HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-07-03, Page 5!i' THURSDAY, JULY. 3, 1930. THE,SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVii 0 PlE ^YOU NEED TIIIS The moneyyou spend for food should be spent where you gat the best quality at lowe's':t prices and the finest ' service -butt it ' should stay in your district -if it do:esn't, your community cannot grow and in ,the end.you suffer directly by the loss olf property value and prosperity.. Tdhere are close to seven hundred Superior Chain Stores in Ontario' -cacti is owned by an ind pendent grocer, but they buy as one in tremendous quantities, Deal at these.: stores if you would practise economy and ,benefit your community, WE S'EL'L THE BEST FOR LESS Items for Week Ending July_9, 1930. WAGSTA'FFEISORANGE. MARMALADE .. , . 40 ,oz, Jac 2a� KEL'LOGGIS PEP 23C SWIFTS JEWEL SHOR'TENI'NG - :1's lac, CALAY TOI'LET SOAP i 3 cakes ' Free Z 3 C and 1 Gane 'GLACIER BRAND SARDINES �� C,anada's Best Pack" 23 i 2 tans .Lealand Sweet Mixed Pickles. 30 oz. jar 43c • Kraft Mayonaise large bottle 23c Kraut: Sandwich Spread large bottle 23c Baba, "For Cleaning Porce'l'ain" per tin 14c Kara Coffee; "The Secret Blends" %'s 31c I's 60c ' Princess Soap Flakes, 1 Ige, 1 small, for 23c Fly Tox 8 oz. size 45c Health ,Salts 2 tin's 29c Surprise Soap 7 cakes 39c Denby Pasteurized Cheese per ib. 33c Seedless Raisins 7, lbs. 25c Aylmer Golden Sweet Corn 2- tins 35c' O'Keefe's Dry Ginger Ale ....Pints 15c French Mushrooms, small per tin 19c French Mushrooms, Hotel large tin 29c Pimentos,.%'s, 3 for 25c 5'd's 2 for ..._25c Red or White Rubber Rings, 12 cut 3 doz. 25c Fray B'entos Corned Beef l's 23c Aylmer .B'oneles's Chicken 4's - 39c H.P. Sauce per battle 26c VERY SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY= .:144q:uart Galvanized Strong Pails .. . ,., 19c .• . Coilored'Enalnel Oval Dials pans 49c Aluminium French Fryers with Wire Basket , , ...69c Ross J. p A. Jeffery oat Phone Phone 77 e Cr a -m Cream HIGHEST` PRICES COURTEOUS SERVICES Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full. Call in our cream drawer and' receive our services. We will pay you: the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading; and, testing: No. other Creamery, can do better -"Give us a trial."' Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday .evenings -`- Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont. J Se1 C. A. BARBER. Just Tr. it WhenYdon feel tired " and drowsy,slit around the corner and get a massago• at I• SI -10P You may come in with a grouch but will go out with a smile. Phone 125. Pianos Tuned cleaned and Repaired Rp � Chas. A. ilowev J � Phone 327-J. Centre St. • D, N, McInnes chiropractor Of Wingham, will beat the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth ' - Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used. ' 'yY�, Walker ]�1V Son Pf , 1 )7 UIKG1 W sisssssmsimsmsess UNDERTAKING -and- a,. EMBALMING . Motor or Horse Equipment W, J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license Flowers Furnished, Night' or day phone 67 A DIED, S:NELL,-In Clinton, on Tuesday, July 1st, 1930, Humphrey M. Snell,. aged The fu68 yearuerad will be held at his late residence, 10th' :cots., Hullett, on Thursday afternoon, July 3rd, at 2 o{clock. Interment at Ball's cemetery, Choked for Air. Some little irritant becbmes lodged in. the bronchial tubes an d o thers gather and the awful chok- ingBORN of asthma results. Nothing offers quite such quick and positive results: as Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Retne- dy, The healing, soothing smoke or vapor penetrates, clears the passages andgives untold .relief. It has be- hind it y.ears of success. It is the sure remedy for every sufferer. , _-........ - _. FLANr:AiGAN.-InMIcKillap, on Sun- day, June 29th, to Mr. and Mrs: William Flanagan, a daughter. MIA'LONE-'TO Scett Memorial Ho- pital, on Saturday, June 248, 1930, to Mr, and Mrs. John L. Malone, of ncecnwooe., 1 w++• "7"4,t",Z. TOWN. TOPICS. Mr, Edward Rankin left this week to spend several weeks' -vacation. at Midland -and Toronto.. • Mr. W. H Little,of .,Norwood vis- ited with his father, Mr, Andrew Little, for a few days • and left on Wednesday for. Kingston. Miss Gladys•Way of Atwood and Mr. Bannerman of Monlcton spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs, ,Her- aid Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Way. Miss Way'intendss studying t Guelph during the v'toation. Mr, -and Mrs. .Alex. 'McK'enzie of Orillia are spending this week the V. guest •of the f •ni'ter's mother,Mrs. g Rl 5 VIr McKenzie. I !Jackson r Mr. add Mrs.. W. O. ac6son and Ms J Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson of Ripley - pent Sunday with their sister, Miss Belle Jackson: .Friends' f Mr. L. C.Jackson,h'o o w suffered a stroke six -weeks ago, will regret to 'know' he'contin.ues very ilk Mr, Charles IBroaid'foot lelit on .Tuesday for 'his home in Moose!jaw, Sask., 'having spent two }Weeks here. Mr. Fred 'Jackson 'of Merrick -Title spent the 'weekend here and went on Tuesdiay to Toronto where he will spend 3 weeks marking exaim papers. Mr, Geo, Love of Toronto spent the week -end alt 'the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. D, Scott. •• MIr. Win, Patrick of Toronto 'spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. !Montgomery .Patrick. - Mr. 'and 'Mrs, Wim. Cunningham and 'their son and daughter of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. Harmer for the week -end. Mr, John Robb and his son, Mr, James :Robb of Detroit spent Sunday with 'the lformer's !brother, Mr. James Robb and sister, Miss 'Robb, Mr, Arthur Abient of 'Toronto was a week -end visitor with his parents, Mr. ,and Mrs, Wm. Ament. Mrs. !Bertha !O'Connell, Mr. Lou OiConneul and Miss Dorothy O'Con- nell of Windsor .are visiting Mrs. Frank 'Devereaux and other relatives. Many•friends called on Mrs. Wm. on'Wednesday ao wish her many happy returns of the day on her 80th birthday. Mr. A. R. Oke, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and !Mrs. A. Oke, Royal Apts. Miss Marjorie Bibketi, returned home for the vacation on Friday evening from Toronto, where she has been .engaged on the permanent staff of the 'Toronto schools. Miss 'Helen McKerc-her, who has beent attending :,Macdonald Hall, h is s Gael in 4 months in the ' dietary . !Sick' Children's hospital, Toronto. 'Mr. Geo. MacTaggart and son Wil- liam and Mr, Trout of Saline, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Geo, •Guymer and dau- ghter Aileen, and Miss M. 'Hewitt of London. were week end visitors et the home of IMr. 'John 'McLennan. -Mr, 'E. W. Edge of Toronto spent a few days this week at his home, Miss Margaret Dunn of Port Col- borne, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Greig, returned to her home on Monday. :firs. T. W. 'McCartney of Clinton was a holiday visitor with her niece, Mrs Aivie ,Fletcher; other visitors were Mr. Ed. Fletcher, two brothers- in-law, Mr. Jerry McLaughlin, of Sag- inaw, Mich, and Joseph of Midland, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. \Ves Pollard of Stratford, Mr. end'lirs. Fred Cole and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Porter and Miss Porter, ail of Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Sutherland and daughter Ellen, of Embro, visited at Rev. and Mrs, W. P. Lane's over the week end. Mr. W. T. Laing has taken the po- sition of teacher of !mathematics at Wallacebudg thigh school. Mr. William' Dynes of Collingwood visited -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Sillery on Monday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Kenneth Dale of Galt called on Mr. wnd'Mrs, Richard Kruse on the holiday. Mrs, John 'Pinkney is at Auburn this 'week owing to the illness and death of her brother-in-law, -Mr. George Snell Sr. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William Knechtel svere Mrand Mrs, W. T. Martin of Middleport; MLrst (Rev.) McLean and Mr. C. C. McLean of Toronto; Mr. E. E. Se- oord of Meaford. Miss Mii-Alice IZnechtel of Kitchener is spending the holidays at her home. Mr. and Mrs. W. W.Robinson and Mis's Beatrice Seip of London' spent the holiday with friends in town Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sleeth of Sarnia, -were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. 'W. R. Plallt. Edna and Stewart were London visitors on Sunday. , MMr, and 'Mrs. R. H,.'.Sproat spent the week end in London, Mrs. +Ward Allen and her two dau- ghIters Geace and Margaret,of Ed- monton arrive the latter prt of the week and will spend the vacation with Mrs, Allen's parents, Int•. and Mrs. J. A McLaren. Mrs, F. H. Henderson of IW'awan- esa, '\Man., arrives Friday- to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. MciLar- en for a couple of months. Mrs. Frank !B,avter and Mrs. R. Thompson were Stratford visitors on Friday. 'Mrs, George Coleman returned on Sunday having epent last week visit- ing- her mother, Mrs.'James Webster at Kinloss, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McLaren, Miss Rena, of Cromarty, were !Sunday' vis- itors at the parental home. Mrs.• L. T. DelLacey returned Sat- urday from Toronto and will spend the summer here. Miss .Lu•cy Eckart of Detroit and Mrs. W, McKay and her son Ray- mond and' her two daughters, Marg- aret and Reta, from Seattle, Wash., are spending their caseation under the parental roof of Mr, and Mrs. 'C. Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Kerslake, Mrs. W. E. Kerslake and Dorothy and Miss Anna Sutherland are on a motor trip to Ottawa. Mr, W.- G, W. Fee is spending his vacation in Northern Ontario, Mr; Wm. Adams is supplying as chief of police, 'Miss Eva' Fee of Gerson returned hone on Saturday, Mfrs, Arthur Bishop of Hamilton is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs, R, Frost. TOWN TOPICS Dr:' and Mrs, Hodgins, Jack . and Morley motored tip from Toronto and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. ID Sutherland. Morley will speedd the vacation here, Mayer and Mrs. R G Parke and George and Dorothy spent the week end In Orangeville friends and relatives, Plo'f, Zinimet of Toronto University and Mrs, A. C. Dames of Brussels', spent Thursday d aY at the home of Mrs, R. H. Ferguson. ' Mr, and Mrs, Geo. McKay. Mr. Fraser,, Mrs. 'L. O. Oke and, Master Jack Oke all of Toronto were gue t s of .11r: and Mrs. Wm. D. Smith from. Sat rdaY to 'Tuesday.daY M r. and Mrs. McKay are former t•esid:ents of town. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Calder and baby of St .Oatherines and Miss Mary Heys of Toronto spent the holiday at the iparentel home of Mr. and Mrs: Adam Hays. . Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Kerr and son Scott were Strat'hroy visitors on Dom- inion Day. Mr. John Abell was in Goderich ov- er the holiday. ' Margaret, Gordon and Isobel Mc - Kollar - are holidaying with their grandparents at Cromatity, . Mr. and ,Mrs: Hector Hays -of Stratford spent the holiday with the fornter's parents, Col. and Mrs, R. S. Hays. - - Mrs, W. Hill and baby son, 'Leslie, of Englehart, are, guests at the manse. Rev. end Mrs, I.. B. Keine, Mrs, Hill of Englehart and Mrs. M. McKellar spent Monday at Kintail. Mr. and Mrs. F. Golding of Strat- ford were .guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Golding on Sunday. Miss Alma Free, R. N., who has been on duty at Grand Bend, was e visitor with Mr. and Mrs. -W. Free on Thursday. - A number of local, boys left 'Mon- day morning for the ten-day camp at London. Mr. and Mrs, Ben Tyerman and Miss Addie Tyerman are spending the week in Leamington and Kingsville. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hanna were hol- iday visitors in 'Bayfield. lir. Lawrence Webster of Sand- wich spent the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Webster, and left on. Tuesday to attend summer school at Kingston. Miss Annie ,Brodie left this week to ta'Ice a kindergarten course at summer school. 3Hiss Jean Brodie of Goldburg is spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brodie. Mr. J. H. Weedmark, of London, has been appointed science teacher of the Collegiate and has rented Miss Archibald's residence on Goderich street, East. Mr. Jack Ferguson of Emidale is in holidays his home in spending the ho id ys at n Egmondville. Mr. Roy Pinkney and his mother, lirs. Pinkney, are moving into Mr. Wesley Nichol's house this week. Mrs. G. H. Morrison of Melville, Sask., spent a couple of days with her sister-in-law, Mrs. R. H. Ferguson. Mr, $Ballantyne, principal of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, has moved into Mfr. W. G. Spencer's res- idence,'Wilson street. Mr. Thoma. Purcell, who has been confined to his home for some weeks, is improving, Miss Bessie Grieve of Chatham is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Grieve before leaving fo take a Summer course at Toronto. Mr. and :firs, P, Doorigan and small daughter and Mrs. Letitia Tas- ker of Windsor were calling on friends in Tuckersmith and McKillop last week. Mr, and Mrs, Ah•in Knight of Fruitland and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight of Kitchener, spent Dominion Day with Mr. and Mfrs. J, Knight. Mr. and Mrs Frank Nendick and Mr, and Mrs. Wilson of Toronto are guests of Mr. and 'irs. R. F. 'Jones. Mrs. Sloan who has been visiting friends here wild return to Toronto on Thursday with them. Mr, and Mrs. Walter G. Willis, who have been •living m Mrs. DeLac- ey's house since their fire, moved to their .own home on Goderich street on Monday. Mrs. Harry Grieve and little son Thomas of Windsor spent the week- end with Mr. and \Irs. Thos. Grieve, A reunionTuesday af- ternoon end evening at the Lions Park by a Wilson family connection, front Simcoe and other parts. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Fowler of London who were here attending the wedding of the latter's nephew, iMr. Janes Stewart, on , Tuesday, were guests of Miss Florence Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weiland of Boston and Mr. Roy Weiland of To- ronto are spending the summer with. Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiland. Mir. Roth and Mr. Latney, of De- troit, brother-in-law and nephew of Mr. E. R. Crawford, ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Crawford, Centre st, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hills and Mists Automobile Insurance WE ISSUE THE STANDARD POLICIES OF THE Provincial l assurance Company of England One of the few British Companies operating in Canada today at -NON-TARIFF RATES SPECIAL RATES For the term from June 1st to De- cember ist. Phone us and we will call. This means a saving int premium to you with protection, security and: the night and day service of this office. Call, phone or write us for full information, rates, etc. Our ser- vices at your disposal at any time. A. b..Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE Conveyancing, Real Estate Investments, Etc. PHONE 152 - .SEAFORTH, Ont. Ria Bills have left on a motor trip through tine West and wtivisit rc:'-r tives of Mrs. Hills enroute, Mr, !and Mrs, M. McKellar and fa- mily attended the anniversary services of CromartyUnited Church Sunday. Mr. George E. Ferguson of Toron- to spent the week end with Mrs. R. H. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Faulkner and small son; Fred Jr,, of Detroit' are spending two weeks' vacation at his home on George street, MISS LeithBeattie . Bertha of Toronto o onto is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'R, J. Beattie and leaves shortly to attend Summer school,. Misses Lda and Eva Love of To- ronto are holiday visitors at the home of theirn arents Mr and d Mrs.J oho Love. The Home and School Club will have their picnic at Stratford on Fri- day, July 4th, In case of rain the picnic will be postponed ind'efinitely. VETERAN'S' PICNIC. The Committee in charge of sports for the Huron County Veterans' pic- nic to be held at Bayfield, July 2,ird, have prepared a very attractive ente.- tainment. The veterans are working`, Bard to make this first annual picnic under the auspices of all Legion branches in 'Huron County a real success, and hope that all veterans and their families will come end spend a happy day with old comrades. Further, announcement will be trade later. PEPPER REUNION The Pepper fancily reunion was held at Stratford on Saturday, June 23, with more than 100 members at- tending. from Toronto and London as well as Huron county. Mr. Lu- ther Pepper aiad family, of Alberta, were present. Mr. Wes. Pepper of Loudon was chairman of the com- mittee in charge of this very pleas- ant event. REBEKAH PICNIC. The Past Noble Grands of Seaforth Rebekah Lodge attended the P.N.G. picnic at Stratford on Wednesday last when Past Noble 'Grandy were pres- ent .from Goderich Mitchell, Clinton and New Hamburg. An enjoyable time was spent by all in games, after which a wonderful supper was served. Those present from Seaforth were: Mrs. W. A. Crich, Mrs. 3i, McKelIar, Mfrs. Sclater, Mrs. T. Scott, Mrs. A. McGavin, Miss Freeman and Miss Belle Campbell STANLEY. Mrs. J 'M, Tough of Bayfield spent the week -end with relatives on the Bronson line. lir. and Mrs, W. Foster of Bay- field .visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \Vat. Carnia on Friday. Rev. Chas. Tough of Galt and son Leslie elf Stratford ntatorod to the home of the former'S brother, )Jr, W. J. Tough on Saturday evening fur a brief visit, leaving Sunday A.71, for Centralia, at which place lir. Tough took the services of the United Church. Miss Margaret Tough arrived home Saturday evening from teaching at Moorefield, to spend the vacation under the parental roof. After visiting friends on the Sauble' Line and vicinity for a fortnight, Nits, G. Freckleton of Lucan returned to her home on Wednesday last, The following are the results of Promotion examinations of S. S. No, 14, Stanley. An asterisk before -a pupil's name indicates absence on ac- count of illness, First Class Honours Class Honours 75 p,c , Second C a aro s 66 p. c.;..Pass 60 p.c. Sr. III to Jr, IV - Atidrew McKenzie 88.9 r s•., E:nn.r Hayter 72, Wilmer Jones 69.9, Wes- ley Jones 66.7, Margaret Jones 66.6, Mary Aldrich 65.1, Alex. liciBeath 64. Jr. ill, to Sr. FI -L ---Audrey Cochrane 76.3, Harvey Hayter 74.3. Harold Jones 60.7, *Aubrey Farquhar (rec- ommended to Sr. II'I on year's work). Jr. I'I to Sr. IL -George Clifton 67,17,. Kathleen Jones 65 9, *Mary Farquhar (promoted a, 0 year's work , Sr. I, to Jr, 3'L -Eric Switzer 66. Sr. Primer -_Mervin Hayter, Kenneth 3McKenzie, Jr. Primer-mDonald Switzer, Best spellers in each class for month of June were: Sr. IV, -Mabel Talbot, Sr. III -Mary Aldrich. Jx. II2,-:4u- drey Cochrane. Jr. I'I.-Mary Farqu- s for June, Best speller in school J , Mary Aldrich. Number en roll 21, average attendance 18,4 '. Jean E. McKenzie, Teacher. S.S. No. 5. -The following are the forNo. 5, promotions S.S. e A Jtin Stanley, the tan appearing in or- der nes pp g der of merit: Jr, IV.= -:\Margaret Lamont, Isabel Robinson, Dorothy Armstrong, Alden Armstrong. Sr ITT --Hazel Hayter, Elva .1Mc- Clittchey. Jr. III. John 1fcClinchey, Lotus 1TCCline hey. Jr, II, -\Mary McClinchey, Sr, I. -Elmore lMcClinchey, Emma McCiinchey. Jr. ,I. Jean IncClinchey, George lMcClinchey. Sr. Primer -Clifford McClinchey, Jr, Primer -Mae Smith, The primary and first classes will be promoted about the first of Octo- ber. Hazel M. Smillie, Teacher. S.S. No. 7, -Stanley.-The following is the result of the promotion exam- inations. Pass 60 per cent.; honors 75. 'Sr, II,h to Jr, IV. -Jeanette Mc- Allister 82, Doreen Reichert 73, 'Wil- mer Turner 73, George Stephenson 61. Jr. LII. to Sr, III:=Allan Lave 69, Billie Reid 66., II. to Jr. I'Ih-Ste.wert Turner 63, Juleire Stephenson 61. PL -Margaret Reichert 70. I. -.Margaret Love 80, Ruth Mc- All.,ter 68. Pruner -Gordan Johnston and Iv- a„ Stephenson (good), T. S. Beattie, Teacher. S.S. No. 4'(South)-The following is a report of S.S. No. 4 (South), �IIQ �aullll� ��.:c tuthluu , t t nun�n w , f punnet 11 �lQ3 ��)1� IalilIt75111nl r, .. 75111111 -nee Mmlf I �, ,.;