HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-10-02, Page 4ssmssissismsssmasssessi
son; ram Iambi Roy PePper & Son,
C. Lawson; ewe raised lainibs, Roy.
Pepper & Son,C. Lavisea; shearling
ewe, Roy Pepper & Son, also 2114
ewe lamb, R. Grey, Roy Pepper
' Lincolas iRam, 2 sheers,, rhos,
Snowden, Geo. Penhale; shearling
ram, Thos. Snowdeo, Geo. Penhale;
lainb, Geo. Penhale, also 2nd;
ewe raised Moil's, Thos, Snowden,
Geo, Penhale; shearling ewe, Geo.
IPenhale, also 2itd; ewe lamb; rhos.
ISnowden, Geo, Pesthole., ___
10xfords---Ram, 2 shears; W. M.
Henry, also 2nd; Shearling ram, S. J.
Pym & Sion, also.2nd; ram lamb, W.
M. Renry, S. J. ,Pyin & Son; ewe rais-
ed lambs, W, M. Henry; S. j. Pym &
Sons; shearling ewe, W. M. Henry,
also 2nd; ewe lamb, W. M. Henry, S.
J. Pym & Son,
IS'hr sh i re s --Ra in, 2 shears, Dr.
Moffatt; shearling ram, J. ,Gelinas &
Son; ram lank W. M. Henry, Dr.
•Moffatt; ewe raised lambs, J. Gentles,
Dir. Moffatt; shearling ewes, J. GeIL
Inas, Dr. ,Moffiatt; ewe lambs, Dr.
Moffatt, j. Gelinas & Son; wether
lambs, W. M. Henry, also 2nd.
Best fat sheep—Geo. Pothole Man-
son EITOS.
,Dorsets—Ram, 2 shears, W. M.
ii-Ienry, P. E. Dearing; shearling ram,
P. E. nestling, Wm. Grenier; ram
lamb, W. M. Henry, P. E. Dearing;
ewe raised lamb, W, M. Henry, P. E.
Dearing; shearliog ewe, W. M. Hen-
ry, also 2nd; ewe lansb,s1V. M. Henry,
P. E. Dearing.
Snowdon Bros„ Publishers.
Friday, Oct 10th
Admission 95c plus tax
dentin, will take Services at both.
The Union Yoting People's Rally
was held M St. Andrew's Chinch Sun-
day evening, Dr. C. Kilpatrick Pre-
sided. The choir for the occasion was
comp.ased of members of both
thurches, the service in Queen st.
Church having been withdrawn. Two
excelleat addresses Were given: by
Miss .Mary Stewart ,and Mr, Harold
Wtightman, both a which were able
discourses on the place in religion for
Yourig people. Iviiss Mary Milne and
Miss Gladys Faweett read the Scrip-
ture lesson's. A delightful solo was
rendered by MissViola Fraser, Which
with a beautiful anthem by the choir
added ,much to the success of the ser-
vice. Prayer was offered by Rey, E.
•L. Anderson and She benediction 'pro-
nounced by Rev, Geo. Weir.
Miss Phemie Stein,hoff left Tues-
d.ay to visit friends in ,London.
Mrs. A. Colclough attended the W.
M.S. convention, south section of
Huron Presbyterial Society of the
United Church at Centralia an Friday,
Sept. 2.6th. .
Miss 13ertha Brogden of London
spent over the week -end. with her sis-
ters, Mrs. D. Floody and Mrs. W. H.
Airs. Wm. Pickett of Goderich
Township, was a visitor with her
aunt. Mrs. A. Colclough, on Thurs-
Mrs, R. Craig has returned fr,om
Stratford hospital where she under-
went an operation two weeks ago.
She is now able to be up, her friends.
are pleased to know.
A union autumn Thank -Offering
meeting of the W.M.,S. of St. An-
drew's and Queen st. United churches
will be held in St. Andrew's United
Church on Friday, Oct. 10th at 2:30.
Airs. SRev.1 Lane of Seaforth, Huron
NV, M. S. Presbyterial president, will
give the address.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held in
Memorial Hall on Thursday. Oct. 2nd
at 2.30. Reading, Mrs. Wm. Craig.
Miss M. Pate will have charge of the
music. Roll Ca -II, a potato recipe.
Visitors are welcome.
-WALTON.: • ,
•The WMS. of Dtiff's -United
:Church. Walton,. Met on WedneSday,
Sept. .11th at the home of -Mrs.: jas.
-McDonald.: Mrs, BrYtans pretided,
The meeting was opened by .singing
.hyritn 374, followed by prayer by
Mrs. Berry, . The devotional reading
4-0The Way of Holiness," was read by
Mrs. T. Le,erning, after which hynin
464 was sung The tonic, the closing
-chapter in the 'study book, Wrenn
Jerusalem to Jerusalem," was in
scharge of Mrs. MeGavin, assisted by
.Mrs, J. IvIcIDoriald, Mrs. II. Johnston
and Mrs. Radford, after the minutes
of the last meeting Were given and
- roll call responded to. The Meeting
Was closed by singing -hymn 334 and
strayer by Mrs. McCallum, The next
meeting will be the thankoffering
• Meeting to be held in the church an
October Sth,
Mr, and Mrs. G. Wells and Joan of
-Toronto spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Humphries.
Mr. and Mrs, L. Cummings spent
-Tuesday in London.
Mr. Will McCulla and Miss Hall,
.Leadbury, were London visitors on
The first of the .fall and winter pro-
greSsive endues was held at the honte
of Mr, Tom Archibald, McKillop, on
Tuesday evening. .
Air. Chris. Barrows has been cons
fined to the house for some days with
. an attack of the flu.
.Mr. John .Parks of Medicine Hat,
Alta., is renewingold acquaintances
. Walton.
Mr. C. McNeil. who was employed
with Mr. Buchanan, was forced to re-
turn to his home in Clinton on ac -
...nouns. uf serkus infection in his hand.
_Air. and MN. E. ,1111 McDonald and
son Lewis . of Winds.w, are spending
a few days in the village.
Airs. Enoch Clark's manor friends
•ire sorry to hear she is improving
nery slowly after her operation in
• Airs. R. AV. Hoy and Miss Anna
Ennis are visiting the former's daugh-
ter, Airs. Basil. Wilson. in London.
Miss Mettles Carter has been con-
fined to the 1.1•MISe with a very sore
She- was so badly bitten on
Friday. night hy s cl,sg. which she
.i,lenta'v stepped on that the doctor
itad to be called from BoissOs.. For
some minutes difficulty was -exper-
-7.encol in making
the canine release
his hold and tinally sticks and stones
'tad to be used.
Miss Ann Jane Bolger. who is mus-
ing Mrs. Wm. Haekwell, has • been
having a week's holidays.
Mr. and Airs. F. A, Hombly of
snent Sunday afternoon at Jas.
:NZ. Camp:1161's.
Mrs. J,,ho Driscoll and family, of
Leadbury, were London visitors on
Aliss 'Susan Driscoll. Mr. and Mrs.
:Toim Crozier and Mr. sAndrew Crozier
vent to Kitchener on. Tuesday.
The Voting l'eop& 5 ciety met in
St. Andrew's L'nited Church base-
ment Monday evening. Rev. E. L.
Anderson presided. The officers for
1,0)-31 were elected and plans for the
-oteon,i annual Young People's ban-
-met to he hell during the latter half
of Octoher, were di,cti.,:sed. though a
late wa, not definitely decided. The
fficer, cre as follows: President, Ha-
rold Wiginnian; lst viee president,
Miss Gladys Fawcett; 2n4 vice pres-
ident. Orval McGowan; secretary,
Miss Madeline Bell: s.--ssistant secre-
oiry, M:ss Cleta Watson: treasurer,
oryo Nic1;.,A.311. Earl Calwill; pian-
1tie- Pauline Robinson. Sarah
Hos:. Alory R. Stewart: commit-
'econvenort—Missionary, Aliss Mary
Pate; Citi.ceusom, Afiss Allie Toll;
Sot -Mi. Mr, Garrett; Fellon -hip. Mrs.
Nitt4ic, 'Ins, Mary R.
11,. and Mr, Kenneth 'Mitchell and
,,‘by Betty of Detn,it were visitors
st-tth Mr.:. Mitchell', liarents, Mr. and
Mr, .‘1). T-tyl.,r. Mrs. Taylor re-
zurned fr,mi Detr.dt with Mr. and
Mr. Mitchell after a visit there.
.Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills are moving
to Mr; George Machan's house this
Mr. \Vitt Davis of London is spend-
ing his holidays with his brother, Mr.
Jim Davis.
Miss Ahary Collinson is spending a
week or two 10 Brantford.
The W.C.T.U, were guests at an
afternoon tea at the home of Mrs,
James Richmond, Morris, on Wed-
Word that Miss Ella Metcalf of
Toronto is now making splendid pro-
gress during the past week, has been
received from the Lockwood Clinic,
Toronto, where Miss Metcalf under-
went two serious operatio 119 tWO
weeks ago Wednesday.
Mr. and Airs. Wilkinson who have
been living retired in Ripley are
-moving shortly into the house recent-
ly vacated by Mr. Earl Mills.
Mrs, R. E. Sillib of Brantford is
visiting her mother, Mrs. G. Collinson
Miss Wields McElroy, B.A., went
-to Toronto this week to attend Col-
lege of Education,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Brown cf Sim-
, coe were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.
m. Chambers the latter part of last
The 'Queen st. United Church an-
niversary will be held on Sunday. Rev.
W. P. Lane of Northside United
Church, Seaforth, svill preach at the
morning service and Rev. S. Davidson
sf' Win,gham United Church, in the
-evening, The pastor, Rev. E. L. An -
Air. Hume Moses of Mitehell has
been appointed returning officer for
the by-election in South Perth.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolfe, of
West Nionkton, announce the engage-
ment of their youngest daughter, Ad-
eline. to Martin A. Diegel, of Strat-
ford. son of Mr.. and Mrs. John C.
Diegel: of Brodhagen. The marriage
to take place in October. .
The death took place at 1 p.m. on
Monday of Mrs. Christian Schine-
man, at the horns of her dttughber,
Mrs. George Mueller, in her 7Ist year.
Mrs. Schineman had been in ill health
f.nr some time and same to her daugh-
ter's home here seven weeks ago, De-
cease.1 was a native of Germany, rain-
ing to Canada shortly after her mar-
riage, and had lived M Ellice town-
ship until retiring. to Sebringville three
years ago. She is surrived by her
husbon,1 and five sous and five daugh-
terst Charles and William, of Eck,
silk, Alia.: Frank, Downie township;
Louis, of Lansing:, Mich.; Arthur, of
Airs. A. F. Isaacson, ,s,f Tur-
ner Valley, Alta.; Mrs. J. Reid, of
Lansing, Allah.; Mrs. F. Schellen-
herger, St. Marys; .NIrs. Lloyd Cole,
liespers. and Mrs. Geo. 'Muel-
ler, 1 Brodhagen. The funeral was
held fin.111 the Evangelical Methodist
Church, Sebringville, on Thursday to
Sebringville cemetery.
A presentation took place on Tues-
day evening to Miss Lorena Benner
wies. daughter of Mr. and Airs. John
Bennewies, at her home by the
fellow teachers. of the Sunday School.
A short address was read by Rev.
J. Alberti, who presented Miss Bonn-
ewies with a Bible. Besides being a
valued member of the teaching staff
the Sunrioy School. Miss Rennewies
has been organist of the church which
position is now being taken by her
sistir, A•fiss Ellie. The wedding took
place .at high noon on Tuesday of
Afiss Lorena Bennewies to Mr. Fred
Svherbarth of Detroit. -son of Ain and
Ifri„ Charles Scherbarth oi Brod-
tagen. The young Couple will reside
o Detroit.
Afr, Ed. Gies. Mgr. of the Bank, is
nack from his holidays which he
spent in Northern -Ontario and One-
bec, accompanied by Mr, Peter
F.cicart. -They motored nearly 3.000
We are sorry to -report that Mr.
john Mogk has heen confined to his
led the past weeks
Alr, Crewford, of Hamilton. Who
Was relieving at the Bank, has gone
to ..‘ t wond,
There were large crowds at the
Harvest Thanksgiving .Festival which'
was Observed in. St Peters Lutheran
Church, both morning .and evening.
The church was appropriately decor-.
aced with fruits and vegetables. -
When an open roadster driven by
Jack Beggs overturned while passing
another car in front of Air. J. k. Eck
art's farm on Sunday •night, Mr.
Harold Elligsen suffered a broken
arm. Jack escaped with a few bruises
but the car was badly damaged.
Mr. and Airs. Albert Gropp of
Brunner visited Air, arid Airs, John
Afogk on Sunday.
Mrs. F. Farquhar of Hensol1 spent
O few days at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane.
Afr, and Mrs. H. Love spent a day
recently with friends in Colborne.
Air, Clarence Reichert of London
Business College spe.nt the week end
at his home,
Air. W. Jarrott and daughter Annie
were recent visitors.' at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. D. Nichol of Hensall,
Rev, Smith of Duff's Church, Mc-
Killop, gave a very inspiring sermon
on Sunday aFternoon in the Hillsgreen
Quite a number from, this section
attended the rural school fair held at
Zurich on Tuesday.
Send us the names of your visitors.
Massey Harris Tractor
f 's.ssms1
All Repairs and Labor Cash. Open Evenings.
Mr. Jim McCrea of London spent
the week -end at his home in the vil-
Mr. Eph, Gray of Palmerston spent
the week end with his parents here.
Miss E. Lyon visited with Clinton
friends on Friday,
Miss Dorothy Little who is attend-
ing Normal school at Stratford, was
home for the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens of Seaforth
spent Sunday in our burg,
Miss B. Nott returned Saturday af-
ter spending a week with her sister in
Mr. and Mrs. E. Cartwright of
Blyth were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Miss Ruth Sheddick returned home
last Friday after a pleasant visit with
friends at Niagara, Grimsby, Elmira
and other points.
Mr. and Mrs, E. Adams and Miss
Brigham spent Saturday in London.
Miss Mamie Ross is spending a
couple of weeks at Vineland.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Moon spent a few
clays with their daughter, Mrs. Arm-
strong of Grimsby.
Our C.N.R, agent D. D. Roberton
started back to work on Tuesday last
after two weeks' vacation.
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Youngblut mo-
tored 50 Goderich on Sunday to see
Mrs. Pipe who still continues in poor
)Jr. H. Riley spent the week -end at
Itis home in the village. Mr. Riley is
now employed in a painters' gang on
the C.N.R.
Chicken thieving has again started
in our neighborhood.
'Miss Beacom of Herlock spent Sun-
day with Miss Ida Lyon.
Quite a number from here attended
Blyth Fall Fair last Friday.
Miss Cowan of Morris spent Sun-
day with her sister, Airs, 'Townsend.
Air. and Mrs. Stanley Lyon and
Mrs, Lyon Sr. spent Sunday with
Lucknow friends,
Mrs. Elsley and Mrs. Tamblyn re-
turned on Monday after a weeks' visit
with Mr. and Mrs. 13. Tyerman of
Miss Olive Lyon is holidaying with
Lucknow friends.
*Airs. Benthrern of Toronto is visit-
ing at the home of Mr. Townsend
Mr, Tom Miller spent Sunday with
Tillsonburg friends.
Mr. and Mrs, M. McCool, Mrs.
Hunking and family spent Sunday
with Mrs. C. Ruddebl,
Mr, Will Fairservice left for Bel-
mont, Manitoba, this week.
Mr. Lorne Finlayson has rented the
farm recently vacated by Mr. Elliott
Mr. George McCartney is in very
poor health. His many friends hope to
see o quick recovery.
Mrs. James Allen spent a few days
at the home of her son Edgar, on the
2nd concession.
Mr. Alex. Boyes was called home to
Bracebridg-e to attend the jury.
Air. and Mrs. Keyes called on
friends on the Babylon line, \Timm
Sunday last.
Miss Margaret :McLean is not im-
proving as fast as her many friends
would like.
A World -Wide Practice
There are nearly thirty-three million
telephones in t'ne world to -day. And
the habit of, telephoning far and near
is growinq dsily. Residents of Ontario
and Quet)ec a!one make iriore than
711,000 out -,)f -town calls a day.
Fall Wheat
To our old customers and as
many new ones asAt is possible
to serve, we wish to remind you
we will have fertilizer for you au.
Ruhm's 33 p.c. phosphate, Tan-
gmay's Mixed Fertilizer and Ar-
mour's Fertilizer, also 16 p.c.
acid phosphate.
These grades have made excel-
lent showing this spring.
Ask our customers and find out
for yourself. Don't be in a hurry
to sign an order, as we always
use you right as to price, qual-
ity and service.
or any representative agent.
Messrs, Ed. Gies and .Pete Eckart
have returned from Ottawa and
points east of interest and report a
splendid motor brip for sight seeing.
Mr. Shortreed, from Walton, is
busy making his rounds threshing,
whi-ch will about wind up this, week.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Manley and fam-
ily, and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Mc-
Kay and family were visitors under
the parental roof of Mr and Mrs. C.
Ecleart, Seaforth, last Sunday,
-Mr. Charles Kleber ahs completed
his new residence to replace the one
destroyed by fire and with the assis-
tance -of the neighbors the work was
rushed along before the cold weather
set in.
-Our burg was thrown into an ex-
citement on Tuesday at 6 pm. when
telephone calls went out that the
barn of Mr. Joe Jordan of Hibbert,
formerly owned by Mr. George Sloan
on lot 11, con. 8, McKillop, was on
fire, A rush was made with cars and
men from all directions and with the
presence of mind of the fire fighters
they managed to knock off enough of
lumber t� threw out a few bundles of
hay which were on fire on the barn
Boor before the fire stiread into the
mows and saved the fine barn from
destruction. Mr. Jordan and his
brother had just left after cleaning
out a well and were but a short dis-
tance away when they noticed smoke
coining- out of the barn. Mr. Finlay
licKercher and some of the neigh-
bors noticed it at the same time and
rashed to the scene in time to keep
the fire under control until the whole
countryside were there to take a hand
itt saving the barn, Mr. Jordan used
the farm ,for grass this season so there
were no contents in the barn, which
helped to save it from destruction and
it was the first time since it was built
in 1902 that it was not used,
Mr. Jordan thanks the neighbors
and friends for the quick response
which saved hint from the loss of his
barn. The fire started from an un-
known cause,
Large crowds attended Bayfield
fair an Thursday last and enjoyed one
of the most delightful days or the sea-
son, The exhibits were numerous and
of excellent quality, all in all, the best
show in many years.
General Purpoie---Brood mare, H.
C. Cox & Son, Wm. Scotchmer; foal,
Garnet Taylor, 'H. C. Cox & Son; 3
yr. old, J. B. Sterling; 2 year old, Per-
cy Johnston; 1 yr. old, Wm, Scotch -
mer, J. R. Sterling; team Wm. Deck-
er, Colin Campbell,
Percheron-3 yr. old, F. Coleman
& Son; Lloyd Keys; 2 yr, old, F.
'Coleman & Som Colin Campbell; 1
yr. old, 5, R. Sterling; foal, Percy
Johnston, J. R. Sterling.
Agricultural—Brood mare, R Web-
ster & Son, Osbaldeston; foal, R.
Webster & Son, Manson Bros.; 3 yr.
old, R. IWebster & Son, Garnet Tay-
lor; 2 yr, old, Nelson Keys; 1 yr. old.
R. Webster & Sim; team, R. 'Webster
& Son, Ralph Stephenson.
Heavy 'Draught—Brood mare—R,
,Webster & 5 11, J. R. Sterling; foal,
R. Webster & 'Son; 3 yr, old, J R.
Sterling. Nelson Keyes & Son; 2 yr.
old, R. Webster & Son; 1 yr. old. R.
Webster & Son, team, Louis H. Rad-
er. also 2nd.
Roadsters—Brood mare, San Hey;
foal, Sam Hey; 2 yr. old, J. Gelinas &
Son, Sant Hey; team, Wm. Grenier;
:ingle roadster, J Frylogie, Wilford
Carriage—Foal, Man -son. Bros; 1
yr, old, Wm, Decker, 2 yr. old, J.
Walper, F. 'Coleman & Son; single
carriage horse, E. j. Willert, E. J.
Wainer; gentleman's outfit, Wflford
McLean; E,' J. Willert.
.Best three heavy horses—Louis H.
Rader, R. Webster & Som
Penhale Special---S.pring colt, Rose
Snowden, Osbaldeston,
Grade—Milch cow, Miss Brownett
also 2nd; heifer. 2 yrs. old, Welt
Scotchmer, Alf. Warner; heiler f yr.
old, Roy Pepper & Son, Miss Brown-
ett; heifer calf, All. Wrner;„ steer
calf, Roy Pepper & Son; steer 2 years
old, Miss Brownett; 1 year old, Roy
Pepper & Son, .Miss Brownett; fat
cow, heifer or steer, Miss Brownett..
Durhams—Milch cows, M. Crich &
San, heifer, 2 years, M. Crich & Son;
1 year old, M. Crich & Son; heifer
calf, M, Crich Se Som Roy Pepper &
Son; bta calf, M. Crich & Son,
Jerseys—Millch cow, H. Youngblut.
Holstein—Milch cow, Wm. Sparks,
also 2nd; heifer, I year, Wm. Sparks
also 2nd; heifer calf, Wm. Sparks
also 2nd; bull calf, Colin. Campbell.
Eaton's special, baby beef — M,
Crich & Som
Leicester --Ram, 2 shears or. over,
Roy Pepper & San, R Greig; shearl-
ing ram Roy Pepper & Son, C. Law-
Berkshire -- Boar, Thos. Snowden;
brood sow, Thos. Snowden;' boar,
1930, Thos. Snowden, sow 1930, Thos.
Yorkshire—Brood SOW, Ro•bt. Blair,
sow 1.930, H. Truensner.
• Red Pigs—Boar, Manson .
Thos. Snowden; brood sow, Manson
B ros., Thos. Snowden; sow 1930,
Manson. Bros,, J. Gelinas & Son:
Best boar, any breed, Thos. Snowd-
en; bestsow, any breed, j. Gelinas &
Pair b.acon hogs, H. Trueinner, Alf.
Brahmas—Pullet, and cockerel, T.
C. Wilson also 2nd. Dark Braltmas—
cock, hen, T. C. Wilson, Cochins—
pullet, cock, hen, cockerel, Wilson.
Langshans—Hen.' cockerel, Wilson;
pullet, T. C. Wilson,, also 2nd.
'Plymouth Barred Rocks—Pullet, S.
J. Pym & Son, Nelson Keyes 4 Son;
cock, F. Watson, H. Youngblut; hen,
H. Youngblut, Wm, Sparks; cockerel,
Nelson Keyes & Son, T. C. Wilson.
Plymouth Rocks, White —
T. C. Wilson, rhos. Snowden; cock-
erel, T. C. Wilson, Thos Snowden;
hen, H. Youngblut, T. C. Wilson;
cockerel, T. C. Wilson, Thos. Snowd-
en. •
!Wyandotte& White—Pullet, Wil-
son; cockerel. Geo. Greenslade, also
2nd; hen, Geo. Greenslade, also 2nd;
cockerel, NA ilson.
Silver Wyandottes—H. Youngblut.
A. o, Wyandottes—Apullet, Wil-
son and 2nd; cock, Paul Cleave, Wil-
son; hen, cockerel, 1Vils0n.
Orpingtons,. a.ov.—Cock, Wilson;
hen, Wilson, also 2nd. Silver Grey
Dorkings—pullet, hen, cockerel, -T. C.
'Wilson, also 2nd; cock, Wilson.
Leghorns—Brown — Pullett, cock-
erel, T. C. Wilson also 2nd; -hen, Wil-
son. White—Pullet, H, Youngblut,
also 2nd; cock, Geo. Greenslade, also
2nd; hen Alf Warner Geo Green-
slade; cockerel, H. Youngbiut, Geo,
Greenslade. A. Q.v.—Pullet, cockerel,
Rhode Island Reds — Cock, H.
Youngthlut, - Geo, Greenslade; hen,
Wilson, Greenslade. Anconas—Cock,
Greenslade; hen, Green slade, also
2nd. Campines---Pullet, Mrs, W F.
Metcalf, also 2nd; hen, Mrs, W. F.
,Aretcalf W. F.'1\letcalf; cock, cock-
erel, W. F, Metcalf, also 2ild. Black
Spanish—Hen, Wilson. Black Min-
areas—Hen, Youngblut. Andalusians,
S. 5. Pym & Son, cockerel, S.
J. Pytn &. Son, also 2nd. Silver Ham-
burgs—Pullet, cockerel, T. C. Wil-
son; cock and hen, T. C. Wilson, also
2nd. Houdans—alen, Wilson. Game
bantams--11.1en, cockerel, Wm. Scotch -
toter, Wilson.
A. b. v. Fowl—Pullet, Sam,Hohner,
Thos. Snowden; hen, cock, T. C. 'Wil-
son, also 2nd; cockerel, Sam Hohner,
Chinchilla Rabbits—Alf, Warner,
Ducks—Muscovy, old, Robt.Blair;
young, Fred Watson, ,Pelcin"—Old,
Rose Snowden. Thos. Snowden;
yroung, J. R. Sterling, All Warner.
'Geese=Toulottse o Alf \Varner,
Robt. Blair; young, All, Warner,
,Frank Weekes. A. cf,' v., old, Rose
Snowden; young, Rose Snowden.
Bronze Turkeys, old, Alf. Warner,
Harold Penhale; young, Alf, Warner,
Fred Watson.
Pr. Pigeons—H. Yiungblut, o also
N. W. Trewartha special—N. Keys
& Sol, Wm, Scotchmer Gunn, Lan-
glois special, N. -Keys & Son.
Butter —10 lbs„ Rose' Snowden,
Mrs. R. S. Reid; 5 lbs., Mrs. R. S.
Reid, Mrs. Win. Hey; 5 lb. crock,
Airs, R. S. Reid, Rose Snowden; 1
lb. print, Rose Snowden, Mrs. R. S.
Reid. Cottage cheese, Rose Snowden,
Airs, Metcalf. Cured ham, Mrs. Met-
calf. Cured bacon, Mrs, 'Metcalf; lard,
Mrs, R. S. Reid, A Johnston & Son;
eggs, white, Milne Rader, Ben Rath -
well; eggs, brown,Mrs, Wm. Hey,
Mrs, R. S. Reid; display bee products,
j. E. Pollock, Paul Cleave; honey, J.
E. Pollock, Paul Cleave. Maple syrup,
Milne Rader, J. R. - Sterling; fudge,
Mrs. Metcalf, Ed. Foster.
White bread, A. Johnston & Son,
R. Webster & Son; graham bread,
Mrs, N. -\V. Woods, Mrs. Metcalf;
Boston brown bread, R. Webster,
Ben Rathwell; nut bread, Airs. N. W.
Woods, Mrs, Metcalf; graham muf-
fins, Ben. Rathwell, John Rathwell;
layer cake, Mrs, Makins, Ed. Foster;
tarts, John Rathwell, J. R. Sterling;
'salad, veg., Mrs. N. W. Woods; short
bread, Mrs. N. W. Woods; dark
layer cake, Mrs. J. 'W. Reid, ' John
Rathlwell; fruit cake, Mrs, Howrie,
John Rathwell; buns, R. Webster, Ed,
Foster; tea biscuits, Mrs. R. S. Reid,
Ed. Foster; ginger biscuits, Mrs. W.
H. Tremblay. Ed. Fosters cookies,
Mrs. MeScalf, M:rs. Makins; muffins,
R. Webs -ter & Son; scones, Ben
Rathwell, John Rathwell; meat loalf,
Mrs. N. -W, Woods, Mrs. Metcalf;
apple pie, Mrs. N. W. Woods, J. R.
Sterling; baked bear's, Mrs. N. W.
'Wheat, Standard .
Oats, Standard or over
Barley, Malting grade
Mixed Grain 65 per 100 •lbs.
-Goose or Spring Wheat 60 per bus.
We can truck your grain on a mileage basis.
Bran .,.,..... ....... 424.00 ton
Shorts .25.00 ton
........... : ....... ............ 31.00 ton
Also Chopped Grain, Etc.
.70 per bus.
27 per bus.
;32 per bus.
Woods; lemon. pie, Mrs. N. W.
Woods; cold lunch, Mrs. Metcalf;
pickles, A. Johnston & Sim Mrs,
Metcalf;13 jellies, A. Johnston & Son,
John Rattle/veil; catsup, A. Johnston
& Son, Mrs. W. H. Trembley; can-
ned fruits, Mrs. W. H. Trembley;
canned vegetables, A. Johnston, Mrs.
Metcalf; canned meats, A. Johnston,
Mrs, R. S. Reid. Special, Western
Canada Flour Mills, A. Johnston &
‘VATisite winter wheat, H. Truemner,
Thos, Snowden; red winter wheat,
Milne Rader, R. Webster; spring
wheat, .Milne Rader, J. R. Sterling;
White peas, Thos. Snowden; small
peas, 30. Trueinner, Milne Rader;
barley, Milne Rader, J. R. Sterling;
white oats, Milne Rader, J. R. Sterl-
ing; red clover seet, R.. Webster, H.
Truemtier; sweet clover seed, Thos.
Snowden, Alf. Warner; timothy- seed,
Alf. AVarner, Milne Rader; yellow
corn, Fred , Middleton; dent corn,
Rose Snowden, Miss Brownett; sweet
corn, Rose Snowden, Ben Rathwell;
ato•In corn, •Robt. Blair, Alf. Warner;
iirld beans, Geo. Greenslade, j. R.
"'rapes, Mrs. F3. " McLeod, Mrs.
:Metcalf; coll. grapes, Mrs. MeLeod,
Mrs. Metcalf; peaches, F. Barker,
Wm. Sparks; plums, F. Barker, Miss
Brownett; pruaes,. Wm, Sparks, Miss
Brownett; yellow crabs, Alf. Warner,
Rose Snowden; red crebs, Harold
Pothole, Albert Woods; Bartlett
pears, Rose Snowden, \Vim Sparks;
Flemish beauty pears, J. R. Sterlitign
Clapp's favorite, Miss Brownett; A.
o.v. nears, Harold Penhale, J. R.
Sterling; coll. apples, J. R. Sterling;
winter apples, j. R. Sterling; fall
apples, J. R. Sterling; Tatman sweet,
Robert Pothole, J. R. Sterling; Mc-
Intosh Reds, J. R. Sterling, Fret
Middleton; Bald -wins, Lloyd Scotch -
moo j. R. Sterling; Mann, Lloyd
Scotcluner, J. R. Sterling; Northern
Spies, Lloyd Scotchmer, J. R. Sterl-
ing: King of Thompkins, Miss BTOW-
nett, Lloyd Scotchmer; Greenings,
Lloyd Scotchmer, j. R. Sterling;
Ribston Pippins, L. Scotchmer. J,
R. Sterling; Pippins, 20 oz., j. .R,
Sterling; Wagners, Robt. Pothole, J.
R. Penhale; golden russets, L. Scot -
cluster, J. R. Sterling; Blenheim pip-
pins, 5. R. Sterling, Miss Brownett;
Snows, Fred Middleton,. j. R. Sterl-
ing.; Ontarios, J. R. Middleton; Miss
Brownett; Wolfe River, F. Middle-
ton, J. R. Sterling; a.o.v. apples, J.
R. Sterlingv, ERcaoseTSAnBottesm
-Early Cobbler, M. Rader, Jean Har-
rison; early potatoes, M. Rader, G.
Greenslade; Green mountain, M. Ra-
der; a.o.v. late. M. Rader, Wm. Scot -
chiller; marigolds, Mrs. j. W. Reid,
Ed. Poster• yellow globe, T. Snowd-
en; intermed. mangplds, Miss Brown-
ett, AL Rader; field carrots, 0'. Bar-
ker, M. Rader; long carrots, Mrs.
W. H. Trembley, F. Barker; short
carrots, John R. Cameron, Ed. Fost-
er; long beets, F, Barker, Wm. Scots
clutter; turnip beets, Alf. Warner,
Fred Middleton; parsnips, F. Barker,
John R. Cameron; turnips, H. Truem-
ner, Ed. Foster; sugar beets, Milne
Rader; radishes, T. Snowden; salsify,
F. Barker Rose Snowden; cabbage,
G. Greenslade, j. R. Cameron; cauli-
flower, F. Barker; celery, A. Johns
ston, F. Barker; muskmelons, A. E,
Erwin, Robt. Blair; watermelom T.
Snowden. 11'. Barker; citrons, F.
Barker, Fred Watson; pumpkin, T.
Snowden, Harold Penhale; squash, A.
Johnston, G. Greenslade; feed pump-
kin, F. Barker; potato onions, John
R. Cameron, A Johnston; white on-
ions, F, Banker, H. Truenmer; yel-
low, F. Barker, H. Truenmer; to-
matoes, G. Greenslade, F. Barker;
yellow tomatoes, F. Barker, J.
R. Cameron; largest tomato, J. R.
Cameron, Barker; Gherkins, Barlcer,
Alf Warner; cucumbers, Barker, T,
Snowden; peach tomatoes, Mrs. J.
H. McLeod, 1'. Snowden; head sun-
flowers,. Miss Brownett. Greenslade;
garden herbs, Mrs. AV. H. Trembley;
peppers, Greenslade, Miss Brownett;
cucumbers, Barker, Wm. Scotchmer;
veg. marrow, Barker, Sterling; green
hubbard squash, A. Johnston, Robt.
Blair; yellow hub. squash. A, John-
ston, Barker.
Large bouquet, Mrs, N. W. Woods,
Ben Rathwell; small bouquet, Mrs.
Woods, Mrs. 'McLeod; sylvia, .F. Bar-
ker, Mrs. Woods; dahlias, Mrs. 'Mc-
Leod, Mrs. Howrie; fuschia-s, Mrs,
:McLeod; pansies, F. Barker; tub.
begonias, Mrs. Woods, Barker; fib.
root begonias, Mrs. McLeod; ferns
and foliage begonias, Mrs. McLeod
Airs. Metcalf; geraniums, Mrs, Mc-
Leod, Miss Brownett; asters J
Cameron, Banker; petunias, Barker,
A. E Erwin; house plants; Mrs. Me-,
Leod; coleus, B.arker; coll. annuals,
Barker, AirS. W. H. Trembley; cos-
mos, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs, Tremblay;
zinnias, Mrs.. Woods, Mrs, Tremblay;
verbenas„ Barker, Mrs. Tremblay;
gladioli, Barker, ivirs Metcalf.
Oil.—ILandscaPe, Mrs. M. Ross,
Mrs. Metcalf; still life, Mrs. Howrie,
Miss Livingston. Water colors --
Landscape, Livingston, Ross; fruit,
Mrs. Metcalf, Livingston; flowers,
Livingston, Metcalf. Pen and pink,
Livingston, Mrs. 'Ross; crayon; Mrs.
Ross, also 2nd; water color, Living-
ston, also 2nd; hand painted china,
Livingston Metcalf; stencil, Living-
ston, Metcalf; fruit and flowers, Liv-
ingston, Mrs, Ross; pencil sketch,
Livingston, Ross.
Twisted yarn, Rose Snowden,30,
Rader; woolen yarn, M. Rader, Rose
Snowden; soft soap, A. Johnston,
Miss Brownett; hard soap, Ed. Fost-
er, Mrs. Wm Hey; corn husk door
mat, M. Rader, Miss Brownest fur-
niture article, Airs. Ross, Miss Liv-
ingcest itir.LADIES'
piece , Jean Harrison, Mrs.
Metcalf; table runner, Mrs. Wm.
Hey, Jean Harrison; cushion, Mrs.
Metcalf, Jean, Harrison; any other
cushion, Miss. Livingston, Mrs. Hey;
lampshade, Jean Harrison; mono-
gram serviettes, Miss Livingston; tea
cloth, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. R. S. Reid;
embroidered, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs,
Ross; crocheted,"Mrs. Howrie. Tray
cloth, Mrs. Ross, Mrs'. Wm. Hey;
centrepiece, Miss Livingston, -Ars.
'Metcalf; Itin.cheon set, Mrs: Howrie,
Mrs. Wm. Hey; buffet set, Howrie,
Hey; buffet scarf; lace, Mrs. Howrie;
tea cosy, Jean Harrison, Miss Living-
ston; bridge set, Jean Harrison, Mrs.
Howrie; crass stitch bridge set, Airs,
Howrie; buffet 'set, Mrs. Win. Hey,
Mrs. Howrie; hemstitched sheet, Liv-
ingston; pillow cases, Livingston,
Howrie; emb. pillow cases, Jean Har-
rison, Mrs. \Van. Hey; emb, lace, Mrs.
Hey, Mrs. Howrie; curtaius, Living-
ston; towels, erab., Jean Harrison,
Miss Livingston; towels, crochet,
Mrs. Howrie Miss Livingston; dress-
ing table set', Mrs. Hey, jean Har-
rison; bed lamp, Mrs. Woods, Jean
Illarnison; child's dress, j. Harrison,
Mrs. 'Ai. Ross; child's play dress, J.
Harrison, 'Miss Livingston; baby's
jacket, crochet, Miss Livingston, Mrs.
Howrie; baby's jacket, knit, Living-
ston, Ross; baby's booties, •Livingston,
Ross; baby's booties, crochet, Ross,
Livingston; baby's rompers, Miss Li-
vingston; apron, j. Harrison, Mrs.
Ross; house dress, Mrs. Wm. Hey, J.
Harrison; underwear, Livingston, He -
leo Seeds silk `underwear. Helen
Seed; collar and cuff set, Miss Living-
ston, Ross; handkerchiefs, Mrs, Met-
calf, Mrs. Ross; becl jacket, Miss Liv-
ingston, Mrs. McLeod; sweater coati
Airs. Howrie; fancy apron, j. Har-
rison, Ben. Rathwell; fancy handbag,
Jahn Rathwell, Miss Livingston-; la-
dies' dress, J. Harrison, Mrs. Her;
sport shirt, Mrs. Ai, Ross; pyjamas,
Mrs. Ai. Ross, Airs, Howrie; pullover,
Airs. Howrie, Mrs. Ross; mitts, Mrs.
Ross, Milne Rader; socks, Mrs. Hey,
Miss Livingston; fine socks, Mrs.
Ross. Airs, Howrie; hemmed patch,
Mrs, Ross, Miss Livingston; crochet
filet, MiS'S Livingston, Mrs. Hey,
tatting, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Rosi;
fancy knitting, ...Mrs. Howrie, Miss
Livingston; drawn threadwork, Miss
Livingston, Mrs. Metcalf; hemstitch-
ing, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Howrie;
cut work, Mrs. Metcalf, Jean Harri-
son; tapestrty, Mrs. Metcalf Astiss Li-
vingston; cross stitch, Airs. Howrie,
Mn. Ross; crochet Irish, Miss Liv-
ingston, Airs. Ross; sampler darning,
Mrs, Ross, Miss Livingston; darning
on sox, Mrs, Ross; ribbon novelties,
Helen Seed, Mrs. 91 S. Reid; white
bedspread, jean Harrison Mrs, Wm,
Her; white embroidered col., Jean
Harrison, Mrs. J. IV. Reid; tufted
bed., jean Harrison, Mrs. Howrie;
applique, John Rathwell, Miss Liv-
ingston; quilt, cotton, Milne Rader,
jean Rader; milk, patch cloth, Mrs.
Ross; fancy homemade comforter,
Mrs. Ross; crochet, Mrs. N. W.
Woods; hearth rug, hooked, Milne
Rader. Ed. Foster; hearth rug, w,00l,
F. 13arker, Mrs. Howrie; rag mat.
braided, Mrs. Rioss, Milne Rader;
labor saving device, Mrs. Howrie,
Scan Harrison, kitehen article, Mrs.
M. Ross. „
"Mayfield Fair" essay, Tom Scotch -
mer, Mary Snowden; drawing, stigi
lift,' Margaret Schoelmals; bird house,
Mrs. VV. H. Tremblay, Keith.,Sterling;
coll. woods, Mrs. W. H. Tremblay;
dt it;leks,sEe cl toclyo:11,steil.v?arrgtarwiet It'sSotenhioechonitelst!
Johns, Bayfield; Gonclon Steen, Clio-
tilts:ten pictutses, Mrs. W. :EL:Trem-
blay, Ste•wart Schoehrrals; drawing,
Tom S'co tc inner, Many Snowden ;
unciBelAr1131Y10 SHOW
tuonitbs, Francis
burn ancl Paull '13o.a, Sr.; 21 -rd, Bog
months, Leona An -
1st, F. }Tar-
derson, Yfflena; Bernice Seaman, Zttr-
'Guessing Contest, Ed, Sturgeon.