HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-07-17, Page 8?'AGE EIGHT
• THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930.
Mr. end Mrs. Jas. McMartin and
d}augthter Margaret of Barrie were re-
en visitors
at the
home of
Mr. and
• Mrs,
Robt. Bonthro
Mrs. Peterson of North Dakota is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatchford.'
Mesars. B n
t ion and Drysdale
leve Purchased chased
from E,Rennie
Mock of stores now occupied by them
on King street.
The Hensall tOrange, L'adge cele-
brated the 12th of July at Bayfield, a
large cl'ou'd from here accompany-
ing Chem. They assembled at their
hall in the morning and played several
selections on thefife and drum before
going away.
Mr, Bert Francis, Reeve of Exeter,
was in town Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks and
"ming son Ross of Detroit are home
mu a two weeks' vacation.
Mr. and Mrs, David Cante'lon, Mr,
and Mrs. John Zuelle and Mrs. Peter
Buchanan• have returned home after 'a
two weeks' vacation at Pike's Bay.
Mr. Percy Gramm of Detroit who
hies been visiting his parents here for
some time, has returned home, tak-
ing with him his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Gramm, who will visit
friends in Michigan for a time.
Mr. Wesley French of I1ippen vis-
ited with friends in town on Mon-
Miss Doris Harmon of Toronto is
visiting at her home here.
Mr, George Thiel, who carries the
mail and draws the freight to Zurich,
has purchased a new 2/ ton truck
and put it on the route far hauling
Mrs. George E. Thompson • and
daughter, lel:ies Mary Thompson, left
last week for a trip to the Canadian
West, going from Sarnia to Fort Wil-
liam •on the steamer Hammonic.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Consi,tt took in
the Onaatge celebration at '•Hayfield on
Mr. David Russel of Exeter made
a business trip to Hensall on Monday.
. Quite a number of our men are en-
gaged on the cement work between
Centralia and Clandeboye.
Mr. Alphin McEwan who made
such a splendid job as finisher ant e
road between Kippen and Exeter. is
doing the same work at Centralia.
Mr. Wm. Simpson of Detroit is
spending a two weeks' vacation with
relatives here.
Mr, Joseph 'Cornbes of Blyth is
spending a few days in the villege
visiting friends.
Mr. Locke Petty has purchased a
new car.
Miss Ethel Murdoch attended a
meeting of the Women's Temperance
Christian Union in Brussels last week.
Mr. Angus Robinson who was sev-
erely hurt in an automobile accident
in Detroit, is improving rapidly and
is new out of danger,
Death of Mrs. Geo. Douglas.—The
death occurred in Hensall on Thurs-
day mtening last of one of its well-
known residents in the person of Mrs.
Ge.,. 1)euglas. efrs, Douglas has
been in poor health for ever a year
and in spite of the best medical at-
tention and nursing she gradually
grew weaker and passed away. Mrs.
Douglas west 5ietee 4# Mi. XVI Je0
gan and Suss F, Ligan" a Verne. and
was in her 66.ttd year. Besides her sor-
rowing itusband she leaves to mourn
ner loss one daughter, Miss Irene.
The funeral took place from her late Cheaper Than Ever,
home. King st., Hensall, interment in Telephone service is always im-
the Bayfield cemetery, Her pastor, proving. An out-of-town call now is
the Rev. Arthur Sinclair, had charge as easy to make as a local one and
of the services,
Mr. Wm. Reynolds of Tillsonburg,
is spending a few days this week visit-
ing his sister, Mrs. Robinon and Miss
Fall Wheat
To our old customers and as
many new ones as it is possible
to serve, we wish to remind you
we will have fertilizer for you all.
Ruhm's 33 p.c. phosphate,. Tan-
guay's Mixed Fertilizer and Ar-
mour's Fertilizer, also 16 p.c.
acid phosphate.'
These grades have made excel-
lent showing this spring.
Ask our customers and find out
for yourself. Don't be fn a hurry
to sign an order, as we always'
use you right as to price, qual-
ity and service.
or any representative. agent.
KA'Irs. Peter Lindsa, MissesrBlanclre
1 spent Tuesday and Elva Wheatley S,A Y at
the ho of lir. and MrsLeslie 01-
i fiver, Brtts_e1s
Miss Auinie Taylor and Miss Thel-
1 iiia Dale visited recently .with their
friend, Mrs. Leslie Oliver..
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnett return-
edrafter spend-
ingn Sunday
o to Weston rP
ing a few days with. Mr, and Mus.
Root. Grimoldby.
Most of the village people attended
the celebration in Bayfield of the L.
OL. on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson vis-
ited in the village on Sunday.-
Mester Minto Moore of Toronto is
visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Wm.
Miss Edna Armstrong is • spending
a few days with her grandmolther,
Mrs. Wm. Clarke.
Mr, Rabt, Mdore and son Harold
of Stratford spent Sunday with ; his
'brother, Mr. Wm. Moore.
Mrs, Matheson of Winnipeg, who
is returning home after spending the
winter in Bermuda, is visiting for a
feiv dayis with her cousin, 'Mrs. B. B.
Mr. end Mrs,r Peter Gardiner of
London visited Mr. and Mrs. B. B.
Stephenson on Sunday.
Miss Elva Wheatley left for Toren
to on Wednesday where she will
assist at the freslh air camp at Bolton.
Miss Ella Dexter is spending . her
holidays in Stratford for a couple of.
weeks. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clarke -of Lis-
towel ,.and Miss Eva Stanley of To-
ronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver An:
derson on Sunday.
Mr. Albert Trewin Passes. — The
death took place at Clinton' hospital
on Tuesday morning, July 15, about
6.30 o'clock o:f a highly .respected and
almost life long resident of Hallett
township in the person of .Mr. Albert
Trewin in his sixty-seventh year, af-
ter an extended illness. The funeral
will take place on Thursday after-
noon from his late residence, lot .7,
concession 11, at 2 o'clock,. conducted
by Rev. J. Johnston of 'Londesboro.
Interment' will take place in Burns'
cemetery. The .pallbearers are Messrs.
Theodore Dexter, William Britton,
Thomas Livingston, Alexander Reid,
John Leiper and James Leiper. Mr.
Trewin was in failing health for some
time and spent five weeks in the hos-
pital. Deceased will be greatly missed
in the community, where far twenty
years he and Mrs. Trewin were regal-
lar and valued members of the choir
of Constance Church. For some year's
he was a member of the quarterly
board of the church. Mr. Trewin
was bore in Usborne township, his
parents having come out from Eng-
land, but he had lived since childhood
in the Trewin homestead in Mullett.
He was married to Miss Leiper of
Hul'fett, who died nearly thirty years
ago, leaving one son William, at home
and two daughters, Mrs. John Wat-
son of the boundary near Walton, and
Mrs. Edward Reid of Blyth. One
brother, Samuel. of Kalamazoo, Mich.,
also survives. He was married twen-
ty-five years ago to Mrs. Williams of
Fenglend, who survives him, •
derich; drummer, Norman Miller,
Clinton; fifer,. James Lindsay, Bay-
field. The local committee in charge
of the event were Fred Watson, Viv-
ian Heard, A. E. Erwin and W. J.
McLeod. Lodges present included
Stratford, Mitchell. Seaforth, Win-
throp, Walton, Blyth, Bayfield,
Varna, Greenway, Granton,. Exeter,
Lucan, Goderich, Riverson, Wart-
burg, Hibbert, Clinton and Monckton.
Quite a number from this vicinity
took in the Orange walk at 'Bayfield
on Saturday.
Mr. Mervin Brightmore who spent
a few week's holidays at the 'home of
Sir. and Mrs. 5. H. :Cochrane, return-
ed to his home in London,
Mr. Thos. Hudson and Mr, Thos,
Walker of Marlette, Mich„ spent e
few days with friends in this vicinity.
Mr Clarence 'Reichert of London
Business College spent the week -end
at his home.
Miss Ruth Richardson returned to
her home after spending several
weeks with her sister, Mrs, A. Ashton
of St. Thomas,
Mrs, L. Troyer spent a few days at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Cole-
man of Seaforth.
Mrs. KRobt. Love is spending a few
days with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Mr. Harry Manuel of London is
spending his holidays at the :home of
his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W,
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended t'he Cochrane picnic held at
Bayfield on Wednesday fast.
The W. M. S. wa.s held at the home
of 1fre, ;Ross Love on Wednesday al-
terneon, •-
The. Se S. ptcnid of Kippen and
Hillsgreen Churches was' held at Bay-
field on Tuesday afternoon, Quite a
number attended from both charges.
Mr. Albert Pranger of Chicago is a
gue-t ef the New Commercial this
week. Mr. Pranger resided here a
ccup:e of years ago for some time,
and his many friends ere glad to see
hm locking so well.
almost as quick, The cost is surpris-
ingly low. The evening rates, starting
at 7.00 p.m. are cheaper today than
b f F b t th f
ever a are. or a ou e price o a
movie you can talk a hundred miles
or more, Send us the names of your visitors.
Worms in children work havoc.
These pests attack the tender lining
of the intestines and, if left to pursue
their ravages undisturbed, vill ulti-
mately perforate the wa:li, because
these worms .are of the hook variety
that cling to and feed upon interior
surfaces. Miller's Worm Powders
will not only exterminate these worms
of whatever variety, but will serve to
repair the injury they have done.
Mr. Martin M•orenz of Ktitchener is
holidaying with relatives here.
Mr. A]
ert Smith, tollerofthe Bankc
of Commerce here,
is holidaying in
Stratford; °Kitchener and Preston with
Mr, and Mrs 'Scherbarth and family
•in at the home a
Of Buffitd' are visit
o g
Mr. and Mrs Geo. Leonhar dt Sr.
Mr. John Prueter is on his holidays
and is spending them in Kitchener
and Preston.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike MdLaughlin are
taking up housekeeping in Dublin.
Mr. Fred Sanderson was calling` on
friends here last week.
Mr. George 'Simon who underwent
a .critical oper;a'tion in Stratford Gen-
eral Hospital about a month ago is
The Querengesser family held a re-
union at Ethel on Sunday at their
'brother's place.
Mr. Edward Eckinier's new 'house
on the 6th concession is well on the
way to completion.
It is with deep regret we learn that
Miss Lorena Bennewies has resigned
her'positfon as organise in the Luther=
an Church,
The trustees of S.S. No. 4, the
Brodhagen public school, are having
a new furnace installed and also the
basement refurnis'he'd.
Mr. Rudolph Kleber and son from
Belvedere,, Ill., are visiting his mother
and brother, Henry K?giber for . a
couple of days.
'Rev and Mrs. J. Alberti .motored to
'Waterloo on business on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Toron-
to are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John
Bennewies Sr.
Rev. Irachic frorn Indiapreacheda
missionary service - in Brodhage-n
Lutheran Church .on .Sunday evening.
The regular monthly meeting of the
WJMI.!S. which was to be held on
Thursday of this week is postponed
till next week.
Don't forget the Rasplberry Supper
on Friday evening of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elford and fam-
ily spent Sunday with relatives in
Mrs. White and Miss Grace White
of Chatham spent the week -end at
Rev. Mr, White's.
It is expected that the annual com-
munity picnic will be held at Stratford
an July 23rd.
Dr. and Mrs. White and son of
Chatham visited at the parsonage re-
cently. - •
Misses Hazel and Dorothy Johns
are holidaying with their aunt Mrs.
Wm. Pybus of Chiselhurst.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns and dau-
ghter visited at Mr. and Mrs. Lenton
Rumble's at Medina on Sunday last.
Mr. Garnet Johns is on the sick
lis -t this week,
Several fail class' land rollers, good
dump rake; spring tooth cultivator,
Massey -Harris with seed grain attach-
ment—for sale, worth the money.
See our Fertilizer Drills. Soil Pul-
verizers and Cultivators, Cream Sep-
arators and Complete Line of Farm
Machinery. Tractors, Threshers and
Trucks, Repairs strictly cash,
Agent for International Harvester
Co., Manufacturers of
Mr, Erie York and babe who
have been visiting Mrs. F. W. Baker
returned home to Toronto with Mr.
York on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and son
of Lcndon spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowlie and
Lawrence Fowlie of London spent the
week end with Miss F. Fowlie.
Mrs. G. Koehler .of Zurich is visit-
ing her sister, Misses Fowlie.
Mr=_. Herbert Johnston and Miss
Ruby Johnston of Regina, Sask,,
were in the village for a few days last
week and erere guests with Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Erwin.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold King of Sar-
oie, were week end visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Parker.
Mrs. Dillon left on Sunday to
spend a few days at her home in
Lan don.
Mr, Allan Pye and Sam Widcombe
of Windsor spent the week end at
the latter's home.
Miss S. Barr and her brother, Mr.
I. Barr, returned to Londesboro on
Monday having spent a few days
with their sister,' Mrs, G. Ring,
Mrs. Prentice of Toronto is visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Messrs J. Waring, Ernest Davidge
and Lawrence Snelgrove of Galt are
tenting at the tourist camp.
It is estimated that there were
more than 5,000 people in the village
park on the Glourious Twelfth which
was celebrated at Bayfield. S. R.
Webb, 96 -year-old veteran of Strat-
ford, was the oldest member on the
grounds. George Spotton, Conserva-
tive member for North Huron in the
last Federal House, took a decided
stand on the divorce question, defend-
ing his stand against the recently
p'assect measure to give Ontario di-
v!grce courts. 'If there
had been di-
vorce courts in Ontario last yeae as
there have been in British Columbia'
and Saskatchewan and Alberta, ac-
cording to figues of those provinces,
there would have been 1,000 to 1,100
divorces issued inOntario instead of
213," Other speakers were Past
Grand Master Doig of Michigan
Lodge; Rev: A. E. Doan of Mitchell;
Rev. Mr, Smith, of Winthrop; Coun-
ty Master
oun-ty_Master E. Mole, who acted as
chairman, Prize winners were; Best
L.O.L. banner, Winthrop, Exeter;
best L:OJB.A• banner, Goderich Ciin-
ton; liodgecoming greatest distance,
Stratford; flute band, Stratford, Go -
RED PATH SUGAR ........... ....... G 3Q.
90 Pounds ROLLED OATS ... . , . . ..... �7 49 9
RED ROSE TEA, per pound .
LIPTON% TEA, per. pound ,
Buy in Egmondville.
FINNI1 -....
,Much sympathy is extended to the
relatives and friends of the late Wil-
son MdAsh who was a native of Stan-
ley and well and widely known. His
death came as quite a shock. The
of the community is felt
0 ' bereaved • widow.
ir his
'lir. and Mrs. George Foster of
Windsor were renewing acquaintances
over the week end,
Miss Irene Chuter of London spent
the week end with relatives.
The A'Y.,P.iA, of Middleton, Bay-
field' and Varna, will hoed a be'a'ch
panty at Bayfield Thursday evening.
Mrs. Yates of Toronto spent a few
days at the home of Mr. R. Web-
ster. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reid of Landon
attended the cerebration in B'aylfreld
There was a good number from our
We regret to publish the death of
Mrs. George Douglas of Hensall who
also was a native of the tawnshap of
Stanley and a sister to Mr. Wm. and
Miss Feme Logan. We extend our
sympathy to the relatives.
Mrs. Jeff and Miss Dorothy Keyes
of N'ash'ville. Tenn., are at present
spending a few days with Mr. and
liiss'Douglas of Hensall.
Mr, and Mrs. Thompson of Port-
land, Oregon, are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. JohoRathwel'l,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ainsley of
Leamington spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. E•lsley.
Mr, and Mrs. Ben Tyerman of
Seaforth called on friends here on
Mr, and Mts. Fresher' of Windsor
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elsley.
Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. McCool spent,
Sunday with their aunt, Miss 'McCool
of Clinton.
Mrs. Honking and children return-
ed, :t2 their home in Clinton after
spending a couple of weeks with
friends here. • •
Mr. Wellington and Miss Margar-
et McCool came up from Toronto to
attend their mother's funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. E.- Stevens spent the
week end here, They were accom-
panied home by Mrs. Nott and Miss
Belle who will remain for a visit in
Seatorth for a few days.
Mr. and t
Nott of Strat-
ford called on friends here on their
way to Auburn on Sunday.
The funeral of the late Mrs, W.
McCool was quite largely attended
from the United church on Saturday.
We extend sympathy to the bereaved
ones. •
The late Mrs. Govier died at the
hone of her daughter, Mrs. Archie
Webster on July 11, the funeral tak-
ing place at Monday 14th to Balls
cemetery. Much sympathy is extend-
ed to the sorrowing ones.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brunsd'on and
son Earl of Hartney, Man., are
visiting at the home of Murdock
The following is the report of ,S,S,
No. 2. Tuckersmith. Classes are 'ar-
ranged in order of merit and the
classes as they will be to begin the
fall term. H.—honours; P.—(pass; R.
—remain. Jr, IV. Niorma Hevenor
H, • Gladys McKenzie H, Ruth Wat-
son P, Bruce MacGregor P. Sr. HI.
Doreen Cooper P. Jr. I'IL Theda
Watson H. Olive Smith H, Edna
Dayman H, Bernard' Sandford H,
Ronald MacGregor P, Mona` Smith'
R. Sr. III., Dorothy Deitz H, Edison
McLean P, Arthur Field P, Mildred
Deitz P. Jr. I4„ Blanche Watson P,
Kathleen MadGregor P,4 . RobertField 'P, Grate Schilbe and Donald
Doorman . (equal) P. Raymond Coop
er. and Kenneth McKenzie (equal) P.
Sr. Primer, Glwendolyn, Cooper, Mar-
jorie Smith, Kathleen Schilbe. Jr..
Primer—Esther Dayman,
'Marion T. Scarlett, Teacher.
Mr. and 'Mrs. (Grant (Love left on
Sunday last for their' home in Lans-
ing, Mich., after a very pleasant two
week's visit with 'their parents.
Mr. and ,Mrs. W. J..Caidevell visit-
ed with 'friends itt (Kitchener over the
week -end.
Miss ,Grieve .of Seaforth spent a few
days iwith.Icer friend, Miss Hyde.
Mr. 'Isarac Jareoet of the village has
been confined to his room for a time
and all veleh hien a speedy recovery.
Miss Marion T. Scarlett, who has
successfully taught in SJS. No. 2,
Tdckersmith for the past three years,.
has resigned her position with much
regret to both"pupils and community,
Miss Jean McKenzie succeeds her.
Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is un-
rivalled for speedy relief in muscular
rheumatism, lame back, inflammation,
burns and felons.,
The people in the community were
very sorry to hear of the death of
Mr. Albert Trewin who died in the
Clinton Hospital early Tuesday
morning. Deepest syrnpathy is ex-
tended to his widow and family.
Miss Amy Parsons spent the latter
part of last week with her friends,
Misses Margaret Smith and Helen
Omen, of Stratford, but who are
camping at Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Richard Armstrong
and family, of near Brussels, visited
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Dan.
Stevens Sun day.
Mr. and Mrs. Bewleyand family
spent Sunday at the home of Mr,- and
Mrs. Wm. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Campbell, of
near Walton, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Rogerson, of near Brucefieid, spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. David
Messrs, A. W. Beacom and Harold
Beacom, and Miss Edythe Beacom,
and Miss K'at'hleen Beacons, nurse -in -
training in Stratford General Hospital,
motored to Toronto Tuesday. Mr. A.
W. Beacom intends staying for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac- Rapson visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jos.
Rapson, near Londesboro Sunday.
Mr, Thomas Knox and Miss :Vine
Knox spent Monday in Clinton..
Apply to HAROILD PE.NHAff. E,
Phone 78r5, Henget];
Young cows due to fres-hen soon,
ROBT. OLAiRKE, r,r. 2, Seaforth.
Phone 245r6, Seaforth.
About 75 white Leghorn pullets 65c
each, 2 months old; and 75 Leghorn
roosters, 25c each, 2 months old. Ap-
,ply to The. News Oiffice. 30
Choice varieties, at Fruit Farm. C
HOARE, Clinton. 29
Trespassers on NiW% lot 5, con. 8,
or on lot 6, con, 10, McKillop, will be
prosecuted; also persons leaving
stock on these lands. PHILIP' EN-
RIiGHT. 29
Master George Scotchmer of Kitch-
ener is spending his summer holidays
with friends on the Bronson line.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Penhabe and
fancily visited Mr. and Mrs, George
Coleman near Seaforth on Sunday,
Mr: George Williams had the mis-
fortune to have one of his fingers ta-
ken off in a hay fork pulley ,while
working at the hay last week,
Miss Mina Herbert of Mitchell vis-
ited friends in Bayfield one day last
Mr. Frank Betesford of London
was renewing old acquaintances on
the Bronson line one day last week.
Mr. Peter Glazier of Clinton visited
friends in Stanley township on Satur-
day last.
One timber frame, complete size
24'x40' with 20' posts. Apply to J. J.
HOLLAND, St, Columban. 29
DR. H. HUGH ROSS Physician
and Surgeon. Late 6f London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special.
attention to diseases of the eye,
nose and -throat. Office and ` reeledf-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office,
Phone5:. id
No, Residence Phone 104,
DR, F J. BURROWS, Seaford,
Office and residence, Goderich street,:
east of the United Church. Goroaes-
for the County of Huron. Telephone.
No: 46.
DR. Co' MACKAY.—C. Mackay,
hopor graduate of Trinity University-
niversityand gold medallist of Trinity Medich' ;
College; member of the College of','
Physicians and Surgeons of'Outerii.
DR. F. J. R. FOIRSTER—Eye,'t3
Noand Throat, Graduate in M .
cine, University of Toronto 101p:'
Late Assistant New York Ophthal
mic and Aural Instit' :e,; Moorefield*
Eye, and Golden Square throat 'hse-
,pitals, London. England. At Comm-
ercial Hotel, Seafirrth, 3rd Monday in.
ea -ch month, from 11.a.m. to 3 p.a.
DR. W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate *-
Faculty of Medicine, University .f
Western Ontario, .London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. o. O€f
ce in Aberhartle.
Drug Store, Main St., Seaford. -
Phone 90.
DR, J. A. MUNN, Successor to
Dr. R R. Ross, graduate of North.
western University;' Chicago; I11. Li-
c'entiate Royal College of Dental Ssr-
geons, Toronto. Office over 'Sil?t,
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone.
DR. F. J. BFCUELY, graduate..
Royal College of Dental Surgeons,. .
Toronto, Office over W. R. Smith*
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones,
office- 185W, residence 185J.
D. L. ROSS. Barrister and Solicit.
or, Notary Public. Hours 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
and 7 p.m. Office above Phillipa'','
Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. Phone 6.
*Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.),
O,L,S-, Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate.
Member Engineering Institute {
Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont.
A few well bred cattle Collie pups,
born heelers, pure black with white
tips. Parents both good heelers. C.
LITTLE, Seaforth P.O. Phone 24
on 240. 31.
GEORGE ` ELLIOTT, Licensed •
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrarigements can be made for Sale-
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges..
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,
At the June meeting of Huron
County Council a By -Law was passed
to issue $100,000 five per cent. ten-
year debentures to pay - the _County
Provincial Highway Indebtedness.
The Debentures will be ready for
delivery about'October 1st, and Coun-
ty Treasurer. Gordon Young, at Gdde-
rich, is preparedtogive information
to county residents and to receive of-
fers from those desirous of investing,
and correspondence is invited:
I1 is the wish of the County Coun-
cil that these debentures be sold to
ratepayers in the county, and anyone'
wishing to invest should ' write the
Treasurer or the undersigned.
GRO, W. H'OLMAN, Clerk.
By order. - -
Voters' Lists, 1930, Municipality of
Hibbert, County of Perth
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with Section 7 of the Vot-
ers' Lists Act and that I have posted
up at my office at .Dublin on the 5th
day of July, 1930, the list of .all per-
sons entitled to vote in the said Mu-
nicipality at Municipal Elections, and
that such list remains ehere for in-
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to have
any errors or omissions corrected ac-
cording to law, the 1st day for ap-
peal, being the 27th deer of July, 1930;
Dated this 7th dey of 'July, 1930.
Clerk of Township of HUbbert.
Wednesday, Jelly 16.
EggButtsr, perper dlb.oz 200
HAROLD D. DALE, License?
Auctioneer for the County, of Huron..
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13.
(Successors to James Watspn)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual Fire Insurance Cop
Officers—James Connelly. Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; . D. F, McGregor,.
Directors—'Wm. Rion, No. 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagenj
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. James Connolly, God
erich; Alex, Clinton;Broadfoot No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Shoidice. 1No. 4, Walton
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
AgentsL-James. Watt, Blyth, r.r..
No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J A.
Murray. r.r. No. `3, Seaforth; J. V.'•.
Yeo, ;Holmesville;. R. G. Jarmouth,.
Bornholm, James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties -
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly'
attended' to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed.
to their respective postoffices.
Live or dead horses- and cows
free of charge. We pay for the
phone call.
to -
William Stone Sons
Phone 22, Ingersoll,
Phone 21'5W, Stratford
Official Motion Pictures of the
World's Heavyweight Championship
Bout , �.-
with Blanche Mehaffy
A wild ridin' cowboy in high society.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's
featuring the renowned English actor"
cwt. , ... PRINCESS
Potatoes, new
Hogs, per t. $11.25'.7'S
In Passing Other
Cars.,.Don't but In"
One of the greatest dangers on the highway is the driver who
insists on passing other cars when there is no space for him in
the traffic line ahead. If he should meet a car coming in the
opposite direction, a crash follows—with injury to persons or
ears. ;
It's a good rule to keep in line, unless you have a clear view of
the road ahead, and there is a place in the traffic line which you
can reach before you meet on -coming traffic.
Don't be a nuisance by `butting in". It is discourteous to
other drivers and creates needless danger. You may have a
crash ... and even if you,don't, you are liable to a fine under
the Highway Traffic Act.
The Keystone of Safety
on The King's Highway _
and all other roads 'and streets '
C Mil®
Highway Safety Committee
The HON. GEO. Chairman .ties
RED PATH SUGAR ........... ....... G 3Q.
90 Pounds ROLLED OATS ... . , . . ..... �7 49 9
RED ROSE TEA, per pound .
LIPTON% TEA, per. pound ,
Buy in Egmondville.
FINNI1 -....
,Much sympathy is extended to the
relatives and friends of the late Wil-
son MdAsh who was a native of Stan-
ley and well and widely known. His
death came as quite a shock. The
of the community is felt
0 ' bereaved • widow.
ir his
'lir. and Mrs. George Foster of
Windsor were renewing acquaintances
over the week end,
Miss Irene Chuter of London spent
the week end with relatives.
The A'Y.,P.iA, of Middleton, Bay-
field' and Varna, will hoed a be'a'ch
panty at Bayfield Thursday evening.
Mrs. Yates of Toronto spent a few
days at the home of Mr. R. Web-
ster. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reid of Landon
attended the cerebration in B'aylfreld
There was a good number from our
We regret to publish the death of
Mrs. George Douglas of Hensall who
also was a native of the tawnshap of
Stanley and a sister to Mr. Wm. and
Miss Feme Logan. We extend our
sympathy to the relatives.
Mrs. Jeff and Miss Dorothy Keyes
of N'ash'ville. Tenn., are at present
spending a few days with Mr. and
liiss'Douglas of Hensall.
Mr, and Mrs. Thompson of Port-
land, Oregon, are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. JohoRathwel'l,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ainsley of
Leamington spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. E•lsley.
Mr, and Mrs. Ben Tyerman of
Seaforth called on friends here on
Mr, and Mts. Fresher' of Windsor
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elsley.
Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. McCool spent,
Sunday with their aunt, Miss 'McCool
of Clinton.
Mrs. Honking and children return-
ed, :t2 their home in Clinton after
spending a couple of weeks with
friends here. • •
Mr. Wellington and Miss Margar-
et McCool came up from Toronto to
attend their mother's funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. E.- Stevens spent the
week end here, They were accom-
panied home by Mrs. Nott and Miss
Belle who will remain for a visit in
Seatorth for a few days.
Mr. and t
Nott of Strat-
ford called on friends here on their
way to Auburn on Sunday.
The funeral of the late Mrs, W.
McCool was quite largely attended
from the United church on Saturday.
We extend sympathy to the bereaved
ones. •
The late Mrs. Govier died at the
hone of her daughter, Mrs. Archie
Webster on July 11, the funeral tak-
ing place at Monday 14th to Balls
cemetery. Much sympathy is extend-
ed to the sorrowing ones.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brunsd'on and
son Earl of Hartney, Man., are
visiting at the home of Murdock
The following is the report of ,S,S,
No. 2. Tuckersmith. Classes are 'ar-
ranged in order of merit and the
classes as they will be to begin the
fall term. H.—honours; P.—(pass; R.
—remain. Jr, IV. Niorma Hevenor
H, • Gladys McKenzie H, Ruth Wat-
son P, Bruce MacGregor P. Sr. HI.
Doreen Cooper P. Jr. I'IL Theda
Watson H. Olive Smith H, Edna
Dayman H, Bernard' Sandford H,
Ronald MacGregor P, Mona` Smith'
R. Sr. III., Dorothy Deitz H, Edison
McLean P, Arthur Field P, Mildred
Deitz P. Jr. I4„ Blanche Watson P,
Kathleen MadGregor P,4 . RobertField 'P, Grate Schilbe and Donald
Doorman . (equal) P. Raymond Coop
er. and Kenneth McKenzie (equal) P.
Sr. Primer, Glwendolyn, Cooper, Mar-
jorie Smith, Kathleen Schilbe. Jr..
Primer—Esther Dayman,
'Marion T. Scarlett, Teacher.
Mr. and 'Mrs. (Grant (Love left on
Sunday last for their' home in Lans-
ing, Mich., after a very pleasant two
week's visit with 'their parents.
Mr. and ,Mrs. W. J..Caidevell visit-
ed with 'friends itt (Kitchener over the
week -end.
Miss ,Grieve .of Seaforth spent a few
days iwith.Icer friend, Miss Hyde.
Mr. 'Isarac Jareoet of the village has
been confined to his room for a time
and all veleh hien a speedy recovery.
Miss Marion T. Scarlett, who has
successfully taught in SJS. No. 2,
Tdckersmith for the past three years,.
has resigned her position with much
regret to both"pupils and community,
Miss Jean McKenzie succeeds her.
Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is un-
rivalled for speedy relief in muscular
rheumatism, lame back, inflammation,
burns and felons.,
The people in the community were
very sorry to hear of the death of
Mr. Albert Trewin who died in the
Clinton Hospital early Tuesday
morning. Deepest syrnpathy is ex-
tended to his widow and family.
Miss Amy Parsons spent the latter
part of last week with her friends,
Misses Margaret Smith and Helen
Omen, of Stratford, but who are
camping at Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Richard Armstrong
and family, of near Brussels, visited
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Dan.
Stevens Sun day.
Mr. and Mrs. Bewleyand family
spent Sunday at the home of Mr,- and
Mrs. Wm. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Campbell, of
near Walton, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Rogerson, of near Brucefieid, spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. David
Messrs, A. W. Beacom and Harold
Beacom, and Miss Edythe Beacom,
and Miss K'at'hleen Beacons, nurse -in -
training in Stratford General Hospital,
motored to Toronto Tuesday. Mr. A.
W. Beacom intends staying for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac- Rapson visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jos.
Rapson, near Londesboro Sunday.
Mr, Thomas Knox and Miss :Vine
Knox spent Monday in Clinton..
Apply to HAROILD PE.NHAff. E,
Phone 78r5, Henget];
Young cows due to fres-hen soon,
ROBT. OLAiRKE, r,r. 2, Seaforth.
Phone 245r6, Seaforth.
About 75 white Leghorn pullets 65c
each, 2 months old; and 75 Leghorn
roosters, 25c each, 2 months old. Ap-
,ply to The. News Oiffice. 30
Choice varieties, at Fruit Farm. C
HOARE, Clinton. 29
Trespassers on NiW% lot 5, con. 8,
or on lot 6, con, 10, McKillop, will be
prosecuted; also persons leaving
stock on these lands. PHILIP' EN-
RIiGHT. 29
Master George Scotchmer of Kitch-
ener is spending his summer holidays
with friends on the Bronson line.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Penhabe and
fancily visited Mr. and Mrs, George
Coleman near Seaforth on Sunday,
Mr: George Williams had the mis-
fortune to have one of his fingers ta-
ken off in a hay fork pulley ,while
working at the hay last week,
Miss Mina Herbert of Mitchell vis-
ited friends in Bayfield one day last
Mr. Frank Betesford of London
was renewing old acquaintances on
the Bronson line one day last week.
Mr. Peter Glazier of Clinton visited
friends in Stanley township on Satur-
day last.
One timber frame, complete size
24'x40' with 20' posts. Apply to J. J.
HOLLAND, St, Columban. 29
DR. H. HUGH ROSS Physician
and Surgeon. Late 6f London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special.
attention to diseases of the eye,
nose and -throat. Office and ` reeledf-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office,
Phone5:. id
No, Residence Phone 104,
DR, F J. BURROWS, Seaford,
Office and residence, Goderich street,:
east of the United Church. Goroaes-
for the County of Huron. Telephone.
No: 46.
DR. Co' MACKAY.—C. Mackay,
hopor graduate of Trinity University-
niversityand gold medallist of Trinity Medich' ;
College; member of the College of','
Physicians and Surgeons of'Outerii.
DR. F. J. R. FOIRSTER—Eye,'t3
Noand Throat, Graduate in M .
cine, University of Toronto 101p:'
Late Assistant New York Ophthal
mic and Aural Instit' :e,; Moorefield*
Eye, and Golden Square throat 'hse-
,pitals, London. England. At Comm-
ercial Hotel, Seafirrth, 3rd Monday in.
ea -ch month, from 11.a.m. to 3 p.a.
DR. W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate *-
Faculty of Medicine, University .f
Western Ontario, .London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. o. O€f
ce in Aberhartle.
Drug Store, Main St., Seaford. -
Phone 90.
DR, J. A. MUNN, Successor to
Dr. R R. Ross, graduate of North.
western University;' Chicago; I11. Li-
c'entiate Royal College of Dental Ssr-
geons, Toronto. Office over 'Sil?t,
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone.
DR. F. J. BFCUELY, graduate..
Royal College of Dental Surgeons,. .
Toronto, Office over W. R. Smith*
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones,
office- 185W, residence 185J.
D. L. ROSS. Barrister and Solicit.
or, Notary Public. Hours 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
and 7 p.m. Office above Phillipa'','
Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. Phone 6.
*Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.),
O,L,S-, Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate.
Member Engineering Institute {
Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont.
A few well bred cattle Collie pups,
born heelers, pure black with white
tips. Parents both good heelers. C.
LITTLE, Seaforth P.O. Phone 24
on 240. 31.
GEORGE ` ELLIOTT, Licensed •
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrarigements can be made for Sale-
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges..
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,
At the June meeting of Huron
County Council a By -Law was passed
to issue $100,000 five per cent. ten-
year debentures to pay - the _County
Provincial Highway Indebtedness.
The Debentures will be ready for
delivery about'October 1st, and Coun-
ty Treasurer. Gordon Young, at Gdde-
rich, is preparedtogive information
to county residents and to receive of-
fers from those desirous of investing,
and correspondence is invited:
I1 is the wish of the County Coun-
cil that these debentures be sold to
ratepayers in the county, and anyone'
wishing to invest should ' write the
Treasurer or the undersigned.
GRO, W. H'OLMAN, Clerk.
By order. - -
Voters' Lists, 1930, Municipality of
Hibbert, County of Perth
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with Section 7 of the Vot-
ers' Lists Act and that I have posted
up at my office at .Dublin on the 5th
day of July, 1930, the list of .all per-
sons entitled to vote in the said Mu-
nicipality at Municipal Elections, and
that such list remains ehere for in-
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to have
any errors or omissions corrected ac-
cording to law, the 1st day for ap-
peal, being the 27th deer of July, 1930;
Dated this 7th dey of 'July, 1930.
Clerk of Township of HUbbert.
Wednesday, Jelly 16.
EggButtsr, perper dlb.oz 200
HAROLD D. DALE, License?
Auctioneer for the County, of Huron..
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13.
(Successors to James Watspn)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual Fire Insurance Cop
Officers—James Connelly. Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; . D. F, McGregor,.
Directors—'Wm. Rion, No. 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagenj
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. James Connolly, God
erich; Alex, Clinton;Broadfoot No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Shoidice. 1No. 4, Walton
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
AgentsL-James. Watt, Blyth, r.r..
No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J A.
Murray. r.r. No. `3, Seaforth; J. V.'•.
Yeo, ;Holmesville;. R. G. Jarmouth,.
Bornholm, James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties -
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly'
attended' to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed.
to their respective postoffices.
Live or dead horses- and cows
free of charge. We pay for the
phone call.
to -
William Stone Sons
Phone 22, Ingersoll,
Phone 21'5W, Stratford
Official Motion Pictures of the
World's Heavyweight Championship
Bout , �.-
with Blanche Mehaffy
A wild ridin' cowboy in high society.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's
featuring the renowned English actor"
cwt. , ... PRINCESS
Potatoes, new
Hogs, per t. $11.25'.7'S