HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-06-19, Page 2SALADA quality will always
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‘Fresh from the glydene
Thi Troc
sure of the ijuo1eon
however, and , Toutou snarled beside
me and his steel fingers pressed until,
my neck was numb. The pain was
The woman hissed one swift sen-
tence to Toutou, .and rose crouching
towards, the door. Hugh's Mee, tense
and 'passionate, thundered over the
"I don't give a damn for your rules!
My friend is missing! I'm going to.
A hand rattled the knob of the
door, Helene ripped` off het waist,
dropped her skirt to the floor, and
tumbled herhair over her shoulders
all in two consecutive movements. As
she unlocked the door, she clutched her
lingerie about her." Toutou reached
up one hand, and twitched off the
single light; his other hand compress-
ed my neck and throat so that Lcould
hardly breathe.' Helene, herself, push-
ed open the: door.
"Why the disturbance, messieurs?"
she questioned silkily in French with
the Parisian tang, "In here we nave
illness. Is it necessary—"
One, look was enough for them, I.
suppose: It would have fixed me, I'
know, I heard Hugh's boyish gasp,
and Nikko 's apology.
"It wa's a mistake, madame. A
friend is missing. We thought—"
"Here there are only ourselves," she
assured them, holding the door wider.
Hugh .cursed bluntly .in Anglo-.
Saxon, and the guard joined his voice
in hectic phraseology. Helene slowly
reclosed the door. •
iaa;i3 I -IKON ircliAv .translation of the key to her in Con
Lord Jnme, the Uruauder. sue gtten stantinople. Nobody knows that she
the S'e I L ti Llte Treasure or I:ueoleottknows me or has any connection with
ht c • Lop tin Alndroi..us Th secret;
has been lost.ut the maven Lord any of us. She left New York before
Jana_ discovers It. , i= murdered uYITlncle James arrived, So it would be
a bund eie thugs and dies without reveal -
h n to his ,,,„„es a 1„ the nue, Hugh a perfectly safe in her hands.'
Chrsyyi t-lughthen return:. turns 1'rnm Newlr
Volk to the Yntnily estate tend ..begins a "And in the meantime wed better
scar The thugs full w llitd while all commit tt to memory," I said,
are at` the Ione, a .,i' it ush'q uncle, thea The others agreed to this, and we
house Is -rtt url:ed. \ IUta tarunko. a
' fit'd ,Ir Hugh's, and Jack. cead over the brief transcript oftheNash. who rens the .tory. IVO 11uglis missing half of the instructions until
holm» romp:u,h'"swe had the salient directions fixed in
1 our minds.
We had bags ready for
CHAPTER VIII. all four of us by lunchtime, and ar-
ranged are you going to do with the ranged with Hawkins to send trunks
key to the treasure?" asked Nikka.+after us to the Pera Palace in bond.
"You have it in your pocket now, butt We had just seated ourselves in the ling1 frighten your friends away. - because at Piraeus one finds frequent
it is a long journey to Constantinople, Icar when another machinedrew up Toutou took from one of their bags sailings for Constantinople. And we
Suppose they steal it en route?" alongside, and 14.ontey Hilyer waved a a length of stout rope, and tied my shall book peseage from Piraeus for
Hugh flushed. I greeting. legs from ankle to knee. He then un- Constantinople,: as they `expect. But
1 had thought of that" he said. "Thought you were going -to stay in locked the handcuff. The train' was after we have gone aboard with our
"Er—the fact is—Jack has a cousin the County a while, Hugh, he hailed, already whistling for the station baggage, Jack and I will' leave the;
! Without a word, Hugh slipped in Yards. • boat by stealth."
-a girl we both know—" his gears and zoomed off on first, scat- Helen let Toutou collect their two , "How are you going to manage all
Yon mean you do; I interrupted bags,saw hits to the door and then . g g g
sareasti,.ally. "I'm only her cousin. tering dogs and pedestrians right andthat.' I inter t d
Have you heard from Betty?" n the channel boat again we light. They J k i I ng to tate an -
"Yes, damn you! She and her fa- •m darku
For two hours she shot questions at
ate, attacking the problem from every
A Visit With the Home Folks -1930 Method!
"Have you been home for a visit this year yet, Mrs. Aitken?" asked'her neighbor as they chatted across the
back fence.
"Noe and I'm not going," Mrs. Aitken 'replied. 'That is, not In the way you are thinking of—the old way.
"It's like this," she continued: "Tom and I made.a good many trips home during the year. Often, we went,
without telling mother only to find either her or father indisposed. We could not stay and you can imagine what
a pull it was to leave them to say nothing of the expense and trouble.
"Comingback fromour last
s visit we decided that all things considered it would be far bettor for us all If we
just had a little chat over the 'phone with Mother or Father once a week—then during our regular holidays.
take a trip home and pay a real visit
"We all look forward to the chats every week. They keep us in touch with one another all the time and are!
really so much more satisfactpry than the hurried visit.
"Tom says it is h
Y the 1930 method of visiting. the bons folks."
conceivable angle. At last she leaned with the Orient Express for Constan-
back a trifle wearily, tinople. At' Brindisi we can connect
"We approach Lyons,"she said. 1 with a boat for Piraeus. When we
shall let you go this time, Mr.' Nash, board that boat they will begin to be -
principally because if we killed you it lieve that they understand our plans,
cup e ,
An Irishman went to an Englieb
gentlemanandasked him for financial
help. The latter said to Barney, "But
I thought I told you the last time you
came .to provide for a rainy day."
"Yes," r li d rt "and I i pro-
ep ed•Ba aey, did p
vide for one, but we had two."
EuglIsh rabbit farms produce about
150,000 skins a year.
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left. 0 h switched off the singlel ht. Th " ac an are going
'had the sensation of being watched. went out, the door closed, and 1 was other boat for Salonika and from sal -I
Hallen, n resell, called good -by to us ess' onika we shall o bytrain to Seres in
iter are at the Pero Palace:' l4Iy S
suggestion is that I mail Uncle James' front the dock. 1 The train stopped. Footsteps the eastern tip of Greek Macedonia.
Marrived in Calais and drove to sounded 1
Me. n the corridor outside; a At Seres—and 'I don't expect them to,
WRIGLEY'S is good company
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Aoaasee :...tOSI.we
�- ISSUE No. 23—'30
a small hotel where we secured rooms hand wrenched at the door; and a be able to trail us there—Jack and 1
for the night, The next day we booked guard bundled in, with two people be- will disappear. We shall cease to ex -
passage for the first train to Mar- hind him. As he turned on the light ist. There will be two additional
his face was a studyin
seines, thinking to evade our enemies consternation• member's in the band of Wasso Mikali,
by this procedure, as they would un- The two people with him bolted pelt- my mother's brother, and that band
doubtedly expect us to go direct by the ntell into the corridor, shrieking with will be tcavolPng to Constantinople
Orient Express. terror, • 'with horses from the Dobrudja to
We rather prided ourselves on our, At that moment Hugh, attracted by trade with officers of the Allied de -
cleverness as we sat back in a re- the rumpus the two startled passen- taehments in the city."
served compartment of the Lyons-grs were making itu the corridor, (To be continued.)
forced his way into the compartment,
and hastily making sure that I was for Falling not harmed, untied ane. We then made' Minard'sg ( -lair,
our way back to our compartment.
Nikka and Watkins were overjoyed to She Knew the Type
see me safe and sound again. Nikka, Little Mary Jane and her neat -door
driven to desperation by my capture, neighbor Billy were engaged in an ab -
and knowing ordinary methods of eva- sorbing conversation.
re-entered two other taxis, which we sion would always fail against such "What are anarchists?" asked ,little
had directed in a reasonless jaunt clever thieves, had thought out a plan Mary Sane,
trhough the central district of Paris, 1 which he now unfolded to ue. 'They want everything anyone else
We had lunched at a roadhouse, and "My name still means something to has got, and they never wash them-
returned to the station just in time my people," said Nikka with that selves," he replied.
to climb aboard the train. And finally, I medieval sang-froid which had amass- "Oh, yes!" cried little Mary Jane,
instead of risking the separation, we ed the once before, "My father's tribe with enthusiasm, "I see—they is just
had elected to seclude ourselves in a will fight for ane. But in the first little boys growing up!"
single compartment and sleep as best place, this is what I suggest. Instead
we could, of sailing for Constantinople by the
"What do you say to giving this :Messageries Maritime from Marseii-
Hugh.a lIfkthere areer, kanysfaiiliar!Ourlet
traile s take willthe
exp expect IIS eiitherBrindisi.
faces aboard we ought to be able ted sail on the Messageries packet or else
spot thein. Nikka, you and Watty cant go by rail to Belgrade and connect
mount guard here and protect each
other until we come back."
Our car was about in the middle
of the train, and at my suggestion,
Hugh went forward, while I followed
the corridor toward the rear. I ex-
amined carefully the few persons
standing and talking in the corridors,
but I did not see any one who looked
at all like any of the members of Tou-
teu's gang whom I knew.
I was returning and had reached
the rear end of our car when I heard
a scream Just behind me and a door
crashed open. I turned involuntarily.
A woman in black, with a veil flying
around her pale face, ran into the
corridor, resitated and then seized my
"Oh, Monsieur: My husband! He is
so ill," she cried in Freneh, "He dies
at this moment, I pray ycu, have
you a flask?"
I slipped past her into the compart-
ment, flask in hand. One of the elec-
trics was on, and by its light I discern-
ed the body of a man huddled face
down on the floor in the midst of a
lifter of baggage and wraps. I dropped
the flask on one of the seats, and lean-
ed over to hoist the pian up.
The roan was breathing, stertor-
eusly, long, labored gasps. -
I started to lift him—and my wrists
were caught in a human vice. So
quickly that I could not follow his
movements, the inert man on the floor
had twisted me down beside him, his
knee was on my chest, my wind was "
cut off, a pair of steel handcuffs fQt-
tered me, and as I opened my mouth
to scream a cotton gag was thrust into
plane by the woman, I could see now
that he was Touton or Teodorespll
cleverly disguised. The'woman tosli'
back the veil which had been hanglpk
loosely around her face. I recognized
Watkin's pretty ladvl
She began to searali one.
She o tenet my vest, felt for a
money -belt, felt fAtslde tl..�y. shirt, to.S„k
ray shoes off, examined tlieni Carefully
by flashlight, and made sure I had
nothing in my socks,
There was nothing to he found,
Use Minard's for Rheumatitni.
Mediterranean Express, and watched
the Tour Eiffel fade against the ser,`
We had moved with considerable cel-
erity. Fist, we had loaded ourselves
and baggage into waiting taxis in
front of the hotel. Then we had driven
in these to the Gare de l'Est, dodged in
and out of that whirlpool of life, and
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"My family think it is foolish," said'^
Mrs.' Roberts, "to worry aooet three-
year old Jackie's grammar, when;
there ate real phases' of character de-
velopment to
e-velopnmentto be considered. Just the
name, it seems too bad to allow him
to use double negatives."
"You are quite right; sympathized
her friend. 'I should say a careless
way of doing anything, whether of
talking or eating or dressing, would
have some kind of bearing on one's.
future personality. All habits would;
wouldn't they?"
"Yes, I suppose so. Practically all
the new books on child culture atrese.
the vary first influences, too. Never.
the less, I scarcely know how to pro-
ceed. • Jaelcie is so inpatient when he
is corrected. And his little neighbors
talk like children of the backwoods.
You were lucky not to have had these
troubles with Richard."
"Olt, but I did," smiled Mrs. White,
reminiscently. "Haven't ,you heard
our Hannah talk?- She never uses an
'Isn't' and not only does she hold tee
naciously to the least objectionable of.
its disreputable synonyms. but she oc-
casionally falls back upon the two
worse ones."
"Good gracious!" gasped Mrs. Rob-
erts, stopping a moment to recall what
these were, "didn't. you find it hard
to keep her "
Her companion nodded. '
"For a while I thought I should have
to let her go, surely. But Hannah
had been with us so long and was. so
fond of the children; I couldn't quite
turn' her off because she used the ver-
nacular of her class and generation. I
simply badtofind some other way."
"But what else was there to do?
Could you keep them away from her?"
"No, Marilyn was' a baby, and Han-
nah had full charge of Richard all the
morning, even taking him up when he
•awoke. I worriedabout that part
most. Children are supposed to be
so impressionable right atter waking.
And. sure enough, one day he did
come out with one of Hannah's very
worst barbarisms."
Mrs,. Roberts sighed appreciatively.
"I know exactly bow you felt. Tell
me what you did. I know you thought
of something."
"Weil,. 11 scene almost too simple -
1 made
r e
to hell. Of c u d mild cor-
rections during the day—we all do
that—but I was still haunted by the
tear that those morning'impresstona.
might be more lasting than 1 knew,
We had a learned professor who used
to break into the commonest of speech•
when he became thoroughly absorbed
in his subject."
"We know a case like that" put is
Mrs, Roberts.
"Yes. That was the sort of thing I
should have to work up some kind ot
feared. Consequently, I decided 1
counteraction, and it occurred to me
that if I remembered the worst mis-
takes Richard made during the day, I
might be able to emphasize the core
rect form during the bedtime story
hour. My best success came with
rhymes which I concocted for the pure
pose and alternated witb Iris other
you could have heard us repeating
nursery verse, You would smile it
thein over and over nein."
"0h, that was too clever for any
thing," Mrs. Roberts replied, a bit ot
disappointment in her voice, "but I'm
not the least bit poetical."
"My dear!" exclaimed her conpau•
Ion impatiently, "I don't mean, I did
any epics. Listen to this:—
'I't it "funny
A dogsnhas four legs
While we have only two?
Isn't it funny
A dog says, "Bow wow,''
While we say, 'How do you do!"
Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it? Say!
We're almost as different as night is
from day.'
"Now, " continued Mrs. White, "any-
body could do that, couldn't she? . Per-
haps you don't like the 'funny', but I
didn't find that objectionable, myself."
"No," answered Mrs, Roberts, ab-
sently. "I suppose I could weave in
something about—
"Thereboard, isn'.any .batter. in my cup•
There•isn't any sugar In the sack.
I think 1'11 hurry to the grocery-'
"I won't be any time ill getting
back," finished Mrs. White. "That's
the idea, and the funnier the,. rhyme,
the better Jackie will like it'
"I shall certainly try out your sys-
tem," Mused ber friend, "Mother
Goose will have to look to her laurels
from now on,"—Issued by the National
Kindergarten Association, 8 West 40t4
Street, New York City, Theca_ articles
are appearing weekly i11 pair columns:
Taking Ways i
The stranger stopped outside the
village jewellery shop and gazed la-
tently at a fine display, of silver cups
In the window.
A few minutes later be was talking
to the jeweller in the shop.
"What are those big silver cupg
Por?" the stranger asked, picking one
up and gazing critically at it.
"Those are the cups to beawarded
as prizes at the village sports meet-
ing," returned 'the jeweller proudly.
"For racing?" asked • the stranger.
The jeweller nodded lu reply.
"Well," said the stranger, edging
nearer the door and shill holding tate
cup, "suppose you race me for this