HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-07-24, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930.
Nomination Meeting--TheMeeting--Theromin'a-
The i
tion meeting in Hensall on Monday i
afternoon, to nominate candidates to
contest the Riding of Huron South,
in the coming Federal elections, re-
sulted in two being nominated: Mr.
Thos. McMillan for the Liberals, and
Nelson W. Trewartha, Reeve of Clin-
ton, for the Conservatives. Mr. Fred
MciGregor, Returning Officer for the
Riding, presided at the nomin'a'tion.
At the close of the nomination, Mr.
MOGregor took the chair for the af-
ter -meeting and immediately called
on Mr. Thies. McMillan, the late
member for the Riding, for an ad-
dress. Mr, McMillan sp'o'ke forty
minutes, then Mr. Trewartha ,'poke
for twenty minutes, and Mr. Hodgins
of Brampton ,Poke for forty minutes
for Mr. Trewartha and Mr. McMil
iaa then came back in a twenty min-
ute reply. All the speakers made
good addresses, and there was quite
a lot,. of good-humoured heckling. The
large hall was crowded to the doors,
everyone taking a keen interest in the
proceedings. Polling will take place
On Monday July,28, opening at 8
o'clock in the morning and close et
6 in the evening.
'Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair have
returned home after a few days' visit
with friends at Bluevale. They intend
leaving on Thursday for their vaca-
tion, spending some time at Sarnia.
Mr. Andrew Hicks of Centralia was
in town, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert North of Wood-'
stock spent the week -end with rela- I
tives here.
Haying is about finished in this dis-
trict and wheat cutting has com-
The Rev: M. B. Parker accompan-
ied by Mr, W. M. Fee, and his- two
sisters, Misses Mary and Sarah Fee,
are leaving Tuesday for a motor trip
to Quebec.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Fee and children
are spending a few days visiting
friends in. Buffalo.
Miss Dorothy Corbett of • Hay is
visiting friends in town.
Public School report. Promotion
results. Sr. II'I. to Jr. IV, Room 2-
H'onours, Orville Redden, Dorothy
McQueen, Billy Glenn, Annie Carlile.
Pass -Mary Little, Gladys Saunder-
cock, Myrna Hudson, Harold Bon-
thron, Kenneth Manns, Geo. Pearce.
Jr, IIT to Sr. III. -Honours, Loretta
Bell, Ronald Peck, Jean Foster. Pass
-Ivan Kipfer, Bob Drysdale, Doro-
thy Dater,, Nellie Fee. Sr, IL to Jr.
IIL-Honors, Herbert Drummond,
May Wolff. Pass, Mona Glenn, Mar-
garet Shepherd, Erma Kipfer, Ruth
Bell, Edna Saundercock, Kenneth
Passmore, David Sangster, Jack Sim-
mons, Keith Buchanan. M. E. Ellis,
Teacher. Room 3. Jr. II to Sr. TII
Mary Clark 85 per cent., Elva Me -
Queen 85, Jack Cole 79, Russell Hed-
den 78, Alice Pfaff 77, Stanley Tuck-
er 76, Barbara Shepherd 74, Douglas
Sangster 72. Herman Wolff 71. Jr.
II„ Geo. Sangster 77 Laird Hudson
75. Shirley Twitchell 69, Ray Foster
Sr, 1., Elaine Peck 85. Norma
Cook 84, Gerald Passmore 8.5, Audrey
Twitcheii 81, Cecil Kipfer 77, Billy
Higgins 73, Stephen Walters 61, Ste-
wart Walters 60, Howard Smale 42,
Primer to Jr. L --June Saundercoek
ries uoris Pearce 81, Jack Shepherd
77, Billy Cole 77, Preston Letnsnon 75,
Sidney Tucker 59. J. J. Buchanan,
Death of Mrs. Conrad Wagner. -
The death occurred in Hensall on family returned to their home in
Friday last of one of .its oldest resid- r .radon last week.
TO SHOW a profit on the farm at the end of the year it is
necessary to cut production costs clown to rock bottom these
days. Farmers all over the world are gradually turning to
Power Farming, as a means to maketheir farms pay.
McCORMIOK,DEBRING Tractors are serving faithfully
in every community. They are looked u'p'on by satisfied own-
ers as the standard farm tractor.
There are three sizes in the McCormick -Peering Tractor
lime -the 10120, Farnell, and 15-130-a size for every farm.
McCORMICK-DEERING Horse Drawn and Tractor
Binders are descendants of a century odd line of harvesting
machinery which gave complete satisfaction to our'fathers,
grandfathers and great grandfathers. This heavy crop is
going to tax a binder to the utmost. Will your old machine
stand the test ? Come in and inspect the new 'McCormick -
Deering, famous for light draught, clean cutting, and efficient
tying of bundles.
W. C. Govenlock
to spend a few days: in Cleveland with
Mrs, Cameron Mc,Neili (nee Dorothy
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Buchan and
Master Ewing Buchan spent a few
days this week with the former's sis-
ter, Mrs. N. W. Woods.
The prizes given by Mfrs. L. W.
Burch for the Best Ball contest at
the Bayfield Golf Club on July 17th
were won by Mrs, Davis, London
Hunt Club, and Miss Rankin, Bay-
field Golf Club.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dixon and Miss
Carrie Dixon returned to London on
Sunday after spending two weeks at
the .Rectory`,
MIr. John D. broods is spending a
few days with L. Thomson.
Dr. Evans Davis. of London, is
spending the week with his wife and
sister at the D. Glass cottage.
Mrs L. Prentice returned to Toron-
to en Sunday, having spent a week
With her Barents. Mr, and Mrs. 1, J,
�xleS Aima McKay who spent her
vacation with her parents, returned
Toronto on Saturday.
Miss Cecil McLeod, R N., is visit-
ing friends in Toronto.
and Mrs. C. B. Chapman and
is ll itis i crsoii a# Mrs,, ` Conrad
fir h I —�•.�
?airs. J. W. Ortweie. Her maiden " .:.
name was Anna Catherine Hoffman
and was in her 91st year. Her hus-
bend, the late Conrad Wagner, died
akFe7 at t. a hbtn'i oiler daughter,
in 1914 and since then she has lived
mostly with her daughter here. She
n daugh-
leaves to mourn her loss one h-
a g
ter, Mrs, Ortwein of Hensall. The
funeral <ervice took place from the
h me of Mr. and Mrs. Ortwein on
M,,nday afternoon with the Rev. A.
Sinclair 'naving chargea of the services
with :ate.ment in theGoshen Lina
cemetery. Amongst those attending
the funeral from a distance were Mrs.
Benkoit and son Harold of Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Ortwein of De-
troit, Mr. Milton Ortwein and son
Lloyd ' f London.
Mr. Thos, Simpson of Lucan is
spending part of his holiday in town.
A sacred band concert will be giv-
en by the Blyth Bagd on the Park
Grounds on Sunday evening, July 27,
starting 8.15,
Miss Ila Westcott of Toronto is
visiting friends in town.
Miss Vine Fisher of Hamilton was
a recent Visitor in town.
Mrs. Will Davis of Hamilton is
spending a few days visiting friends
Miss Edna Butt of Toronto is visit-
ing friends here.
An Imperial Moth plane from Sar-
nia landed in Stair's field Thursday
last end took up a number of pas-
sengers to view the village and to
exlperienee the thrill of looping the
Miss Lola Elliott returned to De-
troit on Sunday and Miss' Rosemary
Miller to Mt. Clemens after spending
two weeks with Mrs. M. Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs. Barr of Windsor are
guests at Miss M. Ferguson's.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Edwards and
Miss Ploy Edwur•ds spend Sunday at
Pt. Elgin with Mrs. E. A. Sander at
her summer eoetage.
Mr. T. Weatherbee and Dr. A.
Newton -'Brady tied •for Dr, Alex-.
antler's cup at the Golf Club on Sat-
urday. In
att-urday..In the play -sof the score re-
sulted in 65-67 in fayor of Dr. A. New-
ton -Brady.'
Mr• Grenville 'Atkinson met with a
painful accident on Saturday when he
was knocked down by a car backing
onto the road at the south beach. He
was badly shaken up and received a
long cut across his right thigh where
the car struck him. -• The driver evid-
ently did not notice 'him passing be-
hind the car.
Mr, Victor Burt spent Sunday' with
his wife and family at the home of
hes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Baker. They accompaniedhim home
to London on his return.
Mrs. Hodgins, Miss Mabel and
Prof, Lloyd Hodgins left on Tuesday
Fall Wheat
To our old customers and as
many new ones as it is possible
to serve, we wish to remind you
we will have fertilizer for you all.
Ruhm's 33 p.c. phosphate, Tan-
guay's Mixed Fertilizer and Ar-
mour's Fertilizer, also 16 p.c.
acid phosphate.
These grades have made excel-
lent showing this spring.
Ask our customers and find out
for yourself. Don't be in a hurry
to sign an order, as we always
use you right as to price, qual-
ity and service.
or any representative agent.
Miss Marion Hart of Windsor,
Miss Dorothy Hart of Detroit and
guest, Miss Helen Rowat, of London,
are spending their vacation with their
mother, Mrs. E. N. Hart.
Mrs. Butchart and family of Lon-
don are occupying Trebilcock's cot-
tage in Lakeside Park.
Dr. Callaghan of London spent the
week -end in the village. •
)Jr. and Mrs. M. P. McDonagh and
Miss Mary McDonagh returned to
London on Tuesday„ having spent
the week -end in Lakeside Park.
Miss Mina Proctor of Toronto is
spending this week with her aunt,
Mrs. G, King.
Miss Katherine Parke of Hensall is
spending a few days with Mrs. Holley
at her cottage.
Mr. Frank May and fancily of St.
Marys are occupying the May cot-
tags. -
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Davison of De-
unit came on Saturday to visit Mrs,
T , D'avisdn• •""
MMr. and Mrs, Tan 'McRae' of Strath-
roy visited the latter's aunt, Mrs. M.
Fraser, over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Guest and
family of Sault Ste. Marie motored to
the village on Saturday, Tars M
Louis and Donna ,rite spent the past
iCH' it'y,iths with her sister, Mrs.
Guest, accompanied thein home,
no state'tnettd of explanation has yet
issued '.from the government.
Iur jnistli6t.uition of the c ncession in e o f
relation to the interests of. niavigafion'
the Hon. J C. Elliott, Minister in con
trol of, the in5tter, represented to the
House of Connccois that it did nit in-
terfere with existing navigation .facil
ities--which had been dis'pnted before
a committee of inquiry 'over which,he,
himself presided -and further, that it
conformed to and was designed • to
form a link in the scheme of naviga-
tion development known as the St.
Lawrence -(Great Lakes deep wafter
way project. Enlarging the latter
part of this assurance, lie pointed out
..that under their agreement with the
government the conce'ss'ionaires were,;
obligated to build their power canal
to the dimensions required for ships
using the Welland Canal and to turn
it over to the government for naviga-
tion purposes when so required. the
navigation value of this canal being.
sixdee'n -million doilla'rs. The way Mr.
Elliott pictdred'., the transaction, the
uninformed would only take it that
the country was on the way to gest.
sixteen million dollar' worth of the
deep waterway for nothing -through
the benevolence, in fact, of the Beau-
harnois interests. '
Mr. Elliott's 'presentation of the
case as respects the deep waterway
p'rojeot was, in fact -as pointed out in
these columns at the time=mis ead-.
ing." The govern'men'ts of Canada and
the. United States Nave jointly spent
years of time and large sums of mon-
ey in ascertaining, through the Joint
Beard of Engineers, what physical
form the projected deep waterway
should take, and with the majority
recommendation of the Canadian sec-
tion of that board the . Beauharnois.
canal he's no connection whatever,
The Beauharnois diversion, in fact,
destroys the waterway scheme as .prb-
posed by the expert's the government
employed to advise it in the matter,
and if the project is ever to go thirough
the plans will have to be revised to
conform to the• private power canal.
As for this canal as a .future gift to
the coun'try for navigation purposes,
its sixteen million dollar 'value would
have to be supplemented by the ex-
penditure by the go`ve'rnment of twen-
ty or so more millions to equip it with
locks and otherwise make it available.
for the use of ships,
However; Mr. Elliott got by with a
minimum of questioning in the House
of Commons, and now a year after-
wards, this little alienation of the
people's property is disturbing the
parliamentary mind, for the reason
.that, according to Mr. Gardiner,' the
Progressive Leader, the 'Beauharnois
syndicate, through the transfer of its
rights and properties to the Beauhar
note Power Corporation, organized to
take over said rights, is richer by $3,-
3;760,000 in cash and common stock in
cash and common stock in the enter
prase worth, at an investment bank-
er's estimate, $60,000,000. Mr. Gardin-
er further figured out for the House
that the chief promoter of the project
and his associates are receiving a total
of iso less than $104,000,000 - in cash
anti,bootie and stock in the enterprise,.
the total otlt•sti3'fiding securities of
which he added up
to tr380,000,000, It
(By E. C Buchanan in Toronto
Saturday Night\
Ayear ago,
with parliament in ses-
the Kinggovernment, by order
in council, granted the Beauharnois
• Egmondvilie
90 Pounds ROLLED OATS 3.49
RED ROSE TEA, per pound .... 49c
LIPTON'S TE'A,'per pound , , , . , 49c
Buy in Egmondville.
Anyone and Anywhere.
You can telephone Halifax or Win-
nipeg now ass easily as you can call
your neighbor, lin' fact, your tele-
phone will find for you almost anyone
any'wh'ere in the world. The cost is
surprisingly • low. 'Reduced evening
rates begin at 7.00 p.m, and still low-
er night rates at 8.30- on "Anyone"
Nellie OiRear'ke ]eft on 'Fri-
day her duti� in Toronto
vacation of two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs Jos. O'Rourke.
Miss Florence Kelly arrived hb
from. Liman where she spent
last two weeks with her
T. K. Patten.
umber of friendly ,'pent an even-
ing Mr. anal Mrs. Mich
fames Kelly motored from
villeand spend Sunday with
sin Dublin and also his list
Miss Nellie O'Rourke returned
to after spending a couple
halfdays with her parentis,
surprise party was held at
of Mr and- Mrs. J. Murray
Wednesday night last when about
of their friends gathered.
Miss ri-
day to to
after a her
Mis me
the la sister,
An Michael
Murra •
P•latts his
Parents sister
in Luc
Toronto of
A s the
home on
ID'UNIGEY-,In laving memory of
our dear Aldeen Rosalind, who de-
parted this life July 266, 1923:
As we loved her so we miss her,
In our memory she is dear
Loved, remembered, thought of al-
Bringing many a silent tear,
-Parents, Sister, Brothers.
In memory of Jack Ross Mont-
gomery who was drowned at Crystal
Beach, July, 1929, in attempting to
save the lives of two young girls.
"•Greater love hath no man than to
seemed to 'fr. ;Gardiner and estilers lay down hie life for his friends,"
sdmewhaT reitiarliiable that the Capit-
alization should be so large and the.
reward of o the promoters ers so great
the case of an enterprise the construe- High school girls preferred. Coal -
on F h' l '�50 000 000
ono H then is .. , , - -
'A {'"':� er circumtsan'ce which ifs f•Orta'ble home with all inoderif can-
veniences Apply to Mrs. W L1
d MIr. Garr trier was that e se- EY5 Willi st. west, ea, 6t t
Comfortable dwelling, Barn, Chick-
en House and two acres of land.
Buildings . in the best of ' repair.
Good water, small fruits, etc.
,r A Real Bargain.
Immediate Possession Given.
Insurance, 'Real Estate, Etc..
Phone 1512. .
Phone 78x5, Hens'al•1,
'Young caws due to fres'hen soon
EIOBiT. OIJAIR{KiE, r,r. 2, Seaforth.
Phone 245x6, Seaforth.
DR. 11. HUGH ROSS, Physi '• st
and Surgeon.. Late of London"'
pital, London, England. Special
attention to "diseases of the en, carr,
nose and throat. Office and raid,
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No, 5: Residence Phone 104,
About 75 :white ,Leghorn pullets 69c
each, 2 months ,old; and 7'5' Leghorn.
roosters, '5e each, 2 months. old. M-
oly to The . News -'Office. 30
A few well bred cattle Collie pups,
born heelers, pure black with white
tips. Parents both good heelers. • C.
LIIt13LE, Seaforth P.O. Phone 24
on 240. 3'1.
Voters' Lists 1930 Municipality of
Hibbert. County of Perth.
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with Section 7 of the Vot-
ers' Lists Act and that I have posted
ftp at my office at Dublin on the 5th'
day of July, 1930, the list of all per-
sons entitled to vote in the said Mu-
nicfpality at Municipal Elections, and
that such list retn'ains there for in-
spection. • •
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to have
any errors or omissions corrected ac-
cording. to law, the last day for ap-
peal being the 27th day of July, 1930.
Dated this 7th day of "July, 1930..
Clerk ef ?township of i�iliert.
turbo t' h t th e IC , W'll' S f h
curities of the enterprise were being ,- - 30, -.
advertised by investment banners on . --
Rooms for 'High school girls. All
an estimate of value based in part 00
"the expectations of this 30 -year bond
investment over a five
year period, when 1,000,000 horse-
power should.. be in operation, and we
show with thait production unit (50
per cent of the final objective)..
It disturbed Mr. Gardiner because the
40,000 cubic feet diversion would pro-
duce He
} 500,000 horse ow
d ce onP
tt y
the 1000 000
couldn't figure out where
conveniences, Apply to The News
Office, 30,
horse power (half of the final objec-
concession on the St. Lawrence, per -hive) came in. He and Mr. Garland
mittino the diversion of forty thous -'thought perhaps the government
might know somethingtting
aboutt it.
was recalled that in their original ap-
plication, the Beauharnois interests
had suggested their willingness to ag-
ree to install in their power canal
eighteen anillions,dollars' worth of
locks and other equipment for navig-
ation on condition they were allowed
to divert the whole remaining flow of
the St. Lawrence River above what
was required for present canals and
power developments.
Even Mr. Bennett was so impress -
and cutis cern feet d ofth e
flow of
the riverintoprivate conal on the
south side of the river between Lalce
St. Louis and Lake St Francis for the
development of five hundred thousand
horse power of electric energy. The
concession was not submitted to the
judgment of parliament; parliament
was merely informed that it had been
granted. Without giving any reason
for the vote face, the government, in
making this concession, abandoned
its previous contention that the paten -
tial power of the river belonged to the ed. after listening to the Progressive
Dominion, for the only. justsflcation it leaders, that he could only deckle that
advanced was the submission that, the "the present situation 'constitutes an
Province of Quebec having conveyed outrageous proposition," He was not
the' power development rights to the
Beauharnois interests, it had no alter-
native but to approve of t'he deed pro-
vided the interests of navigation were
safeguarded. Its action was an ad-
mission that the power rights, which
it had previously claimed, belonged to
the province, As to why that admis-
sion was made, signaled by the richest
concession from the public domain
ever made in the history of Canada,
Afine,fast throughtrafa
to the Vest, leaving
Toronto daily at 9.30 p.m. for Minaldd
Winnipeg, Brandon, Iteena, Saskatoon,
Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver.
a • eaa c8 Comphnttmeat-Ola.eroatlon—
rur—H Car wit Valet Serviced"St•ndnrd
aping , outlet Sleeping Care, Dining Cur
•ad.Coac A2nwA4 ngladly
7- tliT
a, .tadiari
TO sygRasst • E 1N CANAt)
Wednesday, July 16.
Butter, per lb. ,. 18-_25e
Eggs, per doz.
Potatoes, per bag • • • .. $1.75
Hogs, per cwt. $11:25 -$
one to deny the promoter just reward
for his vision and effort, but he was
astounded at the hundred -million -fig-
ures which had been revealed to the
House as the reward accruing to the
Beauharnois interests. And he held
the government resiponsible for not
imp'osing a single condition to safe-
guard the interests of the people when
allowing "the power that once belong-
ed to to Canada and to all the people to
pass irreyocably out of our hands."
But fox the moment it lfardly mat-
ters what Mr. Bennett or the others
have to say. The point is that that
which the government gave away a
year ago (co -incidentally, with its.
change of attntude on the question of
whether the power belonged to the
Dominion or the provinces) has been
'capitalized at nearly four hundred
million dpllars, and that the .promot-
ers secure out of it several millions in
cash and' stool' valued at sixty mil-
lions, aceordicig to figures given in the
II -louse of Commons; that the public
interests 'in respect of control of the
power distribution is in no way pro-
tected; that all the country gets of it
is the ust of a twenty mile power
itch if it wants to install locks in it,
which ditch is same distance from the
route officially recommended for the
deep waterway; and finally, that, for
some unexpla.ed reason, it is being,
Publicly represenitcd that these private'
interests a're to have the entire flow
of the .SI. Lawrence within five years.
Worms sap the strength and under-
mine the vitality of children. Streng-
then them by using Mother Graves'
Worm iExtermtnator to drive out the
( ..ICU.U.e nevi i„ eina,'tl1'
i".174 .
1niIi1olum nnnt-
,mit nt uign!
11 ittttellh raft lit (lull
nu, ....
nnnnn 9-�A �OJuw l
►I��I�,t,� I
Beauty, ea �', G
ence and 1U11.Year•
Round Utility
in This New
Coal and
Electric Range
ready for immediate use of ei-
ther fuel, witthout changing a
part or turning a lever!
McClary's Electric Stoves
Phone 143 r 4 Seaforth
DR. 5'F : J. BURROWS, Seaford',
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the United Church. Coronet -
for the County of Huron. TelephoaS,,
No. 46.
, DR. C. MACKAY.-C• Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity Univer,iti t'
and gold medallist of Trinity Medica' .
College; member of the CoIle
Physicians and Surgeons of On
Nose and Throat, Graduate in, Medi. •
cine, Univers'ty of Toronto 1df1.
Late Assistant New York Ophfibai- -
mic and Aural Instit' .e, Moorefield';.;.
Eye, and" Golden Square throat hew ••
pitals, London England. At Coma- ••
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in .
each month,. from I'1 cm. to 3 'poi.
DtR. W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate et`
Faculty of Medicine, University vel -
Western Ontario, London. Malabar
of College of Physicians and 'Sao- -
geons of Ontario. 'Office in Aberhart'a.
Drug Store, Main _St.; Sealer*.
Phone 90.
DR. J.. A. MUNN, Successor is
Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, 111. Li-
-centiate Royal College of Dental•Sw.
geoi s, Toronto. Office over 'Si1Ta.
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. :?hong -
DR, .F. J. BFCHELY, graduate .
Royal College of Dental Surgeossk .
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's ..
grocery,. Main St., Seaforth. Phones,
office 185W, residence 1853.
r2 •
D. L. ROSS. Barrister and Solicit -
or, Notary Public. Hours 9 a.m.-2 :pm.
and 7 p.m. Office above Phillip?
Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. Phone 6.
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A,Sc. (Tor)i
O.L.S,, Registered Professional 1a-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering Institute ell •
Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont.
Auctioneer for the County' of Huron
Arrangements can be glade for Sale •
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges •.•
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Battery Sales and Service
Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries
A good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars
jour car is in need of repairs, give us a call
Studebaker Sales and Service
Reader's Garage
HAROLD D. DALE,. Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Huron. •
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar- •
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box ltpi.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in Firat-Class
Mutual Fire Insurance Cor
Officers -James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Directrs-'Wm. Rinn, , No. 2, Sea-
forth, John Bennewits, Brodhagat
James Evans,Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
oderieh; Alex. Broadfoet, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice No. 4, Walton
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney; No. 3, Seaforth; Murra7
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents -James Watt, Blyth, r.r.
No. 1, E. Hinckley, Seaforth; J A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr andJoin
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Partin •.
desirous to effect insurance or true-
act other .business will be promptly . .
attended to by applicationto any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Reginald Denny;
Red Hot
A hilarious head -long' farce, run•'
with high test laughter, detonated
with. ori:ginel comedy gags, and set-
ting a new laughs per foot record,
featuring LUPE VEIL!F1Z
'NEXT WiRE1K' END ---Another
Two years in the Making
Douglas' Egyptian Liniment should'
be in .every household, Stops bleed-
ing at once, cauterizes wounds and'',
prevents blood poisoning, Keelp9.
away inflammation an'd proud flesh.