HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-08-21, Page 1I-Iow pea'cefu'lly, the broad and golden noon' Cornes tip to gaze tfponthe reaper's toil l That they who own the land for many 4 a Chile Seaforth News May bless her beams, and they ,w'h'o' take the boon Of scattered ears. 'Oh, beautiful, how soon The dusk is turned to silver wdthaut soil, Which makes ,the flair sheaves fairer than at.noon. i ---,Charles Turner. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 52, No. 34. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930. Phone 84 $1 A YEAR. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours •r OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable O The Qm l _ y lea : Confectionery and Restaurant r ant "Cheap Vinegar Is A Slow Poison" So says a good authority. Our. vinegars are made by one of the oldest manufacturers in the •trade; whose business has grown to be the largest in the British Em- pire. We buy nothing less then xxx quality which is as strong as should be used and is. guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your mon- ey will be cheerfully refunded. 'Price only 50c per gallon PURE SPICES.—We handle 'nothing but a high grade of, PURE SPICES for which we charge not more than price of ,ordinary grades. EXTRACTS. -2 oz. size 15c quality for ,.... 10c 4 oz. 35c quality for 25c 8 oz. 65c quality for 50c These prices are not just for a day or two but for every day. QUICK -WASH, regular 25c •lOc or 3 for ....... 25c SUPER -SUDS, made by Colgate Palmolive Co... 15c or 2 for25c CHINA PITCHERS that were 150e for 38c that were 40c 30c that were 30c 23c that were 20c 15c BLACK TEA SPECIAL—per Ib. 40c This tea has been tested by ex- perts and pronounced equal to. package teas at 60c. BORDEN'S EAGLE BRAND .MILK The leader since 1897. Has been used successfully as a baby food for three generations. Regular' 25c for •. 19c BORDEN'S CHOCLATE MALT- ED MILK, healthful, nourishing, appetizing 59c BANANAS—Special values this week end of splendid, plump fruit, not over=ripe. F. D. HUTCHISON Phone Phor Phond 166 COAL L' QUALITY - SERVICE HONE3 E. L. BOX P4 CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church.—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. Union Services--,Egmondville Un- ited Church and North Side United Church, ;Sunday, August 24-10 a.m, Sunday School and -Bible Classes in both churches. • ld a.m.—Public Worship in Eg- mondiviile United Church. 7 p.m.—Public.Wership in North Side United Church. Rev. W. IF. Smith of McKillop, will conduct services. BO'WLINNG TOURNAMENT. The Ladies' Lawn Bawling Club are holding a tournament of Scotch Doubles. on Tuesday,' August 26th at 1.30 p:m..'There ,will be four ten -end games. The draw will be made Mon- day evening, August 25th. Be sure and have your entry in.. This is the first tournament the ladies .have put on. Come and make it a success. The la- dies are completing their doubles coiitpetitiou, this week—an account of it will be in next week's paper. THE FALL FAIR The prize lists 'are -now out and copies may be had from 'Secretary Sutherland or any of the Directors. School children may also have copies of the list of event's in the children's department. Exhibitors are advised to go over the list as numerous changes and improvements have been made since 1929 and a number ..of new classes added. The directors have an immense program of sports and am- usements and others . will be added and advertised on the bills and posters to come otit later. W.M.S. Thursday afternoon the W. M. S. of Northside United Church held its regular meeting. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Close . presided. during the opening exercises which consisted of. all those present repe'a't- ing the Lotd',s Prayer, the singing of Hymn 90, Miss Lawrence leading in prayer, followed by the roll call by the secretaryaMrs. Laing, The Trea- surer's report by Mrs• Burrows and the business discussion. The meeting continued with prayer by Mrs. Archi- bald, leader. of the circle in charge. The Bible reading, Ps. 95 and 100, was read by Mrs: Porteous. Contributions on the topic for . the meeting were given by Miss Alexander, Miss Fer- gusorc and Miss ' Lawrence. Mrs. Hutchison then gave the topic on "Our Hymns", In doing this, she gave the history of a number of our well known, favorite hymns and hymn writers. This topic as well as being exceedingly interesting was quite timely hymn the new h mn book for use in. the United Church, is in publication. Singing of a number of •these selec- tions and prayer brought the meeting to a close. pedals Special in Misses' Ptd. Leather 1 strap 1 ■95 sizes il'to 2 Boys'' Elk Oxford, Panco Sole Size 11 to 2 .. - Size 3 to 5r .... .........t.. ... ,......, Men's Work Shoes 3.75 Reg. 4.25, special at 1.65 ,,,,,,,1.85 F. W. BOOTS AND SHOES WIGG SEAFORTH UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS mer Hunt, gist) a bro't'her of the bride, ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED. The Upper School results written at the Seaforth Collegiate Institute are as follows. Standing is indicated 1st (75100); 2nd (66-744);' 3rd (60-65); C (50-59)-. Beatrice M. Aberhart, Liter C. Robt. J. +Aberh'art, 'Lit, C; Mod. Hist. C. Helen` M. A'ment, Eng, Comp, C; Liter. C; Mod. Hist. C. Jessie V. Archibald, Mod, Hist. 2nd. Muriel M. ;Beattie, Eng. Comp. C;. Liter. 2nd; Mod. Hist. C. Aida J, Bolton, Eng. Comp. 3rd; lit. C. Kathleen Calder, Mod. Hist. 3rd, la - tin A. 3rd, Margaret E.:Oardno, Eng. Comp. Charlie 'S. 'Dickson, Eng. Comp. C, Margaret E. Drover, Eng. Comp. C, Liter. 2nd, Mod. Hist. 3rd. 'Margaret L. ,AFer'guson, ;'Mod, Hist. 2nd, Algebra 2nd, Trig. 2nd, Fr. A. 1st Fr. Camp. lst. M. Jeannette Finnigan, Eng. Comp, 1st, Liter. 1st, Mod. Hist. C. Isabel Forrest, Eng.. Comp. C,(Liter. p C. M. Margaret Forrest, Alg C, Geom..C, Trig. C, Dot. 1st, Zool.. 1st,. Fr. A. 'lst, Fr. Comp. 2nd. Thomas B. Govenlock, Mod. Hist C Mg. C, Geotn. C, Fr. A. 2nd, •Fr., Comp. C. Arnie V. ,'Hanna, ,Alg. C, Geom. C, Trig. let, Lat. A. C, Lat. Comp. lst, Fr. A. 2nd, Fir. Comp. lst. +Madeline E. L. Hotham, Liter. C. W; Jtanies Johnston,, Eng. Comp. 3rd, Liter. 1st, Geom. 3rd, Lat. A. 2nd Lata Contp. C, Fr. A. 1st, Fr. ,Comp. 2nd. Mervyn R. Keys, !Eng. Comp. C, Liter. 3rd. William P. Lane, Eng, Comp. C, Geom. 3rd, Trig. Srd, Bot. C,.Zool. C. M. Margaret McKellar, Eng. Comp. C, Liter, 2n1, Mod. Hist'.- C. Elizabeth I. McLean, L'at. A. 3:rd, Fr. A. 2nd, Fr. Comp. C. 'Harry N. (McLeod, Eng. Comp: C. S. E. Ann McNaughton, Liter. C, Mod. Hist. 3rd, Trig. C, Bot. C, Zool. 2nd, Fr. A. 2nd, Fr Comp. 2nd. Dgnatius 'O'Leary, Eng. Comp. -C, Mad. Hist. C. Margaret E. Patrick, .Alg. 3rd, Geom. 3rd, Lat. A. 3rd, Lat. Comp. C, Fr, A. let, Fr IComp. 1st, R. ;Rossie Patrick, Alg. C, Geom, C, Bot. 3rd, Chem. C. Lorne J. Pinkney, Eng. Comp. C, Liter. C. Mary A, Purcell, Fr. A. C. Mary D. Reid, Mod. Hist. C. :Gordon C. Rennie, Eng. Comp. C. Mildred Shinen, Geom. C, Lat. A. 3rd, Lat. •Comp. C, Fr. A. 2nd, Fr. C. let, Alg.-2nd. Clarence A. Trott, Liter.' C, Mod. T-Iist.•C Lat. A. C, Lat. Comp. C, Fr. Comp. end, Ferne E. Wheatley, Alg. 2nd, Geom. C, Lat. A. 2nd, Lat, Conrp, 2nd Fr A. 1st, Fr, 'Comp Ilst. Joseph J. Williams, Eng. Comp. C. Erma M. Workman, Eng. Conip. C. ARMSTRONG-,MURDIE The marriage took place on Tues- day, the nineteenth, at mac o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, of Elizabeth Gibson (Bessie), only dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murdie of Lucknow to Malcolm James Arm- strong, =B.A., of Port Arthur, only son of Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Armstrong of Seaforth. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. Mr, Craw of Lucknow United Church, in the pres- ence of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The bride, who was given in marriage by .her father, wore. eggshell satin with .bridal veil caught with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of Columbia roses with lily of the valley and maiden hair fern. Miss Margaret Armstrong, sister of the groom, played the wedding music. The house was beautifully decorated in yellow and mauve. Miss Myra MacDonald elf Lucknow sang during the signing of the register. Following a buffet luncheon served by the bride's girl friends, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong left for a motor trip. On their return they will leave by boat for their home' in Port Arthur. CAMPBELL - HUNT The Metropolitan United Church of Torontowasthe scene of an inter- esting swimmer' wedding Tuesday af- ternoon at one o'clock when Edyth Muriel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ed- win Hunt, Seaforth, became the bride of Mr. A. J Glladson Campbell, only son of the rate' Dr. Joseph Campbell of Rochester, N.Y., and Mrs. Camp- bell Bleecker of Trenton, and grand- son of the late Rev Amos Campbell of Belleville. The ceremony' was per- formed by Rev. Britton Strangways, uncle of 'the groom. The bride, who entered the church to the strains of the Mendelssohn wedding march was given in marriage by her father, She was charmingly gowned in blossom pink satin with pink tulle fashioned along princess lines. Her hat was of pink mohair with dainty folds of ma - line ca'tc'hing in its wide brim at the back. She wore pink satin slippers and carried a 'bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. Clifford C. Hunt acted as matron of honor and Mrs. Hoaner Hunt attend- ed. Both were charmingly gowned in flowered chiffon frocks made with full skirts and deep Bertha co'l'lar, the for- mer in :.mile with coral, the latter in yeliaw: with orchid. Their broad - brimmed hats of sheer net and mo- hair were trimmed with velvet ribbon in bows and streamers. Their bou- quets were gladioli in matching shades, Dr. Will W. Wade, pal . of the groom in college days at Queen's University from which the groom was a graduate in science, acted as best man, and Mr. Clifford C. Hunt, a bro- ther of the bride, attended. Mr. Ho- acted as usher.Mr, .and (Mrs, Bruce Medd announce Dr. II A. Frisker presided at the, the engagement of their elder daugh- organ and during the; signing of the ter, Olive Viola, to Mr Edmund 11. register- Mrs. J. McCausland sang Godkin, eldest' son of Mrs. Godkin, 0 mIGIe. and the late A. 'E. Godkin of their younger daughter, Ida reception for e mate fan;Idaily wProas in ise the Yellow Rooimmediof t'he- Ilelopene,also to Mr. William T. Livingston, King Edward. Mrs. Hunt, mother of only son of Mr. Thos. Livingston of the bride, received in a smart black Hallett. The marriages to take ,place georgeltte and 1•a.ee gown with black early in September. mohair hat and holding roses and violets. Mrs. Campbell Bleecker, mo- thtgrgoom, wore ai PE dress of orchid georgette with green yar. and Mrs.KI' BrucePN, tullere, of ntchinhe picture hat andFrench car- ily are away on their holiFielddays, andfain ried corsage of yellow, roses. ;Mrs. Taylor of Forest is visiting The 'hapip'y couple left by boat and her daughter, Mrs. John Bell. 'motor for a honeymoon in the East- Mr, Arthur Anderson is not enjoy - ern provinces, the bride travelling in a smart navy silk crepe ensemble with navy hat to match apd carrying her lynx trimmed .broad cloth coat. Upon their return IMr, and Mrs. Campbell will reside in Torontd.- Among the guests ffom out of town were. Mr. and Mrs T. W. McMillan, and Mr. Frank Hunt of Seaforth, Miss Kathleen Ewart Winnipeg; Mr. F. C. Hunt, Detroit, Mr. and ;Mrs. J. J, Lockant, Brighton, grandparents of the groom; Miss Nellie Lockhart, Mr. an'd Mrs. R. G.' Weddell, Tren- ton, and • Miss Leah Bleecker, Tren- ton,' MRS. ISAAC MODELAND. It was with deep regret that the word was. received in town of the passing of Mrs. Isaac Modeland in New Liskeard about five o'clock Sun- day afternoon, August 17th. Although much recovered front an attack of heart trouble in the 'spring, a more serious turn confined her to bed again on Saturday. Formerly Ann Eliza- beth Crich, daughter of the late James Crich, Mrs. Modeland, who was in. her 69th year, was born on the second concession of Tuckeasmith: In 08911 she was married to Isaac Modeland, who predeceased her; three years ago in February. Practically their en -tire married life was spent in Seaforth,' Upon Mr, Modeland's-death, she went to reside with her daughter in Neve Liskeard. Mrs. Modeland,'a life long resident of the community, enjoyed the esteem and respect of a very wide circle. She is survived By two daugh- ters, Mrs. J. C. Richards of Stratford, and Mrs. J. R. McCrea of New Lisk-' card. Two sisters and two brothers also survive:' Mrs. SJohn''Ball of Tuck- ersntith; Mrs. Wm. McDonald, of 'Sunset, ,Was'h.; Iddo Crich and 'Gif- ford Crich of Tuckers'mith,' The funeralwhich was very largely attended was held on Tuesday, Aug, 19th 'from North Side United Church, Seaforth, to 3/faitlan4 'Sank 'Cemetery. Rev. W.' F ISmith`"5i Drift's- Church, conducted the services. The -pall- bearers were two 'brothers, Iddo Crich and Gifford Crich, two nephews, Henry !Fowler ,of London and John Modeland, and two brothers-in-law, John Bali and Richard 'Modelandi Anto.ng those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr, and Mrs. J. R. McCrea, New Liskeard; Mrs. 'W'm, Modeland and daughter, Mrs. Courtney of London; Mr. and 3v[rs, J. C. Richards and two children of Stratford. LONDESBORO. Miss 'Jean Lawson of Clinton was a week -end visitor with her friend, Miss 'Mamie 'Ross. Mr. and.Mrs, 'Howard and 'family of Coderich spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 100. Moon. Mr. John ;Manning of: London has been visiting with friends in the vil- lage last week, Miss !Kathleen Inwood of London sent Sundaywith friends here. • spent HarolJohnston spent Sunday the guest of his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. F. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pipe of ,Goderich were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt Youngblut on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carter spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Norman Carter near !Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. B. Nott of Stratford spent the week -end with friends 'here, Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. McCall spent Sunday with Auburn friends. Mrs. Nott is improving her prop- erty by building a new veranda. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Johnston of Blyth called -on - �I r. and Mrs. J. Armstrong on Sunday. Mrs, 'Parker and daughter of Sar- nia is visiting at the Manse. Mr. Alex. Wells paid a business trip to London on Monday, Mrs. E. Bell called on Blyth friends on Monday. Mr. and .Mrs. J. Scott and 'family and Mr, and Mrs. H. Riley and boys spent Sunday in Goderich. Miss Belie Nott is in .Seaforth this week. ELIMVILLE, Mr. Alex. Smith who has been working for Mr, Joe Bailey on the 8th concession, is in Victoria Hospi- tal, London; suffering from typhoid fever. Miss Doris Elford spent .a few days in Exeter with Mr, and Mrs, M. Ell - ford. Mr. and Mrs, S. Whaley of St. Marys were visitors here last week.: Mrs. Morley of Whalen is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edward Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miners and family from. Saskatoon were calling on relatives in this community last week, ST. COLUMBAN. Mr. and Mrs, James Clement, of Niagara Falls, and daughter, visited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jordan of London visited at Mr. and Mrs. P. V. M e1G rath's. Mrs. P. McGrath was visiting Mrs, P. J, .Kelly at Blyth this week. ing his usual good health, we are sorry to learn. (Rev. Mr. Leach occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's United Church Sun- day and Mrs. Leach sang a, delightful Solo. Miss Pearl •Hugh] is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones. Miss Grace Cooper is spending a week or two at Grand Bend. We are sorry to hear that Mr. J. W. McLean fell .while working at the harvest, breaking several ribs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore of Font William are visiting Mr. Moore's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore, Kippen. Mr, John MclNaughton is visiting his cousin, Mr. Alfred, Ironside at Et- trick. Mrs. James 'Wright and Frank spent the week -end at Barrie and Wassago (Beach, visiting relatives. Mrs. Smith and children of London are visiting with Mrs. Thomas Day - man. STANLEY. Herdman-Hyde.—The home of Mr. and Mrs, John B. Hyde, Kippen, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wed- ding on August 15th at high noon when their only daughter, Louise Er- nestine, was united in marriage to. George Gordon Herdman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herdman of Wel- land. The ceremony was performed' by the Rev, R. R. Conner of Kippen. The bride was given away by her fa- ther and looked charming in a gown of white crepe back satin with a fa- shionably pointed skirt and trimmed with silk lace. She wore a veil trim- med with orange blossoms and point- ed lace. Her bouquet was of sweet- heart roses with lily of the valley. The wedding march was played by Miss Margaret Grieve of Seaforth. The bride's going away dress was of pastel .green telanese voile. She wore a sand mohair hat with Shoes and hose to match and a fax fur, the gift of the groom, Following a dainty wedding breakfast the happy couple. left on their honeymoon for Sturgeon Lake and other parts. Upon their re- turn Mr. and Mrs. Herdman will take up their residence in Buffalo, N.Y. Guests were present from Welland, Buffalo, Stratford, Seaforth, Kippen, Clinton and Ridgeway. Mr. Lloyd Scotchmer was in Tor- onto one day last week. Sorry to report that Mr. Chris., Ward has been under the doctor's care lately. Miss Nina Herbert of Mitchell vis- ited friends in this vicinity one day last week, Mr. Len Talbot purchased a new threshing machine. Mr. Cliiiord Scotchmer of Detroit was the week end visitor under the parental roof. Mr. Joe Wild was the guest of his friends in 1Vingham one day last week. Mrs. McKee o£ Toronto spent ent the s P week end with her sister, Miss Marg- aret Sparks Miss Lavery and Miss Walker of lvfoorfteld were guests of Miss Mar- garet Tough last week. 1.1iss Brady of London is at pres- ent nursing Mr, R, N. Douglas, who had an operation on Friday last Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Douglas and son Mr. William Douglas, also Mr. and Mrs.'A. D. Douglas, Of Hyde Park, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, R. N, Douglas on Sabbath last. Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell were in Goderich last week and their daughter Mary who was visiting in Goderich returned home with ith them. er' Miss Beatrice Manson, who has been visiting in Dundas and Toronto, returned home the end of last week. Mrs. Clifford Manson and little son of Toronto are visiting with Mrs, J. A. Manson. BRUCEFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Sillery and children spent a few days visiting re- latives at Barrie and Wassago Beach, Mrs. McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Manson and children of Dundas visit- ed Mr. and Mrs Haugh last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Schillig and family of Detroit, and Miss Douglas of Sas- katoon, visited -Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre last week. Messrs. Austin and Norman (Wheel- er and families are visiting this week with their parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs Wilford (Hudson of Marlette, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs, 'Beck- er of Saginaw, Mich.; Miss Douglas Of Saskatoon and Mr. Manson of Blake visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William 'Douglas. Mr. David 'Tough visited his broth- er-in-law, Mr. Sparks, Sunday, The Marion Oliver Circle will hold its regular monthly meeting on Fri- day evening when Mist Mustard, of Gyps•uin ille, Man., will be the speak- er, All the girls are invited. Misses Irene and Kathleen Snider of London are spending their holidays at Bayfield this week. Dr, Wni. Aikenhead of Toronto and ARE YOUR EYES TO BLA`MIE ? MISSED putts, inaccurate esti- mates of distance, headaches and tiredness are a few of Nature's many warnings that all may not be well with your eyes. If you would play your best, have a thorough, dependable eye examination at least once a y n `` a r- year. Or- thogon Full -Vision Lenses, can help your game sur- prisingly if your eyes, are at fault. FRED. S. SAVAUGE Jeweler and Optometrist M. Ross Savauge, R.O., Eyesight Specialist S Clear Out Sale of CHESTERFIELD SUITES And Odd Chairs. Wonderful Bargains this Week Waikor's furniture Store Dr. Albert Aikenhead of Calgary, visited at the'homes of their brothers,, Messrs. Hugh and Frank Aikenhead and their sister, Mrs. T. Baird, and other friends in the vicinity last week, Mrs. David Burgess of Tilbury, (formerly Miss Laura Sewers) visit- ed her old friend, Mrs. Elder, at the home of Mrs. Alex. Ross, last' week. Mrs. Janet Ross is spending this week at the home of her day ,hter g' > Mrs, Hastings, of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. N. Wheeler are spending their holidays at the home of their parents this week. Miss Waugh of Egmondville is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rattenbury this week. The many friends of Mrs. W. El- liott were glad to see her able to be in church last Sunday after her re- cent illness. The regular monthly meeting of the MT.M.S, was held Wednesday af- ternoon, August 13th. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Bremner, Mrs, . N, McGregor presided and opened, the meeting by singing hymn 95. The Scripture lesson, psalm 67 was read' !responsively and Mrs, McQueen led': !in prayer. Miss Gretta Mustard, R.N.,. l of Gypsumville, gave a very interest mgon herh talk work there. The de- lvotional leaflet "Be of Good Cheer" was read by Miss Kate McGregor.. .Tlae mission study entitled "An Hous- with our Hymns, was taken by Mrs,- Brock rs-Brock and Miss Bowey. Following - this many healthful hymns were sung and Mrs. McGregor gave very inter- esting and beneficial talks on the.: writers of the hymns, which wan: much enjoyed by all present Tliw closing hymn 494, "What a Friend' We Have in Jesus," was sung and.; Mrs, (Haugh closed the meeting with -s Public Utility Commission of Seaforth- WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT Notice to Water Takers NOTICE' IS HEREBY GIVEN that Section 24 of Bylaw, pro- hibits sprinkling the streets through hose by private consumers unless. permission is first obtained and none shall be allowed to sprinkle or use in any manner whatsoever the water supplied open lawns, .garden, grass•plots, boulevards, or grounds of any description except between the hours of six ,and ,nine o'clock in the afternoon, This tiote limitation shall not apply to meter users granted perinis:.; is by the Commission. Any person guilty of .a breach of these !]'yaws is liable to penalty not exceeding $20,00 and costs. • Water takers are respectfully reqiiested to comply with above. provisions of Bylaws. ' BY ORDER. PiSBLIC UTILITY :COMMIS'SIO'N OF SEAFOX2.T I