The Seaforth News, 1930-09-18, Page 6,Conscience Money
H air r y Jobling Finds That
Honesty is Still the Best
Everybody who knows Stacey Park,
London's newest suburb,, knows the
little general shop which old Scaling,
built out in front of the ancient and
ramshackle Manor House.
Young Harry Jobiing livedthere
now, alone, except for Mrs. Briggs,
who kept house for him. But things
weren't going well. Multiple' shore
had sprung up, and competition had.
become fierce.
If you went Into Jobiing's, a girl
with light brown, bobbed hair and.
dark brown, bright.' eyes served you.
Daisy King was :Harry's only assist-
It was on a Friday—the thirteenth
of the month, too! -when Daisy, who
had been even quieter than usual all
the morning, lingered bfore she went
off to, lunch, and then said nervously
to Harry:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Jobling; I've got to
give notice."
She went on the explain tl at her
father was joining hisbrother in parf,
nership on a farm in Canada. The,
whale family were leaving England
for good. Her uncle would and jobs
for Peter and Dick, her brothers.
When she bad gone to her lunch,
Harry stared at her usual seat in the
dark corner behind the counter and
the perfumery showcase. She was
leaving England. Never had he im-
agined such a disaster. Never had he
realized the truth with such blazing
earety. Did she know? 'No, never
had he hinted by deed, word or glance.
How could he speak of love to any girl
when he had nothing—less than no-
thing—to offer?
It was then thea he suddenly
thought how splendid it would be if he
too, could go. Was it impossible? Her
father, he learnt, had sold his business
and his house, and was putting capital
into his brother's farm—paying his
footing. Swiftly calculating, Harry
believed he could meet his liabilities
and have a few hundreds o1 er—pro--
-aiding he could find a real purchaser!
for the freehold of the old house. He
might make inquiries at the estate
agents, anyhow, and see if he could
get a good offer.
That sante evening Mrs. Briggs, the happy and miserable, exalted and
houselceeper, called Harry into the! floored, exulting and despairing.
kitchen. Since the dry weather had .Harry's blissful dreams didn't last
set in, she explained, the crack be- long. A11 his worries seemed sudden-
tween window and fireplace had been ly to moue to a head. Wholesalers
widening. Something .tight to be done, became avid for payment.
said she.
Harry investigated. In the passage
above the crack, hidden by a cupboard,
gaped widely. On the first floor, in one
of the disused rooms he could put
his fingers into it. On the second
floor, in yet another empty room, past
rains had driven in and rotted the
A settlement of old standing, made
more apparent by the draught, said a
friend --a clerk in a London survey-
or's office—who came down that week-
eekend at Harry's request and investi-
gated. With a very long face he
made his report.
"The old house is doomed, old boy,"
ho finished; "underpinning would cost
a mint o' money."
"Nobody would buy, I suppose?"
said aIirzy.
"Only for the site value, I'm afraid,
old man. The house itself is worth
less than it would cost to pull it down
and clear the site."
In bed that night, with a high wind
Ailing the old house with strange
noises, Harry, calculating, realized
A Gracef ul Escape
Striking action photograph h area down and G. Willis sliding clear, at recent English race.
p g ph taken as Tom Farndon crashed into and over Pail Bishop, already ,
tent, to lower her on to the sofa in
her mother's sitting -room. Left alone
with Daisy, while Mrs. King was up••
stairs fetching bandages, he leant over
the sofa.
"I'm so — frantically—frightfully
sorry," he said. "I'd rather harbor a
million rats than hurt one hair of
your head."
She lay there, looking up at him.
"What—what was it you said when
you first came in?" she asked.
He felt his cheeks burn. Then he
noticed that her pale lips were quiv-
"Are—are you in frightful pain?"
he asked.
"No. Pm trying not to laugh."
"At me?" at said simply.
She nodded.
"Because it took a rat to do it!" she
Then Mrs. King appeared and said
she felt sure Harry must be anxious
to get back to his business. Nor would
she listen to protests. So back he went;,
his thoughts busy, alternately so
that his capital, too was a minus
quantity. Without the price he had
set against the house, he was, no
longer solvent. Day -dreaming of Al-
berta and Daisy was folly. He wouldn't
think of her. Tomorrow he wouldn't, house
"More than I expected to get," said
Harry. "And the funny thing is that
he didn't say anything about it being
subject to surveyor's report. Just said
he'd buy it as it was. His solicitors
are investigating the title already.
Seems in a hurry."
"You accepted? It's sold?"
Harry shook his head. He had not
actual'y accepted. He had longed to.
Something had held him back. That
crack, that fatal settlement, had pre-
vented his leaping at the offer. All
very well to argue that a purchaser
must look out for himself, but no pru-
dent man buys a house without his
surveyor first reporting on it. Well,
Miers was imprudent then. Miers was
the fool he looked, then. Still, that
didn't justify doing him,
His surveyor friend, over the tele-
phone, declared, however, that only a.
fool would point out the settlement.
"It's up to Miers to find out. You
keep your mouth shut, old boy."
Harry did. He kept his mouth shut
so firmly that he couldn't say "Yes,"
to 1tar. Miers' firm ober the next day.
To his dismay the only result was an
increase of $500 in the price. Evi-
dently Miers was keen on the place
for some unknown reason.
"Give me till the morning," said
That night he laid the matter be-
fore Daisy. He told her all that de-
pended on it, If he kept silent and
let the sale go through, he could clear
off hie liabilities and land in Canada`
with several hundred dollars at least.
"In Canada, Harry?"
"Yes, I mean to follow you out. I'll
better telephone?" get a job somewhere within riding
An hour later he shut up the shop distance. I'll see you sometimes—
and took Daisy hente in a taxi. To and somehow."
from it he cexried her. He was retnr. And then be told her of the crack,
and his friend's report of the dangers syndicate's going to build a big the- Cats Latest Additions
The School Bell
"Old -Bell,
That cheats the schoolboy of his hours
of pisY,
And tallest htto; .to lessons day by
The brazen' tongue shall now inspire
my lay.
"Old laughing Belli
Thy piercing voice seems sadly out
Of tune,
Swinging aloft from new to waning
With eIreling years, like leaves,
arena these strewn.
of collapse. atee and every bit .of the old house to Vegetarian Fad'
"Can't Mr, Miers see it for himself, is to be demolished.—"An'stVers."
then?" asked Daisy. I
building. That's obvioue. The man's
"No. He doesn't know a thing about The Queen's Handiwork.
simply a fool. Anyone could do him:' for Baby Princess
"Then he must be told, Harry," she
sai, without hesitation.
Mr. Miers looked in the next Aton-
ing. His cheeks were more yellow, his
lisp more pronounced than over, and
he was evidently in the worst of tem-
"Can't wait any longer," he said.
"It's now or never, Mr. Jobling. I'll
raise another $500. Not a penny
more. That's flat." '
Harry sighed, smiled, and shook his
"You've heard?" ejaculated Miers
abruptly, eyes glitering like beads.
"Heard what?" asked Harry
Mr. Miers flushed, and turned
orange. princess continued satisfactory.
"$1,000 then, and thats' final!" he "Iler royal highness and the infant
exclaimed. "It's a go! Yes?" princess are'both very well," said an
"No," said Harry. "Look here, I've official bulletin issued on Aug. 39th
something to show you." by Sir Henry Simon at 5.30 P.m.
He led Mr. Miers downstairs. dciupnLetaoiu shrdlu emfwyp bgkgjp
"See that? It's a settlement. Come
upstairs. It runs right through the
.And then, one day, a little dapper house. I want to sell, heaven knows.
man, with a saffron skin, a black I'm not sticking out for a bigger price.
smudge of moustache, and black eyes I'd have jumped at your first offer.
behind tortoiseshell glasses, sauntered But I couldn't, though I wanted to.
into the shop. He introduced himself The hottst is rotten, tumbling down.
as Mr. Miers. On behalf of a client Barring the site—"
he was looking for—well, pretty much Mr. Miers sat down on a crate,
what he now saw. Had the idea of staring up at Harry and rubbing his
selling ever struck Mr. Jobling? podgy hands together. Then hie sol -
Well, said Harry, his heart tick- emu face crumpled up, and abruptly
ing, "more or less." be began to laugh.
It ended with Harry taking Mr. "What—what's up?" demanded
Miers over the house. It wasn't till Harry,
they stood in the garden—a fine, In answer Mr. Miers pulled out his
long garden, now mostly jungle, lay fountain -pen and the contract he had
behind the old house --that Harry felt so often before put in front of Harry.
he had been a little unscrupulous in "I'm still on," he said. "What's
standing in front of the crack on your price?"
every floor they visited.. "What you first offered. But, man,
"P'r'aps," said Mr. Miers, at the you—"
finish. "I might have the first refusal Mr, Miers' poised pen descended
for a month or so?" like a hawk, then rose and hovered.
In a few months the house might "No" he snapped, frowning £ero-
have collapsed; so Harry said: ciously. "I offered you in all $1,750
"Sorry. If I esll I want to sell Wore. We'll split the difference, Mr.
quickly," wore.
just put your name here,
That night Harry went round to please."
inquire after Daisy. They were alone "So I signed;' Harry told Daisy
together for the first time since that that evening. "I shall have the money
wonderful afternoon. in about a month. Oh, I do wish I
Harry told her all about Mr. Miers
and how in the end he had, to Harry's
astonishment, made an offer for the
Vegetariansare congratulating
themselves on new converts just now
—and converts in rather unsuspected
London —Baby clothes for the prim For instance, it was recently report -
cess born to the Duchess of York ed from Aberdeenshire that a fox and
included woollen garments which a rabbit had been found sharing the
Queen Mary crocheted, threaded with same burrow, and bringing up :.heir
pink ribbons, it was revealed. The
Queen also made a cot cover dotted
with tiny pink embroidered rose buds
which was sent to Glamis Castle be-
fore the birth of the child.
The Queen's choice of pink was
taken as an indication that she anti-
cipated the birth of a girt, as mos,
royal women still adhere to the old
idea 01 "blue for a boy and pink for
a girl."
Latest Bulletin
Gamuts, Scotland. --The progress of
the Duchess of Yorlc and the new
even look at her.
"But he did look—constantly.
The presence of a rat in the base-
ment, where stock was stored, changed
his plans. The rat caused Daisy's wav-
ering cry, which ent Harry bolting
downstairs. She had leapt up on a
"Darling, what's happened?"
The words were instinctive. Not
1111 he noted her expxrexsxsixonx xdix
till he noted hor expression did he
realize what he bad said. The rat,
by running again across the floor,
cane to Harry's rescue. He snatched
up a bundle of firewood and let fly at
it. The bundle glanced off a barrel
and brought a pyramid of paint pots
to tae floor.
Simultaneously Daisy jumped down.
Her foot landed on a rolling tin. She
fell, scrambled up as Harry darted
forward, then drew a loud breath
of rpaint and stood balanced on one leg.
"You're hurt? It was all ray beast-
ly fault! I -I say, I am a clumsy
idiot! Is—is it your ankle?"
She nodded and blinked. Two tears
glittered on her cheeks. She put her
foot to the ground and went very
white. Harry's arm shot round her.
"Sprained? Oh, I say, I am so
frightfully sorry! Don't walk on it.
Let me—"
He lifted her as though she was
made of glass. He carried her, star-
ing steadfastly ahead, upstairs and
into his little parlor.
"Mrs. Briggs!" he shouted.
The old woman came bustling. He
hovered, gazing at Daisy, saying: "A
doctor? D'you think I'd better get a
doctor? Sure it's all right? Hadn't I
British Dirigible
Will Visit Egypt
Ottawa. — Commercial possibilities
of the British dirigibles will be tested
In. a series of flights between Eng-
land and Egypt this winter, accord-
ing to Sir Sohn F. A. Iligglns of the
British Air Ministry, who is in Ot-
respective families in it.
But this doesn't necessarily mean orated its 150th anniversary.
that the fox in question had turned
vegetarian. There have been cases of. Tee Prince's Empire Accent
a similar kind before, and the rabbits
who share quarters with Brer Fox The "King's English" is not the
aren't quite so foolish as we might Prince of Wales' English, according
suppose. Quite possibly they go on to the speech experts, The Prince has
the same principle as the criminal who a different pronunciation from his
prefers to live right under thea rise father.
of the police, because he thinks they A newspaper man, who has listened
n cn't look for him there. to a good many speeches of the Prince,
In the case of criminals this plan summed the difference up by saying
has sometimes worked—at least, for a that there is a Dominion flavor about
time. Where rabbit and fox are con- his accent. And undoubtedly the
corned, it almost always works, be- Prince's travels have left traces in his
cause foxes have a curious habit of speech. There is in it a suggestion
leaving Their neighbors alone, ,even of the cadences of Canada, and a
when they are a kind that would touch of the tones you hear"Donal
make a tasty meal. Thus if there is a Under" in Australia.
rabbit warren near a fox's quarters, The Prince seems to have acquired
the fox will ignore it when he is the accent peculiar_to the officers and
hunting, ani travel some distance to engineers who man the ships trading
find another warren. to Australia, Canada, and South
But there are cases of cats who Africa. These men, fellow -travellers
have .developed a taste for vegetables. of the Prince on many occasions, all
Two of them, who never bothered to speak in much the same way. It is
interfere with such titbits as canaries not an obvious accent, but a keen ear
and goldfish, were perfectly unserup- soon detects it.
ulous when it came to cucumbers. As fast liners, wireless, and talking
They could not resist this vegetable. films abolish distance, shall we see the
But while many people cut off the evolution of an Empire accent?—
rind before eating cucumber, it was "Answers."
this part of the vegetable that inter -
"0 mournful Bell!
Tlou bring'st guy boyhood back to
me again, '
Its golden hopes which now I seek in
The fleeting joys that danced about
its train.
"0 solenm Bell!
Thou seemest in "mine ears to sound
the knell
Of those dear playmates' whom I loved
so well,
Who by the wayside in the spring-
time fell.
"0 mocking Bell!
Laughing the years away with heed-
less sound
While young life ebbs and flows in
endless round!
Witt thou survive and they no more
be found?
0 dismal Belli
Ring as thou will, thou shall not bring
Thou are a thing of earth's ewitt
passing day,
But Life and Love shah never fade
-Bedford Pollard, in the Friend.
Ackworth. School has Just cele -
The durability of the 11-100 was
amply demonstrated in. its trip to
Canada, he said, but data on costs of
operating a regular service must be
"The Ii.100 is far more robust in
construction than the Graf Zeppelin,"
said Sir John. The behaviour of both
the 11-100 and 11-101 had been most
satisfactory and the flight to Canada
lead been a source of gratification in
the Old Country.
Sir John's trip la in the nature of
a holiday, he said. His plans includes
a short trip to Toronto 'and en inspec-
tiou of tiro airport at St. Unbent.
Policeman: W "MIss, you were doing
sixty miles an hour!" She: "Olt, isn't
that splendid! I only learnt to drive
yesterdai . '—Tit-Bils.
Back -to -School
By Beatrice Plumb
• This, le September. Let's make ' rho'
gang' go to school!
Print a "School! do Slow!" Menlo
sign.. Cut it double so that inslde you
can \vette this verse:
September's here, and 'tis the rule
To send the children back to school;
So dress for school and bring your
And meet your teacher and the bunch;
Arrive prepared to study; coins
Without, my child, your chewing gum.
Now don't play hookey! If you do
The truant officer for you!
You know the typical•old-time school
ma'am. with. prim, tightly drawn hair,
horn -rimmed spectacles and a strict
mouth? That's you for the evening!
Start your discipline early. Label
the garden gate with a sign, 'No •bois
torous talking and laughing on the
playground!" Other admonitions
greet your guests as they reach the
porch. An .assistant, "Teacher's pet,"
records the names of those guilty of
misdemeanors. '
As your guests enter :have them
hang theirjuvenile maps on rows et
improvised wardrobe hooks. Landis
boxes are put away aunt recess.: To s
good march your scholars Ole into the
Set the chairs in precise rows, witb
a dividing isle—all facing "teacher's
desk." Au honor chart'hangs on one
side of this; the dreaded black li@t os
the other. Maps, textbooks and elates
add to the terror of the occasion.
Ring the bell; for attention and an
nounce that You will assign seats for
the term. The two groups, separated
by the aisle, are rival classes through-
out the evening; so you will see that
each side is equal, not only in num-
bers but also in leaders. and pep.
That done, explain that the little
children In the group on your' right
are Smiling Sunbeams, • or anything
you like, while' those on the raft are
Busy Bees, and that You will give a
banner to the side which excels the
other in scholarship.
Opening Exercises naturally begin
the session. Allow each side five min-
utes to practice the song "Good Morn.
ing to You," then award ten credits to
the group singing it best to the tune
cf "Tuckey in We Straw." This can
be followed by Making the Class Pen-
nant and Yell. The Singing Lesson
is usually a howling success and pass-
ing Notes will bring back memories of
the first sweetheart.
Prizes are given for the best essays
of not more than a hundred words on
any subject of which the pupils know
In Arithmetic Tests band out school
tablets and pencils. The boys are to
list the different ingredients needed to
make a plum cake, a chicken pie and
a lamb stew. They are then to total
the number of ingredients listed, each
article having its own column; then
add, making the grand total. The
girls in like manner are to set down
in columns the "makings" of a ilio -
is being used as a building material is ver, tool chest and a political conven-
During recese the tun Wray be fast
and furious. Play all the old -thine "kid"
games—jumping rope and hopscotch.
To the winners give all -day suckers
and surprise packages at popcorn a:
prizes. •
Marbles will be enjoyed, even by the
girls, if you make croquet "hoops" of
pairs of clothespins interlaced so that
they stand up in an inverted V, num-
bered respectively 5, 10, 15, 20 and at
graduated distances-frem the bowling
line. They are placed on the floor so
that the player's must kneel to aim
their marbles through the hoops. In-
dividual scores are kept.
Recess brings lunchtime. Be sure
you have the lunch pails sadly mixed.
You can add sandwiches, hot choco-
late and fruit to the feast to give a
party flavor. If you want a table
center use a tiny model of the little . -
red schoolhouse cut from bristol
Mated, with a miniature brass bell
hanging in its steeple.
could conte out with you in the same tou are to,"
she said. „I told Youttg 1Brownu gots married. On pay
boat!" day he gave his bride $20 out of his
father all about us last night. He's -$25 salary and kept only e5 for him-
going to make uncle take you on. But,
Harry, why didn't Mr. Miers mind
about the settleinent?"
"He's acting for a syndicate,"
Harry said. "He laighed like any-
thing at my getting the extra cash.
He called it conscience money. The
self. The second pay day lee reversed
the process. "Why, Robert," she said
in injured tones, "how ou earth do You
think I can manage for a whole week
on a paltry $5?" "IIangetl if I know,"
he answered. " I had a rotten time
myself last week. It's your tura now."
ested the cats. They would nibble all Are Skyscrapers Safe?
the rind off, leaving the rest.
Even instances like these, however,
are hardly proof of vegetarianism.
There is no evidence that the cucum-
ber -eating cats refused meat or fish
when offered them. And most flesh -
eating animals and at least some fruit
or vegetables to their normal dietary,
and some pets—particularly dogs—
would be healthier if they got fruit
more frequently,—"Answers."
It makes a lot of difference whether
your supply of bone is in the back of
the head.
Hunger sharpens the wits, we are
told. We know a law seaside board-
In;houses where the conversation
must be positively sparkling.—London
"Eliza," said a friend of the family
to . the old colored washerwoman,
"have you seen Miss Edith's fiancee'?"
"No, ma'am," she answered, "it alnt
been in 'the wash yet:a—jack-fa-Lan.
Submarine Adventurer
Sir Iicl.... 1t`Ilkins, who is pr.
Wilkins and Vilhjalmur Stetansson.
The increasing extent to which steel
causing the questiou of safete to be
raised in countries where the summer
may be very hot.
During the recent heatwave in Am-
erica, for instance, many rails expand-
ed and buckled because of the heat,
and anxiety was felt regarding the
great steel skyscrapers. So a very
careful study of the effects of the
abnormal heat on these buildings was
undertaken. Up to the time of writing
nothing has been found amiss.
This seems to confirm the opinion
of Mr. G. E. J. Pistor, a member of
the executive coencil of the American
Institute of Steel Construction, who
addressed a meeting of the Institu-
tion of Mechanical Engineers in Lon-
don (England) recently. He believes
that skyscrapers are quite safe.
Indeed, he expressed the view that
they could safely be built to a height
of 2,000 feet which is much higher
than the tallest skyscraper built or
projected today. -"Answers,'
e fir a fifty -day journey to North Pole by submarine, seen with Lady
Mental Tests for Babies
When does a baby begin '.o show
signs of intelligence?
Tests have recently been made by
psychologists in order to answer this
question, over sixty youngsters be-
tween the ages of fifteen, minutes and
fifteen days being the subjects.
Their conclusion is that, at birth, a
baby is not a mental unit, but that it
quickly begins to display intelligence
in its reactions to stimuli of various
kinds. By the time it is one month old
a baby may be said to be a complete
mental whole.
That is why the early years of a
child's life are so important. The
truly formative period is before it
goes to school at all, first impressions
being the most lasting.—"Answers."
Indian Summer -
Along the line ot smoky hills
Thecrimsonforest stands,
And all the day the blue -jay calls
Throughout the autumn lands.
Now by •the brook the maple leans
With all his glory aerated,
And all the sumache on the hills
Have turned their :green to red.
Now by great marshes wrapt in mist,
Or past some river's mouth,
Throughout the long, still autumn
Wild birds are flying somth.
—Wilfred Campbell.
.Sea Secrets
Waves travel faster than the wind.
That is why a heavy swell breaking
on a beach is often noticed before
a storm.
The Duke of Pistoia, an Italian sci-
entist, has recently taken photographs
with a special camera at a depth of
13,090 feet --or about two and a half
The so.ealled sea elephant is really
a curious species ot seal, the males
of which possess a proboscis a foot
or even more in length. They are
found on the coast of California and
in certain parts of the Southern
The greatest depth known in the
ocean, is off the Philippine Islands,.
where the Survey strip Planet found
82,089 feet ot water. Mount Everest
would here be buried so deeply that
there would be 3,000 feet of water,
above its summit.
The biggest wave ever recorded in
the Atlantic was one 'which fell upon
the promenade deck of the Leviathan
In April, 1928. A search -light 140 feet
above the water was extinguished b7,
this wave, which is said to have been
nearly 100 feet high, The Leviathan
is 69,507 tons.