HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-04-03, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. 'THURSDAY, 'APR''IL 3, 1930 u 7. • HENSALZ: Tt4rs. Herb. Castle of Clinton spent • ivisiting her son- • feet <lu,ys.lasd week us g 1 tv nd daughter, M. and Mrs. dump a a eines Vincent. toe Miss • I?ally Moose of Woods k, latent end visitingrelatives' pent the weekf' verizers i town,'., The auction sage of the. household orators tlects of Mrs. T. ,Simpson on Satur- ay afternoon was well attended. Ev- rythin sold` and brought goad g rices. Mr. George Elliott of Clin-C oil was the auctioneer.• Wm.- Consitt• attended the fire Mr. Tr. \V isurance meeting at Zurich on Sat- rhiThomas Simpson and son; s. A ons, accompanied by Miss Polly Moore, left Monday morning for Voodstack where they 'will visit. with elauves Eo r,aweek or two, Born:—!I'it Hen's'all, on Sunday, !larch 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ATurm, a 'son. Miss Nellie Boyle of London spent he week end at her home here, :Hiss Mildred McDonald of Guelph, •lady:dri!ver, thehome of her par-, pent" a week atp pts; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MdDonadd. -I2a -Mr, Fritz and son of Zurich moved he shoe stock that they recently .per- :based from Henn .Phi 1e to their y mil store at Zurich on Thursday est. Mr. Harold Warrener is moving his aarber sho to the snore ya_ P recently by Henry e bu_ He will also reside in the same building. t reside Mr. Ross Dick of Toronto spent hweek end with hisparents. Mr: the and Mrs. aures Dick. Miss Marquis of Brucefield, who has been visiting for some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bon- throe, returned to her home this Beek. The many frfiends of Miss Mary A. Hoggarth are sorry to hear she is not enjoying. the best, of health. j eMr. Mr. Andrew Hicks of Centralia was in town attending the show. The Old Age pensioners in town received their monthly cheques on Saturday, which was a 'Welcome ad- dition to the spring finances, Mr. Geo. C. Petty was in Toronto Tuesday on business. The sd manyfriendseshere of Mr. Thomas Panner will be very sorry to hear that he is stricken with pneu- monia and is in a very serious condi- tial. As he is over 80 years of age very little hope is herd out for re- covery, He is at present living with his daughter, Mrs. Albert Whitesides of Gaderich, \Ir, and Ctrs, Thomas Palmer were in Goderich on Monday visiting Mr. in Pahner's father who is seriously ill. Mr. George Snaith of Exeter was in town Tuesday for the show. Born.—In Hensall, March 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, a dough- ter. Another large crowd attended the g dance and euchre party put on by the firemen ,gin Tuesday evening, The hall n'•zs crowded and everyone reported a got• 1 time. Mr. Herb C;x, ex -Reeve of Ge de- ri,�ii township was in town Tuesday. lir. James 'Papp of London spent the week end at his hone here. lir. William Reynolds of Tilsnn- trine was a week end visitor with his si.ter-, alis, .-troy Reynnlrls and Mrs, R binson• Mr. Clare Zuefle of the Bank of M. ntreal staff. Isis returned :liter spending his holidays with relatives in Toronto• Mr. Gen. C. Petty of the firm or ePetty & Wren, produce dealers, hat slid his interests in the business toCARD -lir. Cecil Harris, Mr. Petty intends taking a rest i,,r a while, Mrs. \\'tlhttr llniiing, who has beenHenryWeston. :n t • h for some time was te- in , < r 1 salt ken to a London hospital where she will undergo an operation. • The village council held a special meeting on 'Tuesday evening of this. week. The regular monthly meeting will be held on Monday evening, AP- ri] 7th. :\G. W. D. Sanders of Exeter was M town Tuesday. At e meeting of the Women's Guild of the St, Pauls Anglican Church, Mrs. Thomas Simpson, who is leaving town. was presented with the following address and presenta- tion: "Dear Mrs . Simpsons—It is with sincere regret we have learned that you are about to sever your eon- r.cetk,n with us, Words cannot ex- press the loss we feel will be ours and know t, h,, s willpray aGrd's still :rain er's roti apt,re h��pe 'aid God's richest blessingwill always follow in whatever part of Tiis vineyard you may be called to labour. You have fitted many important offices in the different organizations 0f •.:ur church and you will certainly be greatly missed by all. \\ a ask yon to accept This purse of gild as a eery slight token of our appreciation of your work amongst us, Women': Guild of St, Pauls Anglican Church."Tennessee Messrs. Robert Higgins and Wil- liana Colrain were in Goderich on 14fonda Y• Mrs, Bertha Bell intends leaving shortly for Toronto where she in- tends making her hone. Spring Show, One 0f the largest crat ds in years to Hensall to at tend a Spring Siiow here, gathered on Tuesday. The day was cold and dis- greeable•, raining falling in the morn_ m and a slight snow in the after g noon but those who came were well repaid for coming, for there was one the finest exhibits of horses ever sofhown hoer in Hensali, Every class was well filled. In the aged stallions a splendid lot of horses were shown and the draft and agricultural teams were particularly fine and in the single roadster class it was hard for the judges to make their decision. Followingis the last of prize win- hers: ,Aged stallions, Robert Mord- pch, J. J. Midler; Percheront stallion, foaled in Heavy eeraft Soldan, mare, Alex. 'Wright, W. S. Broa'dEoat, D. Fother- ingham; 11927 gelding or filly, Thomas Forsythe; 192 gelding or filly, Tre- meek Bros., Thomas Forsythe, M. draft teams, James Scott, A. and J, Braadfot,' H, Truemner; Ag- mare 'and foal, . R, J. Sott, David Fotheringham, William Chap- Agricultural gelding or filly, ,1927, M. Tinney; Agricultural gelding or filly, 1928, R, Tinney; General Pur- , pose team, William Decher; Carriage- team, S, H. Thiel; single Carriage ry�n s� a�Baby-• Implements.. 1CI11e1 ts. Several lst class' land roilers, good Se [ tooth cultivator,week. rake; spring Massey4Harris with seed grain attach - �;' I, ale worth' the money,- - —14)r,�.� See -our Fertilizer; Drills. Soil Put- Cream Sep- and Cultivators of Farm and Complete Line Machinery. Tractors, Threshers and Trucks. Repairs strictly cash, "s COVEN LOCK Agentfor International Harvester Co., Manufacturers of . Seaforth left Thursday to There (.'• �r n CIS, CARDS. on' visit .:and ICitcltener before going bo Toronitol�PROFESSIONAL Where she is commencing to train far a nurse at the General Hospital this Jean is airs of our most popular =oto' • ladies and will be. reatl ~piss- g greatly, Y ed -here, Her many friends wrsdt her every success in her chosen' pro -� ' - ' 'Broods LARGE .sY e, y Flecks , 1,a. ?ua v n, s ate- .'.fek1r• - •, On Ty Y', . Medical:' • We are different from the ordinary hatchery, as our breeding stock is ap proved by govean,rnent ms•pectors. On -England. our own eggs of 2 oz, or over' are used for incubation; We trapnest' the acouatd and only200-e g 'birds- year 200 -egg or better are kept for.breeders. Order early for disease free husky' chicks of DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and• Surgeon.., Late of London Hese S eciai ental, London, gl , p itention to diseases of the eye ear' nose and ,¢'hroat. Ofifiee ani retzd- ence"behind D'om'inion Bank. OMea Phone No, '5: Residence Phone` 10l it es,sio, *_ r ��°"°4_=t =' »,n04,, "� ' 'r'-- „ow i . �'Tlller's Worm Powders are par ex- celle[ce the medicine for children' who are found suffering from the ravages of worms. They immediiately alter the stomachic conditions under which "east worms subsist and drive them the wo s from the system, and, at the same time if, € �YfCes . • ;;5;,�t�- ge • it`;m y;` .;,, '0'4'1 : ' d, Sal e �fms t _ 'a Improved Buckeye , Incubators with New Automatic Egg Turner. high qua9uty. Our plant, stock and equipment are open to inspection at all times. Come in, and pay, us a visit:. Ontario Breeding Station c Bred -'to- Lay' Barred Rocks. Located one Phone block north of new hospital. Ph DR. F , J. BURROWS, Seafortle Office and residence, Goderich street; . of the United Church.- Coronet for' Countyof Huron. Telephoto No, 46 • • 3'04, We have 1'50 chicks for sale that•are nailed in battery brooders under the most sanitary condition, ready to out thispin and see these - C. M.ACKAY.=C. Maclay;, honof graduate of Trinity Univendrer and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, they are topical in their effect upon the digestive organs, restoring them to healthful operation and ensuring immunity fromifurither disorders .from a cause., STOP—the loss of your Baby ChicksDR. SAVE—them with Buckeye Colony Brooders , an Keys, John, _r; sin ,go Roadster tam, H. Truemner; single Roadster, Robert McLaren,: C. •Fry;• J. 13• Lewis, Dr. A. 'Moir; Roadster carriage foal, A. B. Bell, grand a Pion!s.hap, R. J.. Scott, Alex. Sinclair; A. c& J• Broadfoot, James Scott. Best Mrs. James .Wrighlt,, Kip- Pen. Sweepstakes for best , stallion' bert l urdlbch. To:vnshfp prize, ; er Hi'bbent, Tuckersnttth. .Q. Geiger special; •R. Murdoch; O: KT pp spec- Tal, A. Sinclair, . Dr. Dougall; Robt. McLaren. Shorthorn b1il1, calved in rich heifer under 2 years, 19'28' M. C 'r M. Crich, R. \. Peck, baby beet, R. r or heifer DT. Peck,• besk butcher stee$ Herbert Kercher, Roy Pepper, Owen :common Geiger & Son; Commercial hotel spe- tial for best Shorthorn, Mt Crich; Dairy cows, Archie Rowclnffe, M. W. Crich, \l . Sangster, Dr, A. Camp . bell. Boys judging contest, A3.PI)NIiALE, Broadfoot, Norman Pepper, James Wright,John Broadfoot, Cornelius t' Faher, such SQpd us the names of your visitors. • - � chicks• i'ST, Seaforth F. SIEGR r DR. F.J R.:FOIRSPER—Eye Bar Nose and Throat. Graduate in Meda, - LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS. �' i • . ' SEED FOR SALE.' A quantity of 'Early Victory Oats for seed two -rowed -Basi ley for seed, 90c a -bus. •BACK' Mc - SPADDEN, !Ifihoue • v314 r 24, 16 cine, .University of Toronto1497 Late Assistant New York hthat- mic and Aural Instil ':e, Moorc$eld`s Eye; and Golden Square throat lmoe- pitals;'London. England. --At "Coins- Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Mon da s 'nth. month, •from. -11 a,m, to 3 p.a. Toronto Live Stock. March 31,—;Receipts. — Toronto,P Gattle,• 4J-0O;;calves, 410; hogs, 995'; sheep and lambs,. 700:eraal S'Oune choice light • sheers -sold at _, $11.50, and nnost'of the choice lots wont at $10.7.5 to $111,• light and wo lily ones urci $ Fair - to good cattle ,yr ones elude to $10.T5; and sold downward to 9. Best:, heifer -s were $'1'0.50 to.$1'1. 'Caws were not so strop 0n butchers at $8 to g $8.75 for best. :Bulls were firm at $7:50 to $8.50 for butchers and downward to $6.50 for' bolognas. Fed calves ranged from $10 to $1'3, with one at $15. Odd lots; of store cattle brought $8 to $9,3'5• n hundred. Calves were a shade stronger at $13 to 1'4 for the ,bulk' of choice, with a $Lights .were few tops at $14:50 to $15. Lig s w .downward to $$. d The hog market opened unsettleeons, but later on showed a stronger tone, and last bads were $112:50 f.o.b. for bacons, or $113,75 off ,the car, a quarter better than last Thursday. Bids .from packers were expected to be lower for rest of the week. thep The lambs on hand were' mostly from the West, and sold at $11,75. There 400 from the West. Two p • pp R R SUPERIOR SUPE �O rr cc: iT T Baby h1VkU QUAD l Y S.C..WHITE LEOHIORNS, B.P. ROCKS, BLACK MINORCAS, . WHITE WYANDOTTES, AN'OO.NAS Our' Flocks are purebred, bred -to -lay and are carefully culled for :. 'high Egg.Production and large eggs. Mated with Cockerels from high •'- production Hens, many of them, Pedigreed. Price list on request, • Call and talk over your' neelds in • poultry ,suppliee. We hand'ie the•., "Royal"line brooders, feeders, fountains, etc.; also Royal Purple.- Brooders. • We also handle all kinds of Feed, Lay Mash; Chick Mash, . Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Shell; Grits etc: tWe will .have ,a 1•inrited space each week for custom hatching at 4c per egg: Now, is the time to order tab chicks, if you want earl youry y Fall Layers when egg prices are high end to _realize the moat for your . Broilers; S�nn{jvale :PouItr Farm •• a°d ►• �1 HatC1iC1"�► PHONE 137r3. • ANDREW A. MOORE, SEAFORTH Ont, STOVE FORveSALE. Quebec cook stove, prattle ally good as new. Phare 245 r 3, Seaforth. E• S: McB,REEN, Hu71eRh. 15• • .DR. W. C. S�PROAT.: Graduate •il Facul•fy 'of Medicine, Univesity •! Western Ontario, '.London., 'Member of College of Physicians' and Sun - geons of Ontario. Office in A'berhares CAJLVFiS FOR SALE.. Lf you want any young calves for raising or far vealing, :. HAROLD Drug Store, Main St., Seafotli Phone 90. . , Bra ell 0-nt. • Phone 5 eefi on _78, Hensalt. Dental, t POTATOES. S'EED.OATS AND White Danish 'oats front a 'fifty- bushel yield last year•. These• oats have beepgrown by 'high-class farm- ers in uekers'in'ith for: some years and _proven better yielders thea ,many kinds now on the market. Price 90c per bus: Irish Cobbler potatoes ,from Certified Seed, while they last at $2',00 DR. J. A: MUNN, `Succeuor to Dr. R.• R. Ross,. graduate oft Nortk= western University, Chicagodll. Is - centiate iRoyal•College of Dental Sun - g Toronto. Office over Burs hardware; Main Si, Seaforth.' Phone 151. y • HAYFIELD. and Mrs. Kitvckey, who some time ago purchased Mos, :Brawn's pro- perty on the Satnble Line, moved their household effects from Toronto last week in one of the largest .moving vans in -Canada. . Mr, and Mrs. Knuckey will not reside here until Fall as Mr. Knuckey has secured a position for the summer in connection with the Royal York Golf Club. While here Mr. and Mrs. Knuckey were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred MnEwen. The Euchre and Dance under the auspices of the Orange Lodge on Wednesday evening last week was quite a success, although owing to other attractions and catdfuon of the the attendance was not as large as it otherwise might have been, The winners in euchre were Mrs. Feather- stone, Mrs. A. Newton -Brady, Rich- and McDool and Bruce Moore. An excellent lunch was served after which dancing followed. Rev, Mr. Kane of Seaforth and Secretary Rev. G. M. Dunn, of the Budget Committee, Toronto, conduct- ed the service for the Presbyterian congregation ou Bandag last, sries of evangelistic meetings will he ehld in St, Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, and Grace United Chturch, Porter's Hill, beginning the first in. May,onducted by Evangel- lets \Vhitesides and Leonard, Frank Erwin and Miss V, Schultz were here .in Sunday. Mrs.. Edwards, who was visiting in Kitchener, return- ed with teem. lir, and Mrs Roy Smith moved last ,leek to the house lately occupied by the late Miss Safah Reid. While re- pairing and shin ling the house the • A g g 1still were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don. Murray, Mr. and Mrs, Percy Weston Of Kit- chener spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Y home Charles Gemeniltardt returned a on Thursday last from Florida where he spent the winter and reports a very enjoyable time. He accompan- led Itis aunt and cousin, Mrs, L. Woods and Miss A, \V. Woods wh'o are visaing Rev. and Mrs. a G. g Crosby, Cl±tcrville, before returning home. Miss Alma McKay, Mrs. D. Pren- tice, Toronto, and Mrs, A. Furter, North Bay, spent the week end with their parents. Mr, and Mrs, G. Knight and babe of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, F. Gemienhardt, Miss Jean Woods who has been home since Christmas from Galt where she previously taught school, bag. Act now if in'tereste'd. J: E. HU- GdIILL &• S!OIIVIS; 7?�hone 34~61'6. 14 DR: F. J. Hof Dental graduals Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons. FOUR SALE: , -Gasoline tatilc; 250 gallon capacity, with puatup. Apply to SID DUNC9EY Phone 22'7, Seaforth. 14 Toronto. Office over W. R. Smittk9 grocery, Main Sts'Seaforth. 'Phones" office 185W, residence 185j. ,, were loads of good native lambs brought $12, and one fancy load sold at $1'3. Spring lambs were from $8 to $1'3 eachHOUSE' P g for the two dozen sold. Sheep were steady at $5.50 to $9 for what was o'f- Tenders Wanted PHOTOGRAPH'S ' Make !acceptable Easter Gifts 'be-. cause they express the sentiment of the occasion. The Burgess 'Portr'ait FOR SALE. ,A good comfortable frame house, conveniently situated to Main Street Consulting Engineer. - with town water, electric ights,quick garage. Will be sold cheapi€or •sale, or will be rented. Apply to News Office. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tar.)s O.L,S., Registered Professional Ba- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member fered. Sealed tenders ,narked "Grlavel •Studio, •'Mitchell, will 'be leased to p Montreal Live Stock. Montreal, March 31.—Cattle receipts on the two Montreal live stock mar- kets 735. There. were Crusher Tender' will be received � the tntdersligned unutil Thursday, April 24th, at 3 o'clock p.m. for furnishing power and operating the gravel crush- make those IEa0 er ••Plhotographs for you, You will find our prices reason- able. . SWEET CLOVER SEED. Yellow Sweet Clover Seed' for sale. Engineering Institute • of Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont. today totalled no top cattle. Evidently the finished cattle were held back for the Easter markets, which will likely begin nest week. Trading was active and prices g qualitynecessary higher, Just medium ualit steers lacking both breed and finish sold up to $10,50 and practically all steers sold between $9,50 and $10.50. One lot of fed yearlings averaging 870 lbs, of er 'for 'the Townsbip of IHvilett for- the coming season. !Separate tenders.: for operating .and furnishing power may'ibe considered. !Operator to fur- push all men and teams to keep the plant running to full moat- its, and have the -crushed material in the bilis ready for hauling. 'Contract- or for power to furnish .elither 30 h.p. 20 h.p. Operator FOR SALE A• quantity of Seed Oats grown from 0.A!C. seed 1144 at 80c per bu. Also a limited su 1 of slabs left - supplydry at $2,75 per cord for softwood and $3,25 for soft maple, Good York hog for sale. Phone 1-38 r 2 Seaforth. W'M. DOIG, JR., Kippen, One, 15 PETER SULLIVAN; Phone 228r31. • 14 ;s Auctioneer. s HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE ;Purebred Barred Rocks, good lay- ing strain, have laid 50' per cent. all winter without lights.. Few eggs from trapnested pen. Price 3s/z c; 4c and Sc' per egg. ROY LIAWSON, Clinton,` r. r. 1, phone 31 -on 2'41. 13 ' GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangementa can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News.. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. good average quality sold for $11.75, including heifers. 'Good cows, sold up to $0, The bulk of the cows sold be- tween $7 and $8, Heifers sold up to $10. those of medium quality bringing $8 to $8.50. Canners sold as tow as $3.50. Compton bulls were from $5.50 gasoline or steam. to clean off kill surface soil and. keep the pit in proper repair. Also at the same time tenders Will 'be received for the delivery by truck of• not more •than 1% yards capacity, ,of the crushed gravel at a price :per yard per haul. Lowest any tender not OATS AND BARLEY FOR SALE. Quantity of 0.A.'C. Oats No. 144, at 80c bushel, Also quantity, of 0,A. 'C. No••72 Barley at 90c a bushel. JACKSON BROS., Phone 134r5, Seaforth Central. 14 . DEBTS COLLECTED. ;We collect notes, accounts, wages and Judgments: Orin success will as- tonish you, We seldom fail; if we do t costs -you nothing, you take no risk. You canlose: Write us today far iHAR1O.LD D. ,DALE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Moderate rates and satisfaction guar- -Mode , Phone 149, P.O.. ,'Box 13. Seaforth: ' - for light yearlings to $7.'50 for those of good weight, with ,good butcher bulls selling up ,to $8.50. calf receipts were 840. The calf market was 50e or more lower. Trade was verydraggy. Veal calves were mile or necessarily accepted. 'Specifications may' be seen at the office of the under- signed.. JOt3N 16 Clerk of Hullett, CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Implements. O, W, Reed,' •k�TNGLAND,• auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned proprietor to by public auction on Lot 8, Con- particulars. Clip this ad for future reference, CANADIAN CR•EDIT- ORS' ASSOCIATION Branches ev- erywhere. Owen-Sotiid branch. P.O. box 95'1, Owen Sound. 14 p •WA'd SON' AND RBICD $ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to •Watson common to just fair quality. One small Int weighing close to 130 lbs. brought $10. The'bulk of the sales were made between $8 and $9. Very common veal or ail -fed calves were as low as $7. Grass calves were from 5,25 to$5.75. Cr $ Sheep receipts were 78, Spring lambs weighing .between 30 and 40 lbs, brought $10 each. The few Iambs of- fered ;were common and were sold -with OF THANKS. Mr, Jim. E. Daley wishes to extend • his sincere thanks to the many people who attended his auction sale of March 26th, and helped In making it a success. Mr, Harold Dale also wishes to extend his appreciation for their assistance given at his first experience as an Auctioneer. cession 9, Township of Hibbert, twoJames miles east of Staffa village, on !Friday, April 41th, 1930, the following: Deering binder, 6 ft, cat; Massey- Harris 13 disc seed drill; spring tooth cultivator; 12 It. dump . rake; farm truck waggon; set of disc harrows; 2 walking plows; 'scutfler; 2 set of dia- mood harrows; rootpulper; extension ladder other articles. SPECIAL SALE. For the next ten days, we offer Pianos, radios or Victralas at Fac- tory Prices. No need to leave your home territor to bu as we will tom - Y y+ MAIN ST., SEAFORTH,'ON)F. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed est rates in First -Gann Companies. pete with alis concent in Canada dur- ing this sale, and deliver to your Monte free of charge, with terms to suit your convenience, See us at our home on hi hway, half way between Seaforth and Clinton; or hole at d p or in- we 616~34 an J. E. will call o n oto SONS, Huron County's Largest Potato Growers and Music Dealers. 14 ►ti i ►rH�' MLrKI LOD ' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ns EM PROPERTY, 0 N LY ISOLATED NSURED Officers—James Connolly. Goder- ich; Aleic, James Evans, Beechwood, d, Vice D. sheep and hocks for$8 flat. Sheep P were from i$6p to Hog receipts were 754. Hogs were stronger" About 50 per cent. of the hogs were sold on a ,graded basis at HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE g White Rock, good laying strain,. also good weighers of table bird's: Phone 21 on 234, Seaforth 15. and nutnerous Terms of Sale—All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount seven months' credit will be given at approved joint notes or a discount of 4 per cent. off. for cash on credit, $14 for bacons, with $1 premium, per hogon selects and cuts on the lower grades. The balance of the hogs were sold for$ 14 to $ 14.25, fed and watered fat. - FOR SALE. amounts. Sale to commence at two o'- A quantity of :Seed 'Barley 'for sale. clock sharp, No reserve as the pro- 4pply to R. H. IM'ODELANtD, .Ph•one. prietor has given up his rented farm. 143r4. 11'6 0. W. Reed, auctioneer. DONALD SIACLE,A.N, proprietor. FARM AND fiOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Bargain Prices. Several good, houses' in Seaforth and E mondville, g Improved and Grass Farms, 50 and 100 acres. Drop in and go over our list at any time. A. D. SUTH'FJR- LfuND General Insurance Conve - Y arcing, Real Estate, Tnvestments, etc, Phone 152, Seaforth, Ontario. President; F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors—W,m. Rinn, No. 2, &ec forth, John -Bennewies, Brodha t ggeena James Evans, Beechwood;. M. h€c- Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God - ericln; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3 , Sea- Sea - forth M. Sholdice. No. 4,Vlialton RobertJFerris Harlock; Ger a Mc. Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Buffalo Live Stock. .East Buffalo, March 31.—Hogs—Re-. v eeipts, 8, 00; holdovers 300; rather slow; 10c to 20c below Saturday's av- cage; packers insisting on full de- cline; hulk 130 to 300. lbs", 10,90 to $11. 220 to 250 lbs., $10,40 to$10.85; packing sows, $8.75 to $9 25. Cattle—Receipts. 2,200; better grade {ed steers an3'yearfings very slow; bulk unsold; hills and odd sales 50c lower; ntediunt short fed steers and Yearlings, $1'I to $11,50; medium hent - ers, $10.50 to $1.1.25; fed cows, $7.25 to , 8:50, $ 'Calves — Receipts, 1;500.; vealers(40), mostly steady; good to choice, $14.50 to $15.50. !Sheela-Receipts, 7,200; lambs, faire 1y active; 102Sy; good to choice woolskIns, 10 95 to $10 .50; medium. $ and strong, $9.50 to $10,25{ shore' lambs, $9 to $9.50, LIVE STOCK SALE Of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, at Lot 6, Con, 4, H"iR.,S,, Tuckersmlth, MORTGAGE SALE Of Fifty Acres in Township of oil brses—day April 9th, at 1 p•m•,M K,illo Under and by virtue of Horses—1 Clyde inure, 8 ears old, p 3' Yg m ,foal; 1 four year-old gelding; 1 an Indenture of Mortgagewhich,has g been registered and will he produced ei,glit-year=old elding. at the time of safe, -there will be offer- Cattle—Thirteen cows. These areJ a ood bunch of cows, Holsteins, ed for sate; at' public auction, by 8 Thomes Brown, Auctioneer, at The Dili -hams, Polled Angus, one part Queen' Hotel, Seaforth,• on Thurs- Jersey. 2 with calves at Eoot and two Qy the 117th A ril, 1930, at two fresh a few weeks.. Balance -corrin in pgood. Aril Mayand one. o'clock, in the afternoon, the follow- p; ' . J. ing lands and: ,premises, namely:— Three heifers• .in tale, two, arrow „ cows 14 heifers and steer• s'rising two The South' Half of • Lot number Ten in the Seventh (7th) Conces- Years old; one fat steer and 1 heif• er Ston, of fhe To'wnsh'ip of A4cI illop, about 10 hundred. . n litter choice in' the County of Huron containing 50 Two' brood sews, One it acres of land be the 'same . more or suckers. less. Abotrt 50 Leghorn hens. • A gpantify' pf hay, The land is well situated an offers a en .o portunity to anyone wantingto Terms.—Seven roedmonths, nit per cent. otI for cash. A ,roved ant notes. secure 50.acres of farm lands. . . r� Frtilize1s' ) Have uu bon ht our Fertilizers? Y g Y \Ve shall be pleased to fill your orders for hi h ualitplant food at the fol- lowing races atFp car, g P Natural 33 per cent phos- Phate, the cheapest source of plant food to the farmer, Use it with your manure, it will save you buying a ler- tilizer drill. Price, cash ' $30;00 per ton. Oct. 1st $31,50. TANGUAY, a French Fertiliser mftd to Quebec City, A.1, Quality 0.12.5—Cash $30 your note to Oct. 1 $31.50. 2.8-4--• $33 $35.00all 2-12.2— " $39 " 37.00 - -12-6— '. $38 0,00 Armour's High Analysis. 2-16-8— " $49 " " , 5'1,00 4-16-4— " $a3 55.00 " " 6.16-12—'4 470 $72;00 Nitrate of Soda in ton lots $65.00. Smaller lots 470.00, Aero Brand Agricultural Limestone; an All- Canadian Product ratan '.' $4;50 1 „ $8.00 „ $8'75 ? . $T75 $8.00 10 " $e.en $7,75 30 ton car $W. 7,00 If stared fifty cents extra. We de- liver to you for one dollar per ton. We guarantee our fertilizers and will put them tot Eor tom of the same ana- lysis against any offered bycompetit- ors. Yours for service and a bumper crop,_ ��% 'Mara •• 11®• Sproat TILE MFTR. PHONE 136r2 FOR SALE, A good seven roomed house, electric wired, tele hate, soft •water in house, a P well, stable can be used as a garage; hen house, good garden. hop- ply M"RS. W. OLIVER, Main Street, E mondville. 13 g Agents a mes Watt,- Blyth; r.r. Na: 1, E. Hinckley, Seaforth; ,J, A, Murray, r,is No. 3, •Seaforth; J, V. Yeo Hor,r. No 3, R. G: J ~m, V. ' th Bornholm:. • James • Keir add Jahn Goventock, ,Seaforth, auditors: Parties desirous •to effect insurance or tram~- act other business will be promptly A'PARITMENT TO RENT. Over Thos. Dickson's store,• Apply to E. L. BOX. attended to byany of the above -named ppolflcers to dressed ad to their respective postoffices. AT YOUR SERV'I'CE. B'e6ter Wallpaper for less mope Orders taken ,o. Work at reason- able price. LEO GLEAISON, Paper- hanger and Decorator, ' Phone 5, g mblin, Ont. 34 • THURS. FRI. S'AT Strike up the Band, here comes Karl Dane Geo, K. Arthur Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, March 31. —Hogs—Ree- eipts, 55 000, including 22;000. direct; mostly 10c to 20c lower; extreme top, ;Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer; WM. Terms of Sale.—Twenty (20) per tend. of the urah'a'se money, m cash M. SRiROAT, Tile Mftr., Prop. .Phone p 1136 r -' be d t e balance to ptaid, e in ian cash lande nwithout iatertst thirty days thereafter. - EGGS FOR HATCHhNG. Barred Rock eggs 5c each; Barron White Leghorn bred -to -lay eggs, 6c each. K•RIUSIE BIILOIS; Phone 1'60x14 .RIR. No, 3, Seaforth, , • 1fi. , = ' -in— ALL i A r L TIT S E A. written by Byron 'Morgan $'1050 wet lits, paid for 1185 -ib. g next prate, $1b.40, bulk, 160 to 210 lbs. $10,15 to $10.35; choice 250 1b. weights, $9.75; 350 lbs., $9.50; butchers, med- pmt to choice, 200 to 300 lbs., $9.20 to $g9,75; 200 to 250 lbs., $9,45 to $10.4'0; 160 to 200 lbs:, $9.50 to $10.50; 1'30 to 160 lbs., $9.40 to $10.40. Peeking sows, $8.13 to $9. Pigs, medium to choice; 9.0 to 130 lbs., $9 to $10. C-attle-Receip'ts, 17,000; calves, 2 500; lar elr steady; glen andeeractive betterfoygradesristly good and choice, weighty steers; top, lin.gs465; lower unevenly steady to 25crades and t liver. wrthm (30) Tire Pure'ltaser will be respired. to IN MEMORIAM sign an agreement for the comple- Mc$II!AFIJEY.�In lovfn memo of tion. of_ according to written Con- little Harold McKinley' Who went d'itiorls sale Sate, which will be made home one year ago, ,on April5th, knawn,at the. time of sale an'd may 1929. ,.. be h'ad In- the meantime from the un- bersignenl. Immediate possession can We miss the laughter of your voice;; de given, Int the property is not sold The sweetness .of your smile, -:it will be: rented: The sunny ways o.f bygone clays, Dafed `at Seaiforth, Ontario, this, We •miss you alt the while., 2nd'A,pri1;' 1'930, E r rememberedU Aunt MabeQ Vendor's Seitor. ve ymoney. aear- nd Aunt Annie. Thomas Brawn, Auctioneer. a BABY C8 LCKS CHICKS' A cruise of a 1001 roars.` Sail with Dane Dene rand,uiseoth•trr on the high seas al in-a full gnle of laugh- ter: • IRememlber 'them in "Rookies"i There is profit. fo ' n you in. the dif- WELL 11I-IIIIS OINE IS FUNNIER! Terence. Better c}iicks for the same Chicks hatched by our. Huron - Mammoth Incubator • vigour. Are you interested'? 'Well think cularssof Write or phone for Parke oBarred Rocks , and White Leghorn Chicks, to J. ELGIN McKINLEYZurich, Ont.Tinney; 97 r 4 Remold. R'O!NiA'LD , "TWO •Directed of faen-IHur" COLMAN and VILMA BANKY LOVERS" by Fred' Nibloei, " eer from the novel, "Leas by Baronests Orczy, ' E S S Best weighty steers, 414.65. •Slaughter classes: Steers, good and choce, 1,- 300 to 1,000 lbs, 12.50 to $15; 1,1:00 to 1300 Ibs, $1'2.25 to $15; 950 to 1,1'00• lbs,' $12 to $15; fed yearlings, good heifers, good and choice, 850 lbs,. ------------------------ and choice, 750 to 950 lbs., $12 to $15; . down 411,25 to $13.75; cows, good,collection.nton; and choice, $770 to $10; hulls, goodPETER and choice (beef) $8 to $9,25;vealers,Wednesday,esday, milk -fed, good and choice, $9. to $14; stocker and feeder steers, all weights, "therface," N, OTICE All accounts not settled by Apr"will be placed for • DILL, Dublin. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Butter, • April 2, 1930, lricultural Ej� per Ib. 35c Eggs, per doz. 20c -25c t -Togs; per cwt, $12.50=$43.00) Want and For Sale ads, 1week 25c good and choice,, $10.25 to $11,75. —