HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-07-31, Page 3Sunday School
.the. valley through -"which flowsthe
River Kishon. Sisera gathered to-
.gether his armed chariots et the river.
When Deborah gave the command;
Up, for this• is the, 4ay,'the Galilean
;highlanders rushed like a torrent
down 'the slope of oMunt Tabor and
swept thg enemy before • them.?'—
Peake. There appeals to have been a
July 27. Lesson IV Deborah (A heavy storm of rain which broke upon
Leader In a National Emergency)— the plain at the critical moment, and
the river rose in flood sweeping the
Judges 4: 1-10. Golden Text—Say enemy and his chariots away. "Kish-
to them that are of a fearful heart, on's torrent swept the foe off,: Kish-
Be strong, fear not. Isaiah 35: 4. 1 on's torrent in their. faces" (5: 21,
II. THE CALL TO ARMS, 4: 4-12.
III. THE VICTORY, 4: 13-15.
INTRODUCTION—It was in the period
of the Judges, after lea, time .of
Joshua, that the Canaanites of north-
ern Palestine mightily oppressed the
children of Israel, The conquestof
the land by Joshua had been by no
meanb complete. The historian cf the
book of Judges makes that clear in
chaps. 1-3. In the north, the centre,
and the southwest there remained po-
tential enemies, nations whic,, he says,
the L or:i left to peeve Israel Sy them.
The 'Eleblew invaders under Joshua
and after made itch settlement as
they could with their. Canaanite neigh-
bors, sometimes on friendly terms,
sometimes unfriendly, and only. where
they) were strong_ did they put the
Canaanites to tribute. In Joshua's
campaigns he'faand a formidable ad-
versary in the north in Jabin, king of
Hazer, who gathered a creat host
from the northern states and gave
battle to Joshua at the waters ' of
Merom. Joshua was victorious and
followee up the rout of the enemy by
burning their city, oshJ 11: 1-14. It
is ;i,o wonder, thereicre, tl-at the
Canaanites of the north cherished a
hatred of Israel, and a desire to be
o venged. Their opportunity came
some time later when they got the
better of the Israelites in war and
subjected them to cruel oppression,
,Tudges 5: 6-8..
The writer, or editor, of the book
of Judges regards the calamities
which carne upon Israel as a punish -
tient for the people's sins. Compare
vs. 1-2; 6: 1-2; 10: 6-7, etc. The eine
The song of Deborah (chap. 5) is
a fine example of. ancient Hebrew
poetry. It is a woillc of real genius
breathing a fine spirit of patriotic
fervor and confident faith. A well-
known English essayist calls it "the
greatest war song of any age or na-
tion."—R. E. Hutton.
Alnerica's Attitude
Toward League Changed.
Washington—The United States is
co-operating in practically every held
of activity of the Leagpe of Nations,
including important international con-
ferences and non-political enterprises,
according to a summary of the l ireign
Polley Association, published here.
America s attitude has changed in 10
years from haughty aloofness
which the State Department refused
to answer official communications
from the League, to one of close as-
sociation save in the meetings of the
Council and the Assembly.
"To -day the United States is par -
in one capacity of another
in practically all of the important
international conferences held under
the auspices of the League;'-- Ray-
mond Leglie Buell, research director
of the association, states In a fore-
"Likewise, the United States has
developed a`system for the peaceful
settlement oe international disputes
which parallels, in certain respects,
the policy pursues by members of
the League. Thus, as will be seen,
the -American Government has to an
of Canaan here m ntioned bears the extent accepted the plan of compel
sante name, Jabin, as the king who sort' arbitration of legal disputes and
fought with Joshue. He may have the idea of compusory investigation of
been a son or grandson. Razor was other differences," he said.
in the extreme north of Palestine, just
west of the Lak-i of Hioleh, called
elsewhere the waters of Merom. Sis-' Huge 72-S1on ei Theatre
era's home was much farther south, in I Stage y,:•rinr is Planned
the southwest cornee of the Blain of i •
New York — A motion picture
Esdraelon, not far from where the lhoah'et]rat will be one of the largest
battle was fought The strength of
the Canaanite army may be judged by fn Ilio world will ba built in 1932 in
the statement. than' Jabin h,.0 nine a 7.2 -storey skyscraper by the .Para -
hundred chariots of iron. ('.ornnare mount-Publix Corporation, diagonally
Deborah's question, Wes there a opposite its present 29 -storey Para -
shield or sear sem, atro•ig forty thou- mount Theatre Building in Broadway.
sand of Jeri^1? Tile odds were great-
ly in fa -:sr of se -^1's oppressors.
II. THE CALL ro A11•-0, 4: 4-12.
Not many wo..-en of Olcl Testament
times had the gift of prophecy. The
gift of Deborah is foe that reason all
the more remarkable. The people be-
lieved her to be inspired to declare to.
them the will of God, and gave her,
therefore, the rank and authority of a
judge. Her home was not far north
of Jerusalem between Mullah and
Bethel in Mount Ephraim. Evidently
the anaanite'oppression was felt even
there, though so far to the south.
Barak was a man of time tribe of
Naphtali, whose home was a few miles
northwest of the Lake of Huleh. His
name in Hebrew means "Lightning,"
and may represene his character, bold
and swift to strike.- Deborah ha
heard of his fame and had chosen him
as commander of the forces she de-
termined to raise against the oppres-
sor. he bids him draw toward Mount
Tabor ten thousand men of his own
tribe and the closely -related tribe of
Zebulun. Of these men he would be
the recognized and accepted leader.
It is the Lord's command and. Barak
obeys, but he makes one condition. If
thou, wilt pro with me, he said to De-
borah, then I will go. Deborah re-
plied, Ilwill surely ;;o with thee. Then
with - a touch of humor, chiding the
dhieftain's dependence open her, she
added that the honor of the enterprise
would go to a woman (see 5: $4-27).
Barak knew very well that the pres-
ence of such a woman as Deborah in
the army would inspire courage. With
such a faith they.would be invincible.
Men of the other tribes were called
and some came willingly, others hesi-
tated, or refused Deborah's rallying
cry was, To the help of the Lord, to
the 'help of the Lord, against the
mighty, 5: 23. Heber the Kenite is
mentioned here apparently in order to
explain why be bad pitched his tent
so far north, altbough the home of his
people was in the south. It was his
wife whose conragec.ns but inhospit-
able act won her such high praise in
Deborah's, song of victory, 5: 24-27.
IlJ. THE VICTORY, 4: 13.15.
Barak assembled his men upon
Mount. Tabor on the northern side of
Announcement of the plane was
matte on July 9 by Eugene Zukor, in
charge of building for the corpora-
tion, who said that the Broadway site
had been purchased In the name of
the Seneca X-Iolding Corporation. Tho
new theatre will have a capacity for
6000 persons, 2000 more than the
Paramount., and its skyscraper will be
the highest in upper Broadway.
The plot of land acquired is 50,000
square feet running 206 feet back
from Broadway between Forty-fourth
and Forty-fiftis Streets.
"If you in the mooning
Throw moments away,
You can't gather them up
In the course of the day,
You may hurry and scurry
And flurry and worry,
They are lost` forever,
. Forever and aye."
Athletic Nurse!
Miss Marcella Newburn, judged best all-round athletic nurse at Passavant
hospital, Chicago, recently, where all nurses are required to put in minimum
of ten hours a week athletic work,
Dish -:s for Warm
During the hot weather the prob-
lem of Trow to use up left -overs be-
comes important. If these ai'e allowed
to remain beside fresh foods they will
soon contaminate them. For this rea-.
son housekeepers should examine the'
larder every morning and plan how
1 these food remains are to he incorpor
ated in the menu.
Scraps of porridge, bread, and so on
may be used for thickening brown
soups. Boil the scraps in the soup,
then pass through a coarse strainer.
Any kind of cold meat may be trans-
formed into delicious timbales, patties,
or 'cutlets; and scraps from a joint
may be passed through a mincer (or
cut into very small pieces with a
knife) and stirred into breadcrumbs
which Have been moistened with stock.
Shape into flat cakes and fry a golden
brown in fat from which a faint blue
smoke is rising.
The remains ' of mashed potatoes
may be incorporated with other left-
oves'•yegetables, seasoned, and fried a
nice brown.
There are many ways of utilizing
stale bread. If tbere is a large ac-
cumulation, spread thinly with butter
or good margarine, arrange in a pie -
dish containing milk and a well -beaten
egg, and bake in a moderate oven for
an hour or so.
It despite all precautions better
should become rancid, it may be re-
stored to its original freshness in the
following manner: Break into small
pieces and place en a bowl containing
fresh milk. Leave for an hour or so,
then drain off the milk, wash in cold
salted water, and form into its former
Three Ways With Peas
Shell and boil the peas with a sprig
of mint until tender; hard -boil as
many eggs as You require. Line a
baking -dish with fried onions, add half
the peas, put in the eggs halved, cover
with tlse rest of the peas, add a good
tablespoonful of mushroom ketchup
cover with breadcrumbs and a little
gratel cheese, and bake in a sharp
oven for ten minutes.
Or—Make a good short crust with
"Where's tl at watch your father
gave you?"
"Uncle has it now."
Dost thou love life? Then do not
squander time, for that is the stuff
life is made of.—Franklin.
"Of all lies, the worst lie is that the
American worship money." -Gilbert
Ii, Shesterton.
Whilst. "Aren't you relieved to have
your daughter married?" Waste:
"Yee, of about $1,000."
hall a pound of flour and three ounces
of good dripping or lard and a pinch
of salt, 'rxed to a stiff paste with cold
water. All out into squares. Put a
teaspooz,:u1 of the cooked peas on
each square, add a litt's cold cooked
fish or chopped bacon and a dash of
tomato sauce, fold, and bake in 0 sharp
oven until brown.
Or—Take the peas, with some chin
slices of cold veal or lamb. Boll a
small spoonful in ea0h piece with a
little chopped onion mixed with salt
and pepper. Tie with cotton, dip in
egg and breadcrumbs, fry in hot fat,
and serve with mashed potatoes.
Fish in Hot Weather
Automobiles Have Lessened
Chances of Getting Lockjaw
By E. E, FREE, Ph. D.
In spite 0f the enormous number of Any chance injury like stepping on a
rusty "nail or a cut with a dirty knife
or even a .scratched hand or knee
caused by a fall was likely to become
infected with these lockjaw germs
which then multiplied in the blood
cuts, scratches and bruises` for which
automobiles are responsible each
year, the automobile must be cred-
ited, believes Dr, C. O. Sappington,
of the National Safety Council, with a and brought" on after a few days the
great decrease in cases of lockjaw in dreaded spasm of the jaws and other
the United States in the past ten muscles which gave the disease its
years. Not that automobiles or outo- name. The lockjaw germs, Dr. Sap-
mobiling have any direct effect on the pington recalls, cannot ,enter the body
lock-jaw: germ. Whathas happened through Unbroken skin, Some kind
Dr. Sappington explains in a recent of scratch or cut is necessary. Now-
issue of the Coun011's industrial belle-, a -clays, with fewer hoists to scatter
tin, "The Safe Worker," is that auto-, the germs, such <accidental abrasions
mobiles have displaced millions' of of the 'skin are less likely to become,
horses, especially in cities. The lock-, infected with lockjaw germs, al.
jaw germ, he continues, is a normal', thoughit still is a good plan; Dr.
inhabitant of the digestive system' of Sappington agrees, to have al' such
the horse. It the old days when cuts cleaned and disinfected by an
Horses were common these living' expert physician or nurse, ancl„ to
lockjaw germs were scattered by bit•' take a dose of 'lockjaw serum it the
lions everywhere in soil and duit.i physician so advises,
Wolf Creek Pass, What New York
Is Wearing
Evening falls with soft sounds BY ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON
And colorings in these mountains—
Low,A gentle breeze is making its rounds, illustrated DressmakingT Lesson Far -
tender whisperings go
I bear a slight stir
Somewhere near, then a sudden whir,
And glimpse the bright flash of wings,
And two gay birds getting Home late
Are off and away, the lovely things!
From the tiny village below
Conies an occasional humming, to and
It is -carried and echoed,
Voices, softened by distance, grow
Into a nselodions murmur;
There is the bark of a dog, and a
Whistle calling it to heel;
The wistful song of the whipoorwill.
The plaintive bleat of sheep
On the rocky, mile -high hill,
And the faint tinkle of a bell, all steal
Up the narrow, winding trail;
Few foodstuffs deteriorate more
quickly during hot weather than fish,
and the housekeeper should make cer-
tain it is fresh at the time of buying,
and that every precaution is taken to
prevent it turning bad wblle iu stor-
age. •-
16 whole fish are required, select
medium-sized ones in preference to
large ones. The scales should be
bright and firmly attached; if these
have a slightly -bluish tinge and come
off readily when rubbed -with the
fingers, the fish has lost its first
The eyes should be clear (not dull
and glazed), and the gills a bright
red. The fish should be stiff, plump
and firm. Should it show growths
about the head, or unsightly blotches,
it should be rejected, as these are
indications of disease.
The spots in plaice may be regarded
as an infallible index to the condition
of the fish; if these are a bright, defi-
nite shade of red the fish Is fresh; if
they are dull and rather indistinct the
flsh is stale.
Cut;fish should have a firm appear-
ance and a close grain. If it appears
limp and flabby the fish has lost its
Met freshness.
A few drops of lemon juice squeezed
into the water in which new potatoes
or cauliflowers are boiled will •keep
them a good coley
If a wicker article is scrubbed well
with salt and water as well as soap,
, it will look lilte new, as the salt not
only cleans but stiffens the cane.
A little castor sugar sprinkledover
fried tomatoes will improve their fla-
leOZOLP, leaTte GETTING 80,,000
THE uMPIRGs user. Ti
t.� f
Venturesome stats and a yourngninon
Out above a waving scarf of purple
While over all the stately mountains
Watch silently, wrapt
In their own magnificence, and soli-
—Peter _4. Lea.
Canada Can Teach
France a Lesson?
Paris—There is at least one thing
according to a writer in Paris -Midi,
which France can learn from Canada.
One of these is how to house a par-
liament. If only the Chamber of
Deputies could be transported from
the Palais Bourbon to the Grand
Petals, thinks this Parisian, and thus
conduct its deliberations is spacious,
0119 anti cheerful surroundings, as
does the House of Commons at Ot-
tawa, many discourteous speeches
and nsany ill-considered votes would
be avoiclel. But these is at least
one thing which Canada can learn,
and apparently is learning, from
Franco, incl that is the importance of
holding world expositions, The
great exhibition which is being plan-
ned for Vancouver in 1936 to promote
friendly relations between America
and the Far East, seems to the writer
in Paris-llidi to have been at least
in part inspired by the extensive pre-
parations which are being made for
the international Overseas Exposition
to be held in Paris in 1931.
A fault finding temper, if not mast-
ered in its infancy, will cling to you
litre ivy round a tree, so root it out
unless you wish to spend a life oe
It is better to have good looks that
wear off than those that wash off.
You'Do(d'T MEpor4
-1b Tru. M
our poP ANSoN
WITH 0140
wished With Every Pattern
Through the evergreens,
Whose discarded branches 'have made
the glew
For ray iire—the trees know
All the secrets of the wild and the
haPpY .Plates
Where the wind careens!
Prisoners Govern
Selves in Cuba
Isle of Pines, Cuba—The "presidio
modelo" or model prison here is well
named. Many wardens and prison
boards in the United States could
well afford to see how Cuba maintains
this prison for 2,800 Dien,
The five buildings housing these
men are of unique construction, cir-
cular in design. Eacb cell opens
into a. court and the air is always
fresh and pine as a large window al-
lows the sunlight' in each cell some-
time diming the day. : Modern sani-
tary facilities, a cot and chair are the
furnishings in each Dell, which con-
tains only
on-tains.:only :one man; •
No guards are found Melee the
buildings. The prisoners go.vei'n
themselves. Whenever a prieener
breaks a rule, an investigator is seise'
ed by the prisoners from among Om -
selves to investigate and report to
a jury of five prisoners, who try the
case aria report to the warden, Cap-
tain Costello.
A wail about three feet high sur
rounds the prison. If any prisoner
attempts to escapehe is shot without
There is no pampering nor Ari-
soners' aid societies.' A school is.
maintained, but attendance is not
compulsory. .Theprisoners make all
of their own clotbes and shoes, raise
all foodstuffs and build additional sec-
tions as needed.
It costs the government 29 cents a
day to feed each prisoner, Break-
fast at 5 a,m. consists of bread and
coffee. The mid-day meal at 11
usually contains one fresh vegetable,
a thick porridge, bread and coffee.
Supper is about the same with meat
substituted for the porridge. The
whole atmosphere of this 'prison is
more like a training school than a
The chic femininity and girlish
prettiness of this yellow and green
printed rayon crepe will instantly
appeal to the sophisticated miss of 1,
10, 12 and 14 years.
The flaring skirt shows soft gather-
ing at front. and slight dipping at
either side. A crushed girdle marks
the normal waistline and ties in
youthful bow at side.
The simple bodice is sleeveless. The
eapelet collar of plain yellow crepe is
most unusual, opened at front display-
ing round neckline An applied band
of the printed crepe provides smart
Style No. 3360 is very effective for
parties made of pale blue georgette,
crepe with collar finished with picot
Printed batiste, dimity, voile, tub
silks and printed lawn make lip
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (a,in preferred; wrap
it caresully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
V,'hen is a tennis racquet like news?
-When it is in the press.
"A coeutry without a navy is; to
some, like a man without evening
clothes."—Lo:d Ponsonby.
"We are hero at the naval parley
to sit until we settle."—Charles Fran.
cis Adams.
Them Was the Good Old Daze.
' g 5Nout13 SaaY NOT. POP GOT
l(a A FOURTh SWING 8EFol@e
Trig BALL PeEAcl:1ED The
'iAtllitfll a1!,
Bad Smells Will
e Exterminat .d
Ons of the most offensive things on
earth is a bad smell. It pollutes the
air. makes everybody feel unhealthy,
and spreads its miasmic influence
uv r everything. Through the art-
ful aid of science, however, we are
now promised relief from evil odours.
The head of the Department of
Psychology in Colgate University
forecasts an era of meet smells. It
seems that a discovery has been
made whereby two bad melts are
combined and make one good small.
This is achieved by employing what
is called an industrial aromatic,
which is in itself an unpleasant odour
but which, when combined with, say,
the aroma of rotten eggs, produces
an atmosphere comparable to that of
white lilac drenched with Drain.
There ought to be a very large and
immediate market for such industrial
aromatics. They could be put to use
effectively in theatres, in automobiles,
In school rooms, in almost every place
where people are herded together In
numbers. On trains they would be
a most welcome adjunct to enjoyable
travel. Those who live in the neigh-
borhood of incinerators or slaughter•
houses would have a permanent 'lee
for them, and the garbage eollectoi's'
job'couldbe made almost paradisiacal.
Best of all, mankind need no longer
go in fear of the beautiful but loath-
some•odored skunk. It is truly a
white lilac drenched with rain.
Paris Will Have
Bee Hives on b$alctrni^: 7
An enterprising apiculturist is dc•
ing all in his power to make beekeep-
ing a City man's pastime or even an
urban occupation. In the BOulevaa1
Barbee, Paris, France, he has install-
ed a kiosk where not only honey,.
but the bees which make it, can be
purchased. At present, most of his
customers are from the suburb%
where apiculture appears to be in
vogue. But be looks forward to the
clay when city dwe.lers will begin
installing beehives on their balconies.
A journalist has given blur some en-
couragement by pointing out that the
bee is one of the few animals which
landlords have not banned from Paris
flats, Soon every man may own his
own honey factory: As if It antici-
pation of this deveicpment, the Mar-
quis d'Hautepoule in 1860 established
a course in apiculture which is still
given each year in the Luxembourg
Ob, worry, worry! You are respon,
sible for more grey hairs and wrinkles
than age. You have penciled more
brows with tell-tale lines than years
have ever thought of doing. Do your
duty. Grasp your end of the line and
pull. Accomplish all you can, and •
never fret. When Providence sees
such a fellow on the road, Providence
Is sure to harness up and meet him
en the way with a two -seated 'car-
riage. Sure as fire is fire and frost
is frost Heaven helps the brave and
pile stumbling biotite in the way of
the cowardly -hearted who complain
over nothing.
Eery man measures others by eine.
Self —he has only one standard.
When -a man ridicules the traits of
other men, he ridicules himself. How,
would he know that other mean were
contemptible did he not look into WO
own heart and there see the hateful
9Qiing.-Albert FIubard.