HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-04-24, Page 8PAGE ETGI2T THE SEAFORTH NEWS. - THURSDAY, APRIL 24; 1930. HENSALL. (Air, Arthur Ford, editor of the Lan' don Free Press was in the village foe a whi'l'e. Thursday evening,e on his way to Goderich where he we going • to speed the holiday with his father,. RevMr, Ford, Mise Etta Bell of London spent the weelc end at her hoene here.' Se`alvIces in the United Church were largely attended with Rev., Arthur Sinclair having charge of theser-• vices;aand, special Easter music was giveur'by.the choir. In the Morning a duetewes given by Messrs. S'herrit and Goodwin and in the evening a trio by Mrs, Joynt, Mrs, Sinclair and Miss Lonnie, and a duet by Mrs. Hedden and yrs. Hess. In the morning Holy Communion was observed. Miss Mie Bell of London spent the Easter holidays at her Nome here. Miss Lula McIDonaid of Toronto spent the week -end at her home here. Mr: and Mrs. Bertram North of Woodstock spent the week -end et the homer of 'Mrs. North's parents, Mr. M and ns. R. Higgins. \Mss •Helen Elder of Guelph spend the Easter holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E'ld'er. Miss Stella Dngrean of London' spent the holiday at her hone here. Miss Mattie Ellis is visiting far a few days with friends in Goderich, Miss Dorothy Corbett of Hay is: spending a few days here with her sister,. Mr. Roy MaLaaen. 'Reeve Robt, H'igggins spent Tues- day and Wednesday attending a meeting of the Huron County Old Age Pension Board at Goderich. Mr. Alex. Me`Mlurtrie of Toronto visited over the 'holiday with his mother here. On Saturday 'last Mr, Alvin Wurm purchased the Jas, Dick farms about' three miles south of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs., Wurm and family are this week moving to their new home. Th ladies of the congregation of the Carmel Presbyterian Church held a pie' social In the basement of the Church on Wednesday, Apr. 23. A splendid programme was given and a large crowd ,present, John Alexander Leiper -There pass- ed away another of St. Catharines. highly esteemed sons, John Alexander Leiper. Born in St. Catharines, if he had lived until the 19th of April, he would heve celebrated his 78th birth- day. His illness was of a short dura- tion. The deceased was the youngest son of= Margaret and Denny Leiper, who came to St. Catharines, Ont., in 1831 from the County of Armagh, Ire- land. The late Wm. Leiper was one of the oldest members of Knox Church, his parents being members of Kaiox Church when it was started on Centre Street. The late Mr. Leiper leaves one son, Walter D. Leiper and his second wife, Mary Carlisle. The deceased was associated with Whit- man & Berne Mfg. Co. far over 30 years. He was a past toaster of St. George's Lodge, A.F. & A.M. and a member of Mount Moriah Chapter. In- terment took place at Henson on Thursday, April 17th, from his late residence at 2 p.m, The funeral of the late Noah Hor- ton, who died at his home,, a few miles east of Hensall, on Friday last, was held on Tuesday afternoon with the Rev. Arthur Sinclair officiating, interment in McT,aggart's cemetery. Passion services were Veld in the United Church each evening last week. On Friday evening a number united with the church by certificate and profession of faith, Mrs. Ernest Moodie ,left last week for her home at Brandon, Man„ after an extended visit with friends here. Mrs. Andrew Dougall has rented from Mr, C. Vol'land the property that he recently purchased from Mrs. T. Simpson. Dr. and Mrs, Smith of Toronto spent the Easter holidays at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty. arsasoUnswourcUrsusitUfruisutuarriurnrurausUamo , t;: ]E,R]F 4 APPEARANCE !PERFORMANCE ,COMFORT VALUE rndHEN first presented, the neer Durant 6-14 was conceded to. possess the modern qualification . . APPEARANCE. A demonstration immediately disclosed a second -equally important qualification, namely, COMFORT, ' By actual road test, the Canadian public is discovering that. PER- FORMANCE ranks with Appearance and Comfort and that these three modest qualifications are combined to create a new era in' motoring, and a new standard of automobile VALUE. Your opportunity to prove the merits of the 6-14 eb your own personal satisfaction, awaits you at your nearest Durant dealer's' The Duran Four continues as an important unit among Durant products DUftANT MOTORS of CANADA, SiMI'r'do TORONTO - ,(LEASIDE) CANADA Durant, Six Cylin kr,'Sperial:Sedan Model "644" • Scott I-lawthorne SEAFORTH mplements. Several 1st class land rollers, good dump rake; spring tooth cultivator, Massey -Harris with seed grain attach- ment -for sale, worth the money. See our Fertilizer Drills. Soil Pul- verizers and Cultivators, Cream Sep- arators and Complete Line of Farm Machinery. Tractors, Threshers and Trucks. Repairs strictly cash. STANLEY. Miss Edna Hodgson of Wilton Grove, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Har- old Penhale, for a few weeks, - Mr. and Mrs, John Scotchmer, who attended the funeral of the latter's brother, Mr. Charles Galster, of Mich- igan, have returned home. MIesers.'Harold and Robert .Penhal'e motored to St, Thomas on Saturday last, bringing home a truckload of calves, Miss Vine Herbert, teacher of S.S. No. 4, Stanley, has left for her home in Mitchell to spend her Easter holi- days. Glad to report that Mrs. John Scot- chmer,'who has been quite ill, is im- proving nicely. Misses Elizabeth and Mary Snow- den are spending their Easter holidays with friends on the Bronson line. The following is the report of t'he Raster examinations held at S.S. No. 4 North, Stanley: Sr. IV. -Maria Holmes 70 p.c. Jr. I'V.-John Watson 64, Gordon: Scotch'mer 62, *'Beatrice Houston 56. Sr, I'III.-1Keith Westlake 60. Jr, 'IL -Stuart Watson 64, Bert Greer 63, Antoinette Rau 59. Sr, First. -Wilfred Rau 71. Jr. First, 'Melviin Greer 83, Gordon Westlake 80, Billy Armstrong 76, Ethel Watson 66, Madge Houston 96. Primer. --Andrew Rau 59. Those marked: (*) were absent for one or more examinations. Vin's Herbert, Teacher, Mr. 'Jas. Mc0linchey, a former re- sident of Shanley, passed away sud- denly et the home cif his daughter, Mrs. Jas. M. Reid, of Clinton, on T'hursd'ay. April 1,7lth. Mr. MoClin- chey was born 'about 63 years ago on Goshen Line, Stanley. He was bhe 51th son of the lade Henry McC1inich- ey. When he was a young man he ittoved to Adelaide, Middlesex Coun- ty, where he made his .home for a number of years. His wife, (former- ly Mass Mary A. Watt) predeceased him about 1'5 years ago. Two daugh- ters 'remain, Mrs. Jas, M, • Reid, of Clinton,; and Mrs, Lloyd Keys of Stanley. Wlith the former'he has made his .home clueing the last few years:' Also three brothers and 4 sisters survive, viz., George, Albert and Ar'thu'r, Mrs. J. Stephenson, Mrs. Wm, Bart, Miss Eliza and Miss Ellen, all Of Stanley. The funeral was held on Saturday to Adelaide, Rev. ' A. E. Doan of Clinton, of- ficiating. W. C. GOVFN LOCK Agent for International Harvester Co., Manufacturers of Seaforth Miss Annie Consitt, of I-Hensell, spent a few days visiting Mrs. C. J. Dowson. :Miss Zetta Merner is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Merner, Mr. Ruskin Keys of Ford City, ;pent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Keys, on Babylon. Mr. Cecil Wiley of Detroit spent a few days at the home of his sister, Mrs. Will Reid. - • Miss Roxie Palmer of Hamilton spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Will Jr. IL -Mary Farquhar 79,3, *George Clifton 65, Kathleen Jones 62,3, • Sr. I. -Eric Switzer 68.4. Sr. Primer. -Mervin Hayter, Ken- neth McKenzie. •Highest marks obtained in following subjects were: Arith•--.Andrew Mc- Kenzie 99, Lit.=Audrey Cochrane 82. Art -Wesley Jones and Margaret Mc- Kenzie 46, Geog.-Andrew McKenzie 98. Spell. -Mary Aldrich 49. Comp. - Andrew and Margaret McKenzie 88. Gram. ---Mabel Talbot 79, Hist, -An- drew McKenzie 98. Read. -Margaret Jones, Andrew McKenzie and Mary Farquhar 45. Writ, -M, McKenzie 47. Lest spellers in each class for month of March were: Sr. IV -Mabel Tal- bot. Sr. III -Margaret Jones. Jr. III. -Audrey Cochrane. Jr. ' IT -Mary Farquhar. Best spel'l'er in school for month of March -Margaret Jones. Number on roll, 21; average attend- ance for March, 18.7. Jean E. McKenzie, Teacher. Miss Olive McCarron of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. McKenzie over the week -end. Miss Erna Hyde is spending her holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jiro, Hyde. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Switzer and family visited the letter's patents, Mr. and Mrs.• Currie of Clinton on Sunday. The following is a report of the Easter exams of S. S. No. 4, South Stanley. Those absent are marked with an asterisk. Sr. IV: Jenevieve Etue 77, Elizabeth Snowden 74, Jean Carnie*, Jr. IV. -Mary Campbell 75, Anna Cleave 75, Milton Talbot 72, Robt. Carnie 67. Jr. UIS. -Asa Steckle 66, Kenneth Etue 64, Ilene Talbot 60, Mabel Hohner 51. II. - Bertram Carnie' 71, Robt. Turner 67, Mary Snowden 60, Leonard Etue 54, Mervin Gerber*, Sr. I, Violet Turner 70,. Buelah Dueharme 65, Jimmy Cleave 65. Jr. 1, -Delores D'ucharme 68, Melvin Gerber*. Teacher, Mrs. R. F. Scotchmer; Reid, Varna. ° Mrs. McKee, of Toronto, is at pre- sent visiting her sister, Miss Marg- aret Sparks at the old home on the Bronson Linea Miss Margaret Douglas, who is at- tending Normal at London is spend- ing Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. N. Douglas of Blake, Miss Margaret Tough of Moorefield is spending the holiday week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tough, On Saturday last Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Howard of Exeter motored to the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Carnie, accompanied by Miss Mari'bel Carnie, who is pursuing her studies at Hen- sel! High school hhtr. and Mrs, V. Gerber and fam- ily spent a few days at Hamilton last week. Miss Maribel Carnie visited friends at Toronto, Galt and Dundas during the holiday's. - The following is the report of tlae Easter examinations for S. S. No. -7, Stanley. Pass 60 p.c.; honours 75, Sr. IV. -'Helen Anderson 83, Irene Turner 69. Sr. DIS. --(Jeanette McA'14ister 80, Witmer Turner 70, Doreen Reichert 69, George Stephenson 515. Jr. IDL -,Allan Love 73, Billie Reid 66, Sr, IT. -Stewart Turner 77. Julene Stephenson 66. Jr. IT -.--Margaret Reichert 72. Pr. (a) --Margaret TJove 93, Ruth McAllister 77. Pr. (b). 'Gordon Johnston, good; Ivan Stephenson, good. T. S. Beattie, Teacher. The following are the results of the Easter examinations of S. tS. No. 14, Stanley, An asterisk before a pupil's name Indicates examinations missed, Sr. TV. -Margaret McKenzie 82 p.c,,, Laura Belle Wright 79.4, Mabel Talbot 63.2. Sr. TILAn'drew McKenzie 93, Wil- mer Jones 72.8, Elmer Hayter 71.1, Wesley Jones 63.4, Alex, McBeath 62,7, MIary Aldrich 622. ' Margaret Jones 61. • Jr. III.- Audrey Cochrane 67.8, Harvey Hayter 64,4, Mary Cameroac 55;3, Harold Jones 5'1.9, Aubrey Far - either ' 47,3. The Huron Presbyterial 'Conference of the Women's Missionary Society will convene in Seaforth North Side United Church on Wednesday, April 30th. PINT PAINT WITH FLO-GLAZE PAINT CASH ,P.RI'C,ES 4x6 BARB WIRE . ' ' e $4:00 2x5 BARB. WIRE $3.75 LONG HANDLE SHOVEL '$1.25 HEAVY RUBBER. BOOTS $3.29 BEST 'QUALITY SWEAT PAD 63c GRANULATED SUGAR $5,49 MANITOBA FLOUR •54..09 We are' paying in Trade for New Laid Extras 27c. Eggs must be Fresh and Clean W. J. FINNIGAN CHISELHURST. Mr. Ivan Green and wife and family and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Green and family of Grand Bend were visiting Mrs, W. Fairbairn of Ohiselhuest on Easter Sunday. Miss Maude Miller, who hes been teaching school in Washago, has re- turned home with her brother for the Easter holidays, Miss Mary Tremeer, who has .been teaching school in Port Elgin, is vis- iting her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tremeer for the holidays. Mrs, T. Harris and Percy and Pearl, also Mrs, W. Fairbairn, spent Thurs- day in London. .Mr, John Shepherd and" Mr.- John McDougall have purchased new cars. NORTH McKILLOP. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Currie and chil- dren of Wingham were visiting the lathers parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Crozier on Sunday. Miss Mary Munn and friends from Brantford were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Munn on ,Sunday. Mr. and Ales. L. Leeming and son Ross were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Mitchell of Carlingford on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. J. Thornton were vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. George H. Leon- hardt Sunday evening. Seeding operations hove been set back owing to the wet weather recent - Miss Vera Crozier is spending her Easter holidays at her home. Mr, and Mrs. Edw. C. Regele have moved in to their residence which was lately owned by Miss Annie MoDon al:d, Mr. and Mrs. T. Leeming Jr. and chelldren were visiting the 'former's mother on Sunday. Master Hughie McPherson is im- proving after a severe attack of pneu- monia. 'Mr. Tom Beggs was visiting Mr. and Mrs, D. Regele Sunday afternoon. '. Wedding hells will soon be ringing in this locality. Mr. George Stewart has returned to Paris where he intends working this summer. SUPERIOR' UALITY. Baby Ch,l.eks Q M S.C: WHITE LEGHORNS, B.P. RQi;KS, •BLACK .MINORCAS, WHITE WYANDOTTES, ANCONAS• Our Flocks are purebred, bred -to -lay; and are carefully culled for high Egg Production and large eggs. Mated with Cockerels from high production Hens, many of them Pedigreed. Price list, on request. Call and talk over your needs in poultrysupplies. We handle the "Royal" line brooders, feeders, fountains, etc., also 'Royal Purple Brooders. We also handle all kinds of Peed, Lay Mash, Chick Mash, Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Shell, Grit., etc. ' • We will have a limited space each week for 'custom hatching at 4c per egg. Now is the time to order your baby chicks, 14, you want early Fall Layers.when egg prices are high and to.realize the most for your, Broilers.. 4i�iiii• and Sunnyvale Poultry '_Farm Hntchery PHONE 137r3. ANDREW A. MOORE, SEAFORTH Ont. AUCTION SALE. • Of Household Effects, at B'aylfield, on S'aturday, April 26th, at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the following: Parlor suite, dining room suite, hall rack, writing desk, parlor table, buf- fet. rug, new Raymond droop bead. sewing machine, arm chair, roc,king chair, couch, stove, kitchen cup- board, bed room' suite, several extra beds,. springs, mattresses, curtains, 4 small tables, 2 bureaus; garden tools, gems, graniteware, dishes, pots, pans, and numerous other articles, also a dozed choice rock 'hens.' Everything to be sold es proprietress is giving up housekeeping. Terms :cash. MPSS C. PARK'E, Proprietress; Geo. H. El- liott, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, -At the Rectory, John street, Seaforth, on Saturday, April 26th. 3 couches, desk, office chair, 5 rockers, 'beds and mat- tress, 1 cot, dressers and washstand, 4 small tables, 1 kitchen table, 1 din- ing room table, 1 sideboard, 6' oak chairs leather -covered, carpet sweep- er, carpets and linoleum, lamp shade, crockery, sealers, pictures, and other articles. Sale ,starts et 2 o'clock. Terms cash. T. Brown, Auctioneer; H, H. Johnstone, 'Clerk. 17 Persian Balm quickly relieves chap- ping, windburn and all roughness caused by weather conditions. Keeps the complexion clear and lovely. Completely absorbed by settle rub- bing. Never leaves undesirable stick- iness. ti -iness. Stimulates the skin. Makes it soft, smooth and flawless. Preserves and enhances natural beauty.. Soothes refreshes and invigorates. Makes hands soft and flawlessly white. Im- parts that subtle charm so essential to true elegance. Send us the names of your visitors, AUCTION SALE, Mr, Tom Brown has been instruct- ed to sell by public auction on Lot 26, Concession 8, McKillop, (Win- throp), Tuesday, April 29th, at 2 pan. the following: 1 cow freshened; 30 hens, 2 geese, 1 gander, one cream separator, Ankor-,Holtlt No, 5 1. cream separator DeLaval, small, for 2 cows; 1 wagmi, 1 sleigh, 1 plough, 1 disc 'harrow, 1 set harrows ne'svly sharpened, 1 buggy pole, 'I hayrack, 1 woodrack, 1 sugar kettle; 1 hayfork, car and ropes, some empty barrels, 1 large boiler suitable for culvert, 1 oil' can with pump, 20 gal. steel coal oil tank, canthook, crowbar, shovel, whippletrees, cedar posts, old lumber, pulleys, belting, 30 ft. timbers and some short timbers, 1 set of single harness, 1' dining room suite, 1 couch, 1 table and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. All to be sold as the proprietor has sold his farm. Terms $10 and under, cash; 3 months on approved joint notes. J. M. GOVENLOCK, Prop.; : T. Brown, duct. IN MEEMORIAM. In loving memory of our dear mother, 'Mrs. Thos. 'Archibald. who passed away one year ago, April26th, 1929. The blow was hard, the shock severe, God only knows how we miss her here And only those that lose cantell The pain of parting, with no 'fa'rewell. -Trona Husband and 'Daughters. ,e, IN MEMORIAM. - dn loving memory .of a dear husband and father, George D. C. Harm, who passed 'away in Toronto, Alpril 22nd, in the year 1925. Deep in our hearts lies a picture Of a loved one gone fo rest, Itt memory'•s freme we will keep it, Because he was one of the best, Our hearts cannot. speak how we miss Our hearts cannot tell what to say,' God only knows how we miss 'him,, As we battle along life's rough way. a -Ever remembered by Wife and Family. - In loving memory ofour dear wee son,, Emmerson Wegg, who • died April 28th, 1928. Three little word$, forget-me-not, They don't seen much, But mean a lot - Just a memory fond and true, .Co show, dear Emmerson, We think of you. -Ever remembered by Daddy and Mother, Brother and 'Sisters._ It made the angels happy, When God sent a message of love, To pick earth's fairest lily, To bloom in heaven above. -Ever remembered by ,Grandma. Fertilizer News PROFESSIONAL CARD& Medical - DR. H. PIUGI3 R'OS'S, Physician and 'Surgeon, bate pf ,London 4ot- pital, , London, England. Special '• r. attention to• diseases of the 'e eye, , K - nose and throat.`, 'Office and resid- ence behind 'Dominion Bank,' Office Phone No., 5: • Residence Phone 104, DR. F ..J..-BURROWS,•Seafor't>e. Office -and residence, Goderich street, east of, the United Church. Coronet' for the County. of Huron. Telephone DR. C. MACKykY.-C. Maci ay, honor graduate of Trinity University and..gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College ad Physicians and Surgeons of Ontaris. DR. F. J. R. FOIRST.ER-Eye,, Ear N9se and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine, . University - of Toronto, 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophtha'l- •mic'and. Aural Instir e, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hos- pitals, London, 'England. At Coma- • ercial ''Hotel, Seaforth,: 3rd Monday fa each month, from 11 a.m.. sto 3 p.a. ONTARIO BREEDING. STATION. Bred -•to -lay Barred Rocks. 'Breeding stock is„ .the highest. quality. Every bird is blood tested and approved by Government inspectors. We trapnest the year round and`ohly, 200 egg birds 'and better are 'kept for' 'breeders. Only' -Our eggs 'er'"used'tfor in- cubation; Order -aur Mer • chicks now, •'Visitors ,Weloonte: Located' one block north' of new 'hospital. t Phone 304. O., ,F. • SIEGRIS:T,., proprietor. Box 173, Seaforth,- WANTED. Lad'y,roomers or boarders. Apply to MrISS, F, GALLOP, 34 East William Street, 'near High School. 17 STOVE FOR SALE. Jewel cook stove with reservoir, burns wood or coal. Practically new, used only one month. Apply to MRS. W. J. KINOX, Jarvis street. 17 TRACTOR FOR SALE. 10-20 International Tractor, in good running order, for sale•cheap. Apply at The News Office, 19. FOR SALE Four head of grass cattle for sale, also quantity of seed oats for sele. SAM STOREY, Seaforth r r 2 Phone 41 on 244. APARTMENT TO RENT. Over Thos. Dickson's store, Apply to E. L. B'OX. BABY CHICKS AND HATCH- ING EGGS FOR SALE From high grade heps mated to male birds up to 260 record. . Tom Barron White Leghorn Chicks ' 12c. Barred Rocks O.A.C., 14c, Hatching eggs, $3 per 100. Phone 52-23. HARRY-•KIEHNE, r.r, No. 1, Born- holm, Ont. ,Have you bought your Fertilizers? We shall be pleased to fill your orders for high quality plant food, at the fol- lowing prices, off car. Tennessee Natural 33 per cent phos- phate, the cheapest source of plant food to the farmer. Use it with your manure, it will save you buying a fer- tilizer drill. Price, cash $30.00 per ton, Oct. lit $3'1.50. TANGUAY, a French Fertilizer mftd in Quebec City, A.1. Quality 0.12.5 -'Cash $3.0 your note to Oct, 1 $31.50 $33 $35.00 2 12-2- " 35 " , . 3'7.00 2-12-6- ,' $3'8 " " $40.00 Armour's High 'Analysis 2-16-8- " 49 ,y 511.00 4-16=4- " 53 55.00 616-12 - 70 n • 72:00 Nitrate of Soda in ton. lots $65.00. Smaller 'lots $70.00, Aero Brand Agricultural Limestone, an All- Canadian. Product %hon " 54.50 $8.00 " It 575 10 " $7.50 30 ton car 57.00 If stored fifty cents extra. We de- liver to you for one dollar per ton. We guarantee our fertilizers and will put them ton for torr of the same ana- lysis against any offered by, competit- ors,. Yours for service and a bumper crop, William NM.S groat P TILE MFTR, PHONE 136r2 DRR, W. C. S,PROAT,--+Graduate of 'Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons`of Ontario Office in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., 'Seafor*. Phone 90. NOTICE. Town of Seaforth Persons using the town dump at the Kellar farts on the North Road, must leave gates closed. Do not dump anything that will Leave an odor. Scattering of rubbish over the fields will not be tolerated. 18 By Order. Dental. DR. J. A. MUNN, Successor to Dr,' •R. R. Ross, graduate of North- western University, Chicago, Ill, Li- eentia•te 'Royal; College_of Dental. Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over Silts hardware, Main St„ Seaforth, Phone 151. DR. F. J. BFCHELY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Toronto. 'Office over W. R. 'Smith's grocery, Main St., Seaforth, Phone., office 185W, residence 185J. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tar-)* O.L.S., Registered Professional Bo- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member , Engineering Institute of Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Muroa Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. 'HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County' of Huron. Moderate rates and satisfaction. guar- anteed. Phone 149, P.O. 'Box 13. Seaforth. WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND' INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. ONI. All kinds of Insurance risks effect. cd at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, • 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers -James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagenl James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen. James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Clinton;troadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Walton/ Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents -James Watt, Blyth, r.r. No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r,r, No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarman*, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other lfusiness will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of James J. Mc- Quaid, late of the City of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, who died on the 16th d.ay of May, 1929, are requir- ed to "forward their claims duly prov- en to the undersigned solicitor for the administrator on or before t'he 10th day of May, 1930., RNID NOTICE is Further Given that after t'he said date the Admin- istrator will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only, to the claims of which he then shall have. notice. Dated at Seaforth, Ont., this 23rd day ofApril, 1980. J'OH'N J. HUUIGGiAIRD, Se'aforitlt, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator. Don't be without 'Douglas' Egyp- tian Liniment. Keep • it always han- dy. Relieves toothache, neuralgia, sore throat, quinsy, and croup, InvaQ'- ' cable for burns, sores, barber's Itch land Ringworm. p00�. 7,75 BABYH. C ICKS There is'' prpdt for you in the dif- ference,Better chicks for the same money. Chicks hatched' by our Huron Mammoth Incubator possess extra vigour' Are you interested ? We11 I. think so. Write or phone for Parti- culars of Barred Rocks and : White Leghorn Chicks, to J. ELGIN McKINLEY, Zurich, Ont. 97 r 4.Hensal'I. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, April 23. Butter, per 1b 35c Eggs, per doz. 20c -25c Hogs, per cwt, • 5111,50-x$12,00 FARM• AND TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Bargain Prices. Several good houses in Seaforth an'd Egmondville. Improved and Grass Farms, 50 and 100 acres. Drop in and go over our list at any time. A, D. SUTHER- LAND, General Insurance, Convey- ancing, Real Estate Investments, etc. Phone 152, Seaforth, Ontario. CALVES FOR SALE. If you want any young calves for raising or for vealing, HAROLD - PDNHALE, Bayfield, Ont. Phone 5 on 78, Hensall. HERE THURS., FRI., SAT. • M'ONTE BLUE and MAY MacAVOY -wn- NO DEFENCE A story of„ the Bridge Builders of the. Rockies -Of Boston B'el'les and Men of the Great Outdoors. - Mon., Tues., Wed. CORbNNE GRIFFITH Outcast with Edmund Lowe, Huntley Gordon Louise Fazenda RINCESS Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 25c