HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-10-09, Page 8, PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1950 HENSALL. Mrs, C. Either of Zurich is visiting for a few days with friends in town. Mr. Wm. ,Simpson of Detroit visit- ed over the week-endith wrelatives . . in town. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Eby of. Toronto visited over the week -end with Mr,. and Mrs. W. J. White. . Mrs. Robert Benthron is, visiting eelatives in Detroit. " Miss Margaret McLaren of London visited over the week -end at her home here, 'Mrs. Donald McKinnon visited in London on Saturday. Collyer of London visited over the week -end with Dr. and Mrs, Coll- yer here. Mr. Lee Hedden of Ingersoll eisit- ed over the week -end in town. Mrs. Finley of Blake visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. C, Cook. , Mrs. Miller of Windsor is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatcleford.• Mr. Roy Smale of Windsor visited over the week -end with his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. George Smale. A nugeber froin Heneall attended the anniaersary services at Chisel - hunt on/Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson visit- ed in London on Saturday, Messrs. Ben. Elder and John Cor- bett visited over the week -end at Nia- gara Falls. The Women's Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday afternoon last with a large attendance present. Arrange- ments were made for the fowl stepper which will be held on Wednesday evening of this week, Mr. Peter Case and sister of Exeter are visiting their brother, Mr. Geo. Case, here. Miss Florence Welsh has returned home after a very pleasant trip to At- Imitic City, New York and Ottawa. 'Mrs. A. Sinclair and Mr. T. Calmer assisted in the Chiselhurst choir on Sunday last for the anniversary ser- vices. Dr. Campbell was visited over the week end by his brother from Nova Scotia and while here took in a trip to Niagara Falls. Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle visited friends in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chao. Cooper are moving this week to Kippen. Mrs, J, Dinsdale, Mrs. Fred Sim mons and son Jack intend leavina shortly for California where they will spend the winter and will be aCCOM panied by Mrs. Callas, who has been v:eiting for a few days here. Council Meeting—The regular mon- Oily meeting of the village council was held en Monday es -ening with all the member: present except Council- lor Consitt. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on metien of Petty and Ortwein. Coun- cillors Ortwein and Petty reported on the work done during the month, repairing sidewalks. The Reeve stat- ed that Wm. Harvey of Kippen had agreed to draw in vhat gravel was needed at 20c a yard mile. Al! gravel to he screened. The Reeve was in- structed to look after the baravelling. A communication was reedfrom a Toronto firm making an offer for mu- nicipal insurance. This matter was discueeed but the Reeve thought it better to leave it over till next year. which was agreed tee A number of aceeunts were presented and ordered paid on motion of Cameron and Ort- weln. The meeting then adjourned to meet again the firq Monday in November. Quite a large crowd attended the Heeeall School Fair on Friday af- ternoon last and there was a splendid array of exhibits. A proaram of Sports Was run off during tlie after- noon. The prize list was as follows: 'Wish cloths. Alice Pfaff, Mary Clark, P,arbara Shepherd; button edges, Annie Carlisle; el !hes pin ap- ron, Kathryn Drysdale: doll's dress, Mae Wolff, Irene Hoskin, Mona Glenn: oatmeal macaroone, Alice Pfaff, Barbara Shepherd; butter tarts, Annie Carlile, Dorethy Drummond, Herbert Drummond, ginger snaps, Erma Kipfer; iced chocolate cake, Annie Carlile; bran muffins, Ruth Bell, Margaret Sangster: pumpkin pie, Annie Carlile; meat pies, Annie Carlile, Herbert Drummond, Dorothy Drummond; chocolate fudge, Mona Glenn, Annie Carlile, Mildred Follick; breakiaet for child; Jean Foster, Min- nie Sangster, Ruth Cole; drawing of tea kettle, Shirley Twitchell, Norma Cook. Gerald Passmore; drawing of dog, Erma Kipfer. Edna Saundercock, Herbert Drummond; landscape, An- nie Carlile, Ivan Kipfer, Bill Glenn; poster, Helen Glenn, Irene Smale, Janet McIntyre; spelling match, Ir- ene Hoskins, Jean Foster, Mae Wolff; map of Huron, Erma Kipfer, Herbert Drummond, Ruth Bell; map of On- tario, Annie Carlile, Ivan Kipfer, Or- ville Redden; map of the Dominion, Norman Sinclair, Mabel Fee, Minnie Sangster; writing, primer, Ronald Parker„ Margaret Sangster, Mary Goodwin; wrting "Our Flag", June Saundercoolc, Jack Shepherd, Doris Pearce; writing "Rainbow," Hanel. Cook, Shirley Twitchell, Audrey Twitchell; writing "RaM," Mary Clerk, Erma Kipfer, Elva McQueen; writing "The Maple", Kenneth Man- us, Ronald Peck, Ivan Kipfer; "Pad- dle Song" Mabel Fee, Janet McIn- tyre, Edythe Wolff; composition, on weed control, Irene Smale, Annie Heiser, Janet McIntyre; dogs, Jack Simmons, Lloyd Brock, Doris Pearce, rabbits, Lloyd Brock, Herman Sin- clair, Noris McEwenaearet, Howard Love, Norman -Sinclair, Max Hud- son; barred rock cockerel, Harold Wi" :dr Bill 'Glenn, Dave Sangster; pullett, Ruth Bell, Billie Glenn, Dave Sangster; White Leghorn, cockerel and pullet, Ruth Belle marigolds, Harvey Hudson, Herb Drummond, Minnie Sangster; turnips, Mona Glen, Isabel Saunclercock; carrots, Max, Hudson, Dorothy McQueen, Ken, Manns e corn, Mabel Fee; • potatoes— Dooley, Howard Senate, Lloyd Brook, Green -Mts., Annie Carlile, Mona .Glenn; Irish Cobblers Kathryn Dry, &dale; Bill Coles, Ruth Coles; beets, Alice Pfaff, Bob Drysdale, Myrna Hedson; parsnips, Helen Glenn, Laird, Hudson, Jean Foster; onions, Kathryn Drysdale; Bill Glenn; pears, Ruth Bell, Dave Sangster, Minne Sangster; flowers-- phlox, Bill Glenn, asters, Kathryn Drysdale, Norman Sinclair, Mary Clark; Fe, Miangolds, Owing to the installation of new machinery we will be forced to shut down our cleaning and pressing plant on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 13th and 14th. SYDNEY DUNGEY Dry Cleaning and Pressing Keith Buchanan, Kenneth Passmore, Norma Cook; African marigolds, Ro- nald Peck, Jean Foster, Annie Car- lisle; zinnia, Loretto Bell, Ray Fos- ter; Max Hudson; cosmos, Helen Glenn, Isabel Saundercock, Gladys S aun d er cock ; oa lendulas, Harvey nucleon; bouquet, Herb -Drummond, Kenneth Passmore, Jack Coles; snow apples, Loretto Bell, Margaret Sang- ster, Audrey Twitchell; spies, Mona Glenn, Bill Glenn; assorted fruits, Ka- thryn Drysdale, Ruth Coles, Dorothy Deters; pumpkin, Billy Higgins, An- nie Carlile, Bill Coles; white eggs, Loretto Bell, Harold Williard, Bill Glenn; brown eggs, Keith Buchanan, window stick, Jack Coles, Ray Foster, Lloyd Brock; brush holder, Ivan Kipfer, Bob Drysdale, Jean Foster; book ends, Orville Redden; girls' three-legged race, Mildred Follick and Minnie Sangster; Mona Glenn and Jean Foster, Isabel Saundercock and Olive Lemmon; boys' three- legged race, Harold Bonthron and Orville Hedden, Kenneth Manns and Ross McIlroy, Jack Simmons and Herold Willeard; book race, Mildred Follick, Olive Lemmon, Minnie Sang- ster; sack race, boys, Orville Hedden, Rees McIiroy, George Pearce; sack race, girls, Irene Hoskins, Minnie Sangster, Mildred Iollick; needle race, boys, Orville Hedden, Kenneth Manns, Herb Drummond; nail driv- ing contest, Niinnie Sangster, Isabel Satindercock, G. Saundercock; stilt race, Kenneth Mann; jockey ace, Harold Bonthron and Orville Hed- den, Harvey Hudson and Kenneth Manns; Ivan Kipfer and George Pearce; biscuit eating contest, Stan- ley Tucker; Kenneth Manns, Harold Bonthron; 3rd grade. best speller, Ir- ene Hoskins; 4th grade best speller, Nerman Sinclair; 50 yd. dash, boys, under 10 yrs.. Keith Buchanan, Max Hudson, Kenneth Passmore; 50 yd, dash, girls under 10 yrs„ Jean Fos- ter, Margaret Shepherd, Mona Glenn; 50 yd. dash, boys 10-12 yrs., George Pearce, Bob Drysdale, Keneth Mann; 50 yd. dash, girls 10-12 yrs., Nellie Fee, Loretto Bell, Dorothy Deters; 50 yd. dash, boys over 12 yrs„ Ross McIlroy, Orville Hedden, George Pearce; boot race, boys, Lloyd Brock, Keith Buchanan. Harold Williard; girls, Minnie Sangster, Isabel Saund- ercock, Ruth Coles; coat race, Dave Sangster, Ruth Coles, Lloyd Brock, Mrs. John 'Mitchell, who has been residing with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Kennings, left Tuesday for Crediton where she will spend the winter with her son. A number of young people gathered in th basement of the United Church on Friday evening in honour of Miss Grace Forrest who is taking up a course in the Scott Memorial Hospi- tal to train for a nurse. Miss Forest was presented with a beautiful brace- let. Refreshments were served and' a good time was enjoyed. Mrs Ed, Shaeffer is spending a week or so visiting her daughter, Mrs. (De.) Reid at Port Rowan. Mr. Ed. Sheeffer left on Wednes- day morning for Toronto. Mr. Wm, Ho'wey of Kippen has taken the contract for gravelling the streets and is busy this week getting the work done, The ladies of th United Church are holding their annual fowl supper at the church on Tuesday, Oct, 22nd. Prophet and Inventor Alexander Graham Bell was a prophet as well as an inventor. The 70,000 daily long distance calls in Ontario and Quebec are a remark - 'able fulfillment of what he foresaw fifty years ago. He realized that dis- tance would be no barrier to the tel- ephone. WIFE, GAS, SCARE MAN IN DEAD OF NIGHT "Overcome by stomach gas in. the dead of night, I scareel my husband badly. He got Adlerika and it ended the gas." --Mrs, M. Owen. ,Acilerika relieves stomach gas in TEN minutes! Acts on 130TH upper and lower bowel, removing old poi- sonous waste you never knew was there, Don't Pool with medicine which cleans only PA,RIT of bowels, but let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning end get rid of all gas! Keating's Pharmacy, W. C. Govenlock McCormick -Deering Agent See our line of SULKY PLOWS, .WALKING PLOWS, AND TRACTORS AND PLOWS. Have on hand for sale good used Manure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul- ky Plow, also '25 Ford Sedan in Al shape, and '25 Ford Coupe. HAYFIELD. The Harvest Thanksgiving service was held in Trinity Church on Sun- day morning last. The Rector, Rev. F. H. Paull, took his text from Gen- esis 8:22,"While the earth remain- eth seedtime and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease, stressing the duty of all to give thanks for God's bountiful goodness and our daily dependence on him. The church was tastefelly decorated with fruits of the orchard and field. The choir ef- fectively rendered the anthem, "0 Lord how manifold!" The Holy Sac- rament was administered at the ser- viceh There will be no service at St. James' Church, Middleton, nor at Trinity Church, Bayfield, next Sun- day, October 12th, when St. John's Church, Varna, are having their re- opening services; the church being redecorated. Rev. J. N. H. Mills, rec- tor of at. George's Church, Goderich, and Archdeacon Jones -Bateman con- ducting the services morning and ev- ening. The combined choirs of the three churches take part in the music, On Thursday evening, October 9th, the members of the A.Y,F.A. will pre- sent the amusing play, "The Tiger Earl," in the town hall at Varna. On Sunday, October 125h anniver- sary services are being held in Grace United Church, Porter's Hill when Rev, Eric Anderson of Blyth, a for- mer pastor, will preach. On the next evening there' well be a fowl supper and the play, "The Tiger Earl" will be given by members of the A.Y.P.A. of the Anglican Churches, Middleton, Bayfield and Varna. Miss Mary Gray and her uncle, Mr. John Mitchell of London, spent Sun- day with the latter's cousin, Mr. F. A. Edwards. Mrs, J. Calderwoodef Ottawa and Mrs. D. Harrison of Goderich visited their brother, Mr. George King over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sturgeon of Lon- don spent the week end with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs S. Kip- fer. Mr, Lee Kipfer who had been visiting with his sister in London for the past month returned here with them. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Guest of Sault Ste. Marie spent Monday with the latter's sister Mrs. Malcom Torn. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Gale and Miss Gladys Gale returned home on Tues- day after spending the past month at Honeywood, Port Perry and Water- loo. Miss Jean M. Woods returned to Toronto on Friday to resume her du- ties at the Toronto General Hospital, Miss Anna Drouin, Miss Fairbairn and niece and Mess Morley of De- troit spent the week end in the vil- lage. Mr. and Mit, Aikenhead and Miss Olive Harrison of Brucefield and Mrs. Jones of Detroit were guests on Sunday.with Mrs, F. W. Baker. Mrs. •Peter Clarkand son *George and Mr. W. Hall who spent the' past week in Toronto with relative's re- turned home on Saturday. Mr. Geo. Clark returned to Detroit on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy'el'oth of Toron- to came last Wednesday to visit the latter's parents. Mrs. Poth underwent an opeation in Clinton hospital on Monday for .the removal of her ton- sils and is recuperating .at her par- ent's hoe, Mr aed Mrs. W. R. Jow- ett, Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Xing of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and little Glen of London were guests with their mother, Mrs. Charles Par- ker over the weekend. M. and Mrs. J. A. McPherson and the latter's mother, Mrs. Beeber, call- ed on friends in the village, on Fri- day. Mr. McPherson is a native of '13ayfi.eld, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter McPherson and, left heat when a young lad with his mother to live in Alpena, Mich. At present he is superintendent of the Fletcher Pa- per Co., having the unusual distince tin of having earned his first money' when a boy at the Fletcher', Paper Mills And has worked at same smce. KIPPEN. The 63r8 'anniversary of •St. And- rew's United Church will be held on Sunday, Oct, 125h atld a.tn. and 7 p.m, Special „speaker will be Rev. A. Kenneth Beaton, B.A., formerly of China, newly -appointed aesistant se- cretary of Home Missions of the Un- ited Church of Canada. Mr. Beaton is a man worth hearng. The choir are prepatsing special music for the occasion. .. . ' , Mrs. G. ,Gauld visited her sister, Mrs. Henry Ivis•on last Sunday. Mrs. Gauld spoke at Main street Church Sunday morning. Misses' Olga and Jean .Bell and An- drew Bellspentthe week' end in Sar- nia with relatives. Mission Bend meets this Saturday afternoon at the church. The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. W. Frene.h on Wednesday last. About twenty were present Mrs. Monteith, had charge of the meeting. Mrs. jno. Workman took the Scrip- ture reading. The new study book wa.s introduced and reports Were gi- ven of the sectional meeting of South Huron. It was decided, to hold our autmtm thankoffering on Nov. 16, when Mrs. G. Gauld of Formosa will give an address on her work in the Land Beautifuj, tlefisses Olga Bell a.nd Grace Coop- er are delegates to the Young Peoples rally at London on Friday and Sat- urday. .. Mrs. Wm. M. Doig who has. been visiting friends in Vancouver, ',Ed- monton, Regina, Winnipeg, Moose - 'jaw, Calgary and Washington state for past few months returned home much pleased with her trip, Mr. Francis Edwards and John Doig of the D.C.L., Detroit, spent the week end at the latter's home in Tuckersmith. Mrs. R. Dinsdale and Miss P. Pen - fold spent Saturday in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. J. McMurtrie spent a few days in Toronto recently. Mrs. J. Brightmore and Mr. Law- rence Brightmore of London visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cochrane Sunday. Messrs. Robert Dinning and Tho- mas Allen of Windsor spent the week end at the home of Mr. John McNaughton. Quite a. number of the farmers of the 2nd concession of Tuckersmith have had the Hydro installed. Mr. Robert Elgie, Warren Schelbie, John Norris, Jas. McLean and Henry Day - man are now enjoying the benefits of electric lights and more will soon be finished. Anniversary services will be held in Kippen United Church on Sunday, October 12th, Rev. Mr. Beaton of Toronto will speak at both services at 11 a,m. and 7 pan. A special thankoffering is being asked for at this time. The choir will provide epecial music under the leadership of j. B. McLean, Mrs, W. W Cooper and daughter Grace have returned home after spending the stammer months in the West. Mrs, W. R. Cooper is spending a few well-earned holidays. Mr. Wm, Doig of Port Huron spent the week end at his home here. The young people of Mr. Arthur Anderson's home spent a day in Lon- don recently. 'Miss Mildred Workman spent a few days near Seaforth recently. Mrs. Stanks of Chicago, and Mrs. Garden, of Alice, Dakota, are visiting their brothers, Henry and William Ivison of .Kippen. VARNA. Several from this vicinity attended the funeral of the late Allen IVIcKen- zie, which took place in London on Monday. Mr, Robert Armstrong of Western Canada has joined his if here and intends making his home in Ontario. We are pleased to report that Miss Fame Logan who has been suffering with blood poison in her hand is con- siderably better. Mr. Thos. Walker of Marlette, Mich, is visiting friends in this com- munity. Harvest thanksgiving service will be held in St. John's Church, Sunday, Oct. 12th. Morning service at 11 a.m, conducted by the Rev. Arch Deacon Jones Bateman, of Goderich, and in the evening at 7 pm. Rev. Mr. Mills of Goderich. r The many frends of Mrs. John Rathwell Will be pleased to know she has recovered after her recent illness, The report of Varnaschool for September. Sr. IV. Rase 540, hon- ours 675)—Ida Chuter 677, Hazel Hunking 674, Lillian Elliott 628, Bill Austin 481. Sr. III. (Pass 540, hon- ours 62t5)—Willie McAsh 632, Harvey Muter 566, Elmer Johnston 487. Jr. III. (;Pass 480, honours 600? A.—Jack McLinchey 245; B.—Bessie Ohuter 564, Jean Reid 955, Gordon Horner 512. H. Class—Charlie Husking 425, Ford Johnston 395, Jennie Hunking 370, Murvin Johnston 336. Sr, Primer —Floyd McAsh, Roy Elliott, Donald Keyes, Jr. Primer.--Ilielen Johnston, George Flunking. No. on roll, 20; ay. ate 18.9. Ruby I. Taylor, Teacher, Mrs. Wilmer Reid and little' daugh- ter Mona, spent the week -end' with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler of the Huron Road. ST. COLUMBAN. The following is the. report for the month of September of U.S.S. No. 3, Hibbert and McKillop. The names are in order of merit. 'Form II.—Vera Mealy, Alice Flannery, Catherine Flannery. Form L—Agnes Delaney, Loretto Holland, Mary McQuaid, Pearl Johnson, Florence O'Sullivan, Al- phonse Cronin, Kale Holland, WE REMOVE Live or dead horses and cows free of charge. We Pay for the phone call. William Stone Sons Lindted Phone 22; Ingersoll 'Phone 215 W, Stratford At The Kruse Store Only MEN1$ OVERALLS at $1.00 MEN'S' ALL WOOL UN•DERWEAR at., , .... ...1.39 MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, at .......... .. 3.29 CHILDREN'S SHOES, at . 1.29 WOMEN'S SHOES, at 99c SALADA TEA, at , 49c. RED PATH SUGAR, at 4,99 W J.FINNIJ4N Senior FV.—Mary Murphy, Mary O'Sullivan, Mary Miles, MaryMc- Grath. Absent part time, Hanna'Cro- nin and .MarereIlart. !junior IV.—Irene McQuaid, Tho- mas Melady,. Lillian -Miles, Ella 0' - Sullivan, Benedict Hloiland, Fergus 'Sr. IIII.--Edward Roach, Margaret Murphy, Joseph O'Reilly, Albert Hart, Jack Cronin. ' jr. Iiabel Roach, Mary, Hart, Wilfred Mc- Quaid, Lettere Ruston, Jack 'Roach. H.—Con Reiland, Pat Cleary, Francis °Reilly, Ralph Murphy, An- geline Ruston. . IPt. Hart, Pat Elizabeth Roach, Pat MciGrath, Mil- dred Murphy, Mary O'Reilly, Mary Murray. 'Primer—Doris Ruston, Jim Rot ch, Gloria Holland, Jim Cleary, Agnes O'Sullivan, Melady. HULLETT. Presentation. --The YJW. and M. Bible Class of the former Methodist Church in Lonelesboro assembled at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Geonge Moon, Oherey !Grove Farm, Ilkillett, on Friday evening. ,During the even- ing the bride-to-be, Miss Pearl Mooh, whose marriage to Mr. William W. Hamilton, also of the 10th concession takes place on Wednesday, arid pres- ented her with a handsome chair. • HARLOCK: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogerson and baby Kenneth of near Brucefield spent Sunday at the home of lvtr. and Mrs. A. W. McEwing and family. Miss Annie Stevens of Clinton .spent Monday at her home here. Mies Agnes Leiper of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs, David Reid and fam- ily spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin at Sunshine. Miss Kathleen Beacom has been holidaying for the past two wee.ks 51 the hoane of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Lyon, of near Londeslioro. . ' Mrs. Melvin Ritchie of Harlock visited Seaforth friends part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson and Marie, Mrs. Beacom and Miss Edythe Beacom and Mr. Fred Gray called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogerson and Mr. and Mrs. Crich of neer Bruce - field on Sunday afternoon. Mr, Bert Beacom took charge of Mr. Hern's barber shop in Clinton a few days last week as Mr. Hern was absent from town, Miss Agnes Leiper of Toronto is holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and lirs.latmes Leiper. Mr. and Mrs.... Ernie Adams and family of near Kinburn, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. B. Allen spent Sun- day at th e home of Mr, arid Mrs. B. Warwick. The Ladies' Aid of Burns United Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Holland, Mr. Lorne Toll has arrived home from the west where he has been spending the last few ,months. • Miss Ruby Toll of Toronto spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Toll, CROMARTY. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Allen visited rel- atives at Thorndale on Sunday. Mrs. Lamond who has been ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mc- Leod, in Landon, is able to be home again. Mr, John McDougall is somewhat improved. Rev. Mr. Miller of leronkton occup- ied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. A meeting of the congregation of the Presbyterian Church held on Sept. 29th extended a call to Rev. Mr, Rogers of St. Marys. Mr. Rogers has accepted the call and the inductioir is on October 23rd, We are glad to report the fine pro- gresss of Mrs, Charles Green who Was operated on for appendicitis in Clinton Hospital some time ago. Mrs. Green is able to be home and attend to her duties again. To have the children sound and healthy is the first care of a mother. They cannot be healthy if troubled with worms, Use Moeller Graves' Worm Exterminator, AUCTION SALE Of Autoinobiles and Household Ef- fects, on Saturday, Oct. 11th, The undersigned hes instructed Mr. Thos. Brown to sell by Public Auctionat her residence, . Market st., Seaforth, the following, without reserve: 1 Baby Grand piano, I large meiror i 6x3 ft. n bronze frame with marble stand; 2 Wilton rugs 9x12 ft.; 2 tapes- try ruga 9x12 ft.; 4 small rugs Wil- ton and bapestry; 1 Fada 6 tube elec- tric radio; 1 Moore electric range and coal leurn.er; 1 refrigerator; 1 day bed, 1 electric table lamp, 1 electric floor lamp, 1 Singer drop -head sewing machine, 1 stove, 1 kitchen cabinet, window curtains, 3 smell pedestals, cushions, dishes and cutlery, clock, hammock, sealers, wringer, boiler and galvanized wash tub. 'Walnut Furniture. -1 14 -,gate-leg dining table, '1 marble top sideboard, 2 small tables, 6 chairs upholstered, 1 what -not, 1 hat rack, 2 dressers. 5,4plece mahogany Parlor suite, 1 mahogany pedestal, I music cabinet, 1 table and 6 chairs, queinter cut fum- ed oak dining room suite, 2 fumed oak chairs, set verandah furniture, 2 mahogany commodes, 1 oak bed.room suite, 1 table and hall rack, 1 mahog- -any dresser, kitchen tabile an,d chairs, 1 rug, force ,pump, iron pump, 4 arm chairs, kitchen cupboard, 2 oak dress- ers, straw mat, mattresses and springs, all kitchen. utensils, 2 brass kettles, ,lawn mower, pictures, drap- eries, 2 large iron beds, 1 single iron bed, butter crocks, 2 ironing boards, comforters and blankets, 1 galvanized flour baerel. Automobiles, etc. --- T Chevrolet coach, 1 Ford truck, 1 Ford coupe, 2 Ford touring cars, 2 Goodyear tires 500x20; auto chains and rims, Ford windshields, spare parts, tools of all descriptions, I white robe, 1 wolf robe. Terms, cash. Sale starts at 1 pin. sharp. MISS- DOLLY CARLIN, Proprietress; Thos. Brown, Auct. HOUSE FOR SALE Frame house for sale, on Jadies Street, Seaforth. Apply to THOS. SHARIP,E, , 43 PULLETS FOR SALE. 15 IWhite *Leghorn pullets for sale. May hatch. Apply to JOHN HAM- MOINiD, Egmondville. 41. WOOD FOR SALE $5 cord for hardwood in cord lots, delivered in town; $4 a cord for maple slabs delivered; $3 a cord for sat wood slabs, delivered. Apply to T, J. RIOHARDSON, Phone 137r25, Seaforth. 46 NOTICE. Person or persons foundhunting or trespasaing on lots 12 and 13, con. 9, Hallett, will be prosecuted according to law. J. and J. Hessetwood, 47 CAR BARGAIN Six -cylinder Whippet, 1928, in first class shape, at WRIGHT'S GAR- AGE. STOVE FOR SALE Large Oke Treasure heater, burns either wood or coal. MRS, LLOYD KEYS, Varna, Phone 4 on 622, Clue - ton central. 41 FOR SALE 1 Quebec heater and I bath tub, both in good condition. Apply to J. B. TYERMAN, Sperling Street, 42 FOR SALE Three bronze turkey hens and a gobbler, Apply to LORNE S. WEB STER, Phone 235r2, Seaforth. 42 HOUSE FOR SALE. Very desirable home in good loca- tion with all modern conveniences. Apply to The. Seaforth News. 41 FOR SALE One second hand Fordson Tractor and Tractor Plow. HUMPHRIES & Co., Walton, phone 232r2, Seaforth 40 'WOOD ROR SALE. Twelve inch wood, maple, and a little beech; mixed, $5.00 per cord; can be delivered any time. JOHN F. BEUERMANN, RR. I Dublin or phone 23r9 Dublin. HOUSE FOR SALE The house and, lot belonging to the estate of the late Ann E. Modeland on Market Street, Seaforth, One., will be sold at a sacrifice price in order to close up her estate. For particul- ars apply to BEST & BEST, Sea - forth, Ont, Solicitors for the Execu- trices. ROOMS. Comfortable living rooms to rent, Oct. lst. JOHN BEATTIE South Main Street. • HOUSE FOR SALE. For sale, 7 -roomed frame house on IGoderich Street West, Seaforth. Splendid cellar with new furnace, closets; three lots with- large barn and small fruits. Will be sold cheap as positively must be sold. Apply to Mrs. W. VVestcott, oreAfielrew Little, Seaforth. 41 ' SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, October 8. Eggs, per doz. 20c -28c -32c Butter, per lb. ......, 30c Potatoes, per bag $1.50 Hogs, per cwt...........$11.00$11.50 tC 1 fi Daily. Make Or V Money Easier. Men Wanted.—Quiek, sure way to become faPERTAuto Me- chanic,Welder,Electrician,Brick- layer or Draftsman. Earn 55c per hour, part time, from start. .Advancement in few weeks. Free Railroad Fare and Employment Service. Write at once for Il- lustrated Booklet. Commercial Engineeriag Schools QUeell, 81. W, Toronto, 4-'0 Suite One Hundred PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physicial and Surgeon. Late of London Hos- pital, London, England. 'Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear nose and throat. Office and real& enee behind Dominion Bank Office ose Phone No, 5: ' Residence 'Phone 144. • F . 5. BURROWS, Seaford', Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the United Church. Commie for the County of Huron. Telephoal No. 46. DR. C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trinity Univer ,sity and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of ,the College a Physicians and Surgeons of °uteri*. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER—Eye, Ear ' Nose and Throale Graduate in Med& eine, University of Toronto .1897, Late, Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Instir le, Moorefield', Eye, and Golden Square throat nee, pitals, London. England. At,,,,Comse.. ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday each month, from 1.1 a.m. to 3 p.in. Next visit in September. • DR. W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London. Menshot of College of Physician and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart's • Drug Store, Main St., Seaforia. Phone 90. Dental. DR. J. A. MUNN, Successor es Dr. R. R. Ross,graduate of North- western University, Chicago, Ill.- 14. centiate Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over Sara hardware, Main St., Seaforth.. Phone 151. DR. F. J.. BECHELY, graduate Royal College of Dental 'Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smit'. grocery, Main St.; Seaforth. Phones., office 185W, residence 1855. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (T�.)1 0.L.S., Registered Professional Ea- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute el Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont. Legal. D. L. ROSS, Barrister and Solicit, or, Notary Public, Hours 9 a.m.-2 .p.. and 7 p.m. Office above Phillips? Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. Phone 6. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Euroe Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction gueranteed, HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Harm Moderate rates and satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13. Seaforth. WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First-Clase Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Cu. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers—James Connolly. Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors—Wm. Rinn, No, 2, Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhageal James Evans, Beachwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No.,3 Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No, 3, Seaforth; Murray , Gibson, Brucefield, Agents—ljames Watt, Blyth, TX. N. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. Y, Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promPt17 attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. THURS., FRI., SAT. HootGibson The Long, Long Trail with SALLY EILERS • (featured in Maok Sennett' s "The Goodbye Kiss," The lightning action 'Western dra- ma of a fighting youth who was will- ing to be a .worm to get a chance to turn. MON., TUES., WED. ALICE WHITS • --in-- . 5? . "SHOW GIRL" from the .sensational novel by J. P. McEvoy euthor of three succesafat in.usical comedies. Sparkling! Pepful. Humorous! PRINCESS