HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-10-30, Page 3Econpmy C s'rner
Peach Pie
Ingredients; Peaches, 3 oz. sugar,,
3 tablespoonfuls cream, puff pastry.
Method: Lino a deep soup .plate' with
the: pastry, and out also a round large
0-, enough to cover the top. Bake in
quick oven for 15 minutes—the cover
to be baked on a flat tin,: Pare and
olice'some ripe peaohes,: mix togeth-
er the sugar and cream, and pour
ever them. Put into the prepared
!pastry case, cover with the top crust
and 'return to the oven for five min-
utes. Sprinkle with castor sugar and
serve, •
Peach Jam
ingredients: Peaches, salt, Sugar,
water, ' Method; Cut eaoh peach in
half, remave stone ivtth a teaspoon,
then peel. When you have the de-
eired quantity, put into a salt sola-
Mu, allowing`. one tablespoonful salt
to two gallons ; water, wash n
water, then drain: Weigh fruit, and
put three-quarters of a'. pound of su-
gar to each: pound .of prepared fruit.
Put into a preserving pan, cook slow-
ly until the sugar is melted, then boll
briskly until the fruit' is clear and
the syrup the desired thickness.
Peach Pudding
Ingredients; Stale Madeira or
sponge cake, peaches, 1- lemon, I oz,
sugar, 2 'eggs, 1 pint milk. Method;
Butter a plain mould and put a round
of sponge cake at the bottom, then a
layer of 'sliced peaches; repeat the
.1nyers, finishing with cake. Sprinkle
,each layer with lemon juice. Beat
the eggs, add sugar and milk, and
pour into the mould. Set .aside for
one hour. 'Cover with greased
paper, and steam very gently for one
Making Steak Tender
To. make a'. beef steak tender, put it
on it dish and cover it with salad oil,
and leave „it for about two hours be-
fore cooking. Thla will make the
meat quite tender without impairing
the flavor at all •
ractical—When washing cane, wicker and
bamboo furniture a lump of sugar in
the water trill be .found excellent for
making the pieces look like new, and
it will prevent creaking in the joints
of basket chairs.
Keep all tiny elastic bands to clip
rounds reels of machine silk, which
are' not in constant use. This pre-
vents them from amine, unwnal,d
and tangled.
If the fancy tern-nver lops of boys'
golf hose are kn't a l 4eparately and
tacked on to r':tiu ,^ice, one pair of
tops will do for sevr.:ai ;vim of socks.
If You Wear Glasses
When opening oven doors, or dish-
ing -vegetables, spectacles frequently
get clouded by steam. To prevent
this, rub the glasses with soap and
polish with a soft handkerchief.
Health Test Is
Given to Freshmen
Smith Cole's Hygiene De-
partment Try New Ex-
Narthamptor., Mass. — The Snaith
College health knowledge test, an ex-
amination comprising 130 practical
questions on physical and mental hy-
giene, was given recently to 653 fresh-
men at -Smith College. This is the
first test bf this nature ever -taken -by
students of college age. If success-
ful the experiment will be generally
adopted at Smith and other colleges,
.according to the originator of the ex-
amination, Dr. K. Frances Scott, of
the department of Hygiene at Smith,
chairman of the committee on In-
formation of the American Student
Health Association.
The knowledge and,:good sense of
the students was tested an matters
pertaining to exercise, food, posture,
Proper clothing, 9ufflcient sleep, nutri-
tion, first aid and mental hygiene.
Nutrition bodily mechanics and com-
municable diseases were-empbasized.
In responding to each question the
students were asked to choose the
most logical of three answers suggest-
ed. Knowledge of bodily mechanics
Vas revealed in a choice of whether
"the ideal weight for any individual
is best indicated by the standard
tables of average weights, the current
fashion in flgures or signs of good
health and endurance." According to
the test, appetite was either "an in-
stinct telling us what we should eat,
an uncontrollable desire always to bo
[followed, or a cultivated taste quite
controllable." Understanding of
mental hygiene was judged by the
answer to tbo statement that "ner-
vous breakdowns are caused by ex-
oessive study, disappointments or fail-
ure to solve one's emotional prob-
In making the experiment the hy-
giene department atressed the fact
that what is not known by the student
is Pully as important as what is
known, -since it. -is largely on the
dormer basis that courses in hygiene ,
isi11- be revised.
Quito a number of people died last
year in Bnglancl as the result et fall
Mg out of bed; there were 29 males
and 47 females, There were also 28
fatalities due to accidents while play-
laying games.
"In American justice, 11 more clan-
gerous to be known as a radical think- i
er than to be known as a creole—.
Norman Thomas:
Pale People
Are In Peril
Sortie Forert of Nervous Break-
down A]ways Threatens
Pale people are almost always ner-
vous. Paleness denotes lack of blood
and too little blood usually results In
jaded nerves, eleepleesness, headaches
or neuralgia,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are differ-
ent from most other medicines—It is
impossible to take them: and not' feel
better. '.Their whole misstep - is to
make rich, red blood. This new blood
strengthens the: nerves.. and gives vi..
tality to the whole body, ;Concerning
them Mrs. G. Cook, Bloor Street,,To-
ronto, says: "Tw,o yeare ago I used
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for a nervous
breakdown with the result that I have
been well and strong ever since,"
You can get these Pills from any
dealer in medicine or by mail at 50
cents r. box from The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Year -Round' School
Seen in Future
New York -That vastly more of
Childhood will be spent within the.
four walls of the aclioal.of tomorrow
is a prediction made on the basis of
present trends by the research divi-
sion of the U.S. National Education
Association, Schooling, in its opinion,
will in the 'future beginearlier and
will become also :a year-round roue-.
Schools for babies, "eo-operating
with the home In establishing :basic
habits and emotional patterns which
underlie a happy, useful life; `,are fore-
seen as a permanent and general fes-,
ture of the "educational landscape.
Already in the last ten years, it is
pointed -•out, nursery schools -in the
United States have multiplied almost
fifty times over.
There are only 928 people receiving
unemployment pay in France; of these
733 are in Paris.
WELCOM1. tb,
3I" STAeo 7T"AVE.
Lemon May Prove I KEEP T
To Be Big Industry
Australians - Find Latest im-
portation to Be Highly
Fruit farmers in Australia are now
finding- that lemons are one of- the
most profitahle lines which they,oen
take up. The trees bear all the year
round, and the fruit is in constant
demandi, Profits, work out at about
$1,000 an acre.
There has been =oh publicity given
to "pests," like the prickly pear and
the blackberry, which' have laid waste
vast areas in the Antipodes;, that it is
as well to consider the other side of
the picture' occasionally. For the
lemon, like the two "nuisances"'men-
tioned above, is an importation.
On balance, the Australasians have
benefitted enormously by the experi-
ments made in introducing iiew trees
and planta. Oranges, like lemons, have
proved .a very profitable crop—and
apple -growing is one of the great in-
dustries "down under." Yet when
apple trees were first .planted in. Aus-
traliu most people thought the venture
was simply silly.
They changed their minds later on
—when the fruit began to appear, and
the pioneers reaped the harvest they
deserved. The apples grown in West-
ern Australia sold for $5 'each.
Accidental importations may also
turn out well, though,.naturally, we
hear more about those that don't. A
'case of the first kind was the straw-
berry clover, which obtained a footing
in Australia in ra•her a -curious way.
_. A piano had been sent out from Ire-
land. It was duly unpacked, and the
packing was thrown out. But this
packing contained seeds of ..he straw-
berry clover. They germinated, and.
the plants appeared. They found Aus-
tral an conditi,ns 'suitable, and the
Australians; on their side, found the
new arrival useful. So today straw-
berry -clover is cultivated in Victoria.
Even a plant importationwhichhas
been condemned as a pest may be of
some value. Prickly pear is cultivat-
ed in Corsica and California, and seine
experts believe that it niay yet prove
useful even in Queensland, where its
spread has caused great loe.es.
Already a vegetable alcohol on
which ears can be run has been ob-
tained from it, while the leaves yield
a size which will stand up against
tropical rain.
Baffled Erudition
Carolyn Wells, "dean of American
detective -story writers," tells why she
never had any 'higher education: "I
went to high school in Rahway, New
Jersey, and wanted to go to Vassar,
until I found out they had to make
their own bede there. Then that was
all off. I thought of Wellesley next,
but I discovered that they had to
make their beds there, too, So I de-
cided not to go to college at all."
"The world becomes too much a
slave of the present mode, forgetting
that there ever was any other."—Win-
ston Churchill.
Two hours after e, ting
WHAT many call "indigestion" is very
often nothing but excess acid in the stomach.
The stomach nerves have been over -stim-
ulated, and food sours. The corrective is an
alkali, which neutralizes acids instantly.
The best alkali known to medical science is
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained
the standard anti -acid with physicians in
the 50 years since its invention.
One spoonful of this harmless, tasteless
alkali will neutralize instantly many times
as much acid, and the symptoms disappear
at once. You will never use crude methods
when once you learn the efficiency of this
more pleasant way. A small bottle is
sufficient to show its merit,
Be sure to get genuine Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia prescribed by physicians for
more than 50 years in correcting excess
acid. 50c bottle; any drugstore. Complete
directions for its :many uses are enclosed
With every bottle.
5ENe1NF e.�'t
For Troubles
due toAcid
The Get.uine Mille of
Magnesia is alwags a
liquid—never a tablet.
Look for the Phillips'
name on the bottle.
Are Filled As Far
As Possible In the
Order in Which r
They Are
Help Supplied
Offering Annual
Woric Are
Given the
The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the
!pep, i
Mita er oP Experionoed Married Men With Their Wives
'£meat of AgricultureforOntario will have available a
, nd Families—Married' Couples Without Children—
Also Single Men.
ilpviisse ►eta requiring, ar q application to
Geo Elliott
iii' p r e o onlzation
a�gt Ridge„
aroma, Ont,
File Your
App lcation
i4 Once
All Men
Placed Subject
to Trial Period
HON, THOMAS L. KENNEDY, 'Minister of Agriculture
% ppy BY The Bloodless Sportsman
KEEPING raus S rspr i t N�LAe I mb a, without a pole;
And I bag goad game and catch such
It is natural for children to be hap-
py, active and full of fun. When they
are fretful, fussy and disinclined to
play you may be sure something, is.
wrong. Almost invariably that some-
thing lies in the digestive tract.:
It is to meet the need for an abso-
lutely safe corrective of childhood ail-
ments that Baby's Own Tablets have
been designed. They gently regulate
the stomach and bowels and thus drive
.oat. constipation . and 'indigestion;
break up colds and simple revere and
allay teething pains. Concerning them
Mrs: W. E. Forsyth, Dover, N.B.,
writes:—"I' would not be without
Baby's Own Tablets as I knowof
nothing to equal them for fretful, fus-
sy babies who are troubled with colds
or sour stomach!'
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
By Amy Campbell
The year has always seemed to be
Slowly climbing ;a snow -hushed hill,
A brooding dream upon its heart
Where beauty has its will.
Then, hedged about with violets,
Before the stimmit,,is the Spring,
Overarched .with apple' bloom
And birds' young welcoming.
And at the cresting summer holds
The swirling foam of flower and leaf
To bi'ealc in fragrant petal -fall
Beautiful past belief,
Gradually down the. smouldering way
Of hovering•gold in plumes of grain,
There waits the old magnificence
Of Autumn's goal again.
On down the path that never'waits
Is leaf mosaic held in place
By windlaid nuts and frequenting
Of little wildfoot pace.
And then the valley pause again
Of Christmas stars above the snow,
Before the endless soft ascent
The year again must know.
Travels 000,000 Miles
J.i m McKenna,
travelling passen-
ger agent of the
Canadian Pacific
Railway since 1383,
has just completed
his 130th return
trip from Montreal
t o Vancouver —
which be 'figures
totals a distance of
more'than four mil -
ion miles. "Jim,' as he Is known all.
along the line, is 77 years old, Is
chiefly in charge of 'oriental transpor-
tation, and is sometimes called the
"C.P.R.'s :Chinese Ambassador." He
gets along quite well with his celestial
friends, speaks their language, and—
if called upon, wields a Wicked pair of
A Difficult Point
We all want our children to grow up
into persons whose word eau be be-
lieved. We know that truthfulness is
the foundation of all honorable con-
duct. Incidentally, it is ultimately the
only condition of real success in busi-
ness. So we are careful to be truthful
with our little ones, and to keep faith
with them whenever we make them a
But we need not on that account be
terribly upset when we first find out a
child in some little variation of the
truth, A great deal of unconscious
cruelty may be perpetrated if we fail
to realize that a chIld's intelligence is
limited, and that it is incapable of
thinking along grown-up lines, al-
though it will imitate.
Here is a case in point, Molly, aged
six, was passionately fond of a Teddy-
bear that had shared her joys and •sor-
rows from babyhood. He was very
shabby and had lost one °Phls eyes,
while one ear hung by a thread. Fait-
ing to understand that he was the
more endeared to his owner by these
accieents, an aunt presented brolly
with a new and gorgeously colored
monkey. Molly, as she had been
taught to do, thanked the donor pret-
tily; but the moment her aunt's back
'was turned she put the smart new-
comer on the top of a bureau and hug-
ged Teddy.
Noticing that the new toy never ac
oompaniecl, the child for a walk, the
aunt was told "ho was tired, and had
to rest," or that "he had a cold," On
being asked the straight question,
"Don't you like your new monkey?"
Molly raised blue eyes in 'perfect in-
nocene0 and said, "Oh, yes. He's per-
fec'ly lovely , . . but he isn't very
well to -day."
"An absolute lie, for she hates the
thing," said her mother, worriedly,
"and I can't decide whether to scold
her for being deceitful or not."
Most parents rill praise Molly for
the delicate way she tried to avoid
giving pain, ratifier than blame her for
the <teceit. But is a, hint to aunts to
asgertain a r pial! recipient's lviehes
before presenting gifts. For children,
like ourselves, - have decided prefer-
"Love is making sacrifices and think-
ing it fun."—Dr. Will Durant.
Minard's Liniment aids tired feet.
As suits a sportsman's soul.
For the chiefest genie that the .forest
• holds,
And the best fish of the brook,
Are never brought down by a rifle
And are never caught with a book.
I bob for fish by the forest brook,
I hunt for game in the trees,
For bigger birds that wing the air,
Or fish that swim the seas, -
A rodless Waltonof the brooks,
A bloodless sportsman, L
I hunt for the thoughts that throng the
The dreams that haunt the sky,
The woods are made for hunters,
The brooks for the fishers of song:
To the hunters who hunt for the game
less gone, -
The streams and brooks belong.
There are thoughts that roam from the
soul of the pine,
And thoughts in the flower -bell curled;
The thoughts that.are blown with the
scent :of the fern, '
Are as new and as old as the world,
So, away, for the hunt in the fern -
scented wood,
Till the going down of the sun,
There is plenty of game still left in
the woods
For the hunter who has no gun.
So, away for the fish, by the moss-
bordered brook. •
That flows through the velvety sod:
There are plenty of fish stili left in
the streams
For the angler who has no rod.
—Frew the Valve World.
British Fliers Leave
On Hop to Australia
Croydon, Eng.—Flying Officer C. J.
Chabot and Major C. E. 71. Pickthorne
started at dawn, Oct. 6th, in a De
Haviland puss-mi.4h plan for a flight
to Australia. They hope to reach
there in seven days by alternately tak-
ing the controls.
Their first stop thcy expected to be
Belgrade, after which they expect to
make seven other hops. The plane
has no wireless, but carries a collap-
sible fabric boat which can be inflated
, with a hand pump.
Safety Fir-r-rst, Mon!
The easterly wind had dried the
land, and the crops were suffering
from the drought, so the agriculturists
of the parish waited on the minister
with a request to "put up a word or
twa for rale,'
The minister, who had a reputation
for the efficacy of his supplications on
previous occasions, heard the deputa-
tion gravely, and, after a silence, dur-
ing which he carefully scanned the
horizon, replied: "A wall, but All bide
a wee till the win's mair off the west!"
—London Humorist.
The world's largest fortune belongs
to John D. Rockefeller, the famous
American millionaire, and is estimat-
ed at over l2,000,000,000.
Against Grippe
Having a bottle of MInard's handy
at the right time will often save
a doctor's fee. Por colds, sore
throat, bronchitis.
C If FOR 1 T—
CHILDREN hate to take medicine
'I✓ as a rule, but every child loves
the taste of Castoria. And this pure
vegetable preparation is just as good
as it tastes; just as bland and just as
harmless as the recipe reads.
When Baby's cry warns of colic,
a few drops of Castoria has him
soothed, asleep again in a jiffy. Noth-
ing is more valuable in diarrhea.
When coated tongue or bad breath
tell of constipation, invoke its gentle
aid to cleanse and regulate a child's
bowels. In colds or children's diseases,
you should use it to keep the system
from clogging,
Castoria is sold in every drugstore;
the genuine always bears Chas. H.
Fletcher's signature. •
ISSUE No.' 42-'30
TO Q .'uvs o tea. & oRAVISEeuro
Abbreviated Golf
Boosts Cotton Use
Washington—The rising industry
of establishing miniature golf courses
has ased 1,500,000 yards of cotton
textiles, it was anounced September
16 by a Department of Commerce
This calculation does not take into
consideration the amount of cloth
which it is expected the tiny golf
course operators will have to acquire
if they adopt generally the policy of
putting their grounds under canvas
for the winter.
Minard's Liniment has a hundred uses.
"It is better to wait til; people are
dead before one says anything dnkiind
about them,"—Ceorge Bernard Shaw.
16J'h� tolerate Pirsadrle.s
Blackheads and Dos :idri it'?
Curti cis.'ra Son
and Cutictn`a ointment
nal golcldy andoo c,,lly purify ,nd
proxcrvu year eels and hale
Countless remedies are advertised
'for constipation. Many relieve for
the moment but they are habit form-
ing and must be continued. Others
contain calomel and dangerous, min-
eral drugs, which remain in the sys-
tem, settle in the joints and cause
aches and pains. Some are harsh
purgatives which cramp and gripe
and leave a depressed after effect.
Avoid lubricating oils which only
grease the intestines and encourage
nature's machinery to become lazy.
A purely vegetable laxative such
as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently
touches the liver, bile starts to flow,
the bowels move gently, the intestines
are thoroughly cleansed and constipa-
tion poisons pass away. The stomach,
liver and bowels are now active and
the system enjoys a real tonic effect.
All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs.
'I have been taking liruschrn Salts
for.snearly 3 months. I have continued
taking one teaspoonful in warm water
every morning. 1 then weighed 217
pounds, was always bothered with
pains in my back and lower part of
abdomen and sides.
Now I am glad to say 1 am a well
woman, feel much stronger, years
younger and my weight is'170'pounds.
1 do not only feel bettei but 1 look
better, so all my friends say.
1 shall never be without Iiruschen
Salts, ,vill never cease 'taking my daily
dose and more than glad to highly
recommend it for the great good shat is
In it." --Mrs. S. A. Solomon.
P.S.—You may think I ani
exaggeratingby writing such a long
letter but Truly 1 feel -so indebted to
you for putting out such wonderful
salts that 1 cannot say enough."
Classified Advertising
sewing et home, whole or spare
t,/e, good pay, work sent any distance,
rharges paid; send stamp for particulars.
National Manufaetui•1ng Co., Montreal,
116, pa paper mailed free. Address
friendship Magazine,' Medina, New York
List of "Wanted inventions"
and Full Information SentFres,
on Request.
T8B starsSA Z co., Dept. W,
275 ,Sang Et., Ottawa, Ont.
Sore RiD27,31f
`Your Vegetable Com-
pound is a good medicine,
Anyone who is in poor hea!t'h
should not hesitate to try it.
When I was taking the Vege-
table Compound 1 tried ,the'.
sample Liver Pills 1 found in
the package. I have taken
them every night since and 1
can feel myself improving. I
am so thankful for the good
they do me that 1 have told
several women about it."—
Mrs. 0. W. Posliff, 263 Huron
St., Stratford, Ontario.
High School Boards and Boards of Education
Are authorized by law to establish
With the approval of the Minister of Education
may be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued by
the Department of Education.
le given in various trades. The scheole and classes are under the
Application for attendance should be made to the Principal
of the school.
for In the Courses of Study -In Public, Separate, Continuation and High
Schools, Collegiate institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments.;
Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may bo
..obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parllamci' Bylldl,sas, Toronto.