HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-06-12, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1930,' THE SEAFORTH NEWS. GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY 1 1When you 'bats groceries make sure that you get the highest quality ,at the lowest price--dela'l at a store 'that is . owned by a !Member of your Community—see to it that, you yet honest measure and save energy by having your order delivered. A111 this is an easy ' i r is one 1`l e e Cham Stores. matter if you shop at one of the Superior near you to serve you. .. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for Week Enduvg June 18th. HARVEST PURE, ORANGE. MARMAILADE 27C Large .40 oz. Jar POSTiS BRAN FLAKES 2 plugs; 21c, MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, 1 lb, ..59c PINE TREE SILFENT, MATCHES LEMON OR VANILLA EXTRACTS, 2 oz PURE LARD, 1 113r.Tints• ib.31c 3 Pkgs. 25c 3 for 15c 2 1bs. 31c Crosse & Blackwell Assorted Fruit Punch per •bottle 30c Clark's Assorted Potted .Melts, V4.............................2 for 18c Singiapore Sliced Pineapple, 2 s siquets .. 2 for 25c ,Royal York Tea % bb. 28c Sly To'c 8 oz,, bottle 45c Crisco l's 27c 3's 79c 'Clark's Catchup per bottle 19c Sufi Haid Prunes 2 Ib. pkgs. 29c X Brooms, Red Handle 5 string 39c (Ca'p'itol Bsiooms 5 string 69c (Fancy Blue Rose Rice 2 lbs, 19c Kiraft Loaf Cheese, .. . , 1' lb. 34c 5 Ib. box 32c Standard No. 3 Sieve Peas, 2's 2 tins 29c Aylmer Fruit Salad ' l's 29c Centre;Pull Wax Paper 3 pkgs. 25c IOhoice Golden Wax Beans 2's 18c Palmolive Soap 1 cakes 23c MdLaren's Jelly Powders • 4 pkgs. 25c Fray Bentos Corded Beef per tin 23c Libby's Prepared Mustard per jar 14c .Standard Tomatoes, 254l's, large size t 2 tins 29c • Minute Tapioca 2 pkgs: 25c True Lemon and. Vanilla Extracts ..........................1'4 oz. 19c SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY— 14 q,t. Galvanized Pails, each 19c _Oval Eiiamel' Dishpans, each .. .. ,49c Ross J. Sproat [phone A. Jeffery Phone 77 Cream Cream HIGHEST 'PRICES COURTEOUS SERVICES Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full. Call in our cream drawer and receive our services. We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading, and testing. No other Creamery, can do better—"Give us a trial." Creamery, open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont. C. A. BARBER. W. Wi Jyll Walker & . r Son , J. UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING EMBA Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. Just Try It When ybtu feel tired and drowsy, slip around the corner and get .a massage at SID'S SHOP You may come in with n grouch but will go out. with a smile. Phone 125. MANLEY. Our teacher, Mises: Helen :Delaney. teas suddenly taken' with appendaciis last week and was rushed to .St. Jo.: seph's .hospital last 'Thursday where she underwent an operation and . is progressing rapidly. The school has 1 Pianos Toned Cleaned and Repaired Cha.A i Chas. . Ifo e ,�y Phone 327-J. Centre St been closed as it was too near the ,hol- idays to make a ohenge and it is some- what a handicap to the entrance ,class,. Mr. John Murray Jr, wears a smile since last week when his wife pres- ented hini with a baby boy. A large nunvber from here attended the Holy Nance Society ,Rally .at Clin- ton last Sunday. st Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley, were vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. Eckert last Sunday. NOMlNATIONS. The Conservatives have nominated Mr. D. M. IW'rig+ht in North Perth and Mr. J, S. Monteith in South Perth. The Liberals have nominated F. G. Sanderson, M.IP.. in Sou'bh Perth. v1r: F. Wellington I-Iay, M.P., de- clined the nomination in North Perth and another convention has been called, • The Progressives in North and South Huron have decided.uot toput Sot av tip candidates. • A Household Medicine: -They that are acquainted with the sterling pro- perties of • Dr. Thomas' Ec'lectric Oil in the treatment ' Of many ailments would not be Without it in the house. It is truly ,a household medicine and as it is effective in cleating', with many ordinary complaints it is ani inexpen- sive medit,lne: So, keep ' it at hand, as the call for it may come most un- e.dpectedly, 'TOWN TOPICS. Miss M. E. Chapman, of Toronto, who has been staying with her broth- er, Mr. W, • E. Chapman, since the death of his wife, returned to - her home on Monday. The Seaforth Quartette of the Presbyterian Church and Miss Vera. Hudson, reader and impersonator, at- tended a strawberry festival at Cred- iton last Thursday, June 5th and put on their programme before a crowded house. Mr. G. C. Wanless of Pittsburg, fPa, is visiting at the home of his sis- ter, Mrs, G. T. Turnbull. Mr. George Brownlee left Tuesday morning for Toronto and Huntsville. Friends of r , R. F. Jones will be glad to .know, sire was successfully op- erated en in Wellesley Hospital, To- ronto, last Saturday and is doing nicely. Mr. William J. McMorran of Los Angeles, visited his aunt,. Mrs. j, R. Habkirk last week: Mrs. Bertha Dowding, of Mitchell, was here Saturday to see her niece, Miss Florence Knigh't,. in the Scott Memorial Hospital. ' Mrs. George Bickerton of Wood- stock was the guest of her cousin, Mrs, Wes. Note,: last week, Mr. Bickersbon motored here Sunday, Mrs. Bickersto•n returning home with him. Mr. and Mrs. J, Reid and Mrs. Brown of 'Dungannon, and Mrs. S. Reid of Lucknow palled on friends in town and Egmondville last week. ,Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caldwell of near Kilipen were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproat. Mr, Elroy Brownlee of London called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brownlee,' Victoria st., Sunday. Miss Mary Brads of Detroit, has re- turned to the ho'tne . of her grand- parents,. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rckart, meter a successful operation for appendici- tis at ,Scobt Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Flet, and her cousin, Mr. Mc- Morran, visited Mr, and Mrs. Milton Chesney of Toronto last week end. Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Hillis and son, of Toronto, who have been visiting !Mrs. Hillis' mother, Mrs. -G. T. Turn- butl, for'Ehree weeks, returned to To- ronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCaffery of Ellice Township, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan, Huron road east. The Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church are holding an afternoon tea at the residence of Mrs. Best. on June 27th. Mr. Arnold Turnbull and Miss Mil- dred Turnbull of Toronto spent the iwee'k end at their home here. Mr. John ,Hay nI the Mill Road who had his spine injured three weeks ago last Sunday, is still confined to bed. Rev. R. C. MoDermid of Goderich, while on his way to take the morning service in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, had his car badly damaged when another motorist ran into it. A passing car brought Mr, McDermid to Seaforth, Rev. I. B, Kaine ,con- ducted the service in Knox Church, Goderich, Miss Beulah Ashton of Goderich was a guest on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, A. Wankel. Miss Rishton sang a beautiful solo in First Presbyterian Church at the morning service. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Sproat and little daughter spent last week in Toronto; visiting Mrs, Sproat's parents, return- ing to town Sunday. The Ladies' Aid. of First Presby- terian Church are giving a garden party on the church lawn the second week of July. Mr. W. J. Hays of Detroit is spend- ing two weeks' holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas Hays, Eg- mondvrlle. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Golding and two children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Golding, Stratford, on Sunday. Messrs. E. Hinckley, T. Staples, Elcoat and Henry. Hoggarth spent a day fishing at Bayfield on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ritchie of Brussels were guests of the former's sister, Mrs. C. Brodie. on Sunday, Miss Annie Brodie of Grey was a week -end visitor at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of Strat- ford were guests on Sunday of Miss M. Robison, Spariing st. Mrs, Robt. Stewart and Mrs. Me - Culla Sr. are spending a few days in Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. W. Free and son Harold were Goderich visitors on Sunday, Mr. 'W. H. Govenlock of Chicago and Mrs. Bates of Shelburne who were called led to the home of their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Govenlock, owing to Mrs. 'Govenlock's serious illness, " have returned to their homes, During the past few days Mrs, Gov- enlock has made a very slight im- provement. m-proventent. \Tr. 'and Mrs. Best and young son Willie of Pickford, Mich„ were the guests over the week -end of Mr, and Mrs, J. H. McIntosh. Rev. and Mrs. J. Melvin Keys and daughter Mildred of 'Oakdale, Penn., arrived Monday to spend a few days with the fortner's mother, Mrs. W. L. Keys. BORN. iI1AlOI{WELL—In McKillop, on Sa- turday, May 24bh, 1.930, to Mr. and ,Mrs, Thomas Hackweil, a son (,Da- vid H'o'ward). MU11It1tAY• l?dI{illop, on June 3, 19130, to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mur- ray, a. son ((Jeremiah. John). NIOILAIN.-In Hilbert, on June 1, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs, Janos Nolan, of McKillop, a son. FORD.—In Us'borne, on Tuesday, June 3rd,' to Mr, and Mrs. Harry. Ford,, a son (Gorden Clifford). J1ORIDIAIN.-Io Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Monday, June 9. 1930, to Mr, and Mrs. Tranci r , s Jordan of !Dublin. a son. HARLOCK. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'iVlcCutchi- son and little daughter and Janes McDotigal of Wroxeter visited at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Watson on. Sunday, ;Mr, ,Syd. Lansing Of near Summer- hill, .visited at the hone of Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Rapson Sunday.. Miss Kathleen .Beacons,, nurse in training 'in Stratford 'General Hospital, is at present at her ho'tne due• 'to an PAGE, FIV, THE ANNUAL LAWN SOCIAL AND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL OF LONDESBORO UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL Will be held on.the Community Hall Grounds LONDESBORO -on— Friday, June 20th ,6 to8 'lock Supper served from o'clock, after which a splendid program will be given, consisting of a three act play presented by The Young People of Westfield, entitled, "SMILE, ROD - GER,. S•MILE'. They also furnish the pnogram between acts, consisting of readings, solos, duets, etc, Admission 50c, Children 25c Rev. J. E. Johnson, Pastor; Chas. Stewart !Superintendent; Mrs. Albert Austin, Secretary. .(IProgram will be given indoors ,f. wetather is wet.) - attack of tonsitit'is..'We hope shewill soon be able to return to her work. Quite: a .number attended the dance itt Kinburn Friday night, everybody enjoying a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen, Mr. James Neilans, and Albert Lydia'tt furnished excellent music, The Ladies' Aid of Burns' United Church held their monthly meeting at the .home of Mrs. Win. Brown June 4, with Mesdames Brown and Lear as hostesses. A good crowd was pres- ent, The afternoon 'was spent in quilt- ing, also making arrangements for the garden party on June 271 Mr. and Mrs. 'Tho'mas Adams of the Huron 'Road visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Parsons Sunday. WINTHROP. The football game played in Monk - ton, between Monkton and Winthrop, ,Monday evening was a snappy game, the score being 1-1. Milverton team play here this Monday. June 16. Mil- verton and Winthrop had to play off last year so 'this promises to be a tight game. lWe are sorry to hear that Mrs, Mel- vin Clarke is under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bettnett,Mrs. J. Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Little and son Jackie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eaton. Mrs. Robert Hogg and son Ken- neth of Goderich, visited friends in and around the village for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and Miss Margaret Johnston of Varna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Mel Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Hudson of Eg- ntondville spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. S. Shannon. Miss Vera Hoist spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. John lHaist. Mr. John Pethi'ck is building a new addition to his barn. Mr, Wm. Doig and Mr. Alex, Dennis are doing the work, VARNA. On Thursday afternoon, June 5, the ladies of the W.M.S. of Blake, Gosh- en and Varna United Churches met at the parsonage in Varna to hear the re- port of the convention which was held in Goderich May 13th and 14th, and also to spend a social hour. After singing several hymns and reading the fourteenth chapter of S. John, Miss Bertha Diehl and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson gave readings. Mrs. McClymont, Mrs. W. Johnston and Miss Violet McCiymont sang a trio, Mrs. Penrose, the delegate to the con- vention, gave a splendid report. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered her for her excellent report. Mrs, Pen- rose responded, saying it was a pleas- ure as well as an inspiration to attend such meetings. She also thanked the societies for their kindness to her while on this circuit. The Varna la- dies then served a dainty and refresh- ing lunch to all present. BRUCEFIELD. The Woman's Association of Brucefield United Church 'held their regular monthly meeting at the home SPECIAL OPTICAL NOTICE. Have your eyes examined by our well known and painstaking specialist, Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex- pert for Kents, Toronto, and Henry Morgan & Co.. Montreal, Thirty years' experience, twenty coming to Seaforth, You are assured of the best optical work to he obtained and at very moderate cost, \Ve furnish all the late styles of mountings, the; best make of the best makers and our prices are from $4.00 up. Tuesday and Wednesday, June 24 and 25. Close Wednesday at noon. Conte early. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth, Automobile of Insurance WE ISSUE THE STANDARD POLICIES OF THE Provincial insurance Company of England One of the few British Companies operating in Canada today at —NON -TARIFF RATES— SPECIAL RATES - For the term from June 1st to De- cember lst. Phone .us and we will call. This means a saving in premium to you with proteetion, security and the night and day, service of this office. Call, phone or write us for full information, rates, etc. Our ser- vices at your disposal at any Sutherland A. D. Sut d n GENERAL INSURANCE' Conveyancing, Real Estate Investments, Etc. PHONE 152 — SEAFORTH, Ont. dub 00/E R N E T of ONTAO Guarantees Every Deposit SEAFORTH BRANCH J. M. McMillan. Manager Hours' Laity, 9.JU a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. all , tJ Y.40I p.m. Safety of principal! Is there anything more important in saving? No security is more positive than that offered by Province of Ontario Savings Office. The safety of every dollar deposited here is unconditionally guaranteed by the Govern- ment of Ontario itself, Remember, too, that you are free to. withdraw all or any portion of your savings immediately on demand. • Office hours are specially arranged for your convenience and every banking facility is offered. Let us open an account for you today. Even a $1. deposit will suffice. PROVINCE OF9TI\AVINGSN, ► OFFmCE EVERYDEPOS/T6 Mo ANTiBYNTAR/OCOVERNMENT tt � sic HEAD OFFICE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS Seventeen Branches Throughout Ontario. s of Mrs, James Thompson Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The first two hours were very pleasantly spent in quilting. The devotional leader then opened the meeting by singing Won- derful Words of Life, after rending the. Scripture passage followed by prayer by Mrs. Wni. •Rattenbury. The president then took- the chair: for busi- ness and discussions followed which will be announced later. Mrs. Frank Aikenthead kindly offered her home for the next meeting, July 3rd. There were thirty ladies present and all en- joyed a well spent afternoon. The meeting closed by all repeating the Mizpah benediction. The hostess served a very generous lunch and de- licious tea, Mr, and Mrs. Elsley of Mount For- est, spent the week end at the home of the latter's mother, Mfrs. W. Stevens. Mfr. and Mrs, A. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. N. Wheeler and their fam- ilies of Detroit, spent the week end at the home of the former's parents in the village Mrs. L, Forrest visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. C. Landsborough of Port Credit last week. Miss Emma McDonald of Palertno spent the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. McDonald, Mrs. G Hill returned home this week after spending two weeks visit- ing friends in ,Stratford, lir. and Mrs. Monteith .and family, London spent the week end at the hone of Mrs. Janet Ross. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed next Sunday at the morning service, preparatory service on Friday at 8 p.ni. • BLYTH. Mr, Hugh Thompson' is recovering from his recent illness. 'Mrs. Dave Kiehne, of Kitchener, visited her brother-in-law, Mr. Kiehne and Mrs. Kiehne, East Wawanosh, Death of Mrs. J. S. Habkirk—At ,Neepawa, Manitoba, a formes resident of Blyth passed away on June 6, in the person of .Margaret Johnston, re- lict of the late J S. Habkirk. About five weeks ago Mrs, Habkirk fell and since then she gradually grew weak- er. Born at Ayr, Ont„ in 1840 and af- ter her marriage coating to Londes- boro with her husband who taught in Hullett, she tater lived at Auburn and IBiyth. After Mr. H'akirk's - death thirty years ago, deceased lived at Brussels for telt years before going to the West. ,Surviving are two sons and two daughters, John and Joseph, of Fort William; Mrs. Walker ('Jen- nie) oaf Prince Albert, 'Sask., and Mrs. ,Habkirk (IBel:te) of Neepawa, Man.. tAnlather son, Wilt , c I'll lied at Goderich in 014. 'Seven grandchildren and five great grandchildren also survive. The funeral was held on Tuesday 'after- noon itt St. Andrew's United Church, Rev. George Weir officiating. Miss ]essie Somers sang a beautiful solo,' "Good Night" The pallbearers were R. B. M'hJGows1n, Alex. McGowan, R. 5. Powell, F. Metcalfe, Dixon Stake,•, W. J. Sims. Interment was made in Blyth Union cemetery. ,Among those from a distance who at- tended the funeral were Mrs. Habkitrk and son Joseph of Neepawa; a sister and two brothers Mrs. Isabel Reid and Mr, and Mrs. John Johnston „f Ayr, and Mr. William Johnst n of Dumfries; Mr, and Mrs. \\ tiitam Habkirk, of Kincardine; Mr an l 11 :Hill, of Goderich; Mrs. Hes`:', Seaforth, Mr. John Gtarniss was a visitor with his brother, Mr. Geo. Garniss. Mr. and Mfrs L 0 Miller aal s 1[r and Mrs, C. T. Burnside of Go der:. ttsd t .h L. A, C-:_ . on Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the ,Women's Institute will be held in the Memorial Hall on Thursday, June 12, at 230. Mrs. R .Davidson of Dun- gannon, district president, will be present and will give an address; reading, Mrs. Colclough; music by the music committee. Lunch will be serv- ed. Visitors are welcome. W:M.S — The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the Queen street United Church was held on Tuesday, June 3rd. with Mfrs. J. W. Milts presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn 12, the devotional leaflet, Pentecost and Evangelism," was taken by Mrs. \Vightnan, Pente- cost cost w,as a day of power, a day on which the spirit of God manifested himself through the disciples as a po- wer for the conversion of others. The study book, "From Jerusalem to Jer- usalem," 3rd chapter, "The Winning of Europe," was ably taken by Mrs. J. Mills for which she received the thanks of the meeting. a verse of hymn 191 was sung, the report of the fourth annual meeting of the London Conference Btnanch W.M.S. of the United Church held at Goderitch on May 13 and 14, was given by the dele- gates,\Irs. \Vightman and Mrs. Col Clough. A hearty vote of appreciation was tendered them for their splendid reports. The president thee took the chair for the business part of the meet- ing, the secretary read a letter of ack- nowledgment from Mr. Brogden and family for flowers and sympathy dur- ing their recent sad bereavement. Mrs, (Rev.) Anderson closed the meeting with prayer. The quarterly group committee served a 25c tea. Mr. Russell Armstrong and Miss M. Davies of London were visitors with the former's parents, Mor, and Mrs. Martin Armstrong. District Annual Meeting.—The dis- trict annual meeting of the West Hu- ron Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday, June 17th, in the Foresters Ball, Auburn. The morning session opens at 10 a.m. The reports of the different ,branches will be given, also standing committee reports. The af- ternoon session will open at 1.30, Mrs. J. W. Stone, president of Ontario Wo i eats Institutes will he p d resent and n will give alt address; also Mrs. Ward'- law of Ethel Federation Representa- tive, Several musical numbers have been prepared. All ladies, whether members of the Institute or not, are invited to attend these meetings, Lunch will be served front 1.2 to 1 for 25 cents by the Auburn ladies. Wallace -Dietz. — Miss 'Gertrude Anne Dietz, daughter of Mfrs, Doretta I,. Dietz, of 292 South ,Eleventh S•t., Newark, ',N, L was married Decora- tion Day to. Richlard Wilmot Wallace. also .of Newark, N.:J., and fa,rmerly • of Blyth, Out., at the Litt,s " :iotrols Around the Corner, New York. The couple will he at home after June 30, at the Pickwick Arnt, Fare-. Hill. Miss Dietz is a tradua • i "antral Hi '*It Schon,l att.!to J :n -c tt School 't Art's. She is sn .,1•iicer -` both Theta and sand chanters - u: Beta Omicron Sorority. l:a,, went 'Newark eight years ago and has been with the Travellers' Insurance c.last ia.. :tsars. The Orangemen of Blyth L.O,'L. No, 963, are holding divine service in the Memorial Hall, on Sunday, June 22nd at 3 pan. Rev, Bro. Doan of Clinton will be the principal speaker; assisted by local clergy. Blyth Band will furnish the music. Mr, Charles Burling visited his son, Mr. Wm. Burling of Stratford, on Sunday. . Friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Charles Burling has been ill for some time, - Mr, and Mrs. Ray Fear and daugh- ters Rita and Margaret of Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell oft Sur Quiteeida aY number of Orangemen and L.T.iB,'s from Blyth attended divine service in Beigrave an Sunday even- ing when Rev,.Mr. Fowler gave a very inspiring address,- Members were al- so present from \Vinghant, Auburn, and Eth5el MIf s Belle Keatingof Chilton is spending a few' days with her friend, Mrs. Its'aac Snell. Mr.. and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson and family visited friends at Brusse'ls Sunday afternoon. 3-rr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston and Jona spent Sunday with - John and Mrs. Riley of Jamestown. Miss Martha .. Jermyn is visiting Iter sister Mrs. Christopher Rogerson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nicholson, Gordon and Velma, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. S'hoebottont of Bcig•rave on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs John McNichol, also Chas and Mrs. Nicholson and Mfrs, John Grashy spent Sa'tu.rday after- noon at \\'ingham. sssssmom AW BE RR STR Y • a �. Vie` civ • 1. will be given in Community Hall, LONDESBORO Under the auspices of Burns Ladies' . Aid. ■ friday a June, 21 Hann SServed. - Programme.—Toronto's foremost co- median, Joe Williams &-Co. Admission --+Adults 512e,, Children (un der .twelve) 2'5tc. Supper Served from6.to-8P .rn,' Mrs. Frank McGregor, President;, Marjorie Colson, 'Secretary.