HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-07-10, Page 5• THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930,
When all about us there is unemployment and lack of money, you
da the wise thing by s'hop'ping at the Superior Chain Sltores, Not only
do you get the benefit, of the highest quality int the lowest ,prices, but
you are helping your •owty community. Every Superior Store is
owned and o'peraited.byan independent grocer and the money you,
spend in his store stays in your district where it does the most good
for you. Watch for the stores with the Orange and Black fronts, they-
KELLOGG'S RICE KRPS+PPE'S , . . , .2 for 23 c
PURE.RAISPI3ERRY JAM, 40 oz. jar !�J
P9' jar 37c
per piwt 30e
per bottle 25 c
STUFFED O'L'IVES, 14 oz ... , ...... per lwhfle 35 c
AYLMER SOUP (all flavours exceptchicken)
No, 2 size • 2 tins
St. Chtxrles Evaporated Milk, s,ntall 2 for 15c
St. Charles Eva'plgrated. Md14:
Chateau Cheese, /'s
Libby's Pork and Beans, medium size
c tcken . , . ..3 for 29c
tall size 14c
per pkg, 19c
2 for 21c
P. & 13. Sandwich Pate . l per tin 14c
Chase & Sanborn Coffee 4's .:..30c l's 60c
Chipso large pkg. 23c
Royal York Tea , ..5 ib, pkg. 28c
54's 14c
Per pkg. ilc
Gillett's Cream .orf Tartar
Benson's Corn Starch
Ovaltine, small 50c inediam 75c large...$1.25
Maple Leaf Salmon %'s 25c
Fry's Cocoa r %'s 23c
New Pack,Sea King Lobsters ....%'s 23c /'s 35c
Palmolive Soap 3 cakes 23c
Premium I'ea with Cup and Saucer per lb. 59c
Duff's ' Pure Lard 1 ill,, prints 17c
Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 23c
Log Cabin Pears 2's , per tin 1Sc
Brunswick Sardines 4 tins 25c
Mdlearen's,Jelly Powder, assorted 4 pkgs. 25c
Certo per bottle 29c
Kippered Snacks 4 tins 25c
Rubber Rings, Best Quality 2 dos, 15c
Castile Soap 9 cakes 25c
Picnic Plates per doz. 10c
These prices good till July 17th.
RossJ. Sproat
A. Jeffery Phone
[hone 8
Cream Cream
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We'will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial,"
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seafarth Creamery Seaforth,Ont.
Just Try 11
When;yqu feel tired and
drowsy, slip around the
corner and get a massage
You may come in with
a grouch but will go out
with a smile.
Phone 125.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas.A. Howey
Phone 327-3. Centre St.
D, H. M
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully trea ted.
Electricity used,',
W. J, Walker
86 Sone
Motor or Horse Equipment
W J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
.Might or day phone 67,
Q5C Daily. Make
'1U Mone Easier.
Men Wanted.—Quick, sure
way to become EXPERTAuto Me
shams, Welder, Electrician, Brick
layer or. Draftsman. Earn 55c
per hour, part time, from start.
Advancement in few weeks. Free
Railroad Fare and Employment
Service. Write at once for Il-
lustrated Booklet.
Commercial` Engineering Schools
5 7 Queen St. W., Toronto,
Suite One Hundred
School Report S. S. No. 10—The
following is a report of the standing
of the pupils in the classes for the
next term. Honors 75, puss 60. Jr.
LV,—Olive Pryce 70, Oliver Pryce
165.2, Allan Campbell 62.6.. Jr. II'I,—
Annie Pethick 73.4. Jr. PL—Muriel
Dolmage 75, Harvey ,Dolmage 65.2,
Helen Blanchard 62.4. Sr. I. ---Ruth
Pethick, good. Jr, I. --Betty Bul-
lard, Kathleen Shannon, Ruth Camp-
bell, . Tillie Storey, Teacher.
Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 25c1
Mr. F. S. Rivers, B.Paed.. of Owen
Sound, has been awarded a scholar-
ship of $1,500,00 for post graduate
work from Toronto University, This
entitles him to go to Edinburgh for a
year's work on the Scottish Student -
Teacher exchange.
Miss Lois Eastman of Winnipeg is
holidaysing at the home df itrs R, E,
Mrs. 3. N. Reid, Detroit, Mr. W.
E. Kelly. London Dr. James Gray,
Upland, California Miss Bessie
Broadfoot Hamilton; Mr,and Mrs.
W. H. Ebel, Mrs. J. Baldwin, Strat-
ford; Mr. an ,Mrs. JohnEl
d s. der, Hen -
earl; Mr Jaynes Reid and Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Reid, Bayfield, attended
the funeral of the late Samuel Reid,
Mrs. James • Walker and daughter
Anna Jean, of Winnipeg, Man., are
guests of Mrs.'T.yerinan for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilbert of De-
troit, were week end guests of their
uncle' arid aunt, Mr. and Mrs, John
M. Henderson, McKillop,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie ' Preston and
two children. Teddy and Merlin, of
Detroit, called on Mr, and Mrs. W.
H: Sholdice,:'Goderich st.
The CJG;LT, of North Side United
Church have gone to camp at Port
Albert for a week or ten days.
Mr. and Mrs, Guy Richards have
left for Detroit after •visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson.
Mr, and Mrs. Robinson accompanied
them to Detroit to stay for a visit.
Mr. John Piper of Detroit spent a
few days visiting at the home of his
father, Mr. William Piper.
Mrs. W. Whaley and daughter
Phyllis of Merriton are visiting et the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R H. Sand-
Dr. J. L. Hogg of New York is
convalescing at the home of his sis-
ter, Mrs. Thos. Dickson,
Mr. A. C. Hazen, formerly of Sea -
forth and recently- of • Port Dover,
has joined rhe Brantford Collegiate
rs. D. Rogers of Preston is visit-
ing her brother, Air, Wm. Bickell.
Mr. and Mfrs, G. F. Coates of Have-
lock spent the week -end with his
mother, Mrs. R. E. Coates, and Mrs.
Coates is visiting her parents at Brus-
Mrs. E. Geddes, Stewart and Mary,
are visiting in Bayfield this week -end
with the former's sister, Mrs. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart and
Miss Mary Stewart. Mr. and Mrs.
John Beattie and Mrs. Douglas Beat-
tie _motored to Toronto and Hamilton
Sunday last.
Miss Adeline Tyerman •erman has return-
ed home after a ten days' visit with
her cousin, Mrs. Price, of Aylmer
Mr. gimes M. Scott Sunny Crest
J y
farm, spent the beginning of the week
in Detroit attending the International
Baby Chick convention.
Mrs. John K. Davis and two child-
ren visited at the home of her mother
and father, Mr, and Mrs. Robinson for
a week.
Mr. W. H. Little has aceepted a
position as Principal, for the coming
year, of a seven -room public school
at Port Dover,
Miss Olive. Collins
of Port Elgin
w'as the guest of Hiss Margaret
Armstrong over the week -end.
Mrs. \Vm. Day, formerly Miss
Staples, now of Killiarney, Man., is
visiting her brothers, Mr. W. Staples
who is very ill, and Mr. Thos. Staples.
Mrs. Day's daughter and on-in�lavv,
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Clark, accomp-
anied her and are visiting in Toronto
and other points.
Mrs. W. H. Gelding and .Miss Dor-
othy Golding spent Thursday at To-
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hoover and
two children. of Listowel called on
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sholdice Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geprge Tucker and
Mrs. R. Tucker of Elgin, Ill, are vis-
iting the latter's sister, Mrs. 5. B.
Thompson and Mr, Thompson.
Miss Gladys Thompson is spending
several weeks in Philadelphia.
Mrs: (Dr.) Alton of Lamont, Alta.,
and her father, Mr. MacGregor, of
Vancouver, B.C., were guests at the
home of Mr. J. R. Govenlock on
Mr. J. D. Dickson of til ica,. N.Y.,
and son Dr, Allan Dickson of Ams-
terdam \ �Y, and Mr. F. NI. Scott,
Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs,
Thos. Dickson, Goderich street.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walker o3 Bad
Axe, Mich„ called on the latter's
aunt, Mrs. John Manson, and lfr,
and Mrs. W. D. Alanson over the
wee1s end.
Mr. Harold Coates of St. Hubert
airport, Montreal, is spending his va-
cation with his mother, Mr. R. E.
Mr, and firs. Fred Robinson, Mr,
and Mrs, Guy Richards, and Mrs.
John K. Davis motored to Niagara
Falls and Toronto this week and
spent a couple of days.
Miss Mona Sills of St. Joseph's
Hospital, London is spending her ho-
lidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Fronk Sills.
Mrs. John 1feKinley of Winnipeg,
is -pendng several weeks with Mr,
and 'Mrs. Robert :McKinley.
Mrs. Henry Hoggarth attended the
22nd annual reunion of the Eliery and
Stone families at the home of Mr. and
1•Ire. T. Fletcher, Woodham. on July.
lir, Glenn McCartney, of Moose
Jaw, Sask., was a visitor this week
with Mr, and 7irs. John Beattie.
.lir. and lire. Joseph Longe of
Brantford, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Porteous this week.
Mrs. Archie Scott, who hes been'
renewing acquaintances here for the
past several weeks returned on Mon-
day to Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Tyerman have
returned from a holiday- trip to Leam-
ington and. Amherstburg.
Mr. John Scott and son, Mr. Ar-
thur Scott, are taking a motor trip
through the West and will visit Mr.
Scott's two daughters and san. They
left on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Smith, Mr,
and Mrs, W. H. Goldinig andtwo
children, were visitors he London on
Me, James Manson, who has been
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
Manson, since May, left Monday to
spend the summer in Bayfield.
Mr. Lloyd Dienin of the Be.nk of l
Commerce staff spent last' week in
Mr. '1'. J..Rich'ardson is re'buil'ding
the house which, he purchased from
the estate of the tate Mrs. David
Mrs, Geo. `,Elgie `of Tuckersmith,
had the misfortune to fall on the
1pavement-on Alain street Monday af-
ternoon, spraining her ankle, end is
under the doctor's care at present,
The CG)I.T, girls, fifteen in num-
ber, of First Presbyterian Church,
leave next Monday for Kintail.camp.
Miss Ruth Pinkney of Stratford is
spending the week with her mother,
Mrs. Pinkney, and will go on Sunday
to spend part of her vacation ie Ayl-
mer with her uncle sand aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Clark.
Miss Mary Reid went on Thursday
of this week to Stratford to spend iter
holidays with her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Powell.
Little Miss Mary Jane Rankin of
Detroit is visiting her grandparents:'
Mr. and Mrs, James Rankin, and
Miss. Violet Rankin.
Mr. and Mrs, Howard Burgess and
little son Howard of Owasso., Miele,
spent the American holiday with Air,
and Mrs. R.. Frost,
Mr, James Hay and his mother,
Mrs. John Hay, spent the week end
in Niagara Falls at the home of the
latter's son, Mr, Peter Hay and at
the home of the former's daughter,
Mrs, Lorne Pepper and Mr. Pepper.
Mr. Horatio J. Purdy, prominent in
dramatic and musical' circles of Tor-
onto, is holidaying at the home of
Mr. H. Edge. On Sunday morning-
orningMr. Purdy sang a solo in St. Thomas'
Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Glinske
and two children of Detroit spentthe
holiday with Mrs. Glinsle's parents,
Mr. and. Mrs, joint Sproat, Mr. Glin-
ske returned Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Ronnenburg who spent
the holiday at Monkton,
Mrs: Ibbotson and two children
have returned from Port Elgin Where
they were visititig friends for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brall and fam-
i1y left for their home in Detroit lest
Sunday after an extended visit with
her parents, lir. and Mrs. C. Eckert,
while their daughter Mary n -as con-
valescing from her late operation and
has recovered and is hale and hearty.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hillis and son
Donald, Miss Mildred Turnbull and
Air, Arnold Turnbull were week end
guests at the home of Mrs. G. T.
Mrs. Arthur Bishop of Hamilton,
who has spent the past two• weeks
with Mrs. R. Frost, returned on Sun-
day accompanied by her husband Mr.
Arthur Bishop.
s Op.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Richards and
Hiss Bristow- spent the week end
with heri-t r
s � e , Mrs. Rohner, in Bay-
Mrs. C. Butler of St. Catherines is
visiting her mother, Mrs, John Gov.
lfiss Margaret Fermson is spend-
ing this week in Bayfield.
Mrs. Elliott Thynne of Toledo,
Ohio, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. G.
Scott, of Santiago. Cal., arrived Sun-
day to spend a few weeks with the
f rmr'
o e s brother, lir. Andrew Scott,
c tt,
-lir. and \Mrs ii~c nest Thynne of
Toledo, motored over with theist and
remained until Tuesday.
Miss Isabel Lowery, who went to
the business college in Stratford dar-
ing the past winter, hes been engaged
on the staff there, Her many friends
wish her success,
Miss Marion Gray, who has been
ill several months, has recovered and
is able to be out again.
The Sunday School and congrega-
tion of First Presbyterian Church.
held' their annual 'picnic at Bayfield
on Wednesday afternoon this week.
The Sunday Schools of alt the Pres-
byterian Churches of this presbytery
held their picnics together. •
Mr. and Mrs. A. Stringham and
Zola, Woodstock, and Miss 'Wheatley
and Mrs. Campbell, Clinton, were
the guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. Rog-
erson on Sunday lest.
Miss Delores Laithwaite of Goder-
ich is visiting with Mr, and.lirs. W.
Mr. and Mrs, C. Rogers of Osha-
wa and Mr. Shirley Thomas of Tor-
onto are visiting
Mr. and Mrs.
Charles MacGregor.
Mrs, Barrett and son Russell of
Toronto are visiting Mr. acrd firs, W.
*Miss Thelma Dale and Miss Defter -
,es Laithwaite viited Mr, and Mrs,
David Watson at Leadbury on Wed-
Clifford Jamieson of Kitchener is
visiting with his uncle. Mr. Robert
The marriage took place at Kitch-
ener on June 30 of Mr. William Ja-
mieson of that city and formerly of
Hullett, to firs. Elsie Springford, of
Waterloo, formerly of Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnett of To-
ronto, are spending a few days in the
Mr. Robert McMIillan ,and \fuss
McIntosh of 5eaforth spent Sanday.
Provincial Insurance
company .of England
One of the few British Companies
operating in Canada today at
For the term from June 1st to De-
cember 1st. Phone us and we will call.
This means a saving in premium
to you with protection, security
and the night and day service of
this office.
Call, phone or write usfor full
information, rates, etc. Our ser-
vices at your disposal at any
A D. Sutherland
Opera House, Seaforth, Friday Night, July 18
Jain / 5NE4
9ik. 4 LLB
73ubbt n . over &if4 merriment, originalit nagetty and tee
With A Congress Of
Garnished With A Group Of
Filled with
It's All New
ADMISSION : Children 25c. Sold at Door Only. Adults 50c. An
Reserved Seats are selling at Aberhart's Drug
at the home of -lir, and Mrs. B. B.
Mrs, .Ed. Britton, accompanied by
Mr. Bob Patterson and Miss Fern
Love of Walton went to St. Thomas
aver the week end. Mrs. Britton is
few a • with her uncle
stayingfora et days ;
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, McDougal.
Miss White of Toronto spent the
week end with her friend,
Miss Thel-
Mr. Russell Coates of Toronto is
visiting et the home of Mr. and firs,
Wm, Clarke.
Master Mac Stephenson of Brus-
sels is spending his holidays with his
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. George
Mrs. McIntosh of Toronto was vis-
iting at \firs, H. Colclough's for a
week and also her son,
Mr. Kenneth
McIntosh,,from Detroit and lir and
litre. Waiter 'Clair of Detroit stayed
for a ceun[e of days.
Miss Mary Istoore of Toronto is
spending a couple of weeks with her
mother, Mrs. Moore, and brother, W.
The monthly meeting of the W.M.
S. will be held at the home of Mr,
and .firs, James Dale Thursday af-
Mr, and firs. Busby returned Sat-
urday to their hone in Chatham,
Hiss Clete .Medd is spending her
holidays with her uncle and aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lawson, in
lir, and Mrs. Dundas and two dau-
ghters of Bethel spent Sunday with
Nit.. and Mrs. Peter Lindsay.
Miss Fern Lowe of Walton is
-pending a few days at the hone of
Nit.. and Mrs, Edwin Britton.
Ma and Mrs. Foray Carter of God-
erich, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fenguson.
Goderich tp. and Mr, and Mrs John
Carter Sr.., Hultett. visited -\-Ir. and
Mrs. John Ferguson on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan and
daughter Marion of London spent
Sunday l Anne and Mr.
with with I �_ i -s
Harvey Taylor
Mr. James, Armstrong of 'Toronto
is spending a few days with his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Armstrong,.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pethick and son
of Stratford visited lir. Pethick's
parents, .lir. and firs. Batt. Arnt-
lir. ast,
Chas. Riley of London paid a
flyay ling visit to his home here on Sun -
Mr. and Mrs. Lott. Nicholson of
Toronto spent the week -end with the
farmer's•brother, lofr, and \Irs, Adam
:A•. and Mrs. Joseph Riley spent
Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, George Cook, of Goderich
1[r. Ed...Dorrance has treated his
family to a new Durant car,
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Grimotdby
of \We t..m spent the week -end at the
home sf Mr. and Mrs. Rohe Griin-
lir Benj. Riley visited with he
daughter. firs. John *Tann three days
last week.
S. S. No. 3, Hullett.—The follow
ing is the result of the June promo-
tie.n examinations. The names of pu-
pils are arranged in order of merit. Jr..
IV. to Sr. I\ Hattie Armstrong
(honours), Doves Lawson. Bernard
Riley. Edith Britton Sr, III. to Jr.
IV.—Hazel Jamieson, Ethel Dexter.
Ella Dexter, Promoted _ conditional-
Charles Sundercock, Keis•t Adams,
Fred Riley. Jr. PI'L. to Sr IIS.—Jo'hn
Thompson (honours). Sr, PI. to Jr.
III. -Edna Armstrong (retained),
Jean Wakefield (retained), Alex. Mc-
Michael (retained), Jean Anderson
(honours), Elva Sundercock (hon-
ours), Grace McMichael, . Olive
Grhno dby. Jr II to Sr. TT.—Alvin
Riley (retained), Kathleen Y ungb'.ut
(retained), Reggie Lawson (retained),
Jr, H.—Marian Larson (honours),
Viola Dexter, Stellta Armstrong. First
GENERAL INSURANCE --'David Anderson. Ellwood Clarke.;
Conveyancing, Real Estate Primer -Charles- McMichael (retain -
Investments, Etc, , ed), James Jamieson, Allan Sunder-,
, un
j' Ont' Ida I, *Medd, Teacher.
Mr. and Airs, Gordon Kerr of Sas-
katoon, and Mr. Jack Kellar 01 Chi-
cago, are visiting et the heme of Mr.
and Mrs. George Carter.
Miss Jessie Ferguson who has been
re-engaged as teacher of S. S. -No. 4,
is spending her holidays at her home
in Hibbert.
Miss Irene Carter has returned to
Toronto .after spending her holidays
With- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wnt,
.Hiss Beryl Carter is holidaying
With her cousin, hiss Jean McDen-
ald at Walton.
Miss Delores Laithwaite of Gode-
rich i; visiting Mrs. William Carter.
Miss s Betty Lawrence of Clinton is
spending rhe summer with her par-
ents, \ r we -
e , I .and M... George Law
rence firs. Lawrence's friends hope
slue will soon regain her usual health.
'Mies Belle Fairservice of Clinton
spent the weeksend with her parents,.
_lfr. and lir \William Fairservice.
Those from this community who
attended the Connell -Dale reunion. on
July 1st report an excellent time.
Mr. Orville Dale and Mester Keith
are . pending a few days in Toronto
this week. •
you the ch nicest cooked meats, and
cut your sandwich bread free, any
thickness, on our new electrical slicer,
for your Picnic or any function.
Some More Good Grain.—\Ir. Jos-
eph Atkinson has shown us a bunch
of mixed barley and oats which
stands 4 ft. 8 in high end is fully
headed out, This part of the field
was treated with Ruben's 33 p.c. phos-
phate and is all the same.
Mr. and firs. Grant Love of Lans-
ing, Mich., are spending a few days
friends in this vicinity.
with a ds
Mr. Ralph \\ orkman of Flint Mich.
Called on his •brother Percy Workman
Mr.Archie McAllister and -friend,
of Detroit, epent a few days with re-
latives here.
Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Love and dau-
ghter Hiss Thelma of Ailsa Craig,
spent .a few days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Love and family.
Miss Elda Stephan left recently for
Toronto after 'finishing her course in
, Clutton •shod.
Mfrs: Lorne Eider and -children of
Sudbury are spending their holidays
at. the home of the former's parents.
Mr, and firs I, Cochrane, --
llise Greta Forrest is spending the
holidays nt the home of her father,
Mr. J. B. Forrest.
Mr. and llrs. L. Coleman Ji Sea-
1 •rth were recent visitors with firs.
L. Troyer,
Mr, and firs. Busswail of Centralia
were vi sting at the home of• Mr, and
Mr Jas.Love.
Mr.Wm. Jarrett and daughter
Annie visited -friends ht Lobo town-
ship on Sunday and took in the Mem-
orial services at Popla Hill.
Qt ok in te the number
:Time F ddlersccon
test at Grand Bend on Monday even-
Mr. and firs. Arnold Merrier and
children of •Detroit are spending a
few holidays at the home of Mrs..
Merner's parents, Mr and Mrs. T.
M sees Annie and Agnes Cochrane
of Clinton spent a few days with
friends in this community.
The lfisses McAllister of Hensall
spent a few days 'wieh their° sister,
MTr S. Walker.
Miss Edith- Forrest of Hensall
pent the week -end with her .sister,
Mrs. W, Love.
PHONE 152. SEAFORTI k HarryY slut
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Association was held Fri-
day, July 4 at the hame of Mrs, Frank
Aikenhead. The devotional part of;
the meeting was taken by 1I r;, Rat-
after which the president,
At LESS Than
The Early Bird Gets the Best
Any Seat, All Plus Tax, Adult
took the chair and conducted the're-
mainder of the meeting. Mrs. Brem-
ner read a .paper en "Our Duties to
Our Community." The business part
of meeting followed after which it
was closed by
y P
Lunch was'hen served by the post-
e , Mrs. Jamieson will he the host-
ess for August meeting.
The Sunday a; School and congrega-
tional picnic of the United Church
will hold their annual picnic to Bay-
field on Tuesday, July 29.
Mrs. A. T. Scott motored Bow-
ra anviile last week to see hermister,
flys, Yellowlees who is seriously ill.
Mrs. Rothwell of Toronto is the
guest of Mr. and 'Ire, W. Rattenbury
this week.
Mrs. C. Ham and .on are visiting
at the hone of her
lather, 1L James
Swan, this week.
Mrs. li-.ireith and family of Lan -
dun visited at the home of hermother,
Mrs. Jane Ross and s.her friends in
the vicinity last week.
Mrs. John \IcKeneie and family
of Dv •,it ,are .pend sig a few weeks
at the home of her mother i -las, firs.
R. McKenzie, who has been i'1 for
the past few "months. Her many
fisc nd will be ,goad to hear that she is
new in a fair way to recovery.
Mrs. David Tough received word
lett week of the death of her brother,
lfr. William Sparks of Devil's Lake,
North Dakota,
Mrs. Thompson and family of Sar-
nia visited at the home of her nother,
Mrs Stevens, last week.
The following is the report of the
Promotion Examinations held et SS.
No. 10 Stanley..The names are in
order of merit.
From Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.—Randall
Pepper. Kenneth _llcCow•an.
From Sr. III. to Jr. IV.—Harry
Snider, Olive Johnsen, Jim Burdge,
Audrey Swan.
From Jr. III. to Sr. III.—Archie
Bustard, Harry Collins, Willie
b II to Jr. III.—Lloyd Thomp-
homp-s n and ;vola Taylor equal, Doreen
Pepper, rimy Graham.
From I. to JI, --Hubert Taylor,
Doris Dutot, Barbara Graham, Anna
Cornish end Glenn Swan.equal, Don-
ald Smith.
:Primer Class -George Wilson, Ger-
trude Smith. Elizabeth Aikenhead.
Jack Mustard. Adam Wilson.
Gordon Keeler, teacher,
Kameke-Reid.--•-.A quiet but very
pretty wedding was solemnized on
Thursday afternoon at noon i:t the
United Church. Brueefie[d,, Rev. W.
A. Bremner officiating, when Adah
Florence. dao liter of Charles Reid,
and the late Mrs. Reid of Bruceaeld,
vvas nnited in marriage to R, N.
Theodore Katucke, Tsrwnto, son of
Mrs, H. Erskine, Bournemouth, Eng-
land, and .he late J. T. Kamcke of
Belfast, Ireland. The bride, who was
given in marriage by her father, was
attractively dressed in a white'en-
sem le., Site wore a sunburst of
pears that had belonged to her
nt rther and parried a bouquet of
ries and illy -of -the -valley. The
mid of bettor was Mies Oral Cooper
mid P
of Goderich and the bridegroom was
attended by his brother, Michael
Kameke of Bournemouth, England.
The uehers were the brute's brothers,
Laurenceand Stanley - Reid. Follow-
t ; w
ing the ceremony, luncheon was serv-
e'1 at the home of the bride's father.
On returning Mr. and Mrs. Kameke
will reside in Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. Will 13airsl. and dau-
ghter Thelma visited Mrs. Geo. Baird
Sr. over"Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Juo, McCowan, Mrs.
Gel. Baird and Mr. andlfrs 'Wm.
Deitz motored to Stouf,'ville Saturday
rt v it Mr. and Mrs. Albert Batt:
Alias Jean Campbell rind Miss
Alt Garet Dick spent Sunday with
l[ _, Reta Taylor,
llr. and Mrs. Jno. Graham spent
S day in Clinton.
Deciration day was observed at
lice l's cemetery on Sunday last,
Miss Jean Camplbell and Miss Mar-
garet Dick spent Monday evening at
Grand Bend.