HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-04-24, Page 6Farmers Not So Badly Off, Says Wheat Pool Head rAlready Received $1 a Bushel on 1929 Crop ane Got Very Fair Price in !692$ Winnipeg.—Before members of the iClwauis Club here, Colin H. Burnell, resident of the Manitoba Wheat declared emphatically col de P Y that when , provincialGovernments gave a guar- Pntee to the backs ou behalf of the ool, they did not risk a dollar of the people's money. ' The Pool has resources of $30,000,- 000 In the wheat trade, and is pre- pared to back its commitmonte with this amount. It is inconceivable that all thin ' money cau be lost on the year's trans- action ,Leaving the deficiency to be ;made good by the governments, he paid, Natural and artificial conditions Mast year put the Pool to a difficult Position, declared Mr. Burnell, Importing countries, suclt as Ger- many, France, and Italy, had uuusual- ly heavy crops. And thee. countries levied a tax on foreign wheat of 77 nuts, 53 cents and 7a1a. nuts, re- epectively, Au uausnelly large crop gave Euro- pean buyers power to postpone their purchases. "During the exporting sea- son of 1029.' said Mr. Burnell, "the Price of Argentine wheat was at limos 34 cents lower that that of No. 8 Northern, though la milling value It ;sari only about three cents less. A small group of exporters now con- trol the Argentine market iu much Ike same way, as he claimed, three com- panies controlled the Winnipeg mar- ker before the formation of the Pool. This enables wheat to be throws on the market at low price. The Peel steadfastly pursued its policy 01 selling when it has custom- ers, instead of forcing quantities on to the option market, said Mr, Burnell, "It is not the intention of the Pool to gamble with the farmers' wheat. `The Pool has entered the option market only four times since iia for- m:v eat. "1:. en If the worst comes to tate wo.a,. 'ire farmer has had a very fair pr •> fee his 1928 crop, and for laet yea. ; aced, he has already received 91 x 'r•.,'tel." concluded Mr. Burnell, C .nada's Exports To France Gaining French Taking More Interest in Dominion and Plan Holidays Here Alf itour,n 1 utada's export trade with France reached gratifying proportions during the past year, 1930, it is be- lieved, will +.'e a new record establish- ed. according m T, G. Dastoas, presi- dent of the Canadian section of the British Chamber of Commerce at Paris, who is in Montreal visiting varl- 410s industrial concerns. Mc. Dastona, a waive of Montreal, stored that never 10 her trade rela- tions with France had Canada con Oludod -la .suer-:'osfut a year. In the 12 mounts misnaming January 1, 11129, export, to France totalled 033,- 540,357, wttereaa In 1528 the figure was $21,606,939. "Tho p sreentaee of gain in the ton- nage of eeporss to Frame in 1929, as tempered with the previous year, le still e pee," air. I./netts said. i ,u 112 tons in 1928 we have reat tei 591,333 tons Iu 1929, au In- seres-e at 65 per r•enr. In the test de- cade rite leare.;t approach to these figures m,a in 19:7 when the tonnage ;quad 1194.111. "tittloubtediy 1929 has been a re - 'cord year and we are justified in thinking that 1930 exports to France rill reach the billion mark In francs." iu reviewing these figures, Mr. Das - tette said it was gratifying to note that tate Increase in Canadian exports la not only creditable to cereals, but Also the 'number of other commodities. "If exports to France have of late year been on the upgrade and with Ouch encouraging prospects prevailing •to -day, it Is partly due to the favorable propaganda, not only from oHiotat , meters, but from the Canadian Ne- i and Cauadiaa aPulite Railways ud Canadian banks which are in aria ' "Touriet traffic from France to Cu.a da is increasing, and several hundred ave already taken bookings to spend , i hair holidays in Canada this summer, F 'This activity at home Is supported ILeading Frenchmen who by mean •articles in the press, lectures, have One muck to spread the fame of the ominion through France." Empire Crusade h Being Renewed With, Fresh Vigor Beaverbrook Returns to Cam- paign for Imperial Free Trade London,—After a more or less quiet period following former Premier Bald - win's pronouncement on the food tax and with respect to a referendum on thio vital question, Lord Beaverbrook and his newspapers are resuming the Empire Crusade campaign with fresh vigor. From the standpoint of the Domin- ions there is speoial interest in Lord Beaverbrook's definition of what the crusade slogan means when applied to the Anglo -Dominion phase. Imperial Free Trade Iu a public address Lord Beaver grook declared: "By Empire Free Trade I mean unrestricted free trade between Great Britain and the Crown Colonies and between the Dominions and the Crown Coionies with a tariff wall against the foreigner. 'Between the Dominions and Great Britain I propose.a system of limited partnerehipe with the largest measure of free trade possible, but I do not sug- gest the abolition of tariffs imposed for revenue purposes nor do I propose that the Dominions remove those duties which protect their economic industries. "The realization of our policy de- mands o-mands not only as entire freedom to Impose taxes ou foreign manufactured goods, but also on foreign foodstuffs,. because without this We have no bar- gaining power with the Dominions, and no means of restoring prosperity to the various brattohes of agriculture in England; and the whole fabric of Empire Free Trade falls to the ground." Lord Beaverbrook says that the re- ferendum may be accepted as a great advance over anything previously ob- tained, And because in the general eleetloa proceeding the referendum the main battle will be fought on the lseue as to whether the referendum Is to be applied, he inferentially pre - mien that propaganda will be mato tamed with redoubled energy. To Placate Dominions Lord Beaverbrook's explicit declare, tin against any attempt to remove protection of industries so far as the Dominion are concerned, should re- duce aomo elements of suspicion over - 8099. in sharp contrast to this doclarattoa is Lord Salisbury's letter to The Times, wherein he bestows] his bless- ing on Empire Free Trade as a won- derful Ideal, but as too distant of ac- complishment to save Brltlah indus- try, which, be holds, domande immedi- ate rationalization and modernization, Tho weakness of Lord Salisbury's ar- gument 15 that It will probably re- quire as much time to achieve the lat- ter as to obtain the former and it the British eituatton is so urgent, nothing can prevent both being attempted con- currently. The Daily Express carries a feature which Includes illuminating figures re- garding the proportion of Pimpire and foreign products imported into Great Britatui and in conection therewith has pointed comment. It asks why this should not be changed to "all Bri- tish," For iaetance Britaia imports 1 annually 230,000,000 worth of foreign' wheat, whereas the Dominions and the British agriculturalist have a sur- plus sulticient to Supply that amount. London Stilt Leads Auckland Weekly News: Although the bank rate la London is the anima . as it was a 3 ear ago, the prospects aro vastly different, The maelstrom of speculation in the United states has been quelled, New York no long- er afore high rates for the world's mouoy, and London has regained ite Position as the financial centre of gravity. Instead of stringency and apprehension, there are now ease and tranquility, with substantial reasons for expecting a period of stability. The Most Popular Babe in the Empire THE LITTLE PRINCESS WHO MADE THE GUARDSMAN DIZZY Marcus Adams, the great' English photographer of children, Bent this lovely' study of Princess Elizabeth to Mr, Charles Ashley, president of the Ontarto Photographers' Association, in response to a trans -Atlanta; telephone conversation in which Mr. Ashley asked for the loan. of some portraits of royal children to arouae interest In the contests being run by the Photo- graphers Association of America to discover the most attractive child in America and in Ontario, respectively. The little princess recently discov' Dred, in Buckingham Palace yard, that every time she passed the guardsman on sentry -go, he presented arms to her. And before the nursemaid discov- ered the altuation, the little princess, by trotting back and forwards in front of the sentry, had run the poor fellow nearly ragged. Government Railways T, Qiapetown Argus: That the llstrinaipea tusiness of a Minister of Raiiwayl` mists in refusing applications foie emceed pay is a Lesson which Mr, W. Malan, took a long' time to .learn. ren to -day the mantle of Mr. Jagget` its manly on his shouders; But e really does appear to understand at last -though wild horsoe wouldrn.ot" rag from hintlean admission in .so any words—that the requests which ur in from all sides, pathetic, lnatory, or pseudo -economic, have o be dealt with firmly unless he Is ;Prepared to see thewhole railway system reduced to mankruptc„ "Vulgarity, not rusticity, is the op' posits of good manners."—Dean Tufa "just as the war increased the wealth of the United States, so it mUl tipped their weakaesses."—Andre Tar din, This Age of False Values "The .212,000 paid to the victor of the Scott -Sharkey fight for a compara- tively brief appearance in the prize ring serves to illustrate the utterly faire values which the modern world places on. its workers,' says the Sun- day News, London. "A man who by natural gift- and in- dustrious udustrious training can be made para- mount in the bruising game can amass a fortune in a few years. The man who as Primo Minister has to should- er the cares of as Empire, or as Lord Privy Seal has to find some solution of one of the most ghastly problems which confront the human mind, must be content with a mere five thousand a.year, out of which he must Pay large sums to maintain the dignity of his Office. Sharkey received about 21,300 a minute, Mr. J. H, Thomas's salary works out at 21d. a minute. "Moat boxers leave the ring the richer. Most statesmen leave office the poorer. That is the stark fact. "Not that one would try to value the brains of those who strive to bring peace, order and good government by the pound aterling, That would he fatal, and it would also be futile be- cause statecraft is only one of the few directions in which this glaring in- equality nequality of false values is apparent, "One does not need to be a Bolshe- vik, or even a Socialist to realize that there is something wrong with. the social economy of the nation that pays 230,000 a year to the comedian who makes it laugh and the same sum to the entire staff of a coal mine who daily flirt with death to keep the home flros burning. "Is the film star of Hollywood as valuable to the community as those employed on a score of big farms who keep a town fed by their united ef- forts? Yet the reward is the same. "It was Disraeli who said, 'Britain can never begin again.' Probably not, but If she and other nations ever do MIN question of false values will be the big problem, "There are not likely to be 230,000. a :year miners or 25,000 a year farm laborers in the new Dream State any more than there are likely to he 28 a week boxers or film stars, but there might be that sense of proportion which would save the future com- munity from same of the odium and ridicule which our present social sys- tem invitee by its fatuous lack of that most priceless of gifts—perspec- tive." Lost Opportunities Singapore Free Press: (A Dutch air- mail has been opened between Singa- pore D East Indies). Our porn and the etch t ) Dutch nelghgors have now begun the establishment of one of those feeder lines whloh aro the inevitable and necessary adjuncts of the great impar lal line from London to Sydney. That feeder line should have been estab- lished by British enterprise and it is a matter for genuine regret that the opportunity has been lost. As it !s. the Dutch Company is already talking of extending the line to Rangoon, and that line also is one which legitimate- ly is within on sphere it only our merchants and our Government had the courage and foresight to under- take it.... Thus we shall have the melancholy, spectacle of th Imperial liners arriving at the greatest British junction in the Far East and finding that all the feeder lines to and from that junction are in the hands of for- eign companies. Autoists Declare Chains Not Needed Royal Auto Club Told of Ex- periments on Streets in Winter In order to ascertain the value of Maine in winter driving, the Royal Automobile Club oe Canada asked their members to give opinions and many took advantage of the request to relate their experiences. In gen- eral the letters received showed that motorists did not see the necessity for chains and Pound that sate driving was quite possible, without their use. Excerpts from three typical' letters follow: ; "During this winter I Isave driven without chains, It is the first time in 15 years I have done so, and ex- cept for a few occasions when nage-, tinting hills I have had no more trou- ble than with chains. I app:paehed corners with caro, and never follow- ed. another car too closely, if tae road was icy I reduced my speed, I used my brakes against my motor to•slack- on speed and if I had a tendency co skid I declutched and did not apply the brakes. I carry. a pair 01 chains In ease I get caught it , deep snow or have to •pull myself over a very boy place. ' Driving without chains is a matter for theindividual driver," In Rare Cases "I do not think chain necessary except in rare cases as a help in driv- ing through deep snow or mud. I do not think that the use of ohatne pro. motes safety for I believe they give in many cases a false' sense of eecur- ity. I have only and chains a few timervd'iring seven or eight years of driving and I have come to the con- clusion that as long as one drives. carefully taking into consideration the condition of the .streets, it is not nec- essary to use chains." Tread Gives Traction "For five winters I have experi- mented with and without chains be- cause I live on the "Upper Level, in Montreal, and am obliged to dos- cend or ascend fairly steep inclines. It the tires are not worn smooth I believe that the tread offers better traction than chains." Brake Theory Changes Unbeknown to many motor' 'car 'buyers, there has been a tendency re- cently to divide the braking force be- tween front and rear wheels in such a way that the foriher take the great- er portion of it, in some instances the percentage being 60-40. The rea- son given for the change should be clear to most car owners. It is that in deceleration more of the weight of the oar is thrown in the front wheels with the result that they can take more braking force without skidding. "Four quarts used to make one gal- lant—now allant—now they make a dozen rough." The Better World Cairo Sphinx: The theory that since the War there has been a sud- den moral uplife and faith la better things Is difficult to reconcile with growing patronage of night clubs and the failing off of church congrega- tions, to say nothing of the pauperism of those who run hospitals and the affluence of those who run places of pleasure. "But, my dear, whatever do you want with another new coat?" A new hat, darling." • Explorer to Seek Trace of Fawcett Capt. A. H, Morris to Head Party Into Jungles' of Brazil, ' London—'Tho ph&ntom trall of Col. P. H. Fawcett, noted Britlsh explorer, will be taken up in April by :Capt,, A. H." Morrie, who said on the eve of his departure far Brazil's jungles, he hopers to prove conclusively whether, Fawcett to alive or dead. "5 shall sail for RIo de Janeiro shortly and there enlist a handful of natives who risked their lives; with mo before," Capt, -Morris sato. "I intend then to make for Paraguay, My last message to civilization will be from Black Horse Camp. "From there I expect to pick up traces of Fawcett. The stories of his fate seem unsatisfactory. I. have travelled so much- in Brazil, the ns] tiros know me. We will, € hope, glean something from them." 001.1 Fawcett, experienced in South American jungle exploration after 18. years spent in expeditions there, dis- appeared in the summer of 1925 in the strange fastnesses of the Kuluene River region of Brazil,' 2.10 was ac companied by his son, Jack, a youth of 21 at the time, and another young Englishman named Raleigh Rimell, Fawcett was aeelting to prove South America the "cradle of civilization," Fascinating Trail Capt. Morris, who is one of several who have sought to and the end of Fawcett's elusive, fascinating trail, referred to the reports' the explorer had been killed by hostile tribes. "Col. Fawcett may have been ktlL- ed," he said. -"In that case we ex- pect to, find sometraces of him -at least his bone. He more probably was overtaken by fever and deserted by his followers: "There is a possibility of his being alive and searching for the lost Con- tinent ontinent of Atlantis. "Also, It fa possible he underwent hardships so terrible that his reason was temporarily affected. I believe he may still be lost in the wilds of the interior," Captain Morris said he had receiv- ed a Ietter front a spiritualist claim- ing to have had a "spirit message" from Fawcett saying he had died of fever, Morris anticipates he will be gone at least six months after he leaves Black Horse camp on the way to the interior near the border of Paraguay. Quebec to Widen Electricity's Use Quebec—A plan to promote the greater use of electricity in rural Quo beo is embodied in a bill introduced into the Legislature by the provincial Premier, L. A. Lasohereau, The chief difficulty in the way of farmers obtaining electrical energy has .been the cost of establishing transmission lines. The Government and the hydro power companies have been working out a scheme to widen the eirel sof those far in the country. elle to enjoy benefits. accruing from the numerous water powers of the province. The Government bill provider that municipalities may without a refer- endum borrow 50 per cent, of the money required to extend transmis- sion lines into new territory. As business develops the power nom - panics will absorb the cost of these lines, The electrical companies have been sending demoustration cars through the rural areas to show how electrical aids make lite easier for the farmer and the housewife. They have found. Um farmers so interested that they propose to carry on a 10 years' cam- paign to extend the use of electricity in rural parts, HONOR In the estimate of honor, we should learn to value the gifts of nature above that of fortune; to esteem in our ancestors the qualities of society; and to pronounce the descendant of a king less truly noble than the off-- apring of a man of genius, whose writ Inge will instruct or delight the latest posterity,—Gibbon, ' „a. MIRTH Man without mirth is like a wag- gon without swinge, In whleh one is caused disagreeably to jolt by every jezzylumb over which it runs.— Henry .Werd uns.Henry.Ward Beecher. Id.M, destroyed Warwick creates effective 'smoke screen during combined British fleet manoeuvres in Mediterranean, reeentiy. Research Workers As Detectives "No detective story has even offer . ed more puzzling features than 'thle. to the curious mind,” says the annual report of the Medical Research Coun- cil, referring to virus disease. ' "Tho reward for the solution of the present mysteries will certainly be immense in the new control it will bring over diseases that kill by the milion, and another kind of reward will almost certainly be found in the new illumination that discovery of the laws .governing the structure and behavior' of these virus bodies will give within the unknown territory be- tween living and non -living matter. "Iu this s'.: ject, however, only work of the highest technical skill is of any availat all, and the total number of theta now engaged in all the parts of. this field of inquiry is very small. They can be usefully recruited only, from among men intensively trained, and of these only men of exyeptional ability are likely to make much pro- gross. There is no doubt, however, that special effort ought to be made to increase the number both from the medical side and from the agriculturat side, and with a view to 'work either at home or in the tropics. "What Is the inducement," asks the Council in another passage, "now held outto an able young man to make his life -career.. in advancing knowledge is clinical medicine? A man fit to re- ceive a research grant in this Held, whether from the Council or any other responsible source, is a man who wilt be well trained as a clinician as well ad' skilled 1s] laboratory work. This double ability exposes him to double temptation. Upon the clinical side he is under continual temptation to exchange the present uncertainty of promotion a ultimate reward in scientific clinical work for the relative certainties of professional practice. Brilliant suc- cess in research, even if measured by high international standards of value, will bring him at best' a moderato fixed salary. But moderate ability combined with good luck in profes- sional practice may make him a rich man.' `The second temptation comes from another side, but it is equally strong, It is •the temptation to leave clinical research for purely laboratory work in one of the recognized and well -or- ganized sciences, which do at least ot- ter ffer relative certaintiesof fair promo- tion, and to look for advancement along the ordinary lines of an academi- cal career in the University world." Proposals are submitted for meet-'" ing this difficulty. The Council wish to recruit in the near future young workers of ability who are prepared t0 make this branch of medical study their life work, Mr. Scullin's Job Sydney Bulletin: ("2 have every confidence in the resources of Aus- tralia and its powers of recuperation."' —Premier Soulin to the British in- vestor). The first necesity here is to avoid unemployment—to get and keep everybody producing; and that le where Mr. Scutin comes in. The Gov- ernment ought to state plainly what our situation is—assuming that it has made itself acquainted with the facts. Vague remarks about believing in Australia's recuperative powers are futile, and may be worse than futile. The fact that we have been loafing on London for thirty millions a year ought to be, confessed frankly—ia plain words, that we have got during the last few years about thirty : mil- lions a year more than we have earned; and Mr, Scullin must put 1! to his constituents that no self -re- speoting people could want that sort of thing to continue, even if the other party were willing to continue 't— which he plainly isn't, Extra -Territoriality in China Hong Kong Weekly.. Press: (Th0 Central Executive of the Kuomintang (publicity) has been organizing masa- meetings to demand that the mandate abolishing extra -territoriality, should be made immediately effective), Sa far as North China is concerned, MS question has aroused little interest' among the 'Chinese. The 'man in the street" does not know what extra- territoriality means, and seems to oars less. The masses in Pepiug, lik8 those in most other,places, are chief- ly hiefly concerned with getting a living for themselves and their families, but per- sistent repetition of the criticisms di- rected towards the Nanking Govern went eventually may result in work- ing up what will be described as a "national" protest against its failure to make the January' decree of "aboli- tion" effective. SILENCE AND SLANDER Doth the moon stay herself to ler ture. every dog tha bayeth at her? Doth thelionturn aside to rend each cur that barlreth at him? Do the stars cease to a111.1te because the night, ingales reprove them for their dim nese? Doth the Butt}stop initis course because of the.oftlerous clouds which veil it? Or doth the river stay bo- cause the willow dippeth its leaves in. to its waters? Ali! no. God's unl, verse moves on anal men oppose, 11 heeds them not, It is as God hath' made it, it is working together for good, and it shall not be stayed by the censure, nor hastened by the praise of men, Let your vows, my brethren, abide. _Do not be in a hurry to set yourself right. God will take care of you,—Spurgeon.