HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-04-24, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930,
The constant practice of spending your money 'where it is being taken
out of your community will mean untold damage to; the success,
growth and prosperity of your district. There are over six hundred
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perienced grocers who buy and advertise together—offering you the
highest quality at prices made possible by their tremendous savings is
massed buying, Support these local merchants . upon whom _ the
growlth of your community depends, and benefit yo.ursel'f,
Items for Week Ending April 30, 1930.
Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes ..... ,,,s .............. 2 pkgs. 45c
,per ,pkg. 8c
Seeded Raisins 2 pkgs 25c
Lealand's Sweet Mixed Pickles..... . , . Large 30 oz. bottle 44c
Regular Standard'Quality Arrowroot Biscuits 29c
Pure Apple Jelly Large 40 oz. jar 33c
• Challenge Prepared Corn Starch
Purity Quick Oats with
,China ......... 301c
P. & B.,Sandwich Pate .141e
Vi -Tone 8 oz..
16 oz.' 55'e�
J /flaked 3h1n1i &tow E7
THE perfect
plant, food.
Makes lawns
thick, green and
velvety. Won.
derful for trees,
shrubs, flowers
and vegetables.
Easy to apply. Not
3 to 4 podnds.Sacco per
100 sq. feet..
d ib. Sacco , ....TOc
5 lb. Bag ..45c
10 ib. Bag • 80c
25 lb. Bag $1:60
Babo per tin 14c
Palmolive S!o'a.p .3 cakes 230
Chateaux Cheese %'s 24c
Gi'liex .. ............ each 12c
Kara Coffee %'s 30.
• l's
Royal York Tea %'s 313:c':
Beehive Corn Syrup
5:1b. tin 35c
Snappy Snack Cheese
..,2 pkgs, Ile
Ginger Snaps 2 •lbs. 25n
Minute Tapioca, ... 2 pkgs. 25c
Van Camp's Tuna Fish..%s 31c
Libby's Asparagus Tips,
Picnic size .. ,. per tin,23c
Canadian White Beans
..3 'lbs. 19e
Fancy Blue Rose Rice •
..2 Jos , 19c
Pure Lard ., per lb, -18c
Pilchard's l's ,per tin 18c
Pine free Matches
.3 boxes 25ie
Cowan's Velvets , % lb. 19c •
Red °Cohoe Salmon l's... 35c
3 tins,.. 1.O0,
p, �
Hawes. Week • -AT SU P MEHAIN STORES 1,
Polish with 'Eames" and 'make 'your horhe<the admni•atiixn
of your friends. Order at these saving prices
HAWES WAX (Paste) / 1b. tin 23c
HAWES WAX (Paste) . 1 lb. tin 43c
HAWES WAX (Liquid) pint.bottle 59da.: •
HAWES LEMON OIL ,, ... ,;=4 oz. 14c .
HAWES DEMON OIL , .. 12 oz. 23c
HAWES LEMON OIL 32 oz, 59c
1 Ross J. Sproat
A. Jeffery Phone
Phone 8
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better -"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings'
Seaforth Creamery
W. J, Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Egdiprnent
W J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma
o-vernment_diploma and license
Flowers” Furnished.
Night or day phone 67. '
Mr. Ernest Dna•ger had a successful
ploughing bee last week and he has
'made a wonderful improvement on
his, premises since he purchased it.
Ernie is a hustler.
.Miss Lucy .]Gltleart'froan Detroit and
her parents, Mr. and Mrs: C. Eckart
from Seaforth, paid us a flying visit
last Sunday.:
Mr, and Mrs. Leo Murray and fano
ly,fr.om Hii'b+bort were visitors ui our
burg last Sunday
'Mr.. Thos. MoKay wears a 'smile
since the l'7th inst. when his wife pre-:
sen'ted,him with a b!a'by, boy. •
Miss .Mary Ellen Dempsey, who is
on the teaching staff in Guelph, spent.
Easter= at her home here_
Next Sunday evening, April 27, the
Young People of Egmondv:lie:United
Church will have a special service of
music, Mr. Kest, Jackson and Mr. Ed-
win Chesney being in charge.
The pteparatory service ;on Friday
evening last was conducted
Mr. Lane of Sealforth. There were 9
new communicants enrolled:'
'Egmotidiville is fortunate in sectir-
ing the Rev. Mr. Stavage Of Ponitfac,
Mico„ on May ,lith.
Seaforth, Ont.
Mr. Elroy Brownlee, Miss M.
Charmer and Mr. and :Mrs. George Sei!f
of London, spent Good Friday with
Mr, and Mrs, George Brownlee, Vic-
toria street
Mr. and Ws...IJ. D. Clark and fam-
ily, Mr. J. W, A. Greig and Mr,
Charles Stogdil'1,: of Toronto, were
holiday guests: with Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Greig,
Mr. Fred Jackson of Merrickville,
and Miss Mary. Jackson of Thedford,
are holiday vis!fto•rs with• •their• parents,
Mr. and Mrs, L .C. Jackson:
+\ir, Henry Little and son, Mr, Geo.
Mr, and Mrs, M. McPhee.
Miss ,Gladys S'hilliinglaw of Toronto
is a guest of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Thos. S+hiltngiaw,
Mr--: ;John Corley. of Toronto was a
holiday visitor in town.
Miss, Kate Connolly of Windsor, is
visiting her mother, Mrs, Connolly.
Mr, Earl Stacey, of Hamilton, was
a h'oliday visitor with friends in town
Miss Guerra Brown of Toronto is
spending the week with her parents
Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Flannigan of
Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hal
and family of Toronto and Miss Ce-
cilia Horan of Sti bury, were holiday
L,ttle, of Windsor, have purchased the guests of Mrs. ctrl Horan
beautiful home of Miss, Catherene j ' Davids d Mrs, H. U. Woodruff of St
Parke at,Baylfield, where Mr. and Mms.I were week -end guests of Mr
H. [Julie a•nd'Mr:•and Mrs.' G. Little Thos., McMillan M.P. and visited
intend to reside after May 1st. Mr.
Henry Little operated the stage line
between Seaforth- and Bayfield , some
years ago •and. formerly resided here,
Rev. Irving B. Kaine's subject at the
morningsenvice on Sunday, April 27,
wd11 be one of 'particular interest: "If
Christ Had Never Been" There will
be no evening service in First Pres-
byterian :Church 'because of Rev, T.
H. Bro'wn's farewell service in St.
Thomas' Anglican Church.
Collegiate Institute will re -open at
noon on. Monday, Alpril-'28th.
Mr. W. H. Little of Norwood is
spending the Easter holidays with his
father, Mr, Andrew Little,
Misses Annie and Cora Strong are
in Toronto this week attending the
Q. E. A.
Mrs. George 'S.il'lery is expected : to
arrive home this•week after spending
the winter at Marquis, Sask,, with her
son, Mr. Morrison Si'llecy.
Miss Margaret Trudjen, Miss
Helen Wlhiffield and Mr, Arthur
Whitfield of Ridgetowm were week-
end' guests with 1lr, and •Mrs, J.
Miss Nora McDowell and Mac Mc-
Dowell are Eastervisitors with 'Mr.
and Mrs, Jack Currie.
Mrs. W. S. Bates and son, Mr. W.
Bates and daughter, Miss 'hloreiice
Bates, and bliss McDonald, all of
Toronto spent Easter With Mrs.
Bates' sister, Mrs. IR. S, Evans.
Mr. ,and Mrs. F. W. Wigg and fam-
ily spent Easter in Durham.
Miss Dorothy Kerslake and Mr.
Donald Kerslake of 'Toronto were
guests over Easter at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. E.
Kerslake, •
\Ir. and Mrs. •'Herald Lawrence
werert Bright Saturday attendin
o n
the silver wedding of Mrs Laiv-
r.ence's ,brother, Mr. Francis. • •
Her mean} friends are,sorry, to hear
that Mrs. [Joseph 'tGibson's condition
is „serious; after !being ill for seven
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, 'Elder of Hen- were guests over the holidays• with
sal(, •visited MT, end Mrs, Thomas their another, Mrs. J, F, Reid.
Elder on Tuesday.
Miss Ethel McKay df.Thedford, and
Miss !Ella Eider is spending a few Mr. Ronald McKay of Toronto and
days in Toronto this week. Mr.• and Mrs. H. Mason and little
Miss illelen Kerr of Brussels spent Marion of Blyth are spending the
Friday and Saturday at the home of holidays with their
Mr.and Mrs, T. W. Wigg. Miss y parents, Mr. and
Marjorie Wigg is spending 'this week- Mrs.MHugh art K Windsor,
'end• in `Brussels. Mr. Stewart Knox of .nd
M'r, and Mrs, J. G. Green of Eton_ Mrs, Monday the guest of Mr. and
don, Miss Gladys -Thompson of Nia- Mrs. A. andCRoutledge.
Mr. Mrs. F. L.
Hutchison of
ora Falls and lir, +H, C. Lindseyof
g` Toronto, Miss Dorothy Hutchison of
Toronto were guests over the week- St. Catharines and Mr, Geo. Hutchi-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J• son of London were Easter visitors
B. Thompson.. • with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
'lir, W. L.'Watson of Toronto was D. Hutchison,
a holiday' guest with his lather, Mr. Messrs Douglas and Louis Wilson
James 'Watson and aunt, Miss Rlra't- of Toronto spent Easter with their
aid aunt, lir. and Mrs. J. A.
Wilson, ,
Mrs, J. A. Wilson left Sunday to
spend a week in Detroit visiting at
the home of her sots, Mr. David
Miss Lillian Wankel of Toronto
spent the holiday week -end with her
parents, Mr, end firs. A. Wankel',
Mrs. Earl Smith of Toronto is
spending the holiday week at her
home here.
Mr, McKee .Irwin of Stratford and
Messrs. Earl Smith and Fred Crich
of Toronto spent` the week -end as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Heaty and baby
Orden, ' of Toronto, Mr. D. A. Mc
•Oormack, his mother, .Mrs, C. Mc-
Cormack, his two children, Josephine
and Margaret, of Bridgeburg, were
guests over the holidays with Mr, and
Mrs Chas. Ho'hlbein. Mrs. McCorm-
ack remained in town for the week.
Mrs. L. E. Richards who underwent
an operation in Scott Metnorial Hos-
phial Wast week, is getting along nicely.
Miss Sarah A. Keys of• Stanley is
the guest of her sister, Mrs Sam
Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hanna and Miss
Keys spent \tlrednesday in Hensatl,
guests of Mrs. John Keys.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Strath, Toron-
to, were Easter guests at the home of
Mr. J. L. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Reid and little
son Donald, of .Detroit, were Easter
visitors with his' father. Mr. J,.,H. Reid.
ivtrs. A. L. Porteous was in Brant-
ford visiting .her sister, Mrs. Long,
from Friday to 'Monday,
Mrs. W. L. Keys and Miss Mary
Reid spent Tuesday 'with Mr. and Mrs,
John McAs•h at Varna.
Mr. R. C. Ovens spent the Easter
holidays in London visiting' his mo-
ther and sister,
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs, Sidney: Morton and:
family of Port Nelson spent the week-
end with Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot. Mr.
Morton d M
+Mrs. Josepretnrneh' Siris ofondLfiay.na, Ohio,
the guest this week of Mr, and Mrs.
Geo, A. Sills. Mr. J. Sills will arrive
Friday to spend the week -end also.:
Mrs. W. C. Sproat. -and baby Bar-
bara are spending this week in To-
ronto, '
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Broadfoot . and
Miss S+hoe,pra+ft of Moose Jaw, Sask.,
are the gleets of Miss Edith David-
. 'Mr, Orville' Twitchell of H'en'sad'1
visited his uncle, Mr. Geo. Bell who is
very it!. in the hospital, during the
week -end. The Batter's brother, Mr.
John Bell of Toronto, was also up and
his sister, Mrs. :Twitchell, of Brandon,
Man., is •expected this week;
Little 'Rose =manor underwent an
operattien for tonsils on Tuesday
morning in the hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fowler and
family of London were week -end
guests with the former's sister, Miss
Florence Fowler.
Mr. Leslie Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Ho-
ward Kerr and daughter, all of To-
ronto, and Mr. W. B. Kerr of Buf-
falo, N,Y., were guests over the week-
end. of Mr. and. Mrs. Jas, Kerr.
Dr, Harvey Burrows and Miss
Rigby of St, Catharines, Mr. Arthur
Burrows of Toronto and Misses
Kathleen and Meaner Burrows of
London, spent theweek-end with Dr.
and Mrs. F. J. Burrows:
'Miss Edith Govenlock of Toronto.
is spending the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock,
Miss Beth .Govenlock of Detroit was a
week -end guest with her parents.
Mr. andMrs. illy
s P aur Longway wa
daughter, front Guelph, Mr. and 'Mrs.
Pat -Purcell and Miss Mary Frain, of
Stratford, were visiting at Mr, James
Purcell's Easter Sunday.
'Mr. and Mrs. ,Reg. Reid of Strat-
ford, and Mr. Dawson Reid of Guelph,'
Mr. Jahn L. Watson. of St. Pani,
Minnesota, 'visited his brother, Mr.
James Watson, and sister, Miss Wat-
son, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Smith of To-
ronto and Mr. Murray 'Savauge of
London spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs, F. S. Savauge.
Rev, and Mrs. R. Fulton Irwin o1
"Centralia and Miss 'Weldon of Sand-
wich were guests on Friday of Mr.
and Mrs.. F. S. Savauge.
Mrs. J. Hunt and Mr. and 'Mrs.
Fred Forger of Toronto were week-
end guests with Mr. and Mrs: J. E.
!Mrs, S. Jenkins of Toronto is
spending this week with Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Keating. -
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney and
Mrs.'Geo, Chesney of Toronto spent
kithrek. week -end with Mrs. J. R. Ha'b-
Mr. Win. Reid, Miss Dot Clark
and Mr, and Mrs, J. Hunt of Toron-
to TOPICS to visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating
last week.
Rev. Wm. G. Coltman„pastor of
Highland Park :Baptist •C'hurch, De-
troit, Mich., and Master Kenneth
Wanless of Detroit, visited a't'the
home of Mrs. Geo, T. Turnbull last
week. Mr. Coltman addressed the
Revival .Conference of the Unaffiliat-
ed Baptist Churches whith was held
in Forward Baptist Church, Toronto,
qn Good. Friday.
'Dr. George :Ferguson of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Jones of ,Orillia
and Mr. Carl ,A'berhart of Toronto
University, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. C. Aberdi,a.rt.
Good Friday. Mr. and- Mrs. J. R. Hillis and son
Mr. and Mrs. George ,Bickerton of Donald, Miss Mildred Turnbull and
Woodstock were guests Sunday' of Mr. Arnold Turnbull, all of Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Nott, Huron Road were guests over the holiday with
WestMrs-Geo. T. Turnbull.
' Miss Mary Hays of Torontospent Mr. M. +R. Pittman of Delrait spent
the week end with her parents, Mr, the week-eird with friends in town.
and Mrs. Adam Hays. Mr, Arthur Archibald, principal of
iiss Violet Tyndall passed her Whitby High
school, and Mrs.
Seniorr Musical Examinations of Lon- bald and family visited the former's
don, .taking first class honors. 'Miss Parents,_, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Arciii-
Tyndall is organist in .Egmendville bald' over the week -end.
United. Church. Her many friends ex- .Mr. J. M. Govenlock has sold his
tend congratulations. land at Winthrop to Mr. John Mc -
Miss Anna Sutherland of Toronto Clure who,.gets' possession May 1st. •. WE ISSUE THE STANDARD
was the guest of ,her parents, Mr. and, '\•ins. R. S. Angell of Bungessvil'1'e POLICIES OF THE,
Mrs, A. D. Sutherland on Good ,Fri- visited at the ,tome of Mr, and Mn,. Provincial insurance
day. Rebt.'Scanlett this week.
Mr. Lawrence 'Webster of Sandwich Master Russel'l Ferguson of To- eompany . Of England
spent elle olfday with his parents, Mr 1'on'to is spending the week with:his One of the few British Companies
and Mrs. John Wab's'ter. grand' other„..Mrs. R Ferguson, operating- in todaypat
Mr. and Mrs John Menzies and ' 'Messrs. Ted and Charles Evans •;df p g
Misses Ruth and Jessie of Win ham Hamilton visited their parents, Mr. —NON -TARIFF' RATES :
ghThis means 'a saving in premium
'and Mr., and Mrs,,J'ames Harrison of and Mrs. Hurry Evans over Easter,'
P rt r' Hill,Mr, Basil. Duncan of St, Michael's to you with protection, ;security
o e s spent Sunday with Ur. and the night and day service of
and Mrs,::Ailbeat Harrison,. College, Toronto, spent the • holiday this office.
Mrs, Charles Brooks of Nets' Lisk- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. a:
, 11, phone or write us for full
card, &pelt a fegw days last week with Duncan. . ..information rates, etc.:Our 'ser -
.Mr, and 'Mrs, Albert Harrison.rrisoMr, and Mrs. Jack Scott spent Eas-
Mr. and Mrs. ter in Kitchener. vices at your dsposal at any
s Wen. J. Knox, .who time.
have: been'res'iding on Jarvis street in Mlsses;Jean and Margaret 'Stewart
the house formerly 'oceit i,ed,D;'12 of Toronto, iiiotored up to c:isit their
p by
H • D. Sn hA
rendSiawart willretuarto Toronto next sister, MIS. R. Plant:
weel Miss Ruth Pinkney of Stratford is
! 'tin her grandmother, i
t s of e MrS. R. L.
Jack.and tl 'Morley gg
Mosy Hodgihe Clarke. Conveyancing, Real Estate
lioToronto are and ay A. visitors,at er-the Miss 'Glad s'McPhee, of Toronto - • Investments, Etc.
traria of Mr, - Mrs. A. D, Su�tlier- Y
land, was a Holiday visitor with her parents, PHONE 152 -- SEAFORTH, Ont.
Miss 'Betty Malcolm is : visiting
Port Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs.'R. B, Holmes'
Royal Oak, Mich., spent Easter
town. -
The Misses Bertha Beattie, Ida and
Eva Love, of Toronto and Miss Laura
McMillan of Hamilton, Bessie Grieve
o'1 Chatham and Rena McKenzie of
Stratford, are holiday visitors,
Mr. and `Mrs. Will Hudson, Mr, G.
Hyde and Mr. Robt. B..own of Strat-
ford, Mr,' Wim, Brown and Mrs. B.
McDonald of Mitchell were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. • Albert Hudson over
Automobile o
Daily 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturdays 9.30 a,m. to 5 p.m.
and 7 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
S is the dual' comfort of a Provincial
Savings account—your, money is safely
invested, yet avai'lable to you at any time.
When left on deposit here, it is . constantly
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Best of all—every deposit in the Province. of
Ontario Saving Office is guaranteed by . the
Ontario Government. There is a branch near
your home or place of business and any mem-
ber of the staff is competent to advise you on
savings or investment problems..
New accounts of Si. and up are cordially
Seventeen Branches Throughout Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Baxter and Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Thompson and :Helen
spent Easter in Kitchener.
Mrs, Florence Lindsay and daugh-
au h -ter, df Buffalo, are visiting their many
relatives in this vicinity.
Ire. Jas, Mowbray and son Goedon
and Miss Muriel Fitzpatrick of De-
troit, visited friends in town over the
r h Principal
cilli sno t
Mr. Sam. H !g P
of Fergus Public school, was an Eas-
ter visitor with his cousin, Mr. W. C.
Hollingsworth, and Mrs. Hollings-
worth, and left to attend the O.E.A.
convention in Toronto this week.
Mr. Albert O'Reilly and family, of
MdKitl'op, who were delayed in mov-
ing into their new home in town ow-
ing to smallpox, moved on Monday.
Miss Hattie Dalton, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with her mother,
Mrs. M. Dalton.
Mr• and Mrs. Gordon Hays and
Miss Lucy Eckart, Detroit, slpent Sun-
day at the homes of their parents, Col.
and Mrs. R. S. Hays and Mr: and
Mrs. C. Eckart.
Miss Anona Dale is spending part
of her Vacation with Mr, and Mrs.
Harold Hunter near Exeter and with
friends at Dashwood.
Marion Oliver Circle.—The regular.
meeting of the Marion Oliver Circle-
was held on Friday evening. April 18.
The meeting opened by singing hymn
191, with Dorothy B'roadfoot, •the pres-
ident, presiding, A special Easter pro-
gram was read responsively, "Jesus,
Thou joy of Loving Heants,""was then
sung. This was followed by prayer in.
unison. The first part of the topic
was taken by Jean Campbell. This was
the third chapter of our study .book,
Jerusalem to Jerusalem, "The Winn-
ing of Europe." The Gospel of Eas-
tern Europe was taken by Mildred
Taylor; Christianity in Eastern Eur-
ope, by Jean Fotheringhatn: Christian
Mission. in \Vestern Europe was token
by Grace Pepper, Mary MoNaughton
then led in prayer. • The business part
of the meeting then followed. Eliza-
beth Brea:dioot was nominated for
treasurer, Mildred Taylor and Jean
l otheringhani were nominated to at-
tend the Presbyterial held in Seaforth
on. April 30th. Hymn'156 was then
sung. The meeting closed by repeating
the Mizpah benediction,
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Leith and sons
of Stratford spent Sunday at Mr. A.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Taylor spent
Sunday at Grand Bend.
Little Alex, Thompson has been
sick for a few days. We hope he will
soon be better. •
\Fr. Frank McCowan accompanied
his sister, Mrs, Albert Batt and Mr.
Batt• to their home at. Stouftvillc.
'Bliss Reta Taylor is visiting friends
at Grand Bend,
Mrs. Geo. Hi1l and sots James Hill
were Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. Arthur Caldwell.
A large crowd'gathere'd at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre on
Tuesday evening, .'April 15!th, to hear
Mr. Bruce MeNevin df Onncntee. The
programme consistedof songs, read-
ings, and addresses. The chair was
ably filled bv. the president, Mr. \Van.
Hill. Opening uiS
' Smile Simile,
Smile followed bya reading
by Mrs
C, Clifton, "Socker} Set a Hen a
solo by Miss Jean Murdoch: "There
never was e coward where the sham-
rock grows," Then Mr, licNevin
gave a practical and helpful address
in farm problems and economicsi p e
which was listened to with great in-
terest. Mr. H. McLachlan, aceoni-
pianied by Mrs. McLachlan then fav-
ored the audience with a couple of
mouth organ selections. This was
followed by a reading by ' Mr. Wm.
Hill,"Widow Green's Last Words.""
Attr addresses given by Mr. Wim.
Black and Mr. Geo. Layton, a vote of
thanks was tendered by Mr. 'McLach-
lan to speakers and those taking part.
Miss Gibson moved a vote of thanks
to host and hostess for their hospital=
ity. The meeting closed with com-
munity singing. Congratulations were
generously bestowed upon Mr. Mc
Nevin and. many tributes • of praise
were paid to his ability. A generous
lunch war -,served by hostess and
friends. Besides this meeting Mr.
MoNevin addressed meetings at SS.
No, 4, Stanley, Goshen school and
S.S. No12, Hay.
A joint .meeting of united 'farm men
and women will be held at the home
of :Mr; and Mrs. H. McLachlan on
Tuesday evening, May 20. Topic to
be taken by Mrs, S. Thompson and
Mrs. H. Aikenhead. Talk on Dentis-
try. roll call, a potato recipe. ,Program
committee, Mrs. McLachlan and Mrs,
R. Speir.
Mrs, Alex. Souter of Detroit is vis-
iting her son James on the Mild Road.
Mr. R. McKenzie; we are sorry to
say, still continues to be poorly.
Easter visitors: Mies Emma Mc-
Donald, Mr. Leonard Boyce, Mr.
Robt McNaughton, . Mr. George
Knights, Mr. Clarence Armstrong.
The many friends of Roy Walker
and Mr. W. Stackhouse were pleased
to see them in church last Sunday af-
ter being confined to their hones for
the past few weeks through illness.
Miss Adah Reid, Mr, L. Reid and
Mr, S. Reid of London spent the
week end at the home of their father.
\ir. C. Reid.
Nurse Rouatt of Loudon visited at
the hone of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. Rouatt.
'Miss Grace Ross of Windsor visit-
ed her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William
Mr, S. Knox of Windsor, Miss
Kate McGregor of Newmarket visit-
ed at her home in. Stanley.
Mrs, Hays and babe of Stratford
visited her grandmother, Mrs. Alex.
Ross last weer:.
Mr. and Mrs Acheson and daugh-
ter of Roxboro visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Tough last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Addison of Londes-
boro were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Addison fast week.
Special Easter services were held in
the United Church Jest Sunday. The
choir rendered suitable Easter music
both morning and evening and the
minister, Rev. W. A. Bremner.
preached on the Resurrection. Large.
congregations were present at . both
The Young People's Society held
their regular meeting on Monday ev-
ening with a. good attendance. • T,he
president, Mr. Jim McIntosh, occu-
pied the chair, The topic took the
form of an impromptu debate. it was
decided to hdid the Young People's
t May
, ervices on Sunda
144th \-it'll "the Rev. Gordon Bubt of
Victoria St. Church;. Goderich. a, the
special preacher. In connection with
the anniversary services the Young
People will put on a play on the Mon-
day venin 19th
s � e g following, Ma • } , en-
titled, Fixing It for Father."
The Woman's Association of Bruce -
field United Church will hold a
Sale of
Home Made
fn Seaforth
At 3.30 p.m. -
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