HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-07-10, Page 8PAGE EIGHT TPIF SEAFORTH NEWS. ,THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930. HENSALL, Miss M. A. Ellis is spending g few days visiting friends in St, Marys,` Mr: and Mrs. L. B. Drummond who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drummond, have returned to their home in To- ronto, Miss Florence Reynolds of Calgary, 'Alta., is spending her vacation with her sisters, Mrs.- Robinson and Miss Amy Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Eby of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White. Mrs. Manley Jinks and son Ross are spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jinks. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Drummond of Toronto is visiting at the home of his San, Mr. Earl Drummond. Mrs. Garnet Case and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Soldan return home after a pleasant motor trip to the West. Miss Florence Welsh of London is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Welsh. Mr. Lester Fisher of Windsor is spending his holidays at his home here, Miss Helen -Smith of Omer, Mich,, is visiting at her home -here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore and fam- ily accompanied by Miss Grace rBock returned home on Friday after a week's camping at Pike's Bay. Mr. Laird Joynt of Toronto was a recent visitor at his home here. Miss Thelma Hudson of London spent a day or so at her home here. !Services in the United Church were largely attended, the Rev. Arthur •Sin- clair having charge. In the morning Holy Communion was observed. Mr. Wni. Simpson, accompanied by his mother and sister of Detroit spent the weekend with friends in town. Mr. Jack Stacey accompanied by his mother of Detroit, spent the week- end with friends here. Mr Adapt Reichardt has returned home from a visit with his sons in Michigan. Mrs. Wm. Buchanan and Mrs. Ag- nes MoDonald and daughter Flor- ence arespending a few days with friends in Guelph. Mr, Allan McDonnel of Oklahoma Is spending a few days at his home. Miss Reynolds is having her house nicely painted and snaking other im- provements to her property on South Richmond street. Mr. Nelson Blatchford, weed in- spector, is busy this week cutting the weeds on the streets. Mr. John Semon of Centralia, spent Monday visiting friends in the village. Mr. Earl Palmer of Windsor is vis- iting at his hone here. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. White spent a few days in Toronto last week. Reeve Higgins made a business trip to Goderich on Wednesday. Mr. Laird Mickle has purchased a new Essex car from Cook Bros. Mr. John McMartin and daughter Margaret of Barrie are spending a few days this week visiting at the _tome of lir. and Mrs. Robert Bon- throti. Council Meeting, — The regular monthly meeting of the village coun- cil Ads had ;n Monday evening with Reeve Higgins, Councillor Petty aiid Ort nein present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A communication was received from the Iro-tet board asking for a levy of 9 nr.11s f,>r school purposes this year. Th than Inst '� 9 - mills more h year , and as the tax rate will sant be set till September this was left over till the September meeting. On motion of Petty and Ortwein the reeve was in- structed to sell the hay on the park lands. A number of accounts were presented and ordered paid on motion of Ortwein and Petty. Quite a dis- cussion took place as to the way the streets have been left since the pav- ing of the London road. The Reeve stated that he intends to get a power grader and scarifier in for a day and get them graded before any gravell- ing was done. As the next regular meeting of thecouncil comes on civic het day, it was decided to hold the next regular meeting on Wednesday evening, Aug. 6th. The council then adjourned. Mr. John Robertson of Tucker - smith received ,Hord on Friday night last that his son, Angus, had been ser- iously injured in an automobile acci- dent at Detroit on Friday afternoon, Mr. Robertson accompanied by Mr. Allan McDonald left immediately for Detroit. At the time of writing Mr. Robertson has returned home. Angus is in a serious condition being badly out and bruised about the head and face, but unless other complications set in he will recover. Dr. McTaggart who was seriously hurt in an automobile accident a few weeks ago near Seaforth is still in the Seaforth hospital, slowly recovering, The local hydro Commission held its monthly meeting on Monday ev- ening. The Sunday School of the United Church held their annual picnic to Grand Beni an Wednesday after- noon. The Sunday School of St, Pauls' Church Tseid their picnic at Bayfield on Tuesday afternoon and bhe S.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their picnic at Bayfield on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Owen Geiger is having his house on Oxford street reshimg'led' this week. A number from here attended the clinic held in Goderich on Saturday last. This was put on by the Lions Clubs of Huron county for a medical examination of crippled children of the county and a great deal of good will be acoonnpiisihed. (Miss Nellie McIntyre Is spending a couple of weeks visiting friends in Teessaater, Mr. James Henry of Victoria, B.C.. is visiting relatives in town this week. IIn the exhibition baseball match played here on Friday evening bet- ween the Nationals of Stratford and the loca !seniors, Hensen won by a score of 9J5. 'Owing to the Stratford boys being nearly an hour late only 5 innings were played. MARRIAGES. COLLErnr - BION 0H'RIOIN. — At Grand Forks, B.. C., Wednesday, June 25, 1930, Janet Marie, daugih ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bntithron, to Neville Collett of Regina, Sask. Fall Wheat Fertilizer To our old • customers and as many new ones as it is possible to serve, we wish to remind you. we will have fertilizer for you all. Ruhm's 33 p.c. phosphate, Tan- guay's Mixed Fertilizer and Ar- mour's Fertilizer, also 16 p.c. acid phosphate. - These grades have made excel- lent showing this spring, Ask our customers and find out for yourself. Don't be in a hurry to sign an order, as we always gime you right as to price, qual- ity and service. SVM. M. SPROAT or any representative agent. HAYFIELD. Mrs. J. Bestow and family of De- troit are occupying W. Middleton's cottage. Mrs. F. V. Martin and family of Detroit arrived on Tuesday to spend the slimmer at their cottage. • Mr. and Mrs Manning and family Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Spittal and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thourlby and family and Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Ber- gen and family, London, are occupy- ing cottages at Bayfield. highlands. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury and family of Exeter are at their summer home, Miss Ruth Houston of Landon spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott of Clinton are visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. Adams in Mrs. C. Cook's cottage. Mrs. George Weir of Seaforth is visiting her brother -in-laws Mr. F. Keegan. 'Miss S. M. Ross Left last week for Toronto after visiting her parents. Mrs. Herbert Kuntz and family of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Swartz of Buffalo visited Mr. F. Keegan on Friday. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore return- ed to St. Thomas on Sunday having visited the former'sfather,: S. Moore. Pass Ida Reid of Detroit came on Thursday last to spend the summer with her sister, Miss Mary Reid. Mr, and Mrs, J. G. Field of Tavis- tock came last week to occupy their cottage. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Spark of Cleveland, who will spend a couple of weeks with them. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dougan and fam- ily of Clinton are occupying one of Mrs, i2t Scotchmer's cottages this niont4. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wetherbee of To- ronto are summering in one of the Burch cottages in Jowett's Grove. Mrs. C. A. Mustard and family came from Toronto last week to spend the summer in camp at T. Mustard's, Mr. and Mrs. Maddiford o'f Lon- don are summering in Deer Lodge Park. Miss Alice Stinson, R.N., of New York, is spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinson. ev, an, rs. R.:11. F. Gairdner and daughter Betty of Was'hin'gton, Pa., arrived on Friday to spend the summer with the former's brother, Mrs. Victor Burt' and family of London,are upending the week with her parents, hir. and Mrs. F. W. Ba- ker, Mr, and Mrs, A, H. Swift of Tor- onto are occupying . Reid's cot- tage. ] tage. Mrs. Eric Yonk and babe of Toron- to are visiting Mrs, F. W. Baker. Mrs A•lllan Pye and two sons of Windsor are visiting Mrs. A. C Wid torte. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Thompson and little son Billie, who visited Mr. and Mrs. D. • Dewar and other rela- tives, left on Monday for their home in Hinsdale, I11. They were accomp- anied by Elva and Ann Dewar who will visit with them. Mrs. R. D. Pearson and family and Mrs, H. lg.-Truitt and family of Ro- yal Oak, Mich., are occupying one of: Mrs, Partridge's cottage's in Lakeside Park, Mr. and, Mrs. Walter" Bong of Windsor are at their summer home on the Terrace: Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Nelson of Go derich are occupying James Johns - ton's house for the summer while running a bathing house on tbesouth beach. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDonald of Detroit spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weston. Mrs. Weston, who visited several weeks` in Detroit, accompan- ied them home. Mr. J. M. Reid motored from Hon - Implements. Several 1st class land rollers, good dump rake; spring tooth cultivator, Massey -Harris with seed grain attach- ment—for sale, worth the money. See our Fertilizer Drills. Soil Pul- verizers and Cultivators, Cream Sep• arators and Complete Line of Farm Machinery. Tractors; Threshers and Trucks. Repairs strictly cash. W. C.GOVENLOCK Agent for International Harvester Co., Manufacturers of Seaforth eywopd on Sunday, with Mrs. Gale, who.hadhad been visiting her daughter aatolh t e spepnrt so the maged.ay with his children a! Mrs. Frank Peters and Miss Mary Peters of Detroit are holidaying at the Lakeview Hotel. • Rev. Jas, Gale and son Haugh of Corunna visiteds�i p i • 1 s are t ts here on his wayInve to rhuron. Miss Alms t cl Alma bI Lay arrived home from Toronto on Saturday to Spend - Mr's. two weeks IR. withMc'ILheyr,pare' :nts, Mr. and Dr, and Mrs, J. Barnett of Ridge - town are guests with, Miss Nora Fer- guson, Miss-.Lo.la- Elliott of Detroit and Rosemary Miller, Mt. Clemens, are spending 'their vacation with the for- mer's mother, Mrs, M. Elliott. Mrs. Henry Miller and Mr.. David How - croft who accompanied her Thurs- day, returned to Mt. Clemens. on Sunday. 'Mr.' George Garner of Detroit was a guest at the Lakeview Hotel sever- al days last week. One of the largest crowds ever witnessed at the Bayfield Golf Course was present on Wednesday of last week when the open date was held and tise play for the Bayfield Cup, which resu'l'ted in a tie between C. A. Reid, Goderich, and T. Weathetibee, Toronto, the play.ofi beingwon by C. A, Reid. The following wlats the scorer • Gross. Hcp. Net. T. Weatherlbee, York Dns..75 ' 8 :67 C, A, Reid, Goderich 61 ,I4 67 J. Jowett, Bayfield 86 18 68 C , Walker, ,Goderich80 12 68' J. M. Livingstone, Gd. R. 82 12 70 R. C. MciDermid, Goderich 84 14 70 H. Sharp, Clinton91 20. 71 S. W. Christian, Goderich 87 12 75 G. G. McHardy, Goderich 971 22 75 J. McLennlan, Blayifield.97 20 717 De. Newiton Brady, Bayf'd 90 '12 78 D. Mooney, Goderich 98 20 76 W. Southgate, Sea'forbh 93 •14 79 W. A. Coulbhurst, God'ch 9.3 1'4 79 Jas. Donaldson, Goderich 91 I'1 80 D. Brown, Goderich . .99 18 81 W. D. Stevenson, Snmmit 97 16 81 G. McHardy, Goderich ..105 22 83 C, R. Will, Bayfield..106 1'8 Dr. Macklin, Goderich ..;108 14 '84 The result of the other' competi- tions was as follows: Driving com- petition, T. Weatherbee; ladies' driv- ing, Mrs. W. D, Stevenson; ladies' putting, Mrs. D. Naftei. The ladies of the Club served tea and altogether ktdera he. scenic route oto til a wes A -fine, fast, through train to the West, leaving Toronto dally at 9.30 p.ni;. for Minald, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, SpskafoBii[L, Edmonton, JasperandVancouver. 4.0.... ,.......,..,...0 EQUIPMENT " Radlo-equipped Compartment— Observation—Library—Buffet Car with Valet Service; StandardSleep- ing Cars, Tourist SleepingCars, Dining Car and Coaches. 7 Ask any Agent o Canadian National Railwaysfor/1m a.particulars. 58 uia.diart. atioi, .i TO BVERYWHERE IN CANADA STOPmeans STOP The STOP signs on streets and highways are there for your protection. They protect you and all other drivers only to the extent that you obey them. There's a STOP sign at every intersection of The King's Highway and at intersections of many other main highways and streets. Be sure you heed them. If you do not, and an accident results you are responsible. You cannot depend on other drivers. While you may have complied with the law by coming to a full stop, you should still exercise care in entering the traffic stream of a main highway: The Keystone'of Safety on The King's Highway and all other roads and streets - CARE COURTESY COMMON SENSE Safety The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Chairman 1185'. Egmondville FIVE ROSES FLOUR . , .. ... /r 00 PURITY FLOUR RED PATH SUGAR 90 Pounds ROLLED OATS RED ROSE TEA, per pound 4.00 5.39 3.49 49c LIPTONI5 TEA, per poun t .... , .." ' • ...... • .. 49 c Buy in Egmondville. te 1� N it was quite an enjoyable elkir. The annual meeting of the share- holders was held in the evening , at. the hone of C. R. Will.. The officers elected were Pres, J. W. Jowett; sec.-treas., C. R. Will; directors—+L. W. Burch, W, R. Jowett, Dr. A. Newton -Brady, Dr. A. Newton-lBra- dy was elected Captain of the men, and L. W. Burch, chairman green's committee. Reports showed a sue- cessful year. Course is in splendid condition and greatly praised by vis- itors, so members are looking for- ward to a good year. Ladies' tourna- ment was held on Wednesday for members olf the Club. Lawrence Snelgrotve, James . War- ing and Ernest Savidge .of Galt are camping in Miss Ferguson's orchard. 'HULLETT. PURITY PURV,EYOf S willsell you the choicest cooked meats, rand cut your sand'wich:., bread free, any thickness, on our new electrical slicer, for your ,Picnic or any function. Mr, Cowan of the 13th con. has re -- turned after spending last week at the home of his •d'aughter, Mrs, R. Townsend. Miss A. Hamilton who teaches near Ottawa spent several days last week with her parents on the 10th con, and has left for Toronto where she will mark middle school papers: Miss L. Snell who teaches near Lucksow spent several days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell, She will leave shortly to attend summer school at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson of Hespeler visited the home of Mr. Youngblut near Auburn, Miss Arnott, teacher of No. 6, left last Wednesday for Guelph to attend summer school. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Risley and fanc- ily of the 13th con., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Ellison Sunday. A very happy re -union was held at the home of Mr. Henry Sanderson on the 13th con., last Saturday when a number were present. The afternoon was spent in games, everyone report- itniost g a enjoya'bde time. 'Their fa- ther . settled a-ther.settled on that farm some 80 years ago as a pioneer. A year later he married Caroline Brigham, and they carved a home for themselves out the wilderness of Canada. Mrs. William Brunsdon spent sev- ered days last week with her daugh- ter .Lars. D. Vodden, Hallett. WEST BRODHAGEN. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eggert and children took a motor trip to Mor- riston on Saturday last to visit the latter's father and sister over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Henry and little daughter of. Pontiac, Mich., are visiting in the neighborhool and. on Sunday morning went to Fullerton to visit the1 to s at r s cousins, lirs. Wesley Fisher and Mrs. Alice Stoskopf, ac- companied by Mrs. Fred Koehler and son Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele and son Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hoegy and children. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Koehler and children and Mr. and . Mrs. Henry Koehler motored to Fullerton to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Ezra See- bach, Some ,of the farriers have Started haying. It is not as heavy as in some former years on account of too much frost in the spring, which checked' the growth. MUTT AND JEFF RETURN IN A NEW VEHICLE. Bigger, brighter and better than ever before, fairly bristling with nov- elty, new and catchy music and dances of the enticing kind, comes, the ever welcome and popular favorites "Mutt and Jeff" to the Opera House, ,Seaforth, for one evening perform- ance only, Friday night July 18. This is the seventeenth consecutive season of this remarkable cartoon re-.. view, and, as in the past the different theatres through the entire country, are seldom large enough to hold the people who want to spend their mon- ey to see these celebrated and clever artists and their surrounding- cast. The new and original ideas, furnished year after year, has m'a'de Bud Risher, the author, the world famous cartoon artist of the New York American and Journal, the creator of the greatest laughter provoking show the world has ever known. This season's offer ins is one continual round of good clean laughs. This year's offering has the usual number of pretty 'girls, wearing the latest creations in gorg- eous gowns. Special music of the snappy sort has been furnished and this, together with novel and acrobat- ic dancing will lend zest to the enter- tainment, All together there will be pleasing in this vicinity during the entire season. You will be sent home with .a smile in your eye and a laugh on your• brow, feeling entirely satisfied that you have received- full valuefor your money. CHERRIES FOR SALE 'Apply to HaAIROILD PFJI$HIALE, Phone 7t8r5,' Hensall. LUMBER. . Parties wishing to buy second- hand material for building or repair- ing, namely—scanitlings, size 2"x141" up to• 2"x10" one inch lumber, rough and dressed, tongued and grooved, window sash and frames, panel doors, lath etc. Good buying. Thewriter will be in Walton on Sat- urday, July 12th from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. Phone 138x2, Sealforth. W'M. DOIG, Jr., r.r, . 3, Kippen. 28 COWS- FOR SALE Youtug cows due to freshen soon. EOBIT, - MAiRNKIE, r.r. 2, Seaforth. Phone 2451.16, Seaforth. FOR SALE About 75 White ;Leghorn pullets 65c each, 2 months old; and 75 Leghorn roosters, '25c earth, 2 months old. Ap- ply to The News Office. 30 BRIDAL PHOTOGRAPHS. You will alwaysbe glad in after years . you have had Photographs ta- ken of the Bridal Party and you will be pleased if the • Burgess Portrait Studio, Mitchell, makes those .photo- graphs. Our prices are most reason- able. BINDER TWINE, : Farmers come and get your twine, r doner bene made One car load here another car coming. You can get- it at nay residence in Seafonfh any ,time. Phone No. 123. R. J. McMILLAN. 28 NOTICE OF MEETING. A meeting of the members of the Wheat Pool will be held, Commercial: Hotel Saturday night, July 12th, half past 8 o'clock. WM. GIIA'R'PFJRS. 28. FOR• SALE. ' 19 choice young pigs, 5 weeks old; 2 young sows, 2 steers rising 1 year 1 heifer. JAMES MALONEY, 2 Miles South of Dublin. 28 CHERRIES. Choice varieties, at Fruit Farm. C. HOA+RE, Clinton: 29 NOTICE. Trespassers on N'W% lot 5, con. 8, or on lot 6, cos, 10, McKillop, will be prosecuted; also persons leaving stock on these lands. PHILIP EN- RIGH'T. 29 TENT FOR SALE. • Large wall tent for sale. Material heavy white duck and in good condi- tion, only used a short time. Apply at, News Office 28 FOR SALE One timber frame, complete size 245x40' with 20' posts. Apply to J J. HOLLAND, St. Columban. 29 AUCTION SALE Of standing Hay, Grain and Ian- plements: Mr. Frank Finnigan has instructed the undersigned auctioneer to sell by public auction at his faros, lot 17, con. 9, McKillop, 2 miles east of Winthrop, on Tuesday, July 156, at 2 .p.nt. sharp, 50 acres of hay, tim- othy and alslke; 16 acres of good oats, 1 drill nearly new with fertilizer. attachment, 1 Deering mower, nearly new; 1 horse rake, nearly new 1 Massey -Harris binder; 1 set of sloop sleighs; 1 wagon; a good set of 4 - section drag harrows. Terms. --All sums of $10 and under, and grain, cash.. 3 months given' on credit amounts or 6 p.c. off fo' rcash. 17RIA1NK FI.N'NIGAN, prop.; George Elliott, atict. • CARD OF THANKS. Mrs, Jessie Flett and daughter Mary and Mrs. Hatbkirk wish to thank the .many friends and neighbors for sympathy and kindness shown in their recent sad bereavement, . OLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1930, Municipality of IH'ibbort, County of Perth, Notice i3 hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Vot- ers' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Dublin on the Beth day of July, 1930, the list of all per- sons entitled to 'vote in the said 'Mu- nicipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list -remains there for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all .voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording .to law, the last day for ap- peal being the 27th day of July, 1930. Dated this 7th dray of Jailyy� 1930., MRS, KATHLEEN FEENEY, Clerk of Township of Hilbhert, PROFESSIONAL CARDS.. Medical. DR." H. HUGH RiO'S'S, Physiciata and Surgeon. Late of London •Hq pital,' London, England. Spew attention to diseases of ,the eye,, ear, . nose and throat Ofifiee and realer ence behind Dominion. Bank. OfiSccs Phone No, 5: Residence Phone 154, DR. as J. BUR'RiOWIS, Seaforii. Office and residence, Goderich ;street,,. east of the United Church. corona( - 'for »the County of, Huron. Telephone, No. 41§. • ,1}R.. C:, MACKAY.—C. Mackay,. honor graduate of Trinity Univerdty- and gold medallist of Trinity Medan College; member of the College Physicians and. Surgeons of Ontas DR. F. 3. R. FOIRSTER—Eye, Sar Nose and Throat, Graduate in Medi— cine, University of Toronto •1109. Late Assistant New York Ophtbal . mic and Aural Instit' ie, Moorefield*. Eye, and Golden Square throat hos- pitals, London. England. At Coosa& • ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Moaday,iA, each month, from 1,1 a,nr. to 3 pa;. DR. W. C. SPROAT.— erraduatc at. Faculty , of Medicine, University rp Western 'Ontario, London. Member - of College of Physicians and : "SNP. geons of Ontario. Office in Aberharge • Drug Store, Main St., Seaforil, Phone 90. Dental. DIR. J. A, MUNN, Successor 4s Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North- western University, Chicago, I11. Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Sate. geons, Toronto. Office over 'Sipa. hardware, Main St,, Seaforth. Piton - 151. DR F J. BFCH»ELY, graduate. Royal College of ..Dental Surgeoulr, , Toronto. Office over W. R. SWAN, grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones. • office 183W, residence 1853. Legal. rD. L. ROSS. Barrister and Solicit- or, Notary Public. Hours9 a.m.-2 p.us.. and 7 p.m, Office above Phillips°` Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. 'Phone 6.' Consulting Engineer. 5.,W.. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc: (Toa:) 0.L.S., Registered Professional Ea- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate - Member Engineering neerin g Institute tut C Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Hurex Arrangements can be made for Sole - Date at The Seaforth News. Charges. moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Hamot. Moderate rates and satisfaction gaare auteed, Phone 149, P.O. ' Bore LL " Seaforth. WATSON AND REIDFS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -•Clash, Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire insurance Gas. FARM AND N ISOLATED FiD TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, 3NSU ' Officers—James Connolly. Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,,. Vice President; D. F. McGregor,. Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -'Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea— forth, fort h John Bennewies, ern i ew es, Brodhsgaal. James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc. - Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly :Good. drich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3' Sea - forth; J M. Sholdice. No. 4, Wraltootf' Robert Ferris, Harlosk; George 1[c.“ Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray' Gibson, B'rucefieid. • Agents—lJames Watt, Blyth, No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A, Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and JJohn- Govenlock, 'Seaforth, auditors. Partiee desirous to effect insurance or .trace-. act other business will be promptly - attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressedi. to their respective postoffices. WE REMOVE Live or dead horses and cows free of charge. We pay for tho phone call. William Stone Sons Limited Phone 22, Ingersoll Phone 2151W, Stratford THURS., FRI., SAT. "Lilac Time" 'THE GREAT AI'R SPECTACLE WITH COLLEEN, MOORE AND ' GARY COOPER (ISee page 1)' MON., TUES., WED. Paramount Pictures Present "WOMANTRAY" featuring EVIErLYN •IiRENITo CHESTER MORRIS SEAFORTH MARKETS. PRINCESS Wednesday, July 9$11.j� Hogs, per cwt, $101715411,25