HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-10-09, Page 4IKV-GE'FOUR ,
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
Admission 95c plus tax
Shower -;A surprise shower,: took
place on Monday..evening in .honor of
Mrs, Dora Holmes; .ni ,Brusels, whose
inarriage -to Mr. Earl Somers,,also., of
Brussels; takes place this week end.
•''Mrs. Hodmees was' adeletant in Walton
public •school for some 'years acid re-
signed last June. • Duriiig iter .stay in
Walton, Mrs,' Holmes gathered. about
her a host of friends, a number of
•whom staged a sairprise party at 'the
home of Miss Gertie Miller. The•un-
soma tiiig victim was inveigled into
a d trk`ootu in quest of refreshments
and -the flashing on of lights revealed
•to :the astonished guest of honor
about thirty laughing girl friends in
a room beautifully decorated with
pink and white end a huge basket
tastefully c,n•ered with .lecnrati. ns of
the same colors. in it were ,piled
many handsome • gifts. After the
presentation best wishes,_ and a felt
words of appreciation by, the recip-
ient.:the evening was spent in games
;and contest. Towards the close, a -
dainty lunch was served at •a long
- table it: tile dieing room, also nicety
decorated. Assisting the hostess were
Misses Jean Drager and Margaret
L ve. R.\. \. toast to the guest of
-'honor was propeeed by Miss Edna
• Reid present aesist.utt- in Welton
lath t ehe.ol int 1 to the hastiss by
Mrs. Funglan 1. For half an hour
songs were Sting, bringing the even -
'ng to a to with "For She's a Jolly
..,ad Fellow,"
Mrs. Htt *it Fulton visited friends
n .
in Brussels far a few days Inst week.
Mr. amt Mrs. Nesbit Of Listowel
pen Tu s:l.ay tt Mr. Time, Kenny's,
Leadlea c.
Cie:evader ineenhly .tree sty •.tf
se \V trca Lt. t t e was heti in the.
Memorial Hall Thursday last. The
nt'esident. Mrs. R. Ri, it'tnond: presid-
ad during the bus°ines -part if the
meeting. v. \t, M. Pare was app-imed
delegate to attend_ the convention to
,e heli at [Iarriet<tti,-n Oct. 21=22, al-
`.., the pr ideti: ripply. the dee-
.irate,l car for Winghem pafair fr••in
r;tIt Branch :'i Women's Ittctitute
l)e ?'h. arraremeltl were
nnade • fowl camper t., he heli on
Wednesday. Nnt e!tiber 5th. that the
'in -cc -act j,'z} j,,ttny Jane", now ai
.are naraton. would he nresetred. Mr,
i'Iar•y le::Gn,e Nu Min will also
Site. art in the pr, .rash. \ pleasing
.al : was •; e ,.given by Miss Mary
Pate. \t•:r• ,.; e1•.:eel uy .ittging the
_:aboral an tem.
Mr. Harv - y Crain ,I11 Grey township
ecd :lie parent.. R ; ;ern and llr:,.
.'ret,, on Sunday.
Mr. R t;.,. li :\rmctr ,t of London
1i d his parent,. Marin and i[r:,
.Artuctrong on Sunday. '
Mr. [-Iartey Mc(u clitem and Mrs.
F. IIeCutct,eotn of near Brussels, ac-
:oatpanied by \Ire. I triter .of Pet-
rrb r were visitors . w.^h Mrs. R:eb-
art Craig g on Saturday.
Mrs. N. W. Coicl.'ngh and 'i.iugh-
'er t_a iierire r,:C'.l r ,t -were ter viaita
.rs nt!1 rhe trntet to other in 1aw•,
MIN. A. eadelotio,
Mrs. \\tri. \\oods o1 \\,Ilton visit-
-ti he. ,:ter. i[rc. George 'Patterson.
over the week enol,
Mrs. Charles Harvey of Exeter vis -
:ted her catt, Mr, J. \\.. Mille, last
The west section Huron Presbyter-
ial meets at Port Albert next Wed-
: tee. d tt Oc 15th. The ladies of St.
Andrew's [hilted Church, Blyth, will
ie ill h of the devotional exer-
ciees of the afternoon session, Mrs.
' J. t nlcl ,u5 -h of Queen street Church,.
Blyth, will give a report ,n "Our
Supply Work," m this sion also.
Delegate, front both. churches are be-
iota• appointed
The anniversary services held in
Queen street Church on Sunday were
eticecosful beyond -expectation. .\[ orn-
ing tad evening,* the church was filled
to rapacity and extra accommodation
was required. • The speakers for the
Duff's United Church
Sunday, Oct. 19th
of Belgrave
Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.tn,
Tues. ev'g, Oct. 21
At 8 O'Clock a Splendid
will be given by the
L. A Fleming, 1st Tenor, C. E.
Blackmore; 2ttd Tenor; E. S. Hudson,
Bat'ibone; A. W. Zurbrigg, Bass; W.
G. Hall, Violinist; Miss A. Purcell,
reader; Miss A. Hall, Accompanist.
Admission : Adults 35c, Children 20c
Mrs. Kirkby, Pres. Ladies' Aid
Rev. W. J. Moines, B.A., Pastor
occasion were 'Rey, W. P. Lane of
. orth Side United Church, Seaforth;
and Rey. S. Davidson, Wiiigliam, by
vhorn inspiring sermons were Preach-
ed, The'special music by the choir
consisting of two anthems were high-
y enjoyed as were the two solos sung
by Mrs. Hutchinson of Mount For
est whose delightful voice was heard
on a previous occasion in Blyth, A:t
the morning service a solo was rend-
ered by Mr, Stanley Sibthorpe, and
in the evening a number by a quart-
ette composed of Messrs, Irvine Wal-
lace, Dave Fioody, William Lyon and
Harold W'ightman.
The 'Y.P S. met in .St, Andrew's
Church Monday 'evening, October 6.
The newly -elected president, Mr. Ha-
rold \Vightman, was in the, chair. The
topic from the mission book was tak-
en by Ret. Mr. ;Anderson: Arrange-
ments for the Y.P.G. banquet and
dther hastiness occupied the remainder
of the meeting, Monday evening, Oc-
tober 20, in the basement of Queen
street church were decided upon for.
the time and place of the second an-
nual Y,P,S, banquet. ,
Mr. and Mrs. 'WilliamLogan and
Kathleen have returned from a visit
n .\Manitoba to where they motored
last July.
The ladies of St,.Andrew's Presby-
terian Church held a successful tela at
the home of Mrs. James Cutt on Fri-
day afternoon last.
Mr. Herb McElroy's cooper shop
is busy these days filling the contract
of barrels for the big Sloan orchard
in Goderich township.
Many friends of Mr. Martin Artn
trong regret to learn that he has
been, very poorly.
Mr. and Mrs. Janes Morkim of
Lucan were visitors at the horne of
the bi'ter's mother. Mrs. ,Kelly, on
Mr. Sandy Reid, 10th concession of
Hallett, is having the Blyth telephone
installed at his home.
john i[aiues entertained at a
delightful tea•on Friday, all the guests
being residents of Blyth for many
Miss Mildred Hilburn has returned
li tine from :pending a couple of
weeks at her sister's in Freeitcnt end
with Miss. Ruth Barnby in London.
Mr, and firs. George Potter and
Mr. and firs. A. Nesbitt and George
ited with the fortrer's daughter,
Mrs. Cliff Yee: of Wallaceburg this
ii sses Mildred Hiiborn and Min-
nie Yea :pent Sunday with Mrs. S.
Friend, wilt be pleased to know
.\t.. Elia Metcalf who underwent
t serious operations in Toronto,
,:a, returned home.
Agricultural -- Brood mare, Nobel
1 ,
Jno. Richards •tt, Kerr Bros;
t or mare colt, Nobel Bros., herr
11t: _., Jno. Richardson; 2 year old
til'y.,r gelding, Perry. J. Richardson
1't iu; Kerr Bros; 1 year old. Mrs.
Levi tart. Nobel Bras; span, Chas.
anoviri..\. McLauchlan, Alex. Yuill;
uta,. or gelding, Chas. Stewart.
Meavy I)raft-Brooti mare, Lou
Armstrong. also 2nd, H, Lamont;
horse or mare call, H. Lamont, Lott
.\rtn=,tr.,tig; -' year old filly or geld -
Mae H. Latta tit. Alex. Corrigan, L.
\rpt -on,,: 1 year old, J. Richard-
-en; team, B. Hemingway, L. Arm -
r. g, J. Rtehards:nt; mare or geld -
tin, Mrs. Brigham.
R,o;t,l:terc--,Brood mare. Alex. Cor-
orr, tn, 5. itfcQuarrie, Ed. Pollard;
horse or mare colt, Ed. Pollard, S.
\ieQuarrie: 2 year old filly er geld-
-intN. McCauley; i year old, J.
R ehartt ni buggy horse, Lou Scott.
Vex. Corrigan. Chas. I-Iatteuld;
et'c lath Lau Scott, Alex Cor-
Shorthorns -Gull 2 years, Kerr
Bros. Mrsl Levi Parr; bull, 1 year,
t) Turnbull & Sons, iI, Crich; bull
eat senior. at. Crich & Sons, also
3rd, Oestricher Bros; bull calf junior,
Oe tricher Bros. Kerr Bros., If.
(rush milk cow, M. Crich, Kerr
Bros., s also 3rd; milk cow tinder, 4
years, M. Crich, Kerr Bros.; 2 year
1 heifer. Oeetricher 'Bros., Kerr
Bro.. also +: 1 yr, old heifer, Crich &
Seen, Kerr Brae also 3; sr. heifer calf,
Oi tricher Bros., M. Crich & Son,
Kerr Bro..; heifer calf junior, Oes-
!rcher Bro.., also 2nd. Kerr Bros.;
:nerd of Shorthorns, Kerr Bros., M.
t Bich, Oestricher Bros; best female,
M. Crich; three animals, II. Crich,
Oe_stricher Bros„ Kerr Bros.
iIlereford.-(Bull, 1 year, Jas. D.
Little: bull calf, Jas. D. Little, also
2nd; milk cow, Jas. D. Little; 2
year old heifer, Jas. D. Little; I year
,11 Jas. D. Little, also 2nd; heifer
calf, Jas. D. Little, also std, Ross-
man; herd of Herefords. Jas. D.
Jerse..yc-Bull calf, R. Davidson, 2
year old heifer, R. Davidson,
Grade Cattle -Milch cow, dairy,
Mrs, Part A. McLauchlan, J 'Bow-
man tnitch cow, Mrs. Parr also 2nd
and 3rd; 2 year old heifer, Mrs. Parr,
also 2nd, H. Lamont; 1 year old, M.
Yudl, also 2nd, Mrs. L. Parr; 1 year•
old steer, Watt Yuilt, Jno. Bowman,
also 3rd; steer calf senior, Jas. D.
Little, itre. L. Part steer calf jun-
ior, 0. Turnbull & Son, Mrs, L. Parr
also 3rd; heifer call Mrs. L. Parr,
nisi 2nd, H. Lamont; heifer calf jun-
ior, Jno. Bowman, Mrs. L. Parr; Eat
steer, W. Yttill, also Znd and 3rd;
best animal, Jas. D. Little, W.
Yuitl, J. Bowman.
Leicesters-Rain, Jno. S. Cowan,
Alex Mayberry & Son; shearling ram,
A. Mayberry & Son,Gordon Brown;
ram lani, Gordon Brown, also 2nd;
ewe, Alex, Mayberry & Sons, G.
Brown; shearling ewe, Alex. May-
berry & Son, also and; ewe lamb,
Alex. Mayberry & Son, Jno. S.
Cowan; pen, Alex, Mayberry & Son
John S. Cowan. •
Oxfords -,Ream, Arkell & Son, M,
Henry; shearling ram, Arkell & Son,
also 2nd; ram lamb, M. Henry, 0.
McGowan; ewe, M. Henry, Arkell ee•
Son; shearling ewe, Arkell & Sons,
It. Henry; ewe lsanb, M. Henry, Ar-
ken & Sons; pen, Arkell & Sons, M.
Dorset --Ram, M, Henry, also 2nd;
shearling rani, Danbrook, also 2nde;
ram almb, III. Heuny, Danbrook; ewe,
M. Henry, also 2nd; shearling ewe,
M. Henry, also 2nd; ewe iamb, M.
Henry, also 2nd; pen, M. Henry,'
Massey<Iiarris No.- 90 Tractor Plow
(These are the latest • .design 'Combination Rolling, •Colter " and
Skimmers (1Alemite oiled), Tien tractors ,have good clearance.
Easy to 'operate. Prompt penetration. Patented positive lifting device
('Aletnite oiled).
All Repairs and Labor;, Cash. Open Evenings.
Shropshire, J. IC. Thompson, also
2nd; shearling ram, J. K. Thompson,
W. G. Ross; ram lamb, W. G. Ross,
J. K. Thompson; ewe, J. K. Thomp-
son, also 2nd; shearling ewe, J. ". K.
Thompson, Danbrooir; ewe lamb,, J.
K. Thompson, also 2•ud; pen, J. K.
Thompson, W. G. Ross.
Judge -+W. H. Shiltington.
Boar, 0. Turnbull & Sons, Sam
Alton, Douglas Bros.; boar under 1
year, Douglas Bros„ also 2nd; boar
under 6 mos., Sant Alton, Douglas
Bros., also 3rd; sow, 1 year and over,
Jas. Nicol, also 2nd, Douglas Bros.;
sow under 1 year, 0. Turnbull &
Sons, Douglas Bros., also 3rd;' sow
under 6 mos„ Jas. Nicol, Sam Alton,
Douglas Bros; pen, Jas. Nicol, 0.
Turnbull & Sons, Douglas Bros.;
bacon hogs, pair, Douglas Bros.. also
2nd; J. Nicol,
Judge \V. H. Shillington.
Brahmas-Cock, hen, T. C. Wilson;
cockerel, pullet, T. C. Wilson, also
2nd. Barred Rocks -Cock, W. T.
Miller, Frank Scott; hen, cockerel,
pullet, W. T. Miller, also 2nd. A. o.
v. Rocks -Cock, T. C. Wilson,
Douglas Bros.; hen, cockerel, pullet,
Douglas Bros., also 2nd,
Cochins-Cock, R. Doan, T. C.
Wilson, hen, R. Doan, also 2nd; cock-
erel, T. C. Wilson, R. Doan; pullet,
R. Doan, T. C. \Wiisan. Dorking-
Cock, T. C. Wilson; hen, cockerel,
pullet. T. C. Wilson, also 2nd.
Games -Cock, R. Doan. Orpington
-Cock, R. Doan, T. C. Wilson; hen,
Wallet, T. C. Wilson, also 2nd; cock-
erel, W. T. Miller, Douglas Bros,
White Wyandotte -Cock, hen, Doug-
las Bros., R. Doan; cockerel, Doug-
las Bros., also 2ad; pullet, W, T.
Miller, Douglas Bros, A. -o. v.
\Wyandottes-.Coy k, hen, pullet, \V,
T. Miller also 2nd; cockerel, \\. T.
I\ filler, T. C. Wilson, Rhode• Is-
land Reds -Cock, hen, Douglas Bros.,
also 2nd; cockerel, pullet, Douglas
J. L. Brown. White Leghorn.
-Cock, hen, Douglas Bros., J. L.
Brown; cockerel, pullet, W. T. Mill-
er, also 2nd. Brown Leghorn -Cock,
Frank Scott, R. Doan; hen, Douglas
Bros., also 2nd; cockerel, pullet,
Douglas Bros., T. C. Wilson. A. o•
v. Leghorn -Cock, R. Doan, also
2nd; hen, Douglas Bros., R. Doan;
enckerel, pullet, R. Doan, Douglas
A. o. v. Anconad -Cock, 3M. T.
Miller, J. L. Brown; hen, cockerel,
J. L. Brown, 33'.. T. Miller; pullet,
Douglas Bros„ R. Doan. Hamburgs
Cock, T. C. Wilson, R. Doan; he»,
R. Doan, T. C. Wilson; cockerel,
Bros., T.C. t
T. C. Wilson, also 2nd, Houans-
T. C. Wilson. Bantams, clean -
Cock. Wilson, W. T. :Miller; hen, W.
T. Miller, Wilson; cockerel, 'pullet,
\\r. T. Miller; bantams, booted -cock,
hen, 0. Turnbull & Sons, Danbrook;
cockerel, 0. Turnbull & Sons,
Geese -Douglas Bros,. also 2nd.
Ducks -Old, Douglas Bros,, also
2nd; young, Douglas Bros., also 2nd.
Pigeons, pair, H. Lamont.
Best 6 towns, a.o.v., Brussels,
Grey or Morris - T. C. Wilson,
Clarence Clarke (Ethel), Best pen, a.
.,.v. --\W, T. Hitler, also 2nd, Clar-
ence Clarke,
Judge -C. H. 'Wilson.
1Wh, Fall tt•heat, O. Turnbull &
Son, A, Schmidt, R. J Hoover; red
fall wheat, 0. Turnbull & Son, A.
Schmidt; spring wheat, A. Schmidt,
S. Alcon, J. B. Stirling; barley, 6
rowed, S. Alton, A. Schmidt; white
oats, S. Alton, A, Schmidt, .J Gal-
braith; large pea's, A. Schmidt, T.
C,• Wilson, C. Clarke; small peas, A.
Schmidt, '6. Alton; timothy seed, A.
Schmidt, S. Alton; sheaf wheat, A,
Anniversar y
Staffa United Church
Sunday, Oct. 12
Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Will Preach
Special Music by the Choir
Hot Fowl Supper
Tuesday ev'g, Oct. 14
Followed by a Concert int which the
following will assist:
Mr. 'W. R. Golding, A.T.CJM., and
quartette, Exeter.
Mr. Jos.. Grant, Violinist, and Mrs.
Grant, pianist, Exeter,
Mrs. (Rev.) Menzies, Soloist, Fullar-
Mr. Franklin Moore; Tenor, Mitchell
Mrs. G. Short, Reader," Sebringvitle
Addresses bee Rev. Menzies, Fullar-
ton; Rev. Parker, Heusall,.
Admission 65c and 35c
Schmidt; 0. Turnbull & Son; oats,
A. Schmidt, 0. Turnbull & Son.
Baldwins, J. B. Stirling, T. 5, Sal-
kelcl; Fanteuse, Sam Alton, T. J.
Salkeld; Thompkina, J. B Stirling,
T.' J. Salkeld; Mann, A. Schmidt,
J. Speir; Spy, A. Schmidt, T. J.
Salkeld;.Greenings, J. W. Speir J.
B. Skirling;; Russets, T. J. Salkeld,
J B. Stirling; Pippin's,.5. 13.Stirl-
ing, R. Briuthalconsbe; Tappan
sweet, T. J. Salkeld, Jno. S. Cowart;
Ontario, J. B. Sterling; Wealthy, T.
J. Salkeld, Ind. S. 'Cowan; Alex-
ander, J. B. Sterling, 5.. S. Cowan;
Ribston, A. Schmidt, 3M Yuill;. Col-
verts. J. B. Sterling, . Jno. Bowman;
Roxboro russets, J. B. Stirling, J.
S. Cowan;; Canadian Reds, 'J. B.
Stirling, O. Hemingway; Cayuga
redstreaks, J. B. Stirling. Fella -
water, 5. B. Stirling, • r. Yuitl;
Gravenstein, No Number, J. 13.
Stirling; Maiden's Blush, T. J. Sal-
keld, J. B. Stirling; Peewaukee, Jno,
S. Cowan, J. B. Stirling; 'Ben Davis,
J. B. Stirlutg, T. 5. Salkeld; Du-
chess, Jno. S. Cowan, A. Schmidt;
Wagner, J. 13. Stirling, 5. W. Speir;
Pippins, J. B. Stirling,' Jno. - Bow-
man; Crabs, James Agar, J. B. Stirl-
'Winter apples, a.o.v., J B. Stirl-
ing, Mrs. R. 5. McLauchlan; fall
apples, a.o.v., T. J. Salkeld, Jno. S.
Cowan; winter var. apples J. W.
Speir, Jno. S. Cowan; fall var. ap-
ples, Jno. S. Cowan.
Fall pears, T. J. Salkeld; • winter
pears, J. B. Stirling, Jno, S. Cowan.
Plums, T. 5, Salkeld; \Irs, R. J.
'afeLaughlan; plums, var., R.
Thompson, Dr. Grieve; grapes, L.
Russell, R. Brimhalcombe.
Judge -R. Cunningham.
Early potatoes, R. J. Hoover, Louis
Russell, A. Schmidt, -Geo. Campbell;
late potatoes, Louis Russell, R. J.
Hoover, W. T. Freeborn, Clarence
Clark; sweet turnips, ifrs. McKel-
vey; sweet turnips, a.o.v., R. S. Hoov-
er, A. Schmidt; white field carrot, J.
A. Howe, Mrs: D. Fowler; table
carrot, Mrs: J.. Johnston, R. J.
Hoover; early horn carrots, R. J.
Hoover, Dr. Grieve; long red beets,
R. Brimhalcombe, A. Schmidt; tur-
nip blood beets, J. Agar, Wm. E,
Brown; parsnips, Dr. Grieve, J, A.
Bowe; winter radish, R. Brimhal-
combe, A. Schmidt; sugar .marigolds,
R. Nichol, P. Stewart; long red
marigolds, P. Stewart, A. -Schmidt;
ion'g yellow mangoids, P. Stewart, J.
B. Stirling; globe tmangold's, P. Ste-
wart, J 13. Stirling.
Judge -R. Cunningham, Tara.
o s, n \\ t E. Brown, J. A.
Howe; silver skin onions, J. A.
Howe, Dr. Grieve; yellow onions,
Dr, Grieve, J. A. Howe; Rocco on-
ions, Dr. Grieve; top sets, No Num-
ber, Dr. Grieve; dutch sets, Grace
Stewart, P. Stewart; quart top onion
sets, T. C. Wilson, Dr. Grieve; qt.
dut sets, R. Brimhalcombe; potato
onions, 5. Agar, P. Stewart.
Corn, yellow, A. Schmidt, Jno. S.
Cowan; white corn, T. C. Wilson, R.
Brimhalcombe; yellow- flint, T. C'.
-Wilson, Mrs. I. Johnstone; table
corn, A. Schmidt, Jno. S. Cowan;
fodder cont, P. Stewart; coil. corn,
A. Schmidt.
Drumhead cabbage, Dr. Grieve, R.
Nichol;; oxharts, Dr. Grieve, W. E.
Freeborn; red pickling cabbage, R.
Brimhaicottibe, \\r. E. Freeborn;
cauliflower, T. Walker, James Car-
nochan; yellow pumpkin, Jno. S.
Cowan, Dr. Grieve; mammoth pump-
kin, W. E. Freeborn; squash, W. E.
Freeborn, Dr. Grieve; tomatoes,
cherry, A. Schmidt, \\'. McInnis;
black butter beans, R. J. Hoover,
Mrs. W. H. Anderson; large butter -
beads, T. C, Wilson Jno, Bowman;
a.o.v, butter beans, A. Schmidt, T.
C. Wilson; small white- beans, J. B.
Stirling; Grace Stewart; a.o.v. beans,
R. Brimhalcombe, Stain Purvis.
Citrons, James Agar, R, Brimhal-
octnbe; watermelons, Br. Grieve, W.
E. Freeborn; muskmelons, Dr,
Grieve, T, J. Salkeld; cucumbers,
pickling, W. E. Freeborn, \V'm. E.
Brown; cucumbers, table, W. E.
Freeborn, Jno. S. Cowan; cucumber,
ripe, Jno. S. Cowan, R. Brimhal-
combe; celery, Dr, Grieve, W. E.
Freeborn; sunflower, C. McGavin,
Mrs, D. Fowler; colt. garden pro-
duce, Dr, Grieve.
Judge-tRobt, Ctwnungham. •
Butter, Mrs, Jos. Shaw, . J. A.
Howe, Mrs. L. Park; butter, prints,
Mrs. Jos. Shaw, W. W. Jeffery,
Wm. McInnis; butter, rolls, S. Mc-
Kinnon, W. E. Freeborn, 3M. W,
'Bread, white, W. E. Freeborn,
Mrs. W. H. Anderson; bread,
brown, Mrs. W. H. Anderson; cur-
rant bread, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs, L.
Parr; buns, Mrs, Anderson, W. C.
Freeborn; tea biscuits, A, C. Baeker,
J•, H. Bryans; dark fruit cake , R.
Brimblecombe, W, W. Jeffery; light
fruit cake, Mrs. L. Eckntier,:13. W,
Jeffery (Witeghant); Light layer cake,
J. H. Bryans, Jas,, Carnochan; dark
layer cake, J., Galbraith, A•. C. Back-
er; sponge cake, R. Thomson, J.
Galbraith; angel . cake, Mrs. R. J.
Mr'Lauchlin, R. Thomson, oatmeal
cookies, Grace Stewart, W. W. Jef-
frey; .white cookies, R. Brimbleconibe,
W. C. Freeborn; doughnuts, Mrs.
Jos, S'hva,w, J. A. Horne, scones,
Mrs, rs Joos. S'tt tw, J. A. Horde; nut
loaf,. Findlay Santis; W.. E. Free-
born; drop' cakes, P. Stewart; ''Joos.
S. Cowan (Atwood) gems, P. Ste-
wart, John Bowman; short bread, A.
C: Backer, W. W. Jeffery. ' •
Apple pie, B. Sterling, :W, Mc-
Innis; punvplcut pie, Jas Garnochan,
Mrs. Jos, Shalt; lemon pie, J. "H Bry-
sus, Roy Cunningham raisin pie, W,
McInnis; fruit salad, T. C. Wilson;
Vegetable salad, T. C. Wilson.
6 tarts, Roy Cunningham, J. H.
Bryans; maple cream, R: Brhnble-
co.ntibe, Roy Cunningham; colt, of
candy, Mils. J, Johnstone (Blyth)
Roy Cunningham. best variety of
balcing fron-t 1 batch of dough, Jas:
Carnochan; variety .baking from cake
batter, T. C. Wilson. •
Coll. fancy wort:, Mrs. R. -J• Mc-
Lsaachlin, R. Brimblecomb, 'J A.
Howe, coll. articles for Christmas
gifts, Mrs, D. Fowler • ('Gpderich)
Mrs, R. J. McLauchlin; emb, tea
cloth, cotton, Mrs. D. Fowler, J, A.
Howe; filet crochet lunch cloth, Mrs.
Mu,ldoonr . Mrs. _F. M. 'Wilmot;
da•atvlt work, oriental, Miss Living-
stone, Mrs. A'. G. 'Savage (Listow-
el); linen centre with crochet border,
Miss Livingstone, Mrs, D. Fowler;
centre piece, emb. cotton, R. Brim-
blecomb, R. Thomson; centre piece,
emb. dark linen, Miss Livingstone, W.
W. Jeffrey; table set, ennb Mrs. R.
J. M.dLauchtin, iters. Muldoon; cloth
and 4 -serviettes, emb., Mrs. A. G.
Savage, Findlay-. Santis; emb. appli-
que, Mrs. D. Fowler; Mrs. Savage;
emib. hebedo, Mrs. Savage, Mrs.
McLauchlin; hardanger, 'emb., Mrs.
Savage, R. Thomson; Wallachain,
emb.. Mrs. MdLauclilin,R. Brimble-
comb; cross stitch. emb„ R. Brintble-
comb Mrs. Savage; emb. Richelieu,
Mrs, Muldoon; emb, French or solid,.
R. Brimblecomb, Mrs. Savage; cor-
onation braidwork, Miss Livingstone,
Mrs. Savage., Italian cutwork, R.
Brimblecomb, Mrs-. Savage; Irish
crochet, Mrs. D. Fowler, Mrs, Sav-
age; fancy knitting in cotton, R.
Britn'blecom,b, Miss Livingstone; cro-
chet work. cotton, Mrs. Savage, Mrs.
Muldoon; crochet work, wool, Dr,
Grieve, Mrs Savage, child's dress,
Mrs. Savage, Mrs, McLauchlin.
(Lady's fancy apron, Mrs, W. H.
Anderson,. R. Brimblecomb; tatting,
R. Brint'biecomb, Mrs. Savage;
handkerchiefs, Mrs, McLauchlin, G.
Stewart; apron, Miss Livingstone, J.
A. Howe; laundry bag, Mrs. Mc-
Lauchiin, J. A Howe; tea cosy, Mrs.
MoLauchlin R. „ Brimblecomb; hem--
stitching, i\Miss Livingstone, Mrs.,
Muldoon; pillow covers, Mrs. \3V. H.
Anderson, Mrs. McLauchlin; lamp;
shade, Mrs: MoLauc'hlin, Mrs. San-,
age; fancy cloth. and 4 serviettes,.
Mrs. blcLauchlin, R, Brimblecomb;
step-in, Miss Livingstone, Mrs, Sav-
age; sofa pillow, cross stitch, Mrs.
Savage, 'Miss Livingstone, sofa pil-
low, dark linen, Grace Stewart; sofa
pillow, quilted, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs.
Fowler, vanity pil,ow J, A. Howe,
Mrs, Savage; table runner, J. A.
Howe, Mrs. Fowler; table napkins,
Mrs. MdLauchtin, R. Thomson;
work bag, R. Brimblecomb, J. A,
Howe; baby bonnet, J. A. Howe,
Mrs, Fowler; bath towels, Brimble-
cpm'b, bliss. Livingstone; pillow cases,
and sheets, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Ander-
son; lady's scarf, Mrs Savage, Brim-
blecomb; buffet set, white, Miss Liv-
ingstone, J. A. Howe; buffet set, col-
.Hyl ManrcaEGfspzto
For B GeaIs, P,e s and calves
We have heard many com-
ments on the fine gpality of
the cakes and pastry "`made by
the bakers of Seaforth.
They use IKEYS'TON,E Flodr
for all their"•cakes,
Try KEYS'TIONE for your
oven baking and we are sure
you will be well pleased.
At the Mill or at your grocer's
$2.75 per bag
ored, Mrs. Fowler, Livingstlon; • in-
fant's pillow and cover, Brimblecomb,
Mrs. J. Johnstone;' guest towels, R.
Brimblecomb; chair set, Brimblecomb.
Oil. Painting -Landscape, Living-
stone, Savage; marine, Dr. Grieve, F.
Semis; • flowers, Livingstone, Grieve;
fruit, Savage, Grieve; animal hfe,'Liv
intgstone, Grieve; portrait, Living-
stone, Brunblecomb.
Water Color -Landscape, Liiug-
stone, Savage; marine, Frank Scott,
Livingatonee flowers1 ,Brimblecomb,
Liviugstoite; fruit, Livingstone; ani -
anal life, Livingstone, Grieve; portrait,
Savage, Grieve.
Pen and ink sketch, Livingstone,
Savage; pencil sketch, Livingstone,
Savage; coll, amateur photos, Savage,
Brimblecomb; col. handpainted china,
J. Galbraith, Grieve{ tea set, hand
painted, Galbraith; vase, hand paint-
ed, Galbraith; burnt work on wood,
Brimblecomb, Savage; china, hand -
painted, realistic, F. Santis, Galbraith;
conventional, Grieve, Galbraith; cup
and saucer, hand painted, Galbraith,
Grieve; reed .work tray, Mrs. McKel-
vey, Brimblecomb; wall paper, Miss
Table bouquet, J. Galbraith, Dr.
Grieve; coll. cut flowers, R. Brimble-
comb, R. t5. Hoover; pan'sies, Gal-
braith, Grieve; phlox, Hoover, Gal-
braith; stocks, Hoover, Brimblecomb;
petunias, .Galbraith, Grieve; dianthus,
Grace Stewart, .Grieve; gladioli, Gal-
braith, .Hoover; verbenas, G, Stewart,
Grieve; white asters, Galbraith,
Mrs. 13. (Little; pink asters, Gal-
braith, .Grieve; red asters, Hoover,
Mrs. L. Eckmier; mauve or purple
esters, Galbraith, Grieve; coll. asters,
Galbraith, Mrs, Eclem•ier; gladioli
• (Continued on Page 5.)
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snell and
daughter Beatrice of Clinton spent
Sunday at tlie hone of Mr. Oliver
Mr. Carman Gliddon spent -Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. S.
Gliddon of Clinton,
Mrs. J. Ferguson, Mrs. I. Pollard
and Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard and
fancily of Blyth visited Mr. and Mrst,
Robert Clarke on Sunday,
Mr, attd Mrss. ',Wm, Logan and'
Kathleen who were returning to their
home .in Blyth froth a 4;000 mile trip
to Manitoba, called:oat• Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Stephenson -on Saturday, -
Misses Blanche and., Elva Wheat-
ley and Mr. Chas. Leslie, all of To-
ronto, visited the homeof the form-
er's parents, over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton, Mrs.
Ed. Britton and Mr, B 'B. Stephen-
son were guests at the home of the
Misses Weir, Wingham, on .W'ednes-
dbay and attended the Fair which was
opened by Hon. Robert Weir.
Rev. Mr. Farrell of Ontario street
United Church, Clinton, will preach
at the anniversary services Sunday,
Oct. 26. ` The, Listowel Hartnonic
'Male Quartette and a lady reader
have been secured for tlie'fow1 supper
the following Tuesday••
Mr,' and Mrs: J. C. Wilkinson. Mrs.
Mina \Wynne and son George • and
Howard and daughter Helen of For-
est spent Sunday at the• home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wni. Britton,
Miss 'Mary Moore, Mr. Jack Moore
and Mr. Will Biddolph of .Toronto
and ` M r. Bob Moore, Stratford, .spent
the week -end with Mrs, Moore. Mr.
Jim Moore of Toronto acgompanied
theta and remained for a time,
ifr, and Mrs, Joseph Yungblut and
Family attended the anniversary ser-
vices at Knox Presbyterian Church a'E
Auburn last +Sunday.
Mr. and firs. Charles Diang of De-
troit and itr, Jacob Yungblut and
Miss Jessie of Auburn visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yung-
blut last Thursday.
Notice to Telephone Users
A readjustment in sections of our Long Distance Rate
Schedule has been filed with the Board ofR y
ailwa :Commis-
sioners for Canada, effective October lst There
are some
increases and also some decreases, the majority of
points will remain unchanged. This will standardize 'our.
rate schedule in conformity with those generally in use
throughout the country.
The rates from Seaforth to surrounding exchanges are
Day Evening Night
.15 .15 .15
10 10 10
10 10 10
20 20 20
05 05 05
15 15 15
20 20 20
10 10 10
25 25 25
10 ICS 10,
20 " 20 20
25 25 . 25
15 15 15
as follows :
to -
20 -..