The Seaforth News, 1930-09-18, Page 4?AGE. FOUR
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
Grain. Wanted -‘Pool and cash grain
-wanted. We are prepared to pay you
•tae highest possible price and furnish with bags and supply trucks. We
specialize in peas. Be sure and get our
:Phone 5d, Hensall. ,
Mr, and Mrs. Basil Wilson of Lon-
, don, who have just returned, from
,:their honeynvoon trip to Montreal,
spent Thursday at the home' of the
bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. W.
.Mrs. R. G. Parke, George and Do
xoihy of Seaforth visited friends in
"W'd1•ton last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Emigh of Grand
Valley called on friends in the village
on 1Vednesday. Everyone was glad to
:meet them.
•Mrs. J. Becker, Harry and Bertha,
rand.' Mrs. Wilson of Kitchener visited
the Knox and Hislop families on Sun-
Mrs. H, Smalldnn spent Saturday in
_"t dndan,
Mr. George Ross and daughter Viv-
•dan of Mitchell were visitors on Sun-
'cll.!! with Mrs. Ross' sister, Mrs. John
!'Driscoll, Leadbury.
:Rev. J. F. Myers of St. Thomas''
aurch. Seaforth, conducted Harvest.
'ITltanksgiving services which were
iaeld in St. George's Anglican Church
ut Sunday. Sept. 14th, at 3.00 p.m,
The church was appropriately and
-prettily decorated with harvest emb-
lems: 'There was a large attendance
and members of Seaforth choir assist-
ed in the service.
Annong those at London :'est week
;were _lir. and Mrs, W. C. Bennett,
:lir, and lire. Russell Marks, .lir. and
Mrs. Hurtle, \fe s rs. Louie and Frank
Kiskby, Douglas Innes, Alvin Farqu-
ar ,n, Cleat -nee Steiss and Alex.,
NIr, and -firs. Foster Bennett of the
Road were e v .. ,, r.e
in the
t -
age on Monday.
Death of Mrs, Nicholas Cunning.
On S t .any tnorning the Grim Reap
claimed ..: e ot the pioneer beer -e dere
st this eanntetnety in the person
Isabr::a Grieve Elliott, react ssf t
late Nicholas Cuminat the ripe a
:,f eighty-six years. Mr.. Cumin -a h
eern in idol health and able to
around until she fell east winter en
- had :,een confined 3 ,ler bed since t
iiia ile "i 1}, during whit
ime she was nderty eared far b
• ter daughter. Mre. J. hnston, of Wi
anti win; ht eade her home wi
-as-asr mother during the past two year
Deceased was born at Smith's Fall
?e daughter •.f James and Mar
Anna Elio and was the last survivo
a family at eight children. Sh
tame t aye in Hallett with her pe
nets when thirteen years of age an
~ix years later was married to NI u.tnin. and during her married !f
ire,! in the -Townships of Hulett an
etio- re t t, a
Blyth ,vel y even year; ag,. M
a d \[t ruining celebrated the
golden a e, di sixteen year; ago an
Mr. Cutu n. died on Oc -her 13. 192
During the nor deeeses f was sn a
lye Red Cross worker. She was
kindly of k',y disposition. and fin
• deawho was ne:ocei by her falai',
and greatly respected by all. wh
knew her. She leaves two sons,Jame
- of \Wawan o l ' Join t M>r an
three :laughter.. Mrs. Charles Sten
. arr of Bruce. Alta.; Mrs. Alber
Richmond. Service River, Alm.; an
M I. Johnston. of Myth. One so
.ewas k •-
led ver ea in liar 1918
Pile funeral,vas largely attended o
'I tesday afternoon and •las conduct
ed ay Rey. T.\V.G nw and. Re
R,B.Gracie ni int?n n former pas
tor and who sang a s_.o. -The Las
Mile." during the ser rice. The pall
hearer were Dr. Perdue. Robert Po
,yet Tastes Dodds. Charles Tayk'r
John Dingwalland James. Laidlaw
Interment v o t,,e the' n family
slotn Burt .entete v, The flora
:*rshutes were ntaay and.beaut'fut and
ny 'e { a pillow from. the atnily
r t e were preset snit Ripley
Kincardine end Stanley.-
M and M Rste,ee Mrs. Camp
st . and t,v Children, 1L,.. T. C. l£c-
E' a:1 ; Wingham -et lir. R?::
Isaiah and son Clifton .,n3 Mr.Geo.
Leith and, e Stra.. r•i were
^e ' Mr. Sunnis , r. :end N[r;.
Herb. McElroy. Elr.yy.
Mrs. Clarence c ler Li.: y,
cis.tiog her ister...A
Mrs.. S. Ra -
Mr. Harley Crag 1r- 1 l
-fame. Clark of TVai:,: t visite! •
tome of Mr, Roper: Craig • n S ,lay.
Min Ems, Parsons ,f Ha- ek w -as
4 visitor with Miss -.. R. b. lean last
Miss Janet.Cowan of Wingham is
^.ss Miss Gladys .Fawcett,
Mr.- Stewart Rob :sn who has ac -
tented i a position with T J. ,licEwen
i•, C oderich spent Sunday a the borne
of his parents, R. H. and Mrs. Rob-
Mr. James Newcombe who has
peen t•n
sing his manyrelativesn
.his vicinityPas': two
aurin to a
left on Thursday ,. :his week.
'. or his h )me in Newark N.J.
Miss -\Lary CCiiinson is visiting Mr.
- and Mrs. R E. Sillib, in Brantford.
firs. Wm. Brown of Hulett is
spending a week with her mother,
-Yrs. Geo. Collinson and. aunt Mrs.
t icho1L
,11r. ,and Mrs. Leslie McElroy of
;)Detroit who have been visiting in To=
r onto are spending the week at the
: tiame of the former's parents,
•.lar. and Mrs. Robt. Craig went to
•traiford where Mrs. Craig under-
•raent an operation in the hospital on
':Phar day.and is now doing well,
Mrs. (,Rev.) Anderson entertained
- the mothers and 'babies of Queen st.
Church on Friday afternoon when ' a
B'aahy Band was originated which will
include ehil'uren to the age of .five.
The afternoon was very pleasantly.
spent games were played and tea
Ives served by She `ostess. Quite a.
number of the children too
Memberships in the Band,
k Life
Mr, Robert Livingston returned to
Hamilton on Saturday after spending
the week with his ' parents. Bob
wheeled the di taunce on his bicycle,
Mr, and Mrs. W. Treffry of Flint,
are spending their holidays with
their aunt and uncle, Miss Jennie and
Mr, Ed. Treffry,
Rev. R, N. Stewart and Mr, Wm.
Sadler' attended .Presbytery in Strat-
ford on Friday last. '
Mr. and Mrs F Tuffin visited with
Whalen .friends on Sunday, '
Phe school fair will be held on
Monday, Sept. 22nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Aroteld Jeffry, De-
troit, spent the week' end with the
former's parents. -
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sadder spentthe
week end with 'Toronto relatives.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Treffry and son.:
and Miss J. and Mr, E, Treffry spent
the week end in London.
_lir. and Mrs. M. J. Gray visited in
Hickson on Sunday with Rev. and
Mrs. J. E Jo fes.
Silo ,filling is the order of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Siliery, Mrs. \31,
Lupton and :Nit.. and Mrs. W. Sadler
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W.
Innes at St, Marys.
Monday evening, Sept. 29 in Duff's
Church, a recital consisting of ,read -
mg:, monologue's and character sket-
ches will be given by Walter B. Craw,
13,A., assisted by local talent. •
Sunday, Sept, •28, Anniversary ser-
vices will be held in Duff's Church at
11 and 7,30 p.m. Rev. R. R Con-
ner, Kippen, will have charge of bosh
Presentation. -.On Friday evening,
September 12th, about sixty neigh-
bors and other friends staged a sur-
e parte- to the laeee of Sir. and
11 o t
L. C dk n, and a jolly bine was
spent in dancing During the even -
•••g an address was read by Stanley
Hillen. and afterwards Clifford Smith
• -i \Viltam Boyd presented the bride
ATI n ,room with -a handsome mantle
• ck ,r behalf of those present, lir.
teetkin made a suitable reply in a few
chosen wards. Following is the
a l i.e. et
'Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gbdkin,--In
view of the fact that you hare recent-
ly embarked on the. sea of matri-
attmony, we have gathered here to -night
ta celebrate that important event,
vis-, ro welcome to our midst the one
ehani you have ch. _en a. your life -
partner. As a precedent to such ac-
tion, we quote :he following from the
:sant; of Longfellow:
•O i 'rtuna:e. 0 happy day -
W!ten a new hott:eiteld finds its place
Among the myriad homes of earth,
Like a new star just sprung to birth
lid rolled on its harmonious way.
I.,. • the boat iless realms of spacel
said the guests in speech and song
As :n the chimney burning bright
We hong the insit crane tonight
And merry weal the feast and lenge
As a tangible expression of the very
. t.t' y t feelings and well wishes
▪ evert ne present bears to you
> ,l, wt' a -k ran to accept this gift as
a souvenir. And may the Divine Pro-
vidence, that regulates all events of
:ems, blend into one grand result, all
to y tr:rat tries rf future events of
your ur live gne 1 an behalf of neigh
hors and friend
Born and educated in Mitchell son
f the a e Mr. attd - Mrs, \\-alter
"! ,._.n.. tt, VI-: oam Thomson died in
T r rt.; an Sunday. September 14th
aged 'fifty-three years. As a young
0:10. he was keenly interested in
particularly lacrosse and for
ta.tther sf years played on the old
Mi: -he: team. Later he settled in
A•t :,ni Texas, and about two
c -ars agss suffered a severe illness
v e t left !tint blind.' During the past he 'irs been .cared for at a rest
t p e in Trento and :to to a .short
time a,,*-' 'lea been enjoying fairly
ssa1 heel:^. He is the third son of
Mrand Mrs. Thom;. n to
ye Medd in less than ya year;. 1
T tr ,n was 'e:ta and made the
teanaintanes o_ a large number of
Os eels. 'awl his passing is a matter of
,..a' regret. Three brothers ser
: Wsrres \V. of Toronto; Howard
\l. R"•.dney. Dr. Fred L. c.` San
1:; • • Texas, a rd esee, stete,rs, Sirs,
W. if. Sfartin. rife ,: Chief Justice,
Sietsee. Seekatchewan, and Mrs. ,- •A
Nfir, n • Regina. The r' I L
a aneral[.
• held fr .m •'.te aanne of NIr. J.
"ril:7.ropo,1 !n Mitchell on
Massey Harris Tractor
All Repairs and Labor Cash. Open Evenings
.Fail wheat, white, Mrs. 0. Cunn
irighant, H. Truemner; fall wheat,
red, John Triebner, Mrs. H. A. Fuss;
a.o,v. spring wheat, firs. 0. Cunning-
ham, H. Truenuier• 6 -rowed barley,
Mrs. H, A. Fuss, W. R. Dongali; 2 -
rowed barley, C R. Maier; black oats,
C. R. Maier, W. R. Dougall, -timothy
seed, C. R. Maier, Jos. Cottle; white
beans, H. Truemner, J. Cottle; clover
seed, H. Truemner, C. R, Maier; coil,
grain fn ear, L. Reynolds; ensilage
corn, C. R. Maier; TimesAdvicate
Special, L. Reynolds; large peas, C.
R. Maier; small peas, H. Truemner,
Judge- R. Coates.
Winter, Mrs. E, R. Pym; fall ap-
ples, H. Truemner, E. R Pt m,
Rhode Island Greetings, F, Trieb-
ner, T. Truemner; northern spies, F.
Triebner; Rilxl)oro russets, H. H.
Brawn, F Triebner; golden russets,
H. T••uentner, S. J. t\'nllert• Spitz -
burgs, S. J. \Wtllert; Seeks, H. True-
nnter, E. R. Pyran; snow, F. Triebner;
Cairerts, H. Truemner, E. R. Pym;
Tompkins, Mrs. G. Ryland; Alexand-
er, Mrs. C. Sims. Mrs A. Cunning -
tam; Rias: : n Pippins, F. Ellerington;
\\ ar::ers, H. Truemner, A. Sanders;
M .:den's Blush, A. Pym. F. Trieb-
ner; Ben Davis, F. Triebner, A. Pym;
Wealthy, F. Triebner, firs. C. Sims;
1}uehe; Oldenburg, J. Hunter, Mrs,
C. Sims: Blenheim, F. Ellerington;
Taiman. F, Ellerington, H. Truem-
ner; Sr. Lawrence. F, Triebner, H. H.
2 varieties Winter Pears, R. Sand-
ers, S. Powe,:. Flemish Beauty- R.
Sanders, Duchess of Angou/ine, Mrs,
H A. Fuss. C:app's Favorite -Mrs.
Trembley. es.bley. Sheldon -F. Ellerington.
Bureau Anjou --- firs. Heywood.
Bartlett -Mrs. 0. Cunningham, Miss
Co's Golden Drop --,H.• Truemmer,
Mrs, Trembley-. Imperial Gage -Dan
Den-. F. Triehner. Duauas Purple -F,
.Ellerington, R. Sanders. Lantbards-
D.. Grieve, Miss Whit. A,o.i•. plums
\Irs. Tremblay, R. Sanders, Ab
::lance -R. Sanders, Pond's Seeds
ling -H, Truemner. Bradshaw - S.
Moore's Early -C. R. Maier. Nia-
gara -C. -R. Maier, - Miss White.
Concord -C. R. Maier, W. Sanders,
Delaware - Mrs. Tremblay. Aga -
wan -C. R! Jlaier, Wilder -C. R.
Maier, Dr. 'Grieve, A. o,r,- C. R.
Maier, Mrs. Ryland. Best collection
grapes -Miss White.
Early -Crawford-Mrs. J. Hunter.
Late Crawford -H. Truemner, Mrs.
3. Hunter. A. a. t•, -Mrs, Heywood.
Haney, extracted -firs, Churchill;
In sections -Mrs. Churchill, C. R.
Maier, Maple syrup: 0,\, Doupe,
Mrs. C. Sims, Bread, white-\Irs, A.
Cunningham, H. H. Brown; brawn -
Mrs. A. Cunningham, H. Ti, Brown;
tins -Mrs. A. Cunningham, Mrs. J.
. Lov:e, Coffee cake -Mrs. J. A.
vie, Mr; 0. Cunningham. Angel
ake-L. Ree nobs, Mrs. 0. Cunning
aa:. Light cake -'\V. Doupe, F.
Mr. tai Mrs: T. M: D a d, Mr. -and
-Mrs.-- Walter Davidson of \\a'ton.
;pent. Sunday with friend. in -Clam-
arty :1 -rid Staffs. a a.
lir. John Ewen ot Brussels spent
S tn'ay with fends .n Cromarty and
St.3R.n, fC
Mrs. Dan McKellar e. ar and babe at
8. few
with Mr, and Mrs, Danald McKellar,
The Way Out
Mr. White used to say that if he
depended en letter -writing to out-of-
town friends, he'll be utterly friend-
less. "1 can't get it over with a pen,"
he says, "I have to talk to people, So
1 make it a point to call- my various
friends by Long Distance. The night
rates make it inexpensive, and it is
so easy, I don't know of anything
that given me more pleasure!"
iieep your stock free from blemish
with Douglas' Egyptian Liniment
Removes Inflamnw'tion, quickly re-
lieves bruises, sprains, strains, swell -
/:1,s, contraction of cords, stiffness of
ioint and sore muscles.
To our old customers and as
many new ones as it is possible
t0 serve, we wish to remind' you
we will have fertilizer for you all.
Rohm's 33 p.c. phosphate, Tan-
guay's Mixed Fertilizer and Ar-
mour's Fertilizer, also 16 p.c.
acid phosphate.
These grades have made excel-
lent showing this spring.
Ask our customers and find out
for yourself. Don't be in a hurry
to sign an order, as we always
use you right as to price, qual-
ity and service.
or any representative agent.
Triebner; dark cake: W, Doupe !Mrs.
G. Ryland. Apple pie -Mrs, 0. Cun.-
ningharn, Mrs. C. 'Sims, Pumpkin--
umpkin-\V. Doupe,.Mrs. C. 'Sirius. Lemon pie
-Mrs, 0, Cunningham, Alvin'IPym.
Red currant jelly -Mrs. G. Ryland,
NV. Dearing, Apple . jelly -se -Mrs. C.
Sim,, _Mrs. E. Darling. Berry jelly -
\V. Doupe, 1W. Dearing. Sour pickles
-.firs. Churchill, Sam Pym. Sweet
pickles -Mrs. G, Ryland, Sam Pym.
Catsup -Mrs. G. Ryland, Dr. Grieve.
Canned rhubarb -firs. 0. Cunning-
ham and 2nd, Cherries -Mrs J. ,Crei-
ght,n. Mrs. Tremblay. Raspberries-
Mrs. Churchill, W. Dearing. Pears-
W. Dearing, Dr. Grieve. Plisnts-W,
Dearing, Mrs. J. Hunkin. Peaches -
B. Williams & Son, Mrs. A, Cun-
ningham. .Strawherries-I\W, Dearing,
Apples -W. Dearing, Vlrs. Tremb-
lay. Grapes -Mrs. A. Cunningham,
S. Pym. Corn -F. Triebner, Mrs.
Ryland. and
Peas -4W,
lisma &San.Tomatoes-W.
ocs_1. D
ing, firs. J. +Hunkin. Vegetable Mar-
malade -W. Dearing, W. Doupe.
Canned Chicken -Alvin Pym, W.
Dearing. Lunch for 2 -Mrs, 0.
Cunningham, Mrs. G. Ryland. Cured
Haut-\Irs. H. A. Fuss, W. 'D'ear-
ing. Assorted cured meats Mrs. H,
A. Fuss. firs. ;\W. 'Hyde.
Judge -Mrs. '\Wm. Consist.
5 lb. butter, Mrs. A Cunningham, C
Rowe; 10 pounds butter, C. Rowe,
Mrs. 0. Cunningham; pound rolls,
Mrs, Wm. Hey..Mrs, J. 0. Louie;
plate bunter, Mrs. J. 0. Lottie, Mrs.
Wen. Hey; creamerey, \V. J. Veal.
Judge, Jas. A. Francis.
Potatoes,. Rural New Yorkers, S. J,
\Villein; Trish Cobbler, Mrs, Freckle -
am, F. Triebner; Greet Mountain, T,
Sutton, F, Triebner; Earl Rose, Shel-
lan Sanders; globe beets. Marren
Sanders, Robt. Sanders; sugar beets,
C. Rowe, F. E,:erington; sugar man -
gold. C. -R. Mater, R. Sanders; long
ntattgoid-, R. Sanders, \W. Sanders;
,lobe marigolds, R. Sanders, \V. San-
drr intermediate neangalds, R. Sand-
er, S. Powell; early carrots, W. And-
rews, R. Sanders, Nentees Mrs, Trem-
bley, Mrs VanCanrp; red carrots, R.
Sanders, Mrs. Heywood; Field car-
rots, Mrs, Heywood. R. Sanders;
sweet corn, \V. Dearing, ,F..Eliering-
tan; Indian corn, Mrs. Heywood;
bantam corn, R. 'Sanders, Jos, Sutton;
water melons, C. R. Mater, Mrs. Hey-
wood; pumpkin, R. Sander, W. San -
dere; squash, R Sanders, W. Sanders;
muskmelons. C. 12. Maier, R. Sand-
ers; sweet turnips. F. Triebner, H,
Truemner, Turnips, a.o.r., C. R. Mai-
er. R. Sanders. red onions, Mrs. Hey-
wood; white or yellow onions, A
Truemner; -.Spanish onions, C. RMai-
er..lir; Heyweed; tomatoes, R. San-
ders; celery, Dr. Grieve; citrons,
round, C. R. Maier, R. -Sanders; long,
R. Sanders, W. Sanders; parsnips, R,
Sanders;W. Sanders; Hubbard squash
R. Sanders, C. R. Maier; fall cabbage,
R. Sanders. S Powell, winter cabbage,
C R. Maier, R Sanders, coil, vegete-
'±es, C. R. liater,.R. Sanders; spec-
ials, ltrs, VanCamp; Dutch sets, S. J,
Judge -R. Coates.
Flannel, Soutncatt Bros, Mrs. Jas.
Creighton; blankets,' Jones & May;
swollen yarn, Mrs, E. Darling; rag
carpet, Mrs E • Darling, )Jr.sE.
Lawson; tailor suit, W. W. Taman,
Southcott Bras coat. ;general goods,
_Tones & May; colt, tailors good and
s: n shnags, _ \W. W. Tannan, coil. " of
b tn,s and shoes, Southcott Bros.,
lanes & May; tweeds, N.V. \W, Tam-
an; -ladies boots, Southcott Bros,.
Tones ec May; gents boots, Jones &
May, Southcott Bros.
Oil painting;-animats, Mrs. Chur-
chill, Mrs, Batson; vegetables, Miss
1.1 Cook, Mrs. 'Batson; marine, Mrs,
Batson, Dr. Grieve; scene, Mrs.
Churchil Mrs. Batson; flowers, Elsie
C.fur ay Lr life EetadS
\1 alt
e calors -Seascape, Mrs. Chur-
h:.l, Miss Cook; flowers or fruit,
Mrs. Batson, Miss White; single
work, Dr, Grieve, Mrs, Batson; orig-
inal ;;study, hiss White. te, 21rs. Batson,
Miscellaneous -pastel, marine, Mrs
Batson, IEiss \Vhite; pastel landscape
lira Batson, Miss White; charcoal
study, Mrs. Batson, Mrs Ryland; ma-
rine Mrs Batson; sepia landscape,
Miss White, Mrs Churchill; sepia
drawing, Mrs Batson, Mies Cook;
single piece artwork, Mrs. Fuss, Mrs
Churchill; tooled leather, Mrs. Bat-
son; new craft, ,firs. 'Fuss, Mrs. Bat-
son; wrvad carving, Mrs, Batson;
sealing wax display, Mrs, Batson, G.
Browning; -wax Rowers, 'Mrs. C,.
Snmse-Mrs. Churchill; basketry, E,
Gourlay, Mrs. Batson.
Handpainted China -conventional,
Mrs. Batson, Mrs. Churchill; realistic,
Mrs. Churchill, ifrs. Denneil; lustre
work and bridge, Mrs. Churchill, firs
Batson; tea set, Mrs. Batson, Dr.
iPht ography-snuspshots, Mrs. Ba
!'son Miss, White;' amateur, Mrs, Ba
son, Mrs, Churchill; photographs,
Senior and 2nd; cull photographs,
Senior and 2nd.
wood, L Reyonlds; stocks, Mrs He
wood, L Reynolds; sweet peas, la
J. Hunkin. street .pens sail.. Mrs. Hey
wood, Mrs. Trembley, verbenas, Hr
Heywood, Mrs. Churchill, also zian
nias curled and dahlia Rower; zinni
coll., Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Hunkin
coll. of annuals, airs. Freckleton, Mr
Cunningham; 'bride's bouquet, IN
Dearing, Mrs. Churchill; basket cu
.Ira Trent•
b1e Mrs rs Int '
F skin
hand bouquet Mrs. CunniLhan• .
relty in cut flowers, L. Reynolds, W
Judge -.D. Rowcliffe..
tuberous, W. Dearing;.
varieties, 'Mrs. tid:unkin, Mrs, 1 reckl
ton; foliage, Mrs. G.'Ryland; novel
in Potted p ants, 'Mrs.s. G. Ryi_and, M
F, Vl, Trembley; snapdragons, Mr
Heywood, Mrs. Churchill; coll sna
drag -oils, W Dearing, Mrs ''G. He
wood; asters; straight, Mrs, G. He
wood; white asters, Mrs, G. Churcl
Mrs..Heywood; .,pink asters, M
G. Churchill, Mrs. E. Ni. 'Trenib
purple asters, W. Dear fig, Mrs,
Churchill; garnet coll asters, W.Det
ing; curved -esters, Mrs. 0. Heoo
mauve asters, Mrs. 0, Churchill; Mr
E M. •Tretwbley; purple asters, M
G. Heywood, Mrs. G. Churchill, ads
pink asters; ostrich ,plume asters, M
G.' Heywood, W. Dearing; Coxcotm
display, W. Dearing, L, Reynold
also " feathered; Dahlias-decarativ
Mrs O. Cunningham, Mrs. G. He
wood; also cactus pompons, Els
Goutlay; pinks, Mrs. G Heywood,
Reynolds; gladioli, named, D. Ro.
cliffe,Mrs. G. Heywood; 3 spike
Mrs. Heywood, firs. Churchill, also
spikes, collection and basket or vas
Balsams, Mrs. Freckleton; marigold
African, W. Dearing, L. Reynold
French, Mrs, E. Trembley, Mrs, He
wood; stacks, W. Dearing, Mrs. Etunr
Treni'bley; phlox, Drmondi, W
Dearing, Mrs. Trembley; petuni
single, D. Rowcliffe, Mrs. Heywood
double, L. Reynolds, Mrs, Churchil
pansies, Dr. Grieve; salvia, Mrs. Hey
Living Room accessories -centre
piece, Mrs. D. Campbell, NIr;.
Hay, j. Hunter; table =cart, Mrs.
Hyndman, Mrs. Hay, lir;, Campbell.•
enthr eu 1,io n lire, Stens, Mrs. Camp-
bell, Mrs. Darling: fancy cushion. •
Mrs, W. Hey, Mr.. Darling, Mrs, C.
Dining Room -buffet set, Mrs.
Cre gh.:.n. J. Hunter, Mrs.. E. Law-
son; colored. -firs. Darling. Mrs.
Campbell. Mrs 'Fennell; centrepiece,
White. 1 -Its, Creighton Mrs. E. Law-
scon.11rs. Darling; Special, -lf. Luth-
er; tray cloth Mrs. Lawson, Jars,
Creight ;n, Mr:. Darling; lunch cloth,
Mrs. Lawson. Mrs, G Marriott, Mrs
Churchill.; breakfast set, Mrs. Creigh-
ton, Mrs, Catnphet/, Mrs. Darling; ter
clav, Mrs,
G. Marriott. Mr Fen-
nell. Mrs.Darling dollies, Mrs. S. Dar-
ling, firs, Marriott, Mrs. Campbell;
a t pbeli;
table mate, lire. 0. Ryland, lire,
Creighton, Mrs, Hey; -dinner, napkins,
Mrs Marriott, Mrs, Fennel/. Dr. Jno.,
Bedroom acce .•cries cases,
etnb., Mrs. Campbell, lir.. J. Hunter,
Mrs. Fennell; other :ort, Mrs. G.
Hunkin,. lira, liars:. , .Mrs, Chttrclt
Ill; and sheet, Mrs. Darling, Jtr.. lia-
rsiott, Hyndman; -towels, Hyndutan,
Mrs. Marriott, Mrs. Creighton; tow-
el 21
reMarriott:Creighton. Mrs. Lawson.
Mrs. bath nye;, Mrs. D.
Campbell, ldre. La.wsan 'Ms. J. Hun -
kin; vanity set, Dr, Grieve. :Mrs.
Campbell, Mrs. Fennell; dresser
•ca i, firs. Campbell, Mrs. Churchill,
'Mrs. Creighton; boudoir pillow, Dr.
Grieve, airs. Creighton, Mrs. Darl-
ing; bedspread, emb., Mrs. E. R,
Pym. Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Churchill;
fancy bedspread, Mrs. Sims, G. Brow-
ning. Dr, Grieve; curtains, Mrs. Chur-
chill, Mrs Darling, Mrs, Fennell.
Kitchen Accessories -Tea towels,
Stns. Hyndman, _Mrs. Wm. Hey, firs.
E. R. Pym; pan holders, Mrs, Fen-
nell, Mrs. Campbell, ' Mrs. Darling;
breakfast cloth, Mrs. J. Creighton,
Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs Campbell; cur -
satins, Mrs. Fennell, Mrs. Churchill,
ltrs, Darling.
Quilt, pieced cotton, Mrs. Darling,
Dr. Grieve, Mrs. C, Sins: other, Dr.
Grieve, Mrs. Churchill, Mrs, E.
Darling, Comforter, Mrs. Darling
Mrs. Creighton, 5, Pym. Floor mat,
braided, W. Dearing, Mrs. Fennell;
hooked, Mrs. C. Sims, J. Hunter,
W. Dearing. (Special) Wool mat,
Mrs. Campbell. Floor mat, crochet,
Dr. Grieve, !'Irs. Fennell, Mr;, Darl-
ing. -liens work shirt, Mrs. Lawson,
irs. Fennell, Dr, Grieve, Knitted
men's socks, \irs• Lawson, -firs.
Campbell, Mrs, Hyndman. Knitted
sweater, Mrs. C. Sinus, ifrs. Camp-
bell, Mrs, Churchill, Knitted scarf,
-ifrs. Darling, \Irs, Campbell, Mrs,
Apron, Mrs. C Sims, Mrs. Fennell,
\Irs. Churchill; serviceable, Mrs. E,
Mrs. Pym,lirC Sims, Mrs, Camp-
bell. House dress, Mrs. Campbell,
Mrs. E. R.
Pym, Mrs. i
Y Churchill.
Boudoir jacket andd cap,
Darling. Night robe, Mrs.
E. \3ar-
Mrs. Creighton, Mrs, W. Hey.
lihderti•ear, Mrs. Creighton, Mrs.
Marriott, Collar and cuff set, 2nd Mrs.
Fuss. Fancy work bag, .firs, Law-
son, Mrs. Hyndman, H. H. Brown,
Handkerchiefs, Mrs. Marriott, Mrs.
Lawson, Mrs. Fuss. Knit indoor,
wrap or shawl, Mrs. Fennell, JMrs,
Lawson. Baby's dress, Mrs, E. R.
Pym, \irs. Lawson, Mrs. Marriott.
Baby's jacket and bannett, Mrs,
Hyndman, Mrs, Darling. Baby's car-
riage, Mrs, Campbell, Baby's wool
sweater, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Chur-
chill. Baby's knitted costume, firs.
Sims, Italian tem, Mrs. Campbell,,
firs. Marriott.. Fine Cut \Work, Mrs.
Creighton, Mrs, Churchill, Mrs.
Hyndman, Fancy crochet, Mrs. Dar.
ling, Mrs, Lawson, Mrs. • Marriott.
Eyelet asork, Mts. Hey, M'Irs. Fen-
nell, Mrs, Marriott. Fancy knitting,
Mrs. Marriott, Mrs. Ryland, Dr,
Grieve. Tatting, Mrs, Lawson, G.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1930
75c per BUS.
Sreenings Chop, Mixed Chop, Oat Chop, Barley Chop, Oorn Chop,
Cracked Corn, (Coarse and Fine) Oyster Shell, Whole Oats, Barley,
and Bran and Shorts.
• PHONE 51
Browning, 0. Marritt, New cross gne've being conducted by the 'Res. A',
stitch, Mrs, Fuss, Mrs.` Sims, Mrs. Mann, of she Bhievale United Church,
Churchill, Ribbon articles, Mrs• of which lir Fell was a member. The
Fennell. Small novelties, Mrs, Fuss. many and beautiful floral tributes
Repairing garsnent, Mrs. Hyndman, bore silent testimony to the love and
Mrs. Marriott, Mrs. Campbell Spe- esteeut of neighbors and. .fr{ends. The.
Bial penny mats, J. Hunter. Special pallbearers were: David Fell, brother;
novelty, !Irs. Sims. .!aures Peacock, Joseph' Breckenridge
judge -Mrs.' M, Start. and George Thornton, brothers -fn-
law; Will Haney and \1rnn. Nichol -
SMr. A. licKenzie of Port Elgin has
commenced his duties as principal of
the Spotton Business College.
The barn of 'Duncan Brewer, 6th
Grey,was burned
night last week by
fire of
origin. The season's crop which all
had been threshed, was destroyed.
Loss is partly covered by insurance.
The marriage took place at the
Presbyterian Manse, Cranbrook, on
Sept. 3rd, by Rev W. A. Williams, of
Lydia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lotus Steins, Grey Township, to Cal-
vin, son of .lir. and Mrs. 'William
Cameron, Cranbroolc,
A work horse belonging to C. 0,
Smith. Bhtew•ater highway, got out
on the road one night and was struck
by a Michigan car, and one leg was
fractured,, The animal hail to be de-
Miss Pearl Pltile underwent an 09 -
enation for appendicitis in London
last week.
Eight residents near the Fire Hall
homes by the village. the cost to be
t, be supplied with water for their
S/ilaN) a year,
N. E. Simon has purchased the
:arm ani ::hens „1 the Dominion Ho-
tel property.
'rise ,d,rre Wagner. son of lir. and
Mrs. W. C. Wagner, is teaching in
ilnelplt Col legiate.
Irish Cobblers, G. Browning, Mrs,
VanCamp; Golden Bantam corn, L.
Reynolds; table corn, F. Ellerington;
blood beets, round, .firs YanCamp;
Gladys Hunkin, llrs, Heywood. long
beets, Mrs. Heywood; C antenal• car-
rots, L. Reynolds. Mrs. VanCamp,
Gladys Hunkin; a.o.v. carrots, Mits.
\'enCamp, F. Ellerngton, firs, Hey-
wood; yellow onions, Mrs, Heywood,
Mrs. VaieCamp, F, Ellerington; red
anions, Mrs. Heywood, L. Reyn•.,i,Fs.
Dutch sets, C. Rowe, Swede turnips,
F. Triebner, parsnips, Mrs. Van-
Cantp. L. Reynolds; tomatoes, F.
'nit -liner, G. Hunkin, firs. VanCamp;
:a:')nage, F. Eieriugton, Mrs. Hey,
wood; table bean.. L. Reynolds. -0.
I3utikin; dry white beans, L. Rey-
Hunkin. Mrs. Heywood:
urangolds, Mr;. Heywood: asters,
Mrs. Heywood, L. Reynolds, G. Hun -
kin.; phlox, L. Reynolds, Sirs. Hey -
w O_ d sweet peas, .firs. Heywood} G.
Hunkin; nasturtium;, L. Reynolds;
:musics. G. Hunkin; geraniums. Mrs.
C. ms; dahlias, Mrs, Heywood, L.
Re y n :is: gladioli, -firs. Heywood, L.
let t'rt his; c,,li, wood;, L. Reynolds;
caves. L. Reynold -t of insects, L.
R y t olde, J. Triebner; belt writing,
t Ln tears and under) ,Dorothy Tra-
m:a:r, Maitre Stanbury. F. Triebner;
map of Hun mcotut r, 10 years. old.
Elaine 't., t`ntry, I'rossltee. • t Ontario,
•,ver 1,1 re, (1.• 11uiekin winter
,rhea:, 1V. 1).rtpe, L. Rcyttos 1. , nets,
W. Donee. F. Triehner. L. Reynold.;
earley, 1.. Reynolds; ch.sol lmtch.
Reynold_, G. Hunkin, JI, VanCamp:
p um;, ,jar L.Reynolds, G. Hunkin,I. Tr.ebne raspberries. jar, 0. Hun -
kin, F. Triebner: tea apron, Mrs, E,
Lawson; handworked towels, Mrs. E.
Lawson, Grace Strang; sofa ?Blew, G.
Hunkin fancy apron, ii, \ anCanep;
iiiiteushion. Mrs. E. L,w s, tn• laundry.
:lege Mrs, F Laweeni, JI. \'a.tCamp
knitted sacks. hammer handle. Jlrs, E
Lawson, ills, 0. Browning; bird
hOteee, Mrs. G. Ryland, 0. Browning.
judges -,11`. 1:, le Oestricher.
• Exeter.
Madeline Brintnell, eldest daughter
,ef Mir, and Mrs. Aleut Brintnell, aged
15 years, died in a London hospital
on Sunday, following an operation for
appendicitis, She is survived by her
pe en,a,.five, brothers and two sisters.
Mr, J. -R, Hind has sold his brick
residence on Victoria street to Archie
Hunter of Toronto,
-itis; Annie Simm.,ne. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Simmons, has en-
tered Victoria Hospital to train as a
nu rite. HILLSGREEN.
James Dignan has been in the Mrs. Ed. Hagan of North Dakota
leaca nn t business for 72 years, was a recent guest at the hone of
He is in his S6;h year and carries on Mrs, Anne Hagan and family.
business 55 issua/, walks nearly a mile Mr, Clarence Reichert of London
to work and home three tinny: a day. Business College spent the week -end
His wife died a fes' years age and he at his hone.
lives with his son Ed. lir, and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson and
Goderich, son Clarence spent the Keck -end with
The Blue Water Highway .1;socia- friends in Galt.
son met in Gaderich on Wednesday l[ies Lettie Love left for London
f :his week, inhere she will attend Normal,
The hawse •,f Neil McAdam south- Miss Mary Hae,itn t'lro has been
west of Gaderich, was destroyed by spending her vacation at the home of
fire :n the early morning of August her another and family, has returned
31st. to her duties in London,
Mrs. h Heherington, who has been lir, and Mrs, Robt, Stephenson
Clerk of Colborne township for many and family- were visited recently with
year.;' "has neoved to Toronto, where friends from Lucknow,
members of her family reside, The W. M. S. will hold their regular
Clinton, meeting at the hone of ifrs. ,J, Co -
Two Clinton young mets, Jack Gib-
chrane, and Paul Hovey, have 'return- The Iliilsgreen uitniversaay will be
ed frotn a hitch -hiking expedition of held on Sept, 21st. Services at II a,
two months, during 'which time they 10, and 7.30 p.m. conducted by Rev,
etY 12,000miles fnl.
ia ei e.
h BA., of
.Canadaandche United State The choly
areg renaria
P s e -
The death occurred in Lucknow on slat anthems. 1 p
Sept. 3rd, of :Mrs. George Robertson,
who was formerly Miss Mary Me- DUBLIN
Rev. R. S. Jones, B.A., rector of
Gorafe and rural dean of Huron,
preached in St, Paul's Church on
Mr. and firs James Johnston of
Seaforth '.
. f, s were visiting lir. and :firs.
Atex. Munn an Sunday last.
Mrs. George Thornton and son
Henry were visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Thornton.
Mr. John Holden has returned
bonne of erpending a week with bis
sons in L•nrdon.
Mr,. George Kir nen and Miss An-
tal Kistuer were visiting at the home
of her daughter. Mrs. Jos. Thornton.
ifr;. George Thornton and her son,
rf Cooktawn, were visiting at the
Monne of her sun, Mr, and Mrs. Jos,
Mr. George Stewart of Paris called
on Mr. George Bunn on Sunday.
lir. Ed•w, Regele is wearing a
broad smile these days since his wife
presented him with a baby girl
Mr. Charlie Munn is visiting with
friends in Paris for a week.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Leonard Leemiing and
son Ross were visiting Mrs. Leem-
intgs sister, Mr, and Mrs William
Simeon, of Russeldale.
Another highly respected citizen
passed away et his home in the Twp,
of Turnberry, on Wednesday, Sep-
tember 3rd, in the person of John J.
Fell. Deceased• was born in Lontdtes-
boro, and was In his 62nd year, He
was married in 1903 to Miss Eliza J.
Peacock, who, with their two sons,
George W. R. of Listowel, and je
Fletcher, of Toronto, ere left to
mourn the loss of a loving ,husband
and father, One brother, David, of
Seaforth, and ton sisters, Annie (Mrs.
Saul) of Toronto, restalso
and Lottie (Mrs,
Dunton) of
We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wm.Reilly of Dublin .had the misfortune to
get his leg broken last Saturday.
Mr. Joseph Feeney returned to St.
Peter's Seminary, London, on Mon-
day last.
NIr. Lewis Williams of Chicago,
who has been spending his vacation
here for the past three weeks, return-
ed home on Thursday last, He was
accompanied hoose . by his grand-
mother, :Mrs. Michael Walsh of Mc-
Miss Marie Benninger of Hamilton
spent She week -end at the ltome.og her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benninger, of
Dublin. •
John McGrath started to Stratford
Nornnal school on Tuesday,
Mr. James Krattskopf made a busi
, survive. ness trip to Stratford on Saturday,
Lnterment was made in the Wroxeter J[r. Pat Beim has treated himselfcemetery, the service at the house and to a new car,