HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-04-24, Page 4PAGE FOUR
THE. SEAFORTH NEWS Detroit, lately occupied by, Mr.Crei-
Snowdon Bros„ Publishers, ,,ghton, Mrs, Sins has rented part of
her residence to 'Mrs, Thos. Beg of
Hamilton a former resident of Blyth.
Miss (leen Ryan, who is teaching
near Lucan, is spending the holidays
With her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jos-
eph Ryan.
Mr, and Mrs. W. S, Forbes are vis-
iting the former's daughter, -Mrs.
Go land; at Fergus.
Mr, pas, H. McLaughlin; of St.
Thomas, called on friends in the vic-
inity over .the Week end, Mary•
J S. Buchianan and Miss N y
are spending the holidays with .friends
in Rochester, N.Y.
Miss Beth Shannon is visiting with
friends in Egtnoftdyille.
•Miss Isolbel Farquharson is visiting
her aut, Mrs. I. Henderson of Mc-
Killop, d Mr. and Mrs. D. Sohier an
neth are spending the holidays with
friends in Sirncoe.
Mrs. Thos. Clark and Wes are
spending the holidays with friends in
Mr. John Tomlinson of Flint,' Mich'.,
has purchased Mr, Will Nicholson's
farm on the 14th concession of Mc-.
Kilian. We welcome him to the com-
Miss M. E, Mowbray spent Sunday
with friends in Seaforth.
Mr. John MdDonald and Lewis
and Charlie of Windsor called on
friends in the village• this week.
Mrs) James Mowbray and Gordon
of Detroit spent the holiday with
friends in the village.
Mr. Keith Lamont and Peter Mow-
bray of ' Detroit spent Sunday with
friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Gardiner and
Miss Vera are visiting the former's
sister, Mrs. Jas. Mowbray, of De-
Mr. Ivan Young of Port Huron is
visiting his sister, Mrs , Joseph
Mr. George Kirkby of Stratford
Normal, and Mr. Kenneth Armstrong
of Wiarto» opera the week -end with
. -
Mrs Bell expects to move next week,
vir. and Mrs. G. M. Chambers are.
visiting friends and relatives in Tor-
onto this week.
Misses Gertrude and Grace Tunney
returned this week to London after.
attending their father's funeral on
Tuesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. James Switzer` of
Bayfield and Mr. and Mrs, F, A:
Powell Of Stratford were Easter
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Powelbl.
Mr, and Mrs. Batten of Milton visit-
ed the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs."
Jas. Tierney, over Easter.
The Young Peop'le's meeting Was
withdrawn this week owing to the
Death of L. J, Williams. - Early
Monday morning, April 21st, death
claimed one all Blythls prominent bus -
Mess men, when Luther 5 ,Williams
passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital,.
London, where he had been during,
the past four weeks, having undergone.
a critical operation, Mrs. Williams
remained with him all the time. De-
ceased was born in Wales,, sixty-three
years ago, coming to this country
forty-six years ago and lived 'at Sar-
nia, Winghant and Belgrave before
Coining to .Blyth in 1914. Be conduct-
ed a hardware store in Belgrave and
on coming to Blyth purchased the
Moser store. A few years ago he
started a variety store after selling his
hardware business. In 1991 he was
united M marriage to Miss Minnie
rives, with one daughter, Pearl.
One brother, Gwilliam Williams..
in Wales, also survives. The
funeral took place Wednesday after-
noon from the Family residence on
Dinsley street, at 2 p.m, to Union
Cemetery, Rev, Geo. Weir Of St. An-
drew's United Church, officiating.
Pageant Presented -On Wednesday
evening, April 16th, the Easter thank -
offering meeting of the McLean Mis-
sion Band was held"in the basement he
Flndrew's United Church.
the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. president Miss Pearl Williams, pre -
H. Kirkby.
Miss Amy Love of Toronto is holi-
daying in the village.
Mr. and . Mrs. James Elliott a nh
child, -of Atwood, S'pettt Sunday
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Elliott.
Miss Annie McTaggart, who is
teaching in Stanley .township, is
spending the holidays with her par-
enta. •
A number from. here took in the
dance at Auburn•on Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs• R. Drager of . G
spent, the week -end with his mother,,the last verse of the song, "Were Inc
Mrs. C. Dragger: Whole Realm of Nature Mine." The
Mn and Mrs. John Sholdice or verses df the hymn, "Jesus Keep Me
London visited friends in Vt alton last Near the Cross," 'were recited by
Thursday. Jessie Richmond, the whole Band
joining softly to sing the chorus, dur-
ing which they covered the cross with
flowers. Then Followed a very help-
ful address by Mrs. (Rev.) Scobie of
Belgrave on Mission Band Work, and
she also drew attention to the awaken-
ing buds at Eastertide. All felt that
the evening was most profitable Ind
Miss Dorothy Ro•bins,n of Seaforth
was a visitor with her parents, R. H.
and Mrs. Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. \Win. Sholdice of
Walton were visitors with the latter's
sister. Mrs. Robert Craig on Tuesday.
Mrs. Craig returned with them for a
few days.
Nix., Lyle Robinson of Humberstone
is visiting his parents, R. H. and Mrs.
R abinsott,
Mrs. John Cote left last Thursday
for Clinton hospital to undergo an op-
eration some time this week.
The \W.C•T.U. meeting was held at
Mrs. Bender's on Thursday afternoon,
April 17th. Mrs. Wightman, the pres-
ident, presided. There was avery
good attendance and considerable bu-
siness was carried out. A .special
11-:tlter,s meeting was planned for
next month. Mrs. Weir gave an ad-
dres on "Law Enforcement."
The CGaI.T. met on Tuesday even-
ing at St: Andrew's manse in charge
of the president, Miss Pauline Robin-
son, Miss Tillie Maines told the story
of the evening, "The Small Loaf."
This group is growing more interest-
ing from week to week,
Miss Ada Craig of Listowel spent
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and 'Mrs. Robert Craig.
)Jr. Russell Armstrong, accompan-
ied by Miss M. Davis of London, were
visitors with the former's parents,
Martin and Mrs. Armstrong.
Miss Hazel Petts visited her par-
ents Mr, and Mrs, John Pette.
Miss Bertha Brogden of London
visited her sisters, •Mrs. D. Moody
and Mrs. W. H. Lyon,
Mr, and Mrs, 0 Johnston and little
slaughters Irene and _Betty of Toron-
to were visitors with Mrs Johnston's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston.
Miss dice Gillespie is visiting her
sister, Mrs. John Haines. Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. \\'m, McCutcheon of
Brussels, accompanied by Mrs, Frank
\IcCutcheon, were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Craig on Sunday.
Miss Viola Fraser sang a most ac-
ceptable solo at the morning service
Church and
in St. Andrew's d
an appropriate anthem was sung by
the -choir. Rev. Mr. Weir's subjects
were: in the ,morning. "The Risen Re-
leemer," and evening, "The Walk to
Dr. Mortimer, of Auburn, mission-
ary in China for 28 years, will speak
at the annual Thankoffering meeting
sided, The Bible lesson on theLast
Days of Christ's Life on Earth
Passion Week, was taken by Isobel
Craning and Irene Brunsdon. Given
most impressively was the pageant i
which a Cross was used as the cen-
tral figure. A group of six girls, all
dressed in white, represented flowers,
all typical of the Resurrection.
upper part of the cross was decorated
with their flowers, signifying their of-
ferings. At the close of her part, each
rirl knelt around the cross and sang
Harris Soil
A Combination Clod Crusher, Roller, Pulverizer and- Packer,
that saves time and labor and increases Production,
All Repairs and Labor Cash, Open Evenings.
in ,Sit, Andrew's Church on Thursday
1Rev. Mr, Weir conducted prepara-
tory service at Londe'sboi Wednes-
day evening and took part in the un-
ion Good Friday service held in Au-
burn Anglican Church.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Leith• and fam-
ily of Stnatford were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Herb McElroy on Good
(Rev. L. V. Pocock spent Monday
and Tuesday in Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs, VIT. T. Stinson were
in Milton for a day or two this week.
Mr and Mrs Henry White and fam-
ily of Galt were Easter visitors with
Mr and Mrs. George White.
Mr. Harry Kemp of Detroit spent
Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.C.
'Miss ,Mary Brown of Brampton vis-
ited over the week -end with 'her par-
ents, Jahn and Mrs, J3•rown.
Mr. Louis Phelan is spending a few
days with -his mother and brother, Mt.
Jas. Phelan. -
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Turnbull, 16th con.; Grey, on Satur-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nicholson and
Gordon also Jmo. and Mrs, Grasby
were Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Grasby near Au-
Mir. and Dirs. George Stevens' of
Clinton, visited over the week -end
with •Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Nicholson:
Mr. John Watt is spending a sew•
days in Toronto combining business
with pdea
sure. "
Mfrs, E. Boyle of Toronto is visit-
ing her sisters, the Misses Dri call.
Mr. Arthur Carr, Mr, and Mrs.
Thompson and Dr. Thompson of To-
ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. \W -in. Me
Gavin over Easter.
Mr. and Mrs.' Johnston and two
sons of Atwood spent Easter with
their daughter, "Mrs. Wm. Elliott and
Mr. Elliott.
Mrs. Bailey -and son George of To-
ronto and Mrs. J. Fulton and daugh-
terMMinnie, of Mimico, spent Easter
with Mr. and Mrs, John Balfour.
Walton Public School. Senor
Room. -V. Class. -Examined itt Al-
gebra. History. Geography, Latin,
French, Literature. Art. - Gladys
Smalldon 75 p.c., Edith Ennis 72, Isa-
bel Farquharson 69.
Sr. IW -t Examined in all subjects.)
-Horace Rutledge 65. Grace Man-
ning 62, Tont Kirkby 61. 7Gordon
Jr.I\+.-Helen Smalldon 7 , G
Shortreed 69, Kenneth Murray 64,
Norma Steins 63, Margaret Murray
60. Gordon Ryan 59, Helen Farquhar-
son 56.
Sr. IDI. -Anna Ennis 74, Allan Mc-
Call- 70. Lena Drager 70. Fred Rut-
ledge 68, Florence Alderson 64, Willie
Farquharson 62. Mary Buchanan (ab-
Teacher, Chas. S. Sellers,
Junior Roam. -Jr. III -Jack Drag-
er 76, Jack Murray 75, *Mary Hum-
phries 65. Dorothy Murray 64,
***Beth Shannon 50.
Sr, LL -Kenneth Sohier 80, Bob
Kirkby 63, Jack Smalldon 58.
Jr. II -Stewart Humphries 59, Kath-
leen Farquharson 59, **Mildred
Sellers 35,
Se I,-(Excellertl-Barrie Mar-
shall, Garnet Cummings.
Jr. I. -!Excellente -Earl Coutts,
Ross Bennett, Bob Smelidon. (Good)
-Frank Marshall, Margaret Murray.
Sr. Primer. --.Viola Marks.
Teacher, D. Holmes,
Mrs. B. A. Lewis and son :=f Brock-
ville, are spending a few days with
Mrs. Lewis' uncle and run., Mr. and
Mr.. R. Powell.
Miss Alice Rogerson and Mr. and
Mrs. Ament of Toronto were Easter
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Roger-
Mr. and Mfrs. Bert Tacker and fame
ily and Mrsin Sint; spent Good.
Friday With the tatter's brother, Mr.
Harry Campbell, at Belgrave.
Mr, and Mrs, Sam Creighton and
family have moved n:u the :ate Miss
Hattie Dexter's house on Dinsley St.
Mr. and Mrs Earl Mill: are moving
this week into the house of Miss Bell,
Your Footwear plays an important part in
your life, both from a standpoint of
appearance and health.
We can rebuild Your Shoes at Small Cost
Modern 'and Up -to -Date Machinery Used
We Use the Best of Materials
forth Shoe -Repair
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100 ticres good band, well fenced,1
Plenty of water, frame house - Barn'
60x'60. Cement stabling. 50 acres
being sown with Oats and Barley.
Balance good hay land. A snap lot•
�. , art of
$5y200.00 with a Gash payment f+ r-
700,00 and terms for ba,lanee, Im-
mediate possession. '
We also have several grass farms
for Sale or relit --1510 and 100 acres.
A. 9. •Sutherland:
Insurance, Real Estate, Conveyancing,
Bonds, Etc.
The fod'lawing is the Easter report
of S. S. No. 7, McKillop.
,Sr, DV. -Melville Shannon 80 p.c..
Helen Tomlinson .76. '
Jr. IV.-iEverett Perdue 35, Walter
Somerville 79.
Sr. . DI1I,-1Boyd Driscoll 78, Lwin
Shannon 71, Jimmie :Balfour 69.
Sr. IQ, -(Kathleen Leeming 88, Har
olt2 Hudiea 8'4.
Printer.-l\�rild'ie Leeming 85.
Highes-t, number of stars in spelling
for months, March and April, Jinnne
Cora F. Strong, Teacher.
Tl'-,'IJRSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930.
72. gr. DTII,-'H'arvey Lamonit 62,
Scott Kerr 57, Sr. FL -George Mc-
Clure 64,Arthur Heudersou 63; Ross
Gordon- 52, Hector: Lamont 48, Mil-
dred Henderson 38. Sr. I.-Ahna
La,wmence 74. Pr. -Lois Henderson.
No. on roll 18. Teacher.
,M. Wheatley,
The following is the report of S. S.
No, 1, Mr)Killop, for Easter examina-
tions:, Sr. IV.-IWm:.,Nigh 67, Cath-
erine Lane 66, :Mabe1.N'igh 61. Jr. IV.
-Prances Fortune 733; Adelaide Mur-
ray 70, Doreen Negh:65. Sr. II. -.-.Jack
•Fortude 80, Ambrose Nigh (absent).
Jr. III.--Margarett Murray 73, Flor-
ence Murray and Rbbert Devereux 72,
Aileen Murray 71. • I. -Frank Dev-
ereux 89, Peter Nigh 85,Joseph
Ryan 74, Lawrence Murray 68, Sr.
Pr. Jimmie Nash 85, Sylvester Ryan -
84, Madeline Fortune (absent), Jr.
Pr. -=Anna Kriauskopf (good work).
Teresa Carpenter, Teacher.
The following is the Easter report
for S. S. No. 1e, McKillop. Examina-
tions have been given in all subjects.
Sr. IV,-Gretta Hulley 79.8, Agnes
Dodds 76. •
Jr. IV. -Agnes Case 77.3, Elizabeth
blc7arlane 74.
.Sr. III. ---Bert McSpadden 71, Tillie
Hulley 69.8,
•Jr. bIh Margaret Hh'bkirk 70,
George,Habkirk 69.
Sr. IS. -Arthur McClure 50.
Jr. L=Gordon Hulley 65: '
Primer. -,Lillian McClure, good,
Highest in stars for March and:
April, Gretta Hulley. No. oe roll, 1'1.
Average attendance 10.6.
Annie E. Strong, Teacher.
The fefloveiug is the report • of S. S.
No. 6, MdKillop, for Match 'end Ap-
ril.' Pupils have beep e*aniined ' in
The following is the school report all subjects: '
of Ir.S-S. No. 3, East Wawanosh and . Sr. IV. -Muriel Finnegan 90, Eve -
is. Honours 75, pass 60, 3y n Sparlieg' 83, Esther Duffy 82,
Brenton Godkin 63....
Jr. IV. -Reggie Pryce 74, Gordon
Elliott 68, Sola Beurmann 65, Norine
Little 64. •
Sr. I!I'hAltna Finnegan 90, Maudie
Spading 89, Evelyn Hoegy 70.
Jr. FIT. Vera Duffy Sl., Helen' El -
Sr. IV. -Mary Baird 82 p.c., James
McGill S0, Sylvester Kelly 76.
Jr IV. --Glen McGill 65.
Sr. ISS -Marjorie Graeby 76, Isa-
bel Nethery 66.
Jr. DLT,- Allan Baird 66, Loretta.
Kelly 65, Eddie McGill 60. Mae Kelly
41, El-
' 62, Glen Pryce 2•
Sr, Second. 'Surto Healy 86, Edna Jr. PLI. (Part I) -:Leslie Pryce 76,
Baird 75. Edwin Fear 70, Cameron Rita Duffy 66, Gerald' O'Hara 64.
\\'wish 65. (Part I'I)JHazel Sperling 89, Ever -
Jr. 'Second. -Marian Nethery 77, est Beurntann 84. Marie Hoegy and
Kathleen McGill 67. John Sanderson
Primer -Albert Kelly.
Prize for Spelling: Marjorie tras-
hy.- Prize for Conduct and Manners:
Janes McGill
Eliza M. Godkin, Teacher,
The funeral of the late John La-
mont whose death took place on
Wednesday morning, April 16th at an
early hour, was held on Good Friday
at his late residence. For several
Years Mr. Lamont and his sister have
lived retired in Blyth, lately occupy-
ing the Wilford house. Of late Mr_
Lamont was in very poor health, can-
cer being the cause of his death. It is
also very regrettable that at present
Miss Lamont is in a very serious
state from a paralytic stroke. Mr.
Lamont was an old resident of Hut -
lett township where he was born 72
years ago and lived until his mar-
riage. For a few years he lived in the
West until Mrs. Lamont died 31 years
ago. HC then returned to the Lamont
homestead on the 1'3th concession..
Besides his sister, Janet, he is survived
by one brother, Mr. Alexander La-
mont of Seaforth. A great many
friends and former neighbors attend-
ed the funeral on Friday. The ser-
vices were conducted by Rev. E. An-
derson. assisted by Rev George
Weir. A beautiful duet was sung
by the two ministers, Interment was
made in the Burn's Church cemetery,
Hullett. The pallbearers were Messrs
B. Herrington, James ,Denholm, Wm,
Brown. Sato Creighton, Chas. Rouse
and Jas. Lockhart.
Mrs. Catherine McDonald hes been
confined to her home in the Beattie
apartments through illness.
.Miss Mae Aberhart of London bus-
iness college, Mr. George Aberhart of
St. George's school, and Mr, Don Ab-
erhart, all of London, spent Easter at
their home in McKillop.
Mrs Bra Holmes is in Stratford
visiting Friends,
Little Miss Eleanor Smith of Niag-
ara Falls is theguest Eher cousin,
es o cons i
Miss Kate Ellison.
Mrs, G. D. Haigh and Miss Mary
Haigh are spending the holidays in
Mr. Ricliar Sandford d San d o d has rented
the residence formerly- occupied by
Mr. Thos. Habkirk on George street.'
Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Bristow and
children of Detroit spent Easter with
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Webster.
'Mrs, • McNabb, N. Main street, left
Saturday to attend the funeral orf her
brother, Mr, Hugh Ross, at Port Hu-
ron, whose death occurred Friday in
his 78th year, Mr. Ross was born in
Grey townshiP, but has lived in Mich-
for years. One son and two
i'daughters 4n Port Huron, survive; al-
so three Sisters, Mrs. McIntyre, Roy-
al Oak, Mich.; Mrs. Richards, Neb-
raska; Mrs D. Ross, Detroit, be-
sides Mrs. McNabb, and two brothers.
John And Dave of Michigan.
Mrs. Finlayson; Sr., left on Friday
to staywith her daughter, Mrs. Abe
Forsythe in Tuckersmith,
_Attend,in'g the 0.E.A. convention in
Toronto are Mr. J. C. Laing, Col. R.
S. Hays and Principal E R. Crawford.
Mr and Mrs. Aubert Edterand fam-
ily, spent Easter at Elmira.
Mr. and Mrs Clifford of Kitchener
were guests of Mfrs M. Jones, East
William St., Good Friday,
Beatrice Pryce (equal) 79, Mary
Pryce 77.
Pr. (Promoted to I.) -'\Wilbur
Hoegy, Audrey Beurmann, Bob Duf-
fy, Gordon Beurmann, Billy Little,
Alvin Beurmann. Perfect attendance
since January, Gordon Elliott, Helen -
Elliott, Alma Finnegan, Everett Beur-
mann. Number on roll 28. Average
attendance 27.
Teacher, 'Anona Dale.
The following are the results of the
Easter examinations for S.B. No, 2.
McKillop: Pupils whose names are
marked with an asterisk were absent
for one or more examinations: Hon-
ours 75 per cent,, pass 60 per cent. V.
Class. -Ethel Storey 71. Sen. IV.
Verna 1lcFarlane 70, Robert McMil-
lan 63, James McClure 55. Sr. DIeh-
Margaret McClure 63, Nelson Mc-
Clure 60, Edith McMillan 60, Edward
Storey* 51, Orville Storey* 40, Jr..DIll.
-Verna Storey 71, Isabel. Anderson
69, Arthur. Anderson 40. II. Class -
Eimer Scott' 63, Bert McClure 60;
Charles Storey 44. First Class -Bertha
McClure 80, John Anderson; 75. Prim-
er -Dorothy 3cIcCl•ure, Elwood Stor-
ey. ' Number on roll 19. ` Average at-
tendance 1'8.5..
Chive V. Medd, Teacher.
Following is the report of S:S. No.
4, M.dI(illop, for March and April: Sr.
IV, -Ruth Gordon •84.1, Barbara, Eb-
erhart 34, Linnes Krogman 77, Marc.
Kerr 73, Lloyd Yantzie 68, David
Shannon 64, Peter Watson 59, Archie
Smith 34, Jr. 1',T• -Olive Eberhart
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Oke and daugh-
ter Carrie spent the holiday with Mr.,
and Mr¢. Ephe Clarke.
Mrs. Charles McGregor has been on
the sick.dist.
Mr: William Evans has been engag-
ed with Mr, Ephriarn Clarice during
the seeding:
Mr. Lloyd McCully of Stratfbrd is
visiting his aunt, Miss Belie McCully.
Miss Gladys Coleman spent the
week -end with Misses `Doreen. and
Viola Clarke.
Miss Hattie Arnistrong is spending
her holidays with her grandmother,
Mrs. Wnt. Clarke. .•
Miss Thelma Dale of Toronto is
spending the ..Easter holidays at her
hone here.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Fred Stephenson of
Brussels; spent Sunday at the latter's
parents, _Mr. and Mrs. George Riley.
Mir. 'Iiktrold Glazier of Clinton is
spending this week with his aunt,
Mrs. Tom Pollard. •
Mrs. Leo' Stephenson arrived home'
front Seaforth hospital last Friday
where she has beefs under the doctor's
care for two weeks.
Master Mac Stephenson of Brus-
sels is 'spending his Easter holidays
with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs,
George Riley. ' •
School Report. --The following 'are
the results olf the Easter examinations
for S.S. No. 3, Mullett. Pupils whose
names are marked with en asterisk'
were absent for one or .more examin-
ations. Honours 75 per cent; pass
60 per cent. Sr, IV. -Isabel Jamie-,
san 77.1, Jack Sundercock 76,4, Viola
Clarke 71.1, Hazel :McMichael 61.3,
'Margaret Yungblut 52.1, Doreen
Clarke 47,4. Jr. IV. -Hattie Arm-
strong 35.3, Doris Lawson 80.9, Edith
Britton 66.2, Bernard Riley 63.9. Sr.
III. -{Hazel Jamieson 682, Ethel Dex-
ter 59:1, Charles Sundercock 56, Ella
Dexter 55, Kelso Adams 52.4, Fred
Riley 50.4. Jr. IT2.-1A,, John Thomp-
son 65.3, Edna Armstrong 5'5,2,' B,
J!eean Wakefield 54, Alex, McMichael
49.a. Sr. IT -Jean Anderson 90, Elva
Sundercock 78, Olive Grimoldby 66.
Grace McMichael 63, Alvin Riley 55,
Kathleen Yungblut 46, Reggie Law-
son 42, *Mary Thompson, First-.
Marian Lawson- 80, Viola Dexter 72,
Stella Arms•trong 70. Primer -,David
Anderson, Ellwood Clarke, Charlie
McMichael. Number oft roll 34, av-
erage attendance 30.7.
Ida I. Medd, Teacher,
-to save you work in the
-to give you more leisure
to'eliminate "guess" work
-to reduce your cooking costs
McClary's Electric Stoves
Phone 143 r 4 ' Seaforth
$36.00 per Ton
White Middlings are the cheapest feed on the market.
'They are very strong end very fine, making them the
ideal feed for, calves or little ,pigs. They are also excellent
for finishing stock for market.
Bran, in bags • • , • • $35.00 ` $34.00 ton
Shorts, in bags •••••••••••"•' '
Mixed Chop, in bags $1.85 per 100 lbs.
in bags $2.10 per 100.1bs.
OatRolled Chop, $1.90 per 90 lbs.
lCreck d ts, in in
$2:40 per 100 lbs.
�Gracked Corn, in bags; • • •• • • •
Chopped Grain in bulk $2.00 per ton les than above.
We pay a 5'c for every feed bag returned in good condition:
examinations, Ediith , •Mr. and 'ML's. Charles. `'Gooier of
Absent for all- exon i me spent Easter- Sunday
Port Colba p
Wallace. •
•Alice M. Archibald, Teacher. with Ma. and
a,les. Arer,spent ie rtor.
' S.S. No. 2. -The following is the Easter holidays with her uncle near
report of the examinations of the 90- Owen Sound' ams is rushing 'pils of S.S. No, 2, Tuckersmith, for Mr, Ernest Ad g
the winter tern. Names are in order ncss this spring with his new tractor.
oE merit. • Mr. and Mrs. Tyermau : and sister,
Sr. IV. -IE. .MacGregor 72 per cent.;, of Seaforth, visited at the ,home of
une Smit
B.. hII._N. Hevetior179, 5 G. Mc -
Sr. SIS.
Kenzie 78, R. • Watson 75, B. Mac-
Gregor 64.
Jr. ITT, -+D. Cooper '57, M. Smith
' Sr. 'I•I. Olive • Smith 81, Theda
'Watson 77;-E, Daman 76, B. Sand
ford 67, R. MacGregor 62. J r. 5 Deitz 68, A. Field 6 , E.
McLean (absent for exams), M.
Deitz 42. B. Watson
LAK• ilfadGregor, , Don
Cooper, Ray Cooper. •
Sr. Pr. --Robert Field, D. Dayman,
Grace Schilbe, K. McKenzie.
Jr. Pr, -Gwendolyn Cooper, Mar-
jorie Smith,
Mr. Davis 'Moore of Toronto is
spending his Easter holidays at the
home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Isaac Moore,
Mr, Wren Eyre of Windsor isholi
daying at his home here. ,
Mfrs. Lorne Pepper has returned to
her home at Niagara Fall's,
Miss Frances Houston -is visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. S. Houston.
Mr. and Mrs, Duncan McCallum of
Blyth spent Good Friday with Mr.
and Mrs, Jas, Hay.
Mr. Robert McNaughton of Lon-
don is &pending the holidays at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jehyr• McNaughton.
Miss Margaret ETgie of Toronto
spent the, week end at her home in
Mr. and Mrs, Warren Schilbe at-
tended the 'funeral of Mrs. Schilbe's
uncle, Mr. James McClinchey, in Clin-
ton on Saturday last,
Mr. Stuart Knox of Windsor visit-
ed atthe home of his uncle, Mr.
Lorne Wilson, over Easter,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Green and
daughters of Cheatham spent the holi-
day with Mrs. Green's mother, Mrs,
James Dayman.
Mrs., James Shaw of Simcoe is
spending a pleasant visit with her
many friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Wm, McGregor and 'Mrs,
French are doing nicely in Seaforth
hospital, after their recent severe ill-
Misses Margret'and Grace Cooper
of London spent Easter with their
parents in the village,
Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald
spent Raster with friends bit London,
Mr. Clarence McLean and Gilbert
Jerrott of London speak the week end
with their parents.
Miss ,Gladys McLean and sister
Rose are spending a week with
friends in Ottawa.
S.S. No. 5 Report. -The following
is the report of the Easter examina-
tions l nss
ous he d i No. 5-Tuckerstttfth.
Sr; IV =Margaret Leyburne • 76
per cent., Jessie Wallace 74, iiI'ariot}
Wallace 71, Donald Patrick 64.
Sit Tin -Gavin Gemmell (*) 80,
HaroldRice 69, Harold Chesney 66,
Edna McDonald (*) 64, Jean 'Mc
Donald (*) 48,
Jr. III. -Arthur Leyburne 77, Dor-
othy Gemmel! 66, Robert Patrick 65,
Ethyl Chesney- 50.
Jr. l'. -Grace Wallace 74.
Sr. I. -Warden Haney 87, Arnold
Archibald 80,.
•Sr. Pr John Oldfield 05, Hazel
M CNaughton 82, Gordon McDonald
(*) 75.
Those marked with an asterisk (*)
Missed one or ntorer examinations,'
Mr, Jas. Fairservice,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tamblyn of To-
ronto spent Easter with his mother,
Mr; Harold Sneli•of Toronto was
home for the Easter holidays.
The use of Miller's Worm Powd-
ers insures -healthy •children so far as
the ailments attributable to worms
are concerned. A high mortality
among children is traceable to worms.
These tap the strength of infants so
that they ere unable to maintain the
•battle for life and succumb to weak-
Mr. Fred and Harold Johnston
from London were home over the
Easter holidays.
Miss Gladys Fairservice from 'Lon-
don spent -Easter with Thos. arid'
Mrs. Fairservice.
Mr. Jas. •MeOr'ea of file Westervelt
School, London, spent Easter with
Isis parents here.
Miss I•n'wood of London .spent Eas-
ter at the home of Mr. Fred John-
Miss Brigham of Windsor spent
Easter with her father and mother,.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Brigham.
,Mrs. Fred Johnston and Helen
spent a day with Blyth friends.
Mrs, John Fingland entertained a
few lady friends one afternoon lest
Miss Eleanor Mains of Chicago,
daughter of Mrs. Mat. Mains, . was
married last Saturday.
Miss Elsie Mantling spent -last Sat-
urday in London,
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Roberton spent
Easter Sunday with Ripley friends.
Inexperienced Ambitious Men.
Qualify for $5 to $10 Daily.
Wanted for jobs ^atlGarage work,
Ignition, 'Battery, Acetylene -El-
ectric Welding, Electrical and
Aviation Experts. Short, practi-
cal treindng. Part time pay while
learning. Increase your earnings.
Be independent. Steadier Em-
ploymeet. ACT NOW. Write or
call for application, •
57 Queen ;W., TORONTO
Potato Planter
Having purchased a large potato
planter for our tractor, we will be
able to rent out our present machine
at $3.00 per acre, or portion thereof,
This machine plants the potatoes and
covers them, Also it has a fertilizer
attachment and by using fertilizer
your yield should net you a profit -of
$60;00 per acre by the extra use of
the 'fertilizer. Lf you should decide
to make potatoes a paying . crop,
phone us at once to arrange, as .the
planter is busy now and several or-
ders are booked naw.
We .carry a stock of Special Potato
Fertilizer and you will be alble to get
it when coming for machine.
We have a few more 'bushels of
those good seed oats to go at 75Ic per
bushel, also some timothy seed, some
goad buys on pianos or radios. Yours
for business,
3 miles west of Seaforth. Phone 616r34
See lize
Vibit Canada's great mountain country this
summer. See the mighty scenery of our Far.
West. Make jasper Park Lodge in Jasper
National Park your mountain headquarters.
Ride, climb, swim, golf, tennis, motor,
On to the Pacific ... A 500 mile trip from
Jasper... past towering Mount Robson
. following the turbulent Fraser River to
Vancouver. Ever' tura a new thrill ...
every mile a vista of spectacular beauty.
A 1,000 mile boat trip from Vancouver
through the colorful Inside Passage. See
glaciers, the Klondike, Skagway. Gorgeous
scenery,.. Congenial fellow- travellers.
Tours may be made by various routes.
Bali Information and
rescrvatione from aay
Agent of Ca waye..
iJ t j;, �Nattonal Hallways,
ana_ l an