HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-06-19, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL. The ;death of Thornes Roger Riclh, erdtson; occurred here on Tuesday last after a short illness. Mr: Richardson was a resident'•o'f the village for some 17 years and was in his 74th year. He had been flailing in health for some time and a week ago was confined to his bed. He was born in Westmore- land, 'England, and emigrated to this country in 1913. He is survived by his wife, 3 sons and two ' daughters, John and .Roger Rchard'sgn of Eng- land and Thomas Richardson at home and Mrs RieE rd Taylor of Ohissel- burs't, and Mrs, .Archie Nokes of Dearborn, Mich. The funeral was Weed on Thursday afternoon from St. Paul's Anglican Church, interment in Hensall Union cemetery. The Rev. Mr. Parker .had change of the services. Quite a nuMber from here were in Toronto witnessing the Sh•riner's' donvesution, Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Soldan, aceom- p'anied by their daughter, Mrs. Gar- net Case, left on Thursday last for the West where they will visit for some time. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert F•inchamp, wlho have been visiting of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett of Hay, have returned to their home in To- ronto. Mr. Earl Palmer of Windsor is vis- iting at his 'home here. The play entitled "Tiger Earl" was put on an the Town Hall on Monday evening by the A.Y!P.A, of the Tri- nity Church, Bayfield. under the aus- pices of the St. Pauls' Anglican AY. P.A., and a large crowd attended. Be- sides the play a solo was given by Mrs. Paull of Bayfield and a reading by Mrs. Peppler and an instrumental by Miss Louise Drummond, accom- panied by Mr. Parker on the piccolo. The many friends of Mr. Geo. Case will be sorry to hear that he is con- fined to his room through illness. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and daughter, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent the week- end in Detroit. Miss Ruth Hedden of Goderich is visiting at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Skinner of Exeter spent Monday with friends in town. The death occurred in the Scott Memorial. Hospital early Monday morning of John Virley, who lived in Tnckersmith township just east of Hensall. Mr. Varley, while working at his home, was suddenly stricken and was rushed to Seaforth hospital where he was operated on for stom- ach trouble, but despite the best me- dical attention he pee -ed away. He was born in Westmorland, England. about 56 years ago and came to Can- ada 30 years ago and has lived in this neighborhood ever since. Besides his widrw, who was formerly Florence Angell. lie :eaves to mourn his loss one daughter and three sons. Doreen, Robert, Arthur and George, The re- mains were brought to Hensall to the undertaking parlor of Bonthron S Drysdale and from there on \Vednes- dcy afternoon to St. Paul's Anglican Church where services were held and interment took place in Hensall Un- ien ecmetery, Rev. Mr. Parker. rector hav;ng charge of the service. Mr. Varley was a member of the church choir and in this neighborhood was greatly respected and he will be sadly missed by his sorrowing family and friends, LONDESBORO. Mrs. \Vm. Lyon his gone to Leam- iugtt o ;o> visit her son, Dr. Kirk Lyon. Mr. and \irs. Frank Tarnblyn are visiting friends in Leamington this week, A bee was held to clean up Londes- boro cemetery and a good job done. Mrs. Archie Webster who has been on the sick list for 2 weeks past, is improving slowly. Master Harty Griffiths, while cranking a car one day last week, broke his right wrist, so is carrying it around in a sling these days Mr. \Vm. Brydone. barrister of Clinton, is dead. Mr. Frank Fingland is taking over Mr. Br3done's practice. We wish him success Miss Margaret Trewin and Mr. Edward Reid of Blyth were married at the Manse. They ;eft for Chatham and other points and on their return, will live in Blyth. Rev. Mr. Forster was in Belgrave attending the Presbytery meeting and Mrs. Forster attended the W,M.S. meeting. Mr. Cecil Griffiths spent Sunday with friends in Beachville. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fairservice visit- ed friends in Seaforth last Saturday Mr, Fred Johnston was home over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Robertson spent Sunday in Ripley. Mr. Thos. Millar and Mr, Jas. Ruddell were in Stratford on Monday of this week, KIPPEN Mr, W. C. Sproat, Sr„ of Kippen, is visiting with his son, Dr. W. C. Sproat, of Seaforth. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be held in St. Andrew's Un- ited Church on Sunday, June 22nd at 11 a.m. Preparatory service will be held on Friday evening, June 20th at 8 pen. Rev. Arthur Sinclair of Hen- sall will preach, A number from Kippen heard, Mr. Netram of India last Wednesday ev- ening in Hensall United Church. Dr. Margaret McKellar of India will speak in St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday, June 29th at 13 - t DUBLIN. Mr, and Mrs. Leo Murrey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E. Tole of Clinton. Miss Anna Molyneaux of Kitchen- er is visiting with, her parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan. O'Connor. Mr. Martin Klinkhemer motored to Klitehener last Thursday. Miss Mary Jordan of Toronto is spending two week's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan. Miss Minnie Maloney of Buffalo is 'visiting her mother, Mrs. T. Maloney. HILLSGREEN. W.'M.S. The regular ' monthly 'meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the home 03 Mrs. Rob't. Seephens'on on Wednesday af- ternoon. June 'l1tdt at 2,30 o'clock, Miss Annie Jarrott presiding, The meeting opened by singing hymn 283. Mrs. John Cochrane led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was retard from Acts 1 1-8; 4:20. The devotional leaflet was read by Miss Annie Jarrott. Hymn 371 was sung. Mrs, J. Cochrane then read a missionary ' I' story, 'The'business was then takes and the offering. The missionary study was taken by Mrs. (Rev.) Con - nee and was very interesting. The roll was called Hymn 270 was sung. The meeting closed by all repeating the Lord's prayer, Sunday, June 29th, °D'r. Margaret McKellar, returned mis- sionary, will give an address in the Kippen Church et PI a.m. Misses Agnes and Annie Cochrane of Clinton spent the week -end with their sisters, Mrs. J. G. Forrest, and Mrs. H. Fuss. Miss Edith Forrest .of Hensall spent a few days at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Love, The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed on Sunday ev- ening, June 22nd at 7,30 p,m. Prepar- atory service will be held on Thurs- day evening, June 19th at 8 o'clock conducted by Rev. Mr. Penrose of Varna. There will be a baptismal service, too. Picnics and re -unions are now the order of the day. The Troyer reunion was held at Grand Bend on Saturday. The Stephensonreunion will take place at the home of Mr. Wm, Ste- phenson on Wednesday, June 18th. The Love reunion will be held to Bay- field on Wednesday, June 19th. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Troyer and son Gordon of near Hensall were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs, L. _Troy- er. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keys and fam- ily were Sunday visitors at the h'o'me of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. Win. Blackwell of Lansing, Michigan, attended the funeral of his father, the late Wm,, Biaclewe'll of Hay Township, on Saturday;' June 14. The Late Williams J. Blackwell There passed away bit his late resid- ence, Hay •Township, Lot •19; Con., 6, on Thursday, June' 12t1, 1930, Wil- liam J. Blackwell in .his 63rd year. Mr. Blackw'ell has been in failing health for the past year or so, but Until a few weeks ago, was able to be up and arlound. The, deceased wait highly re- bpected by all wtho came in conta'c't with him, He leaves to mourn his ,: t loss, his sorrowing -idol- and 3 song. William S\ n of Lansing, and Ste - want and David at home. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Mr. 'Parker of St. Paul's Auglacan Church, Hensall, of which the deceased was a devout member, on Saturday, June 14eh, from his late residence, to,Exeter cemetery. The sym'pa'thy of the community is extended to the bereft one lin their hour of sorrow, HAYFIELD. Miss Helen Monkhouse and 'Bill Monkhouse o'f 'Toronto, Mr. A. K. McDonald, Winnipeg; Dr. J. A. Mc- Cullough, Sudbury; Mr. King, Evelyn and Morris King, Stratford, were week -end guests with Miss R Ken- nedy at "Rose Cliff Cottage." Mr. and Mrs, J. Pollock are spend- ing two weeks with their daughter. Mrs. J. Stewart.at Hamilton. .Mr. and Mrs. Dillon and family of London are occupying C. Atkinson's cottage for the summer. Miss ,Grace Jewett of London spent the week -end at her home. - Mr, and Mrs. Aikenhead and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Will, Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinson and family, Mr. and. Mrs. Manness and son of London spent the week -end at their cottage. Mr, Sid -Castle of Str'atfard spent the week -end with his mother. Mr, and Mrs. Vroeller spent the week end with Miss R Cameron. Miss Ethelde Wooller and Miss Cam- eron returned to Detro'it with them on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Mustard and family spent the week -end at Farmers and Poultrymen HERE IS AN OPPORTU'NITY TO SECURE Itleal poultry Feeding Batteries ---at a very reasonable cost 64 Bird Capacity, Fully Equipped, Price $4.00. Gunn, Langlois Co., Ltd. CLINTON, ONTARIO. I -'tile's n: ts. Several 1st 'class land rollers, good dump rake; spring tooth cultivator„ Massey -Harris with seed grain attach- ment—for sale, worth the money. See our Fertilizer Drills. Soil Pul- verizers and ulverizers;and Cultivators, Cream Sep- arators' and .Complete' Lina of Farm Machinery. Tractors, Threshers and Trucks. Repairs strictly cash. W. V(•GQV E LN_ -.O K C *Agent for International Harvester Co., Manufacturers . of Seaforth THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1930, their cottage. 'Miss Droen and party of friends of Detroit spent the week -end at her cot- tage. Miss Bus'h of London is visiting Miss Phyllis Bacon. Mrs. A. Catling and James Catling' of St. Thomas spent the week -end with the former's mother. Mr. and Mrs G. Koehler and Zurich visited the la'tter's sisters, Misses Frances and Ethel Fo,wlie,' over the week -end. Mr. Fred Heard who spent 'last week at, his home returned to Clinton on Sunday, Miss M. Reid spent a few dlayls at Waterloo last week. Mrs. E. A. Souder, Master 'Bobby Sauder and Miss Rubie Fisher of Kitchener were week -end guests with their aunt, Mrs. F. Edwards. The A.Y.P:A, of Middleton, Varna and Reynold presented their play, 'The Tiger Earl" sit Hensall on Mon- day evening. They intend repeating the play at Staffa on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLeod, Mr. and Mrs.S:chhlitz, EImer,t Kenneth and Marilyn Schalitz motored on Sat- urdlay from Toledo, Ohio, and are spending a few days with Mrs. Jas. Tth'om'pSon, BABY CHICKS There is profit for you in the dif- erence. Better chicks for the same money. Chicks hatched by our Huron Mammoth Incubator possess extra vigour. Are you interested ? Well I think so. Write or phone for parti- culars of Barred Rocks and White Leghorn Chicks, to J. ELGIN McKINLEY, Zurich, Ont. 97 r 4 Hensall. FARM BARGAIN 100 acres good lend, well fenced, plenty of water, frame house. Barn 60x60. Gement stabling. 50 acres being sown with Oats and Barley. Balance good hay land. A snap Tor $5,200,00 with a cash payment of $1,- 700.00 and terms for balance. Im- mediate possession. We also have several grass farms 1or rent --50 for sale en and 100 acres. A,. D. Sutherland Insurance, Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds, Etc. PHONE 152 The Seven Rules for Safe Driving You must observe them and ALL other precautions all the time IHave your car in perfect mechanical condition particularly BRAKES, - STEERING GEAR and HEADLIGHTS. 2 GIVE YOUR UNDIVIDED ATTENTION TO YOUR DRIVING. In passing traffic, be sure there is a place for you in the traffic line ahead. 3 Never attempt to pass on curves or steep grades. 4 In entering main streets or highways, or in approaching a railway crossing where a full view of the track is obscured—STOP and LOOK. 5 When other vehicles try to pass you—LET THEM PASS. 6 hs When making a right. turn, keep to the right of the highway; WWI making aleft turn';tkeep to the centre. fig Always SIGNAL before you slow down, stop, or change your oourse,.sad never BACK. UP before ascertaining that the road behind is clear. The Keystone of Safety on the King's highway and all other roads and streets CARE COURTESY COMMON SENSE Highway Safety Committee i The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Chairman �sh and Carry Prices RED" PATH SUGAR 5.33 Ter Owe. ..,, .,.. .., ...,. FIVE ROSES FLOUR 4.23 PURITY FLOUR 4.23 3.93 3.43 PERFECTION WICKS 43c Per Cwt.. NORTH STAR MANITOIBA Per Owt .... ........ . FINEST ROLLED OATS iPer 90 Pounds For Oil .Stoves W. J. FINNIG1 N LOST. In Seaforth a brown pocket book containing money and glasses. Lib- eral reward. Apply Post Office box 38, Seaforth, 25 EOR SALE A steamer trunk in good condition, Medium size. Apply to The News Office. 27 FOR SALE. (Whippet sedan for sale. Practically new, 1929 model. used only for dem- onstrating. Tenders will be received by undersigned fdr purchase of the above car. Terms cash. Apply to R. S. HIA'YS, Solicitor for Executors for Geo. C. Bell' Estate. FOR SALE One young sow,' bred 10 weeks. Ap- ply to HARVEY TAYLOR, lot 6, con 8, Huliett, or Phone 250r22, 25 SEED BUCKWHEAT Quantity of seed Buckwheat for sale. JOS. L. MALONEY, 'let 8, con. 4, 2FoKillop. Phone 40r22, Dublin 25 LUMBER FOR SALE Some 2 in. x 12 in. x 12 ft; some 2 in. planks various• widths and vari- ous lengths; some 6x6 timbers 16 ft, to 20 "ft, long; some 8x8 timbers 16 to 20 ft. long. G. A. JACKSON, Eg- mondville. 27. FOR SALE 7 -ft. •M.'+H. binder No. 5, a good binder. Also 6 -ft, ,Deering binder, A number of 12 weeks old white Leg- horn pullets. Apply to 'The News Of- fice. 27 SALE Of Homemade 'Cooking, Saturday, June 21st, at GibB'f store,' under the auspices of the ladies of Duff's Church, McKillop, at 3 o'ciock, AUCTION SALE of late 'Furnituree Household f use Furnitu th Janet Kerr :Royal Apartments, Sea - forth, Saturday, June 21st, at 2 o'clock, Harold Dale, .Auctioneer. FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Bargain Prices, Several good houses in Seaforth and Egmondville. Improved and Grass Farms, 50 and 100 acres. Drop in and go over our list at any time. A. D. SUTHER- LAND, General Insurance, Convey- ancing, Real Estate, Investments, etc. Phone 152. Seaforth, Ontario. NOTICE. Town of Seaforth. Clause 3, Ontario' Weed Control Act states "Every occupant of land or if the land is unoccupied, the owner shall destroy all weeds design- ated noxious by the regulations as often in every year es is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds." Noxious Weeds:— Bladder Campion, Blue 'Weed, Tumbling 'Mustard, Ox -eye Daisy, Chicory, Wild Carrot, Sow Thistles, Docks, 'Burdocks, White Oockle, Ragweed (common), Hawkweeds, Wild Oats, Ribgrass, Wild Lettuces, Canada Thistle, Stinkweed. ,Property owners are advised to ex- ercise greet tare in destroying all noxious weeds 'before they go to seed. and the co-operation of every one is expected in a general clean-up. If these precautions are not taken, the Inspector may exercise his author- ity and have the menace removed be- fore the weeds 'mature. JAS. V, RYAN, Inspector. 25 PROFESS( OediNL CARDS. DR. H, HUGH ROSS, Physiedaa and Surgeon. Late of London Hos. pital, London, 'England. "Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear; nose and throat. Office and resi&. ence behind Dominion !Bank: Offic Phone No. 5: Residence' Phone 104. TEACHER WANTED. Protestant 'Teacher wanted. .Duties to commence Sept, lst. State salary and experience. _Applications received alp to July 51th. J. L. FEAR, Sec.- Treas., .S:S, No. 1, Morris. (Blyth, R.R. Ho. 2. 27. TEACHER WANTED. For ISIS, No. 2, 'McKillop, for term beginning in ;September. Apply to SAMUEL STOREY, Secretary - Treasurer, R.R.,N'o. 2. .Seaforth. 27 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS We will he at St. Golunuban .on Wednesday evening, June 25, at the hour of seven o'clock for the purpose of letting the ,contract of •gravelling the parking grounds at St. Columban. Said contract will be for about 200 yds. of the highest grade of pit -run gravel. J1NIO. J. DALTON, JI1O. 1VLNLONE NOTICE. The Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church intend •holding an afternoon tea and home cooking sale at the res- idence of Mrs. J E. Rest on Friday, June 27, front 3.30 to 6. Silver collec- tion. SEED FOR SALE. 200 bus. Silver Hull Buckwheat for sale. Apply to GORD':ON McG'AVjIN, can. 13, McKillop, phone 231r23, Sea - forth. 25 COW FOR SALE. Good Holstein cow, six-year-old, freshened in •Marc'h. Apply to MISS DRISCO'LL, Leadbury corner, lot 25, con. 13, McKillop 25 TRACTOR WORK. Tractor plowing. RAE CRAW - FORD, phone 243r32, Lot 18, Con. 14, McKillop. 25 ARTICLES FOR SALE Wooden tank lined with galvanized iron 18" deep, 3 ft. long, suitable for water trough. Also set of Platform Scales, weights to 400 lbs. W. G. WILLIS, Seaforth. 25 FORSALE. Two registered Hereford bulls, nine months old. One is a right good herd -header. JOHN KENNY, Dub- lin, 26. PLASTERING. And patching, First class work. Call 243 r23, Seaforth or apply to F. LYNCH, lot 14, con. 13, McKillop, or E. Roe. 26 TENT FOR SALE. Tent 914 ft. x 12 ft., with 3 -ft. walls. Complete with poles and pegs. Used about four months. Material good heavy duck. Price $15.00. Apply at The News Office. 25. CALVES FOR SALE, If you want any young calves for raising or for veiling, HAROLD PENHALE, Bayfield, Ont. Phone 5 on 78, Hensall. APARTMENT TO RENT. Over 'Phos, Dickson's store. Apply to E. L. BOX. BABY CHICKS AND HATCH- ING EGOS FOR SALE From high grade hens mated to male birds up to 260 record. Tom Barron White Leghorn Chicks 12c. Barred Rocks O;A,C., 14c. Hatching eggs, $3 per 100. Phone 52-23. HARRY KIEHNE, r,r. No. 1, Born- holm, Ont. SEAFORTH MARKETS. 'Wednesday, June 18, 1930. Butter, per lb. 33'c Eggs, per doz. , , , .... 26c -24c -20c Hogs, per cwt. $111.25-$11,75 YOUR AUTO NEEDS Goodyear Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and Service , Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries A good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call Studebaker Sales and Service Reoier's araqe PHONE 167W 'DR. F . 3. BURROW'S, 'Seaforth.' Office and residence, Goderich street. east of the United Church. :Coronas for the County of Huron. Telephone' No, 46, , DR. C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay, honor -graduate of Trinity University and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College;, member of the College ed Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. DR. F. J. R. FOIRSTER—Eye Ear Nose and Throat. Graduate in Me ' cine, University . of Toronto •1 Late Assistant New York Ophtha mic and Aural Instil" te, Moorefield'. Eye, and Golden Sgdatre throat hos- pitals, London. England. At Comm- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday la each month, from 1,1 a.m. to 3 p.s, DIR. W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate Faculty of Medicine, University ad Western Ontario, .London. • Member of College of Physicians and Sim- geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart1l _ Drug Store, Main St., Seaforfi, Phone 90. Dental. DR. J. A. MUNiN, Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North- western University, Chicago, I11. Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over Sill's hardware, Main St.; Seaforth. Phone 151. - DR. F. J. BFCHELY, . graduate Royal College of Dental- Surgeons„ Toronto. Office over ' W. R. Smith's grocery, Main St„ Seaforth. Phos,.L office 18SW, residence 1853. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.)s O.L.S., Registered Professional Ea- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute erI Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont. Auctioheer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Burow Arrangements can be made for We Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD D, DALE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Hurn. 7 Moderate rates and satisfaction guar- anteed, Phone 149, P.O. Box 13.3. Seaforth. WATSON AND RElD'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, (Successors SEAames atONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Clara Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire losurance Coe FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers—James Connolly. Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwopd, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec, -Treasurer. Directors—Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagsul James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God- eridh; Alex, Broadfoot, No. 3 Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Walton' Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield, Agents—games Watt, Blyth, r.r. No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or tram - act other business will be promptbT attended to by application to, any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. WE REMOVE Live or dead horses and cows free of charge. We pay for the phone call. William Stone Sons Limited Phone 22 Ingersoll Phone 21'51W, Stratford Attacked by Asthma The first fear- ful sensation is of suffication which hour by hour becomes more desperate and hopeless, To such a case the re- lief afforded by Dr. J. D. Kellogg% Asthma Remedy seems nothing leas than miraculous. Its ,help is quickly apparent and soon the dreadful at- tack is mastered, The asthmatic ,who has found out the dependability of this sterling remedy will never be without it. It is sold everywhere. THURS., FRI., SAT, SPECIAL She Goes to War With Eleanor Boardman from the Red Boolc story by Rupert 'Hughes. A 10 reel composite of Laughter, Adventure and Tears. First Sat. Night Show 7.45 p.m, Oth- er night's 8.30 p.m, MON., TUES., WED. WILLI'A'M HAINES in "A MAN'S, MAN' 'with Josephine Dunn PRINCESS 1'