HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-10-09, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1930 THE SEAFORTH NEWS, A CAINADIAN ORGANIZATION— WORTHY TO SERVE CANADIANS Close to seven hundred of Canada's better class grocers make up the Superior 'Chain Stores. They are striving, as, a unit, to make Canada abigger, better and ,more prosperous country. The money you spend with as stays 100% in'Canada, where it works to our mutual advantage. We not, only offer you the finest quality, the ultimate in service and •consistently lower prices, but we offer you also the op- portunity to help yourself and your Canada. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS items for ,week ending October 135th, FRY'S BREAKFAST 'COCOA, "Drink for health's sake".19 c BULK SEEDLESS RAISINS .... .......2 ,lbs, 19 c .., 3 bottles 25 VANILLA AND LEMON EXTRACT ... SURPRISE' SOAP, "A pure, hard Soap". OXYDOL, "Works like magic" LUX TOILET SOAP' "For a smooth skin" ,. c 10 bars /S 9-irc large pkg. 21c, 3 cakes 21 e Gillett's Lye, "Eats Dirt" Kraft Tasty ;Relish Spread Fray Bentos Corned Beef Purity Qticic Oats—with Coupon Red Rose 'Tea, Crimson Label, SA's Oriange Pekoe Ws Jewell Shortening, l's • Beehive Corn Syrup, 2's Beehive Corn Syrup, 5's-. Rowntree's Chocolate Bars each 15c large bottle 23c per tin 23c large pkg. 27c per pkg. 30e per pkg. 43c 2 lbs, 35c each 17c each 35c 6 bars 25c Kara Coffee "The Secret 'Blend" 5"s..30c :i's ,.....,....,59c Sapoline "For @leaching Clothes" per bottle 15c Choice Peas No 4, Corn 2's, Tomatoes 2/'s .........'.........2 tins 25c Zebra Liquid Stove Polish per bottle 15c Swansdown Cake Flour per pkg. 39c Lily Chicken •Haddie per tin 23c Mistletoe Currants, 11 oz, per pkg. 15c Mistletoe Sultanas, 11 oz, 2 pkgs. 25c Aylmer' Strawberries, 2's squat per tin` 29c Inter:ake Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c Toddy, V2 ib. tin • 33c 16 oz. tin ' 53c Shirriffrs Orange Marmalade 32 oz lar 35c Crisco, l's per tin 27e Fig Bar Biscuits per 1'b. 19c per tin 20c 2 lbs. 25c per tin 9c. New Pack Blueberries, 2's Bulk Fine Soap Chips Babbitt's Cleanser New Goods in— Gerbers' Vegetables, peas, beans, prunes, tomatoes, Spinach, Carrots, 2 .tins for 25c: New Dates, Dad's Cookies, Rubyettes, Orvettes, Emi•elettes, Ryvita English Biscuits; etc. Ross J. Sproat A. Jeffery Phone Phone 8 77 Cream Cream HIGHEST PRICES COURTEOUS SERVICES, Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full. Call in our .cream drawer and receive our services. We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading and testing. No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial." Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont, C. A. BARBER. D. H. McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used. MOM W. J, Walker & Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING r e t MoororHos Equipment Pment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and, license. Flowers Furnished.. Night or day :phone 67. CIDER MILL 1Wil1 snake' Cider and Apple Butter Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Lot 23, Con. 6, Logan. FRED H+E!NiNICK, phone Mitchell' , 620 Pianos Tuned' V� "leaned and i R a red P Chas. k . Itowe. y Phone 327-J. Centre St. Special. Optical Notice. Have your eyes examined by our well known and painstaking. specialist, Mr. H'ughson, formerly optical expert for Kent's, Toronto, -and kI. Morgan & Co., Montreal. You get the benefit of 30 years' experience, 20 years =com- ing to Seaforth and at very moderate cosi. We furnish all the late styles of mountings, the best make df the best makers and our prices are from $4.00 up. Tuesday and Wednesday, Octo- ber 14 & 15th. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth A Burden Lifted For weeks !Mrs. Brown had felt the burden of the letter she knew she should write.r•She always said a let- ter was a full dra'y's work for her. Then she thought Of "long distance!". In less than two minutes she was talking to Mrs. King. What a relief .it Was. "Thank goodness. I thought' of the telephone," she said. The bur- den'oE letterawriting oppresses•he'r no im'prv.; TOWN Topics..' Mrs. J. W. Currie entertained cently at a. shower for Mrs. Ma L+'d:die; whose , marriage takes pia this.tnonth, The -guest of honor ceived many lovely gifts. ,The ev ing Was spent in games and at t close a dainty lunch was served. Mr, 'an•d Mrs. Chas. Hohlbein ceis'ed the congratulations of ' th many friends oh celebrating their s ty-sixth wedding anniversary Thursday, Oct. 2nd. All joined wishing theta health and happiness attain. many more anniversaries, Mr. A. R. Oke of Toronto visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. 0 aver the week -end. - 1Dr. and Mrs. P. T. Coupland we guests of Mrs. Coupl'•attd's silt Mrs. A Oke, -aver the week -end, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davis of Tilis'o burg, spent the -week-end with t latter's sisters, Mrs. J. Stewart at Miss Edith Davidson. 'Mrs. Harry Watson of Goderi and Mr, Robert Willis of .Toron spent the week -end with their' pa ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Willis. Mr, Alex. Powell of Kitchener po ice force is a holiday visitor ut h home, A Young People's Rally of tl Presbyterian Churches in the count was held in Cavan Church, Exete Tuesday evening. Twenty-eight fret Seaforth attended, representing Y!P S. C.CeI.T. and Sunday school. Re I. B. Kaine was elected an Hon President of the :association, Dr Kannawin, general secretary of th Board, Toronto, spoke, 'YIr.. T. Hudson and Mr. T. Welke of. Marlette, Mich., who have beet 'visiting relatives in this vicinity sine last week, were guests at the homes o Mrs. John Consitt, an Tuesday Mrs. Gordon Webster of Toront is spending several weeks at he home inMoKillop. Mr. -and Mrs. F. Whitmore, o Gueip'h, were guests of the latter' sister, Mrs. Win, Oke, over the week end, Mr. William J. McMillan of To ronto was at his keine at Roxboro this week owing to the death of hi father, the late John McMillan. •Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith o Toronto are -spending a week or two holidays With the latter's parents Mr.- and Mrs, Henry Henderson, in Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hays who have been at the home of the former's parents, Co! and Mrs. R. S. Hays; the past two weeks; returned to Stoa'tferd this week, ;airs, Melville, 'Sperling street, has been seriously ill for some days. Mrs. Wm. McMichael was a visitor in Guelph for several days last week. Mr. W. H. Golding was in Paisley on Thursday. Mrs. Henry Hoggarth returned on Tuesday after spending two weeks ift Detroit with her daughter, Miss Ethel McDougall, R.N., and in Toronte. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Free of New Onbaa•io, Mrs. Free Sr. and bliss Alma Free R'N., of Dungannon, were week -end guestsof Mr, and Mrs. W. Free. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Teanterson, \Vaterioo, were guests of the latter's parent, Mr. and Mrs, R. Strong, Eg- ntondville. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Shockcor and three children of Detroit were in town for the week end. They were accompanied home by bars. Shock- cor's mother, Mrs. John Sproat, who was delayed several weeks in the city on account of a seious accident which happened to her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Vokes, who had her arm broken in two places in a car accident. Mr. W.J.Bl Black of Louden and Miss Marguerite Black of Hamilton spent the week -end at their hone in Tuckersmith. Mr. George Black has gone to To- ronto this week to attend school. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hildebrand over the week end were Mj•, and Mrs. •Rloy Snider, Miss Stella Oadfas, Miss Maria •Mus- selnian, Miss Catherine Zulack, Mr. Wilfred tMowout, Mr. Clem Thiel, Mr. Tommy Thiel, all of Kitchener; Mr. and' Mrs, A. !Foster of !Henseli, Mr: James Keene off Stratford Mr. and Mrs. J.' R, Hillis arid son Donald, Mr. Arnold and ,Miss 'Mil- dred Turnbull of Toronto were week end guests at the home of 'Mrs. G._T. Turnbull. Mrs. (G. T. 'Turnbull and her moth- er,. Mrs, Wa'r'less, .are visiting this week in 'Toronto. Miss K. R. ''Wiles, R.N., Ossining, N.Y„ and Mrs. -Mackey, ,West 'Hay- erstraw, IN:Y., are guests at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs, Reg. Kerslake, :\Qin, Lily 'Babb and 'Mrs. Eliza Tucker of 'Mitchell and Mrs. Wm. Watt of •Bittle Hitt,, have been visit-. ing Mr, and Mrs. F. D. Hutchison this week. • Mr. 'George Hutchison of the Lon- don ;Life Co., London, spent Sunday with his parents, .fir, and Mrs. 'F. D. Hutchison, Mr. Thointas iSmale is visiting with friends in Mitchell tonsil this .week. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hays and Miss :Lucy 'Eckart of . Detroit spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. R. IS. Hays and Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert. - Mr. john Querengesser has finish- ed his contract on Mr. J. ILf. ,Eckart's residence. Major B. 'LelGrande who has been Provincial Traffic ,Officer on this div- ision of No, VS 'Highway has •been transferred to Dresden. Highway Traffic'Officer J. A. Fosetoa'will come on Phis diwisYott and will be stationed at Mitchell, • • INDUCTION SERVICE The induction service for Rev. J. F. Myers, will be held in St. Thomas' Anglican Church on Wednesday, Oct. 15th at 8 pan. Archdeacon G. S. Sage, D,D:,. of London, will perform the induction and Rev. R. S. Jones of Gorrie, Rural Dean, will preach the induction sermon. There will be a full evening service and special music b:' the choir, Everybody welcome. TUCKERSMITH. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin and fam- ily and Mrs. Janes Barris of Wrog- Conveyancing, g, Real Estate eter spent Sunday at the home of Investments, Etc, Mr, and Mrs. A. Nicholson. ipRONE 152 — SEAFORTH, Ont. PAGE FIVE Evey deposit g inuueed hj'the Ontario Govern Seaforth Branch J. M. McMILLAN Manager Hours: - Daily 9.30•a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sat.. 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.ni., and 7 pint. to 9.30 p.m. EVERY DOLLAR you deposit in the Province of Ontario Savings Office is SAFE! The Government of Ontario, the banner province of Canada—this is your guarantee of absolute security. And with all this safety, not one iota of banking service is sacrificed. Withdrawals are in order at your command. Interest begins from the moment of deposit. The hours are extended for your convenience. Start now on the highroad to financial independence by depositing $1. or more. PROVINCE OFCkirWS,AVINGS OFFICE EVERY REPOS/T AdtI N ED*OATAR®0C'OeVER LENT HEAD ®PEACE • c�` s"° PARLIAMENT vi\1I5' �, � f?"'eat BUILDINGS ANNIVERSARY SERVICES CAVAN CHURCH, WINTHROP Sunday, October 12th 11 a.m. and 7.30 pan. REV. HAROLD JOHNSTON Of Millbank at both services —Also— FOWL SUPPER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14th 5.30 to 8 P.m. followed by a play, "CLIMBING ROSES" presented by the Ladies' Aid of Park- view United Church, Stratford ;Admission 60c and Children 25c The Junior Iustittite met at the home of Miss Mary Papple Wednes- day last and enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon. Miss Margaret MoLean is not im- proving as quickly as her many friends would like. Miss Ina Allan of Egmondvitie is visiting her niece. Mrs. Bert Hog- gart 'far the ps t is :els The following is the school report for SS. No. 6, Tuckersmith, for the month of September based on exam- inations and monthly work. Sr. IV.— Sarah Whitmore 92%, Pearl Hugill 88%. Jr. IV. --Leola Nott 90%, Verna Hugill 85%, Myrtle Ashton 78%n, Hazel Ashton 76%. Sr. III. --Flor- ence Whitmore S)%, Velma Ashton 71%. Sr TI.—dopa Hugill 86%, Wesley Hugill 70%. Jr. II.—Carman Whitmore 89%, Marian HugIll 87%. Sr. I. — Kcnenth Terryberry 81%, Primer—Mina Terryberry 90%, Mil- dred Ashton 8t)%, Clifford 'Hugill 81%. Best spellers in each - class— Sr. IV. Sarah Whitmore; Jr. IV. Leola Nott; Sy. I1:I. Florence \Vhit- A Word to AutoO w � ners BE PREPARED for the new amendment to the HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT which comes into force on SEPTEMBER lst, 1930 Drop in and let us explain to you Just what is required tin- der the new .amendment. Nothing to worry about if you have a policy p i' cy in the PROVINCIAL INSURANCE CO. of London, England One of the strongest in the British Empire Issued by A. 0. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE more; Sr.II, Iona Hugill; Jr. II. Car- man Whitmore. No. to ro1 Pit aver- age attendance 14. Edna M. Jaeeen. Tea th•er The CGSth ants nt anniversary se r ices o Turner: United Church will be- held on Sunday, October 19th at the hour of i 0 le the afteittean and at 7.30 in t the e n v e ng The pastor, Rev. F. G. Far 7l, M.A., B.D., will conduct the services and preach And the choir will furnish special music. :1 'hearty wela come will be given t, +i: the friend, of his congregation who join in these Serf eel. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott of era marty spent Sundae with Mr. and: Mrs. John McLachlan, Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Shaw of De- troit and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. E:g e of Kippen :pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Etgie, • Mr. and Mrs, Joe :McLellan ofla- wn spent the week -end with. Tucker smith friends. llrs. Jas. Upshatl has been spend- ing a fete days with her father who we believe, has been on the sick list. Quite a number from this vicinity took in the fowl sapper in Chite,- hurst on Monday night and report a good tine. LONDESBORO, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs: Anderson and Mrs. Proctor of Belgrave spent Tues- day last with their ,+iter, Mrs. Robt. McCrea. - Miss Lina Parkinson of Morris spent the week -end with Miss Barr. Miss Veleta Wheeler of Belgruve spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Robs. McCrea. Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong return- ed on Monday after spending a couple of clays at Waterdown. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCool are holi- daying this week visiting friends at Milverton. Woodstock, Grimsby, Nia- gara Falls, \Viughutn, Sarnia and other points. Mr and Mrs. Deng of Detroit are guests at the home of the lattet's sister, Mrs. John Nott. Mrs, T, Nott returned on Saturday after a week's visit with her daugh- ter, stirs. Smith, of Summerhill. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tatnblyn and children of Toronto -spent Saturday and Sunday with the former's mother,. Mrs. J. Tatn.blyn. Mr. Harold Johnston and Miss In . wood of London were guests in the - village. - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Campbell of Wal- ton spent Sunday with 3liss Rachel Woodman, Mr. and Mrs. Geddes of Winghans and Mr. Stewart of Belgrave spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. -John Scott. Mr. and Mrs: Russel Atchisoq of Windsor visited with their aunt, Mrs,, C. R:Adell,'recently, - Little hiss Dona McCloud of Rip- ley is holidayingwith her aunt, Mrs. . D. 0, Roberton. ` • Mrs. John Nott spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. Westbrooke, of Gode- tich. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rud'dell Mr, and Mrs. D, Carter, Mr. and Mrs.' Mac McCool and Mr, T. Millar are attend ing'a wedding in Windsor to -day, Mr. and Mrs, Ben Tyerntan of Sea - forth visited at the home. of Mrs Tatnblyn Friday. • Mr, and Mrs. J. D• Ainslie of Lea- mington are visitng at the home of Me s. Aiusle ' s sisters, s Mrs, r .s, Elsie y and Mrs. Tram'blyn. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tam:blyn and family of Toronto motored to Lon- das.bare Friday evening to have birthday thday tea with !ie 5 .rmer',. :neth- er. n ,,-e ah celebrated her seventieth o r •Ida+ Saturday at high neoe. u' % was given a linter at the Itame u her , :t frank r. nh y: '5: which ?) at .1...en to a eumptu MIS repast. David Hoggart.—The 'eat ts"c t red .,n Sunday.•Oc:. 5 an and highly respected resident of Landes- bar° in the person of Mr. David Hog- gart itis home here. Had he lived until the 18•h Oct; -her he wauld have attained lite zool age of eighty- eight . t teigtlt yew -a a:1 was still hale. He was i ! only since Wednesday having NO: worn out, and passed away Sun- day afternoon. Mr, Hoggart was barn n Yorkshire, gt En .and 5 air t c t t Hallett. with his parents at seven years of age, where he lived until he removed from his farm on the sixth h lite ,71 Hullett to Lo tde,bera 14 tears ago. He was predeceased by his first wife, formerly Miss Mary Brown. Surviving hint are: Mrs. Hoggart, forme:ay Miss -Mary Eliza- beth He;..e:wood, .o whom (1e was 'named. ,1 years ago, end seven sons and one daughter, Mrs, Wm, Addison of Huilett, and Messrs. Andrew texuaes. Bert \Villiant and Wesley Hggart, al. of Hullett, and George and John Hogg itt the \fest. One daughter. Mrs. Jahn Gibbing (Hat nah) of Hallett, predeceased her fath. er 30 years ago. He is also survived by 17 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. M-. Hoggar, was a lee ,nt member of the Methodist Church attd latterly of the United Church. Testifying to the great 'es- teem in wlticlt Mr. Hoggart was held, were many beautiful flowers, includ- ing a handsome wreath from the grandchildren. There was a. Targe attendance at the funeral on Tuesday afters ,n, F utlow-ieg a short service at then use, the. tonere; -was hell from Londesbero United Church to Clinton Cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev.. Harold- Johnston and Rev. Mr. Forrester. Pallbearers were five sons -and a son-iu-Iaw, Messrs. Andrew. Charles, Bert, Wil- liam tat and Wesley Hoggart and Win. Addison. Among -those who attend- ed the funeral from a distance were numerous friends from Auburn' and i God e,relt - . Mrs. WM. Davidson, Strat- ford; Mr. JI, Finch and his three sons,- Roy,. -Clarence and Warren Finch of Stratford, 31r. and Mrs• John Shnrnie' of Buffalo aid Mr. Clif- ford Shttr•te of Stratford, HILLSGREEN. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Maxwell of Graf- :, X t t Dakota, a `ad Miss Marion Munroe of Brueedieli called on many toter old rend. recently. M-. 'rhos. :Ss. ff alker and lir. Thos. II t I sae. of Marlette. Michigan, are ufriends in this vicinity. Mrs. L. Troyer returned t; her It efter spending .t few weeks t : h her friends, lir. and Mrs. W. Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dignan and Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Troyer, all of ::ear H:n,a7 M F. Farquhar of Himsall. who has 'Sees spendiag several days at the home of her parents, returned to her t e tome. .Me mid Mr: J. Cochrane who visit- ed with their daughter, and s.,n i;t- etw•. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick, and other relative, in Toronto. for a few days, returned to their home. Quite a number attended anniver- sary services held in the Goshen Church on Sunday last. The service will be withdrawn 'it the Hilhsgreen church on Sunday ow- ing to the anniversary services in St. Andrew's church, Kippen, at 11 a.m. aitd 7.30 p.m., conducted by Rev, K, Beacon of Toronto. Mr. and :Mrs. P. Campbell and son Elmore of Hoy Township were Sun- day visitors at the hone of Mr, and Mr, H. •Love. Miss Muriel Carlile, Hen:ail, spent the seek -end with friends in this vi- e•:nity, :T:. and :Mrs. Th as. Coleman of Seaforth are spending a few days at the home of Mrs. L. Troyer. We are sorry to report that Mrs. R. McAllister has been+ confined to to her roorn with an attack of ap- pendicitis. We wish her a speedy re - c .,tie ry. BRUSSELS FAIR.. (Continued from Page 4.) 'lisp!ay. Galbraith, Hoover; salvia, A. C. Backer, Hoover; perennial phlox, Galbraith, 'Hoover; cockscombs, Dr. Grieve; sweet peas, Jas. Carnochan, Mrs. 31cLauchlin; nasturtiums, Brim..- btecoanb, 'Hoover, roses, Galbraith, A. C. Backer; marigold's, Hoover, Brintblecontb; -" dahlias, Galbraith, Mrs. B. Little; zinnias, Hoover, A. 'C. - B'aeker; snapdragon, Galbraith, Hoo- ver; geranium, red, Hoover; any oth- er geraniu m „vI3H oer gwway; Toothache and neuralgia are its- tuberous n tuberous begonia, R.,emtn Thatnsott, Mrs. McLauchlin; rex begonia, 'Hoover, scantly relieved with Douglas' Egyp- Miss McLeod (1341ev le); any other tian Liniment. A quick, sure rem- begonia. Renting -way, Miss 'McLeod edy. Also rec,Smmended for bursts, fern; �' ; sprains, sores- and inflammation, J. CarnR. T o' tn. Thomson. Anderson's rs s BakeryOTJR r l AIM: To give you the Lowest Possible Prices. Consistent with Highest Quality. The Home of Buttermilk Scones -have you tried them ? Variety of Breads improves every meal Buns, Cakes, Pies and Cookies always on hand. SATURDAY SPECIAL-••�OATIVIEAL COOKIES, 2 doz... 25 • (If we pleaseyou, tell others; if not, tell us) T.R. PHONE„ S l■ er411, 70,