HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-07-31, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
THURSDAY, JULY ; 31, 1930.
On Thursday last a •very large num-
ber of the relatives and friend's of
Mrs. Agur met at her home here to
congratulate her upon reaching the
wonderful age of• 99 years. A most
enjoyable time was spent and many
were the warm and sincere congratu-
lations and good wishes for -many
more birthdays. While Mrs. Agur
has reached that wonderful age she
has all her faculties in a .most re-
markable measure, being quite smart
on her feet while her memory is clear
and bright andher vision and hear-
ing wonderfully goad for that age.
Mrs. Agur is a native of Prince Ed-
ward Island and had a family of two
sons and two daughters, but only one
daughter now living,' Mary, at home
to whose good *care and attention her
mother no doubt owes a good deal in
the way of her advanced age. The
late Dr. Colin. Fletcher was the son-
in-law Of Mrs., Agur; and was justly
proud of her. On Thursday after -
110011 and evening relatives and friends
came pouring in and remaining to
well on in .the evening, brought Mrs,
Agur many gifts and remembrances,
Among which was a most beautiful
and large birthday cake brought by
relatives from Sandusky, Ohio, They
motored to be present on that happy
occasion. Mrs. Agur has lived in the
village for a number of years and is a
great favorite with both young and
old, her kindly disposition being so
well known and her kindness and hos-
pitality most marked, and it is the
wish of her host of friends that she
may be spared not only in one year
to reach the century mark, but to en-
joy many more birthdays.
Baseball Tournament. -The base-
ball tournament held at the park on
Wednesday afternoon last was very
largely attended, the stands being
crowded and large numbers slcattered
all around it, as inany from long dis-
tances, and particularly so from Mo-
therwell, St. Marys, and Crediton, as
the teams from those places, together
with our local players, were all en-
gaged in the contest. In the first
match, between Motherwell and Man-
sell, the score stood 5-4 in favor of
Hensall. In the second contest, bet-
ween St. Marys and Crediton, the
score stood 9-5 in favor of Crediton,
and in the finals between Crediton
and Hensel! the score stood in favor
of Hensall by quite a few points so
that our village players were the vic-
tors. The match, particularly the
first ones, were most exciting and in-
teresting and were stated by old play-
ers to be among the best contested
games ever played on our diamond.
The umpires were Mr. O'Brien of
Zurich and Hugh Berry of St. Marys.
The pitchers were Carter Kerslake
-nd E. Gascho and Bert Horton, who
did their parts exceedingly well.
What added much interest to the oc-
casion was the arrival of Mr. Bennett,
the Conservative leader, during the
}atter part of the game, as urged upon
invitattou, he drove up from 'Exeter
after his address there, but as he was
billed for Owen Sound that evening
end the tournament was in full swing
Mr. Bennett only spoke a very few
words expressing his pleasure of be-
ing present even only for a few min-
utes, but would not think of break-
ing in with a regular speech or ad-
dress, when such an exciting tourna-
ment was being held, but hoped to
have some further opportunity. He
was accompanied by his sister and
both received a great ovation.
The Blyth Citizens Band put on a
sacred concert here on Sunday even-
ing. A large crowd was present to
enjoy the music. The conceit was
'held on the park grounds, the grand
stand being well filled with people and
some 200 cars were parked on the
grounds. Reeve Robt. Higgins intro-
duced the band to the audience.
Mr. Donald McKaig has left for
London where he has secured a situa-
Dr. and Mrs. Campbell of Toronto
spent the week end visiting with Mil,
Campbell's mother, Mrs. T, Murdoch,
Mr. Thos. O'Connor of London
rias in town Monday visiting friends.
The Election—The election on
Monday resulted here in favor of Mr.
McMillan with a majority of 26 votes.
This is the same majority that Mr.
McMillan secured here four years
ago. Both sides worked hard during
the day and the 26 of a majority to
Mr. McMillan was a surprise to both
sides as it looked as if the vote would
be about even. There were 421 votes
cast. In poll No. I, Mr. McMillan had
107. Trewartha 99, and 2 spoiled bal-
lots; Poll No, 2 gave McMillan 114,
Trewartha 96 and 3 spoiled ballots.
In the evening a large crowd was in
town to hear the returns which were
received over the radios at Webber's
and Passmore's radio shop.
Mrs. Donald Grassick and son from
North Bay visited friends in town on
Dr. R I. P. Dougall was in town
over the week end and is moving his
household effects to his new home at
Petrolia on Tuesday, '
Mrs. Harold Warrener has returned
home after visiting friends in Tees-
Mr. Maurice Boa of Windsor has
returned to Windsor after a two
weeks' visit here.
Mrs. Meulkinson has returned home
after a pleasant visit with friends at
Dr. and Mrs. Smith of Toronto
were week end visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty.
Mrs. Ed. McQueen and children
have returned after visiting with
friends in Cromarty.
Miss Jennie Taylor has returned
home after a two weeks' vacation.
Misses Nellie and Annie McIntyre
spent Wednesday with friends in,
(Auto Accident—When their cars
collided .with terrific force at an in-
tersection a mile and a quarter south
of Brucefield about six o'clock Sun-
day evening, a Mr. Maitland of Lon-
don received a fractured left leg and
severe injuries to his hip, and Mr.
Wilson Carlile of Hensel] received a
cut over his right eye and a bad gash
in the head and both are suffering to
some extent from shock. One car,
driven by R. E. Duckworth of Lon -
clan, who was accompanied by his
wife and Mr. and Mrs, Maitland, was
travelling towards London and the
other was driven by Mr, Carlile, who
Was alccompanied by his wife and
daughter. Both cars were travelling
to the line in the centre of the road
TO SHOW a profit on the farm at the end of the year it is
necessary to cut production costs down to rock bottom these
days. Farmers all over the world are gradually turning to
Power Farming, as a means to make their farms pay.
i3OcOORMI6K-DEERING Tractors are serving faithfully
in every community. Theyare looked upon by satisfied own-
ers as the standard farm tractor.
There are three sizes in the McCormick -Deering 'Tractor
line—the 10-120, Farmed, and 15-30—a size for every farm.
McCORMICK-DEERING Horse Drawn and Tractor
Binders are descendants of a century old line of harvesting
machinery which gave complete satisfaction to our fathers,
grandfathers and great grandfathers. . This heavy crop is
going to tax a binder to the utmost. Will your old machine
stand the test ? Come in and inspect" the new McCormick -
Deering, famous for light draught, clean cutting, and efficient
tying of bundles,
W. C. Govenlock
and they collided, The wheels were
taken off the Duckworth car and
both machines went into opposite
ditches. Mr. Maitland was attended
by Dr. Collier of Hensall and the in-
jured man was removed to his
home. Both cars were badly damag-
ed but the other occupants of the
car escaped injury. Traffic Officer
LeGrand stationed at Mitchell in-
vestigated the crash.
firs. Da,vis of Montreal is visiting
for a few days with Mrs. Jas.
Mrs. T. Simpson of London is
visiting friends here.
Mr. and \Irs. Manley Jinks and son
Ross, who have been visiting at the
(conte of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jinks,
have returned to their home in De-
Miss Hannah Cw who has been
in Toronto receiving treatment for her
knee has returned home and is very
nutch improved.
Mr. Wm, Simpson has returned to
his home in Detroit after a two weeks
vacation at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Bonthron.
The services in our local churches
an Sunday last were not very well
attended owing to the' heat,
7:he services in Carmel Presbyter-
lat Church were conducted by Rev,
Mr. Mcllroy and Rev, Mr. Sinctatr
exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. An-
thony of Thames Road. In St, Pauls'•
Anglican Church the services were
co.tducted by Rev. Mr. Davis of Lon-
don. Owing to the absence of Rev.
2,1. Parker no service was held in the
Mr. and lfrs. W. H. Stanton of
Bad Axe Mich., were guests over the
week enc with hiss Maud McGregor,
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. King and son
Douglas of Toronto are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. G. King.
Miss Mina Proctor of Toronto spent
last week with her aunt, Mrs. G. King,
Mr. Lloyd Hodgins and his mother
returned from Cleveland on Saturday
having visited Mrs. (Dr.) Neill. Miss
Mabel Hodgins remained for a longer
visit with her sister.
Miss M. Robson of Toronto is the
guest of Miss J. Stirling.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Westlake spent a
couple of days at Tobermory this
Misses Helena ami Edith Shaw of
Detroit are the guests of Misses A.
and A. Drouin this week.
Fall Wheat
To our old customers and as
many new ones as it is possible'
to serve, we wish to remind you
we will have fertilizer for you all.
Ruhm's 33 p.c. phosphate, Tan-
guay's Mixed Fertilizer and Ar-
mour's Fertilizer, also 16 p.c.
acid phosphate.
These grades have made excel-
lent showing this spring.
Ask our customers and find out
for yourself. Don't be in a hurry
to sign an order, as we always
use you right as to price, qual-
ity and service.
or any representative agent.
Mr. Allen Pye returned to Windsor
on Saturday having spent two weeks
with his wife and family at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wid-
combe. Mrs. Pye and two boys re-
mained for a longer visit.
Miss Cecil McLeod, R.N., returned
home on Saturday after visiting in
Jack Walters 6f Grand Rapids, Oh-
io, and Douglas Fraser of Fort Wil-
liam, are visiting their grandmother,
Mrs, Thomson.
Mrs. Wilbur McBride and fancily of
Windsor are visiting her mother, firs.
A. Currie.
Mrs. H. K. Kling and little Harold
Attwood returned fo Sarnia on Sun-
day having spent a few days with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, C.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and little
Glen, who have been visiting with
them returned to London on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burt and fam-
ily of London spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker.
Mrs. Agnes Braggart came from
Toronto last week to spend the sum-
mer at her home in the village. When
she opened her home she found that
thieves had broken in and stolen fruit
and other articles. Not content with
this they also broke things and left
the fionse itf s ransacked condition.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Currie of Fargo,
N. Dakota, were guests this week
with Miss M. McGregor.
Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Benson of Lon-
don spent a couple of days this week
as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Miss Mary Stirling, Goderich town-
ship, who has been visiting her aunt,
Miss J. Stirling, returned home on
Saturday. •
Mr, ai,d Mrs. Walter Westlake left
on Tuesday to spend a few days at
Mrs. v, McLaren and Miss Chris-
tina of Port Elgin came on Friday
and spent the week end with her sis-
ter, Miss J. Stirling. Miss Marion Mc-
Laren who has been visiting her aunt
for two weeks, returned home on Sun-
day with her mother.
Mrs, Fulton of Sarnia called on her
sister, Mrs. L. Beatty last week when
Misses Gladys and Edyth Beatty ac-
companied her home.
Mrs. Ra'thwell of Wheatley is visit-
ing a few weeks with Mrs, Reid.
Mrs. Sparrow has returned home
after a visit with friends in Kitchen-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Raymond, in
company with Mr. and Mrs. Rogers
and Gordon Raymond of London call-
ed on Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty on
;Stanley township may boast a
bumper crop of wheat this season.
Miss Jean and Francis Mossop re-
turned home after a pleasant outing
at Bhylfield,
•r. and Mrs.PP Clifford Epps are vis-
iting friends and relatives here.
Miss Mary Ohuter of London spent
last week at her home here.
Mr. G. H. Beatty in company with
his mother and sinter Emily sspent the
week end with friends in Blyth.
Mr. Fred Austin .has engaged for a
time with Mr. Reid the thresher.
A Forgotten Anniversary
Is this an .anniversary you have
forgotten ? If so, there is still time to
redeem yourself. Your telephone
will take you to any place you want
in a few minutes and a greeting, by
long distance is a form Of remem-
brance that everyone appreciates.
Out-of-town calls nowadays are as
easy to make as local ones and they
are cheaper than ever 'before. Re-
duced evening rates begin at 7,00
p.m.' -on "anyone" calls.
Mrs. Thompson and fancily of Sar-
nia are visiting at the hoane,of her mo-
ther, Mrs W. Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs. J McQueen end Mr.
and Mrs, J. Moodie visited at the
home of Mr and Mrs. J. Robb acid
Mr and Mrs. J. Work in Brussels, and
also friends near 1-Iarriston last week.
,Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Bell illcCarrou
and daughter -of Toronto, formerly
Musses Margaret and Bell Ross, spenit
the week end at the home of Mrs. A.
IMT. C. Hem ole Toronto visited
friends in the village last week..
Two motor accidents occurred on
Sunday, one of the drnrers did not
heed the stop sign so collided with a
car which was drivingon the pave-
ment. Both cams were injured but itw
one hurt. The other accident occurred
one mile south of Brucefield when a
ma.n from London had his leg broken.
Rev. W A Bremner and Mrs, Brem-
ner are now taking their holidays and
Rev. C, Mustard of Toronto well con-
duct divine service .morning end even-
ing, meat Sunday, August 3rd.
Mies Violet Petrie, who 'h'a's been
spending the last year in Vancouver,
B.:C., arrived -in Bruceifiedd this week
where she will visit friends in the vil-
lage and vicinity.
.cobs. Fred Hoegy took her son • to
tie Children's hospital, Toronto last
Friday. He was o;peraite.d on Tues-
Mrs.' Fred Koehler is away on an
eatende'd visit to Stratford and sur-
rounding country.
Mrs. Christian. Regele who is in her
86th year is gradually getting .weaker.
-lir. and Mrs. Wes Fischer, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Fischer of Fullerton
were visiting in bhe neighborhood last
The Dantzer Bros. are putting in a
new tank and pump at the garage.
The community gave the 'Veber
family a shower last Thursday night
of useful household articles at Mr.
Henry Bennewies' place.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hentz of Kit-
chener visited for a week. with her
brother, -Mr. Eli Raspier' and family.
Mrs. Jno. Chase and children of
Detroit were visiting her sisters, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Leonhard& over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley of Kitchener
spent a few days at the home. of Mr.
and Mrs. John Benn'ewies.
Mr. August Hennick and daughter
Carrie of Buffalo spent the week end
visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Vietor.
Mr. Arnold Jeffry, Detroit, is spen-
ding his holidays under the parental
Mr. and Mrs. R. Buttenham, Ham -
]ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
A. McLellan.
Mr. Hoy, and "Leery and sister,
Miss Vera, spent last week with'
Flint relatives.
Mr. and Mfrs. Wm. Jeffry and Arn-
old spent the week -end in Buffalo.
Mrs. Stewart and daughter, Miss
J. Stewart of Chatham visited with
her son, Rev. R. N. Stewart, re-
cen tly. -
Mr, and Mrs, Hervey Gray, To-
ronto, are holidaying at the former's
Mr, and Mrs. C. Harrigan and nam-
fly spent the week -end . with rela-
Mrs, Honey of St. Catherines and
Mrs, Price, of Aylmer, have return-
ed to their homes after a two weeks'
visit et the home of Mr, Geo. Wilson.
Miss Verna Drake, Stratford, is
holidaying with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jno. Drake.
Miss Jennie Pearce, Fordwich, is
visiting Miss Jean Tuffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Treffry and
Mr. Walter O'Brien, Flint, and Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil OiBrien, Ridgetown,
spent the week -end with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane, Mr. and
Mrs. Vincent Lane and Mr. and Mrs,
Jos Jordan spent 'Sunday with Mrs.
John Lane,
Mr, Joseph MnGratli returned to
Chicago this week after spending his
holidays with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John McGrath.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams
spent Sunday in Midland.
Miss Verna Doake of Stratford is
holidaying with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Drake.
Miss Marie Benninger hasreturned.
home after spending a week at Mus-
Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath and
family spent Sunday at Grand Bend:
Miss Veronica McConnell, who is
attending tete ` Ontario Agricultural
College at Guelph visited her father
over bh'e week end.
Mrs, Jerry Ryan of Stratford called'
on her mother, Mrs. T Maloney on
Mrs. John Donnelly is visiting with
friends in Buffalo.
Miss May Jones
London isnurs-
ing Little Miss Doreen Goulds, who
underwent an operation for .the remov-
al of her tonsils in Dr. Fletcher's hos-
pital in Exeter on Monday last.
Miss Vera Heywood and Mr. Tom
Heywood are home for bhe hblidlays.
Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock
of St. Thomas are holidaying in the
vicinity this week.
+Rev. Mr. White, who Was attending
summer sohool at Goderich last week
has returned hoime again.
Mr. Case of Strafford delivered an
address which was much appreciated,
given in the 'interests of the Lord's
Day Alliance, on Sunday. evening.
The community picnic held at
Stratford on Tuesday last was a good
success. The races were as fellows:
Girls, under 4 years. Etheline Johns,
L Johns, G. Brock; boys, under 8, W.
Coward and Harold Davis; girls, un-
der 12 years, Mary Johns, Lillian,
Murch; boys, under 12 years, Clifton
Brock, Roy Hunter, Ron'ald Elford;
young ladies, Helen Murch, Maizie
O'Reilly, Bernie Murah; young men's
PURITY FLOUR ....... ..,:,,4.00
RED ROSE TEA, per pound .:
LIPTON% TEA, per pound
........ 49c
" Buy in Egmondville.
race, Harry :Murch, Kenneth johns;
ladies' kick slipper, Mrs E. R. Pym,
Elva Home, Dora Delbridge; clothes
pin race, Thelma OIReidly, Sam B•oIw-
ers, Marjorie Debbridge, Mr. • White;
three-legged race, Maizie and Thelma
O'Reilly, Kenneth Johns and Harry
Murch, Sam Bowers ,and Horace Del-
bridge; married men's race, Wes
Johns, John Brock; married women's
race, Mrs. John 'Brock, Mrs. E. Pym.
Mr. end Mrs. John Francis and
Mrs. Goldsmith of London visited in
the neighborhood last week.
Mrs. Pau] Madge of Milk River,
Alberta, has beep ,visiting relatives in
the community.
Dr. John end Mrs. Hagan of Chi-
cago,' are guests at' the home of the
doctor's mother, Mrs. A. Hagan.
Mr. Lawrence Brightmore of Lon-
don is spending a few holidays with
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Cochrane.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Inkster, Mr. and
Mrs Mitchell and family of Goderich
were recent visitors at the home of
Mr. William Jarrott.
Mr. and Mrs Harry Fuss and fam-
ily were visiting 'friends in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Keys
and family of near Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark and family
of McKillop were visiting Mrs. L.
Mr. Clarence Reichert of London
spent the week end at his hone.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson and
Mrs. John Lave were in Stratford on
Fridayattending funeral of a rel-
ative. digthe l-
Miller's 'Worm 'Powders are not
surpassed by any other preparation as
a vermifuge or worm destroyer. In-
deed, there are few preparations ' that
have the merit that it has to recom-
mend it. Mothers, aware of its excel-
lence, seek its aid at the first indica-
tion of the presence of worms in their
children, knowing that it is a perfect-
ly trustworthy medicine that will give
immediate and lasting relief.
The family of the late William
Staples wish to express their sincere
thanks to friends and neighbors for
their kindness and sympathy shown
during their.recent sad 'bereavement.
QAIRiI.IDIJE -1In Scott Memorial Hos,
ghat, on Thursday, Judy 10, 1930, to
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlile, Han -
sail, a daughter.
0O1N1NIOLLY-In Scott Memorial
(Hospital, on Thursday, •Judy,- 24,
1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Oo•weoi-
ly, Dublin, a son.
MUNIN- de Scott Memorial Hospital
on 'Saturday, July 26, 1930, to Mr.
and' Mrs. Ed. Munn, Exeter, a
BE'UERR11Al2 N -In .Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Friday, July 25, 1930,
to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beuermann,
'Dublin,a daughter. •
OlN- fin` Scott Memorial
(Hospital, on Sunday, July. 27, 1930,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogerson, e
MdMIIQHIAJEL—In Scott Memorial
Hospital on Tuesday, July 29,.1930,
to Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy McMichael,
Seaforth, a daughter.
CAMPBIELL—In Scott • Memorial
1Hospital, on Tuesday, July 24, 1930,
to Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell, of
IHensall, a son.
MAIIJOINIEY.—dn MoKili'op, on Tues-
day, July 29, 1930; to Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Maloney, a son
(High school girds preferred. Com-
fortable home with all modern con-
veniences. Apply to Mrs. W. L.
KEYS, William st. west, Seaforth.
Collie pups for sale. Apply to J W.
THOMIPSOIN, Seafori;h R. R. 2, or
phone 233r31. ' .,. 31
New Winter Wheat, $1.00 a bushel
SCOTT CLUFF, Egmondville. 31
Three young pigs about 4 months
old. Apply W. F. SMITH. Tele-
phone McKillop 239r1115. 31
Two roomers or boarders wanted,
either boys or girls. Apply to Miss
Carnochan, West William Street,
Seaforth, 31
High school girls, roomers or
boarders. Apply to Miss J. Mc -
BRIDE, Centre' st. 33
, ndiiiw�i��i�i���alllll'Iillp
Beauty, eonveniD
ence and 2411.Year.
Round Utility
Combined in This New
Coal and
ElectricRan ..e
ready for immediate use of ei-
ther fuel, without changing a
part or turning a lever.
McClary's Electric Stoves
Phone 143 r 4 Seaforth
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Battery Sales and Service
Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries;
Ag ood line of new and used parts of different makes of cars
If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call
Studebaker Sales and Service
e ie S
• '
a nae.
DR.- H. HUGH' ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England, Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office.
Phone No. 5: Residence Phone 104,
DR. F . J. • BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderi
ch street,
east of the United Church. Coroner,
for the County of Huron. Telephone
No. 46.
DR. C. MACKAY.-C. Mackay;
honor graduate of Trinity University -
and gold medallist of Trinity Medical
College; member of the College of`
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontari
Nose and Throat, ` Graduate in lled4s •~ .
cine, University of Toronto 18W.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal- -
mic and Aural Instit '.e, Moorefield°].•
Eye, and • Golden Square 'throat hos- •
petals, London. England. At maCo-'
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday' in
each month, from 11 a.ni. to 3 p.m.
Next visit in ,September.
DR. W. C. SPROAT.=Graduate et
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Member -
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhert'i
Drug Store, Main St., Seaforlh.
Phone 90.
DR. J A. MUNN, Success te
Dr. R. R. Ross, • graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, Ill. Lk.
cen ia•f
t e Royal College of Dental al
geons, Toronto. Office over Sills -
hardware, Main St;,' Seaforth. Pismo
DR. F. J. BFCHELY, graduate -
Royal College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smi*'.
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones.
office 183W, residence 183j. ,
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor-),
O.L.S., Registered ' Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering Institute of
Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont.
ID. .L..ROSS. Barrister and Solicit
or, Notary Publid. Hours 9 a.m.-2 .p.m.
and 7 p.m. Office above Phillips!
Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. Phone 6.
Auctioneer' for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The'Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
HAROLD D. DALE, Liceased:
Auctioneer for the County of Hama.
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13.
(Successors to James Watson).
All kinds of Insurance risks effect
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.l
Officers—James Connolly. Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. '
Directors—Win. Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagnl.
James Evans, -Beechwood; M. Mc- •
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex, Broadfoot, No, 3 Sea -
forth; J M. Sholdice. No. 4, Walton'
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mo.
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray.'
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents—games Watt, Blyth„ rs..
No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesviile; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John.
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties•
desirous to effect insurance or tram --
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Wednesday, July 30iih.
Butter, per Ib. .. ,2So
Eggs, per doz. 118-23-25c
Potatoes, per bag ... ,$176- L
Hogs, per cwt. $11100-$11.50'
A few well bred cattle Collie pub,
born heelers, pure black withw hite
tips. Parents s bot
good heelers. C.
LITTLE, Seaforth P.O, Phone 241
on 240. 31.
Comfortable dwelling, Barn, Chicle-•
en House and two acres of land,.
Buildings in the best of repair.
,Good water, small fruits, etc.
A Real Bargain,
' Immediate Possession Given.
Insurance, Real Estate, Etc.
Phone 1$12.,
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