HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-08-21, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Dr, and Mrs, Aikeohead of Calgary,
Alta., visited friends in the village
last week: The Dr. and Mrs. Aiken
head were former residents of Hen-
call, and their many friends here were
pleased to see them.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith of
Crosswell, and Mr, and Mrs, W. O'-
Brien, of Zurich, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Ames Dayman near Kippen,
Dr. J, A. Spellman, accompanied by
his mother, and Misses Elva, Aids
•• and Maude Bolton, are spending their
vacation at Grand :Bend. Miss Elva
Bolton has been. supervising play
grounds at Kitchener during the
month of July and the early part of
the month of August.
Dar. Laird Joynt of Toronto . is
spending his vacation at his home.
Miss Amy IJammie of Toronto is
visiting for a few weeks at the home
of hermother, Mrs. Win. Laramie,
A bad accident occurred:: on the'
farm of Mr, Archie lRowcliffe on Wed-
nesday ;afternoon last while drawing
in obits. A load was being unleaded,
and Mr. Rowdiffe"was driving the
horses on the rope when a whiffle-
tree broke. The end flew back and
struck Mr. Rowcliffe in the stomach.
He was immediately taken to the
Seaforth hospital and operated on
and is now doing as well las can be
expected but will 'have to spend sev-
eral weeks yet in the hospital.
(Drs, Moir and Collyer have ar-
ranged that one will be on duty each
Wednesday afternoon through the re-
mainder of August and September.
A call for either doctor will be ans-
wered by the doctor on duty.
!Harvesting is about completed in
this district. The long dry spell gave
the farmers every chance to get their
grain off. The root and garden crops
are in need of rain, and farmers are
complaining of the lack of water.
Large quantities of grain are being
marketed here daily. Most of it comes
in by truck.
Rev, and Mrs. Naaylor of Listowel
were pleasant visitors in town on
Monday, Rev. Mr. Naylor was a for-
mer Rector of the St. Paul's Anglican
Church here and their many friends
here were pleased to see them again.
Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty of
Varna visited with friends in town on
Mr. E. Stewart spent a few days
last week at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. D. Foss.
Miss Jessie Buchanan spent the
Week -end visiting friends in Galt.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Dayman of
Exeter were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mrs. Hannah Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron accom-
panied by Mrs. Bonthr-on's two sis-
ters, Mr, Hall, of Pennsylvania, and
Mrs. Peppier of Hanover, visited
friend." in Auburn last week.
MrGeo. Pearce has returned
hon . after spending a couple of weeks
in the Scat Memorial Hospital.
An effort is being made to re -
orgy t.ze on/ town bend. We have a
itnmher of good players and full set
of instrnimnts and the :ender of the
Blyth Band has offered to conte down
once a week for practice and to give
irstr tetra :, A good band is a splen-
did thing in a town and we hope our
boys will take hold of this offer and
get crganiyed again as soon as pos-
Mrs. Peter Fisher and daughter
Eleanar are visiting friends in and
are on,i Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram North of
Wc d eek are spending ,a few weeks
e•'tir.g relatives here.
Mss Vera Saundercock of Exeter
spent the week -end at her home here.
Hensel' Middle School Results. -
1=t over 75 p.c.; 2nd, 66-75; 3rd, 59-
66; C, 50-59, Marks indicate failure.
(R, re -read),
Jean Bell -Eng. Comp. 3rd, Eng.
Lit, 35. Aig, C„ Geom. C, Chem. 35,
Latin Auth. 14, Latin Comp. ..18.
Mary Carnie-Eng. Comp. 36, Eng.
Lit, C. Can, II.s'. 3rd, Alg. 39,
Genn:. 42, Phys, 22. Cheri. C, Lat.
kith. 35, Lat. Comp. 48.
Lorne Chapman -- Anc. Hist. C,
Alg. 43r, Phys. 39, Chem. C, Lat,
Auth. 41. Lat, Comp. C. Fr. Auth. 3rd,
Fr, Comp. C.
Mildred Forrest --Eng. Comp. C,
Eng Lit. C. Can. Hist. 2nd, Chem.
2nd, Int. Auth. C, Lat. Comp. 2nd,
Fr. -auth. 3rd, Fr, Comp. 2nd,.
Margaret McQueen -Eng. Comp.
2nd Eng. Lit. 25; Anc, Hist. 41. Alg.
46r, Lat. Auth. 34, Lat. Comp. C, Fr.
Auth 10, Fr. Comp. C.
Sara Manson - Eng. Comp. 3rd,
Eng. Lit. C, Anc. Hist. 37, Alg C,
Lat. Aatth, 41, Latin Comp, 47r, Fr.
Auth. 41, Fr. Comp. 3rd.
Joyce Sermon - Eng. Comp. 24,
Eng. Lit, 29, Can. Hist. C, Anc. Hist.
41, Alg. C, Geom. C, Phys. 43r,
Chem 37.
Marion Sinclair --Eng, Comp. C,
Eng. Lit, C, Anc. Hist. 42r, Latin
Asch. 36, Latin Comp. 36.
Mildred Sinillie-Eng. Comp. C,
Eng. Lit. 36, Can. Hist, C, Geoun.
2nd, Chem, 40, Latin Auth, 11, Latin
Comp. C, Fr. Anth, 33, Fr.
Comp. 47r.
Ed. Smith -Eng. Comp. C, Eng,
Lit, 46r, Can, Hist. 3rd, Geom. C,
Lat, Auth. 34, Lat. Comp. C, Fr,
Auth. C, Fr. Comp. 3rd,
Ro'bert Varley-=Fr. Comp. C.
A serious accident occurred on the
Huron Highway between Stratford
and Sebringville on Monday evening,
when two cars, one driven by Frank
Granger of Stratford, the other by
Lee 'Redden of Hensel!, side-swiped
one another, Granger's car going in
the ditch .and •Hedden's swung around
on the road. Immediately after a car
driven by'N, H. Rosier of London,
smashed into the iHedden car, badly
smashing it. Mr. Granger was badly
cut and was rushed to the ':Stratford
Hospital. 'Hedden was able to pro-
ceed to 'his home here and Rosier was
arrested by the 'Provincial Police,
charged with having liquor in his car.
Miss Irene Isaac, missionary on fur-
lough from, Japan, accompanied by
her mother and sister, spent a few
days recently visiting with Rbv. M.
Miss 1-Iazel Hudson spent a few
days last week visiting friends in Lon-
Commencing Sunday, services in the
St. Paul's Anglican Church will be
held both morning and evening
Miss Stella' Ingrain of 'Detroit is vis-
iting at her 'home here.
!Mrs, Jas. Barnett !df !Toronto re-_ i
tinned home Saturday after a week's
visit with friends in and around Hen-
A large crowd 'was in town Wed-
nesday taking in the bowling tourna-
ment an the local green,
Saved -a Friendship
When Mildred went to take a posi-
tion in the city, it looked as though
her lifelong friendship with Eileen
would stiffer from the separation. But
they found a way to keep it alive -by
regular use of Long Distance, It
brought back old times.
Mrs. Man•clel'eiolt; Mr. Ed, Mandel -
dull and Miss Ruby 'M!andeiclob of
Kichener were week -end guests at the
Lakeview Hotel.'
Mrs. J. Burchill of Toronto .and
niece, Mrs. Knowles and sm'al'l son
Donald of Kansas City,are the guest's
of Mrs. J. Thomson.
Mrs, Gerald Hulley and children of
Hamilton are visiting her mother,
Mrs. A. Currie.
Mrs. Malcolm Fraser of Fort WE -
'Ham is visiting her mother, Mrs. J.
Mrs. Bingley and Miss Ada Bingley
of Detroit came on. Sunday to visit
Misses M, Rothwell. and R. Taylor.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Roy Pot of Toronto
spent the week -end with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett.
Mrs, W. H. Wright, Miss Marion and
Mr. Harold Wright of Toronto were
also their guests.
Mrs. Hubbard .of Brantford who
was a guest at Miss N. F'erguson's
for a week, returned to her home on
Monday. Mrs. Hubbard is an old
Baytteld girl and many will remember
her as Miss Lena Roth.
Mrs, E. 'Paull of London is the
guest of her son, Rev. F. H. Paull,
Misses Ruth and Helen Fisher who
spent the past two weeks with her
aunt, Mr.s. F. A. Edwards, returned
to Waterloo on Monday.
Jahn Eberhardt and sister Maggie
of Saginaw, Mich., renewed old ac-
quaintances in Bayfield on Thursday
of last week. The Eberhardts kept a
bakery many years ago where J. W.
Tippet's shoe store is now located.
Rev. and Mrs. R M. Gale and Miss
Gladys Gale and three grandchildren
returned on Thursday last, having
spent a few days with the children's
mother, Mrs. J. Reid, at Pinkerton.
Pinkerton Was formerly a charge of
Rev. R. M. Gale, so he also renewed.
old acquaintances.
Miss Maude McGregor accompan-
ied by her guest, Mrs. A. McDonald,
left on Wednesday .to spend a few
days in Sratford with Mrs. Cantelon.
The Bayfield Gala Day on Satur-
day. August 16th, sponsored by W. A.
Mhtctard, E. R. Weston and 3. W.
(Jowett was a great success and drew
large crowds both to the water sports
held in the harbor and to the soft
'hall games and dance at night. Most
ox the water sports were keenly con-
tested. One spectator remarked that
he had never seen such good diving,
nary of the dives being perfect. The
committee in charge of the sports-
' Mr, and Mrs, L. W. Burch and E. H.
Johns -is to be congratulated on the
able manner in which they handled
Ithe events. They are much indebted
to E. Sturgeon for the loan of his
car..,es and rowboats for the affair and
a,se to Toms Bros. for their large
boat which is decked over and made
a splendid starting craft. Mrs. Burch
and starter had them all in the water
with the crack of the gun, which only
an exeerienced starter can do, Mr.
Burch and Mr. Johns were kept busy
getting the contestants ready for the
different events. Donations toward
the affair were received from Bissett
Tiro;,, Stillman Bros., E. H. Johns,
B.iy'field Highlands (1, W. Burch),
Kuntz Co, and W. E. Manness, In
the opinion of many this event should
be made an annual affair as it draws
large crowds to the village. The fol-
lowing is the list of prize winners in
the different competitions. Half mile
long distance swim, 1st, Bob Dayl,
L. i fon; 2nd; J. Rankin, Stratford;
200 yard race, ladies. Dora Chapman,
London: Mary Rankin, Toronto; 50
yard race, bays 12 and under, Phil
Stevenson, Toronto; Vic Doherty,
Clinton; 50 yard race, girls 12 and un -
ler, Jean Cavell; Agnes Doherty,
Clinton 50 yard race, boys 16 and
under, i, Roat, J. Rankin, Stratford;
50 yard race, girls 16 and under, Mary
Rankin, Toronto; fancy spring-b.oerd
diving, Robert Daly, London; J.
Porte: canoe tilting contest, Clerk
and Rankin, Stratford; 2nd, Atkinson
Bros., Detroit; men's swimming race,
80 yards, Robert Daly, London; 2nd,
Eric Chapman, London; ladies swim-
ming race, Dora Chapman, Mary
Rankin; pie eating contest from row-
boat, lst, Sturgeon and Jahns; 2nd,
Johns and Macfarlane, Bayfield; high
diving, men or ladies, lst, Robert
Daly, London; 2nd, 3. Porte; aqua
planing contest, lst, Diady and Clark,
London and Stratford; boat driven by
Merton Merner and Ted Clarke. The
other events were cancelled owing to
the small number of entries. The can-
oe tilting coniteat caused a good deal
of amusement for the large crowd of
spectators and th'e pie eating contest
was a scream as the boys were plast-
ered to the ears with blackberry pie.
Following the water sports` a soft
ball game was called in Jowett's
grove between the Michigan Bell Tel-
ephone team of Detroit and a picked
tea from Huron' county under the
management of Andy Steep. 'The lat-
ter team won with a score of 17-8.
The members of the Detroit team
were so well pleased with the treat-
ment that they received while in Can-
ada especially in Bayfead, thla't they
want to come back for a return game
on Labor Day.
The dance in the pavilion at night
was enjoyed by a large crowd which
assembled early and stayed late to en-
joy the splendid music provided by
Mr. Brown and his ten piece orches-
tra from Stratford. It was noted that
even the spectators stayed until the
last. The Brown orchestrawill be at
the pavilion every Saturday night un-
til the end of the season,
The following will be of much 'in-
serest to this community as the bride'
was a popular Bayfield girl: A very
quiet wedding was celebrate dat St,
George's Church, Goderich, at nine
o'clock in the morning on Monday,
August hlth, by Rev. J. N. H, Mills,
the rector. The contracting parties
were Miss Evelyn E Pollock,: young-
est daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John
Pollock, and Capt. Robert B. Johns-
ton, of Sault Ste, Marie. Immediate;
ly after the ceremony the newly -
wedded couple left by motor to Tor-
onto on their way home, to the Soo.
Miss Pollock was formerly a school
teacher by profession and has been
for nine years one of the -teachers in
the iMlFadden School, (Sault Ste.
Marie and also art supervisor at the
Technical School of that city, Captain
Johnston is an electrical engineer in
one 'of the large palper mills of the
Soo district. 'Their manyfriends join
in wishing them happiness and pros-
perity,in their new home in the City
of the Straits.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Stewart of Hamil-
ton are visiting Mr. and Mrs, John
Mr. and Mrs, Will Tippett spent
last week in London, Mrs. Weir re-
turned with them on Thursday to vis-
it her sister, Mrs. J. Tippet.
IMr. and Mrs. Percy Dyment, Betty
and Aileen Dymenit, returned to De-
troit on Sunday after spending. ;tyo
weeks'wihh the lady's sister, Mrs, W.
Mr. Robert Parkinson, Granton, of
London, spent Sattarday in the village.
Mr,' R. Parkinson was a former min-
ister in the Methodist Church.
Miss Scott and Mr. J. Stephens of
Toronto are guests at the Albion ho-
Miss - Ruth Hnses'ton o,f London is
spending her vacation .with her par-
ents, Mr.
ar-ents,'Mr. and Mrs. S. Hnestou.
Mrs. H. Little and Mrs. Strong and
two children, who have been visiting
the fornter's son, George. Little, re-
turned to Windsor on Monday.
Guests last week at the Albion ho-
tel were Mr, and Mrs, C. B. Sternen
and Mrs W. F. Angus, Lipton, Ind.,
and Mr, and Mrs. G. D. Church'ward
and two sons of London,
Master Thames 'Fis'her of 'Waterloo
is visiting his aunt, Mrs., F. A. Ed-
Mr. Chias. Mothersead and Mr. R.
W. Bristol of Washington, D.C, join-
ed Mrs. Bristol here on Wednesday
last and are spending a holiday at the
,Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is es-
pecially recommended for spider, or
infection of cow's teat. Invaluable also
in cases of spavins, curbs and splints.
Voters' Lists, 1.931), Municipality of
Seaforth, County of Huron.
NOTI'OE is hereby given that I
have complied with Section 7 of the
Voters' Lists Act and that I have
posted up at my office et Seaforth on
the 46th day of August, 1930, the list
of all persons entitled to vote in the
said :Municipality at municipal elec-
tions and that such list remains there
for inspection.
AND I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to law, the last day for
appeal being the 8th day of . Septem-
ber, 1930.
Dated at Seaforth the 19th day of
August, 19.30.
34, Town Clerk.
Mr. Thomas Brown has been in-
structed to sell by public auction on
Saturday, August 23rd, at 2 p.m., the
property situated on Railway Street,
two blocks west of Main Street, Sea -
forth, It contains b rooms and ,is a
desirable property for anyone wishing
a small home. At the same time and
place there will be sold one Grineli
Bros, piano, also a quarter cut oak
buffet and the same will be sold with-
out reserve, Terms of sate will be
made known on day of sale or on ap-
plication to A. A.. McLENNA'N, or
T. Brown, Auctioneer,
Tender, will be received by John
McNay, Clerk, R. R. 2, Seaforth, un-
til 3 p.m,, Saturday, August 30, 1930,
for construction of Henderson Drain,
Length including three branches,
5,535 feet of open drain, and 8,752 feet
of covered drain. Tenders are to be
in the form of a lump sum, and must
be accompanied by a marked cheque
payable to the Treasurer of Mc-
Killop Township for 5 per cent. of
amount bid, The work is to be com-
menced within one month from a-
warding of contract and completed
on or before November 30, 1930.
Plans and specifications may be seen
at office of the Clerk. 34
One Happy Thought range in fair
condition, burns wood or Alberta
coal. Fine for a summer kitchen.
Man's raincoat, man's fur -lined coat.
Both scarcely worn, small size. Bar-
gains for quick sale. Apply to The
News Office. 34
Two roomers or boarders wanted,
either boys or girls. Apply fie Miss
Agnes Csrnochan, West William St,
Seaforth 34
High school pupils, roomers or
boarders. Brothers and sisters pre-
ferred. Miss F. GALLO'P, 34 East
William st,, near High School 34
Rooms for high school girls. All
conveniences. Phone 268W Seaforth,
MRS. S. CARTER, Victoria St. 34
Three young pigs, about four
months old. Apply to W. F. SMITH,
Telephone MoK•illop 239r15.
One second hand top buggy, in.
good repair. Apply to EDMUND
STAFFORD, Box 216, Seaforth. 35
In loving remembrance of Eliza-
beth Jane Gales, who departed this
life, August 19th, 1924:
"Gone from nte, but loving memories
Death can never take away,
Memories that will always. linger,
While upon this earth I stay.
=Sadly missed by her husband.
Several 1st class laud rollers, good
dump rake; spring tooth cultivator,
Massey41-larris with seed grain attach-
ment -for sale, worth the money.
See our Fertilizer Drills. Soil Pul-
verizers and Cultivators, " Cream Sep-
arators and Complete Line of Farm
Machinery. Tractors, Threshers and
Trucks. Repairs strictly cash,
W. C G`
0 E 0�
Agent for International Harvester
Co., Manufacturers of
Weed Notice
Prompt action must be taken by the,
residenits of the municipality 'against
the menace of noxious weeds, espec-
ially wild carrot, as this weed is now
at the danger pelak. Cut and burn
these at once, to prevent their spread
by seeding. For s'o•wethis'tle, after har-
vest .cultivation, 'while the ground is
dry and hot, is recommended for this,
one of the worst weeds we have to
contend wieeh to -day. A few years of
persistent co-operation will be nec-
essary to bring about any effective
control. Your interests are involved.
Let our slogan be "Cleaner Farms."
'Weed Inspector,
35 ,MoK'illop Township.
FIVE ROSES FLOUR .............
90! Pounds ROLLED OATS •
4n .00
. 5.39--
RED ROSE TEA, per pound . , .
LIPTON'S TEA, per pound
Buy in Egmondville.
A good farm wagon. Apply to CON
Comfortable dwelling, Barn, Chick-
en House and two acres of land.
Buildings in the best of repair.
,Good water, small fruits, etc.
A Real Bargain.
Immediate Possession Given.
Insurance, Real Estate, Etc.
Phone 1512.
8 -roomed comforttable dwelling' in
good repair, electric lights;; soft and
hard water in Nouse, one -filth acre of
land, on Market street. Apply at the
News Office. 38
Wednesday, August 20th.
Butter, per ib, 25c
Eggs, per dozen 118c -24c
Potatoes, per- bag 81.35
Hags, per cwt. ... , , .. $10.25-$110,75
forest industries
add five hundred
million dollars
annually to the
national wealth.
Their very 'exist-
ence is threatened
by forest fires,
which directly or
indirectly affect
every citizen
through their
menace to the
national 'pros-
Every Canadian
should be careful
with fire while in
the woods.
DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physic`.
and Surgeon. Late of London li'e
pital, London, England. 'Specia8,4
attention to diseases of the eye, 3.
nose and throat. Offices and rata..
ence behind Dominion Bank, OM*
Phone No, 5: Residence Phone L0'M.
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seafet&
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the United Church. :Coroner'
for the County of Huron. T lepfran*
No. 46.
DR. C. MACKAY.-C, Medan,
honor graduate of Trinity Universft
and gold medallist of Trinity Mead.
College; member of the College at
Physicians and Surgeons of Osttaru►.
Nose and Throat. Graduate in )
cine, University of Toronto 11:.
Late Assistant 'New York Opbtltal,
mic and Aural, Instit' ;e, Moorefield,'
Eye, and Golden Sq,eavie throat hes,-
pitais, London, England. At Comm.
erciai Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday fit
each month, from 1.1 a.m. to 3 •gal,.
Next visit in September.
DDR W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate. ad
Faculty of Medicine, Univers' et
Western Ontario, London. Menke
,of College of Physicians and Saar
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberracifk
Drug Store, : Main St., Seaflaa*..+
Phone 90.
DR, J. A. MUN,N, Succea a ts
D -r. R. R. Ross, .graduate of Nerds -
western University, Chicago, 111. IfA.-
centiate Royal College of Dental S
geons, Toronto. Office over Sill'
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. nowt
DR. F. J. , BFCHELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeons',..
Toronto. Office over W. R. Sinitf1
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Pftoneu.
office 18SW, residence 1853.
Consulting Engineer.
S, W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tgaja
O.L.S., Registered Professional 1
gineer and Land Surveyor, Amain*
Member Engineering , Institute all
Canada Office, Seaforth, Ont
D. L. ROSS, Barrister and Solt
or, Notary•Public. Hours 9 a.m.-2 pc
and 7 p.m. Office above Pitiihpj'
Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. Phone E.
Auctioneer for the County of Emus
Arrangements can be made for Selo.
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,
Auctioneer for the County of lit rog
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar.
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Boz 13.
(Successors to James Watson);
All kinds of Insurance risks effect
ed at lowest rates in First -Clare
Mutual Fire Insurance �
Officers -James Connolly, Goder-.
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechteoe4,
Vice President; : D. F. McGregor
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors --Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhzgsss
,James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Cdnnolly, God-
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; 3, M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson,- Brucefield,
Agents -James Watt, Blytb•„ ter
No, 1, E, Hinchley, Seaforth; 3. ik,
Murray: r,r. No. 3, Seaforth;
Yeo, Holmesville;' P1' G, Jarman*,
Bornholm. James Kerr and 3oltia,'
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors, Palen
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business . will be pronsgtlg-
attended to by application to nays e8
the above named officers addaeeead'
to their respective postoffices,
Geo. M. Conan's Stage, Hit
Johnny Jones
Eddie Buzzer
Comedy and Fast Horses.
Charles Delaney and Fred Ko3kn t
:Paramount Production from D-,.veni
Wester's Famous Novel
under the direction of Victor Flarain t