HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-09-04, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ingram of
Pleasantville, N.Y., accompanied by
Mrs. P. H. Devlin of Stratford, call-
ed on Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren
last week,
Mr. Alex. McMurtrie of Toronto
ot ito
sspent the holiday with his mot
here, spent Saturday in
Mrs. Abe Case P
Mr. and Mrs., Neil Sparks and Mr.
Archie !Sparks of Detroit ere Visiting
for a few clays with friends here,
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Waite are
Visiting this •week with friends in To-.
Mrs. Ed. Taylor, left on 'Saturday
last for the west to visit her husband
who is 'lying serialis'ly ill there.
Mr. and Mrs. David (Smith ' and
daughter !Barbara :Jean of Detroit
were holiday visitors with friends
here. Webber are
Mr. and Mrs. Roy
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'Ort-
wein over "the holidtay.
Wilson Mc: and Mtrs \M.i soar of Toronto
spent, the week -end: at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Consitt.
spending this week in 'Toronto tak-
in'g_ in •the 'Evthib•ition.
Mr, and Mrs. Mark Drysdale have
retu•nnedt home after,a week's visit
`with friends in 'Toronto.
'Mr.' and ;sirs, 'Manley (Jinks on son
Ross of Detroit are visiting with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Jinka: , ,
Mr. Percy Grain of Lansing, Mich.,
spent the week -end at his home here.
Mr. iWiliiant Simpson, acconepan-
ied by his mother and sister, of De-
troit, spent the week -end with friends
London s: ent
:Miss Helen Elder of P
the week -end at her home here.
M:r, and Mrs. Thos. 'Hemphill of
Detroit are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hemphill.
The Sacred 'Band Concert put on
by the BlytH Citizen's- Band was
largely attended. Some 400 cars were
parked on the grounds and the large
grand stand was well filled and' the
crowd showed their appreciation of
the band numbers by frequent ap-
pleuse. During a short intermission,
Reeve 'Higgins in a short address an
behalf of the band, thanked the large
crowd present for coming out and
showing their appreciation of the
splendid music given by the band;
and hope to have another Sunday
evening concert put on before the end
of September.
Miss Madeline Higgins of Toronto,
is spending her holidays visiting at
the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mre. Robt. Higgins.
The public and continuation scaeols
opened on Tuesday with a 'large at-
tendance ; -ehulars, There were
14 new beginners in Mise Buchanan's
room. Mr. Claude ,Blowes is again
prs scipai of the pliant_ eche.ot with
Elis and Mice Buchanan assisting, n 'bun! ) the •le eacerl an 11•e
M:ss Irene 'Douglas '.las charge of neat eoinfertintely. Mr. Ted lie of
;l+ f Mr. ' Pr,_:hy''r.ut t'Intreh. and Rev. F.
Farm I and 'haringthe ,.lige,, or
•, u
F Pa:t'!
M,r�St ,
Cantel an. Miss Mary S.ewwar: •,f Sea_ ee i ey Woods sane
t �tr I. \1 � Ln.,
Death of Mr. William Reid.—Thera
passed to his Eternal Hio.nie on Fri-
d'ay, August 29th, one who was most
highly respected' in the community in
the person of Mr. William Reid, De-
ceased, who was se son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. John iReid, was born on the
leemestead' now occupied by his bro-
ther, ML•. Robert Reid; in. Stanley
Township; on October 31st, 1871.
There he .grew to manhood. On No-
vember 2Sth, 1908, he was united in
marriage to Miss Adelaide Davidson,
daughter of Hugh and Mrs. Davidson
ofdprich 'wthehithe home ofcereony
taking place at
thea, Robert, Goderioh road, after
which they left for their home in
Stanley township where they have re-
sided ever since. To this happy un'
ion was born one daughter, Sara El-
izabeth. Mr. Reid was a very pro-
gressive farmer, a quiet home -loving
man, possessing sterling olsaracter.
He ever put into practice high ideals
and he made a good, kind husband
and parent, a good neighbor and�ca
Christian. His presence will be much
missed in St. And'rew's United Church
where he was an elder when called to
Higher Service, and for a number of
years served' on the board of manage-
ment He became a member of the
Presbyterian Church when, eighteen
years of age. Until the past winter
deceased had always enjoyed good
health and during the latter part of
May underwent two serious opera-
tions and was ,making apparently good
progress toward recovery when he
took sick again. After being nine
weeks in the hospital he recovered
sufficiently to be brought home in an
ambulance and for the first month af-
ter returning home seemed to make a
Little progress toward recovery, but
he sank quickly during the last week.
Besides his sorrowing widow and two
daughters. he is survived by two bro-
ro-thers and six asters. John, of Dash-
wood; Robert on theStanley;
homestead; Sara
Mre. l:, Mlernerl, y ; Sari
t Mre. Wehsterl, Lucknow: Miss E.
Reid. Toronto. and the M1ieses Marg-
aret. Jane, and L. Reid of Bavfield.
One brother predeceased him in 1910.
The funeral ,which was largely attend-
ed, took piece from his late residence
on Sunday afternoon, interment in
Bayfield Ment a y. t.ervice watt in
charge e r the paetor, Ret. R. M.
t ee wh,, in ?., and res paid a glow -
Several 1st class land rollers, good
dump rake; spring tooth cultivator,
Massey -;Harris with seed grain attach-
ment—for sale, worth- the money,
See our Fertilizer Drills. Soil Pul-
verizers and Cultivators, Cream Sep-
arators and Complete Line of Farm
Machinery. Tractors, Threshers and
Trucks. Repairs strictly cash.
W. .
Agent for International Harvester
Co., Manufacturers of
neon lin, charge of 1 tut, II and 111.
Mr. Dennis Brietne . of Vandere
bin, Mich., was a holiday visitor in
Hct 1.1 -and also with his parents.
•• Mr.and
\i \ h'a t anent,: nem s tits- W. D. ;, cvctlson and family; , fri,:n.is here
i e,t i tui t,arietr . i Prayer." The
f l ll)ea ers were Messrs. Chas. Reid,
R , +err and Hugh Davidson. James
\\ 'as'.er, F 1,vard \Lerner anti David
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Neelln left on
Tuesday to spend a few days in Sea -
Miss Helen Cameron of Detroit
spent the week end and -holiday with
her sister, Miss E. Cameron.
Mr, Jas. Cameron, Isabel and Ey-
an returned hosase to 'Toronto on
Wednesday last,
Dr. and Mrs, G. Atkinson and two
daughters and Mr, and Mrs, George
Stanbury and family returned to Ex-
eter on Wednesday last having spent
the summer at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Dippet who spent the
past month in J. Pierson's cottage,
returned to Bowmanville on Monday.
Messrs. Lloyd. and Reg. Hodgins,
Mrs, Hodgins and Miss Mabel Hod-
gins returned home to Toronto' on
Mr. Churchward of London recent-
ly Purchased the cottage owned by
Mr. W. Bong.
Miss R. M. Fisher of Kitchener,
who recently returned from a trip to
the Old Country, visited her' aunt,
Mrs. F. Edwards, over the week end
.and holiday.
)Jr. and Mrs. E. H. I'ohns and sons
spent the week end at Wiarton,
Miss Dolly Ross, r -ho has been in
Toronto for the past two months re-
turned home on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and son
Glen of' London spent the week end
and holiday with Mrs. C. Park.
Mr. and Mrs Hamilton and sots of
Carlisle spent the week end with their
son, G. Hamilton at the Ritz Hotel.
Jerry ,as most know him, left on
Wednesday for his vacation, then
goes to Hamilton, where he has been
transferred. He has been here in the
Bank of Commerce for over a year,
has made many friends and will be
greatly missed. Mr. S. Spencer of
Dundee, succeeds hies and commenc-
e i hi- duties on Wednesday.
The following who own cottages
have returned to their homes: Mr.
mut Mia. C. B. Chapman and familee
Mr, and Mrs. E. Manness and sons,
Mr. and Mrs. W Robinson and fam-
ily. Mr and Mrs, Corbett and sons,
Mr anti Mrs. Buchanan and famiiv.
Mr. and Mrs. Temi:di g and family;
D- anti Mrs. Beet; Mrs, Stewart and
a:no:liters, London; and Mr, and Mrs.
i t tt Hibbert.
I and
Mir:, Ira.nel •t
-c McBride,oronto.
- many
were Brid
Dungan. .,1 1
el Mrs. „ . line Rev. alt
,et . e,.l 4
p c ••,
) lw of
6 Myth, t \\
41 t. were. r n+ tt rr,v l lta . Miustard and
Quite a few people . town attend- +•y• t, in rain.
P Toronto. Lanai- tinnily, who spent their vacation ehre
cal the bax!ng match at Exeter Sat Mi r.ini err.' 1. Th ympa . returned to Toronto on Saturday.
yr 1 w niant d I), The ,yntpathy of all Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Day and fanr
as le the bereavra.
ML_. ter. days
last • f Taromo ML P Bac ,n who has spent '1y left .m Toe, I'e for their home in
spent a taw day. 'est week viaiti tg i ,,,II? r wall her sister. Mrs. 1)elro'.t having spent the summer at
W. E. HHa .. n. l to London
t\ c..i, e-•.iar.
Mr. 1I, , clan has been relieving
E. 11. Janie w alto 00 inc vacation
\V. ! .1 . t ax amnia.
\fr. ma V \ ! t?. Burt and fain
t of Leaaten ,tit. the holielay with
atra a. ela Baker,
Mr a : i alre. McLean and two
i ,lien of.,arnia speot the week -end
with Dr. and Mre. Newton -Brady,
Mae, Anna- Elliott who spent the
utl.att:r -,viili. her alint, MN. Fraser,
returned tat Toronto on $ury,
Mr. aria arra-R7 W, Carla 61
her enter, MN. Harr} Arnold.
The Rev. Mr. Parker. rector of St.
Pau'- bas returned here after a
p'eaeant visit 'et his hr•me in Dar,
chc ter.
M -\au; C..nsitt who Itas been
away on a trip to the 01 '.--'untry, is
expected to he home linty.
Mr. Albert Smith f i, Lott spent
.seek-t'..d at Mont:
Mr. Ferris Canlelo , principal of
the C ,ntinua tan school was taken to
Seaforth hospital for an operation for
appendicitis. At present time of writ-
ing :le AS improving.
M., Milan Love is 'busy tide week
1: to in,ee hie large crop of to-
.Mfr, Har as Warner has ;nI1 lags
barbering business gentleman
from Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs.
Warner and chilaren intend residing
in Teeswater.
Magistrate Reid, Crown -attorney
Holmee and Constable Whitesides
were in town Tuesday morning hold-
ing court. A. young man from Hib-
bert was en trial for an assault. He
was sentenced to two months in God-
erich Jami.
'Misses Annie and Janet Maclntyre
spent last ,week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. •Fred Corbett of Hay.
Miss Mae McNaughton of Toron-
to spent the holiday at her home here.
Mr, Laird Joint of Toronto is
spending a few days with his mother
Mrs, P. Fisher and daughter Miss
Eleanor have returned home after a
week's visit with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hudson of
Chicago are visiting this week with
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hudson,
The Rev. Mr. Mcllroy preached in
the Presbyterian Church, 'Seaforth on
Sunday and the Rev. Mr. McGregor
took Mr. MaIiroy's work here.
Mrs. Crotch of Clinton, who has
been a guest at the home of Mrs.
John Murdoch, has returned to her
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wood of Ex-
eter Were in the village Monday call-
ing on friends,
Mrs. Wm. Consitt is spending a few
days with friends in 'Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ingram of Pleasant-
ville, N.Y., accompanied by Mrs. P.
H. Devlin of Stratford, visited at Mr.
,and Mrs. Fred Corbett's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle have
friends here frons Toledo, 0,
Miss Gladys Lukes is spending' her
holidays with' friends in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. McLean of
Hamilton are visiting at the home of
• Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore,
Mr. and Mrs. McMartin and daugh-
ter Marguerite are visiting with Mr.
.and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Dining, east
of the village, are taking in- the Ex-
hibition in Toronto,
Mrs. Talbot of London is visiting
at the home of her daughter, and son-
in- aw, Dr, and ,Mrs. Collyer.
Mr. Donald McKinnon ref London'
spent the week -end with friends here..
Miss Evelyn Hunkin who has been
visiting . at the home of Mr. W. L.
Meataren has returned to her home at
Thames Road.
.Mr, Milton Ortwefn visited with
f leve an? rieittel the latter's aunt,
MN. P. W. Baker for a few days last
Miss +'i.we_. Hoare, closed !ter gift
,. on • Monday and returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and
babe �f Toronto spent the week end
with her parents. Me. and Mrs. F. C.
Rev. an.1 Mrs. F. H. Paull leave
his week to `pend their vacation at.
T'+ronto and London. The former's
mother. Mrs. E. Powell, who has been
elating 'item. returned to her home
do I..onrion this week.
During the absence of the Rector,
the Venerable Archdeacon Jones -
Bateman of Goderich will • conduct
the services For the next two Sun-
days there will be a united service for
the three churches of the parish in
Trinity Church at eleven o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bristol and
Mr. C. C. Mothersen'd returned to
their homes in Washington, D.C.,
after spending the past month at Miss
M. E, Garrett's cottage.
Miss Ethel Cameron, who has spent
the summer with her aunt, Miss E.
Cameron and Miss Mildred Cameron
who spent several weeks here also re-
turned to Detroit on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. H. McLaren, Marion
and Christina who spent the past
week with Miss J. Stirling returned
home to Port Elgin on Sunday.
Master James Fisher, who spent the
past two weeks with his aunt, Mrs.
F. A. Edwards, returned to Waterloo
on, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ian McRae of SStratth-
roy, visited the latter's aunt, Mrs. M.
Fraser over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sander, Betty
and Bobby Sander, who were return -
Mg home from Port Elgin to Kitch-
ener, spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Edwards.
Mrs. J. Whittaker of Toronto is
the guest of Mrs. J. H. McLeod.
Miss Alma McKaiy of Toronto
spent the week end at her home. Her
sister, Miss Ella, returned to Toronto
with her on Monday for a, visit.
Dr, and Mrs. Shiel'd.s and. family
and Mr, and Mrs. Clement and Betty
returned home to Kitchener and Dr.
and Mrs. Livingstone to Waterloo on
Mon day,
Mr. Poiilockc, Miss B. P. Pollock
and Miss N. Smith of Kitchener were
guests Labor Day at the Lakeview
Mr, William Metcalf, who was hol-
allaying at his home left on Saturday
for Pittsburg being transferred from
Bodin, N.C.
co .lege.
MiseR. Kennedy and Miss H. Shea
are spending this week in Stratford,
\rigs Ixtura Parkinson of Detroit
ed her aunt, Miss Emily Osmond
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and Tan-
ner. r returned to London on Monday
t tr ing spent the sununer at their
Re:v. Mr. Goold and Mrs. Gould
,,n•1 family, who summered in Deer
Lr•dee Park, returned to St, Thomas
- eTv-
Mr, O. Kallb:as'cii Ens-rrne3
from his vacation at Mildmay and has
ennird his duties as principal of the
public school here and Miss A. Woods
a aceistant.
Mr. Cleghorit and son, T. Cleghortt
f Kitchener spent the week cad with
Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Gale. Mrs. R.
Richards -,n, Robert and Ruth return-
eturn,:ca to Waterloo an Sunday with them,
having spent several weeks with Mgrs.
Richardsons parents, Rev. and Mrs.
Mrs. A. Pye and two sons returned
to Windsor on Saturday having spent
several weeks with Mr, nand Mrs. C.
Miss A. McIntyre, who has been
the guest of Mrs. J. Pierson for the
past three months; returned to Strath-
roy on Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Grassie of Vancouver
were visitors at the hoine of Mr. and
it rs. James :MMcQ Been' this' week.
Mrs. Robb and daughter of St. Ca-
theri.nes spent the week end at .the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Moodie
and visited other friends.
Miss Robb sang a beautiful solo,
entitled ' in the Gard'en," at the mor-
ning service in the United Church
which was punch appreciated.
Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Bremner have
returned to. their home after spend-
ing a months' holidays.
Labor Day visitors: Mr. Jack ICet-
chen of Drayton, Mr. C. McKenzie,
of London; Mr. and Mrs, Ben Kaiser
of Detroit; Mr, Stanley Reid df Lon-
don, Miss Grace Addlison, Hayfield.
The manyy friends of Mr. W.
Stackhouse will be glad) fo he'ar that
he is able to be around again after
his serious operation. ,
Mr. William Dow's, many friends
will regret to hear that he had, the
misfortune to fall and break' his leg•
and is now in 'Sit, Joseph's Hoepital,
Mr. George Saran, station agent, is
holidaying at Toronto thiis week and
Mr, Sidney Thomason is supplying in
his absence. m
Miss Mamie Swan is visiting her
sister, Mrat Ham, of Toronto, this
Miss +Robb an'' .mother of Brussels
visited at the hones of Mr,- Jas.
Moodie avid Mr. Jas. McQueen last
Sympathy is felt for Mr. 'Ratten-
bury whq is suffering 'from a broken
leg. Mr. Ratten'bury when going fbr
his mail last- Friday evening, was
struck and knocked down by a bi-
Mr.' Andrew Petrie is confined to
his bed with the measles. 'We hope
for a speedy recovery.
•Mr. and Mrs. R. Dallas, who were
i11 with the measles; are able fo be
about their work again.
A few weeks ago Mr. Wm. Dow,
London ‘Road,was struck by the
barn door, which injured' his leg. He
was able to be up and around with
the use of crutches •when'last 'Thur,-
day he fell and broke his leg -where
it was injured before. The doctor
took him to ,London hospital on Fri-
day. Mr..Do'w, although he is over
eighty years old, is very active and
works one hundred 'acres of land.
Miss Violet •Petrie, who was visit-
ing her sister; Mrs, R. Allan, has
gone to Sault Ste. Marie to teach.
The Y!P.S. of Brucefield United
Church held their annual picnic to
Bayfield on Tuesday afternoon. Ow-
ing to the season there were not as
many as we would' have liked. The
results of the sports were as follows:
75 yds. dash, girls, Clete Pepper,
Mildred Taylor; 150 yds. dash, W.
Lan•d)sborough, W. Broadfoot; chum
race, H. Armstrong and M. Robins,
W. Broadfoot and D, Broadfoot;
graceful walking, J McIntosh and V.
Wheeler, W. Landsborough and C.
Popper; three-legged' race, C Pep-
per and M. Robins, L. Richardson and
E. Snider; boys' three legged race, H.
Armstrong and C. Armstrong; D.
McIntosh and B. .Landsborough; Sia-
mese Twin race, J. McIntosh and H.
Broadfoot, H. Armstrong and C.
Pepper; corn'flake race, J. McIntosh
and E. Broadfoot, D. McIntosh and
G. Broadfoot; necktie race, H. Arm-
strong and J. {Fatheringiham; D. Mc-
Intosh and C. Pepper. Sack race, girls
-C. Pepper and G. Broadfoot; Boys.
—.B. Lan'd's- borough and D. McJIn-
tosh. Soda Biscuit Race—'Bert Punt
nee, D. McIntosh. Slipper Race;
Girls—lHelen Broadfoot, D. Broad-
foot; Boys—J. McIntosh, J. Broad -
foot. The Y.P.S. hired' a boat and
everyone went for a boat ride, after
which a ntars'hmallow roast washeld
at the beach. A good time was en-
joyed byeveryone resent.
1Mrs. lder, who has been spending
the past six weeks with her aunt,
Mrs' Alex. Rose, left' for Toronto
last week.
Mrs. Annie Reid of Seaforth was a
visitor on Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Clifton 'in Stanley.
RED PATH SUGAR - +..............,.,.... 5.39
3.49 90 Pounds ROLLED OATS
RED ROSE TEA, per pound i. 49c
LIPTON'S TEA, per pound , ., .. • . • •, 49 C
Buy in Egmondville.
Grain Wanted—Pool and cash grain
wanted. We are prepared to pay you,
the highest possible priceandfurnish
you with bags and supply trucks. We
specialize in peas. Be sure and get our
Phone 54, Hensall.
Mr. Basil Lane of Toronto spent
bhe holiday with his mother, Mrs.
John Lane Sr.
Misses Nagle and Lavigne of Wat-
eho P theweek end with Mr.
r l spent n t e
o Moylan.
and Mrs. Thomas mas
Mr, John Williams of Detroit spent
the holiday with his parents, Mr. and'
Mrs. Pat ~Williams.
Miss Annie Feeney of Chatham,,
spent• se few clays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Feeney.
Messrs. Mike McQuaid and Jos.
Mlurphy of Detroit spent the week
end with frietsds here.
Thome McQuaid and Charles Ma-
lone have returned to their schools in
Windsor. •
Miss Rose McQuaid of St. Mich.
gel's Hospital, Toronto, .is spending
her vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Joseph McQuaid.
Miss Ann Dalton has returned, - to
Detroit to resume teaching.
Miss Mary McGrath of Toronto
'pent Labor d'ay with her-Farenls,
.Mir. and Mrs. P. H. McGrath. .„
lir, and Mrs. John Cronin and fa
mily of Detroit visited. relatives here
over the week end.
arise Edith Miles has returned to
her School et Guelph.
Mrs, Robinson of Northern Ontario
vi :ted at arr. F. Murphy's over the
Mr. and Mrs, J. Cronand Jos.
and Minnie of Detroit spent the week
with friends.
Holiday visitors are M. McQuaid,
Joe Murphy, Detroit P. McKeen,
.Monica O'Sullivan, Mary McGrath,
Miss Dalton, of Toronto.
Teachers returning to schools: T.
McQuaid and C. Malone, to Wind-
sor; Mildred' and Gertrude McGrath
to Waterloo; Mary Feeney to New
York; Helena Flannery, St. Agatha;
Margaret McGrath, to Brantford';
Annie Dalton to Detroit; Florence
Coyne to Preston; Lucy Bunke to
Se:paralte School, Ribbed.
The social held here fast week was
well attended. Blyth orchestra''pro-
vided excellent music. They realized
School has re -opened with Mrs.
Roy Scotchmer in charge at S. S. No,
4 South and Miss V. Herbert at S. S.
No. 4 North,
Miss Margaret Tough who spent
the holidays at her, left on Monday
for Shakespeare
Mrs. J. A. Oa'rnie is visiting rela-
tives at Brucefield, . Hensel! and Ex-
eter. .I
Colonel and Mrs. Currie, Miss Hel-
en Currie and Mrs. McKee, of To-
ronto, visited ,aver the week -end with
Miss Margaret Sparks.
Mrs. Will-Carnie and' sons Robert
and Bertram spent a few days last
week with Mrs J,M. C. Tough alt
Miss Margaret .Douglas of Blake
has secured- a ;school in: Goderich
Miss Joy Whitlock and Miss ,Win-'
ne 'Sntithsos of 'St. Thomas visited in
the neighborhood over the week -end.-
Mrs. A. MdFadls of the`2nd' conces-
sion visited her sister, 'Mrs. Wes.:
Horne recently.
Musses 'Bean'che• an'd Dora ,Down
and their 'brother of Strathroy visit-
ed iir'the 'vicinity on ISu'nd-ay last. •.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodgert and
fancily of ,tear ,Seta) loath and Mr. and'
Mrs. Clarence. Knight and family vis-
ited Mr, B. Cooper's last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John ,Allison and fam•
ily of Springfield' visited in the•n'eigh-
honhuod last week.
Mr. Thos. IPurcelf made a business
trip to London 'fast week.
Miss Elizabeth Murray has return-
ed Biome from' St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, much'improved in health.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Fergus Horan and'
Mr, Jos. ,Eckart spent Sunday - tak-
ing in bhe sights at the geyser 'in For-
Miss Mary Ellen Dempsey aleft last
Monday to'resunfe her duties as tea-
cher in Guelph. '
Miss Marie_ Murray has begun her
duties as teacher in Garmut s school,
Logan. '
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bra•ll and' fam-
ily, from Detroit, were visitors in our
burg last Stmday
Mr, anet Mrs. C. Eckert called' on
friends -here during the week.
Threshing will be of short duration'
in our burg as there are five outfibs
within a radius of 2% miles, with
good' returns,
Our school opened last Tuesday
With. Miss Helenn DelaneyneY es teacher
and, all the P 'uP its returned with the.
intention of another season of 'pros-
JIARIRIOITIT.—aln loving memory df
Christens J•arrott, who passed away
one year ego, Sept. 4, 1929.
No one knows the silent heartache,
Only those who knave lost can tell,
Of the grief that is borne in silence
For gone we loved so well.
—(Sadly ,ntissed by husband and
daughter. ,
DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London How-•
pital, London, England. Special.
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,.
nose and throat. Office and resists
ence behind Dominion •Bank., OfficePhone No. 5: Residence Phone 104.,.
ISR, F• . J. BUR'ROW'S, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street,.
east of the United Church. Coroner
for the County of Huron, Teiephone
No. 46.
DR. C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay.
honor graduate of Trinity University
and gold medallist of Trinity Medical
College; member of the College of,
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar'iei
Of House and Lot and Household
Effects.—At the' home of the late Mrs.
William Da,vidson, Goderich 'Street
West, on Friday, 'September 12, at
1.30 pan„ 'the following: 1 china cab-
inet and buffe't,'6 oak leather bottom
,dining chairs, other chairs, 2 ex'ten'si'du
tables, ,parlor suite, organ, 2 couches,
_bedroom, sets, small tables, linoleumis,
1 Wilton rug as good as new 9'x15',.
1 Brussels rug 9' x15', 2 tapestry rugs
smaller, I Quehec - cooking range as
good as new, 1 glass cupboard, 1 hall
rack, 1 Rayntlond sewing machine, 2
feather ticks and pillows, 1 Boor
lamp, waslhing„machine, coal oil stove,
wood • heater,' electric iron, an'd nsanv
other hlousehold articles. There will
be sold at the same time « 10 -roomed
brick house with hard and soft water
and ;bath, on a d'ou'ble rot on corner of
Goderioh and West William streets.
Terniis, on chattels, cash;- on house,
ten per cetyl. cash, baance thirty
ecutrix; Geo. 11. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Don't .forget the foobbail game at
Winthrop this Friday night .between
Hespeler and Winthrop. Game called
at 5.30 sharp. An open air dance will
be held on the grounds after the
game as this will be the last game
this season. We hope the boys have
a good crowd,
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard at-
tended the Harrin'g4Armatrong wed-
ding in London on,.Sa'tueday
Tlid 7655i1 $eo^p1s chat presented
the play, "Wanted a Wife," held a
weiner roast at Dod'd'shill last Wed-
nesday evening. After which a few
hours were spent in dancing in the
Winthrop Hall. All reported a good
Mr. and Mrs, ,Nelson Govenl'ock
called on friends in the,•' village on,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart and son
Kenneth spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Alonzo Spading.
Mr. Jahn Bullard and grandson.
"Jackie," spent the week -end with:
Mr. and Mrs. E. Smalldon of .Wel-
Mrs, George Alien and family, Mrs.
George Hook and family, of Stratford,
spent a few days' holidays last week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger'
McClure, McKillop.
Folks ‘ft sorry for Mrs. Burn's
When her only daughtermarried and
Moved away. `How you must miss
herl" they said. "Yes, I do, but she's
really only as far away at the tele-
phone. We are always visiting—by
Long Distance, It keeps me in touch
with them perfectly."
Easy Distance
Conquers Asthma, To be relieved
from the terribla suffocating due to
asthma is a great thing, but to • be
safeguarded'' for the future is even
greater. Not only does Dr. J. D. Kel-
logg's Asthma Remedy bring aecorept,
relief, but it introduces a new era of
life for the afflicted. Systematic in-
haling of s'nzoke or fumes from the
remedy prevents re -attacks and of-
ten effects a permanent cure.
Some little pigs for sale, oleo some
.broo'd sows,' Apply to StH'ERLOCIEC
KEY'ES, Barfield- road. Phone 6 on
622, Clinton' central. 36
Campbell Drain, McKillop
eiTreasurer will at
The Township be
his office, Lot 26, Con. 4, on Friday
afternoon, Se'p'tember 5th, to recetee
cash payntents on assessments on the
Campbell Drain.
39 • JOHN MCNIAY, Clerk.,
Horse and buggy, 1 driving mare,
4 years old, well broken and reliable;
also one rubber -tired top - buggy in
good shape. Apply to- ADAM HAYS,
Seaforth. -36tf
McKenzie's Chopping Mill is now
chopping and taking in grain every
day. Look fbr notice of Ayrshire sale
a Leatja., ,J, At bIc10ENZII_E, Seaforth,
D.R. F. J •R. FORSTER—Eye, Ear.
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of Toronto 1,97.
Late Assistant New York Ophtliab
mic and Aural Instil ;e; Jioorefieldfer
Eye, and Golden Square throat hos.
pitals, London. England. At Comm-
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday fa
each month, from 11 a.rn,, to 3 pew
Next visit in September.
ISR ,W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate•
Faculty of Medicine, University. et
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians -and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in A'berhar't'ie
Drug Store, Main St., Sesfortb.
Phone 90.
One Happy Thought range in 'fair:
condition, burns wood or Alberta
coal. Fine for a summer kitchen.
Man's raincoat, man's fug -'lined coat.
Both scarcely worn, small size. Bar-
gains for quick sale. Apply to The
News Office. 37.
One or two girl boarders. Apply to
The News Office. 36
For sale, 7 -roomed frame house on
'Goderich -Street West, Seaforth.
Splendid cellar with new furnace,
closets; three lots with large barn
and small fruits. Will be sold cheap
as positively must be sold. Apply to
Mrs. W. Weptcott, or Andrew Little,
Seaiforth. 41
Wed., Sept. 3.
Butter, per •lb.25e
Eggs, per dozen 20c 28c
Po'tatoes, per bag $1.50
Bogs, per cwt. , ....... $10.50411.00
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Battery Sales and Service
Charging and Repairing all makes of. Batteries
A good line of new and itsed' parts .of different makes of cars
If your car is in need of repairs, give us; a call
Studebaker Sales and Service
a1eis Garage
DR. J. A. MUNN Successor 'ti
Dr. R. R. •Ross, graduate of North.
western University, Chicago, Ill.'' Lt.
centiate Royal'College of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto. Office over 'SiffD
hardware, Main St., Seaforth; Photo
DR. F. J. BFCHELY, graduate
Royal College of ' Dental Surgeons.
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith'a
gofficerl8 W ,residence orth. 185J Phones.
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor,)r
O.L.S., Registered Professional Ea-
gineer and Land. Surveyor, Associate
Member ` Engineering Institute e4
Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont.
'D. L. ROSS, Barrister and Solicit-
or, Notary Public. Hours 9 a.m.-2 :pia.
and 7 p.m. Office above Phillipa]'
Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. Phone 6.
Auctioneer for the Couny of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Hanoi.
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First-Clase
Companies. - . - _.. ._..
Mutual Fire
Officers—James Connolly. Goder-
ich; Alex, James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -'Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagea;
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Yo-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea-
forth;- J.,M.:Sholdice. No. 4, Walton;
Robert erris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Bructefield,
Agents—'James Watt, Blyth, r,r.
No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesviile; R. - G. Jarmouth, •
Bornholm. James .Kerr and Jobs
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. ParIiee
desirous to effect insurance or true -
act -other business will be promptly
attended to len application to any of ..
theabove named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
a f �a
Life am'on'g the high -dying. trapese
_artists. From the novel, 'Here Cosines
the (Band -{Wagon.''
The action is always human and
sympathetic and' the thrill's at times
Cornell Woolrich's story that woo
tite $10,000 "College Homer" prize