HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-08-28, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1930 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. MONEY GOES FARTHER -BUT STAYS HOME Your money goes a long way but it never leaves hoine when you buy from Superior Chiain Stores. You will find a Superior Store •near you, operated anti owned by your neighbor, meeting competitive prices with high quality goods and giving an honest weight and measure, The storewith the orange and black front,, where courte- ous, efficient service awaits you, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for Week Ending. Sept, 3, 1930. .FRY'S PURE BREAKFAST CO:COA RED COHO'Fr SALMON OXYDOL, 'Cleans Everything" TA's 19c l's 29c large "kg,19c MANYFLO WERS TOIiLET SOAP ...... , .. • • 4 cakes 25 c TODDY, "Serve Hot or Cold"..i, .8 oz. Tins 33c 16 oz. Tins.. 53c , Pay lc extra and get a 35c "Ten Second" Mixer. New Peek -Sea Kin Lobster %'s 23c /'s 35c Ingersoll Cream or Pimento Cheese 2''pkgs25c Kara Coffee, "The Secret Blend" 4's....31c l's - 59c Carnation Milk, large 2 tins 25c GoldSoap ................................................4 cakes 25c McLaren's Queen Olives 19 oz. 25c McLaren's Stuffed Olives 11 oz. 35c High Grade Vinegars and Pure Spices for your Pickling wants.' Crown Jars, small 99c doz, Medium Swansdown Cake Flour per ',kg. 39c Pep, Bran Flakes, Muffets, Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs, 25c Choice .Quality Peaches 2's 25c Good Size Prunes 2 lb. pkg. 29c A. & H. Sal Soda each 10c .. , .... ,„ 3 pkgs,. 25c Campfire Marshmallows 8 oz. tins 23c Welch's Grape Juice pints 35c Nugget or 2 in 1 Shoe Polish each 12c Wire Fly Swatters 10c 'Rubber 15c Heavy Zinc Rings per. doz. 19c Best Quality Rubber Rings 2 doz. 15c Sweet Adeline Molasses per tin 10c $1.09 Ross J. Sproat A. Jeffery Rhone Phone 8 77 Cream Cream HIGHEST PRICES COURTEOUS SERVICES Deliver your ,Cream to us and receive your cash in full. Ca11 in our cream drawer and receive our services.. We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading and testing. No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial." Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont, C. A. BARBER. D H. McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaford] Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treeted, Electricity used. 1 W J. Walker 86 Son UNDERTAKING —and EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W, J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. ANNIMMOIMI For .Catarrh.—It •is one of the chief recommendations of Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil that it can be used internal- ly with as much success as it can out- wardly. Sufferers from catarrh ` will fired that the toil when used according to directions will give prompt relief, Many sufferers front this ailment have found relief in the IOiI and: have send, testimonials. Pianos Tuned Cl- eaned and e Rair ed P Chas. A. Howey J Phone 327-J. Centre St. 1 BRUCEFIELD. The annual flower show of the 03rucefield Horticuitural'Society which was to have been held the first week in September, is withdrawn owing to the dry season, The judges will be around to inspect the school grounds, sometime early in the month, Miss Annie Mustard of London vis- ited at the home of her parents in the village last week. Mr, end Mrs. rMcQueen ' s J motored to Wing.ham and visited et the 'home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Cosens and also visited Mrs. J. Arden of • Blyth last week. Miss Laura Swan of Toronto is spending her vacation,at her home in the village, Mrs. Hays and daughter of Brant- ford are visiting at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs, D. Tough and Mrs. Stevens this week. Miss Annie Mustard of. London is spending her holidays at the home of her 'parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Mus- tard. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c TOWN TOPICS. Mr. J, Theison spent "they w end here and returned on,Tuesda Detroit, accompanied by Mrs. T son and son Donald, .who have holidaying for five weeks with mother, .Mrs. Carbert. Miss 'Elinor and Mary Broad spent their holidays with their co Mrs. Lorne Dale, Mr,and Mrs. Teck and family Saginaw Mich., were guests of and Mrs W. H. Golding for sev days this week. Mr, C, J, Shockcor, Hugh Sproat, antd.Waync Windish spent Week -end in town, Mrs. Sbockcor. children returned Sunday with iShockcor, accompanied by Shockcor's mother, Mrs. Joint Sp Miss Mary Carty is holidaying Toronto with Mrs. Harrisbrook. Miss Misty Turner isspendiiig 'holidays in Toronto and Clinton Miss Loretta Faulkner is holiday en Toronto this week Mrs. B May, of Chicago, and E Roach of ' Kerrobert, Sask., visiting aheir sister, Mrs. P. Walsh,. Mrs, D. C. McDonald of Winn' is the guest .of Mrs. Sarah Pullma �Mr, Wm, G. MdNay leaves week for Duart, Ont., where he been engaged as teacher, Mr. W. J'as. Sims and Jamie, Blyth, spent Sunday at the home Air. Lorne Dale. Miss Grenevere "Schultz of P.rest is spending two weeks' holidays the home of her alta, Mrs. Ch Finkbeiner, Mrs, A. McLean of •Buffalo is vi ing her brother, Mr. John Matson. Mrs, Chas. Hays of Detroit the guest of Col. and Mrs. R. S, Ha this week. Master Stanley Hays : spent the summer here, returned w his mother. Mrs. Ales. Kennedy of Windsor visiting her .brother-in:law: Mr, R band E.ennedy, Tuckersmith. Miss Bertha Grieve of Toronto spending her holidays' in town w her parents, Mr, and Airs. T. Grie Mrs, William Sorters of Stratford spending a couple of months with and Mrs, Alf. Brown, MellCilivp. Miss Mildred Turnbull and Mrs. R..Hillis and son have returned Toronto after visiting their moth Mra. G. T. Turnbull. Miss Isabel Hableirk of Wingha was a guest last week at the home Mr. Lorne Dale. Air. William Faulkner has return from spending his holidays in ron to, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kline and cthil ren, of Pontiac, Mich., are visitin Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mero, Among those who attended the fu eral of Miss Vera Littlejohn at Ga on Monday were Mr,and Airs. W. Sholdice, Mr. and Airs, Richar Kruse and. George, Mr. and Mrs, Wi liam Sillery, Mr, and Airs, Joh Modeland, of Seaforth, and Mr. e Mrs, John Quail of Clinton, Decease was twenty -hyo years of age. She ha been i11 for some time and was stric en with paralysis the day before he death. Miss Littlejohn alas the onl daughter of Mr. and Airs. Jame Littlejohn of Galt and formerly Gorrie. Besides her parents, she survived by one brother, William an she was a niece of Mrs. Sholdice an Mrs,Sillery. Airs. Flannery and daughter Oliv also Miss Grace Kirby, have return to their harries in Chicago, havin spent the past few .weeks with the fo titer's mother, Airs. P. Walsh, Mrs. R, G. Parke and son Georg were Walton visitors on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. R. Stonehouse an son, of Goderich, spent a few clay last week at the home of Mr and Mr J. B. Tyerman. Mrs, R. H, Ferguson and tw daughters are spending a. few day with relatives in Londesboro Miss. Mabel Turnbull is visiting f Toronto this week. Mrs. Tony 'Brown and fancily. o 'Chicago, called on.friends here thi week. She was formerly Miss Eliza beth Krauskopf from Dublin end lel here forty-one years ago and finds great many changes. Miss Lois Robinson of Blyth i visiting her sister, Miss Dorothy. Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. G. Hays and Mis Lucy Eckert from Detroit spent the week end with their parents.• Mrs. Peter Dodds and daughter Clarissa, of Chicago, have just return- ed hone after a very pleasant visit with friends and relatives. in McKil- lop, H�olinesville, Hullett and Sea - forth. While in Seaforth they visited the Scott Memorial Hospital. Miss Carolyn Sims of Blyth was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lorne Dale on Sunday; Mr, and Mrs. Milder, of Espanola, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. D. -Armstrong on Sunday, Mrs. Miller is a niece of Mr, Armstrong. Mrs, S. P. S+lean, of. Ottawa, is visiting Mrs, 5, F. Snowdon this week, Miss Mary Finkbeiner of the post - office staff, has resumed her position after spending her holidays in Cleve- land, Ohio. Mr, and Mrs, Ben Roberts of New York are visiting Mr; and Mrs. J. A. Case this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen returned on Sunday after spending a• month in Muskoka. • Mr. and .Mrs: Stewart Murray and son Bud Of Pittslburg, Pa., are spend- ing a' couple of weeks with Mrs. Mur - ray's aunts, Miss Edith Davidson and Mrs J Stewart. Mr.. James Robb and Miss Jennie Rabb were called bo Detroit on Sat- urday to see their breather, Mr. John Robb, who is very low, following a second stroke. Mrs. McClelland and children of Toronto who have been spending the summer here, returned on Tuesday, Mr.Sid, Pullman ;has purchased Mrs. Geo. Stpaelcs house on Market street, ' Vir. "and -Mrs. H. W. Hart were in Clintott Wednesday attending the fun- eral' of the late Harvey Sundercock. Miss Ethel McDougall, RN., re- turned' Saturday to Detroit after. spending two weeks at her luomte. Mrs. Downard and daughter Mary, of Englelhart, were guests at the homey of her father, Mr. W. R. Smillie. Mr. and Mrs, Robt, McKay and Mr. McKay Sr., of Detroit, spent sev-' eek- 3' to hei- been li er foot usin, of Mr, eral'. M. the and Mr. Mrs. no at.. her ing Mrs, are peg n. this has of of on, at. as. sit was ys who i tit is o - is ith ve. is 1Ir, to er, m of ed To- d - g It H. d I- nd d d k y. s of is d d ec eti g r- e d s' s. 0 nE s a htleitTIMMOMO PAG/t. 'IVtit 1 Seaforth Branch J. M. McMILLAN Manager Hours: r)aily 9.30 a.nt. to 5 p.m. Sat., 9.30 a.m., to 5 p.m., and 7 p.m. • to 9,30 'p.m. Guard the Danger time of Life / THE DANGER PERIOD is met when a man gets on in years'and earning power is suddenly reduced. Accident or illness may be the cause. And how frequent is the case that one's family or dependents have to forego expected benefits or luxuries and make serious sacrifices. How soul -satisfying it then is to have at hand a substantial account laid up against just such a possibility. A few dollars saved weekly multiply into substantial sums so very quickly. Decide today that no _financial crisis will ever trouble you. Learn by writing or inquiry at any of our branches the secret of saving made easy. Li PnovINcEOF� _ _ I_= ! COFFIcE EVERY DEPS/T6U�PAN E o y NrAl/®6ow RN ENT HES® OFFICE ��Q`\ \'W PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT t�� c. M4Ner LIELPDI rGS coal days last week with Air. and Mrs, Robt. Stewart." Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berry (nee Helen French) and little Ordean, of London, are visiting friends in town. Monday next, September 1st, is Labor Day, Swanee •Earl, of London, who is at- tempting to break the world's endur- ance record of 136 hours' continuous driving in a car, arrived in town at 5x30 p.m. Wednesday. He had com- pleted about half his objective time when here, as be hopes to keep going until Saturday afternoon. Mr; and Airs. Alex. Casemate and children, of Behnore, spent the week- end with her brother, Mr. Ed. Male, Mrs. Casentore remained for the week. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. 'September 'meeting will be held at the home of hiss Maybelle Rands on Sept. 3rd at 2,30. Roll call is to be answered with "A Hint on Canning and Preserving," a topic which will be of great interest to us, will be given by Mrs, A. Flick, on canning and preserving. Each member is ask- ed to bring her contribution of can- ned jelly, pickles, etc., and each jar must be labelled, After the business part of the meeting is over, the girls will go to the Scott Memorial Hospi- tal and present them with the articles they have. brought. BORN. BYiRE. — Int Sarnia General Hospi- tal, on August 18, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. William S. Eyre, a son. BENNETT. — Iii Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sunday, Aug, 24th, 1930,- to Mr: and Airs, Foster Ben- nett (nee Margaret Eaton), a son. A Word to Auto Owners BE PREPARED for the new amendment to the HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT which comes into force on SEPTEMBER 1st, 1930 gDrop in and let us explain to you dust what is required un- der the new amendment. Noticing to worry about if you have a policy in the PROVINCIAL INSURANCE CO. of London, England One of the strongest in the British Empire. Issued by A.D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE Conveyancing, Real Estate Investments, Etc. PHONE 152 .=• SEAFORTH; .Oat. CONSTANCE. Grain Wanted—Pool and cash grain wanted. We are prepared to pay you the highest poesible price and furnish you with bags and supply trucks. We specialize in peas. Be sure and get our price. COOK BROS. MILLING CO. Phone 54, Hensel(, Mrs. George Cook of Goderich township is visiting with her daugh- ter, Mrs, Joseph Riley, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimoldby, Mr. Benj. Riley and Mr. and . Mrs. John Mann spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Misses Olive, Clara and Ruth Pit- bla•do of Auburn, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch last week. Air. and Mrs. Charles Dexter and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson spent Sunday with friends in Kitchener. Miss Blanche Wiheatley returns to Toronto on Fziday, Mrs. William Milison, daughter Jean and son William and niece of Cleveland, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lindsay last week. The Golden Links Mission Band stet in the basement of the church on Tuesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Britton attended the funeral of kir. Simmons at Hen - sail on 'Thursday o.f this week. The Misses Isabel and Hazel Jam- ieson have been spending a few days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Medd, Mr, Joseph 'Riley is leaving this week with his daughter from Cleve- land for the hatter's home there. Miss Elva Wheatley will leave for Toronto on Monday to take a secret- arial course, Air• Clifford Adapts spent last week with his cousin, Fred Yungblut of Constance. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cockerline, of L'ondesboro, visited Mr. and Airs. Joseph Yungblut on Sunday, Mrs, R. Anderson and granddaugh- ter, Jean, are visiting .With Mrs. J. H. Spell of Clinton. Mrs. Mc'Harry and son are visiting at the home of Mr. Walter Willison 3fiss Kathleen: Ytutgbiut is: visiting her grandfather, Mr, Harry Ada -ms. itany mothers can testify to the virtue of Mother Graves' Wrbrm Ex- terminator, because they know front experience how useful it is. BAYFIELD. Mr, and Mrs, William .Grieg and children havereturned to their home in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Nolan and fanc- ily have returned' to London after having occupied the McDonagh cot- tage in Liakeside Park. Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Peter and fam- ily and Mr. E. A. Ball returned' to Stratford on Sunday after spending this month at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. MacDon- ald and family and Miss Anna Mac- Kenzie returned to Flint an Sunday after spending the season in T. Mc - Neil's cottage. Mrs. L 13. Snaith and Glen of Lon - don and Mrs. H. K. King and Harold Attwood of Sarnia are visiting their mother, Airs. Charles Parker. Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Barnger and family, who have spent the season in the Bayfield Highlands have returned to London. Mr, and Mrs. S. Clark and niece and lir. and Airs. Win, Clark, of London were guests with -Mr. and Airs. F. G. Neelin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, T. G. Nesbit and fa- mily returned to London on Monday after spending this month in Jowett's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tippet left on Monday for their home in Billing, Montana, after spending the month with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tippet, Rev. and Mfrs, R. H. Gairdner and daughter Betty left for their home at Washington, 'Pa„ haying spent six weeks with the fornter's brother, J, Gairdner. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Oates and two boys returned to London on Satur- day having spent the season at their cottage. Mrs. Walters and daughter Eliza- beth, of Grand Rapids, Mich., are visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Thom- son, _Airs G. L. Flack and two children and Mrs. Mohler of Windsor, are spending this week in one of the Box cottages. The members of the Bell Telephone Soft Ball Team which played a team under the management of A, Steep in Jowett's grove on ,Gala Day, are coin- ing back on Labor Day for a return game which will be played in the Ag- ricultural grounds. Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit and lir. William Metcalf of Baden, N C, are spending their vacation with their parents, Dr, and Airs. IW, T, Metcalf. Air. and Mrs, H. McLaren and Christina McLaren .are visiting this week with Miss J Stirling, Mr, and Airs, 'Alfred Chadwick of Toronto spent the week enol with their cousin, Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Ed- wards, Airs. !D. ,Prentice spent the week end with her patents. Mr. and Mrs, W, J. Stinson. Miss Alice Stinson, R. N„ who has spent the past two. months at 'her 'hoine, returned to To- ronto with her for a short visit be- fore going to New York, 1 Mies Marion Davison returned (tonne on Saturday after spending a pleasant week with her sister in Lon- don, , ii- Alra Victor nw,, Bu.„ and family of London are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ba- ker. Messrs. E. A. Feathers: T•a, Chris. Parker, Charles Parker and Maurice Switzer left on Tuesday morning for Naicam, Sask., by nay of Duluth. 1•[r, and Mrs. Wm. MacDonald, Master Norval Agnew, Bessie Vail and small son Bobby of Detroit, are visiting their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Weston. Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Hamlyn .and daughter returned to London on Tuesday after spending several weeks with Miss J. Stirling. James Lindsay, who was one of the contestants in the old time fiddler contest held in the pavilion at Grand Pend on Monday evening, brought hoine a silver cup with him having won second prize in the twenty to fifty class. lira, Stewart Hall and son Charles and daughter Dorothy left on Sunday foro their hoine in Grand Rapids, having visited her grandmother, Airs. J. Thomson. They were accompanied by Airs. Adelaide McLeod who will visit her son and friends in Toledo. Dr, arid Aire. Maxwell Brown and two children, Aire. W. H. Caldwell of .Bay City and VIr. and Mrs. Theo. Caldwell of Midland, Mich., were guaato. with Nies, . A. Ferguson neer the week -end. AIr. and Mrs, Roy Je•np itis and Vir„inia of Day City, and TF4 and 'Mille Caldwell -1 Mid- land. Mich, visited Air. and Mrs. W, R. Jowett, lir, and Mrs, Ray Pnth of Toronto spent tit; week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W, R. Jowett, Ansa Eva Hartleib who spent her vacation with Miss Ai. Ferguson, re- turned to Stratford on Saturday. Requraite, on the (rain._ -Every far- mer and 'stock -raiser should keep a supply of Dr, Thomas' Eclectric 011 MI hand, not only ,as a ready remedy for ills in the' family, but because .it is a horse and cattle medicine if ,great potency. 'As a substitute for sweet oil for horses and cattle affected by colic it far surpasses anything that can be administered, 1--- 'Andersonis Bakery OUR AHC: To give you the Lowest Possible Prices Consistent with Highest Quality. The Home of Buttermilk 'Scones—have you tried them ? Variety of 'Breads improves every meal, Buns, Cakes, Pies and Cookies always on hand, No Saturday special this week on account (if we please you tell of holiday.u y others; if not, tell us) T. R. 7th dors®n PHONE 70.