The Seaforth News, 1930-11-06, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1930. THE SEAFORTH NEWS, teetrateasameaaaaseasimeatesaas - , OUR CHIEF DESIRE IS TO ,SA'111SFY The Supenter Chain Stores are made tati ofaclose to seven . dred independent grocerswe are,all "home -town" merchants—each equipped to satisfy your most ;exacting demands We take a ,sincere personal interest.fii your welfare and ,that2of . our community. Our combined ,buying pavrer runs into many naillions of dollars, that's why our prices are lower; You'll find it pays, to shop at our storeS— you gain everytaing for yotfrself,.your family and r our community, and you sacrifice troalaing inisalue, service or quality: Try us and be ' . - WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS • Items ;for WeeklEncling Novetnber 42, 1930. BULK READY CUT.MIACARONI (Special) .1— 3 lbs. 25 POST'S BRAN (Special) - • coRk sfiup Fs - 33c ... • .. ..... ..... . ., .. . 2's 1.. 0 aa, aria •01 alas PANSHINE ' (Special).' ins ! '' . ' ...... 3 .t 23c . • )11F "SUDS IN A JIFFY" (Special) ..., ... .. . large Plg, 19c HEINZ TOMATO' CATSUP Lge. Bottle .. . .. ,.,...,.. . . a ..19c • . • Toddy "Serve Hot or Cold" :. 8 oz. 330 - 46 Oz''' 53c Kraft Cheese „d lb. pkg. 21c Royal York Tea "The Tea that is Different!' ;4's 28c; 1's ... .. 55c Hawes Lemon. Oil - large bottle 23c Quaker 0a.ts, with new china large pkg. 37c Libby's Sauer Kraut . . . . • . . ... , .. . .. 4. . . . . . . . . . ... per tin 15c Grape Nuts, "The Balanced irealcfast Food" .. ..... , per pkg. 16c Hillcrest Shortening • ' per lb. 16c Maple ff...eal lSockeye ,lSahnon 54s....25c l's., ... . ...... ...... 45c -Gree- Giant Peas, No. 2 tins' ' ' ' ... . each 25c Thamily•Blend Tea, .Red Bags .. . . .. . . •'.... .. . .. .. . .. 1 lb. 39c . Aylmer Brand Corn 2's, Tomatoes 2'/'s 2 tins 25c Bon Aim, Cake or ,POwder , each 14c ,St. Croix Castile Soap S Large.4050 Prunes • . calces 25c 2 lbs. 23c MeLaren's Jelly Powders 4 pkga, 25c New liallowi Dates .2 lbs. 23c Ndw Cooking Figs 3 lbs. 29c per Acadia Codfish, l's ... pkg. 18c Aylmer Ohoice•Peaches, 2's per tin 25c Anstralimr Apricots, 2's ` pee tin ,25c Licorice, Allsorts . ' ........ .. ... ......,.....'...... . .. .. . ... T . . TA lb, 17e Rubyettes, Oroettes, Emrelettes, per bottle, 20c New Goods In,— • . . Ridgeiway's 5 O'ClockwTea, Oro Coffee, New Figs, Raisihs, Curnanits, Dates, Apsieots, Prunes, Pineapple Rings, Glace .Cherries, Shelled Almonds, Walnuts, Quaker .Crackels, Budded ',Walnuts, Brazils, Roquefort,'Edam, Tiger Swiss, Battmert, Limburger and Laurentian Cream Cheese. - Ross J. ,Sproat pi,.. -8 _ iss Pryce (61.1110•=023=CT Phone 77 Cream Cream 411.111•=1111 L , HIGHEST PRICES poURTEOUS SERV.ICES Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full. Call in, our cream dralv,er and receive our services. We will pity yap the Highest Market Values consistent with the, most careful grading and testing. No other Creamery can do better--"Giee u„S' a trial." ;Creamer/ open:on Wednesday and Saturday evenings Seafrth Creamery Seaforth,Ont. C. A, BARBER. O H1 Melones Chiropractor . of 'Winghana, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons r Disease a of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used. J, Walker 86 Son UNDERTAKING EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers • Furnished. Night or day phone 57. 'Pianos Tuned • Cleaned and Repaired Chas.A. Howey ,phone 327-J, Centre St. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 tittles 50c KIPPEN. ;Thanksgiving service will 'be held On Sunday, Nov, 9th, Special music appropriate for the occasion will be given by the choir. , The W.IM.S. are holding their an- nual Thahkoffering service on Sunday Nov. 16th it 11 &clock, Mrs. G. Gauld, • a returned missionary from Formosa, will be the special speaker. The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs, Earl Sproat this week. - • iTwenty4five from Kip,penattended the Maintenance end Missidnary meeting held at James -street United Church last Monday- evening and heard ,two inspiring addresses by Rev. Davidson of India and Rev. Pike .of Edmonton, Alta. . • Miss Marjorie Ackert of Behnont, is visiting at the manse, Mrs. Joe McLellan of Milton is visiting friends in this vicinity. Several of the local ,sports are gone to UuskOka on a deer hunting expe- dition. We- wish them all success. Mr. Harry Norris spent the week end with friends in Hillsgreen. Mr. Wm. M. Doig has been confin- ed to his room for a few- days with illness, but is improving, IMr. Peter Doig of Pordwich was here visiting his uncle recently, There is a real Water famine in the village. Many *ells have been dry For weeks. BORN. • LARJGE.—.In Scott Memorial Flospi- 'tat, .Seatforth, on Tuesday, Nov. 4, -1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Large, London, Oat., a son, , MARRIED; BROWN -NORTON, — At Kapukas- ing, Ont., 'on •Saturday, Oct. , 1,8th, Irene Norton, daughter of the laic . Mr. and, Mrs. Norton, of Ottawa, to Thomas Leonard Brown, only son of Rev. Thos, H. apd, Mrs. ,Brown of Toronto. DIED. lAlt Staffa,Thursday, Oct, 30, 1930, Meaner Venner, be- loved wife of Mr:' Montgomery Davis, aged 45 years. • TOWN TOPICS. Her many friends are plea,sed to see Mrs. West out again after aai. ill- nesa of five weeks' duration, • ' • • Mrs. West received Word lastweek that her sister,. Mrs, G; W. phillips of Los Angeles, Cal,, hat! %suffered, a slight stroke. Mr, J. Hartman, Mr. L. Bender and Mr. L. Witmer, all.of Dlashwood , were Sandsay visitors iMr. and Mrs. j. Hartman's. • . Many friends ot Mrs. Agnes , Me - Elroy are Sorry to learn that she is very 111 at present . ' . • '.' Mr. and Mra. E. 1-lataananaand fa- mila 'of Blake visited Mr: and Mrs. j. Hartinan at the week end; • • Miss Annie MeTaggart soenf', the week end 'with her friend, .Miss May-, belle Rands. !Mrs, -Archibald- and the Misses Mary Papple, Alice Thomp- son, and Maybelle• .Rands left on Tuesday to attend the Wathen's In- stitutes convention in London this Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson and family- of Moncrief, Miss Marg- aret Robinson a Brussels, and. Mr, Heist of iListowel spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs'. Wm. Oldfield. 'Mr; William Elcoat and daughter, Jean, also 1Hazel of ; Toronto are spending Thanksgiving with Dr. and Mrs.- Gla nfield, Wallacetown. -- Mr, and Mrs. Gus Hicknell left on Friday for. Breslau where they will reside... ,Miss. Agnes Cowan of Sarnia spent a few clayS at the be:ginning . of the week as the guest of Mrs. James Mc- Intosh. . .gr, and Mrs. Stewart McIntosh ci Detroit spent, Sunday•with the form-: er's-mother, Mrs. James McIntosh,. :Mr. and Mrs, Harold IleNabb of Kitchener' spent the. week -end .-with Mrs. C. McNabb.. • , Mr. George Hays of London was a week -end .visitor at has home, Rev, and Mrs. J, Melvih Keys of 0a.kda1e, Penn„ were guests tais week Of the -former's, mother, Mrs. W. L: Keys. , Misses 'Kate and 'Mae 03roadfoot left Monday. afternoon, Miss Kate to spend the winter at Hamilton ' and Guelph, and Miss 'Mae for .Moose Jaw, Sask.; . Mrs. Annie Reid and daughter Mary and Mrs, W. L. Keys were Week -end visitors in Stanley With Mr. and Mrs. Melvin. Talbot.' • • Miss Margaret Armstrong df Wes- tern University in London is. spen.d- ing the Thanksgiving week-etid at her home, • . Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Arhistron•g spent Monday in Hensel' visiting 'Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert of Stratford have .moved -into Mrs. Bertha O'Con- nell's house on Jahn SI. Mr. Calvert is employed in 'the Avon' Chests Ltd. Mrs, Hickey, London,.and , Mas. Vinceat, 'Bothwell, were week -end guests. of Mrs. John Millson, Mrs, G, T. Duncan •af Woodstock is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs, Wm., MCMichael. .Mr. and Mra. Joe Eckart and, fam- ily, : from Oakville. spent .the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs: Ca Etkart • • Many happy returns of .the day to Mrs. Adam Klein. N. Main st., who will celebrate her 946 birthday .en Friday, Nov. 7," Mrs. Klein came to Seailorth from Walton- about forty years ago. . Mrs. 'Margaret Da_vis and Miss Kate Davis have been spending this week at the home of the former's son, Mr. Montgomery Davis at Staffs., Mr. George McSpaciden, had a very successful operation per- formed on his heel in the hospital Wednesday afternoon, which it is thoeght will avoid' the'necessity of an amputation o.f the foot he injured twti months ago in a fall from his barn roof Where he was sweeping off straW. He has been attendled by his daughter, Mrs. Hawley of Foxwarren, Man., and another daughter, Mrs. Fred.Htatchings of Barron's, Atte., ar- rived in Seeforth on Monday. • • Mr. Ph. Hartman and Miss L.'Ryn visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartman. on Sunday. • The euchre and dance given by the Holy Name Society of St.-- Jiames' parish Tuesday night was a grand succeas, The prize winners were, la- dies, Miss Minnie Dorsey; gentlemen, Mr, Harry Fortune. Softcorns and -warts are ugly, pain: dul and irritating.' Remove them quickly. sad surely with Douglas' Egyptian Liniment, WINTHROP: The W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid' meet- ing held, at the home 6f- Mrs. Allen Ross ,was largely attended, fifty ladies being'preserat Miss Gillespie df jap- an gave a very interest address, • ' ••• Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard. and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Smallaon of Walton. Mr. and Mrs, -W. C. Benatt of Wal- ton; Mr, and Mrs. F. Bendett, Huron Road, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, ,Eaton.. • Mrs. Joseph Little spent a few days with her parents, -Me. and Mrs. Geddes of Belgrave. !Melvin ,Clark and Kennie Bennett took it truck load of dressed fowl to Toronto Wednesday. •• Tim Eaton has been on the sick -list a couple of days. , • '"Mr. Geo. Wheatley has put in a supplY of wood. for the people crf the - Don't forget the Euchre and Dance •Thursday . MANLEY.. • Mr., and 1VIri. John Dougherty and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kenny of Logan tp. sipent the week end at. the home of Mr. Bred Eckert Miss Ileen Eckert IleEt last Stinday for Oakville in company with Mr. and Mrs. Jloe Eckart, who spent Sun- day in the vicinity, , and Mrs.. W. Manley and Mrs. Pete MoLoughlin wee week end vis- itors `under ehe parental roof' of ..aar. and Mas. C. Eckart, Seaforth, THE THRILLING STORY OF The Siding of the Lusitania" TOLDBY. RISCA WILLIAMS, A SURVIVOR A SPECIAL ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAM Will also be rendered by MR. WILLIAMS, BARITONE, and MSS DELPHINE AYRES SOMES, SOPRANO Noted aatelsh Artists. 'NORTHSIDE CITUR011 UNDEIR AUSPICES OF CS-10IR. Tuesday, November. 11.at 8 p.m. Adults 25c. 'Children lac. ' 1911.1111. A ooking Sale ' under the 'auspices of The Junior 'Women's Institute ' will be held . Sat. Nov. 8th 3 p.m. AT THE TOGGERY SHOP ' Main Street-, Seaforth . • MRS. JOHN 'WALKER • . . The death ocCurred on Friday, Oc- tober 31.st-of an old. and respected resident of this district in the person of Margaret E. Walker; widow of the late John Walker of Roxboro. An invalid' for severalyears, she waecon- fined to bed the last six weeks. Born near Bruceffeld eighty -'one years ago, daughter of the late James Walker, she resided- there for many years, keeping house for her brother John un -til his death, as the result of a•kick 'bY a horse. Twenty-Ifive years ago she was married to the late John Walker and carie to live at Roxboro. Mr. • Walker predeceased 'her five years ago and for several -years Mrs. Walker has lived with Mrs. Mary Manson in Egmondville. Two bro- thers and two sisters survive, Messrs. jarnea Walker, Tuckersinitlh; Eben- ezer Walker of ICemona, Calif.; Mrs, Mary Baker, Toled;, Ohio; and Mrs. Frances McKenzie, Wild' . Rice, N. Dalcdta. The funeral WIIS held on Monday. afitertmon from the residence of Mrs. Manson ia Egniondville, in- terment taking place in . Maitland - bank cemetery, Rey. I. B. Kahle of Seaforth conducted the services. Mt. John Beaktie„. sang. a beautiful solo, "Beautiful Isle of Someveher.e." The pallbearers were Messrs. •Thos. Arch- ibald, James 'Aitcheson, John Mc- Calltm, Thos. Grieve, James Sproat and Joseph Scott. The floral tributes were very biautiful.'Among those from a distance who atteaded- the fu- neral were Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Hart, Mrs. Reginald Hart and daughter of Toronto, and Mrs. Hart of Stratford. • MRS. JOSEPH HOGGARTH. The very sudden passing of Mrs. Joseph Hoggarth of town came as a great shock to her many friends and relatives on Tuesday tnorning. With - gut warning her death occurred about 845 o'clock that morning in the Scott Memorial Hospital. 'Four weeks aga this Thursday Mrs. Hoggarth h•acl an operation for tumor and ap- pendititis and recovered rapidly only to have an attack of pleurisy 'Set'in. Again she was progressing very fay- ora,bly when the sudden summons came.. • Born 'on. the 7th Con. of Tucker - smith 48 Years ago she Was Uhe daugh- ter of, Mr. Wm, Hudson, Egmand- ville, Who is ire -his 95th year, and the' late Mrs. Hudson. She lived there un- til her marriage to. Mr, 'Joseph Hog - gerbil in 1903, when sale went to God- erich. A. year later they returned to Seaforth and have resided here efer • since,Besides her bereaved husband, two daughters and a son. survive, Mrs, Harold Large, London; Ethel and Clarence at•hotne, and will anourn the loss of an affectionate wife and mother. . Four brothel's and a sister also sur- vive; ' James Hudson, Eginotadville; Th,omas, and Colin Hu.daona Hensall: Jac.k Hudson,- Tuckersmith, and Mrs. Robt, Strong. Egmonaville. The funeral is being held Thdraday, Nov. 6 at '2- o'clock to Maitland Bank Cemetery, Rev, 1. B. -Kaine coddtact- ing aervices. The pallbearers are Messrs. James, Henry and William Iiloggarth,*Robt. Strang, James Hud- son, Thos. Hudson. Friends from ICitchener, Norwich, Goderich, Lon- don ancl.Straaford are here attending the. funeral. ,. Keeping Together •Jim•was. on theroad most of the weele and his constant moving made correspondence .difificult, But he and his fiancee saw .the 'way out—calling each other regularly by 'Long Dis- tance. Now they never ifeel far away froin each other. House for Sale or Rent • Coinfortable. dwelling, three bedrooms, oak floor, furnace,. bath, garage. Possession Nov- ember 1st. • A D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE • ' The cheapness of MothConveyancing, Real Estateer Graves' Investments, Etc. Worm Exterminator puts • it within . druggist's.; i reach of all, and it ,can be got at anY PHONE 1•52 -L. SEAFORTH, Ont. EDMUND STAFFORD. - The death occurred early Saturday morning, Nov.' Ist of Edmund Staf- ford, who was found Saturday morn- ing by Mr. Little of Winthrop when Ise came to the house on the Drover farm at the north end of town1 in which Mr. Stafford had been laving alone. Getting no answer at the front door he wtnt in through the rear shed. Deceased had been in his usual good health Bern on the 14th Con„ Mc- Killop, 49 years ago, he .was the son of the late MI-. and Mrs. John Staf- ford. For quite a number of years he farmed in the West, returning to his home in MeKillop for a year or two. About four years ago he started a market garden at R.otboro and two years' later took a bigger lot on the Dreverfarm and was planning to take four acres in Harpurhey next year. Mr. Stafford had become known and respectedin town. Surviv- lag him are two brothers and five sis- ters, Messrs. Alfred. Stafford of the Lattl concession of alcKillop; Wil- liam of St Marys,. Mw. Arthur Hoy of Megaw; Mrs, Robert Watson, of Blyth; 'Mrs. Russell McArthur, Ker- robert, Sask. ; Mr.S. H. Worden of New York -City and Miss Mary Staf- ford of Cleveland, N.Y. His father, the John Stafford, who was one oa the pioneers of .McKillop Town- ship. clearing two farmsout of the 'bush, predeceased him in , Jatuary, 1929. The funeral was held on Mon- day afternoon, ,interment taking place in Brussels cemetery. Rev. J. F. My- ers cotVlucted the services. The pall- bearers were Messrs. Alfred and Wil- liam Stafford,, Arthur Hay and Rob- ert Watson. +Among those from a distance who attendtd -the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stafford and air. William Cook of St. Marys; Mr, and Mrs. Hay and daughter of Megaw. .11At NARROW ESCAPE. Mr: Charles Dolmage is in the Clin- ton hospital with A badly burned left hand and •left leg as the. result of cant- ing in contact with a 4,600 volt live wire, while working on the Clinton - Bayfield rural hydro line on Tuesday afternoon. The accident occurred just Out of Brucefield. Mr. Dolmage was working alpne at the time, aad when his assistant on returning fo'und hini, he was, unconscious and sus- pended from•the pale by his belt. With some difficulty the unconscious man was safety towered to the ground and taken to Clinton hos.pital where he received' medical attention, and he later gained • consciousness. Latest word from the hoApital states that .gooki 'Progress is beiag made tOward recovery, and that no complications arelikely to set in. "Chuck" and Mrs. Do -image moved to Clinton only a couple of weeks ago where he had been appointed district liaeman for the rural hydro,, and their many ariends here were extreme- ly sorry to hear of the mishap. • -LIONS FROLIC The Lions frolic pn Friday taight Was a huge successproviding a Jolly Hallowe'en for the community and ensuring treatment for crippled chil- dren. Those in costume, formed the parade on Min street after which the prizes for costumes were awarded as ,follows: Girls' comic, jean' Dickson; ,girls' character, Joyce Wilbee; boys' comic, Harold Free; boys' chaxecaer, Alas- tair Wigg; ladies' 'comic, Nellie Ver - been; ladies, character, Pearl Reeves; men's comic, Wm. •Carter (Clinton), men's character, G. Charters; boys' race, ICen Adams, Van Bell; girls' race Lillian Reeves, Nellie Reeves. Games of chance and a fish amitl. provided...atnusement and, fowl and ham were awarded the winters. A great many nuist have been thinking early of their thanksgiving dinner for this game drew large crowds. Other booths were also .well patronized, The drawing for •the handsome prizes was the last event and one whidh aroused great interest. The Stubs had been revolved in a wishing machine for ,a week- 'previous and the' lucky ticket holders were: 1st prize (radio) H. M. Harwood.. of Stratford. Ticket 68i4t. 2nd'prize (clock) j. H. M..cD;nald, of Toronto. Ticket 12113, 3rd Prize (wrist watch),E, E. Alli- son, Goderich. Ticket $341F., 4th prize (tea' set and tray) 0, F, Danniker, clo 3. Forsyth Co., Ticket 806C. 5th prize (suit of clothes (S. H. Stafford of Mituico. Tieket 8019B, 6th prize (chair) Mrs. R. G. Parke. of Seaforth, Ticket 5251-1. Miller's Worm Powders will drive manna froln the system without in- jury' to the child. The powders are so easy to take that .the most delicate stomach call assimilate them and welcome them as speedy easers of ,pain, and thus the suffering of the child is relieved, With so sterling a remedy at hand .no child should suffer from worms. VARNA. Mts McAsh has returned to Lon don after spending a few days with her mekher,,Mrs, Weekes. Miss Margaret Chuter is visiting with friends in London. The many friends of Mrs, E. Epps Will be sorry to kno'w she Is not im- proving a.s rapidly as we •would wish, but we atill hope for the best. 'The members of the A.Y.P,A. of Middleton, Bayfield, and. Varna held a Hallowe'en masquerade party at the home of Mr. H. Diehl and a very pleasant time was reported. Tuesdiay was Council Day in the village, all members being present. The new community shed, was op- ened Tuesday night, the program be- ing supplied by Willie Bell & Co. of London, which was heartily' enljoyed. Proceeds amounted to $100.00, Mr. M, Elliott shipped live stock to Toronto Saturday, The Young People's Society of the United Church.'held their meeting on Wednesday evening, October 2ath. The meeting opened with the presir dent, Miss Bertha. Diehl in the chair, Hymn 384 was sting. Miss Mabel MeClinchey led in prayer. The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mr. G. Sun- derland. The topic was given by Miss Rachel Johnston, on "The Fellowship of Christianity" A duet entitled 'His Yoke is Easy" was given by Mrs. J. McClymont and Miss V. Mc- Clymont. A splendid reading was also given by the president, on "The Why and Wherefore of the Christian Sabbath." The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and heroll called. Hymn 372 was sung and the meeting closed by all repeat- na the alizpah benediction. HARLOCK. We aresorry to hear that Mr. Leo Watt lost a very valuable horse on 'Monday night. a 'Mw. Gearate Knox, Miss Mary anox, also Ernest and Ward, visited it the home of Mr. aad -Mrs. Thames :max on Thursday evening. •Miss Ena Pars-ona, who is attend - lig Stratford. Normal School, in Stratford, spent the Week end at her hothe here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson - at - ended the faneral of the latter'bro- • her, Mr. Stafford, of Seaforth, an Manday. Sincere sympathy is ex - ended to the friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Dale of Han, purhey- visited at the .home of • Mr. and Mrs, T. Knox Sonday. Carlow, Westfield and. Dungannon 7rien& visited at the home of aira and arra. Isaac Rapaon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, 'Robert Ferris -and Reece; Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bell and family, Mrs. Knechael and Maxine, of Calgsery bffr an•d Joseph, Bewley, of near Walt aet, spent last Monday evening at the lime of the *arrneras daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al- iert Vodden, of near Walton. :Mrs. Kirechtel and little Maxine. who have for the pa -et few months been visiting the former's parents and other friends left for their hame itt Calgary on Tuesday of last week. _ Miss Lydia Reid speot tae week-. end with her friend. alis, Marjorie Tlickell vaf Toronot, Mrs. Driver of Goderieh spent last week at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Ferris. - Mae: Kathleen Beacom spent Sutt- tay afternoon with her friend, Miss Marie Rapson L ONDESB ORO. Rev. W. P. Byers told. of his work n India last Sunday in Knox United Chureh. Londesboro. Mr, and Mrs. Byers spent forty years in India and the story of their work was very ia- teresting. Miss H. Baker also spoke of the work carried on by the United Church in the Fullarton farrn for boys, of which she is the auperinten- dent. Mr. arid Mrs. Byers sang two hymns, one in Bengali and the other it English. The service was very sett- •oyable and helpful for all. CONSTANCE. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson vis- ited in Mitchell on Sunday. alir. George Nichol. who has been Working with Mr. B. Stephenson for the slimmer, returned to Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Taylor of Seaforth is spending a few days with alr. Har- vey Taylor. • ,Mr. and Mrs. Will Logan and Ka- thleen and Mr. and Mrs, Maas. Gras - by of Blyth viaited Mr. and Mra. Leo Stephenson last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Anderson and Mrs. R. Anarson and Jean were the guests of Mr. and aftsaj, H. Snell of Clinton on. Suaday. The many friends of Mr. Joseph Mann of Hullett aresorry to hear that he is seriouily ill at present. Miss Edith. Riley spent last week in Tuckersthith at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Riley,, Mr. Harold Glazier of Clinton ia spending a few days with Isis aunt. Mrs. Thos. Pollard. a Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Anderson ea Hearst spent Tuesday with air., and Mrs. Attain Nicholson. Mts. Ander: son is up- visiting her father, air. Jas, Mann, who has been seriously ill. ,11r. and Mrs. Jos, Riley, Jr. spent Sunday with,' relatives io GOderich township, Miss Phoe-be Wakefield visited with filerids in Clinton a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Grimaddby and Olive motered to Bayfield on Sunday. Mrs. Jos, Riley Sr. of Bayfield rAoz pent the week end at her home here. 'The following is the School repart of S.S. No. 3, Hallett, for September and October. An asterisk after a pu- pil's name indicates that he has been absent for. one eXatnifiation. Names appear in °oder of merit. Sr. IV. --Hattie Armstrong 79.6%, Doris Lawson 63.2%, Doreen Clarice Edith Britton 60%, Bernard Riley 562%. Jr. Jamieson 69.4%, E- thel Dexter 60,4%, Kelso Adams 56.- 2%, John Thompson 55A%, Ella Dex- ter 52.8%, Charles Sundercock 494%, Fred Riley 48.6%, Milton Moore 42,8. Sr, IDL—Gordon Pet -hick 43.33%. Jr, III.-ajean Anderson 71.25%, Diva Sundercock 61.25%, Edna Arm- strong 55.175%, Olive Grimolcliby 53.5%. Sr., IlI1Alvin Riley 78%, Kathleen Yungblut 62%, Jean Wakefield 47.3%. Jr. III.—Viola Dexter 80.5%, Stella Armstrong 74 %, Marion Lawson 69%*, Mary Thomipson*, Reggie Lawson*, 0. --Elwood Clarke 90%, David An- derson 70%, Kenneth ' Thompson*. , Jamieson excellent,. Allen, Sundercock excellent, Harry Yung- blut, good. . Number on roll 32, average atten- dance 27.19. Viola J. Morriaon, Teaaher. EGMONDVILLE. • The Egmondville W. M. 5. -Thank- offering service was held in the church on Thursday afternoon. The President Mrs'. R. McKenzie. presid- ed and read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Jas. Allen led in prayer. Mrs. Hugh Chesney aung a solo, accom- panied by Miss Violet Tyndall. Miss Lane and ,Oliss Claff rendered a beau- tiful duet accompanied by afiss A. Govenlock, Miss Gillespie, home on furlough fawn Japan, gave an inter- esting and impressive address on her w ,rk there, especially her work in the kindergartens and with the CdG.T.T. groups. At the close of the meeting there was a social half-hour and cup of tea. There were about 70 ladies present. The next regular meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Shliling- law on Thursday, Nov. 6th. PUBLIC -SCHOOL ORATORS MEET IN COUNTY CONTEST. • The third Conat:y....Chaana pionahip -Public Speaking Cotiteat was hell in the aeditorium of the cliattia Collegiate Institute. :on. Saturday. No- vember 1st, under the direction' of the Oot. Dept. of Agriculture. Clinton, and in conjunctio.tt with the annual meeting of the Harm connty Edttca- tiittal of Trustee;' and Ratepayeraa The contestants were the first prize winners in each ofthe pttltll speakiag contests eanducted at thirteen schoel fairs held in Huron County this year. These young oaa- tora pravided a very interestingaftar- noon a programme and displayed marked ability in public •speaking, ' :Miss Elva Wuerth aa S. No, 5, Stephen, wit- , spoke on the atiaject "Canada, Our Land of Progress," was winner of the .first prize. The sub- ject matter of her speech was excel- lent and the- manner of delivery show- ed great 'ability and training. She will represent the county at the contest held in conjunction with the- District Educational. • Association. eonventio•n which will be held at Guelph towards the latter part af November, Miss Lena Munro o.F Blyth Public Schen], speaking on "Lord Stratheona," wan second prize and was a close compet- itor for highest honors. Miss Alma Curran Of S.S. No. 9, Ashfield, was the winner of third prize and spoke on "Birds." The first three prizes consisted of books specially selected for young ' people, While each Of the ether com- petitors received a single book in re, cognition of their attempt to win higher hailers. The following list . shows the prize winners, the school -fair group represented and their auba j•ects: Elva Wuerth, Credit --n. "Canada,' Our Land of Progress." Lena Munro, Blyth,• "Lord Strath.-. SoAtia' lli*;. aCurran, Ashfield Township, "Birds." The remainder are not placed ac - carding to merit but are deserVing of .special mention. Cameron Rintoul, Belgrave.' "Caii- ada." jeati Cornish: Clinton Rural, "Paul- ine Johnston". ,Benson Sutter,. Cliaton Tawn, "A •. Boy that Mude Good." Dave Horton, • Colborne Township, "-Thoughts ott Fairs," • jean Franklin, Ethel, "The Days • .We Celebrate.". . Alma 'Trewartha...Goderich Twp., "The v ualities of a true 'Canadian". Freida-Rintoul, St. •f-lelens, "How the .aut.,mabile has added to the stint total of. human happiness." -Lloyd Bern, •Winclielsea. "Sir John MacDonald." 'Donald Fortune, ,Wroxeter, "Bird Protection." a • Doris Horner. Zurich, "The Union •The judge S .for. this contest were Dr. j. M. 'Field -and Mr. E. C. :Bea- com, the two 'Public School: Inspect- ors for Huron County. Want and For Sale Ads. 3 times 50c Anderson's B-akery OUR AIM: . To give you the Lowest Poesible 'Prices Consistent with Highest Quality. • The Home of BUttermille Scones—have you tried them? Variety of Breads improves every meal. • Buns, Cakes, Pies and Cookies always on hand. SPECIALS— Two Dozen. Finger Rolle (If we please you, tell others; if not, tell us) T. R. Anderson 25c PHONE 70.