HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-06-26, Page 3Mt. Peaks of Peril AGONY OF NEURITIS..
;Strange''and, Ghostly Guard-
ians of the Heights Who
Lie in Wait; for the
if the Himalayan peasants are to be
believed the expedition now making
;an attempt to climb Kauchenjunga.
has other perils to face than those of
high altitudes and unknown ' and
treacherous ways. The natives be-
lieve that the topmost peaks .of the
World's- greatest mountain range are
guarded by a mystdrious race, known
as the Abominable Snow Men.
These Snow Men have been des-
cribedby natives, who claim to have
seen them, as white -skinned, ape -like
figures, naked and cowered with thick
hair. Once, on the 1929 expedition to
Kanchenjunga, Mr. E. 0. Shebbeare
was told by his porters that they had
seen the footprints of a Snow Man in
the snow. He accompanied them to
inspect the prints, but by the time
he reached the place there had been
a fresh fallof snow .and any marks
which 'might have existed had been
Whether there is any -foundation in
fact for the legend of the Abominable
Snow Men no one knows—at high al-
titulles sunshine and shadow play
strange tricks, and 'awe inspiring ap-
paritions seen- in these circumstances
may have a perfectly natural explana-
tion as a trick of Vision. But the -na-
tives can point :to the fact that, out of
the 600 or so I-Iiinaiayan peaks that
are over 25,000 feet, not one has ever
been scaled.
The Secret of the Brocken.
o Once the peaks are mastered the le-
gends may begin to die. That is what
happened in the case of the Matter-
horn. Until this famous mountain
was conquered by the climbers the
Swiss peasants believed that it was
peopled by devils.
There are various stories of haunt-
aunted hills and mountains nearer home.
Some of the "Welsh mountains, espe-
cially those in which there are disused
mine workings, have long been sup-
posed to be peopled by goblins, and.
there is a strange spectre—a shadowy,
giantlike form—that has been seen
on one of the Scottish mountains:
Here, again, natural causes are pos-
sibly responsible for the apparition.
This was the case with the most fa-
mous of all the mountain ghosts—the
spectre of the Brocken. The Brocken
is the highest point In the Harz Moun-
tains, in Saxony, and the "spectre"
took the form of a giant shape strid-
ing across the sky, and repeating
every motion of the observer, as if in
mockery. This r: xarition was finally
traced toes curious optical Phenomen.
on. It was found that when the sun
was low, mists were on '.'ie other side,
and the summit itself was free from
clouds, the greatly magnified shadow
of anyone on the mountain would be
cast on the mist-curtain.—Answers.
Word Portraits
Of Shaw and Twain
Shaw.—How eau one describe him?
I have never In my life seen a man
so immaculately, so utterly clean. Was
there a male Aphrodite who rose fresh
and gleaming from the foam of the
sea? .If indeed there was, Shaw was
his name. -Judge Henry Neil. (Shaw
attribute§ the school -girl clarity of his
complexion to the fact that he never
washes his face, and when Judge Neil
begged to be enlightened as to' what
Mr. Shaw did, If anything, to keep his
face so spotlessly clean, the well
known Irishman replied: "I wet it oc-
casionaliy.")—Wllitam Lyon Phelps.
Mark Twain.—Apparently he never
had lila hair cut; it fell in dark mass-
es around his neck, and received his
daily personal attention; in cold
weather he wore a short coat of seal-
skin with the fur outside; in walking,
he rolled widely to right and left, in
the manner of a sailor in a musical:
cothedy. i -Ie was distinguishable . a
hundred yards away, and people who
happened to turn around, waited for
him to pass, then remained as if hyp-
notized, staring after his slowly dimin-
ishing figure.... Later in life, his
magnificent hair turned white and he
wore garments to match, appearing in
Washington drawing rooms in evening
clothes the color of snow.—William
Lyon Phelps.
"Maurice, mine boy, 'VY you shut
off de reddio1"
"Dey vas broadcasting de services
from de syungogtte Poppa!"
"Vot's de matter vtth dat? It's
good you should listen to such Vino:"
"Yoe; Poppa, I know, but day vas
taking de collection."
Theodore Roosevelt, addressing a
large. Progressive Republican in the
election campaign of 1912, criticized
thio doctrines and methods of the De-
, moci'atic party. On concluding his
address., a •Democrat in the audience,
• who objected to some of Mr, Recas-
t velt's remarks, began to question the
speaker, "Mr. Roosevelt," he asked,
"why are you a Republican?" !'Be-
cause my father and grandfather were
both Republicans" was the reply,
t>11 t . would you be if your father.
and grandfather both had been horse
thieves?" again asked the Democrat.!
"I'd be Democrat," Mr, Roosevelt,
replied, uy
Love your enemies. They merely lie
about you, Your friends are the ones
who let the truth out,
A Story of Intense Suffering
and Relief.
"Do I recommend Dr. Williams'
PinkPiller. -You may believe Ido,"
says'' Mn John H,- Jamieson, of Wel-
laceburg, Ont.
"For five years I sefferdl day and
night from neuritis. The agony was
terrible. I lost control of my arm 'tend
shoulder and my hand became shrty-
eled, Nothing beipetl.me tin I began
taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Even
then iee improve -lents asslow and I
took ten 'b'oxes before I was on the
way to recovery, After that, though,
relief- was rapid. My hand gradually
filled out; the pain left me and I could
sleep in peace. That was two years
ago' and I have not had a twinge of
the trouble since."
Sufferers from neuritis, neuralgia or
rheumatism should try the Common-'
sense method of banishing these trou-
bles by enriching the blood and
strengthening the nerves with -Dr.
Williams Pink Pills. These Pills ai'e
sold by all medicine dealers orby mail
at 50 cents a box from The Dr.,Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
During the Bearing of a case, the
Judge was disturbed• by a youth who
kept moving about in the rear of the
"Young man," he exclaimed, "you
are making a good deal of unneces-
sary;noise. What are you doing?".
"I have lost my overcoat and ant
tryinay,to find it," replied the offender.
"Well," said the Judge, "people of-
ten lose whole suits in Here without
all that fuss."-Plllladelphla Public
Hezekiah (seeing the sights with
his father)—"I say,' why do they call
this 'ere building ,the Exchange?" 01d
Dubbs (a lamb who has been shorn)
—"Because, Hezekiah, that's where
you exchange your cash for experi-
Cautious and prudent investors prefer
shares of long established Trust and
Loan Companies. Because this class of
stock is non -speculative' and dividends
are sure and steady, In the recent stook
market collapse '1•rust and Loan Com-
pany shares remained firm and unshaken.
if seeking an investment of 9100 or mul-
tiples thereof up to $10.000 In securities
to yield 01 per cent., write forfurther
particulars, A. A. Campbell, 794 'Wel-
lington Street, London. Ontario.
Deaf Hear Again
Through New Aid
Earpiece No Bigger Than Dime Wins
Enthusiastic Following—Ten-Day
Free Trial Offer
After twenty -ave years devoted exclu-
sively to the manufacture of scientific
hearing -aide, the Canadian Acoustfoon
Limited, Dept. 5500, 45 Richmond St.
West, Toronto Ont., has Just perfected a
now model Aconetieon that ropresente
the greatest advance yet made in the re-
creation of hearing for the deaf. This
latest Acoustioon is featured by a tiny
ea of-ce no bigger than a acme. Throne%
hisdevice, eonnfle are :leariy and dis-
tinctly tranamitted to subnormal ears
with wonderful benefit to hearing '.d.
health alike. The makers offer an abso-
lutely free trial for 10 9099 to any one
per n who mar be interested, and a let-
ter will bring one of these remarkable
aide to your home for a thorough and
convincing teat. Send them your name.
end address tedayl
Actually SeeThemVanish
Pimples reyo con acoauy sco them ita-
up. Ma y gcanech+ally Get them dry
Sal Many gom druggist t. day. New Salon" from druggist todayiNew
akin beauty tomorrow morning.®
" • Porters Prepare for Passion Play
Unusual view of station porters of Oberaniinergau, Germany, who are
Preparing for participation in famous Passion Play 'which is to be enapted
this summer,
Keeping Moths at Bay
Now is the time for putting away
winter clothes. If you want to preserve
them for another season's wear, don't
wait until you see the moths flying
about and then say, "01, I must be
looking after so-and-so to see that the
moths don't get t0 it." By that time
they may 1 -o started their destruc-
tive campaign by depositing eggs in
the colds of your favorite woolly frock,
and eventually these eggs will hatch
out into the tiny white larvae. that
feast upon fabrics, with a preference
for soiled areas.
Launder all washable garments be-
fore storing them away for the sum-
mer. , Each garment should first be
examined carefully for spotstend
stains. Ordinary spots will readily
dissolve in warm, soapy water. If it
is necessary to 1150 a special stair
remover, care should be taken to
wash out all traces or the chemical
as soon as it takes effect, or it is like-
ly to rot the fabric. It is well to
rinse in water containing bicarbonate
of soda.
It is not necessary to iron garments
to be stored away. Roll each piece
separately, place in a box, and seal
the box by pasting pieces of gummer
paper over the oenings. • Some house-
wives advise rolling in newspaper. As
an additional safeguard, camphor
balls or some reliable moth repellent
may be placed in the box.
Garments which cannot be washed
should be dry-cleaned or brushed
thoroughly and hung outside on a
sunny clay before being packed away.
"Nearly all rich men recognize the
obligation to prove that they are ricin.
by • • spending money"—:Arnold Ben-
*P7 MAGIye-S
For Troubles
due to Acid
What many people call indigestion
'very often means exe066 acid in the
stomach. The stomach nerves have
been over -stimulated, and food sours,
The corrective is an alkali, which neu-
tralizes acids instantly. And the best
alkali known to medical science is
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has re-
mained the standard with physicians
in the 50 years since its invention.
One spoonful of this harmless, taste-
less alkali in water will neutralize in-
stantly many times as much acid, and
the,symptoms disappear et once. You
will never use crude methods when
once you learn the efficiency of this.
Go get a small bottle to try.
Be sure to g.,t the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia Drescribed by physi-
cians for 50 years in emoting excess
acids. Each bottle contains full direc-
tions—any drugstore.
Are Filled As Far
As Possible In the
Order in Which
They Are
Offering Annual
Work Are
Given the
Fa ykielp Supplied
The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the
Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a
sulnher of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives:
-silk. •ndF'atlillies—Married Cbuples Without. Children—
seas Also Single Men.
' L i'areior,. requiring help win be well
aavieee to make early application to
Geo. A. Elliott
DYl titer of A.olonlzatIon
Parllgn totBldgs.,
Toronto, Ont.
a -
File You
at Ono ,e
1. All Min
Pod gulled
to Trial Period
Mlnister of Agrlopltur
Teething time is a time of worry to
most mothers. The baby fa nervous;
fretful; feverish. His little gums are
swollen and sore; diarrhoea, constipa-
tion, colic and sometimes convulsions
set in—neither baby nor mother can
•These troubles can be quickly ban-
ished, however, through the use of
Baby's Own Tablets, concerning which
Mrs. Louis Grubb, 'Teeswater, Ont.,
says:_'I have used the Tablets for
all my babies while teething and have
found them a splendid medicine."
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. 1VVilliams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Interesting Origin
Of Age -Old Odioms
White, illephaut.—The King of Siam
Used to present a white elephant to
the courtiers whom he wished to ruin.
As the white elephant was sacred, it
could not be disposed of in any way,
and the expense of keeping it usually
proved sufficiently disastrous.
Al.—In Lloyd's Register of Shipping
the character of the shop's bull is de-
signated by letters, and that of the
ship'sfittings by numerals. Al means
hull first-rate, fittings first-rate. A2,
hall first -rale, but anchors, cables, or
stores second-rate.
Let the cat out of the bag.—It was
formerly a trick among country folk
to substitute a cat for a .suckling pig
and to bring it in a bag t0 market. If
any greenhorn chose to bey a "pig in
a poke" without examination, all very
well, but if he opened the sack; the
trick was disclosed. '
Turncoat,—A certain Duke whose
domains lay between France and Sax-
ony designed for himself a reversible'
coat, blue on one side and white ou
the other. When it was convenient to
be thought an ardent French support-
er, he wore the white side out, when
he sought Saxon favors, he wore the
Take the cake.—The prize for the
negro rake -walk 10 virtually a rake..
The couples walk around the calve,
and umpires decide which pair walk
the most gracefully.
Show the white feather.= -In the
cock -pit, no game cock has a white
feather. It indicates a e1'ocs-breed hu
Quiz.—Fable thus accounts for this
word, which was not forted prior to
1780: Mr- Daly, manager of a Dublin
theatre, laid a wager that he could in-
troduce a new word, with no meaning,
into the language within twenty -tour
hours. Aceordiugly, on every wall
these four mystic letters were chalked
up, and over night all Dublin was in-
quiring what it meant, The wager
was won, and the word remains cur-
rent in the language.
The conjurer's turn had not been
,going too well. The audience receiv-
ed each trick in stony silence.' Not
to be daunted however, 13e stuck
steadily to his task. "Ladies and
gentlemen," he said, "if any person
will oblige me with an egg, I will per-
form an amazing diaappearing trick."
Nobody seemed able to produce the
article and after a momentary silence.
a voice called out from the gallery:
"If anybody ''ere 'ad an egg, you'd
'ave got it long ago,"
Archie (who has had no previous
experience): "Er—may I—er—do you
mind if I kiss Yeti?" Mabel (wear-
ily); "Oh, my hat!' Another amateur!"
Mlnard's Drives Away the Headache.
Linked by Air Route
Lords Hear Minister's Report
R-100 - Must Pass All
Tests. Before Flight
London;.—The airlines of the Bri-
tish Empire are expanding rapidly,
and rank second only In mileage to
those of the United States, • declared
Right Sion. Lord Thomson, Secretary
of State for Air, in the house of Lords
recently during a broad and inspiring
review of the Empire's.accomplish-
ments in the world of flying.
Lord Thomson predicted an era of
great aerial expansion within the Em-
pire in the next year or so. He stated
that there were :now about 22,350'
miles of regular air routes, He hoped
the end of 1931 would see an extension
of the Indian route toward Australia,
but the date forthe completion of this
plan, he said, rested largely with the
Government of Australia,
The Cape-to•Cairo route should be
completed' as far rte the great lakes of
Central Africa by the end of this year,
and in full operation by the spring of.
1981. -
Canada Co-operates
Lord Thomson praised the opening
up of what was cailed the Atlantic air-
ways in the Western Atlantic- Such a
development, 'although. started, could
only be carried through- with the co-
operation of the Canadian Government
and the most sympathetic response
was regarding R-100,
Lord Thomson stated' that the final
stages of experimentation would be
made at the end of this month in the
case of one airship (the`R-100), and in
September in regard to the other (the
R-101): The Dying of these airships
was one of the most scientific experi-
ments man had ever attempted, and
Ire was determined, said the Secretary,
that there would be no risk, while he
was in control, of the R-100 night to
Canada being rushed through, or of
lives being sacrificed through lack of
foresight. (here the House cheered).
He much regretted the inevitable
disappointment caused to 'Canada by
the delay, but it could not be helped.
Referringto Zeppelins, he expressed
the opinion that the Graf Zeppelin was
not comparable, as a structure, with
the .R-101, or even the R-100, which he
styled the strongest two airships in
the world. One of Dr. Eckener's prin-
cipal experts, after seeing the"R-101,
said to him: "This is the safest con-
veyance on land, sea or ail."
Sparrows Watch
Clock Every Day
It would be nice if we could all
form a better concept of time. Spar-
rows, it appears, .are very clever
about this. Perhaps you thought
that sparrows knew what time it was
by the position of the sun? Not at
all. And this is the proof of it. A
woman doctor had been in the habit
of feeding the sparrows with crumbs
as she passed through the Luxem-
bourg Gardens every day at half past
twelve, They were always waiting
for her just at that hour. Then came
the change to summer time, with the
result that, from that day onward -the
woman passed through the gardens at
what, according to the old regime,
would have been half --past eleven..
The sparrows were on hand, • just the
same, although the sun or, rather, the
earth, had still another hour to go to
gain its 1'.30 position. The Academy
of Science has been asked to explain
this phenomenon. (Will it accuse
the sparrows of watching the clock?)
It takes about a year far the Bishop
of the Upper Nile, the Rt. Rev. Arthur
L. Kitching, to "visit" his diocese,
which covers an area of 264,000 square
miles and has a population of 4,500,-
George: "Dad, what's the difference
between cannibals and other folks?"
Father: "Cannibals, my son, eat their
enemies; other people generally go.
no further than to live on their
friends and relatives!"
On Your Hohda.ys
Feel safer with a bottle et Min-
ard's .in your grip. It will come
in handy on numerous occasions.
madam -
%j: �. m�d041PiW..
MU VAR I`�®.,, ptelt
ups �e
SSD %b%�flh V7ei�1V V�1YOtit
Will Grass Skirts
Hold Sway in 1931?
Advance fashion tip for the ladles.
The International Colonial Exhibition
of 1931 will probably affect la mode.
Hats, dresses and ornaments will
tend to go colonial. It's not too
early to be thinking up a chapeau -a-
1Angkor-Vat. Even grass skirts may
have their day. Having been banish-
ed from some Moslem countries, the
veil may come into its own in Europe.
Watch for the first ragoda bonnet.
Here is our chance to discover wheth-
er craftsmen imported from the dim,
dark places of the earth can design
ieweler'y any more barbaric than what
is already being worn. Can the
jungle outdistance Montparnasse? Can
the bushman surpass the boule-
Minard's for Falling Hair.
Judge—"You stole eggs from this
man's shop. Have you any excuse?"
Accused—"Yes, I took them by mis-
Judge -"How is that?"
Accused — "I thought they were
fresh."—Lustige Blaetter.
Statistics show that there are thou-
sands of people in London bearing the
name Of Smith, That's a mistake--
istake—most of them can't bear the name of
Classified Advertising
Cycle Works. 413 Spadina Avenue..
AlBABY CB1CI(.S—WSl lgcgif2
1.216,000 last year in four. varie-
ties, Write for free eataIogue. - A. H,.
Switzer, Granton, Ont.
'The way folks ask for baseballs.
9011 would think they grew like grape-
fruit."—Babe Ruth.
Thousands write IddB ys 0y and badder
Ws, coastipstiou, indigestion, gas, back-
ache end overnight wtth "Frnita-tivee".
Nerves quiet. Sound sleep at once Get
•Fruit-a.tives" front druggist today.
Claticnra Soap
restores the normal action of the
pores by its wonderfully effective
Cleansing and purifying qualities.
t9ifcy Tears of Servico
Soap tae, Ointment 25o. and 60c. 1
- t
FROM orn
Why be handicapped withunsightly
blotches on the face, eyes with, yellow;
tinge and that tired and languid feel-'
ing? This indicates a torpid liver
Headache, Dizziness and Biliousness
surely follow. You must stimulate
your lazy liver, start the bile flowing
with Carter's Little Liver Pills.
They also act as a mild laxative,
purely vegetable, free from calomel
and poisonous drugs, small, easy to
swallow, and not habit forming. They
are not a purgative that cramps or.
Rains, unpleasant after effect follow-
ing, on the contrary a good tonic.
All Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs.
Batii d Beauty's
Complexion Secret
" I ]moo new creed yrusehen Salts for a lone
time, and think it iswonder; al. Brergone tett, 0,0
holo welt I loch and what a Leantiltll skint hart.
I tell thein that it is thanks to your wonderful
Emotion Safts. I hale gust won a second prize
in a bathing beauty competition of a leading
newspaper. I shall use i t always, and telt all my
IrLClttiS Co do the 3aOriglaal 1,010r 5081,1000,0101100,
Tltto is beauty's first secret—a good com-
plexion comes from within, No need for mums
or lotions—pub the colour on from inside.
:gees 1,our blond pure and healthy with rho
daily close of itrusehee, and beauty's rcvatrd
will be yours—a clear akin, bright sparkling
eyes—the abounding joy of good health.
Eruachen Salts is obtainable at drug and
department stores in. Canada at 75e. a bottle.
bottle contains
godhealh �hlfaenta day
High School Boards and Boards of Education
Are authorized by law to establish
ai , With the approval of the Minister of Education
may be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued by
the Department of Education.
is given In various trades. The schools and classes are under the
Application for attendance should be made' to the Principal
of the school.
for In the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High
Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments.
Copiee of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be '
obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
f'I have used several bottles
of Lydia. E Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and find it
helps me wonderfully, espe-
dally before childbirth. I have
five lovely children. After my
last baby came I had a misera-
ble pain in my right side so I
bought another bottle of the
Compound and I feel fine now.
I work outside during the fruit
season in addition to my
housework." — Mrs. Charles
Slingerland, R.R. -#p4, St. Cath-
erines, Ontario.
ISSUE No, 24—'30