HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-06-26, Page 4''iat9:GElFOUR
Barden Party
Lawn of Wilt. J.. Woods
Friday, July 4
in attendance
SUPPER 5 to 8 P.M.
Admission SOc and 25c
.Mrs. H, Kirby, Rev, W. J. Maines,
Pres, Pastor
We are glad to report that lairs. Jo-
-seph Dennis is getting along nicely af-
ter her operation in the hospital for
ton ilitis. •
\Lr, and lira. E Constable and -ba-
by Evelyn of St. Marys spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jackson
-air and Mrs. G, Butson of Staffa
spent Sunday afternoon with friends
at. Walton.
Mr, and firs. Hugh McLachlan and
son and friends of near Kippen, called
on friends in Walton Sunday.
The entrance examinations began
on Wednesday,
Mr. Radford and family intend
spending a holiday in Sarnia -next
Mr. Joseph Rodgers of Saskatoon
is visiting with Mr. and lira. Joseph
Bennett. Y.
lir. and lair Robert McLaughlin of
Dakota, are \ i- :ting _Mrs. T. Young.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Wilson of Lon-
don spent a week ho:hday with lir.
and Mrs. Fred Ennis, vr ie.
Jubilee services were held at St,!Myrtle.
Geo. Garnise was a visitor with
Popular Secretary of the Toronto.
Huron Old Boys,
tion. At close of evening service a
large and most delicious jubilee. cake,
provided by Mrs W. R. Stewart was
distributed among those present The
offerings for the jubilee fund were
most geenrous, The Young Peop '
service for the United Church was
withdrawu in the evening. Rev. F. G.
Rickard is the present rector.
Miss Olive Bolger, of Toronto,
who has been spending two weeks
whh her parents. Mr. and Mrs, John
Bolger, lei: on Sarurday for Mus-
koka, where she will spend the sum-
Miss Mamie Livingstone of Victor-
ia, B.c., and Miss Lena Livingstone
• st Toronto are s-isiting their another,
Mrs. E. Livingstone and sister, Miss
tin ay
nd I ,.,
- altun. � 11 friends.
George's Church. nt•cli. \\ \\ a„
Juute ??, 1930, commemorating the l[r. Harry Baker and friend
of Ta-
laying of the corner atone on June 11, route were villi:ora with Mrs. Alberta
Major Bennet
Master .L trier,
Grand B
ISM by Gra.)
,f Ba
• + Robinson, wn ,
• ti R b n.
, rci war.
t the Ghu \ e
"l e opening t i.
L U. services
. i p g
o t and
for services December 1_ of same visited with his parents, R. H
year by the late Rev. Frank Ryan, 'Robinson on Sunday.
rector. The church was beautifully Two members rf the telephone
decorated. Choir from St. John's 4 commission, Chairman G. M. Cham-
' Church, Brussels, as :ted in the Mor-i'hera and John Barr, and Lineman Mr.
obi t, Mis Florence Gammage sing I R•'gers•,n, go to London nth Thursday
ing as offertory solo "My Task.' 1 :o attend Me annual convention of
Some member's of -St. John's choir as- I \Vu -:ern Ontario Telephone Comp -
the evem
local choir in . es.
-'s+ the ioc hg a
and male quartette Capt. George A \Lra. 'P. A. McCormack and d son
The New And Improved
Light Draft, High Speed, powrerful
-and • clean cutting
All Repairs and Labor Cash,
Open Evenings.
group: Miss Sarah Cole,•pianist; Miss
Ruth Cole, violmiyt; Mrs, Wade, gui-
tar and Miss'Nora-VersCanap, soloist.
Mr. George Hamilton, Auburn, gave
old tithe, fiddler numbers with Mrs.
Sam Johnston • accompanying. at the'
piano. Short speeches Were • made by
members of all three congregations
and the evening closed with felicita-
tions to the rector and Mrs. Pocock,
•Belgrave Anglican Church has de-
cided to hold their garden party on
July 2nd. ndon has
Miss Ruth Barnby of Lo ,
resigned -from the staff of• the contin-
nation school and will take a year's
rest. The board and -'citizens greatly
regret the loss of so competent and
popular a teacher. - -
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Tohnston
spent Sunday afternoon -at Goderich.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Granby of near
Auburn visited ,with John and Mrs.
Grasby on Sunday.
Jars. John McNichol spent the
week end with her father, Mr. Samuel
S:orey of lichiticp.
Mr. and lira. Nelson Nicholson and
family: were guests of Mr. William
t on Sunday,
lam hen
C g
lIr. and. _lir Christopher Roger -
salt' Doris and Miriam, visited friends
a: Hensel on Sunday. •
Mr. and' Mrs. Russell Bradshaw of
Tame town spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Nicholson.
Mrs. Batten, \filrerton; and Mr.
Jack Tierney, Detroit, have been vis-
Mir . Jos.
1L. and s
a ..parents.
Mr and lira. Leslie McElroy De--
trait,and Mr. and Mrs, Mac Nevin.
London. visited at :he home of lir.
and Mrs. W. H. McElroy. during the
week end. -
The a tnual memorial service in
which ail local churches take part in
meat, y of :he men who gave their
.:ices ..n the Great \Var will be held in
Memorial Hall, Sunday evening. The
speaker will be Rev, W. R, Mein -
teals, London.
A number attended the Liberal-
: anseriative e:,nre:i:iot at \Viugham
Minday afternoon. Mr. Geo, Spot -
am, M.P.. \Vingham, was :he •unaai-
ni us choice to oppose the Liberal
candidate, Mr. W. H. Reber:salt ,f
Blyth Horticulture Satiety iskis
yea even more Man ever before be -
'::g complimented an the •marvelous
success they have had in beautifying
oar vi::age with flowers and shrubs.
June is :ire month for roses and this
year is no exception. The society's
fioner garden on Dinsley street is
thaw a pretty sight. Ong rose garden,
•- particular. that of Mir. and `firs.
M. Chambers, is a beautiful and in-
pir i sight with a varied maize of
eo:or, delightful to the eye of :he be-
Campbell -attd iLessre. Garvin, James
and George Smith, sang "Go, when
the morning shineth," by H. J. Les-
lie,. daring offering. Rev. Canon
Chaff of Stratford, who took charge
of :he parish four years after the
church was built, was the special
preacher. For morning sermon "Go
Forward' was his subject. After
complimenting :he cengregatian on its
jubilee and stating some of the prin-
cipes for which the Anglican church
stands, urged the pe p e no: to rest
upon a past bat to press forward or
perish. In the evening :ie spoke on
the necessity of Chr iia :s living :heir
faith. They should do things through -
...out the week Mat Me uta n '.n and
inspiration of Me Sunday services de-
manded and in :heir Christian activit-
ies strengthen and encourage the min
ieter for his work. .\: the mora, -g
service Canon Muff also dedicated a
• beautiful brae:: altar iesk, a memorial
to those clergymen who :save minis.
Bred to hs. c.w,grea:edam and are now
At Rest. prese.ntei by :he coegrega
Billy, Los Angeles. Calif., -Hiss Irene
Hoover. East Lansing, Mich., an
Mrs. N \Vighumn. Timmins, have ar-
rived to atteihd their sister's wedding
on July •Ist.
A very pleasant event took p:aceat
on n Friday evening, June 20,
;viten the three Anglican congrega-
tions of Blyth. Betgrave and Auburn,
aaacun1 et in the Forrest r hall there
for a _octal evening with .heir re 'o ,
Rev. I.. V. Pocock and his bride. As
an eXpression of welcome and hearty
nest wishes the parishioners took the
opp ,ria:lily to present lir. Pocock
with a 1iah-1•ome. purse of gold and
\[;>. P. alk with a beautiful bouquet
red ,c nes. lir. F. Metcalfe of
b,y:h was _'.'tairrnan. The presents
to Rev. Mr. Pocock was made by
Mr. Thomas Burgess, Belgrave, on
',:half •sf the three churches. Pretty
Bet:y Asquith of Auburn made
le presentati:n of the flowers to firs.
Pa::.:k. During the evening musical
seleatians -,chic t were immensely 50-
jsyed were riven bo- the Be:grave
When a Duro-D,pped
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Even though Firestone cords are of superior
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ness and unequalled mileage—by actual
test they hold all world's records for
mileage and :endurance{ Specify Firestone
Guru -Dipped Tires on your car. See your
nearest Firestone Dealer today.
The euchre and dance given in the`,
parish hall on Friday evening was;
well attended. Beurinan's orchestra
furnished the dance music, The lad-
ies' first prize for euchre was ,Non by
Mrs. Vincent Lane; gentlemen's first
prize by Michael Downey and lucky
door ticket by Mis. John Malone -Sr.
Mr. William O'Rourke of Sault
Ste Marie, is renewing olcl acquaint-
ances here.' '
Miss Marie Flannery visited Surat
ford friends lest week
Miss Mary O'Connor has returned
to her duties in Highland Park hos-
pital, Michigan.
,Miss Gertrude McGrath hap return-
ed after a pleasant visit with Detroit
Miss Kathleen Mulligan of -Detroit
visited her friend, Miss Mary; O'Sull-
ivan last week.
'Wedding belle are ringing im the
parish once more,
Miss Mary Atkinson of Toronto is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Atkinson.
When .lir. Albert Querengesser
was starting with a new manure
spreader in the .field, the horses gat
restless and rstattted to go. Mr, Quer-
engesser got hold of the lines but was
not able to hold them, and they made
a circle around, the field For -the gate,
where forInnately they. stopped, No
serious damage was done to the ma-
Mr. James Robinson, Canada Co.
commissioner of Toronto, spent some
days with lir. Charles Regele look-
ing after some of their property 'in
several townships and going ae far
as Goderich. •
The crops look gaad in this part
but some fields are bad with sow
thistle and some farmers will have to
start to farm differently or they 'Will
soon have to quit.
aII ELLIOTT scrod a Station
Mt. Fred Scherbarth of Detroit
visited over theweek end with hispa-
rens, lair, and Mrs. Chas, Scherbarth.
Ret', _lir. Alberti is attending the
Lutheran synod at Phillipsburg, sburg, that
commenced last week. lir. Ernest
Elligsen is a delegate.
The_Brodhagen band went to Zur-
ich and gave an open air concert on
Saturday evening. The boys played
at Sionkton on Wednesday afternoon
Mr. J. H. Querengesser has dispos-
dMess r
e of his.garage .o Messrs. Daatze .
lir. Frank Dantzer-will be in charge
and sotossession an Tuesday.
lir. and firs, Louis Becker and
lir. and .lairs, W. L. Querengesser and
-on Howard visited with Mr. and firs
Frank Elligsen in Stratford an. Sun-
Mr. Norman Bode, who was oper-
ated on last week at the general hos-
pine: at Stratford for appendicitis, is
getting along nicely.
Sir, and Mrs, Alf. Dykeman and
family of Toronto and lir. and Mrs.'
Ed. Lieber of Buffalo visited over the
week -end with _Mrs. Dykenlatn's par-
ente. Henry K(eber.
Mr. and
UBLIN:-.Mr.'end .Mrs. James Racho and fa-
mily of
a-naily.of Otterville spent Sunday at the
home of his parents west of the oil-
The Smith brothers of the garage
made a business trip to Toronto, and
brought a new car back.
All schools close on Friday and the
children are looking fonw•rd to their
holidays, also the teachers.
Mr. an d.,, Mrs. Tom Roney of Mit-
chell and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Roney
of Imperial Sask., were ;guests of
Mr. and. Mrs. James Redmond ors
• Miss Mary McDaid of Galt spent'
Sunday with her brother-in-law, Mr.
Gar Smith.
Wedding bells are ringing in our
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roney of Im-
perial, Sask., and Edith and Robbie
are visiting friends here for a month.
Dr. Keves of Detroit and James
1•felady of Detroit called on friends in
Dublin on Sunday.
' Hiss Marie Niven; of Toronto is
visiting friends in the village.
There was a happy gathering at the
\ 'Martin Mur-
rayhome of lir, and Mrs.
fthe village where a reunion of
a g
their family was held.
lir. Joseph Evans has treated him-
self end family to a new car.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Jordan of Tor-
onto Spent the week end at the home
of his father, Mr. James Jordan.
Mrs. Jim Ryan of Detroit is visiting
firs 1for
,her sister,P. Stapleton, a
p ,
few weeks.
+We are pleased to see Mr: L. J.
Looby able to be around again.
Mr. Michael Darting of Buffalo is
visiting at the home of his parent's,
Mr. and firs, Alex. Darting.
A number of friends from Dublin
visited Mr. James Kelly of Plattsville
on Sunday,
lir. Leo Perry spent Sunday even-
ing in St. Augustine. Leo has treated
himself to a new car,
lir. and Sirs. P. Woods and family
and Mr. and Mrs. L. Dillon and fam-
ily spent Sunday evening with lira
and Mrs. John Kelly.
Strawberries are beginning to ripen
and with these frequent warm show-
ers, we should expect a fair supply.
flies Annie Dalton from Detroit is
.pending her vacation with her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. John Dalton.
Misses Ruth and Evelyn Dill spent
Sunday with their parents, lir. and
Mrs. Jos. Dillon.
lir. and Mrs. Dan O'Connor and
artily "spent Sunday at Bayfield and.
Grand Bend.
lir. and lira. J, Murphy of Pontiac.
Mich„ who have been visiting lira.
\Vin. Feeney and family returned to
:heir home on Wednesday.
Miss Nellie Ryan of Toronto is
pending her vacation at the home of
her mother, Mrs. P. Ryan. of Hibbert.
Mrs, John Meagher, Mrs, W. Feen-
ey, and \Viifred were in London on Son.'
• Mrs, A. W. licEsving and tinily
:n; to ed to London Saturday. •
Mi. Ernie 'Weeks who was spend-
ing part of his holidays at the home
or lir. and lairs. Norman Shepherd,
return to Toronto Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Watt of To-
ronto visited a he hone of lir. and
Mr- Be 'A+. en a.: week
lir. and. Mrs. Joe Lyon and -Mur-
ray visited at. h homer Sir. and
Mrs. A. \\ Beacom Sunday.
Mias liatjarie licEwing has secur-
ed a poaitian in Seaforth at Lawyer
Hay_ ,ince. We w.•h MarJrie every
Mss Mary Reynolds Clinten
snent ,see week -end at .he hent- of
friend. Miss Marie Rap .
M. Harold. Bea ort and Mr. Guy
I..&per brought t y , new Fords ram
\\•a.,.orrille ._.. Ttieela, fa: lis. Ed-
ward Re ia.
Fesol Grey frair, Ori ie who is
I:l...naional Sock Faota.
3 . ga
R,.. and. b ... Fares:et. called at :he
', lir. aal Sirs. Alex. Mc-
ahtg Monday evening
li and lira. We.ace and son
1.. El a., :•, mato—e• :.
:1.3:11e lir, and Mrs. Bert Allen
c...: :qrs. Fis:tet and 'acs.- friends
at Canaan,-
lis.. Rahe . Toronto motored up
'est Taes'.,r wilt \I.. and bits.
Gearge Watt and be pe 'lb 'g tale
summer m. t n0 With her nephew and
H and \i s.. B, A e •.
June 27, Friday even lg e the night
of Me Strawberry Feativakand Ham
Supp u de. the auspices of the
Burns Chorda Ladies' Aid to be held
t the Community ha?:. Londesbora.
Tse \\ -.:ams and Co,. Toronto, is to
be here. Be sure and came and en -
jay a goad evening.
Sin ILIa Stephen called S:inday.
on her fraenis, Misses Helen and
liaajarie \I Ewing, before leavieg
for Tori:s:a to look for a - position
there. Miss Stephen has been attend-
:he scha-al of commerce for the
oo .year, her home being near Staffa,
The Jr. Farmea and Jr Institute
43...-e their entitled "Ligh:-
hone Xaa" again in Staffa Ineen hail
on Friday evening, June 27M. There
wilt be a dance after the play. Ad-
mission 25c.
Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is re-
commended for sore necks. gaffs, dis-
temper, callouses and spavins. Re-
moves proud flesh and hoof rot- Stops
bleeding instantly.
Miss Olive Lyoa was visiting at
Lacknow• over the week -ends
Sirs. Murdoch Ross arrived home
last Saturday Ervin the West.
lir. Humphrey Snell is lying in
Clinton Hospital in a very low condi-
tion, His friends are looking for
Miss Alice Fingland motored to
Toronto Saturday, for over the week-
Quite a number of Londesboro Or-
angemen took in the Orange sermon
in Blyth on Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Johnston and Helen have
gone to Landon for the coating week.
.Mir. Chas. Weaver accompanied by
Miss Gertrude Roberton of Toronto
spent the week -end at the home of
Mrs. Murdoch Ross.
Miss Bernice Esnnser:on of Tor an
to spent the week -end with lir. and
Mrs. D. D. Emmerton.
The anniversary services of the
Presbyterian Church of Cromarty will
be hell on Sunday, June 29. The spe-
cie speaker will be Me Rev. R. C.
McKay, if 0. Walkerton, Services
i: 11 a,m. and 7.30 p.m. Special mu -
by the choir. The aa.tua: S,5. pic-
nic will be held et the Mountain,
Cromarty, in Tuesday. July 1st a: 2
p.m. There will be games and sports.
A splendid lunch wig be served in the
evening. A large crowd s expected.
Mr. and lira. Robert hl G nth of
Detroit epee. the week end with Mr.
and if -s. P. V. McGrath.
\i.. Tame: Line and his friend, lir.
T t m ,^ af Tee water, spent the
week end with Mrs. iahn Lane.
Mr. Dan \\ i...ams Jr. of Chicago is
spend ng his vacation here with his
Mrs. V. \\..d_ of Bayfield called on
lie 7 it.acher, -Peter O'Sullivan this:
Miss Manila O'Sullivan is spending
ilea vacation at her home here.
lir. Wilfred Sialaney is visiting
Detrait friends.
Ms__ Annie Dalton of Detroit is
httnie for vacation.
Garden Party
Garden Party on Church Grounds
Friday, June 27
The three- act play entitled
will be put on in the basement of the
Church by the Junior Farmers and
Junior Girls' Institute of Seaforth
Admission 50c.
Children (under 12 years) 25c
THURSDAY, JUNE 26, ;1930,
Mill Feeds
BRAN in bags ' • $28.00 ton
SHORTS, in bags ... , .... , . , • • • s •,• , •30.00 ton
MIDDLINGS, in bags 33.00 tore
BARLEY CHOP. in bags I '145 bag
CRACKED CORN, in bags 2.40 bag
COTTONSEED MEAL, in bags • 2.75 bag
WINTER WHEAT 1.25 bus.
OATS................................................60 .... bus.
PHONE 51•,
Saturday. They were accompanieds
home by Joseph Feeney, who
attending seminary. ,
Miss Mary Cook of Goderich town-
ship visited in the v'illage.an Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stephenson,
,and Mrs. Leo Stephenson, Mrs, Geo.
Stephenson and lir, and Mrs. Albert
Mitchell, visited at Centralia on Sun-
day.-- .
Mr. George Pockett of Saskatoon;
is expected this week to visit at the
home of lir, Thomas Livingston and
Mrs, Pockett will return to the, West
with him at the end of July.
Mr; and lairs.,Bernard Nott left last
week for a motor trip toNorthern
f Brant-
Mrs. John _ r. and 7
ford were visitors at the :home
of Mr:
and firs. Charles Dexter.
held their re
The T \\
Thursday monthly meeting on ursda Y la_
t at
the home of lairs. Ed. Britton nrith a
goodly number in attendance, the
president, firs. Will Britton, presid-
ing. :After singing, prayer wasf
fered by Mrs. R. B. Rogerson and all
joined in the Lord's prayer. Minutes
were read and adopted and .Mrs. Roy
!k on
Lawson a
' n
E interest in the • dI
fields. Mrs. 13. B. Stephenson read the
devotional leaflet and Miss Elva
Wheatley told the story from the
study book, which was well told and
very interesting. Mrs. Peter Lindsay
brought a message in song which was
very much enjoyed. Prayer was then
offered by Mrs. Robert Lawson, Mrs.
Lindsay, firs. Roy Lawson and Mrs.
Will Britton. After. benediction, tea
vas. served. -
bir. and firs. Roy Lawson and
daughter Miriam visited at the home
of Yr. and firs. Sinclair of Stanley.
Mr. Will Boon has been spending
a few days with his brother and sister
in Toronto. •
_Mir. and Mrs. Ben Snell, Hiss Annie
Atchley visited _Mars, Robert Sloan of
Bayfield on Sunday.
Mrs. George Wheatley leaves Sat-
urday for Toronto to visit • Sias:
Menthe Wheatley and will take a boat
trip to the Thousand bsl'ands.
\1'e are sorry to learn that Sir. Al-
bert Trewin is at present in the Cifn-
ton hospital quite seriously 111. He has
undergone an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Henderson and
family, of McKillop, and Mrs, Jos.
Love spent Sunday with .lir. and Mrs.
Ed. Britton.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown and
lir. Phelan, of Toronto, visited at the
home of lir. and firs. Oliver Ander-
'Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Clarke of Lis -
bowel were Sunday visitors. with Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Clarke.
Mr and Mrs. J. H. Snell and dau-
ghter Beatrice spent, Sunday evening
with Mrs S.nell's mother. Mrs, A. Ana
Miss Edith Riley of .Clinton spent
the week end at herhome here.
Mr. Wm. Moore visited Stratford
friends on Monday.
Mr, Joseph Riley Sr. is not aswell
as his many friends would like to see.
Mr. W,m. Clark has treatelj himself
to a new Plyanouth sedan,
Mr. George Riley is 'Spending a few
days with friends in Tuckersmrth.
Mr, Charles Rileq of London visited
his parents here on Sunday.
will be given in Community Hall,
Under the auspices of Burns Ladies'
Ham Served.
Programme. -Toronto's foremost co-
median, Joe Williams & Co.
Admission—Adults 50c. Children (un-
der twelve) 25c.
Supper Served from 6 to 8 p.m.
birs, Frank McGregor, President;
Marjorie Colson, Secretary.
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Drive this Six!
IF you have never been at the wheel
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Combined with such notable perfor-
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Just as surely as you inspect the new
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