HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-07-24, Page 1The wealpon that comes down as still
As dewdrops form upon the sod,
flY'-et executes th.e freeman's will
As lightnings do the will of God,
-The Ballot.
Phone 84
$1 A YEAR.
at all :boors
Confectionery and Restaurant _.
'New Clover
• From two of the best apiaries in
Canada. 10 lb, pails . , ..$1.00
'5 Ib. pails 55c
OLIVES, 13 oz.
kteLaren's Invincible 42
Olives. 32ea oz. jar, ,
BLACK TEA SPECIAL—per. lb., 40c
This tea has been tested by ex -
pests and pronounced equal.to
package teas at 60c.
,Regular . 40:c fog'......... .....35c
OATCAKE with Date Jam
Special ................. 23c
Regular 30c for .. „ 15c
,Duskil Polish Oil, reg-,
ul'ar 30c for ,. . „ 15c
These are two clearing lines
, which cost wholesale consider-
ably more than this price.
BORDEN'S MILK has :won the high-
est awardswherever exhibited
and keep befter in hot weather
than ordinary mlk, and our prices
are tempting.
Borden's Silver Cow 19c
Borden's Eagle 19c
Borden's St. Charles, 15c
KARPOL is a wonderful polish for
motor cars. It cleans and polishes
a muddy car without scratching
and not only preserves the origin-
al lustre but improves it with-
out the use of water. Per tin ..35c
Phone Phor Phood
E. L.
4 •
North Side United Church:—Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
Sunday, July 27th. 10 a.m.—Sunday
School and Bible Classes.
11 a.m.--Public worship. ,Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper.
7 .m. u '
p—tP bhc worslidp, 'Su'bject—
'Looking on the Things of Others!'
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Clark announce
the engagement of their only daugh-
ter Janet, to Francis A. Gill, of West
Monkton, the marriage to take place
the latter pant of July.
,D'o not fail to cast your ballot on
Monday next, July 28th. Vote as you
please, but vote.
Interest in politics is not waning, if
one can tell by the crowd at the nom-
ination meeting et Hensel! on Mon-
day, - Standing room was at a prem-
remTurn on the stairway right out to the
A correspondent in Manitoba writes
that the King Government will be de-
feated on July 28th, and also that
there will be a Conservative Govern-
ment in Manitoba after the next pro-
vincial election. Handing over the
people's power rights in that province
to a private corporation will 'bring
about the defeat of the Federal Gov-
ernment, ,
Another prediction for Conserva-
tive victory on July 28th: That ven-
erable newspaper, The Toronto Globe,
has fought against the winning party
in every. Provincial and Dominion
election but one, in two decades, and
is supporting Xing this time, Mr.
King cannot hope to overcome such
a handicap. •
Mr. Trewarthe has rendered great
service to Huron county during his
many years of experience as reeve of.
Goderich Township, reeve of Clinton,
and member for South Huron. in the
Ontario Legislature where he was
Chairman of the Agricultural Com-
mittee, one of the most important
committees in the House. Mr. Tre-
wartlta is a convincing speaker and
holds a high place in the esteem and
friendship of the people of South
Numerous meetings are being held
in all parts of the riding by both
parties this week, the biggest event
by far taking place at Victoria Park,
Exeter, on Wednesday afternoon,
when a crowd of nearly three thous-
and people gave Hon. R. B. Bennett,
Conservative leader, a rousing recep-
tion and most attentive hearing. Col.
H. B. Combe was chairman and en
address was also given by Mr: N. W.
Trewartha, Conservative candidate.
The town was gaily decorated for the
occasion. A large nufreber from Sea -
forth and • vicinity were present..
Of House Samples in -Ptd. Black and Brown Kid
' Regular
:5' at
Men's Sport Oxfords
Pawn n
w and Brown
Ladies' 'Soorit Oxfords
Fawn and Br
Boys' Brown Sport Oxfords .
Sizes 1-
S s. 6
Misses Brown Sport Oxfords
'Sizes 71 to 2 ', 0 •
Ladies„ Black Canvas Slippers, rubber heels '99c
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the Danforth Avenue
Baptist Church by Rev. George A.
McLean, oracle of the bride, on Sat-
urday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when
Jean Alma, eldest daughter of"Mr.
and Mrs, W. N. Knechtel of Seaforth,
became the bride, of Mr. Edmund. E.
Secord, second son of the late Morg-
an and Mrs. Secord of Meaford. The
Lohengrin wedding march was play
ed by Mr, R. H. Wilkinson, organist
of the church; as the bride, who was
unattended; came'.u'p the aisle with
her cousin, Mr. C. C. -McLean, be-
comingly attired in a French model of
beige chantilly 'lace, fashioned , on
Princess lines, -with, mohair halt, shoes
and: gloves in a matching shade, and
carrying an area bouquet of Premier
roses and babyls breath. Immediate-
ly following the ceremony the bride
and groom left on a brief tour among
northern summer resents, the bride
travelling in a smart cocoa brown
silk suit, with stitched crape hat and
matching accessories. Mr. and Mrs.
Secord ,will reside at Meaford and will
be at home to their friends after Sep-
tember 15th. •
On Wednesday evening of this
week, Miss • Jessie Scott was the
guest of honour ata miscella'neous
shows given before her approaching
marriage.' About thirty guests as-
sembled at her home, the bridal par-
ty for the mock wedding arriving la-
ter.Miss MaryDodds acted as bride,
Miss Irene ankelas the groom,
VV g ,
Miss Margaret Armstrong as brides-
maid, Mrs. Orval Weston of Bayfield
as groomsman and Miss Jean Scott es
the minister. Following the "cere-
mony", little Jemmy McKinley of
Winnipeg, nephew of the bride-to-be,
brought the gifts piled on a pretty
wagon. Miss Scott, though taken by
surprise, fittingly expressed her plea-
sure at this token of her friends' re-
The -following is the standing taken
by pupils of Miss A. Goven•iock at To-
ronto Conservatory examinations in
piano and theory:
Piano, elementary grade, pens, Ag-
nes Dundas, Mary Johnstone, Regin-
ald Pryce, Sarah Whitmore,
Elementary School Grade, pass,
Mildred Cudmore, Eleanor Hender-
Dntroductory Grade, Ruth Smith,
Theory: Elementary Grade, Hon-
ors, Jessie Smith; pass, Margaret
Highest marks in piano, Sarah
Whitmore 68. Highest marks in
theory, Jessie Smith 72.
Mr, .and Mrs. Ernest Clark who
have been visiting at Belleville and
the latter's mother, Mrs. Day, return-
ed on Friday to their Irotne in Kil-
larney, Ilan., after a three weeks'
visit here.
Miss Stela Richmond of Blyth has
been engaged to teach the Roxboro
school next year.
Death of Wm. Staples. -The death
occurred early Saturday morning et
4 o'clock of Mr. William Staples' at
the home ofhis daughter, Mrs. Ern-
est Toll, in Hullett' where he had
gone two months ago when Laken
seriously ill. Having not been in the
best of health, his illness was ag-
gnavatcd by blood -poisoning which
developed from bee stings and by a
leg injured while fixing a fence. Mr.
Staples was born in Hullett township
seventy years ago and ivas the son of
the late John and Mary Staples. Upon
his marriage to Miss Elizabeth Arm-
strong, who predeceased him five
years ago last April. he went to live
on the llth concession of McKillop,
where he has since resided. Mr.
Staples who was a member of Kin-
burn LOJF. was held in high regard
as an industrious man end fine
neighbor. Surviving hire are eight
daughters and one son:—Mrs, Leo
Murray, Dublin; Mrs. Geo. William-
son," Mrs, John Pryce, Mrs. James
Hogg, all of McKillop; Mrs. Ernest
Toll of Hullett, Mrs. Sam. Love, Mrs.
Lanib' and Mrs, H. Johnston, ail of
Wadena, Sask., and John Staples of
Wroxeter. Four sifters and four
brothers also survive: Mrs. Wm, Day
of Killarney, Man.; Mrs. Robt. Lind-
say of Webb, Sask.' Mrs. Thos. Hill
of London; Mrs. Win. Lindsay of
Florence, drat.; John Staples of Ed-
monton; Rolbert of Kiltlarney, Man.;
Dssaih of Ninette, Man.; end Thomas
Staples of Seaforth. The funeral took
place on Monday at 2.30 p.m. from
his late residence to Maitland Bank
cemetery, Rev. W. F. Smith of Duff's
Church, McKilidp, officiating. The
pallbearers were Messrs. Jahn Shan-
non, John Dodds, Thos. Archibald,
John Cuthill, ' Johit McClure and
Hugh Alexander, Those from a dis-
tance atltendeng the funeral included:
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Hill of London;
Mrs. Mary Lindsay and Mr. and
Mrs. Munro;ani1 two children of Flo-.
recce and Mrs. Lamb of Wade'na,
Sask., who had been here for two
months. Mrs. Day had just returned
to Killarney, Man., on Friday after
spending three weeks with her
The follonving were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Howatt
in Tuckersmitlt:`Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Riddell of Auburn, Mrs. (:Rev,) R.. J.
Rdss and Miss - Steasbeog of Round
Lalce, Siask., and Mrs. Brownlee, of
Ailsa Craig,
Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth and
Miss Vera Forsyth:s'pent the week
end visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. McLel-
lan of Milton.
Mr. and Mrs Alex: Hanna and fa-
mily of Mitchell visited on _ Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. J-Elgie.
Miss Woods of London is visiting
this week with Mrs, J. Jackson,
Picking berries is the order of the
day. {{
Miss Emily Kennedy of Detroit is:
visiting her parente, -Mr. and, Mrs,
R Kennedy.
The raspberry supper held at Elim
ville on July 1'81h was well attended,
the church beiinig ,full. A splendid
program was :produced. They made
The measles are making their way
out of the village. Several new cases
have been reported.
Mr. Wellington Bell and Mr. Rhin-
ey Stephen returned home recently
from - Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler Mr.
Henry Koehler, Mrs. William Hoegy,
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Regele, and Mr.
'Clifford and Miste Nora Hoegy of
Grey, took in the excursion to Niag
Lara Falls last Saturday and report a
good time but it was a long trip as
they arrived home near daylight the
next morning.
Mr. Charlie ,Regele went to Sebring-
ville last Tuesday, to accompany his
cousin to Brantford in the cat and
was home est 2 o'clock and then went
to a sale near Winthrop.
Haying is completed and was a fair
crop. Wheat is next and some have
started cutting. Same is e fair crop.
with a goad saneple.
There will be a big conservative pic-
nic in the school yard next Friday af-
terndon When Premier Ferguson is
going to he the principal speaker.
Let's go.
There was a• bad fire on Monday
night at 12 o'clock when Mr. Charles
Kleber's house caught from the stove
in the kitchen and the house was
burned to the ground. Most - of the
contents were got out but the loss is
heavy as the insurance ryas not high.
Miss Madge Turner, of Goderich,
Miss Kathleen Treckleton of Hamil-
ton, are at presett,vjsiting Miss Mary
Campbell of the Bronson•line:
Mr. Ivan Steckle paid s• flying visit
to Waterloo on business this week.
Miss Jessie Tough is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Steep of Goderich
Town hip.
Pall wheat Ilarvester is in full
Mr. Ivan Steckle is at present try-
ing out his new tractor and binder
We wish to congratulate Mrs. Roy
Scotchiner, her three entrance pupils
all obtaining honors.
Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman spent
Sunday at Mr. Harold Penhale's.
Mrs. Edna Galeter of Michigan is
at present visiting with her sister-in-
law, Mrs. John Scotchmer.
Miss V. V. Herbert has been visiting
with Mr, and Mrs, Featherstone and
Mr, Bill Parker of Bayfield.
Again we are called upon to record
the death of another one of Stanley's
old boys in the person of the late
John Reid, who suffered a stroke at
an early hour on Saturday morning,
and never regained consciousness, and
passed away between four and five
o'clock Saturday eventing. His death
came as a great shock to his family
and relatives although Mr. Reid had
not enjoyed the best of health for
some time, yet he was able to be
about and attend to his duties ' and
was not thought to be much worse
than usual. His funeral was held o,n
Monday,one of the largest ever
known in thecommunity, showing
the high respect in which he was held.
The rensains were laid to rest in
Bayfield cemetery. Rev. Mr. Paull
had charge of the funeral.
Misses Gladys and: Emily Beatty
of London are• enjoying their holidays
at their home here.
Mrs. L. Beatty is beautifyiilg her
home by adding a verandah.
Much sympathy is extended to Mr,
and Mrs. Ansoit Coleman on the
death of their infant.•
Mr. G. H. Beatty' motored to Lon-
don Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry MdGee and
three daughters Of Windsor end Mr.
and Mrs. Will MdGee and Grace of
Detroit were visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Armstrong,
Mill road, last week.
The Misses Marcy and Annie Mc-
Naughton, Dorothy Broadfoot and
Grace Pepper are attending „the sum-
mer school in Goderichthis week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welch, Miss
Dorothy and Russell and Mr. Ross
McKay of Detroit are visiting friends
in and around Brucefield,
Miss Hazel Haugh of Wellesley
hospital is s ending
two weeks vaca-
tion at the home of her parents.
No service will be held here Sun-
day evening owing to Mr. Brenner
attending Summer School.
Mrs. P. Bowey is very ill at her
daughters, Mrs. John Grainger.
Miss Lyla Chapman has returned
to Guelph General Hospital after
spending her vacation with her par-•
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Wen, Chapman.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Wilson of De-
troit spent the week -end with his
mother, Mrs. W. D. Wilson of Bruce-
Mrs. Janet Ross is spending her ho-
lidays at Triple Bay with friends.
Elder (formerly Miss Carrie
Ross) of Boston is 'visiting at the
home of her aunt, Mrs, Alex. Ross, in
the village.
Nurse Hazel Haugh of Wellesley
1Hdspital,, Toronto, is spending her
holidays et the home of her parents,
'Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh,
Mr. and Mrs, Welsh and son Rus-
sel of. Detroit are visiting this week
with friends in the village.
Don't forget the S.S. picnic at Bay-
field on July 29th,
Mr. and Mrs, Len Heard and fam-
ily called on Mrs. Robert Charters .on
Friday evening last.
Mr. Lloyd MdGee is home from
Victoria Hospital and improving
Mrs. (Dr.) Armstrong and son
Malcolm of Tara are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William Char-
ters for the week end.
,S.S. No. 7 held its annual school
picnic at Bayfield Friday last. All
report a good time.
Mrs. Creighton and children of
Detroit are spending a few weeks'
holidays at her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kirk on the 2nd concession.
Mrs. oft B cr ee and children of Dun-
gannon spent one day last week at
Mr. A. Kirk's.
Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt took
in the Tebbutt picnic at Goderich last
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman and
family spent last Sunday with friends
at Fernhill. -
Mr. J. Troyer of Toronto spent •last
week at Mr. Thomas Coleman's.
The haying is finished and all re-
port fine weather and a heavy crop
and in a few days the farmers will
commence cutting wheat.
' 'The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society was
held on Wednesday afternoon, July
16, et the home of Mrs. Ross Love.
The president, Mrs. J. Cochrane, pre-
resided. We opened our meeting by
singing hymn 388. Mrs. W. Turner
led in prayer. The scripture lesson
was read from St. Matthew 5:1-16, by
Miss Eileen Turner. The, devotional
leaflet was taken by Miss Gladys Ste-
phenson. Hymn 465 was sung. The
secretary's and treasurer's reports
were reu,d and adopted. The roll call
answered from a missionary item,
"So This is Churchill", by Rev. S. A.
Martin, was taken by Mrs. (Rev.)
Conner and Miss Eileen Turner. The
last chapter of the study book from
"Jerusalem to Jerusalem", was given
by Mrs. (Rev.) Conner. The offering
was taken, Hymn 3713 was sung. The
meeting closed by all repeating the
Lord's prayer in unison. Lunch was
then served.
Mr. Lorne Eller and friends from
Sudbury spent a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane.
,fr, and Mrs. W. Love and Miss
Thelma of Ailsa Craig spent a few
slays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.
Mr, and Mrs. Alf Reichert, Mrs. W.
Reichert spent a few days with rela-
tives in Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cook and chil-
dren of Hamilton .called on relatives
in this vicinity on Sunday.
Mr. end Mrs. George Stephenson
and son Bobbie of Walkerton spent
the weekend at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Steph-
Me, and Mrs. Lorne Eiler and chil-
dren who have been visiting at the
home of Mr. and `airs, J Cochrane,
left for a motor trip to Chicago and
other places.
Mrs. P. Campbell and son of Hay
township spent a few days with her
parentsMr. and -Mrs. Hugh h Lb e
p Mr.. Jahn Rathwell of Varna is busy
putting in ,a new bridge on the town.
Born,—To Mr. and Mrs. Anson
Coleman, on Thursday, July 17, 1930,
e son (stillborn).
—To Mr. and Mrs; H'arve Turner;
on July 19th, 1930, a daughter
We are very sorry that Miss Kath
leen Beacom of the nurse staff in
Stratford is et present having foot
trouble. Miss Kathleen had her ton-
sils removed on 'Tuesday in the 'Clin-
ton hospitel.
Mrs Robert 'Knox, of Blyth, visit-
ed on Sunday at' the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Watt.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd, of
Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Farqu-
har and family of near •Clinton, and
Miss 'Florence Watson, of Blyth,
were Sunday visitors at the hone of
Mr. end Mrs. I. Rapson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dames Watt of'Blyth
aiid the tatter's sister, Miss Cora
Parsons visited . on iWednesday of
last week ,at the house of Mr. and
Mrs, Leo Watt.
Miss Ena IP'arslons is at present vis-
iting herfriends, Misses Glew, of
near Clinton.
Miss Vine Knox, who has been
holidaying for the last two weeks at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Knox, returned to Toronto
Mr. A, W. Beacomanotored to To-
ronto on 'Tuesday last in company
with Mr, and 'Mrs. Robert Townsend
and Miss Dorothy Little .of ILondes
Graduation Gifts
Now is the time you wish to give the promised
reward to the boy or girl who has done ao well.
Nothing could give so much pleasiire as a lorvely
Wrist Watch, which, as it ticks off the minutes, is a
constant reminder that Mother and Dnd are genuinely
enthusiastic over their children's success in educa-
tional life. -
For the Girl Graduate For the Boy Graduate
We have a lovely selection of
newest style ladies wrist
watches, including the popu-
lar Mars Dustproof, and the
Bruner Masterbilt (Shock-
proof) Watches.
Attractively priced from
$8.00 up
Our designs of new -style
Gents' Wrist Watches are•
equally attractive, and alson,
include the Mars Dustprool
and Bruner Masterbiliw
(Shockproof) Watches.
Attractively priced from
$8,00 up
We have many other suggestions for Graduation gifts.
Drop in and see our lovely line of rings, pearl neck-
lets cuff links,tie pins, Waterman Pen and Pencs
sets, and other attractive
gifts for this occasion.
Fred S. Savauge
Phones 194 Seaforth Res. 10
boro. Messrs. A. W. Beacom and
Mr. Townsend attended the Grand
Master meeting of Masonic Lodge,
meeting representatives frotn Eng-
land, Ireland, Scotland and many
other countries. They returned home
Thursday evening.
Mrs, Thomas Knox and Miss Vine
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Connell of Clinton, Friday,
We are sorry to hear of the death"
of Mr. William Staples, which took
place at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Ernie Toll, Sincere sympathy is
extended to his many friends.
\Ve were sorry to learn of the death
of Mr, \Villiam Staples; who passed
peacefully away at his residence in
McKillop on Saturday morning after
a few months illness. He is survived
by several daughters and one son. The
funeral was held on Monday to Mait-
landban'k cemetery and was largely et -
tended. We extend our sympathy to
those that are left tomourn the loss
of a loving father.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clarke at-
tended the funeral of their uncle, the
late Mr. Reid of Varna on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Taylor of Varna spent
Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John McClure.
Mrs. Geo. Eaton took in the C.P.R.
picnic to Port Burwell with her sister,
Mrs. H. Smalldon of Walton en Sat-
Miss Vera Heist spent a few days
in Toronto.
Mel Clarke and Foster Bennett
spent Tuesday in Toronto.
A few of the veterans and their. fa-
milies attended the Canadian Legion
picnic on \Vedneseday and enjoyed a
day's outing with their old eomarades,
Miss Bessie Blanchard, nurse of
Stratford General Hospital, spent a
few holidays with her parent, Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Blanchard.
Mr. and Mrs, Dodds and son Clay-
ton of Chicago spent Tuesday with.
Mr. and Mrs. James Shannon.
Fire destroyed the residence of Mr.
Charles Kleber last Monday about
midnight. Mr, Kleber was awakened
by one of the children coughing and
on getting up he found the house 011 -
ed • with smoke, He and his wife and
three children escaped with their
lives. As they all slept upstairs the
fire had made such headway down-
stairs that it had almost cut off the
exit. The alarm was given at once by
telephone but by the time the neigh-
bors arrived the house was doomed
and very little of the contents were
saved. Much sympathy is felt in th'a
loss the family sustained, which was
partially covered by insurance The
place is better known by the James
Bell homestead which Mr, Kleber
purchased some years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' Mack, who
spent a few days with friends Y here
left last Friday for their home in Ro-
chester, N.Y., accompanied by their
niece, Mss Lucy -Eckert, who is go
ing on en extended visit with her sta-
ter, at Long Point, N.Y.
Mr. end Mrs. John A. Eckart and
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Hioran, moltored
to Midland last Saturday and spent
Sunday at the Martyrs' Shrine.
Mr. Thomas McMillan, H.P„ had
an enthuiestic Liberal meeting in our
school last weeds.
Cutting wheat and barley is the or-
der of the day and tise crop promises
to be a good one
Mr. and Mrs, Dave Allison of Roe -
fend, Manitoba, who have spent tha'
last month visiting relatives in these-
parts, left last week for their home ira.
the West.
Mrs. Ward Allen and two children
of Edmonton are visiting at the horn=
of Mr. Alex. McLaren, -
Mr, McNaughton of Hensall is
helping his son Lorne with his har-
vest. -
Mrs, Tufford and Miss Currie of
Toronto who have been hating their
vacation here, returned to their home
Miss Grace McLachlan is visiting
in Toronto,
The W. 31. S. of the Presbyteriate
Church held their anaual'gcilting las
the basement of the church on Tues-
day afternoon.
Twenty --five young people of the,
Presbyterian Church motored to•.
Stratford on Wednesday, July 16th,. -
and attended the young people's-,
picnic. They report a• fine time.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hackwell anti
Lois were visiting Ed. and Bessie.
Davidson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wamsley and
children from Seaforth were Sunday-:
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Edw. C. Regele.
Miss Vera Kistner of Waterton:
spent the week -end with her parents:,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Kistner.
Mr. and Mrs. E•lnter Hackwell were-
visiting Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Huller
one evening last week. •
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell and:
son Stanley of Grey were visiting l!s vw
and Mrs. Edw. Regele Sunday after. -
Mn, end Mrs. G. Dundas and fans-
ily were
visiting unoMr. and.
Mrs. Sam-
uel McPherson on Sunday afternoon.
Mr, and Mrs. T. Leeming Jr. and
children were visiting the former's.
mother, Friday evening.
Mrs, Leonard Leeming is nursing:
her mother at Carlingford, 'sho in
under the doctor's care.
The many friends of Mrs. Peter -
McLaughlin are sorry to hear of her-
serious operation. We hope for a s
speedy reco-ery.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton 'ands
son Kenneth were Sunday' evening;
visitors at the home of Mr. and M: :r
H. Brodhagen of Dublin.
Mr. and Mrs. Edw. C. Regele wed
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ebner^
Haclewell Sunday evening:
Mr. W. Leeming and his mother
were visiting Mr. and Mrs. George-
Kistnet on Sunday.
Mrs. George Thornton is visiting'
her son Martinof Hen+fryti for a feta,
Misses Edna and Margaret g t Crones=••
were visiting Mrs. Edw. C. Regele
one dray last week.
Mrs. Geos e Brown and
Lois i
g o s we'tei
visiting her mother, Mrs,; John Cram
zier on Thursday last,
Mr. Henry Thornton of.Cookstow:nn
is making the rounds digging wells._
Miss, Isabella Thornito0 of Cookie -
town, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. He
Thornton is visiting iter cousin, Miss
Brodhagen a
of Dublin,
The weather has been .favorable for
the fanners who are still haying-.
Wheat Cutting will soon be the order:
of slay
Mr.the John Houlden was visiting -
friends in Grey on Sunday.
Mr. R. Rapier had a valuable drive
die on him on Sunday.