HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-07-03, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
Mr. and Mrs. .Ed, Shaeffer spent
last Vy.-.eek visiting -their son at To-
ronto. Mr. Shaeffer returned Satur-
day th!orning but Mrs, Shaeffer in-
tends staying another week.
Mr:, and Mrs. Bertram 3torth and
daughter Audrey spent the holiday
with relatives in town.
Mr, Feed Ponthron is busily en-
gaged, these days leveling and build-
ing a lawn on his property on King
st. Mr. .Bonthron has remodelled
the libuse completely and When he
gets finieheci will have one of the
most attractive corners in the village,
tDecoration services were held at
• tIlensall Union cemetery and Mc-
Taggart's on Sunday afternoon. Large
.crowds attended both services. The
services were in charge of the Odd
Fellows who lined up in 'front of the
town hall and then drove to the
cemetery. The graves of the
de.parted brethren were decorated
with flowers and addresses were giv-
en by the Rev. Mr. Mcilroy, Rev. Mr.
Sinclair, Rev, Mr, Bremner of Bruce -
field, Mr, .Wrn. Doig of Port Huron,
Mr. Moore of Goderich and Mr, Suth-
erland al Hensall..
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin and chil-
dren of Farquhar spent Sunday visit-
ing Mrs. linnkin's father, Mr. W. L.
The paving operations on the Lon-
don Road will be finished this week.
The road is now open between Hen-
saill and Exeter, and is a splendid
piece of road, we believe the best
built in this district. The putting up
the sliculders of the road and mak-
ing the ditches will take a couple of
months more.
Mr. Arthur Dick and Mr. George
Chambers have secured a big gravel-
ling contract up in Grey Townehip.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and
son Junior of Drayton visited with
relatives in town over the holiday.
Mr; Allan McDonald and little
deughter of Oklahama are Spending
a few days in town, visiting Mr. Mc-
Donald's father and mother. Mr. and
Mrs. Chaslie McDonald.
'Mrs. Charles Troyer is spending a
couple of weeks visiting her son at
Mrs. G. C. Petty has returned home
from London where she went last
week for an operation for eye trouble.
Her granddaughter, Miss Marion,
Scott, of Toronto, is here waiting on
her. Mrs. Petty's many friends here
,wish her a speedy recovery,
The Huron County Old Age Pen-
sion Board are meeting again this
week at Goderich and have a large
number of applications to consider.
This is the Board's fourth meeting
since the first of the year and they
wiM not meet again till the first of
the year. The June Pension checks
trrived in the village Monday morn-
ing and were a welcome addition to
the income of some ef our aged
'Dr, Margaret McKellar, a returned
missionary from India, occupied the
pulpit of the United Church on Sun-
day evening. She spoke on the med-
ical and political condition of India
and her address was lietened to with
rapt attention by the large congrega-
tion present.
Miss Olive Workman is spending
her holidaysat her honk here.
Miss Annie Conga left last week
on a trip to the old country.
Miss Marion Paisley of 'Montreal
is visiting at the home of her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie.
Mr. John Carmichael who was
badly injured in an automobile ac-
cident and who was taken to the Sea -
forth hospital, has recovered suffic-
lettly to return home. Dr. McTag-
gart ls still in the hospital but is re-
Miss Grace Stone was again taken
to Seaforth hospital last week and is
in a serious condition.
Mrs. John Murdoch who spent a
day last week in Clinton on business,
while hurrying to catch a train to re-
turn to Hensel, slipped and suffered
a badly sprained ankle.
The political situation is beginning
to warm up in the village, both par-
ties beginning to show quite a lot of
activity. The voters' list will be final-
ly completed this week mid a number
of meetings are being arranged for.
The highest price we have heard yet
was a dressed rooster for 2 votes.
lefr. Alex. 'McIntyre is spending the
holiday- visiting relatives in Toronto.
Mrs, John Pope has returned to the
village and will spend some time at
her home here.
The following is the report of the
promotion exarninations held at S.S.
No. 6, Hullett:
jr. IV, ---Harry Rapson 68.
Jr, III. -Ida Leiper 82, Willie Tay-
lor 78.
Sr. IL-4Viltea Shepherd 86, Jim
McEwing 83, Watson Reid 70.
Jr. Id. --Roy Holland 91, Gordon
McGregor 74.
Sr. I. -Laura Leiper 80.
Primer -Jack Holland, Alvin Nich-
The prizes for the year were award-
ed as follows: For spelling -Wilma
Shepherd; for the most perfect at-
tendance -Gladys Leiper, Ida Leiper.
Lydia L. Reid, Teacher.
Mrs. John McKenzie and family
are here visiting Mr. McICenzie's mo-
ther who has been under the doctor's
care for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Douglas have
returned home after a pleasant motforr
trip along the Muskoka Lakes as far
as Magnetawan.
Miss Emma McDonald is home
speeding her holidays.
'Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zapfe are moving
to Verne where Mr, Zapfe has taken
a position with Mr. Moffat.
The I.O.O.F. of 13rucefield, No.
210, will hold their decoration services
on July 6 at Baird's cemetery at 2.30
Mr. Lance Norris has gone to Jas-
per Park, Alberta, to spend the holi-
IA reception was held on the even-
ing of July 1st for Mr. and Mrs. Mi-
chael McLaughlin, lleh concession,
whose marriage took place at Blyth
on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Mc-
Laughlin was formerly Miss Ursula
Healy of Morris. Best wishes are ex-
tended to them.
Misses Anna and Betty Elliott of
Toronto are visiting' their aunt, Mrs.
M. Fruser. • .
Mr. Lloyd Hodgins, Mrs, I-Iodgtns
and Miss Mabel Hodgins of Toranto
arrived on Saturday to spend the
summer at their cottage.
Miss 'Margaret smith of Loaden is
the guest of -Mies Grace Jowett.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie, Muriel
Rhine and Mr, and Mrs, Dutcher of
.Elimvale spent the week -end with
lele. end Mrs. G. King,
Misses Etva and Arm Dewar and
David Dewar of Toronto are spend-
ing the vacation at their home.
Mrs. Lumsden and daughter of
Detroit are holidaying et Bellevue
Mr. and Mrs, A. F. King and son
Douglas and Miss Mina Prohtor of
Toronto epent the week end and holi-
day with Mrs, G. King.
Mr. James Camel -on, Isabel and
Evans Cameron of Toronto are holi-
daying with the former's „ brother,
John R. Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs, Victor Burt and fam-
ily who spent a week with Mrs. F.
Baker returned home to London on
Mr. and Mrs. II, Weekes and on
of London are spending this month
in the Doig cottage.
Mr. H. Ball and Miss Massie of
London are speadirig this week at
the Albion Hotel,
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Orr Jr., Isabel and Peggy
Orr spent the week -end and holiday*
at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MCDonald
and fernily of Flint, Mich., are oc-
cupying T. MeNeil's cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Stratford, are
occupying a cottage in rowett'e
Mr. and Mrs. Thourlby and family
ofLondon are holidaying at the Bay-
field Highlands (the new prdperty
owned by Mr. L. Burch.)
The Misses Drovine and Mrs.
Woolfenden of Detroit are holidaying
at the fonmer's cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollock who have
spent the past two weeks in Hamil-
ton, returned home on Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart who spent
the week -end here.
Mrs. J. Buchan who spent the past
month in Toronto, returned on Sat-
urday. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis ac-
companied her and spent a few days
with Mr. N. W. Woeds.
Misses Rudd and M. Clark who
spent a week in the Middleton cot-
tage, returned to Clinton on Wed-
Miss E. Davis and Miss G. Davis
of London are staying at D. Glass'
Mrs. Thompson of Toronto is vis-
iting her sister, Mrs. R. Delgaty.
Miss E. Thompson spent the week-
end here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Corbett of
London are occupying H. Stinson's
Rev. and Mrs, F. H. Paull left on
Tuesday to epend few days in Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. MeLachlin of Strat-
ford are summering at J. Pierson's
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stevenson and
family of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. W:
H. Robinson and family, Mr. and
lies. E. Manness an,d sons, London,
and Mr. and Mrs. Oates, Toronto,
are occupying their cottages.
Mr. and Mrs', J. Fitzgerald, Mr, and
Hrs. W. Love and family 01 London.
:Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kennedy and
E. Joy Kennedy of Toronto are holi-
daying tit Deer Lodge Park.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Peters and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Scrimgeour and family,
Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. V.7. E. Clark
and eons, Listowel, Mrs. Gain, Chif-
fon, are summering at their cottages
on the Flees.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and family
of Detroit are occupying Mr. Box's
Miss Grace Jowett came harm. OM
Tuesday from London for the sum-
mer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. IL Lawson, Hiarry
and Florence Lawson of Stratford are
occupying their cottage.
Dr. and Mrs. Livingstone and fam-
ily of Waterloo, Dr. and Mrs. Shields
and family; Mr. end Mrs, W. P. Cle-
ment and Betty of Kitchener are oc-
cupying cottages 111 Jowett's Grove.
Miss M. A. Stively Of Toronto is
visiting Miss J. Sterling.
Mrs, A. Furter who spent the past
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Stinson, returned to North Bay
orti Monday.
Miss M. Monoghan of Toronto is
the guest of Miss A. Dewar.
Mr. Fred Eckert and his daughter
Ilene, accompanied by Wilfred O'-
Hara and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert
and their daughter Clara motored to
Oakville last Saturday and paid a
Visit to Mr. and Mrs, Joe .Eckaxt and
on Sunday they extended their trip
Vo Midland to join the pilgrims at the
Martyrs' Shrine. There were about
8,000 pilgrims on the grounds. The
church could not accommodate nearly
that number so there was an open air
service and the day was ideal for the
Miss Ilene Eckart is spending her
holidays with Mrs. Joe Eckert at
Hay making is the order of the day
but the late rains are a handicap to
saving it.
Mr and Mrs. W. Manley tend fam-
ily were visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. Eckert last Sunday.
Six or seven years ago it was
agreed by lamb buyer; that the buck
lamb must disappear from the com-
mercial lamb markets. It's meat af-
fected the laMb market unfavorabey
and decreased the general popularity
of lamb as a food. Furthermore, there
was no reason from the production
standpoint why back lambs should be
Effective on June 30 the price of all
buck lambs of this year's lamb crop
at all markete will be cut 2 cents per
poencl and effective September 29, the
cut will be increased to 3 cents a lb,
U,S.S„. No. 1, McKillop. -The follow-
ing as the report of Jane promotion
Sr. IV -Frances Fortune 78 per
gent; Adelaide Mnreay 66, 1Dereen
Nigh 61.
jr. 7M, -Jack Fortune 72, :Margar-
et ;Murray 70, Ambrose Nigh
'Sr. Mae -Florence 'Murray 77„ Aileen
Murray 75. Robert Devereux 62.
Sr. I. --Frank Devereux 92, Peter
Nigh po, Joseph Ryan 82, Lawrence
Murray 78..
Jr. I.--Jarnes Nash 93 lvfedeline
Fortune 92, Sylvester Ryan 85.
Teresa Carpenter, Teacher.
Report of final examinations of
Varna school:
Sr. IV. --Doris Chuter, LilIlan El-.
From Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. -Pass 450,
honourseS60--Ida Muter 511, Head
Hunking 481, Bill Austin 341.
From Jr. 1111. to Sr. DN. -Pass 320,
honours 410--IVgillie lereAsh 354, Har-
vey Chuter 297, Elmer Johnston (ah).
From Jr, 711. to Jr. HIJA-fJack
17. Class to Jr. WM.-Pass 330,
honours 410 --Jean Reid 386, Bessie
Chuter 369, Gordon Horner 381.
Promoted to Sr. H. -Charlie Hun -
king, Murvin Johnston, Jennie Hun. -
king, Ford Johnston (aim).
Jr. Pr. to Sr, Pr. -Floyd MOAsb
and Roy Elliott (equal), Donald
Pr. A. to Jr. -Pr.--Helen Johnston,
George Henking.
Perfect attendance from September
to June-Dioris Cheter, Lillian Elliott,
Willie McAsh, Harvey Chuter, Bes-
sie Chuter, Jean Reid, Charlie Hunk -
Perfect spelling--iJean Reid. -
Roby I. Taylor, Teacher.
A large number of the Staffa United
Church people gathered g the home
of Rev. and Mrs. Snell to present
them with a mantle clock, electric
floor lamp and linen tablecloth. After
the gathering had assembled Mr. Ro-
bert Norris was voted to the chair.
Following community singing Miss
Verna Kleinifeldt gave a piano inserti-
mental, after which Mr. and Mrs,
Snell were asked to come forward and
the following address was read by
Miss Norma Wilson, and Mrs.F.
Bruce, Mrs, A. W. Norris and Mrs. L.
Harburn presented the gifts. Al-
though Mr. and Mrs. Snell were ta-
ken completely by surprise, Mr. Snell
made a very fitting reply and in-vited
them all to visit them in their new
home et Benmiller. Lunch was served
and 'a social hour was spent together.
The address was as follows: "IDear
Mr. and Mrs. Snell, --We, the Mem-
bers and adherents of the Staffa Un-
ited Church have met togeth'er this
evening to show our respect and es-
teem for you. The inspired pen has
written, "there is a season and a time
to every purpose." A tine to meet, a
time to part a time to be glad, and a
time to be sad." . It has been a pleas-
ure meeting with you, although the
time has been short that brief period
has been long enough to prove to as
that you possess those sterling qual-
ities which .are characteristic of any
noble man or women. And you, Mr.
Snell, we will certainly miss you for
your many services, kindness and con-
geniality, particularly among the
young people. And you, Mrs. Snell.
for assisting so generously -with your
eplendid musical talent. We appreci-
ate your broad vision of whet our
church 'stands far, and all problems
pertaining to our own community life,
which has made it a pleasure to work
with you. It was with regret that we
learned that our days of intimate as-
sociation were to terminate. We would
ask you, Mr. and Mrs. Snell, to lcindly
accept these gifts as a meagre token
of the lasting memories of Staffa con-
gregation. In parting we can but trust
that as you leave our midst and go
into your new home, and enter your
new field of labor, He who holds our
every destiny, may in this life grant
you the desire in your heart, and later
an abundant entrance into that land
beyond the vale of time. Signed on
behalf of the Staffa United Church.
Curi is.
The. Women's •Institute are holding
an old- tine entertainment in the 1r,11•1
on Wednesday evening, July 9th. I
Come and help the ladiee:
Mr. and Ali's. Jno. Leary speak the
wee15 end with Hairnillton relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Condon, Hamilton,
visited with Mr. and lIrs. O. W.
Reed over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Worden of Sea -
forth and Mr. and Mrs. J. ThorneSon
of Raglan visited with Mr. rind Mrs.
j. M. Miller recently,
Ree. B. Snell attended the World's
Smiday School convention in Toron-
to lase week,
S.S. No. 9, Tuckersraith.-The fol-
lowing is the reeult.of t;he promotion
examinations held on June 25 and 26.
In order to .pass pupils are required
to 'have forty per cent. on each sub-
ject anti 60 per cent, on the , total.
The year's work has also been taken
into, account.
Promoted to Sr. IV. --Anna Love
78, jack anent 73, Irene Meokay 69,
Russell Hodgert 66, Jean Irvine 66,
Lorne Hay 64.
Recommended to Jr.
Dalrymple 5d.
,Prornoted to Sr. ME -Robert Mc-
Lachlan 74.
Jr. IN. -Glen Ileuston 48,
„Promoted at Easter -R. IIII., Stew-
art Love 73, ,Bobby Gemmell 69, Kate
Dalrymple 57; Jr. IT.,
Jack Mackay, Willie Hoclgent. Class
I„ Helen Houston. Primer, Frances
Elgie, Bruce Hodgert, Doris Mackay.
Number on roll 24, average atten-
dance 238.
Margaret Grieve, Teacher.
S.B. No. 6 -The following is the
school repott of S.S. No. 6, Tucker -
smith for .the June promotion exam-
inations. Those marked with an as-
terisk were promoted conctitionlally:
Honours 75 per cent„ pass 60 per
To Sr. W. -Sarah Whitmore 85
per cent., Pearl Hitgill 75.
To Jr. 1V.-Leo1a Nett 76, Veen&
Hugill 75, Hazel Ashton 73, Myrtle
Ashton 72.
To Sr. IH.---Plorenee Whiemore
71, Clarence Elliott 69, Arteolde Hu -
gill*, Vekna Ashton*.
To Sr. TI. -Iona Hugill 73, Rhoda
Elliott 69, Wesley Hugill 64.
Jr. - Carman Whitmore 70,
Mary Hugill 69. -
Sr. I.-Kennerth Terryberry 65.
Sr. Pr. -Norman Elliot.
Jr. Pr. -Mildred Ashton; Mina Ter-
ryberry, Clifford align!,
Ediva M. Jamieson, Teacher.
Miss Alice Archibald went to Tor-
onto on Monday to spend the stunmer
training at the University as a high
school teacher.
Misses Hazel and Jean McLachlan
are spending their holidays in De-
i'vfiss Etta Taylor of Stratford spent
the week end with her mother, Mrs.
J. Taylor.
Mr. Davis Moore of Toronto is
spending the holiday with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Moore.
Misses 'Margaret and Marjory Hay
are visiting with their siger, Mrs.
Lorne Pepper of Niagara Falls.
Miss Margaret Grieve has been re-
engaged to teech at S.S. No. 9.
Mr, Wren Eyre of Sarnia is visit-
ing his mother, Mrs. S. Eyre.
Mr, and Mrs. Dexter of Constance
apent Sunday at the home of Mr.
Mr, and Mrs. Neal McCrea of Bel -
grave spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McCrea of the village.
Mrs. Robert Reid and daughter
Phenvia of Edmonton are visiting
with Mrs. J. Campbell.
Mrs. Mains and Miss Lizzie spent
Sunday at the Beed.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tamblyn and
family of Toronto are visiting with
the former's mother here, Mrs. John
Mr, J. Eisley returned from visit-
ing Leamington and St. Marys
friends. He was accompanied by Mrs.
'Mrs. Gillies and children have re-
turned to Chatham after a pleasant
visit at the home of Miss Lyon
Mrs. J. A. Norris of Winnipeg is Mr. and Mrs. Awd of Woodstock
visiting with her daughter, Mrs, H. and family Sundayed with Mr. and
Enjoy a low cost trip to the West this
Summer. Stop off at Jasper National
Park in the Canadian Rockies. See
famous Mount Rohson. A thousand
beautiful sights. A new thrill in every
mile. Take the Triangle Tour Route
via Prince Rupert...with its 600 toile
steamer cruise to Vancouver.
To see Alaska requires only a few extra
days. A wonderful CrUitie ... amazing
Tours may be made by various manes. atVaPatel.iii:466thr
Thinese fares are effect from May 15, t.
to September 30. 05
Amk yes tummosic
art tonal
Choice Potatoes,
Pay east'
Per peck .2.... 31 _ C
Rellogg'S 'Corn 21C
Flakes, '• 3 pkgs. _
,Shredded Whole
Wheat, 3 pkgs. , 31 _ C
Lux Toilet Soap 21 c
..3 bars ......
Palm Olive Soap c
3 bars
eeelayToi,let . Soap
3bars 2 c
Red Rose Tea
Per pound 49c
Lipton's Tea
49cPer pound .....
Mrs. Xs, McOool.
Mrs. T. Nott is visiting with her 1
daughter, Mrs. Smith of Sumanerhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and babe
spent Sunday with Westfield friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Yungblut and
Miss Helen were Goderich visitors on
Sunday. "•
Mr. Arthur Lyon. of Kitchener is
home for the summer months.
Miss Rose Crtawferti , of Landon
spent Suoday at her home here.
Mr. Cowan of near Elyth spent the
week end at the borne of his daugh-
ter, Mrs.. R. Townsend. .
Mr. and Mrs. Troop of Chicago,
aod accompanied by Miss Jean Mains
are the guests of Mrs. Mains and ,Miss
Mr. and Mrs. John Radford called
on friends here on Monday.
Mrs. Gorvier is used tea with la -
grippe, We hope for a speedy recov-
Mr. and Mrs. SreiVerIS rithriled/i0
their, home at Seafontb on Tuesday
after a pleasant week with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCall spent
Sunday at the .Bend.
The Mans held their reunion at
Kincerdme on Saturday.
A number of sports spent Domin-
ion Day in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Roberton and
Mrs. Ross spent Sunday at Bruce
ss rsa a enze
spent Pridlay with her cotian,Miss
Belle Nott.
Miss 0. Brigham of Windsor 1
home for hiohdays-
Miss-Arnett is visiting -in Guelph..
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfon and family of
Hespeler spent Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. John Nett. •
•Alr. and Mrs. W. Griffiths and fam-
ily spent Tuesday at the Old Boys'
Reunion in Tavistock.
Miss Violet Dairservice is holiday-
ing at her home in the village.
We extend our deepest sympathy
to Mrs. H. Snell and family in their
sad bereavement.
Mr, Eph. Gray les received word
of his appointment to a position on
the staff of the Palmerston Continu-
ation School.
Miss Anna Hamilton who has been
taching near Ottawa hes g.ne to To-
ronto to mark Middle School -examin-
ation papers..
Several, including. Misses Laura
Snell, Olive and Mary Moon are go-
ing to Guelph to aetend Sommer
Messrs. Thomas McQuaid and
Charles Malone of Windsor are
spending their summer vecation alt
their homes here.
Mr, John L. Malone wears a smile
this week. "It's a boy,"
Mr, Joseph Moylan of Ottawa spent
a few days this week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moylan.
Miss Mary Feeney of New York
City is spendinig her vacotion at her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry 4Fiannery and
family spent the week end M
Mr, Wilfred Maloney has treated
himself to a Chevrolet car.
Miss Florence McQuaid epent the
week end with Mr. anti Mrs. James
Mr, James Lane of Teeswater is
spending his vacation with his moth-
er, Mrs. John Lene,
Sister Francisca of London anent
a few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Doyle.
Mr. Edward McGrath of St Clern-
ents Spent Sunday with his ,brother,
Louis McGrath.
The garden party held in Londes-
bora community hall last Friday ev-
ening under the auspices of Burns'
Ladies' Aid was a decided success. A
sumptuous repast consisting ham
salads and strawberries was enjoyed
by all. The program was furnished.
by Joe Williams and company of To-
ronto. Mr. Williams, as comedian,
kept the audience in peals of laugh-
ter, Miss Ward shoed great ability
es accompanist and entertainer as well
also Miss Evelyn Geary delighted ev-
eryone with her costome dancing and
winning manner, The vigorous ap-
plause testified to the reception of the
entire program by a packed house.
More infants are infested by worms
which cause great suffering and if not
proMptly dealt wieh may cause con-
stitutional weaknesses difficult to re-
medy. Minces Worm Powders will
clear the stomach and bowels of
worms and will eo aot upon the sys-
tem that there will be no recurrence of
the trouble. And not only his, but
they will repair the injuries to the
organs that worms cause and restore
them to soundness.
Want 'a.nd For Sale ads, 1 tinte 25c
Mrs. D. B, Saunders of -London,
and 'daughter, Mrs. G. Brown and
son of W'inds'or spent Friday with
friends in this vicinity. -
Mr. an'd Mrs. jag. Dayman of Kip -
pen s‘pent Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. L. Troyer.
Mr.,Stewart Beattie, teacher in S.
S. Na. 7, Stanley, left for his home
near Londesborough on Friday, for
the hiolidays: Mr. Beattie lias been
re-engaged for another year's terra,
Mr, and Mrs. We Waldo were vis-
itedrecently by friends teem Buf-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Chanaberlain and
daughter of Seaforth were recent
visitors ae the hoime of Mr. and Mrs.
Jo. Love.
Mab, Anne Hagan Wes visited for
a few deys by her daughter, Mother
Angela of Chatham, and Miss Mary
Hagan of Londion. -
Mr. W. jartiott and daughter Annie
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J.
Cochrane speirt a day at Springbank
Mrs. L. Troyer spent the week-
end at the honie 'of Mr. anal Mao W.
Hyde of the London [Road, south of
Quite a few took in Dominion Day
on- Tuesday at the Lakeside.
Mr. Rolet. Parson is 'building a new
barn and held a raising bee on Wed-
nesday afternoon.
Persian Bahn is a true elix of youth.
Refreshes and rejuvenates. Adds a
youthfal charm to the complexion.
Softens and beautifies the skin. Makes
hands fiawlesly White, Indispensable
to the woman who appreciates subtle
distinction. Delightful to use. Delic-
ately fragrant. Soothes dry and irri-
tated skin. Corrects and preserves.
A flawless toilet requisite foe every
discerning woman. A true aid to
A steamer trunk in good condition.
Medium size. Alpply to The News
Office. 27
Some 2 in. x 12 in. x 12 It; some
2'in. planks various widths and vari-
ous lengths; some 6x6 timbers 16 ft
to 20 It. long; some 43x8 timbers 16 to
20 It. long. G, A, JACKSON, Eg- Companies.
mondville. 27.
IDE. H. HUGH ROSS, PhYsiefiate
and Surgeon. Late of London HUE,
pital, London, 'England. Speelet
attention to -diseases of the eye, ease
nape and ehroat. Office and re
ence behind Dominion 1Bank. 0 6h
Phone No, 5: Residence Phone 10(
DR, F . J. BURROWS, Seaforth
Office and residence, Goderich Week,
east of the 'United Church. Corona;
for the County of Huron. Telephost
No, 46,
DR. C. MACICAY.-C. Mack**,
honor graduate of Trinity Univershr
and gold- Medallist of Trinity Medical
College; 'member of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Onterlet,,,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in
cine, University of Toronto
Late Assietant New York Ophtlerl,
mic and Aural Instie e, Moorefielet
Eye, and Golden Square throat hoe-
pitals, London. England. At Comm.
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday is,
each month from 1$1 a.m. to 3 pad.
-DR. W. C. SPROAT.--Graduate
Faculty of Medicine, University af
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sus-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberharffs
Drug Store, Main St., Seam&
Phone 90.
, DR. J. A. MUNN, Successor aa
Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of Nerds.
western University, Chicago, III.
centiale Royal College of Dental Stith
geons, Toronto. Office over Wu
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone
DR. F. J. BFCHELY, gradtsatit
Royal College of Dental Surgeon*
Toronto, Office over W. R, Smartt
grocery, Main St, .Seaforth. Phone*
offiee 163W, residence 1853.
D. L. ROSS. Barrister and Solicit-
or, Notary Public. Hours 9 a.m.-2 p*s.
and 7 p.m. Office above Plullits,
Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. Phone ff.
, Consulting Engineer,
O.L.S., Registered Professional as-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering -Institute
Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont.
Auctioneer for the County of 7flertes
Arrangements can be made for Safe
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction gearaoleel.
'HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Ilucoss.
Moderate rates and satisfaction goer-
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First-Clato
7 -ft. M. -)1I. binder No. 5, a good
binder. Also 6-21. Deering binder. A
number of 12 weeks old white Leg-
horn pullets. APply to The News Of-
fice. 27
Protestant Teacher wanted. Duties
to commence Sept. 1st. State salary
and experience. Applications received
up to July 5th. J. L. FEAR, Sec.-
Treas., S.S. No. 1, Itforris. tBlyth,
R.R. No. 2.
For SS. No. 2, ,McKillop, for term
begineing in September, Apply to
SAMUEL STOiRIEY, Secretary -
Treasurer, No. 2. Seaforth, 27
If you want any young calves for
raising or- for vealing, HAROLD
PEN,HALE, Bayfield, OM. Phone_ 5
on 78, }length.
A quantity of new amber honey.
50c far a 10 lb. pail. J. C. LAING,
Seaforth. . 27.
Trespassers on leTI9,)3/4 lot 5, con. 8,
or on lot 6, con, 10, MoKillop, will be
prosecuted; also peesons leaving
stock on these latids. IPH111.112 EN -
Laege wall tent for sale. Material
heavy white duck aad in good condi-
tion, only used a short time. Apply at
News Office, 98
Otte timber traffic, complete size
24'x40' with 20' posts. Apply to J. J.
HOLLAND, Se. Columban. 29
Partiest wishing 1,0 buy second-
hand material fort building or repair-
ing, nalm.ely-seantlings, size 2"x4"
up to 2"x10"; one inch lumber,
rough and dressed, tongued and
grooved, window s'ash and, frames,
pan.el doors, lath, etc. Good buying.
The writer will be in Walton en Sat-
urday, July 5th from 1 9..m. vintil 6
pen. Phone 138r2, Sea:forth, WM.
DWG Jr., r.r. 3,"Kippen, 27
Wedneeday, July 2.
Butter, per lb. . .. 33c
Eggs, 'per doz. ...'
...... .26c-24ce20c
Hogs, per cwt. 10.25-B10.75
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
FARM AND moldy -rya TOWN
Officers -James Connolly. Gutter-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechsrood.
Vice President; D. ...F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Direetors-Wan. Rion, No. 2, Sear
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagens
James Evans, Beechwood; M. )1r, -
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
ericb; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Se*,
forth; j. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Waltong
Robert Ferris, liarlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents -games Watt, Blyth,
No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; 5. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; 5. V.
Yea, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmon,b.,
Bornholm, James Kerr and Jam
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties)
s to effect nsurance or trans-
act other business will be promPi/lif
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices. •
Live or dead horses and cotviet
free of charge. We pay for the
phone call.
William Stone Sop-
Phone 22, Ingersoll
Phone 21'5W, Stratford
Several 1st class lend rollers, good
dump rake; spring tooth =Windage
Massey -Harris with seed grain attaids-
meta-Tor sale, worth the money.
See our Fertilizer Drills. Soil Pul-
verizers and Cultivators, Cream Sep-
arators and Complete Line of Pornit\„,-
Machinery. Tractors, Threshers mid
Trucks. Repairs strictly cash.
Agent for International Harvester'
Co., IVIattufacturers of
Sea forth
Douglas' Egyptian Liniment in
without ae rival, Stops bleeding inse.-
antly. 1Cauterizes wounds and prev-
ents blood poisoning.