HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-06-12, Page 8'THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1930. wean IHENSALL. Death of Mrs. Thos. Pepper.—An- 'other 'i old resident of Ilensali Passed away in 'Clinton on Sunday, Jane' in the person of Mrs. Thomas Pep - pea Mrs, Pepper has been in poor health for a number of years and last. fall she fell and broke her hips.. She was taken to the Clinton hospital' for treatment and after spending several months there she was taken to the hotter of Mrs, Livermore for nursing and at whose home she passed away. Mrs, Pepper was born in '•Hibbert township on 'October 6,IPS, being a daughter of the late Robert Bell of Ftillert'on township and on October 6 next she would have been 822 years of age. After hermarriage to Mr. Pep- per they fanned in IGrey township for a number of years and twenty-five. years ago they left the farm and mov- ed to Hensell where they have resided since Besides her 'husband 'she leaves to mourn her loses, four sons and one daughter, William and 'Charles Peps per, of Toronto; George of London and •James of Deloraine, Man., and Mrs. W'•illiana Peipper of Tuckersmith township, The remains were brought to her home here at ;diensallfrom whence the funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, interment in the Egmondville cemetery. The Rev. Mr. Doan of Clinton assisted the Rev. Ar- thur Sinclair with the services. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEwan and daughter, Miss (Lillian, of Drayton, visited with friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and daughter of Detroit are spending a week visiting at their home here. Mr, Wm. Simpson, accompanied by his mother and sister, spent the week end visiting relatives here. Mrs. Robert Bonthron has returned home after spending a week visiting relatives in Detroit. County Council.—At the session of the county council held in 'Goderich last week, it was decided to issue de- bentures for $100,000 for 10 years, to pay for r pr highways. Al- though the highways department have been 'building roads in Huron county since 1926, only one assessment of 1 mi11 has been made to pay for them. The payment for 1926 was paid out of the general account of the county. and this $32,000 still stands as a deficit in the general account, as there is a building program going on this year which will cost the county $35,000 and after that the road is to be finished from Exeter to the Huron -Middlesex boundary. After this is completed,. No. 4 highway is to be extended from Clinton to Wingham. The highway debt on the county up to date is $116,- 000 without the amount in the general account and as the building program is to be carried on for a number of years. the council thought it best to issue debentures for $100,000 and clear up the debt to date as the mill levied now will not much more than pay up the building program front year to year. It was the intention of the county, treasurer to sell these deben- tures in Huron county at par, bearing interest at 5 per cent and will run for ten years. This, will be a splendid and safe investment and the local reeves will be glad to furnish any informa- tion, The treasurer of the county, in giv- ing estimates for the year to the ,coun- ty council last week, asked for a tax rate of 7 mills, the same as last year. I -Ie is asking 354 trills for the general account; Y2 mill for old age pensions, 2 mills for the county roads, 1 mill for the provincial highways and estimates a surplus of $23,000. There is a defic- it of $53,000 in the general account, $32,000 of which was spent on provin- cial highways. He estimated that the same tax rates for 1930 and 1931 will balance his accounts. 13y the end of 1930 there will be 500 old age pension- ers in the county. The cost of which will be about $22,000. Of this amount about $10,000 a year will be returned to the treasurer from the inmates of the county home, and as some de- partments are showing a decrease in their expenditure, no additional taxa- tion will be needed to take care of the old age pensions. The old age pen- sioners in Hensall are receiving about $360 a month. This money is being spent in Hensall amongst our business men and there will be no extra taxa- tion. The Lions Clubs of the county in- tend holding a clinic in the near fut- ure where any crippled children in the county, whose parents are, unable to give them proper medical treatment, will be examined and treated free, Mr. Harry Edwards, inspector of the Chil- dren's Aid Society of Goderich, will' be in charge and any parents who wish to have their children examined at this clinic, if they write to Mr. Edwards, he will immediately get in touch with them. :This is all free and is for the underprivileged children of the county. Progressive Convention—On Thurs- day afternoon the Progressive party of South Huron met here in the town hall to nominate a candidate kr the coming Dominion election and also to elect the officers for the year, Mr. Geo. Medd, M.P.P of South Huron, was the +speaker of the afternoon. After a great deal of discussion it was decided to not put a candidate in the field but to leave the fight between Mr. Tre- wartha and Mr. McMillan. Mr. Albert Spencer and son have secured several .contracts for building cottages at the Bend and their car- penters are at work there this week.' Anniversary services weer held in the United Church on Sunday last. At the morning service, the Rev. E. M. Stewart'of Mitchell occupied the pul- pit and for the evening service the Rev. A, E. Doan of •Clinton was the speaker. 'Special music was given by the choir, In the morning a violin selection was given by Miss Greta Lammie and a duet by Mrs. Lee ;Hed- den and Mr. Goodwin. In the even- ; •• fluetby Mrs, (less end Mr. Sherrit and t: `solo by Sam ,Rennie, Mr, Doan was a former pastor here and his many friends were delighted to hear him again, The many friends of Mr, John Var-' ley will be sorry to hear of his serious illness. He was stircken on Saturday and is nolo in the Seaforth hospital. HAYFIELD. :Mr, and Mrs: H. R. McLaren, lllp ements• Several 1st class land rollers, good dump rake; spring tooth cultivator, Masseyeldarris with seed grain attach- ment for sale, worth the money. See our Fertilizer Drills, Soil Pul- verizers and Cultivators, Cream Sep - Marion and Christine, o r g , spent the week -end with Miss J. Stirling, Miss Maud Stirling who visited at Port Elgin and Owen 50006, returned here with them. on Saturday to visit her sister. Dixon and Mist Carrie Dixon•o London spent the week -end with Rev. and Mrs, F. H. Paull, at the Rectory, Mrs. E. Payll, who visited her son, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. Boug of Windsor are spending a few days at their sum- mer home. Mrs. F, Glass of London is .holiday- ing at: her summer hone, Messrs, Laurie Fowiie and Charles Bs'ennan of London spent the week- end with the for•mer's sisters. Mr. Clifford Pollack , of London spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollock,, Miss Nora Ferguson who spent the whiter in London, returned home on Monday. Mrs. L. Woods, who has spent the past month at B•olton Llanding. N.Y., returned home on Friday. - Mrs. R. Saugstad (nee Ruby ;Fort- ner) Wilton Grove,'wa•s renewing ac- quaintances in the vil'l'age on Thurs- day and was the guest of 'Miss Floy Edwards. Mr• and Mrs, Roy McClincheyVecnbd daughters Esther and Jean of berville, Mich.; were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. McClinc'hey. 'Mr. G. Peddie, Presbyterian stud- ent, spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs, A. Sturgeon of Lon- don spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. Kipfer. Mrs, J. Tippet spent Monday m London with her sister, Mrs. Weir. Mr. and Mrs. R. Keiser and lIliss Dolly Ross of Philadelphia are visit 1dr. and Mrs. H. M:c�i li' visit- ing ra and Mrs.MM. Ross. Mr. and Mrs, Duncan M'dCa1lum od Mr. onH idayix and children 'Blyth visited on Monday with Mr. of Toronto'are hotid�aying in Joe•ett's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferguson and family and Miss Ferguson of Toron- to are holidaying en G. Cunning1t'am's cottage. Miss Emily Galt of Toronto is a guest at the Lakeview HoteL Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fitzgerald are holidaying in Deer Lodge Park. Misses Lorna Ashplant, Barbara Fraser, Lucile Hayman, Mary Hut- chison, Hilda Grant, Dorothea Laid- law and Grace Macintosh, are spend- ing their vacation in Chapman's cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. J. J.L. arators and Complete. Line of Farm Machinery: Tractors, Threshers and Trucks. Repairs strictly cash. W. C. COVEN LOCK Agent for -International Harvester Co., Manufacturers of Seaforth • TUCKERSMITH. The many friends of Mr. Lloyd Mc- Gee will be sorsa, to know he is con- figfined again. red to the. house This being the week th Junior In- stitute girls held their mee'ting et the home of Miss Eva Scarlett, Md.Killop, Mrs. D. McLean,. Mrs. D. Ir+apple and• Mary attended. Mr, and Mrs. L Heard of Clinton were Sunday •visitors at the home of ide. and Mrs. William Charters. The Young Peoples ,anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mason and was held' on Sunday evening, June 8. son Charles of Saskatoon, motored Rev. C. A. Malcolm of. Egmondville home to visit Mrs. Robert Charters, conducted' the service. The Kippen Mill. Road, Mrs. Masons mother, for choir under the leadership ofI Mrs. J. a couple of months, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McLean furnished splendid music. 'Mason and Charles are spending this On Monday night the Hiailmesville week in Toronto. Young People presented their play,. Mr. and Mrs. G. Coleman, Miss M. "I'll Explain Everything." which de. McKenzie and Mrs. Wan Cameron at- lighted the audience with + much laugh tended the funeral of Miss Margaret ter. Messrs. Wm. Step'heneon' and Penhale, Bayt6eld, Monday Freda Stelok gave violin 'selections be - Mrs. Watson is in poor health for tween the acts, accompanied by Mrs. the past while. G. Anders'on and Mrs. G. Love on the Mr. Jack Souter of. Detroit is' home organ. visiting his brother Jim. 'Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Sanders o£- Mr. Sandy McMillan of Detroit is London spent the week end with rely spending this week with his parents. lives and friends in this vicinity u d an, 'Mr, Clarence Reichert -af London Business College .spent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. George Greenslade sof near Goderich Were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. L. Troyer. (Misses Agnes and Annie Cochrane of Clinton •spent a few clays with rel- atives in tine vicinity. McI(ILLOP. On Saturday, June 7th Mr, and Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke,sixth conces- sion, celebrated the tventy-�fif14 anni- versary,'Lcf t'heir.ntarriage and were therecipientsof many costly and use- ful gifts, including some from Sault Ste. 'Marie and Toronto, Mr. and Mrs,O'•Riourke',s many friends join in congratulations and best wishes. Mrs. Charles O'Neill and her sister, Miss Anna Delaney, spent the week end at the home of their parents, Mr.' and Mns, James Delaney. • (Several new nail boxes have' been put.up by residents of the eastern end of the sixth and seventh coneessiens, owing to ,an extension of Dublin route 1, a service which is much appreciated. Mr, W. G:,Welsh spent a couple of days in Toronto last week, with his father, Mr. W. G. Welsh, Sr. 'Mr, W, G. 'Welsh Jr,. has purchased a Ford sedan ,from Mr. Daly, Seaforth, ride. "ndstoa `:file and is treating all his Miss Mary Cuthill was a' recent visitor in Stratford with her brother, Mr. Harvey Cuthill end ail Mr. and Mrs. W'imporsy. HILLSGREEN. Cash and Carry Prices CHOICE POTATOES 2.19 Per 90 pound bag .., RED PATH SUGAR 3. 5.3 Per cwt: DOMINIO3 SUGAR_ ,Per cwt. 5.19 FLNEST .RiOLLE'D OATS Per 90 pu :........ , /A� o nd ,.. . aR9 10 BARS SOAP 29c I IIN. I`I I`I C� FI KLIPPEN. Miss Finkbeiner of Hensall visited idr. and Mrs. N. Jones on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, R. Dinsdale spent a day in Stratford recently. Miss Grace Cooper of London vis- ited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Cooper Sunday, Mr. R. Gemmell of the West is visiting relatives around Kippen. Miss jean McLean, Itirs. W. Hay and Miss Wilma Hay are visiting at Niagara Falls. Mr. Henry Ivison is remodelling his house, We are sorry to know that Mr. John Cochrane is not enjoying good health at the present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rush of Strat- ford are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Green and are also attending the Old Boys and Girls' reunion at the Blake school house on Wednesday. .and 'Mrs. James Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McLellan moved their household effects to Mil- ton last weelc. The recent shdwers have helped the root and bean crop. Mrs. Jas. G. Martin of Seaforth spent the week end at the home od Mr Lewis Tebbutt, Bodies' Aid No. 1, ,Egmondville, met at the home of Mrs. Sam Whitmore with a full attendance. Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt took the topic on "Love," tvhich was appreciated by all. -Then. there were several readings given by. others present -and the meeting closed by repeating the Lord's prayer in uni- son, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh McLachlan and Miss Jean Murdoch of Brucefield, Mrs. Martin of Seaforth, and' Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt spent Sunday af- ternoon at the home of John and Will Martin. .lir. and Mrs, Thomas Coleman spent last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Coleman, Egmondville. Mrs. Smith, who has spent the past month with her daughter at Sarnia, is now visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rus- sell Coleman. Persian .Balm—the perfect aid to beauty. Essential to real feminine dis- tinction. Results always in the high- est expression of beauty. Its use keeps the hands always soft and flawlesly white. Indispensable to- the whole family. WEST BRODHAGEN. Mr. Willie Koehler has gone to Palmerston to work with the cons- truction gang near there. Mr. Henry Koehler visited friends in Stratford this week. Mr. Koehler cut his foot severely while assisting Mr. Charlie Regele in Canada Co. work and is taking a few holidays. The pupils of Manley achool have started their summer holidays a couple of weeks early owing to the illness of their teacher, Miss Delaney, Vttork is progressing rapidly on the Hoegy drain. Enrolment 1951 Approved. Form I. The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion OARBROOK FLASHLIGHT .(24641), Will stand at his own stable, Lot 3, Con, 3, Hallett, for the season 1930. Terms: $15. Under the management of T. J. McMichael. FARM BARGAIN 100 acres good land, well fenced, plenty of water, frame house. Barn 60x60. Cement stabling. 50 acres being sown with Oats and Barley. Balance good hay land. A. snap for $5,200.00 with a cash payment of $1,- 700.00 1;700.00 and terms for balance. Im- mediate possession. We also have several grass farms for sale or rent -150 and 100 acres. A. D. Sutherland Insurance, Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds, Etc. PHONE 152 Look and L 0 0 ko ... a Stop, When you consider buying a farm tractor, you buy the one that will give you the best results. The same when buying chicks. 11 you get chicks from our P Bred High Production White Leghorn 'Hens, you will have more u e profits than from the ordinary kind. 'PRICES REDUCED AFTER JUNE 12 710 $10.00 PER 100 Order Early John Eckart Phone 23-23 Dublin R.R. 1, DUBLIN, Ont, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physdcions and Surgeon. Late of 'London How- pital, London, England, Special attention, to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank, Office.>b. Phone No. 5:' Residence Phone 144. Dil. F . j. BURROWS, Seaforth Office and residehce, Goderich' street,, east of the United Church. Goroa, No. 4 for th6e. County of Huron. Telt ueepho — DR. C. MACKAY.—C. Macke honor graduate of Trinity University and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians arid Surgeons of Ontario. Always keep Douglas' Egyptian Liniment at !hand, ready to bring im- mediate relief to burns, sores and felons. Stops bleeding et once. Pre- vents hfdod poisoning. 'Splendid for sore throat and quinsy.,. Have Your Car in Good C before you tape it on the road Check your brakes carefully before you start out on the highway. You may have to depend on them, and they may fail you . to the injury of yourself or others. See that your headlights do not glare. The Night Patrol of the Traffic Police may stop you and issue a summons. Glaring headlights are the terror of night driving. Be careful. Show courtesy to others on the road. Use your common sense in deciding where, how, and at what speed you will drive your car. -, The Keystone of Safety on the King's Highway and all other roads and streets BABYC KS C HIC There is profit for you in the dif- ference. Better chicks for the same money. Chinks hatched by our Huron Mammoth Incubator possess extra vigour, Are you interested ? Well I think so. Write or phone for parti- culars of Barred Rocks and White Leghorn Chicks, to J. ELGIN McKINLEY, Zurich, Ont. 97 r 4 Hensall. CARD OF THANKS. The fancily .of the late 'Mrs. J. S. Habkirk, of Neepawa, Man., wish to thank the friends for many acts of kindness and for flowers, in their rec- ent bereavement. FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Bargain Prices, Several good houses in Seaforth and Egmondville. Improved and Grass Farms, 50 and 100 acres. Drop in and go over our list at any time. A. D. SUTHER- LAND, General Insurance, Convey- ancing, Real Estate, Investments, etc. Phone 152. Seaforth, Ontario. LICENSE PLATE FOUND. +License EV -176. Apply at 24 The News Office. LOST, A ring; on Monday- noon, near .cor- ner of Church and John streets (on Church street). Reward. Finder please apply at The News office. 24 BRIDGE TENDERS Tenders for the construction of two concrete bridges, (d) Sideroad 15- & 16 at •crossing of concessions 12 & 13. (2) At the crossing of the Hoegy mu- nicipal drain on concession 8 and 9; will be received by the undersigned till Saturday, (June 14. Tenders will be opened at 7 p.m. Steel for reinforce- ment'will be furnished by the town- ship, contractor to' furnish cement and gravel. Tender •to be accompanied by five per cent. of contract. 'Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications at lot 35, con. 3, is{dKillop township. 'JOHN McNiAY, Clerk, R.R. 2, 'Seaforth. TRACTOR WORK. 'Tractor plowing. RAE CRAW - FORD, phone 24362. Lot 18, Con. 14, McKillop. 25 DR. F. J. R. FOIRSTER—Eye, Kat Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-- rine, University of Toronto •1.. Late Assistant New York Ophtfts5'., mic and Aural Instit" te, Moore$eld',s Eye, and Golden Square throat ho.= pitais, London. England. At Comm- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday -hi each month, from 1.1 a.m. to 3 pm.. SALE OF HOME 00'OKI'NG. On Saturday, June 14, in the store vacated by Mr. R. J. Gibb. Sale is un- der the auspices df the Catholic Wo- men's League and begins at 3 o'clock. 24, AT.—Graduate .d O DR, W. C S F R Faculty of Medicine, University e1 Western Ontario, ,London. Member of College of- Physicians and 'Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhartls Drug Store, Main, St., Sealer&. Phone 90. ARTICLE'S FOR SALE Wooden tank lined with galvanized iron 18" deep, 8 ft. long,.suitable for water trough. Also set of Platform Scales, weights to 400 lbs. W. G. WILLIS, Seaforth. 25 .FOR SALE. Two registered Hereford bulls, nine months old. One is a right good herd -header. JOHN (KENNY, Dub- lin. 26. PLASTERING. And patching. First class work, Call '240r2'3, ,Seaforth or apply to F. LYNCf8I, lot 14, con. 13, McKillop, or E. Roe. 26 NOTICE. Town of Seaforth. Clause 3, Ontario 'Weed Control Act states `Every occupant of land or if the land is unoccupied, the owner shall destroy all weeds 'design- ated noxious by the regulations as often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the rtpetting of their seeds." Noxious ,Weeds:— Bladder Campion, Blue Weed, Tumbling lMustard, Ox -eye 'Daisy, Chicory, Wild Carrot, Sow Thistles, Docks, (Burdocks, White Cockle, Ragweed (common), Hawkweeds, Wild Oats, Ribgrass, ;Wild Lettuces, Canada Thistle, Stinkweed. 'Property owners are advised to ex- ercise great care in destroying all noxious weeds bedore they go to seed and ithe co-operation of every one is expected in a 'general clean -tip. If`fhese precautions are a not taken, the ins'pector mtay exercise his author- ity and 'have tihe,anenace removed be- fore the weeds mature. JiAIS. V. RYAN, ' Inspector. 25 FOR SALE. A number of tomato plants at the Fair View Garden, North Road, Sea - forth. EDMUND STAIIIFORID, Prop. 24 TENT FOR SALE. Tent 9•r/ ft, x 12t ft., with 3 -ft, walls. Complete with poles and pegs. Used about four months. Material good heavy duck. Price $15.00. Apply at The News Office, 25, Dental. DR, J. A. MUNN, Successor is Dr. R. R. Ross, .graduate of North- western University, Chicago, Iii. Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Sos'- geons, Toronto. Office over Silts hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Pboao 131. ROOMS TO LET. Rooms to let in the 'Beattie Block. Apply to BEATTIE BROS. 24 DR. F. J. BF.CHELY, ,grednat. Royal College of Dental -Surgeons. Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's grocery, Main St, Seaforth. Phonon. office 185W, residence 185J. , Consulting Engineer. A D B. .Sc. Tor ' S. W. ARCHIB L A ( .js O.L,S., Registered Professional Hs- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute .1 Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, - Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for 9t1e Date at The Seaforth News. Charter moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Part lot 13, concession 1, Tucker - smith, house containing 5 rooms, kit- chen. Cellar under whole house, half ac.e of land with a few •fruit trees.. Township taxes. On Provincial high- way, adjoining Town of Seaforth. Stable. Electric lights. Apply to ROBERT MsKtINILIEY, Seaforth. 23 CALVES FOR SALE. bf you want any young calves for raising or for vealang, HAROLD PENHALE, Bayfield, Ont. Phone 5 on 78, Hensall. ' APARTMENT TO RENT. Over Thos. Dickson's store. Apply to E. L. BOX. 1HARO,LD D. ' DALE, Licensed. Auctioneer for the County of Hurons. Moderaterates, and satisfaction guar- anteed. uaranteed. Phone 149, P.O. Boa i3 Seaforth. WATSON AND REIT'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All, kinds of Insurance risks effect,- ed ffected at lowest rates : in First-Cies* Companies. THE McKILLOP r C. Mutual Fire !HUHU ee FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers—James Connolly. Goder-o ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood. Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. ' Directors—Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sear forth, John :Bennewies, Brodbagion1 James. Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc,- Ewen, Ho-Ewen, James Connolly, God- eric'h; Alex, Clinton;Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Wald Robert Ferris, Harlock;, George Mc.. Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents—games Watt, Blyth, rr No. 1, E. Hinckley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray.. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmcuth, Bornholm. James Kerr and Jobe Goveniock, Seaforth, auditors. Partial desirous to effect insurance or tram - act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. BABY CHICKS AND HATCH- ING EGOS FOR SALE From high grade hens mated to male birds up to 260 record. Toon Barron White Leghorn Chicks 12c. Barred Rocks 0,A.C., 14c. Hatc'hing eggs, $3 per 100. Phone 52-23. HARRY KIEIUNE, r.r. No. 1, Born- holm, Ont. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, June 11th. Butter, per lb.. 33c Eggs, per doz.26c-24c-20c Hogs, per cwt. , . ,.... ..$12.00412,30 BABY CHICKS What's in a Chick ? They all look alike; but it's the part you cannot see, the breeding, that counts. Will it lay 100 or 200 eggs ? Will it make or break you T Think it oven . . , We make a specialty of Barred Rocks. It is our constant aim- to turn out the highe•sit ;quality stock, not only ,so faras livability in chicks is concerned, but the assurance of a full egg basket when egg prices are highest. There will be,a'few more chicks this week and "next' at $15 hundred. Wepar have already booked several thousand chicks for next Spring from old customers, the first week in April, 1901, being booked solid. J. !sl S 0 "f"f PHONE 32 SEAFORTHIJ WE REMOVE Live or dead horses and cows free of charge. We pay for the phone call. William `'Stone Sons Limited Phone' 22, Ingersoll Phone 21'5W, Stratford S'PECIFAL— THURS., FRS., SAT. Flirting -,Diverting — Hurting, your A, funny bone COLLEEN MOORE Smiling Irish Eyes Romance from the land of romankr,, Comedy from the home of wit, You'll See The marvellous bents of Killarney's lakes and delis, Hiker- ions ikrtons happenings at an Irish fair, `ie colorful presentation of a Broadiwaaa stage revue, and Colleen 'lit' en idea characterization of a sparkling bit e au Irish girl. (Note.—On account of extra length first Saturday night show will start at 7.45 p.m.) Admission 15ic and 25c MON., TUES., WED, MILTON S'I'LLS and DOROTHY IMacKAILL -in— "HIS CAPTIVE WOMAN` from Donn --Byrne's story "The Changeling" PRINCESS ens