HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-09-04, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1930
Every Superior. Chain Store is owned and' operated by IItidependennt
Canadian Grocers—every, cent iuves!ted in .the Superior Stores is
Canadian—ail people connected with them are Cranad!lans, This is
trulyan ell -Canadian Organization•and one that all Canadians should
be proud of and ,glad to su,p!port. If you would help the growth and
prosperity of your own coinmlunity—support local enterprise—watch
for the shores with the Orange and Mack fronts, they—
I•tons for Week Ending'Sep!teni'ber 10, ,1930
EAGLE BRANtD MILK per air19 c
CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, Med. size , , .i2' tins 19 c
NEW HONEY, 4 ib. 8 ozs
"Help yourself to health" �v/
SURPRISE SOAP, "A pure, hard Soap" 5 bars 25 c
JEWEL SHORTENING, l's "Made by Swift's" 2 lib's. 29 c
Interlake, Toilet Paper ....... ......................... 3 roll's 25c
Benson's Corn Starch per pkg. 11c
Princess Flakes, with 1 trial pkg. Free large pkg. 23c
Royal; York Tea, %''s 28c 1 s 55c
Ivory Soap, medium size..._.. • • • • .. • • • • • • • 2 cakes 19c
Chateau Pasteurized Cheese r/z lb. 19c
Premium Tea, with Vase or Cup & Saucer Free. 1's 59c
Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, %'s' 30c 33c's 1'sl ,59c
Vi -Tone, "Delicious Hot or Cold" i4'. .. , .
Green Giant Peas—large and sweet each 25c
Nonsuch Stove Polish r each 18c
Kraft Salad Dressing 8 oz. 25e
Kraft Tasty Spread 8 oz. 23c
Maple Leaf Sockeye Sahnbn /'s... , 2$c l's..; .,. • . • • • • ,48c
Glacier Sardines '
Licorice Allsorts
Tangiefoot Fly Spray
Fly Coils, hangers doz. 25c 4 for, • . ........ ..... . 10c
Zinc Rings per doz. 19c
Best Quality Rubber Jar Rings
Glass Tops for -jars per doz: 20c
Orb Coffee, "Talk. of the town" 1 lb. tin 49c.
10 lbs. Redpath. Yellow of Gran. Sugar 56c
New Pack Peas, No. 4's 3 tins 25c
2 tins 25c
IA lb. 17c
3 doz. 10c
9 doz. 15c
Ross J. Sproat
A. Jeffery phone
Phone 8
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full,
Calf in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better -"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaforth, Creamery SeaforthOnt.
D. H. Mclnlles
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
W, J. Walker 86 Sox
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished,
Night or day phone 67.
For Catarrh. --It is one. of the chief
'recommendations of Dr. Thomas' Ec-
7ectrfc Oil that it can be used internal-
ly with as much success as it can out-
ward'ly. Sufferers from catarrh will
'find that the Oil when used according
to directions will give prompt relie'f.
Many sufferers from this ailment have
'found relief in the Oil and have sent
Pianos Tuned •
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Howey
Phone 327-J. Centre St.
Mr. Wm. McLean of Hamilton vis-
ited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J•' B.
McLean, over the •holiday.
Miss Rose McLean, Miss Gladys
McLean, Miss Elva Anderson and
Mies Mary Thompson have all re-
turned to their various schools for
another term of teaching.
'Mr. 'W. 11. Cooper spent Saturday
in London. Mr, Cooper has purchas-
ed a new bean threshing :outfit.
lvliss Etta Jarrott has returned to
Toronto after spending the summer
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Jarrott.
•Miss Helen Dinsdale of Stratford
is spending her vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dinsd'a e,
Miss Etta Bell of London visited
her parents,. Mr. and Mrs, 'A. Bell,
Rev. and Mrs. J. Richardson of
Drunvbo are visiting their relatives in
this vicioi''ty.
Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is a
quick, certain remedy for Hoof Rot
or Thlrush. Flour or five applications
are usually enough.
Mr. 'Fran'k.I3, Rankin .of Detroit is
spending two weeks' vacation at his
home 'here,
• Mr.. John Butts of Flint, Mich., is
visiting his parents;' Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. Butts.
Mess Gore Strong has returned.
home after spending a week in
Miss Annie Strong spent last week
in Woodstock. .
Mr. Frank Keys of Niagara Falls
was a visitor in town renewing ac-
Mrs, Wm, Hanna is- moving this
week to Stratford where her daugh-
ter Mina will attend Nlorttial school
this coming term. - •
Mr. and Mrs, Keith Lamont of De-
troitspent the, week-en"d and holiday
with the former's_'father, Mr, Alex.
Lamont, •
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McIntosh of
Dobroltare visiting Mr. and Mrs. j.
J. H,uggard,
Mr. W. H. Little left louring the
week for Port Dover where he is
Principal of the Port Dover school.
Mr, J. M. Lambkin of Tara and Mr.
F, Cunningihatn' of Kilsyth were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gold-
ing on Sunday, '
Misses Jean and Annie Brodie left
during the week to the schools where
they will teach this year,. the former
at Goldenberg and the batter at Ar-
Rev. and Mrs, J. Melvin Keys and
daughter Mildred of Oakdale, Penn,,
returned T'hursday after spending two
weeks with Mr. Keys' mother, Mrs.
W. L. Keys.
Miss Dolly Carlin is - visiting with
friends in Detroit and Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna accom
paned by Mr. Amos Keys and Mr. and
Mrs. Ben. Keys motored to Colborne,.
Northumberland Co., -where they
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
R, Keys. -
Mr. Harold Funston of Tara was a
week -end guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Webster.
Mrs. John Webster, Centre street,
and daughter, Mrs. 0. Leach, and the
latter's daughter, Esther Mae, of
Champaign., Ill„ who are visiting in
town, and Mr. Lawrence Webster,
spent a few clays in Toronto last
week. '
Mr. Walter Hoegy of Detroit is
spending a week's holiday . with his-
par.ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hoegy.
Mr. Thos. Smith of Cobourg was a
holiday visitor at his home.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Stark of Wel-
land returned Monday after visiting
the farmer's mother, Mrs. A. E. Stark.
Mrs. M. Dalton left Thursday to
visit in Detroit,
Mr. Thomas McAdam of - Mount
Forest is' spending his holidays in
town, -
Dr, and Mrs. Paul Freeman and
tittle son of Springfield Ont, called
on ide and Mrs. W. J Bickell and
tither fniends on Labour Day.
Mr. and Mrs, Win. Anent spent the
%reek -end at Kincardine.
Mr, Jack- Hinchley left on Monday
for Brantford to resume his position
on the high school staff there.
Mr. Clayton Constable of Oshawa
is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs,
Jas. Nixon, and renewing acquaint-
ances in town,
Mrs, R. H. Sproat has ' returned
from visiting friends in Detroit and
Miss Eileen Flannery left Friday af-
ternoon for Toronto where she 15 on
the staff of the Corpus Chniste school.
Mr. David Felt isinToronto at-
tending• the wedding of his, niece, Miss
Mrs. :Frances Wise is visiting
friends in Clinton this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Gl•adson Camp-
bell were the guests of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Hunt,
for several days fast week, before tak-
ina up residence in Toronto,
Mrs. J F. Snowdon and . family
spent Labor Day in Toronto.
Miss Elva Jefferson left on Monday
to take a position on the staff of the
Roseland school near Windsor.
The registration at the Seaforth
Collegiate Institute • this year is
about 190.
.hiss Marjorie Bickell returned on
Monday to Toronto to resume her
position on the schools' staff there.
Miss Eva Fee left on Saturday for
her school at Garson, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Mid'dleritost and
son Robert and Miss Mildred John-
ston, alt of Hamilton, spent the week-
end. at the home of Mr, and Mrs. T.
hisses Thelma and Mildred John-
ston left on Monday for their schools
at -Elgin, Ont., and Waubaushene,
Ont., respectively.
Miss Bertha Beattie returned on
Monday to her school in Toronto.
Misses. Ida and Eva Love Deft on
Saturday to resume their positions on
the staff Of the Toronto schools.
Dr. Aubrey Orich and Miss Ger-
trude Crich, froth of Toronto, spent
the holiday week -end with their par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, W. A, Crieh. Miss
Crich who has spent the summer at
Camp 'Franklin, Georgian Bay, re-
sumes her position on the staff of the
Toronto schools this n -eel:,
Miss Margaret Crich is spending the
week in Toronto taking in the exhib-
Mr. Wayne Wiudisch- and: Mr.
Rowian'ie Sprotat have returned to
Detroit. -
Miss Helen Dickson returned to her
school in Toronto os Saturday.
Miss'- Hattie Dalton of Toronto
spent the holiday with her • another
Mr. end Mrs. M. lvtdFhee and Miss
Gladys •MdPlhee motored on Monday
to Blenheim where. the latter has ac-
cepted a position on the sthff of the.
high school.
Mr. 'Lawrence Webster left on
Monday to resume teaching in Sand-
Mr. Frank Hogg left Saturday for
Tlsanvesford where he has been en-
gaged to teach this 'year.
Mr. Cliff Trott left this week to
teach iu a school in Carleton county.
Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Kerslake of
Staffs' were guests . of Mrs. Hugh
Wright on Monday,
Mr. Percy Haag has retuned to
Hagersville after spending the sum-
mer holidays at his hone.
Mr, and Mrs. John Wright of De-
troit, spent a few days this week with
Young wren wtho expect to reside
in Seaforth or vicinity for some
timeandwishing to learn, the
playing of band, instruments, can
get flee tuition by'joining band
class of learners. Leave Your
name with E. L. BOX,
his sister, Mrs. Dalton. -
• Miss Marion Scarlett left on Mon-
day -forGeorgetown where she has ac-
cepted a position on the staff of the
Cedarvale Girls Residential school.'. -
Miss Dorothy Hutchison visited
her cousin, Dr. Frank Price, in Kitch-
ener -last week, also her brother
Lorne in Toronto, spending two days
at the Echiblition'before returning to
her school in St. Catharines, which
opened Sept. 3.
IIvIr. and Mrs. Hugh Sproat, Mary
and :Margaret of Detroit, spent ' the
holiday with Mr. Jho, Sproat.
Mr, and. Mrs. Fred C. Hord and
sou' Fergus, Mrs. Richaird= Babb of
Hamilton, and Miss Lily Babb of
Mitchell, called on Mr. and Mrs. F. D.
Hutchison on Sunday.
Mr. E. W. Edge of Toronto spent
the week end With his farther, Mr. H.
Mis's Alice Knechbel returned on.
Monday to her, school at Kitchener.
Mrs. W. N, Knechte1 and Miss
A'tice Knechtelwere in Mestford over
the week -end visiting the fornner's
daughter, Mrs. Secord.
Mr. Ivan Hargreaves and Mr. Peter
-Hargreaves of Toronto were week-
end guests with: Mr. and Mrs. T. G.
Shillinglaw. Miss Gladys :5'hillinglaw
returned with them on Monday to re-
sume her position on the staff of the
Toronto schools.
Mr.' and Mrs.' L C. Jackson and
son Mr. Louis Jackson, and Mr. Fred
Powell•' are spending two weeks at
Bruce - Beach,
Cod. R. S. and Mrs, Hays, Miss
Mary and George D, Hays motored
to London on Monday last where
George resumes " his study at the
Technical High School. George took
honors in his principal subjects dur-
ing his second tern and enters upon
his third terns with bright prospects.
Miss Bessie Grieve returned on
Monday to her position on the staff of
Chatham Vocational School.
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Bates of Ta-
ranto and Mr, and Mrs. Herb Bates
of. Melville, Sask., spent a few days.
at the home of Mrs• R. H. Ferguson.
Mrs. Adams and- children, Toronto,
are visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Adams.
Mr. J. B Myers, of Montreal, is a
guest at the Rectory with his brother,
Rev. J. F. Myers, and his mother,
Mrs. J. E. .Myers.
Mrs. W. 0. Fowler, who has been
the guest of the Misses Crresswel'l for
a couple of months, is visiting her
niece, Dr. Calder in Winghant, before
proceeding to Vancouver for the
Mr, John Pollock of Kincardine,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollock and family,
of Ripley, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Tyerman.
Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Jardine and fam-
ily, Point Clark, were guests of Mr,
and Mrs, Tyernan on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Fairservice of
Londesboro spent Sunday with the
latter's sister, Mrs. Melville,
Mr, and Mrs. L. Braid and family
r'hturned to Detroit after spending the
week -end with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, C. Eckert.
Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson of
Detroit and Mr, J. A. Wilson are
spending tliis week in Toronto,
Mrs. John Bruxer of Dublin, and
Miss Macy Bruxer of Chicago, calleid
on friends here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates, of
Haveloole, visited friends in Seaforf'h
and Brussels last week. They were
returning from a trip to California
and the Pacific Coast, travelling over
9,000 miles in less then a month.
!Rev. and Mrs, Phillip Barker and
family of Brandon, Man., spent last
week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Kerr. •
'Miss Florence Fowler spent last
week in Port Huron, Miss Edna
Jawette of Port Huron aceonrpanied
her home and spent the week end
'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Partridge, who
spent the week with the tatter's par-
ents, Mr. end Mrs. Jas. Kerr, return-
ed to Toronto where lair Partridge
is on the staff of Bloor Collegiate.
Mr. Leslie Kerr also returned to To-
ronto to resume his (position on the
staffof .Malvern Collegiate.
Mir. Fred Jackson left on Sunday
for his school at Merrickville. His
brother Louis accompanied hint to
Misses Bessie and Margaret Grieve,
who returned recently from a trip up
the sakes from Sarnia to Duluth, spent
A Word to
.• to Owners
for the new amendment to the
which comes into force on
SEPTEMBER 1st, 1930
Drop in and let us explain to
you just what is required un-
der the new amendment, .
Nothing to worry about if you
have a policy in the
of London, England
One of the strongest in. the British
2ssted by ..
A. D. Sutherland
Conveyancing, Real Estate
Investments, Etc.
J. M. McMillan, Manager
Daily, 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
and 7 to 9,30 p.m•
Wilfhefr dreams
Uome True?
HOW welcome ready money will be to your
children when they grow up! How
much it will mean to you to be able to help
them towards their ambitions. -
Even one dollar is enough to start a fund
which may mean the first steps to success and
happiness. Open an account today! A
little added each week will build up a substan-
tial sum in a few years Interest is compound-
ed at a generous rate. The Government 'of
Ontario itself is your security!
And in the meantime, the whole or any part
of the money on deposit can be withdrawn
at any moment you need it.
Seventeen Branches Throughout Ontario.
a couple of days at :the week -end at
Tara visiting friends.
Miss Margaret Jackson leaves on
Thursday to attendthe wedding of
her niece, Miss Ethel Jackson of
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Pecketder of
Flint, Mich., are visiting the latter's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. firm, Charters.
Mr. Jack Ciuff and wife, of Buffalo,
have been visiting his mother its town,
BENNETT. — In Scott Memorial
Hospital. Friday, Aug. 29, 1930,
Floyd, the 'infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Foster Bennett, age 4 days.
Murray -Kennedy. St. James'
Church, Seaforth, was the scene of a
pretty wedding on Saturday morning,
August 30th, when Emily Elizabeth
Kennedy, of Windsor, " daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kennedy of
Tuckersmith, because the bride of
Freak W. Murray of Detroit, son of
Mrs. James Murray of Hamilton. Miss
Hilda Kennedy was her sister's bride-
smaid and the groom was attended by
his brother, Mr. Joseph Murray of
Dunnville. Following a honeymoon
spent in Montreal and Quebec. Mr.
Wild Mrs. Murray will reside in De-
troit, Among the guests from a dis-
tance were Mrs. James Murray of
Hamilton and Mr, Joseph Murray of
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hayter and
family spent the week -end with the
fornter's parents, iJrs. :A.. Ross.
Mr, John Clark of Listowel spent
Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Chas.
Mrs. Chas. Topp and family of
Buffalo 'spent a few days last week
with their copsins, Mr. and Mrs
John Elsie.'
Mr. Will Gormley of Hamilton is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Hugh Mc -
Mills S.
Miss' !Effie 'McKay is under the
doctor's care and was removed to the
Seaforth Hospital. We hope for a
speedy recovery.
\tis; Margaret McKay has return-
ed home after spending a• few days at
Toronto Exhibition.
Your Voice Is You
Science has made the reproduction
of the human voice so +faithful, so
perfect, that one identifies a distant
friend at once, over the telephone,
That is why ,greetings by telephone
are so welcome, so satisfying. Why
not send your greetings by '•Long
Live or dead horses and
o ses cows
free of charge. We pay for
the phone call.
William Stone Sons
Phone 22, Ingersoll
Phone 215' W, Stratford
A reception was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, T. W. McMillan on
Thursday everting of last week when
about 100 friends gathered in honor
of Mr. and Mrs, Giadson Campbell
(nee Edith Hunt). A delightful ev-
ening was spent in cards and dancing
and an impromptu .programa of songs
and readings.
Mr. and Mrs. McDowell of West-
field were guests at the home of Mr.
and. firs. R. Caldwell on Sunday.
'Nurse Lyon of Windsor is spending
her two weeks vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon of the
gravel road.
Miss Pickard of Windsor is at pres-
ent the guest of sins. \V. Lyon of the
grovel road.
Miss M. Cartwright visited her
friend, Miss IL. Garrett of the gravel
on Sunday.
Mr. B, Brunsdon spent the week
end with his sister, Mrs. D. Vodden
of Hallett.
Mr. and. Mrs. J, Knox and daugh-
ter of Caledonia who spent some time
with friends in the community have
returned. - -
Mr, and Airs. Cardiff of Grey were
recent visitors at the home of M'r. and
Mrs. Beacom of the 13th con,
Mrs. J. Snell of near Clinton spent
the week end with L-ndesboro friends,
Mr, and Mrs. G. McVittie motored
to Toronto last week.
Mr, hick Lyon of the gravel road
left Monday to resume his duties on
the teachers' staff at 1<itche,er, -
Mr. E, Gray of the 13th concession
trent to Palmerston Monday where
be has taken e position on the teach-
ing staff.
A pretty wedding was -solemnized
at Hillcrest Farm on Wednesday,
Aug. 27th, when Alberta Maud May,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H. 13.
\1000 was united in marriage to Mr.
Fred Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Matthew Armstrong of Hullett. The
ceremony -which took place at 11 a.
nt. was performed on the verandah,
which was prettily decorated for the
occasion. To the strains of Loheu-
grin's Bridal Chorus, played by :Miss
Maud Ferguson of Seaforth, the prin-
cipal parties took their places under
a beautiful arch and Rev. J. W.
Johnston of Londeaboro spoke the
mystic words which made them man
and wife, The bride w:ito was given
in marriage by her fattier was attired
in a gown of sifetl pink gorgette with
veil caught with orange blossoms and
mcarriaidedenhaira bptsfern. t&iet pfThere sweet were pea; sixtanyd
guests .present including relatives
from Toronto, Clinton, Blyth, Strat-
lord, Seaforth, Port Colborne and
Pontiac, Mich. During the signing of
the register the pianist played Men-
delssoini'i wedding march. After the .
congnatulationa, dinner was served on
the lawn .and' the efficient waiters
were eight girl friends of the bride,
The happy couple left amid a shower
of confetti ort a motor trip to Toron-
oronto and Niagara Fa'lis, the bride wear-
ing a suit in near French apricot
shade with hat and shoes to match.
The presents were beautiful and cost-
ly, among theta being several ebe-
que.s, an electric iron and toaster
from the bride's S. S. class and a
cabinet of silver from the groom.
The groom's gift to the pianist was
a gold bar pin. A kitchen shower
was given to Mr. and Mrs, Arm-
str ung at the home of Mrs. C. Rud -
dell on Tuesday evening where a
large number of friends -gathered and
sunt enjoyable eo4enin ', The
spent au � } S
carious ;gifts were thoughtfully chos-
en and included many useful articles.
Mr. and Ars. Armstrong will reside
at Grimsby. The- best wishes of a -
host of friends go with them to their
new home.
Many children die from the assault
of worms, and the first care of mo-
thers Should be to see that their in-
fants are free from :these pests. A
rernsifuge that can be depended on is
Miller`s Wortn .Powders. They will
not only expel worms front the sys-
ystem, but act as a health -giving med-
icine and a remedy for many of the
ailments :that beset infants, enfeebl-
ing g them and endangering their lives.
To give you the Lowest Possible Prices Consistent with
Highest Quality.
The Home of Buttermilk 'Scones—have you tried them ?
Variety of Breads improves every meal.
Buns, Cakes, Pies and Cookies always on hand.
ur Special.—COCOANUT Saturday Spec al. COCD'ANUT COOKIFi$
2 dozen �Cv
(If we please you, tell others; of not, tell us)
T. R. Anderson