HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-07-03, Page 1-Mang through all ages of revolving
time, •
Unchanging ratan in every varying
Deenis•'his own land of every land the
' pride, •
The Seal
Phone 84
Beloved by Heaven o'er all the world
H•ia home 'the spot of earth supremely
A dearer, sweeter spot than all the
rest, -games Montgomery.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The., Olympia
.and Restaurant
While They
BROOMS that were 40c, or 30c
BROOMS .that were '50c, for 40c
BROOMS Ithat were 7.51c, for 60c.
BROOMS that were $1.00 far75c
_Quantity 'limited.
Taylor's. Talcum Powder 251c, 1
cake Taylor's Infant's Delight
'Soap'10c,. 1 Wash Cloth 10c, total
value 45c. •IA11 for 25 c
BORDEN'S MILKS will be found
very' convenient in hot weather on
account of their splendid keeping
qualities, and their varied uses.
Borden's Silver Cow Condensedl9c
Borden's Eagle Condensed (sweet-
Borden's St. Charles (evaporated)--
shrink woollens nor 'fade' color
when used according to directions
3 for ons
SARPOL is' a wonderful polish for
motor cars. It cleans and polishes
a muddy car without scratching
aril not only' preserves the origin.-
rigin.al lustre but improves it with-
out the use of water. Per tin ..35c
week 6 for 25c
BROKEN BISCUITS -3 lbs, for 25c
large and a small package for
the price of
• large one alone
JEWEL :EXTRACT -2 oz, bottles
that have been for years 15c per.
bottle, we have decided to sell at
the price of the cheaper 'grades—
10c or 3 FOR 25c
RICE -4 lbs, for iv25c'
Phone Phor Phood
North Side United Church.—Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
'Sunday, July 6.
10 a.m.—Sunday . Sohool and Bible
11 a.m.-Public Worship. Subject,
"Church Going."
7 p.m.—Public Worship. Subject,
Promotion Examinations, June, 1930.,
Promoted to Sr.
Dorothy- Drover, jean Pearson,
Leona Box, Conrad Crawford, Stan-
ley Dorrance, Frank Grieve.
Promoted to Jr. I'V.-
Mildred Johnston, Dorothy Gold-
ing, Jack Rankin, Van Bell, Jack
Ohereos, Jack Dunlop, Stewart Ged-
des, Ted Southgate,, Marjorie Wigg,
Dorothy Parke, Martha iStorey, Billie
Box, Howard Siegrist,, Glen' Pinkney,
Ross Allen, Garnet (Fres, Jim Cluff,
Gordon McKellar, Helen Crich,
Gladys Holmes,
Promoted to Sr. II.--,
Mary Holmes, Ruth Cluff, Mac
Southgate, ' Merle Kea'tiing, Edna
Plant, Howard Carol, Alice Hudson,
George 'Welsch, Jack Drover, Mary.
Dolinage, Rlollie Stewart, Lillian
Fern Dunlop,
Reeves, Nellie Reeves, Fer un
Jthn Elliott, Leone Hotham.
Promoted to Jr. IN.—
IIA-Jean Dhtngey, 'Donald MacTavis'h,
Alastair 1W'igg, Muriel Hudson, 'Oban
MaoTavis'h, (Harold Free, Helen
Cheros, David Grieve, Zeta Dunlop,
Helen Chamberlain, Davide Stewart,
Mae Hodgson, Dorlothy Fraiser, Ar-
thur Cameron, Bobby Barlow, Billie
Walnisrey, Genevieve IHrtwkins, Viola
Dolmage. •
W. M. S.
The heavy rains on Thursday did`
not dampen the enthusiasm of the
members of the W:M.S. of North'
Side United Church. In the afternoon
about seventy met for sewing and for
social intercourse at the home Of Mrs.
Black, and the following program was
also rendered, Mrs. E. R. Crawford
presiding. Hymn 95 was sung follow-
ed by the reading of the Scripture ,les:
son Col. 3-1-17, by Miss J. Ferguson,
and Miss 'Lawrence led in prayer.
Mrs. Hopper, accomoanied :by Mrs.
Lane, sang "The .'Beautiful City."
Miss 'Lawrence gave a concise but
most interesting report' of the Con-
ference Branch meeting recently held
in Goderich. This report showed ad-
vances being made in all branches. of
this work. Two new missionaries are
being sent out from this Conference,
viz., Miss Ward of London to China,
acid Miss Ruth Churchill of Petrolea
to the Church of Ail Nations, Mon-
treal. A duet rendered by Mrs. Lane
and Miss Helen Lane 'carried to all
its 'message to brighten the way with
a smile. An offering of $16 was re-
ceived, after which the devotional
program was brought to a close by
all repeating the Mizpeh benediction.
A bountiful and tempting lunch was
provided and served by Circle IV.
and a •pleasant sooial hour was spent.
BOX ,.43
• Mr, Thos E Lii4ingston announces
the engagement of his daughter, Jo-
sephine Isobel, to ° Mr. Robert T,
Thompson of Kitchener, the marriage
to take place the i'niddde of, July,
The marriage of Florence Isabel,
daughter of Mr. aivd Mrs. John Beat-
tie, to James Arnold Stewart, second
son of Mr. and Mts. Harry Stewart,
took place in the ,First ,Presbyterian
Church, Seaforth Ontario, July 1st,
act 3.30 o'clock. Rev, I. B, Kaine
conducted the ceremony, and Mr.
Earl V'arilEgmond, cousin, of the bride
played the organ.
The bride, who Was given away by
her father, looked ;charming in rose
opaline point d'esprit with matching
picture hat .of mohair and tulle, and
carried a bouquet •of Premier roses,
lily of the valley a'rid larkspur. Miss
Fergus MacKay, at bridesmaid, wore
t hat,
patou blue chiffon with matching
and carried a bouquet of Sunburst
roses and cornflowers. The groom
was attended by his brother, Gerald,
and the ushers were Mr. Charles
Stewart and Mr. Russell Walter. Af-
ter the 'ceremony a buffet luncheon
was served at the home of the bride's
parents. Mrs. John Beattie, mother
of the bride,, was in French blue lace,
black mohair hat ;with corsage of
pink roses. Mrs. Stewart, who re-
ceived with her, wore pale yellow
chiffon, trimmed with orchid, with
matching hat and shoulder knot of
of orchids. The Young couple left
later for a motor ' trip to Muskoka,
the bride travelling in a liberty blue
silk, suit with egg§hell blouse, blue
hat and shoes. They will reside in
Seaforth on their tteturn.
'Theguests from• -out of town were:
Mrs. Fitzgerald, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. M. McDermid, London; Mr.
and Mrs. C. Colbert, Hamilton; Mr,
and Mrs..P. Calder, St. Catherines;
Mr, and Mrs. R. Reid, Stratford;
Miss . Helen Dickson, Toronto; Mr,
and Mrs. R. Scott, Brucefield; Miss
Elizabeth' Scott, Brucefield; Miss
Ina Scott, London; Miss Lyla Chap-
man, Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs. Doug-
las Beattie, Toronto.
Promoted to Sr. N.—
Clete Dickson, .Betty McLeod,
Marion Bb'botson, Helen Swan, (Grace.
Gillespie, Charlie Woods, Roy 'Kerr,
Brnce Wright, Anna 'Dennis, Floyd
Pinkney, Carolyn Holmes, Clara
Dblmage, Clayton Dennis, Alava El-
liott,.,Ruth Praiser, Alex Baker, Doris
Hopi, Lenore Edier, Margaret
Fletcher, Richard Box, Jack Cam-
eron, Tommy Wilbee, Earl " Mont-
gomery, George Case, Alfred Sie-
Promoted to Class 'I.—
Lois McGavin 'Donald Scott, Clara
Keller, Doris Barlow, Stewart Wigg,
Frank Golding, Ruth Joyn't, Joseph
Smith, Eloise Harkness, Mary
Woods, Marion Sclater, Sterling
Habkirk, Muriel 1Camerain, John
'Pinkney, June Siegrist, Reginald
Dolinage, Dorothy Fletcher, Mary
Geddes, 'Barbara Best, Margaret
Hudson, Stanley Hill, Dorothy
Howes, Leo Oke.
The Ladies' Aid of
will hold a Garden Party on
• the Church Lawn,
Friday July 1 1th
Served from 6 to 8 P.M.
and during , the evening Cake, Ice
Crean, Tea, Coffee and Hot Dogs,
Fish P.ond. Short Program with Pipe
Band. in attendance. Admission 15c
and 10c.
'Weather unfavorable, heli] in
Of House Samples in Ptd. Black and Brown Kid
'Regular $4:50 at
Men's Sport Oxfords,
'Fawn and Brown
Ladies' Sport Oxfords
Pawn and Brown.
Boys' Brown Sport Oxfords
Sizes 1.6
Misses' Brown :Sport Oxfords
Sizes 11 to 2
Ladies' 'Black Canvas Slippers, ruib'ber heels
F. W. Wi6G
A very successful tea and ltosne
baking sate was held on 'Friday, June
27 at the home of Mrs. J. H. Best,
Goderich street West, by the mem-
bers of the W.A71VUA. and Guild o:f
St, Thomas' Church. The house pre-
sented a very attractive appearance
with its decorations of roses, peonies.
etc. The tea room was. especially
pleasing with its dainty table" appoint-
ments and delicious refreshments.
The guests were received by the host-
ess, Mrs. Best, and the president, Mrs.
L, G. VaisEgmond. Miss E. Cresswell
was tea hostess, tea was poured by
Mrs. Myers and Miss Jackson and tea
assistants were Mrs, Wallace Archi-
bald and the Misses J. Archibald, G.
Snowdon, J. Edge and V. Rankin. The
homebaking 'table was presided over
by Mesdames tJ. A. Case, W. Archi-
bald, R. Parke and 5. Leybourne.
Mrs. VVm, Deem was in charge of the
Guild table with its array of aprons,
towels and rugs, The receipts amount-
ed to about $70.00, A hearty vote of
thanks was tendered to Mrs. Best for
her kindness in lending her home and'
by her efforts helping to stake the tea
such a success. Thanks are also due
to the members of the congregation
who responded so liberally with their
donations to the tea and home baking
sale and to the many patrons frotn the
other denominations. - -
Mrs Patrick Ryan and " family
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jer-
ry Ryan,
Mr, Dan Williams who has been
spending his holidays with his par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs Patrick Williams,
has returned to Chicago:
Miss Annie McGrath of Chatham
has returned to the home of her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, John McGrath.
Mrs. Joseph Hickey and family
spent Tuesday in Goderich.
Misses Annie McGrath and Marie
Benninger spent Monday in Strat-
ford. ,
Miss Veronica Molyneanx is visit-
ing friends in Goderich.
Accepts Call. -,Rev. John Elder of
Cromarty Presbyterian Church has
accepted a call from Milverton and
will preach his farewell service on
July 13,
The football game between Monk -
ton and Winthrop was played at
Winthrop Monday night, The score.
was 2-0 for Winthrop. Milverton will
play here the last of next week.
Messrs. Hiram Blanchard, Melvin
Blanchard. John Bullard, James
Simpson and Allan Ross motored up
and spent a couple of days at Lions
'We were sorry to hear of the death
of Miss Margaret Ann McAdams
who passed away at the home of her
niece, Miss Mae Cainip'bei'1 in Mc-
Kiliop on Saturday. We extend to those
tMs.H. Sm ldnand daughter
Babe of Walton spent a few days
with her sister, Mrs. Eaton.
Melvin Clarke and John Shannon
spent Wednesday in Toronto.
The Rev. Mr. ISmtth, Grand Chaplin
of the District Loyal Orange Lodge
of Hullett will preach a sermon to the
Orange Brethren of the district in
Cavan Church, 'Winthrop, on Sunday.
July 6 at 7 p.rn. The brethren will
assemble in the Winthrop ball prepa-
ratory to marching to the church. The
public is cordially invited by the
brethren of the 'Winthrop Lodge No.
A pretty wedding took place in St.
Thomas' A'ngl'ican Church, Seaforth,
on Saturday, June 28 at high noon
when Mabel, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Kruse, was united in
marriage to Mr. Edward Neubauer,
only son of Mr, and Mrs. William
Necbatter,,.Niagara;,Falls, N,T. ltev,
Mr. Myers, rector of St: Thomas'.
Church, officiated. The bride, who
was unattended, was given in mar-
rialge by her brother-in-law, Mr.
William Oldfield. The bride was
gowned in corn -flower celanese voile
with white hat and contrasting shoes
and hose. Her bouquet was of white
roses and maiden -hair fern. Her only
ornament was a rope of pearls, the
gift of the groom, After the cere-
mony dinner was served at the home
of the bride's parents. The wait-,
resses were the bride's sister, Miss
Winnie Kruse, and Misses Dorothy
Parke and Jean Gemmell. In the af-
ternoon Mr. and Mrs. Neubauer left
by motor for Washington, D.C. The
bride's travelling dress was sand silk
crepe with white hat and navy coat.
They attend residing in Niagara
Falls, NY
. :rhee
gifts were re both
and costly, showing .the high es-
teem in which the bride is held, -Out-
of-town guests numbered about
The death took place on Monday,
June 30, after an illness which con-
fined him to bed for the past eight
months, of Mr. Samuel Reid, in his
eighty-sixth year, when he succumb-
ed to an attack of pneumonia. The
late Mr. Reid was a son of Andrew
and Mrs, Reid o•f Tyrone, Ireland,
where he Was born, coming to Cana-
da at the age of eight years with his
plaren'ts who settled on the Bayfield
road west of Varna in the township
of Stanley. .Mr. Reid learned the.
hlacksmithing'trade as a boy and for
some years followed this trade at
Ha lock. About sixty years ago he
was united in marriage with Mies El-
len Gray of -'Tuckersmith and for
thirty years .he farmed on the old
Gray farm, " ,Beech Bank," on the
Mill road. He moved to Brucefield
following his wife''s death: in 1918 and
later he came to Seaforth where he
has resided with •Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Broadfoot Surviving is one daugh-
ter, Mrs William Broadfoot, of Sea -
forth, anti• two- sons predeceased him.
The late Mr. Reid' was an honest and
trustworthy citizen who held the con-
fidence and ,esteem of all who knew
Thn funeral was held on Wed-
}yesday afternoon under the auspices
of the O (dlfellows ,of Sealforth, Rev,
I. B. Keine, of , First Presbyterian
Church, officiating. The pallbearers
were Messrs. Ed- Mole, W. H. Gold-
ing,• John Docherty,', Ross Scott,
Jlalmes Boyce. 'Interment took place
n Baird's cemetery, Brscdfield.
St. Patrick's. School Report.—iFol
lowing is the report of the promotion
examinations for St, Patrick's iSchool,
"R" means recommended.
Form IV. Jr. to Form IV. Sr.—Ur-
sula Flanagan, Rose 'Arnold, Mary
\tolyneeux,'Gerald (Donnelly, John
Krauiskopf, 'Catherine Burns (r), Nor-
man O`Connor (r),
Form Ili. Sr. to Form IV. Jr.—Ed-
ward Cummings, ,Genevieve ' Feeney,
Muriel Looby, Lawrence Dillon, Mar-
garet Dorrestyn, Leonard Nagle, Ag-
nes Rowland (r),Roselle Dillott (
Forty IiLI Jr. to Form I'II, Sr,—
James Delaney, Kathleen 'Cummings,
Albert Donnelly (r).
Forst I,I, to :Forst II'I. Jr.—Hon-
ours-James Curtin, Fergus Cum-
mings, Joseph Evans, Teresa Kraus-
kopf. ' Passed—Harry 'Ryan, John
Jordan, John 'Flanagan, Marcella Dil-
lon, Camilla D'onnelly, John Maloney,
Dalton 'Burns (r).
'Sr. I. to 'Form IL—Honours--Mary
Jordan, Lucille McGrath. lLoreen
Looby, Marie Arnold, Marie Evans.
Passed—Louis (Looby Rose Feeney,
Harry Cummings, Margaret Tyers,
James Krauskopf, 'Louise Flanagan,
Kathleen 'Brennan (r), Loretto Feen
y (r), .Kathleen Stapleton (r), Angela
Donnelly '(r).
Jr, I. to Sr. I.—William Maloney,
Aileen Jordan, Gerald Burns, 'Earl
Nagle, Margaret Cummings, Veronica
O'Connor, Francis Dillon; Mary Dor-
sey. —
Primary Louis Dannelly, Charles
Miss Marie Benninger of Hamilton
hies returned hone to spend the sum
mer months with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs• M. Benninger.
'Miss Nellie Ryan has returned to
Toronto after spending a couple of
weeks with her mother, Mrs. Patrick
Ryan, Sr.
Mr. Joseph Carbert of Detroit is
visiting with his sister, Mrs. George
The classification of the pupils of
S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith, based on
year's work and June examinations.
Those who had over 75 p.c. are mark-
ed 11; these between 70 and 75 p.c.
are marked 1112.
Jr. IV.—*IB.obby Dalrymple (H),
Arthur Wright (H), *W. D. Wilson
(H), James McCully ('112), *.Earl
Papple ('112), *Mary McCully (H2),
*Beatrice Armstrong.
Sr. IIII.—*:Annie Papple {OH), Max
Wilson, *Alice Wright, *Delbert Tay-
lor will work with both thirds.
Jr. IIS.—Mayne Watson, Donald
MacDonald, *Isabel Armstrong,
*Grace Dalrymple.
'III.—*Elsie Robins (h), *Ervin Sil-
lery (h), *Myrtle Papple ,(h), *Mur-
iel Wright (h),' . *;Morley Wright,
*Ivan Taylor, *Bobbie Watson, Mil-
ton Taylor.
I.—Allan Hill and *Hazel Wilson
equal '(h), *Preston Dallas (h),
Pr.—John Calwill, *Anna Watson,
*Lloyd ,Papple.
Those marked with an asterisk had
perfect attendance for June.
Elsie Robins was awarded the prize
for having the least mistakes in spell-
�I. McNaughton, Teacher.
School Picnic.—On'Saturday after-
fternoon a picnic was celebrated at the
school grounds. The following are
the prize winners in the races.
Straight races: Children six and un-
der, Ethel Nilson, Olive Papple, An-
na 'Watson. Boys, eight and under,
Ervin 'Sillery, Morley Wright, Ivan
Taylor; girls, eight and under, Myrtle
Papple, Elsie Robins, Hazel Wilson;
boys, eleven and under, Earl Papple,.
W. D. Wilosn, Milton Taylor; girls,
eleven and under, Maty G. McCully,
Alice Wright, Annie Papple; boys,
twelve and under, James McCully,
Arthur Wright, Delbert Taylor; girls,
Twelve andover,Mildred died Ro
bins Ev-
elyn Wilsion, Beatrice Armstrong.
Relay race, 1st team James
W, D. Wilson, Delbert
Taylor, Boot
race, Alice 'Wright, Evelyn Wiiison,
Mildred Robins. Hard 'Boiled Egg
race for boys, (Earl Papple, Delbert
Taylor, Ivan Taylor; hard boiled egg
racer for „girls, Annie Papple, Mildred
Robins, 'Je'an Watson. Peanut race,
Alice Wright; Mary Grace McCully.
Necktie race, Mildred Robins and
W. D. Wilson, 2nd, Beatrice Arm
strong and Earl Papple; 3rd, Evelyn
Wilson and Carlyle Cornish, Hop,
Step and Jump, for girls, Evelyn Wil-
son, Mildred Robins, Mary Grace
McCully. Hop, Step and Jump, for
'boys, Arthur Wright, W. D. Wilson,
Delbert Taylor, Fat ladies' race,
Mrs. Alex, iBroadfoot, Mgrs. Wm.
Chapman. Relay race for girls, Win-
ning team, Beatrice Armstrong, Eve-
lyn Wilson, Mildred Robins, Thread
and Needle race for girls, Elizabeth
Broladfoot and Evelyn Grainger, Mil-
dred Robins and Evelyn Wilson, Au-
drey Swan and Anna Aikenhead.
Wheelbarrow race, for boys, W. D.
Wilson and Arthur Wright, Mac Wil-
son and Earl Papple. Potato race,
juniors, Milton Taylor, Isabel Arm-
strong, Ervin Sillery. Potato' race,
seniors, Alice Wright, Earl Papple,
Arthur Wright, Soak race, Delbert
Taylor, Bobbie Dalrymple, ,Earl Pap-
ple. Graceful walking, Alice Wright,
and Mac Wilson, Mildred Robins and
W. D. Wilson, Isabel 'Armstrong and
Special Value
106 -Piece DINNER SET at $25.00
While they last, we are making -a special offer-
ing of the newest patterns in English
Dinnerware -aa
complete 94 -piece - China set together with 6 -knives
(stainless blades) and 6'forks—at the special price
of $25.00. We have 4' lovely patterns in China to
show you. This special offer will last for a limited
time only. This Dinnerware is regularly worth
$32:00 per set, without the cutlery, but a fortunate
cosh purchase has enabled us to make this remarkable
bargain price possible.
Fred S. Savauge
Phones 194 Seaforth Res. 10
Morley Wright. Cornflake race, Eari'
Papple and Bobby Dalrymple, Del-
bert Taylor and Mac Wilson, Isabel
Armstrong and Annie !Papple. Coat
race, Mildred Robins and W. D. Wil-
son; Arthur Wright and Isabel Arm-
strong, Milton Taylor and Annie
Papple. Three-legged race, Evelyn
Wilson and Mildred Robins, Beatrice
Armstrong and Mary Grace McCully,
Arthur 'Wright and W. D. Wilson.
Soda Biscuit race, Nelson Forrest,
Mayne Chapman. Evelyn Grainger.
Horse 'Back race, Mildred Robins and
Marion Wilson; Nelson Forrest and
Earl Papple, James McCully and
Preston Dallas. Peanut Scramble for
all. Chum race, Mildred Robins and
D. W. Wilson, Evelyn Wilson and
Arthur Wright, Morley Wright and
Isabel Armstrong, Running High
Jump, Mary Grace McCully, Mildred
Robins, Evelyn: Wilson. Candy
scramble for all. Newspaper race,
W. D. Wilson, Annie Papple, Ivan
Mr, Bremner presented the medals
that were awarded for perfect atten-
dance throughout the school year to
Preston Dallas, Hazel Wilson, Flora
McDougall, Beatrice Armstrong, W.
D. Wilson, Bobbie Dalrymple, Mil-
dred Robins and Jean Watton. The
ladies provided a bounteous and de-
licious lunch which disappeared as
if by magic, Afterwards the section
provided a treat of ice-cream. To com-
plete a perfect afternoon a game of
ball was indulged in. Then all
wended their way homewards, the
children glad that school was over
for another year but that 'it wasn't
such a had place after all.
think of the coating happy event
which is to take place in the near fu-
ture, and our regret at losing a good
friend of this community. We realize
our loss will be Mike's gain. We ask
you to accept these gifts that they
may remind you of many happy
hours spent together, and our best -
wishes go with you in your new home
—Signed .on behalf of your .friends
and neighbors.
Quite a number went to Midland on
Sunday for the dedication of the
A number of friends were entertain-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
O'Rourke, 4th concession, in honor of
Messrs. Ray of Detroit. who are on a
visit with their sister, Mrs. O'Rourke.
S.S. No. 4, McKillop.—Following
is the result of the promotion exam-
Jr. IV, to Sr. IV,—Pass 480, hon-
ours 600,—Olive Eberhart 603.
Jr. III. to Sr. IIS.—Pass 420—Har-
vey Lamont 430, Scott Kerr 423.
Class II. to Jr. ,III.' -Pass 360, hon-
ours 430—Arthur Henderson 402,
Ross Gordon 394, George McClure
381, Mildred Henderson 240, Hector
Lamont 237.
Class I to Class Id,—Alma Law-
rence (promoted at Easter).
Sr, Pr.—Lois Henderson.
M. Wheatley, Teacher.
An old and highly respected resi-
dent of this township passed away at
8.15 Saturday morning in the person
of Margaret Ann McAdam, Deceas-
ed was 'born in County Armagh, Ire-
land eighty-five years ago. She oarne
to Canada when seven or eight years
of age and after a short time at Tor-
onto, the family came to McKillop.
Miss McAdam ways a member of
Duff's United Church since its incep-
tion. Surviving is a half-brother, Mr.
Robert W. Campbell, McKillop, Fun-
eral was held on Monday at 2 p.m.,
Rev, \V. F. Smith officiating, assisted
at the grave by Rev. T. J. Robertson
of St. Marys. The pallbearers were
Messrs, - Wilson Campbell, -Robert
Hogg, Will Beattie, Chas. Soames, Ar-
thur Waddell, Russell Sones, and in-
terment was made in the family plot
in Maitlandbank cemetery. Among
those from a distance were Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Somes, of Flint, Mich.;
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Somes, Sarnia;
Mr, anal Mrs. R. J. Waddell, and son
Donald, of St. Clair, Mich„ Rev. and
Mrs, T. J. Robertson of St Marys,
Mr W. 11. Robertson of London.
S.S. No. 7, McKillop—The follow-
ing is the result of the June promo-
tion examinations:
Jr. IV. to Sr. 1V—Everett Perdue
74er cent, eat, Walter Somerville 70.
Sr. 111, to Jr. IV.—Boyd Driscoll
81.3. Ivin Shannon 75.25, Jimmie
Balfour 72,5,
Sr. IS. to Jr. I!III.•-=Kathleen Leem-
ing 78, Harold Hudie 70
Printer to Jr. I. --Willie Leeming
82, Helen Thamer 82.
Primer—Anna Somerville (good).
Highest number of stars in spelling
during the year, Boyd Driscoll,
Teacher, Cora F. Strong. -
S.S. No. 12, McKillop. -The fol-
lowing is the result of June promo-
tion examinations—
Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. --Agnes Case 76,
Elizabeth McFarlane 75.
Sr. III. to Jr. IV. -Bert McSpad-
den 75, Tina Hulley 70.
Jr, ISI. to Sr. III• -+Margaret Hab-
kirk 76, George Habkirk 71.
Sr. S . II. tor. IIPL--=Ar
55, J thur McClure
Sr, L --(Gordon Hulley 70.
er to Jr. I, Lillian McClure
Printer -good)— Jean McFarlane,
Robert McFarlane, Norman Dodds,
Kenneth Beattie, Jack McSpadden.
Number on roll 16, average atten-
dance 15.1.
The highest in spelling during the
year: Sr. IV., Gretta Hulley; Jr. IV.,
Elizabeth McFarlane; Sr. 111,, Tillie
Holley; Jr. Iti'l. Margaret Habkirk.
Annie E. Strong, Teacher.
SS. No. 6, -=The following are the
results of the promotion examinations
for S.S. No, 6, McKillop. --Honours
95 per cent, pass 60 per cent.
Sr, IV.—,Reggie P,ryce 74.5, Gordon
Elliott 71, Iola Beurmanu 62, Norine
Little (promoted),
Jr. 1•V --Alma Finnigan 35, Maudie
Sperling 7,8, Evelyn Hoegy 71.
:Sr, III'L--Vera Duffy 76, Helen El-
liott 72, Gleu Pryce 62,
Jr, IfI++h Leslie Pryce 76, Gerald
O5ISlara 68, Rata Duffy 65.
Sr, P1,=Everett Beurm'ann 79, Ha-
zel Sperling 78, Marie Hoegy 76,
'Beatrice Pryce 76, Mary Pryce 75.
I-14Vilbur Hoeg)., Audrey Beur-
mann, Bob Duffy, Billy Little, Gor-
don Beurmann, Alvin Beurmann..
Presentation. -10n Friday evening a
shower was held in honor of the bride-
to-be, Miss Mary O'Rourke, when
about- 150 relatives, neighbors and
-other friends assembied at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph :O'Rourke.
Frank 'O'Rourke• was dressed as a
groom and Doris Flanagan as a bride.
and they entered the room with -
little wagon laden with flowers and
miscellaneous gifts. An address was
read by 'Mis's Katie Flanagan, which
was responded to by Miss O'Rourke
and Mr. Murray. Dancing and cards
were enjoyed to the wee stna' hours,
, r homes
music being f by M
O'Rourke in good style. The address
follows: `Dear Mary,•— We, your
friends and neighbors meet here this,
evening with feelings of pleasure and • IPrsmer—lLouis Hoegy, excellent..
of regret—'with pleasure when we - ,Anona Dade, Teacher,;: