HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-11-06, Page 8PAGE. EIGHT HENSALL. T.he Odd Fella WS of liens Lodge had a red letter night Wednesday, the occasion being t 50th 'anniversary of 'the local b'od Grand Master Lockhart of St. Cat erifies• Paid his first official visit the Heinen Lodge on the occasio ,There was'a 'fine attendance of lac members ,and visiting brethren fro Exeter, 13rucefield, Clinton, Seafor and doderich. PastNoble Gra' Brother G. C, Petty and a past Di trict Deputy Grand Master were hoi ored with the Chairmanship. A. num bee of PID.D.G.Mes were prese and were called on to give addresse the first being PJILID.G.M. Moore Clinton Lodge. A report was give by Bro. Wm, Dougall Jr. in which h gave a short and' complete history o the 'Lodge• from its beginning, th membership doring, the diteeren years, the changes that have , take place and. the encouraging and prais worthy feature that over $16,000 ha been paid out for sick benefits, tut era.1 expenses and aid given to widow and children of deceased member. Followeng the address the chairma annotenza that an adjournment •woril be Made to the banquat which th ladies of St. Paul's Anglican Chum were -providing ime After all ha partaken of the fine taitquet, toes were the order of the evening. 'Th first was to the King, which was re ponded to by the Grand Master. Th next toast was to the Grand Lodg proposed by Bro. Sutter, P.D.D.iGeee of Clinton and responded to by th Grand Master. A quartette was g ven by Bros. Passmore, 'Sherritt, Me Laren and Carlile. The toast to th visiting brethren Was coupled with th names of the PAD.D.G.141.'s Willie McKay of Ragersville and Dr. F Thompson of Clinton, proposed b the Past Noble Grand G. J. Suther land and responded to by P:DID.G.M Moore of Clinton. A toast was pro posed to the Hensall Lodge by D F. Thompson of Clinton. The Hydro 'Commission have gang of men putting up new pole where necessary also a heavy wire t take care of the power situation a Hensel] end the local commission ar hoping that this 'will improve the ser vice. Mr. Wm, McKay of Hagersville i visite* this week with friends here Messrs. Alex. McIntyre, °rya Twitcheel and Jas. Kilpatricic ar away on a hunting trip to New On 'tare./ Council Meeting. -- The regula meeting cif the village councilwa held on Monday evening with Reev Higgins. Councillors- Petty. Consitt and Ortwein present. The minutes o the last meeting were read and ad opted on motion of Petty and Ort - web. 'A number of communications were read and ordered filed. The street committee reported that the gra‘elling uee completed and also al helee and cracks filled in the cement road. A number of accounts were pre- sented and ordered paid on motton of Coneitt and Ortwein. The meeting teen adjourned. Loyalty Sunday was ,ebeerved in the United Church n Sunday last, Both services were condpcted by the Rev. A. Sinclair and special music gi- ven by the choir. Mr. Sinclair preach - n very insay'ritig sermon on "High- way Religion, or How Members, Can Fill the Church." A duet was given by Mrs. Fred Hess ane Mr. Thomas Sherritt. In the evening the sermon was "Men on Top of the World," and sceos were given by Mr. Crawford. Next Sunday in the morning, arm- istice eervice will be observed and in the f yelling thanksgiving sereice and Mr. N. L. Nandi of Tor -mi will as - se.: in the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Tuesday in Stratford. Mies liezel Morenz sosi friend spent the week end at her home in Daeliwood. Mr. Murray Campbell spent the week end at his hoine in Stratford, Mr. Claude Blowes spent the week end at hie home in 'Mitchel Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent Friday in London. Miss Hilda Robbins of Brucefield has accepted a position with Dr. Col- lier. The Arnold Sewing Circle held a meeting at the home of Miss Dorothy Little C4I Tuesday evening, The A.Y.P.A. of the St. Paul's Anglican Church held their meeting on Monday evening in charge of the president, Mr. Robert Varley. The topic was given by Rev. Mr. Paull on "Why I Asn an Anglican," and an in- strumental was given by Mrs. Paull, after which contests were indulged in and lunch was served. Communion service was held in the Anglican Church on Sunday morning with the Rev. Mr. Parker officiating, In the evening Mr. Hartman gave an address. Mr. Lad McEwan has installed a new radio in his home. Miss Mary Farquhar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farquhar, who was recently operated on for appen- dicitis, is improving nicely. Mr. an,c1 Mrs. George Graham were visited over the week end by theii sons, VVelliam and Percy anti Miss Ada Graham of Lansing, Mich. The Masons of Zurich Lodge No. 224, at Henn% held their meeting. on Monday evening, Right Wor. Bro. T. Pryde of Exeter and the DID.G.M. were present. At the close of the lodge, a supper was served by the ladies of the United Church at that church. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baker of Centralia, visited friends in town on Tuesday evening. The Hensall public library board intend presenting the play, "Aunt Lu- cia," in the town hall on Wed and Friday evening, Nov. 13 and 15. Miss Raye, who has charge of this show, arrived in „town on Monday and is busy preparing and training the play- ers. All the characters will be local people. This play has been put on in a number of peaces ire Vhstern On- tario and has beee greeted by crowd- ed houses each night. 'The proceeds of the show will go to purchasing ,new books for the library. "Mr. Wan. Smith and Mr. Bruce Mitchell. of Crediton were in town on Tuesday evening. •'Mr. John Passmore intends leav- ing shortly on a hunting trip to New wzrar.i.osiace.lisccon THE SEAFORTH NEWS: W. C. Govenlock , McCormick -Deering Agent See our line of SULKY PLOWS WALKING 'PLOWS, AND TRACTORS AND PLOWS, • Have on hand for 'sale good' used Manure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul- ky Plow, also '25 Ford Sedan in Al shape, arid '25 Ford Coupe, 'For Sale--Robt. Bell cutting box, 32 ft. carrier, in first class shape. Set 2,000 pound Scales. Ontario, Mr, Robert Green of Chatham was in town Monday. Mr, John Rowcliffe is busy this week erecting his new home on the London road south of HensalL Mr, Wm. Balkwill of Exeter, has the con- tract. HAYFIELD. 'Messrs. Robt. Orr, W. Westlake, MeDool, Harold Stinson 'and Robert Penhale left Wednesday morning in the latter's truck on a hunting trip to the Manitoulin, Is- lands, Mrs. S. D. ieferner and Mrs. C. E. Merner and son Cla.ytan have return- ed to their home at Crediton after attending Mrs. E. Sturgeon through her illness. Mrs, A. Catling and son James of Port Stanley spent the week -end with his grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Sturgeon. Mrs. J. Davison, Marion Davison and Annie McLeod accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kerr of Walkerton to London where they spent Sunday with the former's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wightman re- turned to their home in Detroit on Thursday. They were accompanied by Miss Josephine Sterling. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wightman motored to the village on 1,Vednesday to see if their summer cottage was damaged by the fire next door when Geo. Weston's residence was burned. They were very grateful to the neighbors and villagers who protected their pro- perty. McKILLOP. • Presentation -"Mr. and Mos Herb. Henderson, -Dear Friends, We as friends and neighbors have gathered here this evening tospend a fear pleasant hours aith you in your new home. While among us we have al- ways found you willing fa help in any way you could. We regretted to hear you were leaving our midst but hope you like your new home and we will be looking forward to the time when you will be coming back to see 1.13 one and all, We ask you to accept this pnrse as a token of the high es- teem in which you both are held in this community, Signed on behalf of your friends." The above is the ad- dress read to Mr. an.d Mrs. Herb Henderson on Wednesday evening last when a :arge number of tormer neighb.rs and friends in McKillop spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henderson in them new home at El - Report for S.S. No. 10, McKillop for the months of September and Oc- tober. V. (-ass-Kenneth Betties 69.4%. Jr, IV. Class -Olive -Pryce 65%. ()liver Pryce 64.7%, Allan Campbell nee. jr. III. -Annie Pethick 76%, Ar- thur McClure 55%, i Jr. IL -Helen Blanchard 69.6% Muriel Dalmage 75% Harvey Dol- mege Mee, Sr, I. -Ruth Pethick 63%, Jr. I. -'Betty Bullard, Kathleen Shannen, very good; Ruth Campbell, good. Tillie Storey, Teacher, The followina'is the Report of S.S. No. 12, McKillop, for the months of September and. October, Those mark- ed with an asterisk were absent for the Examinations. Sr. JV. -Ague e Case 79%, Eliza- beth McFarlane*. 'Jr. TV. - Tillie Ridley 81%, Bert McSpadden 75%, Sr. III. ---Margaret Habkirk 7854%, Ge'orge Habkirk 76%. Sr. I. -Gordon Rainey 80%, Lillian McClure 76%, Primer - Kenneth Beattie, Norman Dodds, Jack Mc- Spadden, Jean McFarlane*, Robert McFarlane* (Good). Number on roll 13. Average attendance 12.3. Annie E. Strong, Teacher. The following is the report of S.S. No. 7, McKillop, far the months of September and October. Those who missed exams am marked with as- terisks. Sr. IV. --Everett Perdue 79%, Walter Somerville 11%, Jr. Boyd Driscoll 79%, 'Irvin Shannon 73%, Jimmie Balfour 70%. Jr. 111 - 'Kathleen Leeming 78%, , Harold Hudie 76%. Sr. I.--4-lelete Thamer 80%, Willie Leeming*, Primer -Anna Somerville, good. Number on roll 10. Average attendance 924. The highest number of stars for spelling during the two months, Kathleen. Leeming, Teacher, Cora F. Strong. The following. is the report of CT.S.S. No. 1, efeKillop, for months of September and October: Se. IV. -Frances Fortune 83%, Adelaide Murray 1,7%, Mabel Nigh 72%, Doreen Nigh 64%. Jr. hilL- Jack Fortune 79%, Ambrose Nigh 77%, Margaret Murray 73%. Sr. II. - Florence Murray 86%, Aileen Murray 83%, Robert Devereaux 77%. .Sr. I. - DR, CARL'S DISCOVERY STOPS GAS, CONSTIPATION In his private practice, Dr. Carl Weschcke first perfected the simple mixture now known as Adlerika. Unlike mast remedies, Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old poisons you wauld never believe were in yoer system. Stops GAS bloating in 10 minutes! Relieves chronic constipation in 2 hours! Let Adltrika give your stom- ach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel! It will surprise youl Keating's .Pharmacy, re',4 Frank Devereaux. 113%, Peter Niglei 87%, Lawrence elarray 87%, Joseph .R3ean 52%. Jr. I. - Madeline For- tune 93%, jaines 'Nash 87%, Sylvester Ryan 87%, Prineer•Kenny Murray Helen Devereaux, .Mary Devereaux, James Devereeux, Joseph Mterrae (good work). • ou roll 22.; average attendance Teresa Carpenter, Teacher. TUCKERSMITIL The followin„,. is the school report of S.S. No, 6, Tuckeremith, based on the work' of the month of October and examinations. Sr, IV. --Sarah Whit- more 89%, Pearl Hamill 70%, Jr. IV. Ashton and Leola Nott 70% (equal), Myrtle Ashton 60%, Verna Hugill 54%, Sr. IIL-Florence Whit- more 73%, Velma Ashton V%. •Sr, H. -tIona Hugill 7'2%, Wesley Hugill 62. Sr. II -Carman Whitmore 74, Ma- rion Hugill 70. Sr. I, -,Kenneth Terry - berry 83%. Jr, Primer. - Ashton 84%, Mina Terryberry 83%, Clifford Hugill 64%. Best spellers in each class for October were: Sr. IV. Sarah Whitmore. Jr. IV. }keel Ash- ton. Sr 131 Florence Whitmore. Sr. II. Iona Hugill. Jr. 111. Carman Whit- more. No. on roll 16. Average at- tendance, 13. • Edna M. Jamieson, Teacher. The following is the school report of S.S. No, 5, Tuckersmith for the months of September and October: Jr. IV. -Gavin Gemmell 85%, Edna efelDonald 78%, Harold Rice 74%, Harold Chesney 69%, Jean McDonald 65%. Sr. IPL-Edieh 'Wallace 90%, Arthur Leyburne 81%, Dorothy Gem- inell 70%, Robert Patrick 69%, Ethel Chesney 66%. Sr. II. -Grace Wale lace 77%. jr. IL-W,arden Haney 53%, Arnold Archibald 75'%. I. - Gordon McDonald 82%, John Old- field 78%, Hazel McNaughton 71%. Pr. -Claire Haney, Pierson Chesney, John Patrick, Donald Wallace and Shirley Oldfield. Number on roll 21. Average atten dance, September 19.65, October 20..1. Alice M. Archibald, Teacher, School Report for S.S. 9, Tucker - smith, for the month of October. Honours 75%, Pass 60% • of the Total, Sr. IV. ---Anna Love 77%, Irene Mackay 69%, Jean Irvine 67%, Mac Chesney 66%, Jack Corrsitt 65%, Hodgert 58%, Lorne Hay 49%. Jr. IV. -Billy Dalrymple 35%*. Sr, III. --Robert McLachlan 79%, Jr. IH.--Aldiiner Genunell Stewart Love 75%, Glen Houston 64%, Kate Dalrymple 37%.* Second Class -,Billy Powell 91%, Jack Mac- kay 88%, Willie Hadgert 80%. 'First Class -Helen Houston, Primer - France,: Elgie, Doris Mackay, Bruce Hodgert. * Missed several examinations. Number on roll 20; average atten- dance 19:26. Margaret E. Grieve, Teacher. The death occurred on Wednesday, October 29h of Mrs. Robert Dale rymple, an esteemed resident of 'ruckers•mith, following an illness of three or four years, though confined to bed for only a week and a half before her death. Formerly Dora Alice Harris, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Harris, she was born in Seaforth fifty-two years ago. The family later moved to Palmer- ston where her father died when she was four years old. Most of Mrs. Dal- rymple's chi.ltihood was subsequently ,pent in Elimville with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Israel Harris. Upon her marriage to Me. Robert Dalrymple, 24 years ago, they lived 2 year, in Ilenasll and then for a time on the 2nd of Tuckersmith before coming to the fourth concession to reside. Besides her bereaved hus- band, two sons and two daughters survive: Misses Dora and Kate and Messrs. Willie and Charlie, all at home. Two sisters also survive, Mrs, Sidney Davis of Exeter and Mrs Nathan Hooper of Tara. Her mother predeceased her in Tara this summer in July and a brother pre- deceased her many years ago. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon from St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, to Exeter cemetery, Rev. R. R. Conner taking the services. The pallbearers were Messes. James Fin- layson, Abe Forsyth, Wm. Broad - foot, Wm, McKay, Roy Consitt, T. Chapman. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Carter and Joyce motored to Toronto this week, :Messrs. A. H. Carter and R. Noble returned with them from 'University to spend the holiday at their parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. • Ira Johns, Mr. S. Whitmore and Sarah, also Miss E. Jamieson attended the Rural Trustees and Ratepayer's Convention, held in Clinton Collegiate auditorium on Sat- urday last. The contest for the cham- pionship for public speaking was also held at the same time, Those present listened with great interest to the splendid epeeches given that after- noon by thirteen contestants. A pleasant Hallowe'en social was enjoyed on Oct. 31 from three o'clOck until four,by the pupils and teacher of S.S. No. 6, Tuckersinith. An en- joyable programme was given by the pupils and lunch was served at the close of the afternoon. Mrs. F. Townsend visited friends in London this week Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McCaleum and family of Myth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hay. .Mies Haag of Seaforth was a guest on Sunday with Miss Ethel Jackson. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. Dalrymple and family in their recent sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. William Pullman, are visiting friends in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker of Brucefield spent Sunday with the bat- ter's patents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Antidote for Fatigue. Mary found her nfirse's training course interesting -but tiring. 13y night-time she didn't feel equal to anything but resting itt her room. Rut she soon discovered the •telephone beside her could give her ,more joy than, any outside pleasure -happy talk - trips to her family and friends, She no longer has that "away -from -home" feeling, • eeealle ce, Dr. anti Mrs,' Frank Kohlj of Hes- peler spent Sunday last at the home of her •unole, Mr. James C'amerott, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Watson, Mrs, Wm. Mcllillan and Mr. Fred Burdge were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith at Hick- son. 'Mrs, George McCartney is not ae well es her many friends would like to seeeher. • - Mrs. Dave evfcLean of liensall is making a visit with Mr, an d IVIrs. D. McLean 2nd concession Tuckersmith. Mrs. James Allen is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen for the past three weeks, Mr. Lorne Finlayson has purchased the farm owned by Mrs. (Dr.) Kohli, recently. X.Dr. and MT s. T. Chepinan and Mr. -and Mrs.. Rose Chapman spent Sun- day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Coleman. Mr. George Coleman went on a bat- sinesa trip to Toronto Monday last. • ST: COLI.T1VIBAN. - ,Mr. John Williams and his scat Margaret of Detroit Spent the wee end with their parents, Mr. and Mr Pat Williams. af Hibbert. • Miss Anne Dalton, and her aun 'Miss Johanna Cronin of Detroit spe the week end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Joh J. I/lateen. 'Mr. and Mrs, Terry Flannery an family •spent Saturday, in, Stratford. :Mrs. Reese and family of Detr,p spent 'a few daYs with her parentMr. and Mrs. James Morris. 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter, Heitzell. of D troit spent last week with ehe latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andre Kratiskopf. Mr.' and Mrs. Carl Stapleton o Guelph visited friends here on Sun day. The following is the report of S.S No, 3, Hibbert and McKillop, for th month .of October. Those obtaihin 76% have honours; those who hav less than 50% in any subject fail. Lower School. Algebra. -,Vera 0' Reilly 68%, Catherine Flannery 62% Agnes Delaney 60%, Loretto Holten 58%, Pearl Johnston 56%, Florenc Sullivan 51%. Pailed-eVIary. Mc Quaid 48%, Alice lela.nnery 46%, Al phqnse Cronin 35%, Kale' Hollan 17%. Zoology.-A,gnes Delaney 63% Vero °Reilly 62%, Florence 0' Sullivan 59%, Pearl Johnston 59% Loretto Holland 59%, Catherine Fean nery 56% Alphonse Cronin 55%, Alice Flannery 55%, Mary McQuaid 52% Failed, Kale Holland 42%, Cone p,osition: Loretto Hollan.d 66%, Vera O'Reilly 64%, Agnes Delaney 63% Alice Frannery 60%, Catherine Flan- nery 56%, Pearl Johnston 56%, Flo- rence OiSullivan 53%, Mary Mc- Quaid 52%, Alphonse Cronin 52%. Kale Holland 50%. • Art: Alice Flan- nery. 04 62%, Agnes Delaney 60%, Vera OiReilly 58%, Pearl Johnston 58, Loretto Holland 57%, Catherine Flannery 56%, Alphonse Cronin 52%. Failed, Florence O'Sullivan 48%, Mary leleQuaid 40%, Kale Holland 30%. Grammar: Vera O'Reilly 65%, Pearl Johnston 65%, Loretto Hol- land 60%, Alice Flannery 58%, Agnes Delaney 58%, Alphonse Cronin 55%, Catherine Flannery 54%, Mary Mc- Quaid 52%, Florence O'Sullivan 50%. Felled Kale Holland 0. French, Form. II: Catherine Flannery 64%, Alice Flannery., 35%, Vera O'Reilly absent. Form I; Mary McQuaid 97%, Loretto Holland 96%, Agnes Delaney 95%, Florence 0',Sullivan 93%, Kale Holland 67%, Pearl Johnston 56%. Latin: Vera O'Reilly 70%, Catherine Flannery 70%, Alice Flannery 68%, Agnes Delaney 68%, Loretto Hol- land 68%, Mary McQuaid 65%,.F10- rence O'Sullivan 60%, Alphonse Cro- nin 55%, Pearl Johnston 50%, Kale Holland 30%. Geometry: Vera O'- Reilly 6e%, Agnes Delaney 60%, Catherine Flannery 58%, Loretto Holland 55%, Alphonse Cronin 50%, Alice Flannery 50%, Pearl Johnston 50%, Failed, Mary McQuaid 48%, Florence O'Sullivan 40%, Kale Hol- land 20%, Geography: Pearl John- ston 59%, Vera O'Reilly 57%, Agnes Delaney 54%, Loretto Holland 54%, Alice Flannery 54%, Catherine Flan- nery 52%, Alphonse Cronin. 5;1%. Failed, Florence 0 Sullivan 40%, Mary McQuaid 36%, Kale Holland 34%. British History: Catherine, Flannery 65%, Agnes Delaney 64%, Loretto Holland 60%, Alphonse Cro- nin 57%, Pearl Johnston 55% , Alice Flannery 55%, Mary McQuaid 52%, Florence O'Sullivan 50%, Kale Hol- land 50%. Senior TV. Entrance Class: Mary Murphy 59%; Hahne Cronin 55%, Mary McGrath 52%. Absent during examinations, Mary Hart, Mary 0' - Sullivan, Mary Miles. Junior IV: Irene. McQuaid 58%, Thomas Mel- ady e5%, Fergus IvIelady 45%. Ab- sent during exaininatione, Miles, Benny Holland, Ella 01Sulli- van. Senior IIII.--Allbert Hart, Jack Cronin, Joseph O'Reilly, Margaret Murphy, Edward .'Roach (absent for 1 examination). Jr. HI.: Wilfred Mc- Quaid, Louis °Reilly, Mary Hart (absent for 2 exams). Absent for 1 exam -Isabel Roach, Lenore Ruston, Jack Roach, Second.--.Prancis 0', Reilly, Pat Cleary, Con. Holland, An- gellee Ruston, Ralph Murphy. Sen- ior 1: Elizabeth Roach, Joe Hart, Pit 01Sullivan, Mary O'Reilly, Mildred Murphy, Pat McGrath, Mary Mur- ray. Primer: Doris Rusltone Jim Roach, Gloria Holland, Jim Cleary, Agnes O'Suelivan. • DUBLIN Miss Jean McConnell of Detroit is spending a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Dave McConnell of the village. ; Mr. E. Looby and two scuts of Sa- ginaw, were ,guests of his brother, Mr. L, J. Looby over Sunday and also Mrs, Flynn of Bay City, who is Mr. Looby's sister. A great crowd from here attended the hallowe'en party both at Strat- ford and Seaforth and Mitchell. Alb report a splendid time. Mr, and Ales, Frank Smith and fa- mily spent the week end with friends at Dunnville. We are pleased to have Mrs. Dorr- estyn home again•and we hope to see her improve in health every day. Mr. and Mrs. John Evans and Lam- ely of Seaforth spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. Joe Evans of the village. Choice Creamery • 3 ,pounds for Values Butter Pastry Flour ... .. . ..$1.00 24 pound ba' g ., .. .. . 67c Standard Peas Standard Corn ' 3 'Tins foe 23c 3 Tins for ..... „ .32e Aylmer Soups Christie'e Sodas . 3 Tins for 27c Per pound 15c , Manitoba Flour - • 53c Per cwt. e,99 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1930, .39211011=MZEZIMMIMM1g=guleng.i0111M eatialeseameikiee Red Rose Tei Per pound Cash and Gerry Only. Friday and Saturday. We will pay 45c for New Laid EXTRAS in Trade W. J. FINNIGAN • Our new garage man, Mr, E. Litt is wreaeing a smile: It is a .boy. Mo- ther and babe are fine. 'Miss Mary Beale spent 'a day •last week with.friends in London. Miss Smith, teacher of the public school, gave her pupils a nice little entertainment on Friday afternoon as it was haelowe'ene They had a nice time ande-the children all enjoyed the • afternoor ,in games and singing and then had their little treat that kiddies like to have. Mach praise to Miss Smith for her kindness to her pupils. Sorry to learn that Mr. Jake Bruxer met with an accident that might have been fatal. He was coming down the stairs on Monday morning and got weak and feel all the Way down and was unconscious all day and night, but today feels a little better, but is badly shaken. jks Mr. Bruxer is an aged man a fall like that would go hard on him. We hope to hear of him feeling better. Miss Beth Hignell spent • Tuesday at her hlorne in Sedorth with her par- ents. Mr. Jos. Dorsey of Sea -forth has taken the contract of putting eave- trough on Mr. John Darling's house in toevn. ,Miss Marion Litt of .Stratford is, the guest of her brother, Mr. E. Litt of town, for a week. 'Mr. Alex. Litt of Stratford called on friend's on Tuesday. Mr. John Kelly treated himself and family to'a new Chevrolet six car on the first of November. STANLEY. Workman-Dowson.--A pretty wed- ding was solemnized on Saturday, November lst, when 'Thelma Mae, daughter of Wm, H. Dowson of Stan- ley was united in marriage to Percy M. 'Workman. After the ceremony the happy couple left for 'Michigan and other points. On their return they will reside in Stanley Townshele, Mrs. Currie of Toronto visited her sister, Miss Margaret Sparks, liver the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess and family of Hensall, accompanied by- Miss -Jean Cathie motored to the home of the latter's pareats on Friday even- ing, Jean staying until Sunday even- ing vrhen seh returned to Hensall in order to resume her studies at High School there. Mr, and Mrs. John Turner of the Blue Water Highway held a Hallow- e'en party at their home on Friday evening in which a number of the youngpeople of the neighborhood participated. A jolly time- was re- ported. Mr. and, Mrs, Fred Turner of God- erich, accompanied by •Mrs. M'adge, visited. Mr. an,d Mrs, George Camp- bell oie Saturday evening. HalloWe'en passed very quietly here, A number of jolly young folk in various disguises accoMpanied by "Amos an' Andy" paid friendly if somewhat boisterous, visits to people in the neighborhood, and incidentally playing the usual surreptitious but harmless pranks, The following is the report of S.S. filo. 13, Stanley, for the months of September and October. IV. -Mildred Haug 83, John Kcya 75. Sr. IE. -Robby Peck 71. Jr. HT. -Dorothy Peck 88, Clare 'McBride 83. IL -Sybil Keys 92, Florence Haug 90, Gordon Keys 86, Russell Oesch 73, Jack Peck 67, I. -'George Haug 90. 'Primer --Kathleen Oesch, Bruce Keys, Arnold Keys, equal. Annie J. McTaggart, Teacher, It Testifies for Itself. -Dr. Teicemas' Eclectric 011 needs no testimonial of its powers other than itseif. Who- ever tries it for Coughs Or colds, for cuts or contusions, .for sprains or burns, for pains in the limbs or lbodY, well know that the 'medicine proves itself and needs no gpararftee. This shows why this Oil is in general use. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of John W. Reid, also known as John Wilson Reid, de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of John W. Reid, also knovvn as John Wilson Reid, late of the Vil- age of Varna in the County of Hu- ron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who •died on or about the nineteenth day of July A.D. 1930, are required to deliver to Charles Reid. and Thomas Wilmer Reid, the Executors of the said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the 17th day of Novem- ber A.D.. 1930, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of elle se- curities,if any, held by them, all duly verified by affid'avit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the said Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard •only to such claims as shall have ' received due notice and in ac- cordance therewith, Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 23rd day of October A.D. 1930. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ont„ Solicitor for the said eseate, • Daily.$Money EMaslekre. 5-10 mi..w.at.d.,_Qui.k. guru way to become EXPERT Auto Me- chanie,Welder,Electrician,Brick- layer or Draftsman. Earn 55c per hour, part time, from start. Advancement in few weeks. Free Railroad Fare and Employment Service. Write at once for II- luatrated Booklet. Commercial Engineering Mods 57 Queen St. W., Toronto, Suite One Hundred IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of a dear hus- band and father, Thomas Clark, who departed this lffe one year ago, Nov- ember Seth, 1929. What would we give his hand to clasp His patient face to see, - To hear his voice, to see his senile, As in the days that used to be But some sweet day well meet again Beyond the toil and strife, And clasp each others hand once more „ In Heaven, that happy -Sadly missed by Wife and Fam- ily. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. Alex.. McKay wish to express their thanks to their friends and neighbors for the many expreesions of sympathy, also for many acts of kindness and those Who loaned oars. . Tlhe undersigNnCiedileCviEel keep on, Lot 17, concession 1, McKillop, a pure bred bacon hog for service, loaned by the Dept. of Agriculture, to the Mc- Killop Bacon Hog Club. This is a superior animal, a real pig. 'Fees 81.00. JOHN N1OLJAN, Caretaker, Phone 144r21, • 46 WORK WANTED. A young married woman to do housework by. the day. Apply at The News Office, 47 FOR SALE A few Barred Rock Pullets, Apply JOHN 1'. ELGIE, 104r51, Seaforth. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT. 'For the winter, comfortable, cen- tral mut convenient Will rent reason- able to responsible party. Immediate possession. A. D. SUTHERLAND, Insurance, Real Estate, etc. Phone 152 STRAYED. Frons the •premises of the under- signed, Lot 7, Con. 5, Hullett Tp, one red steer, about 900 lb., dehorned, a little white underneath, ring on under side of his right ear. Any per- son knowing of such a beast please phone 245 r 6, reverse the charges if necessary. ROBERT CLARKE, r.r. 2, Seaforth. 47. HOUSE FOR SALE. A comfortable 2 -storey frame house in Londesboro. There is a good cellar, hard and soft water, 55 acre of land with good stable and garage. Apply to GEOIRGIE efcCALT.,, Londeshoro. 45 CIDER MILL Will make Cider and Apple Butter Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Lot 23„. Con. 6, Logan. FRED HEINNIOK, phone Mitchell 620 ring 51. . WOOD FOR SALE $5 cord for hardwood in cord lots, delivered in town; $4 a cord for maple slabs delivered; $3 a cord for solft wood slabs, delivered, Apply to T. J. RICHARDSON, Phone 107r25, Seaf °refl. • ' 4!5 NOTICE. Person or persons found hunting or trespasIsing on lofts 12 and 13, con. 9, Hulleet, will be prosecuted according to law. J, and J, Ilesselwood, 97 ROOMS. Comf3rtable living rooms to rent, Oct. 1st, JOHN BEATTIE, South Main Street. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wedntsday, Nov. 5th. Eggs, per doze.n 45c, 40c, 35c Butter, per lb. • 30c Potatoes, per bag ...$1,25 Hogs, per cwt $9,50-$10.00 WE REMOVE Live or dead horses ancl cows free of charge., We pay for the phone call, William Stone'Sons Limited Phone 22, Ingersoll Phone 2i5W, Stratford , , PROFESSIONAL CARDS, MedicaL DR, H. HUGH ROSS, PhySiciaia and Surgeon. Late of London Hot. pital, London, England, 'Special attention to diseases of the eye, cart , nose and throat. Office and resid- ence behintl Dominion 'Bank. Offiott Phone No, 5: Residence Phone 104. DR. •F . 3, BURROWS, Seafortk. Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the United Church. Coronet for the County of Huror, Telephoau No. 46. DR. C. MACKAY.-C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trinity University, and gold medallist of Trinity Madkai College; •member of the College ad Physicians, and Surgeons of Ontario, DR, F. J. R. FORSTER-Eye, Ess Nose and Throat. Graduate in eine, University of Toronto . Late Assistant New York Oplithal,,,, mic and Aural Instir e, Moorefield' Eye, and Golden Square throat hos- pitals, London. England. At Conan- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday - each mouth, from 1,1 a.m. to 3 p.m._ Next visit in September. • W. C. SPROAT.-Grraduate Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London. Melded of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in Aberharru Drug Store, Main St., Seafortk. Phone 90. Dental. DR. J. A. MUNN, Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross,. graduate of Nontk- western University, Chicago, III. Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Sur: geons, Toronto. Office over Silfa hardware, Main St, Seaforth. Photos 151. DR. F. J. BECHELY, gradunt* Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smit'. grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones. office 185W, residence 1831 Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.)1 0.L.S., Registered Professional Ra- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute d Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont. Legal, SA D. L. ROSS. Barrister and Solidb, or Notary Public. Hours 9 a.m,2 and 7 p.m. Office above Phillips' Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. Phone 6. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, HAROLD a DALE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Moderate rates and satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13. Seaforth. WATSON AND R EID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST'„ SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect. ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers-Jamer' Connolly. Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer, • Directors -,Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhageny James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God- erioh; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, 'Sea - Earth; J. M. Sholdice, No, 4, Walton! , Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents--ljames Watt, Blyth, r.r. N. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Hohnesville; R. G. Jarmouth,. Bornholm. James Kerr and, John Govenlock, Sdaforth, auditor. Parties desirous to effect insurance or, trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. The Great • Divide Featuring DOROTHY MacKAILL with Ian, Kieth VlIVIAI She is here. Dorothy! Darling of Park Avenue hitting the high spots in Old Mexico. A Rom- ance as rugged as the ranges of the West. THIS WEEKEND RINCES S The Proven Asehnea Remedy. Since asthma existed there has been no lack of much heralded remedies, but they have proved short lived and worthless The ever -,growing reputation of Dr. J, D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has given it a place in the field •of medtcine which no other can ap- proach. It has never been pushed by sensational methods, but has simply gone on effecting relief and making new converts.