HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-06-12, Page 3German Invents
Cell to Convert
Light to Power
Photo -electric Device Also
Expected to Aid Talking
Pictures and Tele-
Bernie—II/deg of energy of sunlight;•
for running small machinery its a pos
sihility •forecast by the invention of a.
Photo -electric cell capable of convert-
ing ha
onverting1Ig it directly into power in useful
amounts, The new cell is the. inven-
tion of D1. B. Lange, of the Kaiser
'Wilhelm Institute of; Silicate Investi-.
gation. Many schemes have been ad-,
vaned for using sunlight energy for;
power purposes, but they have all
teen, heat appliances, while the new
method is au electrical one. I
The device consists of a thin layer
of copper oxideplaced between two'
outer loyers. of copper and may also '•
prove to be a revolutionary improve
inept in television and talking moviug
pictures as well as in other *phases of
scientific application..
The usual photo -electric cells, in
which a coating of potassium or caes-
ium is placed on the inner surface of a
Partially' or totally evacuated bulb, can
be operated only . with auxiliary
sources of electric currents. When 1
light 'falls on these types of cells, the
coatings omit electrons which maybe
collected with a charged electrode,
which is also placed inside.
However, with the new Lange cell
the light Mils on olie of the title lam 1
inatious of copper and electrons are
driven off it and pass through the cop-
per oxide layer, which is of extreme
thinness, only a few layers of mole-
cules deep. When these electrons
reach the second eopper layer they are
converted into auelectric current.,
Tide current follows the light varia- II
Mone Without appreciable lag, due to 4
the short distance they have to travel I
through the thin layers. 11
In recent tests with tite cell, rapidly
flickering lights were caused to play
on it and the resultant currents were is
fed into a loud speaker to produce
audible tone- that followed the rate
of flickering perfectly.
Dr. Lange estimates that his cell is
Effective ipirtiediately
1st per pot.nd reduction on Red Label Wean
Fic pier pound• redudt� _ on Other Grades„
You can now buy from your grocer at these
reduced prices the Red Rose Tea he has in
stock. We refund to the grocer the drop in
the price. We bear the loss.
T. H. ESTA3ROOKS CO. limited
more than ten times as efficient as the'
earlier types, and states that its other
advantages aro that it does not show
fatigue; that it can be opened inde-
finitely with out loss of efficiency, and
that it is much more sensitive to the
infra -red or invisible rays at the long-
onger end of the light spectrum.
! Canada the Best?
Ottawa -02 all countries in tate
world, Canada is the best place to live
in. at tho present time, deelarded Lord
Willingdou, Governor-General, recent-
ecently. IIis Excellency referred to the ap-
proaching end of his tenure es Govern-
▪ or-General and paid a tribute to the
people of Canada for the great khul•
nese and spirit of generous friendship
in which he said lie and Lady Willing -
don had been always received.
Lord Willingdon saki he had been
an agriculturist in the old days, "On
occasions like this I sometimes tlilntc
to myself, "You would have been a
much happier mau if you had not un-
dertaken ail the other Jobe you have
liad in the past 26 years." No Country
had a brighter future than Canada,
His Excellency said, and in a very few.
. years the Dominion would go forward
to increased prosperity. In Itis recent
visits he had eon struck by the evi-
dences of moresatisfactory farming
conditions than he had witnessed
Since coming to Canada.
A Good Brand of Lubricant
"Come asmiling." Only two words,
a dozen letters, but what a vblume
they speak, They were one Melt-
' tive's brief description of how a mese
senger boy responded to a call. It
was the significant thing to the person
who sent for him that he "came asmil•
lug." IIe also may have come arun-.
ning and out of breath but the fact
that his face bore a smile made the
big impression,
Smiles aro not a commodity that
may be monopolized by any one in-
dividnal or group of Individuals, They
are the inherent property of every
man, woman and child, 'Thep' source
is inexhaustible. No matter how much
one may smile and smile, there are
plenty of smiles left for to -morrow,
next week and' next year; They are
limited in output only by the individ-
ual who uses them. They don't wear
out—in fact they keep other things
from wearing out, for they are among
the best lubricattts. And there are
enough 10 the world to oil the path
and lighten the burdens for everybody,
And so whatever and wherever may
ever theper-,
be the activity,and whoever
son may be, 11e widens his field of
helpfulness . it 11 can be said of him
tha he "came asmiling," Whether :in
greeting the other members of the
family et the breakfast table, or his
neighbor awaiting the street car at
the corner, or his fellow woiticers at
shop, store or office, if he "came
asmiling" he helped himself and hotb-
ed them on the road to an easier and
better day of accomplishment.
Soy Scout. Camps
The camp property now owned by
the Boy Scouts of America totals 50,-
3000 acres, with a valuation of more
thou $1,000,000.
Midnight Mission Mends Boots
sassafras upon the rock,
Of Indigent Overnight Guests The bushes In the seam,
The moss where edges interlock,
Confront us, sunk in dream.
is necessary, In a large and commo-
dious laundry a large corps of work-
ers are washing and ironing the cloth-
ing, which is then mended and re-
paired, even new collar bands being
added to the shirts needing them.
It the recipient of this loving care
Itas any work in view for next day,
after his bountiful breakfast be Is
started off to his work, provided with
lunch and carfare.
Supplies to aid iu this good work
conte in great quantities and from
many sources. A leading hotel sends
its beautifully monogrammed dishes
which have become niciced from use;
ntateterias send the food they have
left after the day's business is over
and they have closed their doors for
the night; it canning factory sends the
canned goods which has lost the
labels; bakeries send their second -day
supplies of baked goods; a cracker
manufacturer sends broken cookies
and crackers. Hundreds offamilies
iu the etty send their discarded cloth-
This worth -while charity is made
possible because almost all of Los
Angeles shares in its maintenance and
gives frilly, freely and continuously.
All thus working together make a
complete and harmonious whole, wide
in the scope of its activities and bless-
ing many of the homeless, destitute
and friendless.
Unique in efficiency, paramount in,
service, hospitable In welcome, coin-
plete in its activities, is the "Midnight
Mission"' of Los. Angelos. This enter-
prise is,,ounded on the highest ideals
et co-operative helpfulness and is com-
pletely equipped in its every detail, to
care for the wanderers Who come to
its door.
About 1500 Wren are fed each day
under this roof, and lodging le pro-
vided for many. Each overnight guest
has a regular routine to go through
after bis entrance into tite mission.
First he Is fed, then divested of his
clouting, next refreshed by a warm
bath, and so by these steps tirade
ready for the clean and comfortable
bed awaiting him.
During the night (hence the name
"Midnight Mission"), an experienced
ntau is at work on the guests' shoes,
repairing them in whatever manner
Nurses Wanted
Tho Toronto Hospital for lhcurablod,
in affiriatton. with Be11evue Rua Allard
Hospitals,. NOW \ork Clty, oeors a Three
Yoar'a Coarse of Training to Young.
Women, haviaf the required oducatton,
and desirous 02 becoming nurses. Title
Hospital has adopted tho of4ht-hour
system. - The pupils receive uniforms of
the School, a. monthly anowance and
travelling Munition to and from' Now
York. Por further particulars writs or
apply to the Superintendent.
Atried and trust -3r
friend for 50years.
lF" e►rs�ll;
pr Qp�R.oaSOd TbOS
moot ' eadeking h pelT3te1
Soothn-Salvd ended Itching, pain In 1
c1tef p,Pilessoo.avota,C,Artteteggtul
relief. Pilosvanieh. Avoidaknlfn. Allruggi ate,
The hoof of a horse is really a hard
shell filled with flesh and blood. The
section of the hoof into which the
shoe nail is driven is only about one-
eighth to throe -eighths of an knelt
Learn. Watchmaking
Light Interesting Work
Good Watchmekera (either sex)
can earn good money
For information write the
UF,toUINF '.."
`y40F MAGrx ye.S`
4. 0
For Troubles
due to Acid
Just a tasteless dose of Phillips'
Milk or Magnesia In water. That is
an alkali, effective, yet harmless. -It
has been the standard antacid for 50
years among physicians everywhere,
One spoonful will neutralize at once
many times its volume in acid, It is
the right way, the quick, pleasant and
efficient way to kill the excess acid.
The stomach become sweet, the pain
The fugitive white butterfly
Is as the ancient crow;
Alike they wander in from sky,
Alike, impassive, go.
But silver fish that make a splash.
And rippies sliding under,
Have power to startle like a crash
Of February thunder.
Oblivious to the ticking clock
And us who go and conte,
The colored light Tows up the rock,
The ant pursues its crumb.
departs, You are happy again in five
Don't depend on crude methods, Em-
ploy the best Way yet evolved in all
the years of searching, That is Phil-
lips' Milk of Magnesia.,
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi
clans for 50 years in correcting excess
aetds. Bach bottle contains full direc-
tions—any drugstore.
Thin, Weak Children Need
Baby's Own Talblets.
Malnutrition, et -inability to derive
nourishment from food, is a common.
trouble with little children and is en-
tirely due to stomach and bowel weak-
ness. Another cause of loss of flesh
and sleep is worms.
To correct stomach and bowel trou-
bles and thus banish constipation and
indigestion, break up colds and sim-
ple fevers; expel worms and allay the
Pain which accompanies the cutting of
teeth is what Baby's Own Tablets
were designed for: They never fail
to be of aid and can be given with
safety to the youngest babe,
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mall at 26
cents a . box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co, Brockville, Out
Jones had started the day Very bad-
ly. Getting out of bed that morning,
he had stubbed his best corn on the,
Arriving down to breakfast he found
that his post consisted of an Income-
tax form and a number of tradesman's
Daring the meal he grumbled at the
weakness of the porridge and tite age
of the eggs, and complained that the
toast was like a cinder.
Mrs. Jones, however, smiled serene-
ly and remained silent. At last Joues
was ready to depart for the office.
Snatching up his umbrella, he dashed
for the door without giviug hla wife
the usual morning kiss. "
Barely had he left the front garden
than his wife opened the door and
1 nt.
called to hi
"Well, what is it?" he snapped Ir-
ritably from outside the gate.
"You're Forgotten something, dear,"
she coolly replied.
"Have I?" be asked, mystified.
"W'hat ig 11?"
' "Darling," answered Mrs. Jones,
putting on one of her best smiles, "you
forgot to slain the door!"
Minard's Checks Falling Hair. •
Florida St.feWberried,
Florida's strawberry cr0I1 1111* yields
nearly 20,000,000 quarts annually, with
a revenue of more than $4,000,000.
ISSUE No. 22—'302
Punishment -Wise
Or Otherwise
Lenora Bailey
Joan was having a delightful time
entertaining her cousins, Elizabeth
and Ben, and two little neighbors,
Louise and Jimmy.
The five children had played games,
eateu ice-cream and plain calve, and
now were resting in the cool shade
of the plum trees.
"Oh, dear, look at the spots 011 my
dress," said Louise.
'Will ,your mother spalls You?" ask-
ed Elizaebth,
"No -o -o -o. I don't think so."
"'Course she won't spam; you unless
she gets mad with you 'cause she will,
bare to 'w'asii the dress," remarked
"My daddy doesn't whip me unless
he catches me doing something bad;"
volunteered Ben, 'so I sure try to keep
hint from fluffing' out what I do."
"My father spanked me, yesterday
'cause I tools some of his tobacco for
Roy and Peter.. I .don't thiulc he
should be so mean. 1 -le had a lot of
tobacco and I know he out dn't miss
what I took," was Jimmy's contribu-
"Olt, but he punished you so you'd'
remember not to take what didn't be-
long to you," explained Joan.
'Aw, no, he didn't! He t " it just.
'cause he wanted the tobacco all for
himself, When I get as big as he is
I'll take all I want, and I bet he won't
whip ine."
"Mother got mad and spanked me '
because I didn't know she wanted me
to watch tite baby and he pulled a
knife off of the cabinet and cut his '
finger," thoughtfully said Louise. '
"Well," said Elizabeth, "Mother
sure did spank me last week for los-
ing her riding whip, and I had never
touched it. She found it in the para- I
sol rack where she had put it herself."
'Mother hardly ever spanks me,"I
said, the little hostess, "and then it is
just to make me remember not to do
the bad things again. She hates to
do it, too—"
"Olt, gee, my mother doesn't hate
to," interrupted Jimmy. "She just gets
mad and takes her spite out on me
Over just anything."
'We both cry when my mother has
to spank me. Wo don't either of us
like it. But it sure makes me remem-
ber not to do things she tells me are
wrong," continued Joan.
A11 were silent for a few minutes
thinking the thoughts of Little people
about the unfairness of adults, per-
"Let's play tag some morel" sud-
denly exclaimed Elizabeth. "You are
it, Jimmy," and away they went—
entchildish philosophy forgotten- for the
Of the five, oue, only, had au$ men-
tally wholesome idea of the value of
punishment.—Issued by the National
Kindergarten Association, 8 West 40th
Street, New York City. These articles
are appearing weekly in our coiumus.
What Is Highbrow?
Too Much Education?
"A highbrow is one who has been
educated above his intelligence," was
the auswer given by Ivor Brown, dra-
matic critic, to a question by Sir Ern-
est Wild, IC.C., the Recorder, during a
mock trial held recently at the London
School of Economics.
The "trial" was of James Agate, dra-
matic critic of the British Broadcast-
roadcasting Company, who was charged with
"falsely pretending to be a highbrow."
He was found "not guilty."
Who Has Lost Her Charm and
"She seems to be losing her looks."
This remark is often beard. about girls
who were once noted for their spark-
ling eyes, their rosy cheeks and their
vitality, . The cause is not far to .seek
—they have become anaemic; that ee.
counts for the pallor and the loss of
charm. The anaemic girl, if she neg-
lects her health, may be a sufferer all
her life.
Take heed, yon pale, anaemic girls.
Plenty of fresh air, uouriehing food
and rest will help you, but what you
need most is good blood. Those
wretched headaches; that fickle appe-
tite and those terrible heart palpita-
tions can only be banished if the blood
Is rich, red and pure.
Good blood—the kind that brings
good health, is created by Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. The whole mission
of these Pills is to build rich, rod,
health -giving blood, The Pills are
sold by all dealers in medicine or .by
mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
"A Scottish Backwoodsman
Ciasai saki Aovertlsnag
Cycle Works, 413 Spadina Avenue,
• HA IS1, OH U.111 5—wla nal Laino
• 215,505 test year in tour varlo-
t" . Write 1'or free catalogue, A- H.
Switzer, C,ranten, Ont.
and Barred Plymouth stook Baby
Clucks, wonderful winter layers, We have
for 27 sears, Pelamer4
POUlkry,IPat•n1, Stratford, Onta.Io,
"T1tENT" MAY AND 311558
Chlekq always popular. Roekra,
Wyandette.i,-Legttorns, ?;'res
folder' "Pin Money" desoribes
why their breeding "tells In tha
nest Order early and save,.
Trent Electric Hatchery, Trenton, Ont.
DOCKS, MAY„ 1So; 7'1530, 1.70; 01541-
I3ORNS, May, 170; June, Iso, t00%
live delh•ory guaranteed. Tvxpress pre'•
paid on_250 or more chicks. S week o1Q
pullets $1,40 each and up, Catalogue
free. 0. R. Guild and Sons, Box 8,
Rockwood, Ontario,
i4, 1, t%a, 4 and 8 Horsepower, all le
good condition, Cheap for immediate
ale. H. Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street
Speaks on the Woodland «crib morn stomach trouble, Can eat anything;!
Kirk" writes Mrs. E, White, Thousands say indlges-
da tion, hearthurn, gns vanish like magic with
Pruit...three". Constipation, sick headaches
end overnight. Nerves, heart quiet, sound sleep ai
once. Rheumatism files away. Complexion clears
Quick, Get "Pruit.a•tives" from druggist today.
By D. P. Graham, aged 12
Canna ye hear the bluebdls single'?
Canna ye hear the Birds' Choir single'?
Canna ye hear the Jack -in -the -Pulpit
Preach his sermon to many a culprit?
The bluebells are ringiu'
Towake Wake -Robin; EAT ANYTHING
The mourntingingdove's in ecstasies,
Her heart's jist throbtiin'
Here' you have the Woodland Kirk He dearly loved a rich tit -bit. Tho
Vnderneath the shady Birk.
Ye canna do this?
Hoot, Mon!! conte on and live!
Women in Alberta
According to an act passed by the
Alberta Legislature, women are now
eligible to hold any civil or judicial
Irrigation in India
About 26,000,000 acres of land in
India have been brought into produc-
tivity through state irrigation works.
1 Judging front his frequent changest
of allegiance, "the Christian general".
in China isn't so much a soldier of
the cross as of the double cross.
A man often repents that he has
spoken, but seldom Utat he has held'
his tongue, -Or. Fu
The Humming -Bird
A flash of harmless lightning,
A mist of rainbow dyes,
The burnished sunbeams brightening,
From flower to flower ha files;
While wakes the nodding blossom,
But apt too late to see
Whatp hath touched her bosom
And drained her neotary.
Use Mlnard's for Burns.
First -Aid
spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak.
Whenever he ate anything rich, hie boys
used to say, " Poor dad, he will pay the
penalty to -morrow." Read the sequel
in hie own words :•—
• Since taking the regular dose el
Eruschen Salts it is quite different, and
my boys enjoy themselves seeing me
cat what I dare not touch before. My
eldest son was the same, but since he
has taken Kruscheu Salts he can eat
and enjoy Whatever is put in front of
Modern artificial conditions, errors of
diet, overwork, lack of exercise, and
so on, are bound to have injurious
effects in the long run providing due
precaution is not taken.
iiruschen Salts should be your safe-
guard. Besides cleansing the body of
impurities gently, surely and painlessly,
they possess a vital power of giving new
life and vitality to tate countless millions
of cells of which every body is composed.
That is why physicians never hesitate
to recommend Iirusclten Salto.
"Skinny! 1 Gained
For all pains and aches, foot ll Lbs in 3 'Weeks
troubles, cuts and bruises, or
general massaging purposes, Boy Friend
Minard's simply can't be beaten. and atEE
So easy to get quick relief and pre-
vent an attack in the future. Avoid
bromides and dope. They relieve quick -
1y but affect the heart and are very
dangerous, They are depressing and
only give temporary relief, the cause
of the headache still remains within-
1The sane and harmless way. First
correct the -cause, sweeten the sour
and acid stomach, relieve the intes-
tines of the decayed and poisonous
food matter, gently stimulate the liver,
start the bile flowing and the bowels
pass off the waste matter which causes
your headache, Try Carter's Little
Liver Pills, Druggists 25c red pkgs.
^.titer trytug several
tonics tried Ironized
Yeast. In 8 w e e it s
gained 11 lbs., new
eompiexion, round
limbs; best of all a hos
friend."—S. 11T. Saline..
Sten utter women aro amazed at
gain of 2 to 15 Ibe. in 2 weeks. Ugly
hollows vanish. Deny limbs tumid
out. Sallow, blemished skin gets
clear and rosy like magic. Nervous-
ness, indigestion, coustipatimt mean.
pear overnight. Sound eleen. New
pep from very first dap.
Two great tonics iu oue--apectal
weight -building MIalt ' ent and
strengthening Iron. Pleasant little
tablets. Far stronger than unntedi.
Bated yeast. Results in ; time. No
Yeasty taste, no gas.
Don't go round "skinny," ugly. ate
attractive. Get ir0nized Yeast from
druggist today. Feel great tomorrow.
Stoney hack Pram manufacturer if not
?etighted with rosette,
All children are subject to Hula
upsets. They come at unexpected
times. They seem twice as serious
in the dead of night, -But there's
one forms of comfort on which a
mother can always rely; good old
Castoria. This pure vegetable
preparation can't harmthe tiniest
infant Yet mild as itis, it soothes
a restless, fretful baby like nothing
else. Its quick relief soon sees the
youngster comfortable once more,
back to sleep. Even an attack of
Th mbyP
neither 0pplum,Ppri ngc,
Constipal"na 40W"ho
n4 Few
rcsullinQl>_areaant=-nl sae'
th5lmle s.t wrens
colic, or d arrhea, yields to the
soothing influence of Castoria.
Keep Castoria in mind, and keep
a bottle in the house—always.
Give a few drops to any child
whose tongue is coated, or whose
breath is bad. Continue with
Castoria until the child is grownl
Every drugstore has Castoria; the
genuine has Chas. H. Fletcher's
signature on the wrapper.
"Your Vegetable Com-
pound is a good medicine.
Anyone who is in poor health
should not hesitate to try it.
When I was taking the Vege-
table Compound
tab e I 'tried d Ithe
sample Liver Pills I found in
the package. I have taken
them every night since and I
can feed myself improving. 3
am so thankful for the goo
they do me that havti told
severaj women about tt.•—
ivirs. G. W. Posliff, 263 Huttin
St., Stratford, Ontario.