimoldby,
Mr. Charles Riley of London spent
the holiday at his home here.
Mfr. John Ml:,ore and sister, Miss
Mary Moore of Toronto and Mr. Mil-
ton Moore of K-ingston visited at the
home of _lfr, 'William Moore over the
week end.
\fans Kathleen Logan of Blyth
spent the week end with her sister,
Mfrs. Leo Stephenson.
Mir. and Mrs. George Riley and
family visited at the home of Mr. and
Mfrs. Chas, Hoggarth on Sunday last.
Miss Mary Cooke of Clinton spent
Monday with her sister, Mrs. Jos,
Special eervices will be held in
Cromarty Presbyterian Church on
unday. Nov. 16:h, a: I1 a.m„ and
7.30 p.m., when the Rev. R. C..Rog,
er•. newly inducted minister, will
have charge of the services On the
f:::•owing Tuesday evening, Nov. 18,
la hot fowl .supper will be served in
i :he basement of the church from 5.30
STANLEY.1 8..'clock. after which a splendid
-gramme will be given by the Lis -
L int:e .Gar •ton Westlake, sort _ f Mr.
:Sire. T. \Vee:lake of the Blue HlVa-,
'g::ty av, is at present ill Seal
th hospital.
• Miss Gladys Douglas, nurse in Sao -
. th sp a visited her parents, Ma;le
aMira, R. N. Douglas of Blake. oil
lit and Mfrs. Amos Gingerich en
tertained.a number of the young peo-'
p n of the vicinity a: their home ars
Wednesday day evening.
Mr and lfrs. Moses Gerber and if
and Mrs. Aaron Gingerieh v isi e. _:
the home of Mr. and MGs, V. Ger-
Thanksgiving d
erTisa ti v r ay.
Miss T. It ,
Zurich spent
eek-:. s the home : f Mr. az::.
M1->. T. jellosaat ef .he T'so Lice.
ue ".,.,is a repo?:
• a :ev r tee montee
and Oetoher.
e..r a e-Ene
Campbell 72'5, Ars
Reht.. Cernie 49"
....—Kettotals Eaton 76 Asa..
Mabel Rohner 35.
F m
vis Lenard Etue 7,
, -e:• :2, Iferv.s -Gerber`
I: —\ :e: Turner 65. Be:tlah
4.i Jimmy Cleave 55.
s.—Delines Doc„arn.e 60. Ear: Etue
delvin Gerber 45.
Tn anumber on roll 1S,
3.frs. Roy Scotchmer, Teacher.
Rep ori of S.S.
No. •I4
. Stanley, for
1V.—Ma gave: McKenzie 69.
Mahe: Talbot 65.
IV.—Andrew •Me,henzie 81, El-
mer Hayter 58. Mary Aldrich 57,
Wesley -ley Jones 50, Margaret Joaes 50.
r� McBeath 47. Wilmer Jones 46.
III. Sr. --Harvey Hayter 70. Audrey
Cochrttte 65, Aubrey Farquhar 55,
Ha old Janes 48.
Sr. IL—Mary Farquhar 78, George
Clifton 62, Kathleen Jones 58.
Jr. 11. --Eric Switzer 0.
Printer—Mervin Hayter, Donald
Switzer. e . Etui
e Talbot. �. Flet:
Number on roll 21, average atten-
• P. C, Penfo'.d, Teacher.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50e
towel Quartette.
.Mr. ani. Mrs. Ta-. Sem: spent
Thaoksg:, ,,_, in Walkerton.
Setne , the Thanksgicfng visito
in s vicinity:
Miss Gladys Hemi:tars of Toronto'
with nea par Mrs. Barr ani son
T: -.o:„c. w.:n friends: Mr, and
Mr5. El. Heave _;d daughter of De-
troit. 0-itle her pare: Mr. and Mrs.
lic-Ltioti George any John Lamont.
London.ei v Mrs. Lame lfiss
Rey of M::chef:..v•:h her a.,•::. Mrs.
s;a<` L - .. Keep s
,. e... stable.
\Vf:1 display a complete line of
Ladies' and Gent's
Hair Goods
including Patent Structure
Advice on all Scalp Ailments
and the use of Inecto Rapid.
Pit.he Hotel
. - Appointment
The W. T Pember Stores Ltd.
429 Tonge St., Toronto, Ont.
Mr, and /firs. Arnold Jeffry, De-
troit, spent the week -end with the
former's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar
and ,family,` Cromarty, spent Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. 1). Colquhouit.
Mr, Clarence Norris, Toronto, spent
the week -end with his parents.
Messrs. Geo. and Cadaeron Vivian
were Toronto visitors recently.
Mr. and Mrs, s W. Elliott, Mitchell,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Colqu-
noun. Sunday.
Miss Ida Cooper has returned to
her home in Toronto after visiting
with her sister, Mrs, F. Ham,bley.
Mrs. A. A. Colquhoun, Miss Mar-
garet Davis and ItIiss Vera Leary at-
tended the Women's Institute Con=.
vention in London Cast week.
Mr. and Mrs, R. Buttenham, Ham-
ilton, were recent visitors with the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc-
hisses Muriel and Jean Whyte,
Stratford, and -hiss- Jean Balfour,
Mitchell, spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. Gray.
Mir. Fraser Oliver. Hamilton Uni-
versity, spent the holiday week -end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D.
Howard Leary, London, was a
visitor at his home.
S ir, and Mrs. Wilfred OtBrien, Ow-
en Sound; Mr, and Mrs, Cecil O'-
Brien and Edythe, Ridgetown, and:
Dr. Harold O'Brien, Hamilton, spent
the Thanksgiving week -end under the
parental roof.
Funeral of Mrs. Montgomery
Davis.—On Saturday. November 1st,
the funeral took place of Eleanor
Venter• beloved wife of Mr. _Mont-
gomery Davis. who passed away on
Thursday morning, October 30th, fol-
lowing a brief illness. The services
were conducted by Rev. Mir. Elder, of
Milverton, a former pastor, assisted
by Res-, R. C. Rogers, of Cromarty
Presbyterian Church, and he spoke
comforting words from the text, 1'4th
chap. 'Revelations, 13th verse: "Bless-
ed are the dead, which die in the
Lord from henceforth: Yeas saith the
Spirit. that they may rest from their
labors; and their works do follow”
then,' More than 100 cars were in
funeral procession wending its way
to Staflii cemetery and the floral tri-
utes were many and beautiful. Six
neighbors acted as pallbearers:
Messrs. Will Miller, Albert Smale,
Wilbert Fell, Richard Sillery, Her-
bert Smale, Harold Kerslake. The
late Mrs. Davis was born at Crom-
arty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Veneer and her girlhood was spent at
Chiselhurst, where her parents stili
reside. Twenty years ago she was
united in marriage to Mir. 'Montgom-
ery Davis, who survives. - Survnting
also are three brothers and two sis-
ters: William and Bert Venner, of
Hibbert'\Wesley Venner of Tucker-
,mith; Mrs. Archie Ryckman, of Ex-
eter, and Mrs. George Dalrymple, of
Tuckersmith. Among those from a
distartoe who attended :he funeral
were Dr. Davis of liindemaya, and
Mrs. Drummond, of Staples.
Mr. Joseph Nagle. Reeve of Hib-
bert Township. had the misfortune of
having his house burned ,an Saturday.
Mr. Nagle. after lighting the fire. had
gone to :he barn and in a short :ime
e ne.ghbors sale smoke placing
:rim-. • ie roof. Threshing was in pro-
gress at Dae home o. lir. John 8 en
-- a s the me -a --e soon at the
leu o. -..e :ire- but - tiring could be
Line to save :he building. Same of the
contentsvete saved.
Miss Mary v Brae and Mrs. Beale
Thanksgring the guests cif Mr.
v Bea:e S. e,ord.
1: .. sift: deep .egret that
aas rr_: , e.r here of the --cash o: Mfr.
Os:a: P. Seliumnter. which oven ed
D Sunday. Noes 9. after a
les- Mete' illness.illnees. His wife was fo
i-eily M-.,. Cam_,:a Meagher of Dub
Mrs. at -,t lathe:: and daughter
Tor.ott. are pen -.n- a sew- da
• friends here.
Tut . g_geme isannounced of
Olive R e:ter_r of Mrs. Lyon and
the late 1-1s.7.-3- Lyon. Londesboro, to
3I•. _ Ea.: Braun:. of Lucknow, the
..a2tr, take p:ace in November.
X\ -e, ase glad to report' that Mrs. A.
Hoggart and Bertha are siowly im-
pniving a - se o_ tartack of ery-
sipeis.s. Miss Addison. R.N.. has been
Isolation Gone
I .seed , a-• les to
ice c ea a e' a -e No- vier
a y-. n. ta he a e n ei •- There
.iia nearby ✓i, r -o lake
Y.311. ng -ds any
aa, efrop.e—tenveniette
a e ever..ing and night rates
-Wase rt very.i.texpeusive.
Drives 1 „ Before It.—The
stoke r ▪ s iS J. D. K
eggs Asthma Remedy -gives asthmarto .
chance - I` era.a.ca es.
▪ experience t..e
e % 5 eme ow ac
:::!al ,a is the it
gives. it he result -05 'rang .:+'7,r
experiment and acs sta'am1t-
-el to the oarrhe c tri a"s -
knew it would doits
':: visa:
The monthly meeting- of the Wo-
men's Association of Bt•ucefield Una
iced Church was held 'Nov, 6th at the
hone of Mrs, Alex, Wright: In spite
of the Snowy weather there was a
good attendance. During the work
period of the meeting Miss Greta
`Broadfoot favored the company with -
piano solos. The devotional part was
thea taken by Mrs, Rattenbury. The
president presided for the business
part of the meeting.,- A very interest-
ing paper on Thanksgiving was read'
by Miss Greta Broadfoot. The meet-
ing then closed by all repeating the
Mizpah benediction. A dainty lunch
was served by •t:he hostess,, At the
December, meeting the 'officers for the
coming year wilt be elected,
Farmers' Club 'Meeting.—Tile joint
meeting of the U.F.O. and U.FJW.O.
will be held Tuesday evening, Nov.
18th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dow, Loudon 'Road ,South.
Mr. Lyle Norris of Detroit and Mr.
Lance Norcis of 'Medical College, To
ronto,, spent the week -end with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Norris.
Mr, Alex. Addison and Mr. Robt.
McNaughton spent Thanksgiving hol-
idays each with their people'. here.
!Rev, and MIrs. McIntosh and three
sons of Embro called on a number of
old friend's around Brucefield on
Monday. .
The choir (net at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dow last Thursday evening.
The singing was much ' appreciated,
especially by Mir. Dow who has been
shut in so long.
The W.M.S., Marion Oliver • Oircle
and. Mission Band will hold their
Thankoffering service on Friday even-
ing, Nov. 14 at 8 p.m. Mrs. (Rev.)
Gould, of Toronto, formerly of For-
mosa, will be thespeaker for the
evening, i•Lrs. Gauld has been work-
ing for the Master for the past 38
years in Formosa and will have an in-
teresting story to tell about the work.
Special music by the choir. A cordial
invitation is extended to all the con-
• Miss A. Edmunds of Seaforth was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. I5.
Miss Irene Snider, .lir. Alex. Ad-
dison, Mr. Stanley Reid, all of Lon-
don, spent the week -end 'at their ere-
spective hones.' '
Mrs. J. Burdge of Hamilton was
the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. John Wats
Mr. and firs. West of St. •Thomas
'and the Messrs. Carr of London Were
guests at the Manse.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Murdoch of De-
troit were visitor sat the home of Mr..
R. D. Murdoch,
Mrs. Grace Ross and Miss Verna
McGregor of Clinton spent Thanks-
giving at the residence of Mr. Robt.
Mr. John Doig of Detroit.and his
friend, Mr. Francis. Edwards of De-
troit, were recent visitors at the for-
mer's home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doig and son of
London and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wil-
liams of Usborne and Mr. and Mrs.
John Doig and, Mr. Peter Doig of
Howick, were recent visitors at the
Doig home.
Mfr. Lance Norris of Toronto visit -
ad at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mors, John Norris aver the week-
Mfr. Robert McNaughton of Lon-
don spent the week -end at his home
in Tuckersmith,
MFiss Rossie Patrick visited Mr, and
Mrs. Ross Chapman ,on Sunday last.
Miss Etta Jarrott of Toronto spent
the week -end with her parents in the
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Lans-
ing, Mich., are spending a week
among their many friends in these
Jas McDonald spent Thanksgiving
with friends in Windsor.
-Misses Margaret and Grace Coop-
er of London .visited over the week-
end with their parents.
Gilbert Jarrott and Harvey Mc-
Ciyntont of London are visiting 'in the
Mr. Fred Parsons of London visit-
ed his parents. Sir. and firs. R. Par-
sons over the holiday.
Miss Margaret Elgie of Toronto
was a visitor with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. R Elgie over the week -end.
Mese Eta Bell of London visited
her parents. Mir. and Mrs. A. Bell,
Sind ay.
Mfr. Lawrence Br:ghtmore of Lon-
eoe pent the holiday with his aunt,
Mrs. J. H. Cochrane.
Mr. Clarence McLean of London
Unie-ersity spent the holidays with
Mfr. aed ',I.s. J. B. McLean..
Mr. Arnold Eutner of Bulyea. Sask.
vtho eft this country for :he West
.w"en v -four years ago. writes that
v have harder times than the.
e,:,p a a lend here. They had a
fair.y good tt crop in some part, but
gel very J .ie for same. He th eshea
twenty bushels :f wheat per acre arid
ad to pay IOc per bus; oats, 7c per
o but did not state how the oats
yielded. He wr.ites he had 40 acres.
The Wheat Pool started cheat at 6Oc
per bushel but dropped down to 39
now. and then 10c of that act for
threshing. will not leave the farmer
a very big profit for his work. He
writes if they get another year .as 'the
two last years. the West will be •
bankrupt. Nest very far from hie
place some farmers have nothing.
The weather was too dry and toe het
and the crop burned up on the ground
o that some threshed from 1
2i per acre. They nil: not have
sed for next spring That makes,
-lord in•eafo those people anethe-
MIr- and Mrs. John Keihne and son,
of Rr tosck Spent Thanksgiving with'.
lir. and Mrs. W m. Kr ett er ?
Ploughing the gardens tn., d r t
of the day. which shows that plough
_g is nearly completed `or this fa° ;'
Mr. N ermats Bennew ies Is plough—
ng for if Jerry De" with tis
actor. as .he greued” is dr; and hard 1..
'Ire. Craiton who =a > i+, _ng.
6 ,,P airs Mrs. Ta> has re-
:ler orae , lielyth
Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Grimsby spent rise we+,G s'i'll, :set
of ` MEN'S,
Having decided
• offer our entire stock
heard of before. This
-Do not miss this opportunity
cheaper than.syott ever
ff. 1:LE 1
to discontinue our Shoe Department, will- now
of shoes,,rubhers'and ;goloshes at prices never
sale ,continues tial the entire stock is c'leained out
to get yott'r Fall and' Winter Footwear
heard of before.
STORE"—We Sell the Beat for Less
latter's here,Mr,, and "Mrs, H.
Miss Mary' Jamieson of 'Toronto
spent the holiday with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Rogerson of the vil-
lage are ' moving.:this - week to the
hone of their daughter, Mrs. Wats
son, neer Leadliury.
Mrs. J. Tantblyn returned to her
home on Saturday after a pleasant
visit at Welland and Toronto..-
We are glad to know little Miss
Thelma Scott is able to be out again
after her severe illness,
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens of Seaforth
were visitors with lir. end Mrs. Nott
over the week -end.
We are sorry to hear Mr. Ted
Crawford is not improving as. quickly
as his seeanv friends would like to see.
Mr. and Mrs. Archambault and fa-
milt', of near Auburn, spent ' Sunday
in the viliage.
Mr. Weaver, Miss Levan and Miss
Gertrude Roberton of Toronto spent
the week -end with the latter's mother,
Mrs, M. Ross. •
Mrs. Sampson of Palmerston is a
guest of Miss Lyon this week.
Miss Viola Feeney of Lyndon spend
holiday with her arents Mr. and
the Ito y parents,
Mrs: Thomas Feeney,
The following teachers were home
over the holiday: Thomas McQuaid
and Charles Malone of Windsor
Margaret McGrath of Dundas; Editt
Miles of Guelph; Mildred and Gert
rude McGrath of Kitchener; Helene
Flannery of Linwood.
Mrs, J. J, Holland spent the boll -
day with Mr. and: Jvlrs. Joe Eckart
in Oakville,
The C.W.L. are holding a euchre
and dance inthe parish' hall on Nov
ember 25th. '
John Downey.—The death occur
a morning,
red .early Tuesday i g, Nov
11, of Mr. John Downey at his home
near St, Colun'iban, Mo. Downey was
born 57 years ago at Beechwood ane
had resided: all his life in this district
Besides his wife he is survived by twc
sons and two daughters, John .in Chi.
cago; Mrs. Knosali-(Mary) in Lon,
don and Joseph and Gertrude at home
Four sisters and one brother also sun
Mrs. Jos, Downey, Beechwood; Mrs
Dan. Cronin, , St. Columban; Mrs
James Cronin, Dublin; Mrs. John
Cronin, Detroit, and Mrs. Ed. Horan
Stratford. The funeralwill take placi
from his late residence, lot 26, con. 1
Hibbert on Thursday morning, :Nov
13, at 9.30 to St. Columban Church.
thence to the place of interment is
St. Columban cemetery.
The following _visited with friends
and relatives over the week -end: Mr.
and` Mrs. Alf. Dykeman of Toronto
with Mr.. and Mrs, Hy, Kleber Sr;
Mr. and Mrs. Les. Wieterson of De-
troit with their parents; Mr. Frank
Scherbarth-of Trenton with his par-
encs; Mr. and -firs. John •Heckman of
Detroit with his sister, Mrs. Geo.
Mr. John Kleber and son, Mr.
Chester and. Mrs. Kleber oil Rock-
ford, Ill., motored over to of..
hrother, Mr. Henry Kleber Sr.
Mr. and firs, H. W. Diegel and
Miss Evelyn Wessman spent the
week -end in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Kressler and Mr.
and ifirs, Martin Diegel of Stratford
were visitors here over the holiday.
Mr. John Heinz tgok a truckload of
dressed poultry to Toronto on Thurs-
day. He was accompanied by 'Mr,
Albert Qeserengesser.
Mr. Wm. Riehl, our genial barber,
is now located in his nen" premises,
which are a credit to our village.
SIr: and Mrs. Harold Rathwell a!
Windsor spent the week -end with re
latdves in and around the village.
Dr, Harvey and Mrs. Reid and lit.
Howlett of Toronto spent the holi-
daywith the former's mother, Mrs
:4L. Reid.
Miss Lizzie Cameron of Bayfield is
spending a few days at the home o
lir. and Mrs. A. Galbraith..
Mr. G. B. Woods of Toronto call
ed on friends and relatives over tui
week -end,
Misses Emily and Gladys Beatty a
London spent the holiday, at than
home here, returning to the city Mon.
day evening.
The members of the L,O,L, het(
their annualfowl supper on the 5th
A good supper and program followed
efrs, M. Reid is spending a few
days with friends in Goderich.
Mrs. E. Epps is still under thedoc
tor's care and her many friends ars
The W.A. of St. Johns Church me
at the home of Mrs, John Beatty of
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Workman hair(
returned home after spending theb
honeymoon do Michigan. We wrist
the young couple bon voyage througt
life. •
Se. IV.—Pass 420, Hon. 525. Ida
Chuter 550, Lillian Elliott 541, Haze
Hunking 537, Bill Austin 422.
Sr. III.—Plass 300, .Hon, 375. Willie
McAsh 441, Harvey Chuter 572, T~'i
rater Johnston 343..
Jr. IlI'L—+Pass 300, Hon. 375. A—
Jack McLinchey 243. B—Bessie
Chuter 3':t, Jean Reid 370, Gordon
Horner 328.
II,—Pass 240, • Hon. 300, Charlie
flunking 268, Mervin Johnston 265.
Ford Johnston 264, Jennie Hutkign
Sr, Pr.—Floyd McAsh 885%, Roy
Elliott 76%, Donald Keyes 65%,
Jr. Pre: --(George flunking 80%,
Helen Johnston 7'5.%,
Perfect spelling-41de Chuter. No.
on roll, 20. average attendance 19.5.
Ruby I. Taylor, Teacher.
Mr, James Johnston has leased the
Zeigler farm from Mrs. Robt. Gray
ed Hibbert and has taken possession.
Mir. Johnston was a lifelong resident
of this place until he left here a few
years ago and we welcome him back
and wish him success in his undertak-
Mr. Fred Eckert, accompanied by
Mr. J. If. Eckert and Mrs. John Hol-
land, were visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Eckart of Oakville over
Sunday and Thanksgiving day, His
daughter Ileen returned home with
them after spending her holidays in
Mir' Mrs. a
. and i s. W. Manley and' Mrs,
Thos. McKay spent Sunday at the
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs,
C. Eckert, Seaforth.
Quite a number front here attend-
ed the funeral of the late William
Ross of Logan Tp. The service was
conducted by the Rev. Mr. Alberti at
St. Peter's Church. Brod'hagen' .and
alt that was mortal was laid to rest in
St. Peter's Cemetery amid a large
concourse of friends. The sympathy
of the whole community is extended
to the bereaved in their hour of sad
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klein of St.
Marys called on friends here over
Sunday- •
Mr. Frank McQuaid of Stratford
ep n• the week end with . Mr. and
Mrs. James McQuaid,
GURRIiE.—Tn Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, Seaforth, on Tuesday, Nov.
Bl, 1930, to Mi•. and Mrs. - James
tturrie, of Seaforth, a daughter,
Custom Tailoring_ -.
at $40,00
life• are Agen^. for Regent, Royal and National
Stearn Pressing Suit, 50c
tsrael Charters