HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-06-26, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
THURSDAY, JUNE 26, i930.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Priest Jr. and Mr.
and Mrs. MoPhersott of Huron
spent the - week end at Abe home, of
Mr. and Mrs Jas. Priest.
IMr, Alan McDonald and little
daughter Patsy are, spending a few
days this week visiting at the home
of Mr, end Mrs. Chas. MuD'onald.
Mr, and Mrs, Alex, Henry and chil-
dren; Frances • and Delbert, of Cass
City, Mich, are spending a few days
in m
visiting friends
IIvir, Lee Hedden of Ingersoll was
in town for the week end.
•IeLr. and Mrs. John Scout pf Cro-
'marty visited friends in town Sunday.
Os Sunday, June 29, decoration
services will be held at the Hensall'l.
and' Ohiselhurst cemeteries. Services
will be fn charge of the Oddlfellows._
A serious accident 'happened bo Sat-
urday afternoon to Mr. John C'arm'ich.
aol and Dr McTaggart while they
were going to Seaforth to attend a the
races, .They turned out to pats
truck and while turning back on the
road again, the oar being a light one,
swung, to the otherditch smashing in-
to the fence and also a telephone pole.
Phe car was badly smashed and both
men were rushed to the Seaforth hos-
pital in an unconscious condition, but
at time of writing they have rallied
'and are showing someb improvement.
The car belonged to Mr. Carmichael
and was a valuable one. He just carne
from Detroit the day before to spend
a few days in town. Their many
friends hope for a speedy recovery.
3ylrs. Geo. C. Petty was taken to
London on Monday for an exarnina=
than for her eyes which have been
troubling her for some time. Her
daughter, Mrs. Dr. Smith of St.
Marys, accompanied her.
Mr. Herbert Tucker, who has been
in Westminster hospital, London, for
some time, has returned home. haol
The United Church Sunday se
intend holding their annual picnic at
Grand Bend on July 9. e Geor
The many friends of _ Mr. g
Case will be pleased to hear that he
is recovering from his recent illness.
His brother, Mr. Peter Case of Ex-
eter, hes been visiting with him for a
few days.
The continuation school has closed
for the term and examinations are be-
ing held in the public school this
week. A large number of students
whose average was good through the
term have been passed without exam-
inations and on Wednesday. Thursday
and Friday of this week the entrance
classes are writing. Zurich is
Mr. Robert Mousseau of
installing a 10,000 gallon gasoline
storage tank along the railway siding,
This gasoline will be used for his bus-
iness at Zurich.
Mr. Garnet Smallcontbe of Guelph
was calling on his many friends here
on Monday. He came here to attend
the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Williamn.
Mr. Oliver Rowcliffe is having a
large hennery built on his farm south
of the village. The work is being done
by Mr. A. J. Sweitzer.
Mr, and Mrs, C. Cook and son
Harry left last week on a motor trip
to vi it friends in British Columbia
and California.
Word was received by his family
from Mr. Harry Soldan, who left here
about a week ago for a motor trip to
the West. They arrived there safely
and made the trip from Hensall to
Winnipeg in three days. They crossed
the State or Michigan and took the
ferry: across lake Michigan to Mil -
Waukee and from to Winnipeg via St.
Wet weather last week held up the
paving operations. On Monday of this
week they finished from Kippen to
Stewart's corner and expect to have
the iast mile and a quarter done by
around July 1
Miss Edith Forest visited in Hills-
green last week.
Among others in the village who
are improving their properties by ad-
ditions and painting, are Dr, Camp-
bell, Gev. Hess and Harry Howard,
Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and daughter
Lois left on Sunday to spend a week
at their home in Detroit, after which
they will return and spend a couple.
of months here.
The tornado which passed over the
northern end of Usborne township
doing considerable damage, long
funnel shaped cloud, was plainly seep
from here.
Election talk is beginning to warm
up in the village and organization
meetings are being held here this
week fn the interest of Mr, N. W.
Trewartha, the Conservative candi-
Mrs. John Elder has returned from
Toronto where she was attending the
graduation of her daughter, Miss Jean
who graduated in pharmacy and who
also passed with honors in her recent
Mrs. David Thompson and Miss
Leila Welsh of Toronto were recent
visitors here.
Dr, R. I. P. Dougal ldst week sold
his radical practice to Dr. Collyer of
London who takes possession July 1.
Dr. Dougal came here from colfege
this being his first practice and he has
worked up a splendid practice. The
doctor has purchased a practice at Pe
trolia and with Mrs. Dougal, who is
also a doctor, will move there shortly.
It is with deep regret that the people
of Hensai.4 andvicinity will ,bid them
goodbye. ,Dr, Collyer comes well re-
commended and has purchased the
home of Mrs. (Or.) Peck an King st.
'Mrs. Peck intends moving into the
hoose recently vacated by Mr. Donald
sister, Mrs, GeorgeWalker and two
,brothers, Fred, '- and Garnet Small-
acombe of Guelph. The remains were
brought to Hensall on Monday where
a funeral ,service was held in the Unit-
ed Church at 130 where a large num-
ber of friends paid their last respect
toThe services were
in e d. ' t th a
charge of Rev. -Arthur .Sinclair, as-
sisted by the Rev. Mr. Parker of St.
Paul's Anglican church. The, floral
tributes were most beautiful After the
-services in the church, inttsxnent took
Place in the Hensall Union cemetery.
Mr. McKay and faintly„have the sin-
cere sympathy of the Hensel people
in the hour of their great' bereave-
ment. A large nuritber of friends
from a distance attended the funeral,
amongst them being Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Powell of Exuter;: John Abel
of 'Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs., Geo.. E.
Wa'l'ker of Windsor,, Miss. Grace
Chapman of Hamilton; Mr and Mrs,
Fred Smallacomlbe of Guelph; Mr,
and Mrs. Garnet Smaltacombe of
Guelph; Miss Coulter of Hagersvil'le,
Mr. and Mrs, John McNay of Luck -
now, Murdoch McKay of Lucknow;
Joseph Stalker of Sarnia, and Miss
Sinclair of Guelph.
Mrs. Wm. Henry was busy Sunday
receiving congratulations from her
friends, the occasion being her 86th
birthday. Mrs. Henry has reached a
splendid old age and is still hale and
Mr. John Essery of Centralia. call-
ed on friends in town Stldday.
Mr. Jas. Henry, of Aneroid. 'Sack,,
is spending a week or so visiting
friends in town. ' Mr. Henry was a
former resident of Hibbert and has
lived in the West about 25 years an'd,
has prospered there.
The baseball match between Hen-
sail and Clinton on Monday evening
resulted in favor of Flensa94 9 to3.
There was a large crowd present and
they enjoyed a good game of ball.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook and son Har-
ry left on Wednesday for an extended
trap to the Coast. After visiting in
British Columbia they will motor to
California where they will visit with
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Chellew,
end at his home at Mildmay:
Mrs.. A. Newton4Brady_spent a few'
dayysin Toronto last week:
r, and Mrs.,Fred Fowlie and Lalw-
rence Fowlie of Londonspent the
week -end, with then sister. `
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stephenson
and family of Toronto are spending
the summer at their cottage.
1vMr, and Mrs, Moser and f amt"I
y of
Kitchener are occupying Mrs. R.
Scotch mer's cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Lord and Mr. and
Mrs. T. Mallett spent Sunday with
Mrs. J, Davison:
Mrs, D. McDonald of Sarnia is vis-
iting her daughter, Mrs. A. Newton
Mrs. W. Johnston and Master Billy
Johnston visited the former'is sister,
Mrs, C. Aberhart, Seaforth, the ,past.
week. •
'Miss Mind McGregor spent a few
days in Windsor and'. Detroit last
week. •
Mr. and Mrs. Weekes and son of
London are occupying Mrs. Doig's
Mrs. Ferguson and family of Lon-
don are occupying the Heath cot-
Mr. and Mrs. R. Peck of London
spent the week -end at «Belle Vue"
Mr. and Mrs Fred Trelbell:and -fam-
ily of Toronto are holidaying in Jow-
ett's Grove:
Mr. and Mns. S. Pickles, Miss Essig
Pickles and Mrs. E. T. White of
London called on friends in the vil-
lage on Saturday.
'Mrs. Almay of London 'is visiting
her sister, Mrs. W. Cotton at her
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burt and fam-
ily of London spent the week -end
with Mrs. F. W. Baker.
Mrs. J. Galbraith, Miss Mary Gray
and Mr. J. Mitchell of London spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ed-
Miss Lily Martin who spent the
past week with Mrs. Ada Reid, re-
turned to Toronto on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Finout and family of
Flint, Mich., arrived on Monday to
spend the summer at the cottage in
Jowett's Grove.
Miss Sadie Hirschman,. Mr. Jesse
Hirschman, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Glo-
gower and Mr, and Mrs. Sam Men-
delsohn of Detroit spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, F, Martin at
their cottage, Boulder Lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Walms'ley and
daughter of Niagara Falls visited re-
latives in the village last week,
Mr. Geo. Whitesides of the 0.A C.,
Guelph, was a week -end visitor with
Rev. F. H. and Mrs. Paull.
Mr. 0. Kalbfieisch spent the week -
Beginning Wednesday, June 25th,
for one week I will give you half
soles for $1.00; Rubber Heels 40c.
Best of Materials. First Class
Work. Bring your shoes here
and save money.
D. Fountain, Prop. Opposite Crich's
Death of Mrs. Wen. McKay.—The
people of Hensall were shocked to
hear that Mrs. Wni. McKay, a form-
er well known resident of Hense.li,
had passed away at her home in Ha-
gersville after a short illness. Mr.
wad Mrs. McKay and daughter Mar-
ion left here about a year ago to re-
side with their son, Dr. Russell Mc-
Kay, at Hagersville. She was horn
at Exeter and was in her sixtieth year
but spent most of her life in Hensel],
She was married to Mr. McKay thir-
ty-five years ago and was a devoted
wife and mother and highly respected
by allwhoknow her. Besides her hus-
band she is survived by three daugh-
ters, 'Mrs, William Shepperd, of Hen -
sail; Miss Lily McKay of Windsor.
and Miss Marion at home; and two
soros, 'Mr, Lewis McKay who is at-
tending university in England and Dr,
Russell McKay of Hagersvilfe and a
Ira lements.
P land' rollers `
Several 1st class good
dumk,,rake; spring tooth cultivator,
Massey -.Harris with seed grain attach-
aneri4—for sale, the m
See our Fertilizer Drills. Soil Pul-
verizers and Cultivators, Cream Sep-
arators and Complete, Line of Farm
Machinery, ,' Tractors, Threshers and
Trucks. Repairs strictly cash.
Agent for International Harvester
Co., Manufacturers of
IAllt mothers Cam • put away anxiety
regardlin'g their suffering children
when they have Mother Graves'
Worm ExteSminator to give relief.
Its effects, are sure and lasting.
Mrs, Malcolm Lammond,-. of the
413bh concess'ion, who was taken to
Victoria hospital, Lo f4on, is at time
of writing very low. R3er friends hope
she will soon be recovering.
Several sports from this vicinity at-
tended the horses races in Seaforth
A little girl arrived at the home of
Mr. Garnet Taylor last week.
At the time of writing .MTs. Thos.
Stevenson is under the doctor's care.
Quite a number from our burg took
in , the cadet service in Clinton, on
Mr. G. Beatty Sr. spent the 'week-
end with his sister. in .Listowel,' re-
turning on Monday in company with
his nephew, G. B. Woods and his
friend, Mr. McCullagh, of Cobourg.
Mr. G. H. Beatty is busy 'disposing:
of several carloads of coal.
Members of St. John's congregation
had a bee Monday, painting and de-
corating the church.
Mr. and Mr.s Jos. Thornton and
son Kenneth were visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs: Foster Fowler
Sunday evening.
Mr. Samuel McPherson has made
the purchase of a Fordson tractor.
We wish him good luck.
Mr, Robert Doherty is sporting a
new Chevrolet coupe, •
Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Currie and chil-
dren of Wingham were visiting the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. . John
Crozier, on Sunday.
Mr. Ken. Thornton spent Satur-
day at his grandmother's.
Mr. Dune. McPherson was visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Regele Sunday.
Mr. Ed. Davidson was visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Munn Sunday evening.
Pay Cash
Choice Potatoes, ,31c ... 3 4 C
Ter J•
Kellogg's Corn . I�
Flakes, 3 pkgs.
'Shred'ded Whole 3 1 C
"Wheat, 3 pkgs.
Lux Toilet Soap
3 _. .
Palm Olive Soap - A Z c
3 bars .. . G
Colay Toilet Soap
Red Rose Tea
49cPer pound
Lipton's Tea 49C
Per pound' ....•.:..
Miss Edith Forrest of Hensall spent
a few days at the home of her brother,
Mr. J.' B. Forrest.
'Mr. and Mrs. R. McAllister, Mr.
Jas. MdAllister were recent visitors
with friends in Detroit. They also
attended the we'dding of their cousin,
Miss Helen McAllister.
IMr, Clarence Reichert of London
Business college, spent the week -end
at his home. •
.The'service in the 'church at Hill's -
green will be withdrawn on. Sunday
afternoon June 29th owing to Rev.
Mr. Conner attending the - World's
Sunday Slc'hoo'i convention in To-
ronto. As,many as can are urged to
attend the service at Kippen Church-
at 11 a.m. and hear Dr. Margaret Mc-
Kellar of India, a returned mission-
ary who will speak there on June
29th. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dignan, Mr.
Stephan Troyer of near Hensall were
Sunday visitors with Mrs. L. Troyer.
'Mrs, Robt. Love' is spending a few
days at the home of her son, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Love.
Mr. Jahn Colvin and Mrs. Colvin of
Komoka were. recent visitors with
friends in this vicinity.
Quite a -number from this commun-
ity attended the Decoration services
held at the Exeter Cemetery on Sun-
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stephenson are
spending a few days with friends at
Lucknow and Walkerton.
Relief from Asthma. Who can de-
scribe the complete relief from suffer-
ing which follows the use of Dr. J. D.
Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Who can
express the feeling of joy that comes
when its soft and gentle influence re-
lieves the tightened, choking air tubes.
It has made asthmatic affliction a
thing of the past for thousands. It
never fails. Good druggists every-
where have sold it for years,
Mrs, Joseph O'Rourke and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O'Rourke,
Ri'tchener; Miss Nellie O'Rourke, Mr.
and Mrs. Leach, M. McCrea, and
Mr. MGCormick, all of Toronto, aryl
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O'Rourke, 1lublin
were visitors at the home of Mr. Jas-
eph 01Rlourke on Sunday.
, (Miss' Teresa Delaney of Toronto
s'penit the week -end at the home of her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Delaney.
Joseph L. O'Rourke, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick ° R•ourke, was taken
suddenly 111• with acute indigestion on
Tuesday” morning and is under the
d'octor's care.
The following isthe result of the
promotion examination.of SS. No,- 1
TJ., MdK, llop: Jr. 'IN. to Sr. VV.—
(Pass-5110). C. Ryan 563. Sr. I'21. to
Jr.DV.-+(Pass 480; honours 600).
Michael Walsh 592, B. Carlin 584,
L. O'Rourke 574; Mary Walsh 5711, C.
O'Reilly 562, Wm. Flanagan 5418, Ri-
chard Downey 471. Jr. III'I: to Sr.
IIIIL—+Ptals's 4180, honours 600. Cecelia
Krauskopf 561, Gerald Burns .528, Cle-
ment Krauskopf 525, Margaret Walsh
442, Dorothy ,Nolan 4130, Jos. Burns
(absent). I.I. Class to Js. IUR.—'Pasts
4120, honours 525, M. Givlin. 588, T.
Flanagan 474, Dennis Nolan 490,
Marg. Krauskopf. 466, Joseph Givlin
462, A. Downey 442. I. Class to II.
Class--lPaas 270, honors :335.•Rita Ry-
an a72, Leo Oariin 345, J. Walsh 304,
L. Burn's 293, L. Flanagan 259. Pr.
to I. Class Sr—Rise/ph Flanagan Chou -
ours) --Mary Krauskopf, Mary Nolan,
Leo Ryan. Primer to I. Class Jr.--
r.—Doris Flanagan, Leo Hicknell, Helen
SvMaloney, Aiina Krauskbpf.
Mary E OiRourke, Teacher.
Mrs 'Ross and Verna McGregor
are visiting for the .summer holidays
at the home of Robbie McGregor.
Mr, and Mrs. Joe McLellan of Mil-
ton visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs; Hugh McGregor on Sunday.
The sacrament of the Lord's supper
was administered to a large congre-
gation on Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McDonald of
Seaforth are spending a few days
with their daughter, Mrs. Broadfoot.
Mr. Abe Forsythe, Harry Chesney
and J. W. McLean spent a day in
Port Stanley recently.
Mrs. Watt of Clinton visited at the
home of Mrs, J. W. McLean last
Mr. Wm. O'Rourke and Mr. Bish-
op of Sault Ste. Marie motored dawn
and spent the week -end with Mr. and
With Your Mind
as well as your hands
If you will keep your mind on your driving, you will always be
alert to meet and anticipate danger.
Be ready always for fault or error on the part of other drivers.
You cannot do this unless you have both hands on the wheel,
both eyes on the road, and your mind on your driving.
Be CAREFUL. Keep a margin of safety between yourself
and danger. Be COURTEOUS ... give the other driver
more than his rights. Use your COMMON SENSE in
deciding where, how, and at what speed you will drive your
The Keystone of Safety
,on the King's Highway
and all other roads and streets
The HON. GEO. 5. HENRY, Chairman
:Entrance exams. started in our
school on Wednesday. Our teacher
was unable to return for the closing
exercises but her many friends are
pleased to learn she has' returned
home from the 'hospital, much im-
,Wedding bells are ringing since.
Messrs. Michael Murray and Michael
McLaughlin are joining the order of
benedicts in July.
Quite a number from here attended
the garden party at St. Bridget's, Lo-
gan, Tuesday evening. The weather
wasideal, which made it a grand
'Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eckart and their
sons Vincent and James and their
daughter, Mrs. Peter Maloney, have
returned front a motor trip to 'Ro-
chester, N.Y., where they spent a few
days with friends.
Mr, and Mrs, C. Eckart spent a
few days -with their daughters, Mrs,
W. Manley and Mrs. Thos. McKay,
while Mrs. Brall and family, of De-
troit, visited with her sisters, Mrs. W.
Manley and Mrs. T McKay.
The road was closed one day be-
tween Con. 8 and 9, between lots one
and five, w'hile Mr. Reid was crossing
the road, and the patrolmen got the
temporary bridge built to keep traf-
fic open until the new bridge is built.
Word was received here that Mr.
Jos. Eckart had another„ miraculous
escape when the large shovel he was
operating turned turtle on the incline
of a hill at Barrie, Ont. He jumped
to safety by a narrow margin.
DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Ph yaicfrit
and Surgeon. Late of London Hoe
pital, . London; England.
attention to diseases of the .eye part'
nose and throat., Offioe, and :reasi4
ence behind Domfnion'Bank, Oir a
Phone,No, 5: Residence•Phone 1Glb .
In loving inem'ory of hors. 'Henry
R. Francis, won died in Seaforth one
year ago, June 27, 1929:
Even 'death has a wonderful mission,
Though it rob. us 81 tiose we love,
It lifts our hearts from. our surround-
ings, -
To long for, that meeting above.
No matter hdw heavy' the burden, -
Nlo matter howgreat the despair;
Doesn't he'a'ven seem nearer and
To knave that our loved one is there?
,Loved Ones,
DR. F , J. BURROWS, Seaforth,
Office and residence, Goderich street.
east of the United Church. Corms*
for the County of Huron. Telephosta
No. 46.•
DR. C. MACKAY:=-C, Mackiy,,
honor graduate of Trinity Univarstq'
.and gold medallist of Trinity Medical
College; member of theCollege,.%
Physicians and Surgeons of Oneida.
Large wall tent for sale. Material
heavy white duck end in good condi-
tion, only used a short time. Apply at
News Office. 26
A steamier trunk in good condition.
Medium size. Aplply,to The News
Office. 27
Some_ 2 in. x 12 in. x 12 ft; some
2 in. planks various widths and vari-
ous lengths; some 6x6 timbers 16 ft,
to 20 'ft. long; some 8x8 timbers 16 to
20 ft. long. G. A. JACKSON, Eg
mondville. 27.
7.41. M. -IIT. binder No. 5, a good
binder. (Also "6 -ft. Deering binder, A
number of '12 weeks old white Leg-
horn pullets. Apply to The News Of-
fice. 27
Nose and Throat, Graduate intiffr
cine, University of Toronto M.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal.
rnic and Aural Instit :e, • Meore€sld`aj
Eye, and Golden Sq,eare throat has
pitals, London. England, At Comae
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday ijtt
each month, from hl a.m. to 3 pint:
A baby go -cart -sulky. In good con-
dition. Also baby carriage. Mrs. ,GEO.
D. FERGUSON, Goderioh st., Sea -
forth. 26.
Protestant Teacher wanted. Duties
to commence Sept. lst, State salary
and. experience. Applications received
up to July 5th. J. L. PEAR, Sec.-
Treas., S.S. No. 1, Morris. Blyth,
RR. No. 2. 27.
For SS. No. 2, McI(illop, for term
beginning in ,September. Apply to
Treasurer, R.R.:No. 2. Seaforth. 27
DDR. W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate sal
Faculty of ,Medicine, University ad
Western Ontario, ,London. Mambas
of College of Physicians and ” Sar.
geons of Ontario. Office in Abed:244k
Drug Store, Main St., Seater*.
Phone 90.
The Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas'
hutch intend holding an afternoon
tea and home cooking sale at the res-
idence of Mrs. J.' H. Best on Friday,
June 27, from 3.30 to 6, Silver collec-
DR. J. . A. MUNN, successor 4
Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, I11..14
centiate 1Roya1' College of Dental'&sos-
geops, Toronto. Office over SHIN
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. 'Phold
DR, F. J. BECHELY, graduals
Royal College of Dental Surgeoatk
Toronto. Office over W. R. Snails.
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phoria,.
office 189W, residence 185j.
ID. L. Rios$. Barrister and Sofia,
or; Notary Public. Hours 9 a.m.2 pat -
and 7 p.m. Office above Philp!'
Drug Store, Blyth, Ont, Phone 6.
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.ASc. (Ton}!
O.L.S., Registered Professional Ea-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering . Institutes ad
Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont.
Auctioneerforthe County of Hero*
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date 'at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guarantee&
HAROLD D. DALE, Licenced
Auctioneer for the County of Hurts.
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 1.1
('Successors to. James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effee2
ed at lowest rates in First -am
Two registered Hereford bulls, nine
months old. One is a right good
herd -header. JOHN KENNY, Dub-
lin. 26.
And patching. First class work.
Call 243 r 23, :Seaforth or apply to• F.
LYNCH, lot 14, con, 18, McKillop, or
E Roe. 26
I1 you want any young calves for
raising or for vealing, HAROLD
PENHALE, Bayfield, Ont. Phone 5
on 7.8, Hensall.
We wish to thank our friends and SEAFORTH MARKETS.
neighbors for their kindness, flowers Wednesday, June nth.
and sympathy during the illness and Butter, per lb. 33c
death of Mrs. Alex. Stobie.—Mr. R. J. Eggs,' per doz. 26e -24c -20c
McMath,' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyes. ,Hogs, per . cwt, .... ...$10.25-$10.76
Low cost trip to the Pacific Coast.
What a chance to see our Canada!
The great prairies ... aspect
National Park...Mount Robs&.
and the Canadian Rockies ...
Vancouver and Victoria.
Perhaps a glorious cruise through the
Inland Seas to Prince Rupeit and Alaelea
gla 4ere... towering mountains... the
IC(ondl'e. Diverse routes are available -
ering delightful variety of scenery.
ese fares are in effect from May 16
to September 30. ,
Descriptive folders attractively illustrated
may be obtained from any Agent of
Canadian National Railways.
Mutual Fire Insurance Ca.
Officers—James Connolly. Coder.-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechvroo&
Vice President; D. F. McGregor
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wan. Rini, No. 2, Sea -
forth Bennewies, John Brodha
J w gena.
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Me --
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erieh; Alex. Broadfoot,'No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice. NQ. 4, Waltong
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murrain
Gibson, Brucefield,
Agents--1James Watt, Blyth; 'rr
No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. '11''.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and Joh*
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or traao-
act otherbusiness will be promptly
attended to by,applicatign to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Live or dead horses and coven ,, .
free of charge. We pay for the,
phone call.
William Stone Son
Phone 22, Ingersoll
Phone 2.15W, Stratford
The Ace of Western Stars
Ken Maynard
The Royal Rider
also showing
in the 2 Reel Comedy
For Dominion Day
MON., TUES. and WED.