HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-06-19, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY,. JUNE 19, 1930, • THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros„ Publishers. .JIJBILFE SERVICES 1880 -- 1930 T. GEORGE'S CHURCH WALTON °Sunday, June 22 11 a.m, 7 p.m. .GUEST 'SPEAKER: REV. CANON CLUFF, Stratford .Special Music. . You are invited WALTON. on 'friends in the village, the end of the week. - Miss T-Iiazel Drager and friends, of Detroit; 'visited the latter's mother over the week :end. 'Workmen are engaged taking down the old two story hotel building on the corner, for some years used as a garage by Mr. J. S, L. Cummings, who intends to have a big steel gar- age erected -by the Galt +Steel Co. Mr, Wm. Doig Jr., of Tuckersuufh, has brought the ,material of the hotel,' A number of the Orangemen went to Ethel ori Sunday to hear Rev. Capt. Riddiford, Grand Organizer, Ontario West, MSr. •and Mrs, Jos. Davidson and son Murray of London, Mrs. Jos; Bennett and Mr. Rey Bennett of Walton took a 'trip north to Lions Head last Saturday going in 'the for- nter's..car. They all enjoyed the trip as the country is at its best just now. Mrs. 1J Barrnws is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs:' Hugh Fulton visited for a few days last week With Mrs, 'Margaret Dougherty at Blyth The June meeting of the W.M.S. of Duff's United 'Church, 'Walton, was held at the 'horse of Mrs. R. Bennett.. The president,' Mrs. +Bryans, presided. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 378. The devotional leaflet was read by Mrs, Shaw. MrsMcCall read the first part df the topic, Mrs. Kirkby read the second. Mrs, Maines gave the third. Then hymn 37+1 was sung. The roll call was answered by a wo- man's. name mentioned in the sixth five books of the Bible 'The minutes' of the May meeting were read and adopted, +Hymn 270 was sung and Mrs. Berry closed with prayer. There were !fifty ladies present. ' Si. George's Church, Walton. -The congregation was A. formed in Judy, .18172, by the Rev. S. -met for warship in the public school of that time until the death of the • rector that summer. It was re -organ- ized in June the fiodlowing year under the name of Si.'George's • Church, Walton, with the Rev. H. Cooper as rector. Services were held in the Orange Hall. 1Rev. Cooper resigned in 1877 and was succeeded by Rev. E, T. Robinson who remained but one . year and was succeeded by the Rev. Frank Ryan. During this period there were 24 families with 148 members n the parish. Before the opening of the present church there were 34 record- ed baptisms, 50 of which took place in the Orange Hall. The average at- tendance at the services was well over 60. In 1880, two years after the ap- pointment of the Rev: F. Ryan this church was erected. The corner stone was laid by Orange Grand Master Bennett, assisted by the Rev's. Mat- hew and Henderson and the Incum- bent, on St. Barnabas' Day, June 11. About 500 sat down to dinner. The day was fine but very hot. The ar- rangements were complete and all en - ed themselves. mse4r-es. The church was ] Y completed at a cost of about $1.800.00 all of which was provided for before the date of opening on Dec. 12, 1880. Three services were held on this date, Very Rev. Dean Boomer of London was the special preacher in the morn- ing,Rev, Rural Dean Hill of Seaforth in the afternoon and the rector in the evening. The attendance for the day is recorded as 770 and the total offer- ings $47.00. On May 6th, 1801, the property was vested with the synod • of the diocese and on Whitsunday, 1892, the church entirely free of debt was consecrated by the bishop of the t - diocese, Total receipts P in 1933 am- ounted to $435.00. The church is nicely kept and well maintained by a veryfaithful and generous congrega- tion and during the past fifty years 'has received same very handsome and useful gifts including, commun- ion silver presented by the late John. 1 tern- u! it b Mr brass er Hewitt a P P Y and a n Mrs.Henry Hamilton a d brass alit, boson was presented in memory of Mr. Bennett. Next Sun- day when the jubilee of the building of the Church is celebrated a brass • altar desk will be dedicated To the Glory of God and in loving memory • of all those clergymen who have min- istered to this congregation and are • now At Rest. Since the resignation i of the Rev. Frank Ryan m 1885 the following clergymen have ministered to this congregation with residence at Brussels: Rev's. W. T. Cluff, Mr. G. Reilly. A. K. Griffen, Geo, J. Abey, I. M. Webb, H. M. Lang -Ford, D. E. Cameron, R. E. Page, H. Smith, Roy 'Mess, J. S. Johnson, W. J. Connor, F. L. Lewin and F. G. Rick- ard now in charge. MP, and Mrs. Jas. Humphries of Wlaikerville Spent the week end with the former's brother and a d sister in the attended the village, Theyhad g Shriners convention in Toronto. Mr. 'J'ames Humphries of Dover. New Jersey, spent the week end with his nephew and neice, Mr. W. Hum- phries and Mrs. H. Shannon. He had been attending the S'hriners conven- tion in Toronto. Miss Beth Shannon is having a holiday nursing the mumps. Mrs. Isabel Bateman of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Iloy. Mrs, Robert Hale of Sarnia called ANNUAL Oardenart DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH. WALTON Friday, July 4 'MAPLE LEAF MALE QUAR- TETTE OF GALT BLYTH CITIZENS BAND in attendance SUPPER 5 to 8 P,M, Admission 50c and 25c Mrs, H. Kirkby, Rev. W. J. Maines, Pres. Pastor BLYTH. Cemetery Hill Road to be Elimin- ated -Provincial Highway No. 4. Lon- don to Wingham, will soon have a 20 - mile stretch from Clinton to Wing - ham without a turn its the road. This section was taken over by the High- ways Department last fall and one of the biggest improvements will be to run a w• road in a straight line from the south end of Queen street in Blyth through the big hill to the old road again where it takes the first turn up the hill to Union cemetery. No 'less than eight sharp and dangerous curves will thus be eliminated. A number of smashes have occurred in the past on these danger points, par- ticularly at the Queen st.-Auburn road corner and at the join of the highway and the Auburn road. The new road, which is now marked out, ut will Cross several fields and pass through the gravel pit, where part of the hill hes v d been rens as gravel. e tt f ' leas Mr. Wm. Tunney Toronto o C tto returned, accompanied by his sister, 1Gss Gertrude Tanney. Mr. and llrs, Geo. Collinson and family, Kintail. and Mr. and Mrs, R. E Silli'b, Brantford, visited with rela- tives in this vicinity over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Sillib intend starting on a motor -tri to the Coast t g p next week. SIr. Jim Morritt is busy at present having taken over a district agency. The water mains are being extend- ed another block or two south on Queen street. • For the convenience of pupils Miss Elizabeth Mills will give music les- sons through July and August. Mr. and Mrs. John McNeil of De- troit are spending a month at the home of the former's brother, .lir. G. Mc\ all, On Sunday morning quite a num- ber from Blyth attended the Decora- tion Service held at Wingham by the local Orange Lodge of that town. The address was given by Rev. Sydney Davidson of the UnIt•ed Church, of Wingham, Miss Cassie Dodds is -visiting her niece, Mrs. George Johnston, at Nia- gara Fails. . Mr. Aust' m Spofford e ord of Guelph spent P P the week end et the home of his mo- ther, Mrs. G. Spafford, Women's Institute officers elected are as follows: President, Mrs. R. Richmond; 1st vice president, Mrs. Wm, Craig; 2nd vice president, Mrs. R. t,ightttvan; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. J. Colclough; directors, Mrs, R. Newcombe, Mrs, H. Young, Mrs. W. Bryant. Miss M. Pate. Representatives to district annual meeting, /MSrs. Rich- non.l, Mrs, A. Barr, Mrs. A. Faw- cett. Mrs. J Colclough. Auditors, Mrs. J W. Mills, Mrs. S. H. White; p+anis s, Miss L, Herrington, Mrs. Wm, Morritt, Mrs, H. McElroy; press secretary, Mrs. B. Herrington; Music Committee, Mrs. 1a•t t Mrs. H McElroy,M Herrington; is L. pr,,gram committee, Mrs Newcombe, Mr, S. A. Poplestone, Mrs. E. Ben- der, Miss J, Craig, pres, and - sec.; Ent,,. committee, Mrs. A, Barr, Mrs. H. Young, Mrs. E. Bender, Mrs. B. Herrington; Historical researe'h com- mittee, Mrs, A. B. Carr, Mrs. J. Car- ter, Mrs. R. Wightman. . Mrs. R. Wightman and Mrs. J. Col- clough attended a meeting of the Hu- ron Presbyterial Executive at Bel - grave last week, •Rcv. and Mrs. L. V. Pecock ar- rived home at the rectory on Friday front Brockville. Miss Eleanor Jackson and sister and party of friends €ram Flint, Mich. have been visiting Mrs. Jackson this week. Mir, William Barr of Detroit mot - The ' New And Improved Massey=ilarris Mower Light Draft, ' High Speed, pOwerful and clean cutting JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. Open Evenings. 1111116191111MINIMI. AMMO. Anderson's Bakery WE TRY TO PLEASE YOU WITH QUALITY Have you tried our Buttermilk Scones, Home-made, Cottage and Brick Loaves i! Variety of Buns, Cakes, Cookies and Pies always on hand. SATURDAY SPECIAL. -Raspberry and Pineapple Jelly Rolls, 15 cts, each, Come early. (I'f we please you tell others; if not, tell us)• T. R. ANDERSON for Economical Transportation Authorized Sales and Service DUNLOP & BARNETT Seaforth,- Ont. E. W. FAWM Mitchell, Ont. ored here from London on Tuesday to , • HARLOCK. visit Mrs. Geo. Collinson. Mr. R. C. Collinson, who has been visiting his .mother and th r sister for two ng a weeks left on Tuesday for his home in St. Paul, Minn, Miss Hazel Leslie of Victoria hos- pital, London, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. S. Leslie, Mr. D. L. Ross, barrister, has op- ened an office over Philp's drugstore, in rooms formerly occupied by Dr. McIntyre. Rev, Mr. Craik of Gorrie exchang- ed pulpits on Sunday last with Rev. E. Anderson of Queen street United r n r Church. MIs. Anderson preached an- niversary niversary services at Gorrie. Mr. Breckeu+berry of Wingitam is Pg seri in a_t the exanuua.tions in d Blyth. Mr. Garrett is at Brussels and Miss Stewart at Clinton. Mrs, Corbett and little Margaret. Holland of Seaforth are spending the week with Hiss Ella Heffron. Mr. Miller, Miss Miller and firs. Meyer of Chesley spent Thursday with friends in the village. alt Bayfield which was given by their teachers, Misses Ward & SItone of the Clinton School of 'Commence an Monday evening. • Misses Helen and Marjorie Mc Ewing convpleted their term at the School 'of „Commerce, Clinton, Tues- day. They received a nutnber of cer- tificates. VA RNA. • Mr's. 'Wilmer Reid and infant dau- ghter are s'pend;ing a few days with Mr, and Mrs, J. W, Reid of the vitt- age, Mr, J. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Thompson, Goderich tp., and student of Huron College, took the services in St. .John's Church on Sunday evening in bhe absence of the rector, • Rev, Paull. -Judging from the wlay Mr. , Thompson conductedi the service he certainly has a :bright fu= tureahe'ad of him.' Mr.. and Mrs, McA.sh of London spent the week end with Mrs. C. Weekes. MI', Wait Webster sipent the week end with friends in Lucknow, Mr, M Elliott of Detroit spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Logan. Mr, G. Coleman stripped live stock to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, "Stockton, who have been visiting her sister, Mr. Elliott, have returned to their home in Los Angeles. The funeral of the late Rev. Georgie Richardson of Waterloo was held on Monday and was largely attended, His death though not unexpected. came as a shock to his many relatives and. friends And much sympathy is extended to his bereaved widow, bro- ther and sisters.. ' The congregation of the United Church are busy working on the new shed. Reid-Trewin-The manse, Landes - boo, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Wednesday. June: 11, at noon, when Margaret, young- est daughter of Mr. Albert Trewin, Hallett, became the bride of Edward. Somerville Reid, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Reid of Hullett. The bride was charmingly attired in a gown of white Duchesse satin, with hat, gloves, slippers and hose to snatch, and }wore the groom's gift, a rope of French pearls, The bride was assisted by the groom's sister, Mrs. Frank M rdh ll Blyth, hile. a a y tt the bride's brother, 'Wil'liam Trewin, acted as groomsman. Immediately af- ter theceremonytheYmotored to the borne of the bridesgrandmother, Mrs, Jahn Leiper, Halltt, where delightful wedding breakfast was served. The bride and groom left amid showers of confetti on a motor trip to London, 'Chatham, Niagara Falls and other points, the bride tra- velling in a navy trico'tine suit, with is e •hell silk blouse sand hat, gloves gg and sand weerin a brown fox hose, g fur. On their return they .will reside in Blyth where Mr. Reid owns a gar- age, and whither the best wishes of their friends will follow them. Miss Anty Parsons, who has ,been attending Normal School Stratford for the past year returned home .Sat- urday. We wish Amy every success. Mr. David Reid, Messrs Leslie and Watson Reid, also , Peter Dunlop spent a few days the end of last week in Niagara Falls. Miss Kathleen Beacom, who had been home for a few days owing to tonsilitis, returned to Stratford on Thursday. • Mr. Charles Parsons motored to London Monday accompanied • with Mr, and Mrs, James Watt, Blyth, to meet their sister, Miss Cora 'Parsons, from New Richrtilond, Indiana. Miss Parsons is intending to visit its these parts for a short time. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Lear and fa- mily are at present visiting in Tor- onto. Mr. Ernie Weeks of Toronto is spending part of his holidays at the home of Mr and Mrs. Norman Shep- herd, • Mr. Thomas Knox is at present re- pairing his driving shed. Last week he had a bee to 'level it up. The W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Bert Allen with a good crowd being present. IA 10c tee was served, Mr, and Mrs. Medd and family, of near Kin'burn visited at the home of Chas. Parsons, Sunday. bliss Elizabeth Morrison spent Sun- day da with her friend, Miss is Marie Rap- son. Ra - son, - (We are sorry to hear that Mr. 'Wil- liam Staples (Mrs. E. Toll's father), is at present very ill. We hopefor a speedy recovery. :Keep June 2 in mind and come to the Strawberry festival at Lontles'bord community hall under the ,auspices of the Ladies' Aid of IBurns' United Church. A good programme will be given by Toronto's foremost come- dian, Joe Williams, & 'Co, Misses Helen -and Marjorie McEw- ing had tea with their friend, Miss Jean Campbell; of hear -Clinton a fter which they attended the welder roast BRODHAGEN. •Mr. and Mrs. John G. Diegel and son Ralph of North Bay motored down last week to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Diegel and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hintz, for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bennewies of Minnesota motored over to spend some time with his cousins, Mr. and Firs, John Bennewies. Mr, Martin MoNeil of Lansing, Mich., is spending the summer with relatives in this vicinity, _ Mr. Albert Reynolds who was in the Brodhagen garage for the past couple of years, has taken a position in a Palmerston garage. Mr. Philip Siebert, who has taken a position on the Toronto,. police force, visited at the home of Mr, and Mlrs, Wm. Roi hi on Sunday. Riehl The pupils and parents are sorry to know that our splendid' teacher, Miss Jean Roy of Bornholm, has resigned, to take up other duties we learn, and Miss Evelyn Wasran who has taught in Ellice for two years hal been en- gaged for next term. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seebach, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Karse and Mr. and. Mrs. Howard Ratz, all from Kitchen- er, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and .firs. Geo. iliogk, Mr, and Mars. Ed. Dressler and fam- ily of Stratford visited with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Diegel on Sunday, Mr. George Simeon, our local con- stable -is now home E stn S tratford general hospital, after his operation forall stones nearlymonth g a ago and he is doing very well. Mr, Russell Sholdice of Walton, ledger -keeper in the bank, is away on his holidays. ,Brodahgen. Rand was to have play-' ed at Milverton -Winthrop football game at Winthrop on Monday night but owing to poor weather the Mil- verton team asked to postpone the game. Our genial barber, Mr, William S. Riehl, is snaking preparations to put up a new barber shop and pool room next the garage. North end of the community shed has been torn down to make room, Mr. Leslie Weiterson of Detroit spent Sunday visiting his wife and baby daughter,titer whoare at th ehome of Mrs. eit rs u's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Hillebrecht, of the vil- lage. - Mr, Albert Querengesser and Mr, Joe. Ulrichmotored to London .on. Sunday to visit Mr, Leslie Marr. Mr. Nwortnan Bode was taken to the Stratford genera -1 hospital Monday lmorning by Dr. Aberhrt 'of Mitchell :for an appendicitis operation. 'Persian,.Balni-the unrivalled toilet requisite. Essential to every dainty woman. Imparts rare charm and beauty to -the complexion. Softens and beautifies the skin. Makes hands flawlessly white. ,Cools and re- freshes. Relieves roughness. Ideal for true feminine distinction. Delicate- ly fragrant, swiftly absorbed into the tissues, leaving no stickiness, Persian Balm invariably creates a subtle cle -gance and charm. STAFFA. Miss Gerrie Stewart, Exeter, spent the ,week end with Miss Norma Wil- son. . Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien and Dr. Harold 0lBrien visited with Owen Sound relatives over the week end. Mr. A. Hicks of Albertais visiting his sister, Mrs, Jae. Leary. We are sorry to report that Mrs. R. Hillery is in the hospital• with a fractured hip. Tie Women's Institute will hold a joint meeting with Junior Institute on Monday evening, June 23 in the hall. Miss Powell of Whitby will address the meeting. - Work has begun at the cemetery. We hope to have one of the nicest cemeteries in the district when fin- ished. ' Garden Party • AND PLAY BRIJCEFI'ELD UINITED CHURCH Garden Party on Church Grounds Friday, June 27 The three- act play entitled'. ' "DANGEROUS WATERS" will be -put on in the basement of the Church 'by the Junior Farmers and Junior Girls' Institute of Seaforth 'SUPPER SERVED 5.30 - 8 PLAY WILL BEGFN AT 8.30 Admission 50c. Children (under 12 years) 25c EVIERYBIO.DY WELCOME COUNTY COUNCIL. (Continued from last week.) nn cts with h roade This 'ts the that co the proposed road in 'Perth County and we understand that approval will be given to this road by the Gov- ernment. We recommend that a by- law 'be passed authorizing your com- mission and the Warden to enter ac-- tions c-tions in the courts to e:epropriate lands and to enforce any rights which the county may have against any in- dividual a u 1 or -corporation in co nnection with the county road system -in the Township of. Howick, the road lead- ing easterly from the west town line near Day's bridge to Fraelick st, fn Wroxeter, thence on Fraelick st. to Gibson st, We have purchased since January one Dominion Road power grader and one Reo .3 -ton truck. :Re danger points on county roads we recommend that the county pay $10 per light towards the upkeep of two lights at Bayfield, Bluevrai'e, Wroxeter, Ethel and Walton. The estimated expenditures for 1930 are $117,500 for maintenance, $19;'945 for machinery, $5,000 garage and shed, 0,600 superintendence, construction 38;021, legal costs, workmen's com- pensation, Insurance, road commis- sion, $3000; traffic officer, $1,800; in- terest4000. terest charges, The construction Workra osed. p P consists of the following: Grants to Wingham and Hensa'll, $9,'821. No. 12, McKillop, improvement at jog, 7800. No. 8, Usborne and Hibbert, 2 miles, $6,000. No. 25, Logan and Grey, 2 miles, $6,000. •No, 27, Ashfield, and W. Wawa - nosh, 1)/ miles, 54•00; No, 1 Exeter, widening grade, $1,800. Bridges; - No. 21, Grey and Wallace, $600, No. 21, Grey and Howick, $600•. No 7, Hay and Stephen, $500. No. 9, Hay, $700. 22. No. and Ashfield, N,Colborne$50. No, $ 2 Goderich Wile • bridge, 6000 g y g, The Property Committee reported everything in good condition at the jail 'and in the magistrate's office and. recommended that the -ceiling and walls of the court room be redecor- ated and the woodwork varnished, the contract to be let bar. tender. The 'Executive Committee reported as follows:. Re grant to the Scott Memorial Hospital of Seaforth made by this council at its January meeting we. reconareend that sante be paid as soon as natter of Legality of same is clear- ed up by our county solicitor,.. Re request of East Huron Women's Institute we reconirnend that same be laid over as we are not aware how many branches are in the county. y. Re communication I 1111Ca'flon of R. Higgins, gg s, Reeve of Hensall, we feed that . Mr, Higgins should not be out the amount of his costs 7127, as the case was caused by the Provincial Act not be- ing 'clear. We recommend that our county officials do. everything pos- sible to help Mr. Higgins recover -this amount from the Provincial Govern- ment. Re motion of 'Messrs Francis and Goldthorpe re pay of committees, we recommend that the mileage should he 10 cents per Wile each way and that the pay of •council and members of coutin'ittees be as at present under our .bylaws, mileage to be estimated by, the most d•ire•ct route. Re motion. of Messrs, Turner and Henderson for a grant to the National Institute, for the B'l'ind, we recommend that $100 he granted. ' Re application of Mr, White, turnkey at the jail, we recom- mend that a grant of $50 be given, this making his salary $960 per an - WOLVBRTON FLOUR MILLS CO. • LIMITED - SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Silverking BEST PATENT Keystone $4.00 per 98 lbs. .95 per 24 lbs.' PASTRY PATFINT $3.45 per 98 lbs. .85 per 24 lbs, Bran, in bags $31.00 ton $33.00 tom !Shorts, in bags Middlings., in bags $35.00 ton Cracked Gorst.. $2.40 per 100 lb. Coottnseed Meal $2.75 per 100 lbs: Winter Wheat for sale , •$ 125 bus. PHONE 51' num. Stranglt:+d with Asthma is the/ only expression that seems to convey what is endured from an attackof this trouble. The relief from Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is beyond measure, (Breathing ' becomes normal and the bronchial tubes completely cleared. This unequalled remedy is use it. WINTHROP. The football game' was postponed Monday night on account of ram. Winthrop goes to Milverton Friday night. Mr, and Mrs, Epps of Varna visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Mel, Clarke on Sun- day. Miss Norine Armstrong of London is visiting her sister, Mrs Fergus Bul- lard. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaw and. daughters, Rena and Helen, o'f Blyth, called on Mr. and Mrs. Eaton on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Blanshard and Mr. and Mrs, Hiram Blanshard, Mrs, Russell Bolton and- Misses Vera and Velma Haist attended the graduation of Miss Bessie Bbanhard in Stratford General Hospital Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs Joseph Dolmage and Mr. and Mrs George Eaton were at Guelph on Mondayg at the 0. A. C. Mumps and chicken pox are going the rounds here. HIBBERT. The regular monthly meeting -of the Hibbert Council was held in Staffa' Township Hall on llonduy, June 16, All members present except Robert Burchill, The minutes of the previ- ous meefing were read, confirmed an4 signed. TheCourt Cott t of �Revisi h gsnout. Assessment :Roll was resumed, but there being no appeals to the Judge filed with the Clerk, the Court was closed and the 'Assessment Roll de- clared 'finally revised and corrected. By -,Law No, '3'48 re Geary Drain De- ficiency; By-law No. .349 re Dow Drain; 13y -Law No. 350 for paying back surplus 'funds on the Cook Mu- nicipal Draininthe Township of Hib- bert, .and Bylaw No, 351 for -paying back surplus funds on the Dublin Mu- nicipal Drain were alt finally passed and signed 'by the Reeve and Clerk. Instructions were Igiven to . the Clerk to prepare deficiency bylaws and sche- dules on bhe upper por'tion of the main 7 rash Drain at branch of the ,MdG so the McQuaid Municipal 1D,rain. Orders for Woad expenditure were issued for $230.00 and general expense $17.00. The meeting adjourned to tweet again in regular session on Monday, July 21 at 1 p.m, --Mrs Kathleen Feeney, Clerk - DUBLIN. Mrs. Win. Byrne and son William. are speudiu'ga few days in Detroit, Veronica ' MdConnol1 . of Mount Clemens spent Sunnday in Dublin. Miss Annie, Ryan spent Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Pat Ryan of Ilib'bert. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Frank Gallagher of Hibbert, who was suddenly taken. sick on Sunday last and removed to Seaforth hospital, is steadily improving, Mr. Lewis Crawford of Toronto vi- sited friends in Dublin on Sunday. Mr. Albert ,Krasner has treated him- self to a new car. STRAWBERRY Festival will be given in Community Hall, LONDESBORO Under the auspices of Burns Ladles' Aid. r Y9 Freda June 27 Ham Served. Programme. -Toronto's foremost co- median, Joe Williams & Co. Admission -Adults 50c. Children (un- der twelve) 25c. Supper Served from 6 to 8 p.m. Mrs, Frank McGregor,' President; Marjorie Colson, , Secretary, 211. CONFEDERATION A fine fast, through train to the West, fine, Toronto daily at 9.30 p.m. for Minaki, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver. EQUIPMENT Radio.equipped Compartment -Ob. servation -Library -Buffet Car with Valet Service; Standard Sleeping Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining Car and Coaches. wayawlUtcll youmoreCanadianNational this train �.�eal.� tat I.On:a1 7i• ai: TO EVERYWHERE 1N CANADA 67 (jlta+ j 111111. nmmn,p n, :auii' t ranote` munnpinIIl .!I '. un:i;hi , nun 7. Y 711111 911 !1 p lintIllii(,/�p Iiy/ry. �IlgliiyiiiG '. f� 7111111 II 71 'y9/ marvel l IIPI r 7 za, Q}j ll IM m i i Ill Ill ,mm�ununnnnnnun,,. � i�liPlAlliiilllnl�IpII111Il1i' Beauty, Conveni• ence and AlloYear- Round Utility Combined in This New McCLARY Combination Coal and Electric Range ready for immediate use of e% ther fuel, without changing a part or turning a lever. J. W. MODELAND McClary's Electric Stoves Phone 143 r 4 Seaforth